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[17/51] [partial] incubator-quickstep git commit: Added shell script to download prerequisite third party libs
diff --git a/third_party/gperftools/src/ b/third_party/gperftools/src/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9c82dea..0000000
--- a/third_party/gperftools/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2388 +0,0 @@
-// -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-// Copyright (c) 2005, Google Inc.
-// All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-// distribution.
-//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-// this software without specific prior written permission.
-// ---
-// All Rights Reserved.
-// Author: Maxim Lifantsev
-#include "config.h"
-#include <fcntl.h>    // for O_RDONLY (we use syscall to do actual reads)
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#if defined(HAVE_LINUX_PTRACE_H)
-#include <linux/ptrace.h>
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__)
-#include <wtypes.h>
-#include <winbase.h>
-#undef ERROR     // windows defines these as macros, which can cause trouble
-#undef max
-#undef min
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <functional>
-#include <gperftools/heap-checker.h>
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "base/googleinit.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include <gperftools/stacktrace.h>
-#include "base/commandlineflags.h"
-#include "base/elfcore.h"              // for i386_regs
-#include "base/thread_lister.h"
-#include "heap-profile-table.h"
-#include "base/low_level_alloc.h"
-#include "malloc_hook-inl.h"
-#include <gperftools/malloc_hook.h>
-#include <gperftools/malloc_extension.h>
-#include "maybe_threads.h"
-#include "memory_region_map.h"
-#include "base/spinlock.h"
-#include "base/sysinfo.h"
-#include "base/stl_allocator.h"
-using std::string;
-using std::basic_string;
-using std::pair;
-using std::map;
-using std::set;
-using std::vector;
-using std::swap;
-using std::make_pair;
-using std::min;
-using std::max;
-using std::less;
-using std::char_traits;
-// If current process is being ptrace()d, 'TracerPid' in /proc/self/status
-// will be non-zero.
-static bool IsDebuggerAttached(void) {    // only works under linux, probably
-  char buf[256];   // TracerPid comes relatively earlier in status output
-  int fd = open("/proc/self/status", O_RDONLY);
-  if (fd == -1) {
-    return false;  // Can't tell for sure.
-  }
-  const int len = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
-  bool rc = false;
-  if (len > 0) {
-    const char *const kTracerPid = "TracerPid:\t";
-    buf[len - 1] = '\0';
-    const char *p = strstr(buf, kTracerPid);
-    if (p != NULL) {
-      rc = (strncmp(p + strlen(kTracerPid), "0\n", 2) != 0);
-    }
-  }
-  close(fd);
-  return rc;
-// This is the default if you don't link in -lprofiler
-extern "C" {
-ATTRIBUTE_WEAK PERFTOOLS_DLL_DECL bool ProfilingIsEnabledForAllThreads();
-bool ProfilingIsEnabledForAllThreads() { return false; }
-// Flags that control heap-checking
-              EnvToString("HEAPCHECK", ""),
-              "The heap leak checking to be done over the whole executable: "
-              "\"minimal\", \"normal\", \"strict\", "
-              "\"draconian\", \"as-is\", and \"local\" "
-              " or the empty string are the supported choices. "
-              "(See HeapLeakChecker_InternalInitStart for details.)");
-DEFINE_bool(heap_check_report, true, "Obsolete");
-            true,
-            "deprecated; pretty much always true now");
-            EnvToBool("HEAP_CHECK_AFTER_DESTRUCTORS", false),
-            "If overall heap check is to end after global destructors "
-            "or right after all REGISTER_HEAPCHECK_CLEANUP's");
-DEFINE_bool(heap_check_strict_check, true, "Obsolete");
-            EnvToBool("HEAP_CHECK_IGNORE_GLOBAL_LIVE", true),
-            "If overall heap check is to ignore heap objects reachable "
-            "from the global data");
-            EnvToBool("HEAP_CHECK_IDENTIFY_LEAKS", false),
-            "If heap check should generate the addresses of the leaked "
-            "objects in the memory leak profiles.  This may be useful "
-            "in tracking down leaks where only a small fraction of "
-            "objects allocated at the same stack trace are leaked.");
-            EnvToBool("HEAP_CHECK_IGNORE_THREAD_LIVE", true),
-            "If set to true, objects reachable from thread stacks "
-            "and registers are not reported as leaks");
-            EnvToBool("HEAP_CHECK_TEST_POINTER_ALIGNMENT", false),
-            "Set to true to check if the found leak can be due to "
-            "use of unaligned pointers");
-// Alignment at which all pointers in memory are supposed to be located;
-// use 1 if any alignment is ok.
-// heap_check_test_pointer_alignment flag guides if we try the value of 1.
-// The larger it can be, the lesser is the chance of missing real leaks.
-static const size_t kPointerSourceAlignment = sizeof(void*);
-                      kPointerSourceAlignment),
-             "Alignment at which all pointers in memory are supposed to be "
-             "located.  Use 1 if any alignment is ok.");
-// A reasonable default to handle pointers inside of typical class objects:
-// Too low and we won't be able to traverse pointers to normally-used
-// nested objects and base parts of multiple-inherited objects.
-// Too high and it will both slow down leak checking (FindInsideAlloc
-// in HaveOnHeapLocked will get slower when there are large on-heap objects)
-// and make it probabilistically more likely to miss leaks
-// of large-sized objects.
-static const int64 kHeapCheckMaxPointerOffset = 1024;
-                      kHeapCheckMaxPointerOffset),
-             "Largest pointer offset for which we traverse "
-             "pointers going inside of heap allocated objects. "
-             "Set to -1 to use the actual largest heap object size.");
-            EnvToBool("HEAP_CHECK_RUN_UNDER_GDB", false),
-            "If false, turns off heap-checking library when running under gdb "
-            "(normally, set to 'true' only when debugging the heap-checker)");
-DEFINE_int32(heap_check_delay_seconds, 0,
-             "Number of seconds to delay on-exit heap checking."
-             " If you set this flag,"
-             " you may also want to set exit_timeout_seconds in order to"
-             " avoid exit timeouts.\n"
-             "NOTE: This flag is to be used only to help diagnose issues"
-             " where it is suspected that the heap checker is reporting"
-             " false leaks that will disappear if the heap checker delays"
-             " its checks. Report any such issues to the heap-checker"
-             " maintainer(s).");
-              EnvToString("PPROF_PATH", "pprof"),
-              "OBSOLETE; not used");
-              EnvToString("HEAP_CHECK_DUMP_DIRECTORY", "/tmp"),
-              "Directory to put heap-checker leak dump information");
-// HeapLeakChecker global data
-// Global lock for all the global data of this module.
-static SpinLock heap_checker_lock(SpinLock::LINKER_INITIALIZED);
-// Heap profile prefix for leak checking profiles.
-// Gets assigned once when leak checking is turned on, then never modified.
-static const string* profile_name_prefix = NULL;
-// Whole-program heap leak checker.
-// Gets assigned once when leak checking is turned on,
-// then main_heap_checker is never deleted.
-static HeapLeakChecker* main_heap_checker = NULL;
-// Whether we will use main_heap_checker to do a check at program exit
-// automatically. In any case user can ask for more checks on main_heap_checker
-// via GlobalChecker().
-static bool do_main_heap_check = false;
-// The heap profile we use to collect info about the heap.
-// This is created in HeapLeakChecker::BeforeConstructorsLocked
-// together with setting heap_checker_on (below) to true
-// and registering our new/delete malloc hooks;
-// similarly all are unset in HeapLeakChecker::TurnItselfOffLocked.
-static HeapProfileTable* heap_profile = NULL;
-// If we are doing (or going to do) any kind of heap-checking.
-static bool heap_checker_on = false;
-// pid of the process that does whole-program heap leak checking
-static pid_t heap_checker_pid = 0;
-// If we did heap profiling during global constructors execution
-static bool constructor_heap_profiling = false;
-// RAW_VLOG level we dump key INFO messages at.  If you want to turn
-// off these messages, set the environment variable PERFTOOLS_VERBOSE=-1.
-static const int heap_checker_info_level = 0;
-// HeapLeakChecker's own memory allocator that is
-// independent of the normal program allocator.
-// Wrapper of LowLevelAlloc for STL_Allocator and direct use.
-// We always access this class under held heap_checker_lock,
-// this allows us to in particular protect the period when threads are stopped
-// at random spots with TCMalloc_ListAllProcessThreads by heap_checker_lock,
-// w/o worrying about the lock in LowLevelAlloc::Arena.
-// We rely on the fact that we use an own arena with an own lock here.
