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Posted to by Filip Slavov via users <> on 2023/05/03 10:43:08 UTC

Re[2]: Merging trunk causes false-positive conflicts

Interesting, 1-HEAD works. So I guess empty range is not the same. So is 
this a bug or a feature (intended behaviour)? :D I can live with this 
solution for now.

About the svn version: that's my bad. I use TortoiseSVN, but for the 
version I typed "svn --version" and thanks to you I discovered I have 
installed SlikSVN from 2015, don't know why :D I removed it and am using 
the latest version of TortoiseSVN, which comes with this: svn, version 
1.14.2 (r1899510)  compiled Sep 24 2022, 10:21:16 on 
Result is the same with the new version.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Daniel Sahlberg" <>
To: "Filip Slavov" <>
Sent: 2.5.2023 г. 23:02:23
Subject: Re: Merging trunk causes false-positive conflicts

>Den tis 2 maj 2023 kl 11:57 skrev Filip Slavov via users 
>>I believe SVN sometimes gives false-positive tree conflicts on 
>>merging. This is best explained with an example. Here are repo steps:
>>Create trunk
>>Add and commit two images & txt file: "Assets/Hi.png", 
>>"Assets/Hi2.png", "Assets/Main.txt".
>>Create branch, DLC1.
>>In Trunk: Edit both images - invert their colors. Add some line in the 
>>text file. Commit changes.
>>In DLC1: edit "Main.txt", avoid conflicts with the trunk. Commit.
>>In DLC1: merge everything from trunk.
>>In Trunk: invert "Hi.png", change "Main.txt" some more and commit. 
>>DON'T change "Hi2.png"
>>In Trunk: merge changes from DLC1.
>>In DLC1: delete "Hi2.png" and commit.
>>In DLC1: merge changes from trunk.
>>On step 10 I expect everything to merge without issues, but it results 
>>on tree-conflict on "Hi2.png" saying: "local missing or deleted or 
>>moved away, incoming file edit upon merge"
>>But there are no changes to "Hi2.png" incoming with this merge - those 
>>were merged way back on step 6.
>>I'm describing steps instead of commands as I'm actually using 
>>TortoiseSVN. Here is how it looks there:
>>And the conflict:
>>When merging in TortoiseSVN, we always leave the range field empty 
>>which results in reintegration/automatic merge. This way we hope to 
>>have less tree conflicts with itself in the future.
>>So, is merging all revisions wrong? Why can't SVN figure out that this 
>>file doesn't have new incoming changes, so there is no need for 
>>tree-conflict? The same way the text file is automatically merged and 
>>doesn't conflict with itself. This has caused us a lot of pain when 
>>doing svn branches - long-lived branches tend to conflict without a 
>>good reason. Resolving those conflicts is hard as users have to do it 
>>one by one, which is painful and error-prone. No way to mass-resolve 
>>tree-conflicts :(
>Thank you for your detailed description! I think I've reproduced your 
>description in the following script on the command line using 
>Subversion 1.14.2. To be able to "edit" on the command line, I've made 
>a few pre-edited files and I'm just copying them into place. The script 
>should be easy enough to update to run under Unix.
>:: Step 1: Create trunk
>svnadmin create repo_merge
>svn co file:///c:/devel/temp/repo_merge wc_merge
>cd wc_merge
>mkdir trunk
>svn add trunk
>mkdir branches
>svn add branches
>svn ci . -m "Step1: Create trunk"
>:: Step 2: Add & commit two images & txt file
>mkdir trunk\Assets
>copy ..\main.txt trunk\Assets
>copy ..\black.png trunk\Assets\Hi.png
>copy ..\grey.png trunk\Assets\Hi2.png
>svn add trunk\Assets
>svn ci trunk\Assets -m "Step 2: Add assets in trunk"
>svn up
>:: Step 3: Create a branch
>svn copy 
>-m "Step 3: Create branch DLC1"
>svn up
>:: Step 4: In trunk: Edit both images and add some link in the text 