-class HeapLeakChecker::Allocator {
- public:
-  static void Init() {
-    RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-    RAW_DCHECK(arena_ == NULL, "");
-    arena_ = LowLevelAlloc::NewArena(0, LowLevelAlloc::DefaultArena());
-  }
-  static void Shutdown() {
-    RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-    if (!LowLevelAlloc::DeleteArena(arena_)  ||  alloc_count_ != 0) {
-      RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Internal heap checker leak of %d objects", alloc_count_);
-    }
-  }
-  static int alloc_count() {
-    RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-    return alloc_count_;
-  }
-  static void* Allocate(size_t n) {
-    RAW_DCHECK(arena_  &&  heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-    void* p = LowLevelAlloc::AllocWithArena(n, arena_);
-    if (p) alloc_count_ += 1;
-    return p;
-  }
-  static void Free(void* p) {
-    RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-    if (p) alloc_count_ -= 1;
-    LowLevelAlloc::Free(p);
-  }
-  static void Free(void* p, size_t /* n */) {
-    Free(p);
-  }
-  // destruct, free, and make *p to be NULL
-  template<typename T> static void DeleteAndNull(T** p) {
-    (*p)->~T();
-    Free(*p);
-    *p = NULL;
-  }
-  template<typename T> static void DeleteAndNullIfNot(T** p) {
-    if (*p != NULL) DeleteAndNull(p);
-  }
- private:
-  static LowLevelAlloc::Arena* arena_;
-  static int alloc_count_;
-LowLevelAlloc::Arena* HeapLeakChecker::Allocator::arena_ = NULL;
-int HeapLeakChecker::Allocator::alloc_count_ = 0;
-// HeapLeakChecker live object tracking components
-// Cases of live object placement we distinguish
-enum ObjectPlacement {
-  MUST_BE_ON_HEAP,   // Must point to a live object of the matching size in the
-                     // heap_profile map of the heap when we get to it
-  IGNORED_ON_HEAP,   // Is a live (ignored) object on heap
-  MAYBE_LIVE,        // Is a piece of writable memory from /proc/self/maps
-  IN_GLOBAL_DATA,    // Is part of global data region of the executable
-  THREAD_DATA,       // Part of a thread stack and a thread descriptor with TLS
-  THREAD_REGISTERS,  // Values in registers of some thread
-// Information about an allocated object
-struct AllocObject {
-  const void* ptr;        // the object
-  uintptr_t size;         // its size
-  ObjectPlacement place;  // where ptr points to
-  AllocObject(const void* p, size_t s, ObjectPlacement l)
-    : ptr(p), size(s), place(l) { }
-// All objects (memory ranges) ignored via HeapLeakChecker::IgnoreObject
-// Key is the object's address; value is its size.
-typedef map<uintptr_t, size_t, less<uintptr_t>,
-            STL_Allocator<pair<const uintptr_t, size_t>,
-                          HeapLeakChecker::Allocator>
-           > IgnoredObjectsMap;
-static IgnoredObjectsMap* ignored_objects = NULL;
-// All objects (memory ranges) that we consider to be the sources of pointers
-// to live (not leaked) objects.
-// At different times this holds (what can be reached from) global data regions
-// and the objects we've been told to ignore.
-// For any AllocObject::ptr "live_objects" is supposed to contain at most one
-// record at any time. We maintain this by checking with the heap_profile map
-// of the heap and removing the live heap objects we've handled from it.
-// This vector is maintained as a stack and the frontier of reachable
-// live heap objects in our flood traversal of them.
-typedef vector<AllocObject,
-               STL_Allocator<AllocObject, HeapLeakChecker::Allocator>
-              > LiveObjectsStack;
-static LiveObjectsStack* live_objects = NULL;
-// A special string type that uses my allocator
-typedef basic_string<char, char_traits<char>,
-                     STL_Allocator<char, HeapLeakChecker::Allocator>
-                    > HCL_string;
-// A placeholder to fill-in the starting values for live_objects
-// for each library so we can keep the library-name association for logging.
-typedef map<HCL_string, LiveObjectsStack, less<HCL_string>,
-            STL_Allocator<pair<const HCL_string, LiveObjectsStack>,
-                          HeapLeakChecker::Allocator>
-           > LibraryLiveObjectsStacks;
-static LibraryLiveObjectsStacks* library_live_objects = NULL;
-// Value stored in the map of disabled address ranges;
-// its key is the end of the address range.
-// We'll ignore allocations with a return address in a disabled range
-// if the address occurs at 'max_depth' or less in the stack trace.
-struct HeapLeakChecker::RangeValue {
-  uintptr_t start_address;  // the start of the range
-  int       max_depth;      // the maximal stack depth to disable at
-typedef map<uintptr_t, HeapLeakChecker::RangeValue, less<uintptr_t>,
-            STL_Allocator<pair<const uintptr_t, HeapLeakChecker::RangeValue>,
-                          HeapLeakChecker::Allocator>
-           > DisabledRangeMap;
-// The disabled program counter address ranges for profile dumping
-// that are registered with HeapLeakChecker::DisableChecksFromToLocked.
-static DisabledRangeMap* disabled_ranges = NULL;
-// Set of stack tops.
-// These are used to consider live only appropriate chunks of the memory areas
-// that are used for stacks (and maybe thread-specific data as well)
-// so that we do not treat pointers from outdated stack frames as live.
-typedef set<uintptr_t, less<uintptr_t>,
-            STL_Allocator<uintptr_t, HeapLeakChecker::Allocator>
-           > StackTopSet;
-static StackTopSet* stack_tops = NULL;
-// A map of ranges of code addresses for the system libraries
-// that can mmap/mremap/sbrk-allocate memory regions for stacks
-// and thread-local storage that we want to consider as live global data.
-// Maps from the end address to the start address.
-typedef map<uintptr_t, uintptr_t, less<uintptr_t>,
-            STL_Allocator<pair<const uintptr_t, uintptr_t>,
-                          HeapLeakChecker::Allocator>
-           > GlobalRegionCallerRangeMap;
-static GlobalRegionCallerRangeMap* global_region_caller_ranges = NULL;
-// TODO(maxim): make our big data structs into own modules
-// Disabler is implemented by keeping track of a per-thread count
-// of active Disabler objects.  Any objects allocated while the
-// count > 0 are not reported.
-#ifdef HAVE_TLS
-static __thread int thread_disable_counter
-// The "inital exec" model is faster than the default TLS model, at
-// the cost you can't dlopen this library.  But dlopen on heap-checker
-// doesn't work anyway -- it must run before main -- so this is a good
-// trade-off.
-# ifdef HAVE___ATTRIBUTE__
-   __attribute__ ((tls_model ("initial-exec")))
-# endif
-    ;
-inline int get_thread_disable_counter() {
-  return thread_disable_counter;
-inline void set_thread_disable_counter(int value) {
-  thread_disable_counter = value;
-#else  // #ifdef HAVE_TLS
-static pthread_key_t thread_disable_counter_key;
-static int main_thread_counter;   // storage for use before main()
-static bool use_main_thread_counter = true;
-// TODO(csilvers): this is called from NewHook, in the middle of malloc().
-// If perftools_pthread_getspecific calls malloc, that will lead to an
-// infinite loop.  I don't know how to fix that, so I hope it never happens!
-inline int get_thread_disable_counter() {
-  if (use_main_thread_counter)  // means we're running really early
-    return main_thread_counter;
-  void* p = perftools_pthread_getspecific(thread_disable_counter_key);
-  return (intptr_t)p;   // kinda evil: store the counter directly in the void*
-inline void set_thread_disable_counter(int value) {
-  if (use_main_thread_counter) {   // means we're running really early
-    main_thread_counter = value;
-    return;
-  }
-  intptr_t pointer_sized_value = value;
-  // kinda evil: store the counter directly in the void*
-  void* p = (void*)pointer_sized_value;
-  // NOTE: this may call malloc, which will call NewHook which will call
-  // get_thread_disable_counter() which will call pthread_getspecific().  I
-  // don't know if anything bad can happen if we call getspecific() in the
-  // middle of a setspecific() call.  It seems to work ok in practice...
-  perftools_pthread_setspecific(thread_disable_counter_key, p);
-// The idea here is that this initializer will run pretty late: after
-// pthreads have been totally set up.  At this point we can call
-// pthreads routines, so we set those up.
-class InitThreadDisableCounter {
- public:
-  InitThreadDisableCounter() {
-    perftools_pthread_key_create(&thread_disable_counter_key, NULL);
-    // Set up the main thread's value, which we have a special variable for.
-    void* p = (void*)main_thread_counter;   // store the counter directly
-    perftools_pthread_setspecific(thread_disable_counter_key, p);
-    use_main_thread_counter = false;
-  }
-InitThreadDisableCounter init_thread_disable_counter;
-#endif  // #ifdef HAVE_TLS
-HeapLeakChecker::Disabler::Disabler() {
-  // It is faster to unconditionally increment the thread-local
-  // counter than to check whether or not heap-checking is on
-  // in a thread-safe manner.
-  int counter = get_thread_disable_counter();
-  set_thread_disable_counter(counter + 1);
-  RAW_VLOG(10, "Increasing thread disable counter to %d", counter + 1);
-HeapLeakChecker::Disabler::~Disabler() {
-  int counter = get_thread_disable_counter();
-  RAW_DCHECK(counter > 0, "");
-  if (counter > 0) {
-    set_thread_disable_counter(counter - 1);
-    RAW_VLOG(10, "Decreasing thread disable counter to %d", counter);
-  } else {
-    RAW_VLOG(0, "Thread disable counter underflow : %d", counter);
-  }
-// The size of the largest heap object allocated so far.
-static size_t max_heap_object_size = 0;
-// The possible range of addresses that can point
-// into one of the elements of heap_objects.
-static uintptr_t min_heap_address = uintptr_t(-1LL);
-static uintptr_t max_heap_address = 0;
-// Simple casting helpers for uintptr_t and void*:
-template<typename T>
-inline static const void* AsPtr(T addr) {
-  return reinterpret_cast<void*>(addr);
-inline static uintptr_t AsInt(const void* ptr) {
-  return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr);
-// We've seen reports that strstr causes heap-checker crashes in some
-// libc's (?):
-// It's simple enough to use our own.  This is not in time-critical code.
-static const char* hc_strstr(const char* s1, const char* s2) {
-  const size_t len = strlen(s2);
-  RAW_CHECK(len > 0, "Unexpected empty string passed to strstr()");
-  for (const char* p = strchr(s1, *s2); p != NULL; p = strchr(p+1, *s2)) {
-    if (strncmp(p, s2, len) == 0) {
-      return p;
-    }
-  }
-  return NULL;
-// Our hooks for MallocHook
-static void NewHook(const void* ptr, size_t size) {
-  if (ptr != NULL) {
-    const int counter = get_thread_disable_counter();
-    const bool ignore = (counter > 0);
-    RAW_VLOG(16, "Recording Alloc: %p of %" PRIuS "; %d", ptr, size,
-             int(counter));
-    // Fetch the caller's stack trace before acquiring heap_checker_lock.
-    void* stack[HeapProfileTable::kMaxStackDepth];
-    int depth = HeapProfileTable::GetCallerStackTrace(0, stack);
-    { SpinLockHolder l(&heap_checker_lock);
-      if (size > max_heap_object_size) max_heap_object_size = size;
-      uintptr_t addr = AsInt(ptr);
-      if (addr < min_heap_address) min_heap_address = addr;
-      addr += size;
-      if (addr > max_heap_address) max_heap_address = addr;
-      if (heap_checker_on) {
-        heap_profile->RecordAlloc(ptr, size, depth, stack);
-        if (ignore) {
-          heap_profile->MarkAsIgnored(ptr);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    RAW_VLOG(17, "Alloc Recorded: %p of %" PRIuS "", ptr, size);
-  }
-static void DeleteHook(const void* ptr) {
-  if (ptr != NULL) {
-    RAW_VLOG(16, "Recording Free %p", ptr);
-    { SpinLockHolder l(&heap_checker_lock);
-      if (heap_checker_on) heap_profile->RecordFree(ptr);
-    }
-    RAW_VLOG(17, "Free Recorded: %p", ptr);
-  }
-enum StackDirection {
-// Determine which way the stack grows:
-static StackDirection ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE GetStackDirection(
-    const uintptr_t *const ptr) {
-  uintptr_t x;
-  if (&x < ptr)
-  if (ptr < &x)
-  RAW_CHECK(0, "");  // Couldn't determine the stack direction.
-// Direction of stack growth (will initialize via GetStackDirection())
-static StackDirection stack_direction = UNKNOWN_DIRECTION;
-// This routine is called for every thread stack we know about to register it.
-static void RegisterStackLocked(const void* top_ptr) {
-  RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-  RAW_DCHECK(MemoryRegionMap::LockIsHeld(), "");
-  RAW_VLOG(10, "Thread stack at %p", top_ptr);
-  uintptr_t top = AsInt(top_ptr);
-  stack_tops->insert(top);  // add for later use
-  // make sure stack_direction is initialized
-  if (stack_direction == UNKNOWN_DIRECTION) {
-    stack_direction = GetStackDirection(&top);
-  }
-  // Find memory region with this stack
-  MemoryRegionMap::Region region;
-  if (MemoryRegionMap::FindAndMarkStackRegion(top, &region)) {
-    // Make the proper portion of the stack live:
-    if (stack_direction == GROWS_TOWARDS_LOW_ADDRESSES) {
-      RAW_VLOG(11, "Live stack at %p of %" PRIuPTR " bytes",
-                  top_ptr, region.end_addr - top);
-      live_objects->push_back(AllocObject(top_ptr, region.end_addr - top,
-                                          THREAD_DATA));
-      RAW_VLOG(11, "Live stack at %p of %" PRIuPTR " bytes",
-                  AsPtr(region.start_addr),
-                  top - region.start_addr);
-      live_objects->push_back(AllocObject(AsPtr(region.start_addr),
-                                          top - region.start_addr,
-                                          THREAD_DATA));
-    }
-  // not in MemoryRegionMap, look in library_live_objects:
-  } else if (FLAGS_heap_check_ignore_global_live) {
-    for (LibraryLiveObjectsStacks::iterator lib = library_live_objects->begin();
-         lib != library_live_objects->end(); ++lib) {
-      for (LiveObjectsStack::iterator span = lib->second.begin();
-           span != lib->second.end(); ++span) {
-        uintptr_t start = AsInt(span->ptr);
-        uintptr_t end = start + span->size;
-        if (start <= top  &&  top < end) {
-          RAW_VLOG(11, "Stack at %p is inside /proc/self/maps chunk %p..%p",
-                      top_ptr, AsPtr(start), AsPtr(end));
-          // Shrink start..end region by chopping away the memory regions in
-          // MemoryRegionMap that land in it to undo merging of regions
-          // in /proc/self/maps, so that we correctly identify what portion
-          // of start..end is actually the stack region.
-          uintptr_t stack_start = start;
-          uintptr_t stack_end = end;
-          // can optimize-away this loop, but it does not run often
-          RAW_DCHECK(MemoryRegionMap::LockIsHeld(), "");
-          for (MemoryRegionMap::RegionIterator r =
-                 MemoryRegionMap::BeginRegionLocked();
-               r != MemoryRegionMap::EndRegionLocked(); ++r) {
-            if (top < r->start_addr  &&  r->start_addr < stack_end) {
-              stack_end = r->start_addr;
-            }
-            if (stack_start < r->end_addr  &&  r->end_addr <= top) {
-              stack_start = r->end_addr;
-            }
-          }
-          if (stack_start != start  ||  stack_end != end) {
-            RAW_VLOG(11, "Stack at %p is actually inside memory chunk %p..%p",
-                        top_ptr, AsPtr(stack_start), AsPtr(stack_end));
-          }
-          // Make the proper portion of the stack live:
-          if (stack_direction == GROWS_TOWARDS_LOW_ADDRESSES) {
-            RAW_VLOG(11, "Live stack at %p of %" PRIuPTR " bytes",
-                        top_ptr, stack_end - top);
-            live_objects->push_back(
-              AllocObject(top_ptr, stack_end - top, THREAD_DATA));
-          } else {  // GROWS_TOWARDS_HIGH_ADDRESSES
-            RAW_VLOG(11, "Live stack at %p of %" PRIuPTR " bytes",
-                        AsPtr(stack_start), top - stack_start);
-            live_objects->push_back(
-              AllocObject(AsPtr(stack_start), top - stack_start, THREAD_DATA));
-          }
-          lib->second.erase(span);  // kill the rest of the region
-          // Put the non-stack part(s) of the region back:
-          if (stack_start != start) {
-            lib->second.push_back(AllocObject(AsPtr(start), stack_start - start,
-                                  MAYBE_LIVE));
-          }
-          if (stack_end != end) {
-            lib->second.push_back(AllocObject(AsPtr(stack_end), end - stack_end,
-                                  MAYBE_LIVE));
-          }
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    RAW_LOG(ERROR, "Memory region for stack at %p not found. "
-                   "Will likely report false leak positives.", top_ptr);
-  }
-// Iterator for heap allocation map data to make ignored objects "live"
-// (i.e., treated as roots for the mark-and-sweep phase)
-static void MakeIgnoredObjectsLiveCallbackLocked(
-    const void* ptr, const HeapProfileTable::AllocInfo& info) {
-  RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-  if (info.ignored) {
-    live_objects->push_back(AllocObject(ptr, info.object_size,
-                                        MUST_BE_ON_HEAP));
-  }
-// Iterator for heap allocation map data to make objects allocated from
-// disabled regions of code to be live.
-static void MakeDisabledLiveCallbackLocked(
-    const void* ptr, const HeapProfileTable::AllocInfo& info) {
-  RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-  bool stack_disable = false;
-  bool range_disable = false;
-  for (int depth = 0; depth < info.stack_depth; depth++) {
-    uintptr_t addr = AsInt(info.call_stack[depth]);
-    if (disabled_ranges) {
-      DisabledRangeMap::const_iterator iter
-        = disabled_ranges->upper_bound(addr);
-      if (iter != disabled_ranges->end()) {
-        RAW_DCHECK(iter->first > addr, "");
-        if (iter->second.start_address < addr  &&
-            iter->second.max_depth > depth) {
-          range_disable = true;  // in range; dropping
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (stack_disable || range_disable) {
-    uintptr_t start_address = AsInt(ptr);
-    uintptr_t end_address = start_address + info.object_size;
-    StackTopSet::const_iterator iter
-      = stack_tops->lower_bound(start_address);
-    if (iter != stack_tops->end()) {
-      RAW_DCHECK(*iter >= start_address, "");
-      if (*iter < end_address) {
-        // We do not disable (treat as live) whole allocated regions
-        // if they are used to hold thread call stacks
-        // (i.e. when we find a stack inside).
-        // The reason is that we'll treat as live the currently used
-        // stack portions anyway (see RegisterStackLocked),
-        // and the rest of the region where the stack lives can well
-        // contain outdated stack variables which are not live anymore,
-        // hence should not be treated as such.
-        RAW_VLOG(11, "Not %s-disabling %" PRIuS " bytes at %p"
-                    ": have stack inside: %p",
-                    (stack_disable ? "stack" : "range"),
-                    info.object_size, ptr, AsPtr(*iter));
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    RAW_VLOG(11, "%s-disabling %" PRIuS " bytes at %p",
-                (stack_disable ? "Stack" : "Range"), info.object_size, ptr);
-    live_objects->push_back(AllocObject(ptr, info.object_size,
-                                        MUST_BE_ON_HEAP));
-  }
-static const char kUnnamedProcSelfMapEntry[] = "UNNAMED";
-// This function takes some fields from a /proc/self/maps line:
-//   start_address  start address of a memory region.
-//   end_address    end address of a memory region
-//   permissions    rwx + private/shared bit
-//   filename       filename of the mapped file
-// If the region is not writeable, then it cannot have any heap
-// pointers in it, otherwise we record it as a candidate live region
-// to get filtered later.
-static void RecordGlobalDataLocked(uintptr_t start_address,
-                                   uintptr_t end_address,
-                                   const char* permissions,
-                                   const char* filename) {
-  RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-  // Ignore non-writeable regions.
-  if (strchr(permissions, 'w') == NULL) return;
-  if (filename == NULL  ||  *filename == '\0') {
-    filename = kUnnamedProcSelfMapEntry;
-  }
-  RAW_VLOG(11, "Looking into %s: 0x%" PRIxPTR "..0x%" PRIxPTR,
-              filename, start_address, end_address);
-  (*library_live_objects)[filename].
-    push_back(AllocObject(AsPtr(start_address),
-                          end_address - start_address,
-                          MAYBE_LIVE));
-// See if 'library' from /proc/self/maps has base name 'library_base'
-// i.e. contains it and has '.' or '-' after it.