>copy ..\main2.txt trunk\Assets\main.txt
>copy ..\maroon.png trunk\Assets\Hi.png
>copy ..\red.png trunk\Assets\Hi2.png
>svn ci trunk\Assets -m "Step 4: Modify assets in trunk"
>svn up
>:: Step 5: Edit text in DLC1, avoid conflict with trunk
>copy ..\main3.txt branches\DLC1\Assets\main.txt
>svn ci branches\DLC1 -m "Step 5: Edit text in DLC1 without causing 
>svn up
>:: Step 6: In DLC1, merge from trunk
>svn merge ^^/trunk branches\DLC1
>svn ci branches\DLC1 -m "Step 6: Merge trunk to DLC1"
>svn up
>:: Step 7: In trunk: Change Hi.png and Main.txt (but leave Hi2.png 
>copy ..\main4.txt trunk\Assets\main.txt
>copy ..\orange.png trunk\Assets\Hi.png
>svn ci -m "Step 7: Change hi.png and main.txt"
>svn up
>:: Step 8: In trunk, merge from DLC1
>svn merge ^^/branches/DLC1 trunk
>svn ci -m "Step 8: Merge DLC1 to trunk"
>svn up
>:: Step 9: In DLC1, delete hi2.png
>svn del Branches\DLC1\Assets\Hi2.png
>svn ci -m "Step 9: Delete Hi2.png from DLC1"
>:: Step 10: In DLC1, merge from trunk
>svn merge ^^/trunk branches\DLC1
>:: Boom,. tree conflict
>The error message is:
>C:\Devel\temp\wc_merge>svn merge ^^/trunk branches\DLC1
>--- Merging differences between repository URLs into 'branches\DLC1':
>U    branches\DLC1\Assets\Hi.png
>    C branches\DLC1\Assets\Hi2.png
>U    branches\DLC1\Assets\main.txt
>--- Recording mergeinfo for merge between repository URLs into 
>  U   branches\DLC1
>Summary of conflicts:
>   Tree conflicts: 1
>Searching tree conflict details for 'branches\DLC1\Assets\Hi2.png' in 
>Checking r9... done
>Tree conflict on 'branches\DLC1\Assets\Hi2.png':
>Changes destined for a file arrived via the following revisions during 
>merge of
>  (no revisions found)
>No such file or directory was found in the merge target working copy.
>'^/branches/DLC1/Assets/Hi2.png' was deleted in r9 by danie.
>Subversion is not smart enough to resolve this tree conflict 
>See 'svn help resolve' for more information.
>Select: (p) Postpone, (r) Mark as resolved, (h) Help, (q) Quit 
>resolution: p
>Summary of conflicts:
>   Tree conflicts: 1
>The problem only occurs when merging without a specified revision. 
>Cherry-picking each of revisions 6 to 9 or merge them all together 
>(-r5:9) works, confusingly even -r1:HEAD works fine(!?!):
>C:\Devel\temp\wc_merge>svn merge ^^/trunk branches\DLC1 -r1:HEAD
>--- Merging r6 through r9 into 'branches\DLC1':
>U    branches\DLC1\Assets\Hi.png
>U    branches\DLC1\Assets\main.txt
>--- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r6 through r9 into 
>  U   branches\DLC1
>The same trick can be applied in TortoiseSVN, specifying the revision 
>range 1-HEAD in the input box.
>>SVN version: version 1.9.3-SlikSvn (SlikSvn/1.9.3)   compiled Dec 15 
>>2015, 12:13:34 on x86_64-microsoft-windows6.2.9200
>>Using up-to-date Windows 10.
>Please note that Subversion 1.14 is the only version currently in 
>support, so if possible consider upgrading as this will only be fixed 
>in the latest version. I'm a bit confused since you mention SlikSvn 
>while clearly screenshooting TortoiseSVN, anyhow both have 1.14 version 
>available for download.
>Kind regards,
>Daniel Sahlberg

Re[3]: Merging trunk causes false-positive conflicts

Posted by Filip Slavov via users <>.
So, I tried using 1-HEAD in real environment and it did not yield 
results - there were different conflicting files compared to no-revision 
Generally, does SVN support long-standing feature branches with multiple 
back & forth merges? I notice that all conflicts are with moved/deleted 
files coming from the feature branch itself - if delete goes to the 
trunk then back to the feature branch it randomly conflicts.
Any advice on how to deal with such tree-conflicts?