-static bool IsLibraryNamed(const char* library, const char* library_base) {
-  const char* p = hc_strstr(library, library_base);
-  size_t sz = strlen(library_base);
-  return p != NULL  &&  (p[sz] == '.'  ||  p[sz] == '-');
-// static
-void HeapLeakChecker::DisableLibraryAllocsLocked(const char* library,
-                                                 uintptr_t start_address,
-                                                 uintptr_t end_address) {
-  RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-  int depth = 0;
-  // TODO(maxim): maybe this should be extended to also use objdump
-  //              and pick the text portion of the library more precisely.
-  if (IsLibraryNamed(library, "/libpthread")  ||
-        // libpthread has a lot of small "system" leaks we don't care about.
-        // In particular it allocates memory to store data supplied via
-        // pthread_setspecific (which can be the only pointer to a heap object).
-      IsLibraryNamed(library, "/libdl")  ||
-        // library loaders leak some "system" heap that we don't care about
-      IsLibraryNamed(library, "/libcrypto")  ||
-        // Sometimes libcrypto of OpenSSH is compiled with -fomit-frame-pointer
-        // (any library can be, of course, but this one often is because speed
-        // is so important for making crypto usable).  We ignore all its
-        // allocations because we can't see the call stacks.  We'd prefer
-        // to ignore allocations done in files/symbols that match
-        // "default_malloc_ex|default_realloc_ex"
-        // but that doesn't work when the end-result binary is stripped.
-      IsLibraryNamed(library, "/libjvm")  ||
-        // JVM has a lot of leaks we don't care about.
-      IsLibraryNamed(library, "/libzip")
-        // The JVM leaks after loading classes.
-     ) {
-    depth = 1;  // only disable allocation calls directly from the library code
-  } else if (IsLibraryNamed(library, "/ld")
-               // library loader leaks some "system" heap
-               // (e.g. thread-local storage) that we don't care about
-            ) {
-    depth = 2;  // disable allocation calls directly from the library code
-                // and at depth 2 from it.
-    // We need depth 2 here solely because of a libc bug that
-    // forces us to jump through __memalign_hook and MemalignOverride hoops
-    // in
-    // Those buggy __libc_memalign() calls are in and happen for
-    // thread-local storage allocations that we want to ignore here.
-    // We go with the depth-2 hack as a workaround for this libc bug:
-    // otherwise we'd need to extend MallocHook interface
-    // so that correct stack depth adjustment can be propagated from
-    // the exceptional case of MemalignOverride.
-    // Using depth 2 here should not mask real leaks because
-    // does not call user code.
-  }
-  if (depth) {
-    RAW_VLOG(10, "Disabling allocations from %s at depth %d:", library, depth);
-    DisableChecksFromToLocked(AsPtr(start_address), AsPtr(end_address), depth);
-    if (IsLibraryNamed(library, "/libpthread")  ||
-        IsLibraryNamed(library, "/libdl")  ||
-        IsLibraryNamed(library, "/ld")) {
-      RAW_VLOG(10, "Global memory regions made by %s will be live data",
-                  library);
-      if (global_region_caller_ranges == NULL) {
-        global_region_caller_ranges =
-          new(Allocator::Allocate(sizeof(GlobalRegionCallerRangeMap)))
-            GlobalRegionCallerRangeMap;
-      }
-      global_region_caller_ranges
-        ->insert(make_pair(end_address, start_address));
-    }
-  }
-// static
-HeapLeakChecker::ProcMapsResult HeapLeakChecker::UseProcMapsLocked(
-                                  ProcMapsTask proc_maps_task) {
-  RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-  // Need to provide own scratch memory to ProcMapsIterator:
-  ProcMapsIterator::Buffer buffer;
-  ProcMapsIterator it(0, &buffer);
-  if (!it.Valid()) {
-    int errsv = errno;
-    RAW_LOG(ERROR, "Could not open /proc/self/maps: errno=%d. "
-                   "Libraries will not be handled correctly.", errsv);
-    return CANT_OPEN_PROC_MAPS;
-  }
-  uint64 start_address, end_address, file_offset;
-  int64 inode;
-  char *permissions, *filename;
-  bool saw_shared_lib = false;
-  bool saw_nonzero_inode = false;
-  bool saw_shared_lib_with_nonzero_inode = false;
-  while (it.Next(&start_address, &end_address, &permissions,
-                 &file_offset, &inode, &filename)) {
-    if (start_address >= end_address) {
-      // Warn if a line we can be interested in is ill-formed:
-      if (inode != 0) {
-        RAW_LOG(ERROR, "Errors reading /proc/self/maps. "
-                       "Some global memory regions will not "
-                       "be handled correctly.");
-      }
-      // Silently skip other ill-formed lines: some are possible
-      // probably due to the interplay of how /proc/self/maps is updated
-      // while we read it in chunks in ProcMapsIterator and
-      // do things in this loop.
-      continue;
-    }
-    // Determine if any shared libraries are present (this is the same
-    // list of extensions as is found in pprof).  We want to ignore
-    // 'fake' libraries with inode 0 when determining.  However, some
-    // systems don't share inodes via /proc, so we turn off this check
-    // if we don't see any evidence that we're getting inode info.
-    if (inode != 0) {
-      saw_nonzero_inode = true;
-    }
-    if ((hc_strstr(filename, "lib") && hc_strstr(filename, ".so")) ||
-        hc_strstr(filename, ".dll") ||
-        // not all .dylib filenames start with lib. .dylib is big enough
-        // that we are unlikely to get false matches just checking that.
-        hc_strstr(filename, ".dylib") || hc_strstr(filename, ".bundle")) {
-      saw_shared_lib = true;
-      if (inode != 0) {
-        saw_shared_lib_with_nonzero_inode = true;
-      }
-    }
-    switch (proc_maps_task) {
-        // All lines starting like
-        // "401dc000-4030f000 r??p 00132000 03:01 13991972  lib/bin"
-        // identify a data and code sections of a shared library or our binary
-        if (inode != 0 && strncmp(permissions, "r-xp", 4) == 0) {
-          DisableLibraryAllocsLocked(filename, start_address, end_address);
-        }
-        break;
-        RecordGlobalDataLocked(start_address, end_address,
-                               permissions, filename);
-        break;
-      default:
-        RAW_CHECK(0, "");
-    }
-  }
-  // If /proc/self/maps is reporting inodes properly (we saw a
-  // non-zero inode), then we only say we saw a shared lib if we saw a
-  // 'real' one, with a non-zero inode.
-  if (saw_nonzero_inode) {
-    saw_shared_lib = saw_shared_lib_with_nonzero_inode;
-  }
-  if (!saw_shared_lib) {
-    RAW_LOG(ERROR, "No shared libs detected. Will likely report false leak "
-                   "positives for statically linked executables.");
-  }
-  return PROC_MAPS_USED;
-// Total number and size of live objects dropped from the profile;
-// (re)initialized in IgnoreAllLiveObjectsLocked.
-static int64 live_objects_total;
-static int64 live_bytes_total;
-// pid of the thread that is doing the current leak check
-// (protected by our lock; IgnoreAllLiveObjectsLocked sets it)
-static pid_t self_thread_pid = 0;
-// Status of our thread listing callback execution
-// (protected by our lock; used from within IgnoreAllLiveObjectsLocked)
-static enum {
-} thread_listing_status = CALLBACK_NOT_STARTED;
-// Ideally to avoid deadlocks this function should not result in any libc
-// or other function calls that might need to lock a mutex:
-// It is called when all threads of a process are stopped
-// at arbitrary points thus potentially holding those locks.
-// In practice we are calling some simple i/o and sprintf-type library functions
-// for logging messages, but use only our own LowLevelAlloc::Arena allocator.
-// This is known to be buggy: the library i/o function calls are able to cause
-// deadlocks when they request a lock that a stopped thread happens to hold.
-// This issue as far as we know have so far not resulted in any deadlocks
-// in practice, so for now we are taking our chance that the deadlocks
-// have insignificant frequency.
-// If such deadlocks become a problem we should make the i/o calls
-// into appropriately direct system calls (or eliminate them),
-// in particular write() is not safe and vsnprintf() is potentially dangerous
-// due to reliance on locale functions (these are called through RAW_LOG
-// and in other ways).
-#if defined(HAVE_LINUX_PTRACE_H) && defined(HAVE_SYS_SYSCALL_H) && defined(DUMPER)
-# if (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64))
-#  define THREAD_REGS i386_regs
-# elif defined(__PPC__)
-#  define THREAD_REGS ppc_regs
-# endif
-/*static*/ int HeapLeakChecker::IgnoreLiveThreadsLocked(void* parameter,
-                                                        int num_threads,
-                                                        pid_t* thread_pids,
-                                                        va_list /*ap*/) {
-  RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-  thread_listing_status = CALLBACK_STARTED;
-  RAW_VLOG(11, "Found %d threads (from pid %d)", num_threads, getpid());
-  if (FLAGS_heap_check_ignore_global_live) {
-    UseProcMapsLocked(RECORD_GLOBAL_DATA);
-  }
-  // We put the registers from other threads here
-  // to make pointers stored in them live.
-  vector<void*, STL_Allocator<void*, Allocator> > thread_registers;
-  int failures = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
-    // the leak checking thread itself is handled
-    // specially via self_thread_stack, not here:
-    if (thread_pids[i] == self_thread_pid) continue;
-    RAW_VLOG(11, "Handling thread with pid %d", thread_pids[i]);
-    THREAD_REGS thread_regs;
-#define sys_ptrace(r, p, a, d)  syscall(SYS_ptrace, (r), (p), (a), (d))
-    // We use sys_ptrace to avoid thread locking
-    // because this is called from TCMalloc_ListAllProcessThreads
-    // when all but this thread are suspended.