------ Original Message ------
From: "Filip Slavov" <>
To: "Daniel Sahlberg" <>
Sent: 3.5.2023 г. 13:43:08
Subject: Re[2]: Merging trunk causes false-positive conflicts

>Interesting, 1-HEAD works. So I guess empty range is not the same. So 
>is this a bug or a feature (intended behaviour)? :D I can live with 
>this solution for now.
>About the svn version: that's my bad. I use TortoiseSVN, but for the 
>version I typed "svn --version" and thanks to you I discovered I have 
>installed SlikSVN from 2015, don't know why :D I removed it and am 
>using the latest version of TortoiseSVN, which comes with this: svn, 
>version 1.14.2 (r1899510)  compiled Sep 24 2022, 10:21:16 on 
>Result is the same with the new version.
>------ Original Message ------
>From: "Daniel Sahlberg" <>
>To: "Filip Slavov" <>
>Sent: 2.5.2023 г. 23:02:23
>Subject: Re: Merging trunk causes false-positive conflicts
>>Den tis 2 maj 2023 kl 11:57 skrev Filip Slavov via users 
>>>I believe SVN sometimes gives false-positive tree conflicts on 
>>>merging. This is best explained with an example. Here are repo steps:
>>>Create trunk
>>>Add and commit two images & txt file: "Assets/Hi.png", 
>>>"Assets/Hi2.png", "Assets/Main.txt".
>>>Create branch, DLC1.
>>>In Trunk: Edit both images - invert their colors. Add some line in 
>>>the text file. Commit changes.
>>>In DLC1: edit "Main.txt", avoid conflicts with the trunk. Commit.
>>>In DLC1: merge everything from trunk.
>>>In Trunk: invert "Hi.png", change "Main.txt" some more and commit. 
>>>DON'T change "Hi2.png"
>>>In Trunk: merge changes from DLC1.
>>>In DLC1: delete "Hi2.png" and commit.
>>>In DLC1: merge changes from trunk.
>>>On step 10 I expect everything to merge without issues, but it 
>>>results on tree-conflict on "Hi2.png" saying: "local missing or 
>>>deleted or moved away, incoming file edit upon merge"
>>>But there are no changes to "Hi2.png" incoming with this merge - 
>>>those were merged way back on step 6.
>>>I'm describing steps instead of commands as I'm actually using 
>>>TortoiseSVN. Here is how it looks there:
>>>And the conflict:
>>>When merging in TortoiseSVN, we always leave the range field empty 
>>>which results in reintegration/automatic merge. This way we hope to 
>>>have less tree conflicts with itself in the future.
>>>So, is merging all revisions wrong? Why can't SVN figure out that 
>>>this file doesn't have new incoming changes, so there is no need for 
>>>tree-conflict? The same way the text file is automatically merged and 
>>>doesn't conflict with itself. This has caused us a lot of pain when 
>>>doing svn branches - long-lived branches tend to conflict without a 
>>>good reason. Resolving those conflicts is hard as users have to do it 
>>>one by one, which is painful and error-prone. No way to mass-resolve 
>>>tree-conflicts :(
>>Thank you for your detailed description! I think I've reproduced your 
>>description in the following script on the command line using 
>>Subversion 1.14.2. To be able to "edit" on the command line, I've made 
>>a few pre-edited files and I'm just copying them into place. The 
>>script should be easy enough to update to run under Unix.
>>:: Step 1: Create trunk
>>svnadmin create repo_merge
>>svn co file:///c:/devel/temp/repo_merge wc_merge
>>cd wc_merge
>>mkdir trunk
>>svn add trunk
>>mkdir branches
>>svn add branches
>>svn ci . -m "Step1: Create trunk"
>>:: Step 2: Add & commit two images & txt file
>>mkdir trunk\Assets
>>copy ..\main.txt trunk\Assets