-    if (sys_ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, thread_pids[i], NULL, &thread_regs) == 0) {
-      // Need to use SP to get all the data from the very last stack frame:
-      COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(thread_regs.SP) == sizeof(void*),
-                     SP_register_does_not_look_like_a_pointer);
-      RegisterStackLocked(reinterpret_cast<void*>(thread_regs.SP));
-      // Make registers live (just in case PTRACE_ATTACH resulted in some
-      // register pointers still being in the registers and not on the stack):
-      for (void** p = reinterpret_cast<void**>(&thread_regs);
-           p < reinterpret_cast<void**>(&thread_regs + 1); ++p) {
-        RAW_VLOG(12, "Thread register %p", *p);
-        thread_registers.push_back(*p);
-      }
-    } else {
-      failures += 1;
-    }
-    failures += 1;
-  }
-  // Use all the collected thread (stack) liveness sources:
-  IgnoreLiveObjectsLocked("threads stack data", "");
-  if (thread_registers.size()) {
-    // Make thread registers be live heap data sources.
-    // we rely here on the fact that vector is in one memory chunk:
-    RAW_VLOG(11, "Live registers at %p of %" PRIuS " bytes",
-                &thread_registers[0], thread_registers.size() * sizeof(void*));
-    live_objects->push_back(AllocObject(&thread_registers[0],
-                                        thread_registers.size() * sizeof(void*),
-                                        THREAD_REGISTERS));
-    IgnoreLiveObjectsLocked("threads register data", "");
-  }
-  // Do all other liveness walking while all threads are stopped:
-  IgnoreNonThreadLiveObjectsLocked();
-  // Can now resume the threads:
-  TCMalloc_ResumeAllProcessThreads(num_threads, thread_pids);
-  thread_listing_status = CALLBACK_COMPLETED;
-  return failures;
-// Stack top of the thread that is doing the current leak check
-// (protected by our lock; IgnoreAllLiveObjectsLocked sets it)
-static const void* self_thread_stack_top;
-// static
-void HeapLeakChecker::IgnoreNonThreadLiveObjectsLocked() {
-  RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-  RAW_DCHECK(MemoryRegionMap::LockIsHeld(), "");
-  RAW_VLOG(11, "Handling self thread with pid %d", self_thread_pid);
-  // Register our own stack:
-  // Important that all stack ranges (including the one here)
-  // are known before we start looking at them
-  // in MakeDisabledLiveCallbackLocked:
-  RegisterStackLocked(self_thread_stack_top);
-  IgnoreLiveObjectsLocked("stack data", "");
-  // Make objects we were told to ignore live:
-  if (ignored_objects) {
-    for (IgnoredObjectsMap::const_iterator object = ignored_objects->begin();
-         object != ignored_objects->end(); ++object) {
-      const void* ptr = AsPtr(object->first);
-      RAW_VLOG(11, "Ignored live object at %p of %" PRIuS " bytes",
-                  ptr, object->second);
-      live_objects->
-        push_back(AllocObject(ptr, object->second, MUST_BE_ON_HEAP));
-      // we do this liveness check for ignored_objects before doing any
-      // live heap walking to make sure it does not fail needlessly:
-      size_t object_size;
-      if (!(heap_profile->FindAlloc(ptr, &object_size)  &&
-            object->second == object_size)) {
-        RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Object at %p of %" PRIuS " bytes from an"
-                       " IgnoreObject() has disappeared", ptr, object->second);
-      }
-    }
-    IgnoreLiveObjectsLocked("ignored objects", "");
-  }
-  // Treat objects that were allocated when a Disabler was live as
-  // roots.  I.e., if X was allocated while a Disabler was active,
-  // and Y is reachable from X, arrange that neither X nor Y are
-  // treated as leaks.
-  heap_profile->IterateAllocs(MakeIgnoredObjectsLiveCallbackLocked);
-  IgnoreLiveObjectsLocked("disabled objects", "");
-  // Make code-address-disabled objects live and ignored:
-  // This in particular makes all thread-specific data live
-  // because the basic data structure to hold pointers to thread-specific data
-  // is allocated from libpthreads and we have range-disabled that
-  // library code with UseProcMapsLocked(DISABLE_LIBRARY_ALLOCS);
-  // so now we declare all thread-specific data reachable from there as live.
-  heap_profile->IterateAllocs(MakeDisabledLiveCallbackLocked);
-  IgnoreLiveObjectsLocked("disabled code", "");
-  // Actually make global data live:
-  if (FLAGS_heap_check_ignore_global_live) {
-    bool have_null_region_callers = false;
-    for (LibraryLiveObjectsStacks::iterator l = library_live_objects->begin();
-         l != library_live_objects->end(); ++l) {
-      RAW_CHECK(live_objects->empty(), "");
-      // Process library_live_objects in l->second
-      // filtering them by MemoryRegionMap:
-      // It's safe to iterate over MemoryRegionMap
-      // w/o locks here as we are inside MemoryRegionMap::Lock():
-      RAW_DCHECK(MemoryRegionMap::LockIsHeld(), "");
-      // The only change to MemoryRegionMap possible in this loop
-      // is region addition as a result of allocating more memory
-      // for live_objects. This won't invalidate the RegionIterator
-      // or the intent of the loop.
-      // --see the comment by MemoryRegionMap::BeginRegionLocked().
-      for (MemoryRegionMap::RegionIterator region =
-             MemoryRegionMap::BeginRegionLocked();
-           region != MemoryRegionMap::EndRegionLocked(); ++region) {
-        // "region" from MemoryRegionMap is to be subtracted from
-        // (tentatively live) regions in l->second
-        // if it has a stack inside or it was allocated by
-        // a non-special caller (not one covered by a range
-        // in global_region_caller_ranges).
-        // This will in particular exclude all memory chunks used
-        // by the heap itself as well as what's been allocated with
-        // any allocator on top of mmap.
-        bool subtract = true;
-        if (!region->is_stack  &&  global_region_caller_ranges) {
-          if (region->caller() == static_cast<uintptr_t>(NULL)) {
-            have_null_region_callers = true;
-          } else {
-            GlobalRegionCallerRangeMap::const_iterator iter
-              = global_region_caller_ranges->upper_bound(region->caller());
-            if (iter != global_region_caller_ranges->end()) {
-              RAW_DCHECK(iter->first > region->caller(), "");
-              if (iter->second < region->caller()) {  // in special region
-                subtract = false;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if (subtract) {
-          // The loop puts the result of filtering l->second into live_objects:
-          for (LiveObjectsStack::const_iterator i = l->second.begin();
-               i != l->second.end(); ++i) {
-            // subtract *region from *i
-            uintptr_t start = AsInt(i->ptr);
-            uintptr_t end = start + i->size;
-            if (region->start_addr <= start  &&  end <= region->end_addr) {
-              // full deletion due to subsumption
-            } else if (start < region->start_addr  &&
-                       region->end_addr < end) {  // cutting-out split
-              live_objects->push_back(AllocObject(i->ptr,
-                                                  region->start_addr - start,
-                                                  IN_GLOBAL_DATA));
-              live_objects->push_back(AllocObject(AsPtr(region->end_addr),
-                                                  end - region->end_addr,
-                                                  IN_GLOBAL_DATA));
-            } else if (region->end_addr > start  &&
-                       region->start_addr <= start) {  // cut from start
-              live_objects->push_back(AllocObject(AsPtr(region->end_addr),
-                                                  end - region->end_addr,
-                                                  IN_GLOBAL_DATA));
-            } else if (region->start_addr > start  &&
-                       region->start_addr < end) {  // cut from end
-              live_objects->push_back(AllocObject(i->ptr,
-                                                  region->start_addr - start,
-                                                  IN_GLOBAL_DATA));
-            } else {  // pass: no intersection
-              live_objects->push_back(AllocObject(i->ptr, i->size,
-                                                  IN_GLOBAL_DATA));
-            }
-          }
-          // Move live_objects back into l->second
-          // for filtering by the next region.
-          live_objects->swap(l->second);
-          live_objects->clear();
-        }
-      }
-      // Now get and use live_objects from the final version of l->second:
-      if (VLOG_IS_ON(11)) {
-        for (LiveObjectsStack::const_iterator i = l->second.begin();
-             i != l->second.end(); ++i) {
-          RAW_VLOG(11, "Library live region at %p of %" PRIuPTR " bytes",
-                      i->ptr, i->size);
-        }
-      }
-      live_objects->swap(l->second);
-      IgnoreLiveObjectsLocked("in globals of\n  ", l->first.c_str());
-    }
-    if (have_null_region_callers) {
-      RAW_LOG(ERROR, "Have memory regions w/o callers: "
-                     "might report false leaks");
-    }
-    Allocator::DeleteAndNull(&library_live_objects);
-  }
-// Callback for TCMalloc_ListAllProcessThreads in IgnoreAllLiveObjectsLocked below
-// to test/verify that we have just the one main thread, in which case
-// we can do everything in that main thread,
-// so that CPU profiler can collect all its samples.
-// Returns the number of threads in the process.
-static int IsOneThread(void* parameter, int num_threads,
-                       pid_t* thread_pids, va_list ap) {
-  if (num_threads != 1) {
-    RAW_LOG(WARNING, "Have threads: Won't CPU-profile the bulk of leak "
-                     "checking work happening in IgnoreLiveThreadsLocked!");
-  }
-  TCMalloc_ResumeAllProcessThreads(num_threads, thread_pids);
-  return num_threads;
-// Dummy for IgnoreAllLiveObjectsLocked below.
-// Making it global helps with compiler warnings.
-static va_list dummy_ap;
-// static
-void HeapLeakChecker::IgnoreAllLiveObjectsLocked(const void* self_stack_top) {
-  RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-  RAW_CHECK(live_objects == NULL, "");
-  live_objects = new(Allocator::Allocate(sizeof(LiveObjectsStack)))
-                   LiveObjectsStack;
-  stack_tops = new(Allocator::Allocate(sizeof(StackTopSet))) StackTopSet;
-  // reset the counts
-  live_objects_total = 0;
-  live_bytes_total = 0;
-  // Reduce max_heap_object_size to FLAGS_heap_check_max_pointer_offset
-  // for the time of leak check.
-  // FLAGS_heap_check_max_pointer_offset caps max_heap_object_size
-  // to manage reasonably low chances of random bytes
-  // appearing to be pointing into large actually leaked heap objects.
-  const size_t old_max_heap_object_size = max_heap_object_size;
-  max_heap_object_size = (
-    FLAGS_heap_check_max_pointer_offset != -1
-    ? min(size_t(FLAGS_heap_check_max_pointer_offset), max_heap_object_size)
-    : max_heap_object_size);
-  // Record global data as live:
-  if (FLAGS_heap_check_ignore_global_live) {
-    library_live_objects =
-      new(Allocator::Allocate(sizeof(LibraryLiveObjectsStacks)))
-        LibraryLiveObjectsStacks;
-  }
-  // Ignore all thread stacks:
-  thread_listing_status = CALLBACK_NOT_STARTED;
-  bool need_to_ignore_non_thread_objects = true;
-  self_thread_pid = getpid();
-  self_thread_stack_top = self_stack_top;
-  if (FLAGS_heap_check_ignore_thread_live) {
-    // In case we are doing CPU profiling we'd like to do all the work
-    // in the main thread, not in the special thread created by
-    // TCMalloc_ListAllProcessThreads, so that CPU profiler can
-    // collect all its samples.  The machinery of
-    // TCMalloc_ListAllProcessThreads conflicts with the CPU profiler
-    // by also relying on signals and ::sigaction.  We can do this
-    // (run everything in the main thread) safely only if there's just
-    // the main thread itself in our process.  This variable reflects
-    // these two conditions:
-    bool want_and_can_run_in_main_thread =
-      ProfilingIsEnabledForAllThreads()  &&
-      TCMalloc_ListAllProcessThreads(NULL, IsOneThread) == 1;
-    // When the normal path of TCMalloc_ListAllProcessThreads below is taken,
-    // we fully suspend the threads right here before any liveness checking
-    // and keep them suspended for the whole time of liveness checking
-    // inside of the IgnoreLiveThreadsLocked callback.
-    // (The threads can't (de)allocate due to lock on the delete hook but
-    //  if not suspended they could still mess with the pointer
-    //  graph while we walk it).
-    int r = want_and_can_run_in_main_thread
-            ? IgnoreLiveThreadsLocked(NULL, 1, &self_thread_pid, dummy_ap)
-            : TCMalloc_ListAllProcessThreads(NULL, IgnoreLiveThreadsLocked);
-    need_to_ignore_non_thread_objects = r < 0;
-    if (r < 0) {
-      RAW_LOG(WARNING, "Thread finding failed with %d errno=%d", r, errno);
-      if (thread_listing_status == CALLBACK_COMPLETED) {
-        RAW_LOG(INFO, "Thread finding callback "
-                      "finished ok; hopefully everything is fine");
-        need_to_ignore_non_thread_objects = false;
-      } else if (thread_listing_status == CALLBACK_STARTED) {
-        RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Thread finding callback was "
-                       "interrupted or crashed; can't fix this");
-      } else {  // CALLBACK_NOT_STARTED
-        RAW_LOG(ERROR, "Could not find thread stacks. "
-                       "Will likely report false leak positives.");
-      }
-    } else if (r != 0) {
-      RAW_LOG(ERROR, "Thread stacks not found for %d threads. "
-                     "Will likely report false leak positives.", r);
-    } else {
-      RAW_VLOG(11, "Thread stacks appear to be found for all threads");
-    }
-  } else {
-    RAW_LOG(WARNING, "Not looking for thread stacks; "
-                     "objects reachable only from there "
-                     "will be reported as leaks");
-  }
-  // Do all other live data ignoring here if we did not do it
-  // within thread listing callback with all threads stopped.
-  if (need_to_ignore_non_thread_objects) {
-    if (FLAGS_heap_check_ignore_global_live) {
-      UseProcMapsLocked(RECORD_GLOBAL_DATA);
-    }
-    IgnoreNonThreadLiveObjectsLocked();
-  }
-  if (live_objects_total) {
-    RAW_VLOG(10, "Ignoring %" PRId64 " reachable objects of %" PRId64 " bytes",
-                live_objects_total, live_bytes_total);
-  }
-  // Free these: we made them here and heap_profile never saw them
-  Allocator::DeleteAndNull(&live_objects);
-  Allocator::DeleteAndNull(&stack_tops);
-  max_heap_object_size = old_max_heap_object_size;  // reset this var
-// Alignment at which we should consider pointer positions
-// in IgnoreLiveObjectsLocked. Will normally use the value of
-// FLAGS_heap_check_pointer_source_alignment.
-static size_t pointer_source_alignment = kPointerSourceAlignment;
-// Global lock for HeapLeakChecker::DoNoLeaks
-// to protect pointer_source_alignment.
-static SpinLock alignment_checker_lock(SpinLock::LINKER_INITIALIZED);
-// This function changes the live bits in the heap_profile-table's state:
-// we only record the live objects to be skipped.
-// When checking if a byte sequence points to a heap object we use
-// HeapProfileTable::FindInsideAlloc to handle both pointers to
-// the start and inside of heap-allocated objects.
-// The "inside" case needs to be checked to support
-// at least the following relatively common cases:
-// - C++ arrays allocated with new FooClass[size] for classes
-//   with destructors have their size recorded in a sizeof(int) field
-//   before the place normal pointers point to.
-// - basic_string<>-s for e.g. the C++ library of gcc 3.4
-//   have the meta-info in basic_string<...>::_Rep recorded
-//   before the place normal pointers point to.
-// - Multiple-inherited objects have their pointers when cast to
-//   different base classes pointing inside of the actually
-//   allocated object.
-// - Sometimes reachability pointers point to member objects of heap objects,
-//   and then those member objects point to the full heap object.
-// - Third party UnicodeString: it stores a 32-bit refcount
-//   (in both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries) as the first uint32
-//   in the allocated memory and a normal pointer points at
-//   the second uint32 behind the refcount.
-// By finding these additional objects here
-// we slightly increase the chance to mistake random memory bytes
-// for a pointer and miss a leak in a particular run of a binary.
-/*static*/ void HeapLeakChecker::IgnoreLiveObjectsLocked(const char* name,
-                                                         const char* name2) {
-  RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-  int64 live_object_count = 0;
-  int64 live_byte_count = 0;
-  while (!live_objects->empty()) {
-    const char* object =
-      reinterpret_cast<const char*>(live_objects->back().ptr);
-    size_t size = live_objects->back().size;
-    const ObjectPlacement place = live_objects->back().place;
-    live_objects->pop_back();
-    if (place == MUST_BE_ON_HEAP  &&  heap_profile->MarkAsLive(object)) {
-      live_object_count += 1;
-      live_byte_count += size;
-    }
-    RAW_VLOG(13, "Looking for heap pointers in %p of %" PRIuS " bytes",
-                object, size);
-    const char* const whole_object = object;
-    size_t const whole_size = size;
-    // Try interpretting any byte sequence in object,size as a heap pointer:
-    const size_t remainder = AsInt(object) % pointer_source_alignment;
-    if (remainder) {
-      object += pointer_source_alignment - remainder;
-      if (size >= pointer_source_alignment - remainder) {
-        size -= pointer_source_alignment - remainder;
-      } else {
-        size = 0;
-      }
-    }
-    if (size < sizeof(void*)) continue;
-    // Frame pointer omission requires us to use libunwind, which uses direct
-    // mmap and munmap system calls, and that needs special handling.
-    if (name2 == kUnnamedProcSelfMapEntry) {
-      static const uintptr_t page_mask = ~(getpagesize() - 1);
-      const uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(object);
-      if ((addr & page_mask) == 0 && (size & page_mask) == 0) {
-        // This is an object we slurped from /proc/self/maps.
-        // It may or may not be readable at this point.
-        //
-        // In case all the above conditions made a mistake, and the object is
-        // not related to libunwind, we also verify that it's not readable
-        // before ignoring it.
-        if (msync(const_cast<char*>(object), size, MS_ASYNC) != 0) {
-          // Skip unreadable object, so we don't crash trying to sweep it.
-          RAW_VLOG(0, "Ignoring inaccessible object [%p, %p) "
-                   "(msync error %d (%s))",
-                   object, object + size, errno, strerror(errno));
-          continue;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    const char* const max_object = object + size - sizeof(void*);
-    while (object <= max_object) {
-      // potentially unaligned load:
-      const uintptr_t addr = *reinterpret_cast<const uintptr_t*>(object);
-      // Do fast check before the more expensive HaveOnHeapLocked lookup:
-      // this code runs for all memory words that are potentially pointers:
-      const bool can_be_on_heap =
-        // Order tests by the likelyhood of the test failing in 64/32 bit modes.
-        // Yes, this matters: we either lose 5..6% speed in 32 bit mode
-        // (which is already slower) or by a factor of 1.5..1.91 in 64 bit mode.
-        // After the alignment test got dropped the above performance figures
-        // must have changed; might need to revisit this.
-#if defined(__x86_64__)
-        addr <= max_heap_address  &&  // <= is for 0-sized object with max addr
-        min_heap_address <= addr;
-        min_heap_address <= addr  &&
-        addr <= max_heap_address;  // <= is for 0-sized object with max addr
-      if (can_be_on_heap) {
-        const void* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const void*>(addr);
-        // Too expensive (inner loop): manually uncomment when debugging:
-        // RAW_VLOG(17, "Trying pointer to %p at %p", ptr, object);
-        size_t object_size;
-        if (HaveOnHeapLocked(&ptr, &object_size)  &&
-            heap_profile->MarkAsLive(ptr)) {
-          // We take the (hopefully low) risk here of encountering by accident
-          // a byte sequence in memory that matches an address of
-          // a heap object which is in fact leaked.