>>copy ..\black.png trunk\Assets\Hi.png
>>copy ..\grey.png trunk\Assets\Hi2.png
>>svn add trunk\Assets
>>svn ci trunk\Assets -m "Step 2: Add assets in trunk"
>>svn up
>>:: Step 3: Create a branch
>>svn copy 
>>-m "Step 3: Create branch DLC1"
>>svn up
>>:: Step 4: In trunk: Edit both images and add some link in the text 
>>copy ..\main2.txt trunk\Assets\main.txt
>>copy ..\maroon.png trunk\Assets\Hi.png
>>copy ..\red.png trunk\Assets\Hi2.png
>>svn ci trunk\Assets -m "Step 4: Modify assets in trunk"
>>svn up
>>:: Step 5: Edit text in DLC1, avoid conflict with trunk
>>copy ..\main3.txt branches\DLC1\Assets\main.txt
>>svn ci branches\DLC1 -m "Step 5: Edit text in DLC1 without causing 
>>svn up
>>:: Step 6: In DLC1, merge from trunk
>>svn merge ^^/trunk branches\DLC1
>>svn ci branches\DLC1 -m "Step 6: Merge trunk to DLC1"
>>svn up
>>:: Step 7: In trunk: Change Hi.png and Main.txt (but leave Hi2.png 
>>copy ..\main4.txt trunk\Assets\main.txt
>>copy ..\orange.png trunk\Assets\Hi.png
>>svn ci -m "Step 7: Change hi.png and main.txt"
>>svn up
>>:: Step 8: In trunk, merge from DLC1
>>svn merge ^^/branches/DLC1 trunk
>>svn ci -m "Step 8: Merge DLC1 to trunk"
>>svn up
>>:: Step 9: In DLC1, delete hi2.png
>>svn del Branches\DLC1\Assets\Hi2.png
>>svn ci -m "Step 9: Delete Hi2.png from DLC1"
>>:: Step 10: In DLC1, merge from trunk
>>svn merge ^^/trunk branches\DLC1
>>:: Boom,. tree conflict
>>The error message is:
>>C:\Devel\temp\wc_merge>svn merge ^^/trunk branches\DLC1
>>--- Merging differences between repository URLs into 'branches\DLC1':
>>U    branches\DLC1\Assets\Hi.png
>>    C branches\DLC1\Assets\Hi2.png
>>U    branches\DLC1\Assets\main.txt
>>--- Recording mergeinfo for merge between repository URLs into 
>>  U   branches\DLC1
>>Summary of conflicts:
>>   Tree conflicts: 1
>>Searching tree conflict details for 'branches\DLC1\Assets\Hi2.png' in 
>>Checking r9... done
>>Tree conflict on 'branches\DLC1\Assets\Hi2.png':
>>Changes destined for a file arrived via the following revisions during 
>>merge of
>>  (no revisions found)
>>No such file or directory was found in the merge target working copy.
>>'^/branches/DLC1/Assets/Hi2.png' was deleted in r9 by danie.
>>Subversion is not smart enough to resolve this tree conflict 
>>See 'svn help resolve' for more information.
>>Select: (p) Postpone, (r) Mark as resolved, (h) Help, (q) Quit 
>>resolution: p
>>Summary of conflicts:
>>   Tree conflicts: 1
>>The problem only occurs when merging without a specified revision. 
>>Cherry-picking each of revisions 6 to 9 or merge them all together 
>>(-r5:9) works, confusingly even -r1:HEAD works fine(!?!):
>>C:\Devel\temp\wc_merge>svn merge ^^/trunk branches\DLC1 -r1:HEAD
>>--- Merging r6 through r9 into 'branches\DLC1':
>>U    branches\DLC1\Assets\Hi.png
>>U    branches\DLC1\Assets\main.txt
>>--- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r6 through r9 into 
>>  U   branches\DLC1
>>The same trick can be applied in TortoiseSVN, specifying the revision 
>>range 1-HEAD in the input box.
>>>SVN version: version 1.9.3-SlikSvn (SlikSvn/1.9.3)   compiled Dec 15 
>>>2015, 12:13:34 on x86_64-microsoft-windows6.2.9200
>>>Using up-to-date Windows 10.
>>Please note that Subversion 1.14 is the only version currently in 
>>support, so if possible consider upgrading as this will only be fixed 
>>in the latest version. I'm a bit confused since you mention SlikSvn 
>>while clearly screenshooting TortoiseSVN, anyhow both have 1.14 
>>version available for download.
>>Kind regards,
>>Daniel Sahlberg