-          // I.e. in very rare and probably not repeatable/lasting cases
-          // we might miss some real heap memory leaks.
-          RAW_VLOG(14, "Found pointer to %p of %" PRIuS " bytes at %p "
-                      "inside %p of size %" PRIuS "",
-                      ptr, object_size, object, whole_object, whole_size);
-          if (VLOG_IS_ON(15)) {
-            // log call stacks to help debug how come something is not a leak
-            HeapProfileTable::AllocInfo alloc;
-            if (!heap_profile->FindAllocDetails(ptr, &alloc)) {
-              RAW_LOG(FATAL, "FindAllocDetails failed on ptr %p", ptr);
-            }
-            RAW_LOG(INFO, "New live %p object's alloc stack:", ptr);
-            for (int i = 0; i < alloc.stack_depth; ++i) {
-              RAW_LOG(INFO, "  @ %p", alloc.call_stack[i]);
-            }
-          }
-          live_object_count += 1;
-          live_byte_count += object_size;
-          live_objects->push_back(AllocObject(ptr, object_size,
-                                              IGNORED_ON_HEAP));
-        }
-      }
-      object += pointer_source_alignment;
-    }
-  }
-  live_objects_total += live_object_count;
-  live_bytes_total += live_byte_count;
-  if (live_object_count) {
-    RAW_VLOG(10, "Removed %" PRId64 " live heap objects of %" PRId64 " bytes: %s%s",
-                live_object_count, live_byte_count, name, name2);
-  }
-// HeapLeakChecker leak check disabling components
-// static
-void HeapLeakChecker::DisableChecksIn(const char* pattern) {
-  RAW_LOG(WARNING, "DisableChecksIn(%s) is ignored", pattern);
-// static
-void HeapLeakChecker::DoIgnoreObject(const void* ptr) {
-  SpinLockHolder l(&heap_checker_lock);
-  if (!heap_checker_on) return;
-  size_t object_size;
-  if (!HaveOnHeapLocked(&ptr, &object_size)) {
-    RAW_LOG(ERROR, "No live heap object at %p to ignore", ptr);
-  } else {
-    RAW_VLOG(10, "Going to ignore live object at %p of %" PRIuS " bytes",
-                ptr, object_size);
-    if (ignored_objects == NULL)  {
-      ignored_objects = new(Allocator::Allocate(sizeof(IgnoredObjectsMap)))
-                          IgnoredObjectsMap;
-    }
-    if (!ignored_objects->insert(make_pair(AsInt(ptr), object_size)).second) {
-      RAW_LOG(WARNING, "Object at %p is already being ignored", ptr);
-    }
-  }
-// static
-void HeapLeakChecker::UnIgnoreObject(const void* ptr) {
-  SpinLockHolder l(&heap_checker_lock);
-  if (!heap_checker_on) return;
-  size_t object_size;
-  if (!HaveOnHeapLocked(&ptr, &object_size)) {
-    RAW_LOG(FATAL, "No live heap object at %p to un-ignore", ptr);
-  } else {
-    bool found = false;
-    if (ignored_objects) {
-      IgnoredObjectsMap::iterator object = ignored_objects->find(AsInt(ptr));
-      if (object != ignored_objects->end()  &&  object_size == object->second) {
-        ignored_objects->erase(object);
-        found = true;
-        RAW_VLOG(10, "Now not going to ignore live object "
-                    "at %p of %" PRIuS " bytes", ptr, object_size);
-      }
-    }
-    if (!found)  RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Object at %p has not been ignored", ptr);
-  }
-// HeapLeakChecker non-static functions
-char* HeapLeakChecker::MakeProfileNameLocked() {
-  RAW_DCHECK(lock_->IsHeld(), "");
-  RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_lock.IsHeld(), "");
-  const int len = profile_name_prefix->size() + strlen(name_) + 5 +
-                  strlen(HeapProfileTable::kFileExt) + 1;
-  char* file_name = reinterpret_cast<char*>(Allocator::Allocate(len));
-  snprintf(file_name, len, "%s.%s-end%s",
-           profile_name_prefix->c_str(), name_,
-           HeapProfileTable::kFileExt);
-  return file_name;
-void HeapLeakChecker::Create(const char *name, bool make_start_snapshot) {
-  SpinLockHolder l(lock_);
-  name_ = NULL;  // checker is inactive
-  start_snapshot_ = NULL;
-  has_checked_ = false;
-  inuse_bytes_increase_ = 0;
-  inuse_allocs_increase_ = 0;
-  keep_profiles_ = false;
-  char* n = new char[strlen(name) + 1];   // do this before we lock
-  IgnoreObject(n);  // otherwise it might be treated as live due to our stack
-  { // Heap activity in other threads is paused for this whole scope.
-    SpinLockHolder al(&alignment_checker_lock);
-    SpinLockHolder hl(&heap_checker_lock);
-    MemoryRegionMap::LockHolder ml;
-    if (heap_checker_on  &&  profile_name_prefix != NULL) {
-      RAW_DCHECK(strchr(name, '/') == NULL, "must be a simple name");
-      memcpy(n, name, strlen(name) + 1);
-      name_ = n;  // checker is active
-      if (make_start_snapshot) {
-        start_snapshot_ = heap_profile->TakeSnapshot();
-      }
-      const HeapProfileTable::Stats& t = heap_profile->total();
-      const size_t start_inuse_bytes = t.alloc_size - t.free_size;
-      const size_t start_inuse_allocs = t.allocs - t.frees;
-      RAW_VLOG(10, "Start check \"%s\" profile: %" PRIuS " bytes "
-               "in %" PRIuS " objects",
-               name_, start_inuse_bytes, start_inuse_allocs);
-    } else {
-      RAW_LOG(WARNING, "Heap checker is not active, "
-                       "hence checker \"%s\" will do nothing!", name);
-    RAW_LOG(WARNING, "To activate set the HEAPCHECK environment variable.\n");
-    }
-  }
-  if (name_ == NULL) {
-    UnIgnoreObject(n);
-    delete[] n;  // must be done after we unlock
-  }
-HeapLeakChecker::HeapLeakChecker(const char *name) : lock_(new SpinLock) {
-  RAW_DCHECK(strcmp(name, "_main_") != 0, "_main_ is reserved");
-  Create(name, true/*create start_snapshot_*/);
-HeapLeakChecker::HeapLeakChecker() : lock_(new SpinLock) {
-  if (FLAGS_heap_check_before_constructors) {
-    // We want to check for leaks of objects allocated during global
-    // constructors (i.e., objects allocated already).  So we do not
-    // create a baseline snapshot and hence check for leaks of objects
-    // that may have already been created.
-    Create("_main_", false);
-  } else {
-    // We want to ignore leaks of objects allocated during global
-    // constructors (i.e., objects allocated already).  So we snapshot
-    // the current heap contents and use them as a baseline that is
-    // not reported by the leak checker.
-    Create("_main_", true);
-  }
-ssize_t HeapLeakChecker::BytesLeaked() const {
-  SpinLockHolder l(lock_);
-  if (!has_checked_) {
-    RAW_LOG(FATAL, "*NoLeaks|SameHeap must execute before this call");
-  }
-  return inuse_bytes_increase_;
-ssize_t HeapLeakChecker::ObjectsLeaked() const {
-  SpinLockHolder l(lock_);
-  if (!has_checked_) {
-    RAW_LOG(FATAL, "*NoLeaks|SameHeap must execute before this call");
-  }
-  return inuse_allocs_increase_;
-// Save pid of main thread for using in naming dump files
-static int32 main_thread_pid = getpid();
-#ifdef __UCLIBC__
-extern const char* program_invocation_name;
-extern const char* program_invocation_short_name;
-extern char* program_invocation_name;
-extern char* program_invocation_short_name;
-static const char* invocation_name() { return program_invocation_short_name; }
-static string invocation_path() { return program_invocation_name; }
-static const char* invocation_name() { return "<your binary>"; }
-static string invocation_path() { return "<your binary>"; }
-// Prints commands that users can run to get more information
-// about the reported leaks.
-static void SuggestPprofCommand(const char* pprof_file_arg) {
-  // Extra help information to print for the user when the test is
-  // being run in a way where the straightforward pprof command will
-  // not suffice.
-  string extra_help;
-  // Common header info to print for remote runs
-  const string remote_header =
-      "This program is being executed remotely and therefore the pprof\n"
-      "command printed above will not work.  Either run this program\n"
-      "locally, or adjust the pprof command as follows to allow it to\n"
-      "work on your local machine:\n";
-  // Extra command for fetching remote data
-  string fetch_cmd;
-          "\n\n"
-          "If the preceding stack traces are not enough to find "
-          "the leaks, try running THIS shell command:\n\n"
-          "%s%s %s \"%s\" --inuse_objects --lines --heapcheck "
-          " --edgefraction=1e-10 --nodefraction=1e-10 --gv\n"
-          "\n"
-          "%s"
-          "If you are still puzzled about why the leaks are "
-          "there, try rerunning this program with "
-          "HEAP_CHECK_TEST_POINTER_ALIGNMENT=1 and/or with "
-          "If the leak report occurs in a small fraction of runs, "
-          "try running with TCMALLOC_MAX_FREE_QUEUE_SIZE of few hundred MB "
-          "or with TCMALLOC_RECLAIM_MEMORY=false, "  // only works for debugalloc
-          "it might help find leaks more repeatably\n",
-          fetch_cmd.c_str(),
-          "pprof",           // works as long as pprof is on your path
-          invocation_path().c_str(),
-          pprof_file_arg,
-          extra_help.c_str()
-          );
-bool HeapLeakChecker::DoNoLeaks(ShouldSymbolize should_symbolize) {
-  SpinLockHolder l(lock_);
-  // The locking also helps us keep the messages
-  // for the two checks close together.
-  SpinLockHolder al(&alignment_checker_lock);
-  // thread-safe: protected by alignment_checker_lock
-  static bool have_disabled_hooks_for_symbolize = false;
-  // Once we've checked for leaks and symbolized the results once, it's
-  // not safe to do it again.  This is because in order to symbolize
-  // safely, we had to disable all the malloc hooks here, so we no
-  // longer can be confident we've collected all the data we need.
-  if (have_disabled_hooks_for_symbolize) {
-    RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Must not call heap leak checker manually after "
-            " program-exit's automatic check.");
-  }
-  HeapProfileTable::Snapshot* leaks = NULL;
-  char* pprof_file = NULL;
-  {
-    // Heap activity in other threads is paused during this function
-    // (i.e. until we got all profile difference info).
-    SpinLockHolder hl(&heap_checker_lock);
-    if (heap_checker_on == false) {
-      if (name_ != NULL) {  // leak checking enabled when created the checker
-        RAW_LOG(WARNING, "Heap leak checker got turned off after checker "
-                "\"%s\" has been created, no leak check is being done for it!",
-                name_);
-      }
-      return true;
-    }
-    // Update global_region_caller_ranges. They may need to change since
-    // e.g. initialization because shared libraries might have been loaded or
-    // unloaded.
-    Allocator::DeleteAndNullIfNot(&global_region_caller_ranges);
-    ProcMapsResult pm_result = UseProcMapsLocked(DISABLE_LIBRARY_ALLOCS);
-    RAW_CHECK(pm_result == PROC_MAPS_USED, "");
-    // Keep track of number of internally allocated objects so we
-    // can detect leaks in the heap-leak-checket itself
-    const int initial_allocs = Allocator::alloc_count();
-    if (name_ == NULL) {
-      RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Heap leak checker must not be turned on "
-              "after construction of a HeapLeakChecker");
-    }
-    MemoryRegionMap::LockHolder ml;
-    int a_local_var;  // Use our stack ptr to make stack data live:
-    // Make the heap profile, other threads are locked out.
-    HeapProfileTable::Snapshot* base =
-        reinterpret_cast<HeapProfileTable::Snapshot*>(start_snapshot_);
-    RAW_DCHECK(FLAGS_heap_check_pointer_source_alignment > 0, "");
-    pointer_source_alignment = FLAGS_heap_check_pointer_source_alignment;
-    IgnoreAllLiveObjectsLocked(&a_local_var);
-    leaks = heap_profile->NonLiveSnapshot(base);
-    inuse_bytes_increase_ = static_cast<ssize_t>(leaks->total().alloc_size);
-    inuse_allocs_increase_ = static_cast<ssize_t>(leaks->total().allocs);
-    if (leaks->Empty()) {
-      heap_profile->ReleaseSnapshot(leaks);
-      leaks = NULL;
-      // We can only check for internal leaks along the no-user-leak
-      // path since in the leak path we temporarily release
-      // heap_checker_lock and another thread can come in and disturb
-      // allocation counts.
-      if (Allocator::alloc_count() != initial_allocs) {
-        RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Internal HeapChecker leak of %d objects ; %d -> %d",
-                Allocator::alloc_count() - initial_allocs,
-                initial_allocs, Allocator::alloc_count());
-      }
-    } else if (FLAGS_heap_check_test_pointer_alignment) {
-      if (pointer_source_alignment == 1) {
-        RAW_LOG(WARNING, "--heap_check_test_pointer_alignment has no effect: "
-                "--heap_check_pointer_source_alignment was already set to 1");
-      } else {
-        // Try with reduced pointer aligment
-        pointer_source_alignment = 1;
-        IgnoreAllLiveObjectsLocked(&a_local_var);
-        HeapProfileTable::Snapshot* leaks_wo_align =
-            heap_profile->NonLiveSnapshot(base);
-        pointer_source_alignment = FLAGS_heap_check_pointer_source_alignment;
-        if (leaks_wo_align->Empty()) {
-          RAW_LOG(WARNING, "Found no leaks without pointer alignment: "
-                  "something might be placing pointers at "
-                  "unaligned addresses! This needs to be fixed.");
-        } else {
-          RAW_LOG(INFO, "Found leaks without pointer alignment as well: "
-                  "unaligned pointers must not be the cause of leaks.");
-          RAW_LOG(INFO, "--heap_check_test_pointer_alignment did not help "
-                  "to diagnose the leaks.");
-        }
-        heap_profile->ReleaseSnapshot(leaks_wo_align);
-      }
-    }
-    if (leaks != NULL) {
-      pprof_file = MakeProfileNameLocked();
-    }
-  }
-  has_checked_ = true;
-  if (leaks == NULL) {
-    if (FLAGS_heap_check_max_pointer_offset == -1) {
-              "Found no leaks without max_pointer_offset restriction: "
-              "it's possible that the default value of "
-              "heap_check_max_pointer_offset flag is too low. "
-              "Do you use pointers with larger than that offsets "
-              "pointing in the middle of heap-allocated objects?");
-    }
-    const HeapProfileTable::Stats& stats = heap_profile->total();
-    RAW_VLOG(heap_checker_info_level,
-             "No leaks found for check \"%s\" "
-             "(but no 100%% guarantee that there aren't any): "
-             "found %" PRId64 " reachable heap objects of %" PRId64 " bytes",
-             name_,
-             int64(stats.allocs - stats.frees),
-             int64(stats.alloc_size - stats.free_size));
-  } else {
-    if (should_symbolize == SYMBOLIZE) {
-      // To turn addresses into symbols, we need to fork, which is a
-      // problem if both parent and child end up trying to call the
-      // same malloc-hooks we've set up, at the same time.  To avoid
-      // trouble, we turn off the hooks before symbolizing.  Note that
-      // this makes it unsafe to ever leak-report again!  Luckily, we
-      // typically only want to report once in a program's run, at the
-      // very end.
-      if (MallocHook::GetNewHook() == NewHook)
-        MallocHook::SetNewHook(NULL);
-      if (MallocHook::GetDeleteHook() == DeleteHook)
-        MallocHook::SetDeleteHook(NULL);
-      MemoryRegionMap::Shutdown();
-      // Make sure all the hooks really got unset:
-      RAW_CHECK(MallocHook::GetNewHook() == NULL, "");
-      RAW_CHECK(MallocHook::GetDeleteHook() == NULL, "");
-      RAW_CHECK(MallocHook::GetMmapHook() == NULL, "");
-      RAW_CHECK(MallocHook::GetSbrkHook() == NULL, "");
-      have_disabled_hooks_for_symbolize = true;
-      leaks->ReportLeaks(name_, pprof_file, true);  // true = should_symbolize
-    } else {
-      leaks->ReportLeaks(name_, pprof_file, false);
-    }
-    if (FLAGS_heap_check_identify_leaks) {
-      leaks->ReportIndividualObjects();
-    }
-    SuggestPprofCommand(pprof_file);
-    {
-      SpinLockHolder hl(&heap_checker_lock);
-      heap_profile->ReleaseSnapshot(leaks);
-      Allocator::Free(pprof_file);
-    }
-  }
-  return (leaks == NULL);
-HeapLeakChecker::~HeapLeakChecker() {
-  if (name_ != NULL) {  // had leak checking enabled when created the checker
-    if (!has_checked_) {
-      RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Some *NoLeaks|SameHeap method"
-                     " must be called on any created HeapLeakChecker");
-    }
-    // Deallocate any snapshot taken at start
-    if (start_snapshot_ != NULL) {
-      SpinLockHolder l(&heap_checker_lock);
-      heap_profile->ReleaseSnapshot(
-          reinterpret_cast<HeapProfileTable::Snapshot*>(start_snapshot_));
-    }
-    UnIgnoreObject(name_);
-    delete[] name_;
-    name_ = NULL;
-  }
-  delete lock_;
-// HeapLeakChecker overall heap check components
-// static
-bool HeapLeakChecker::IsActive() {
-  SpinLockHolder l(&heap_checker_lock);
-  return heap_checker_on;
-vector<HeapCleaner::void_function>* HeapCleaner::heap_cleanups_ = NULL;
-// When a HeapCleaner object is intialized, add its function to the static list
-// of cleaners to be run before leaks checking.
-HeapCleaner::HeapCleaner(void_function f) {
-  if (heap_cleanups_ == NULL)
-    heap_cleanups_ = new vector<HeapCleaner::void_function>;
-  heap_cleanups_->push_back(f);
-// Run all of the cleanup functions and delete the vector.
-void HeapCleaner::RunHeapCleanups() {
-  if (!heap_cleanups_)
-    return;
-  for (int i = 0; i < heap_cleanups_->size(); i++) {
-    void (*f)(void) = (*heap_cleanups_)[i];
-    f();
-  }
-  delete heap_cleanups_;
-  heap_cleanups_ = NULL;
-// Program exit heap cleanup registered as a module object destructor.
-// Will not get executed when we crash on a signal.
-void HeapLeakChecker_RunHeapCleanups() {
-  if (FLAGS_heap_check == "local")   // don't check heap in this mode
-    return;
-  { SpinLockHolder l(&heap_checker_lock);
-    // can get here (via forks?) with other pids
-    if (heap_checker_pid != getpid()) return;
-  }
-  HeapCleaner::RunHeapCleanups();
-  if (!FLAGS_heap_check_after_destructors) HeapLeakChecker::DoMainHeapCheck();
-static bool internal_init_start_has_run = false;
-// Called exactly once, before main() (but hopefully just before).
-// This picks a good unique name for the dumped leak checking heap profiles.
-// Because we crash when InternalInitStart is called more than once,
-// it's fine that we hold heap_checker_lock only around pieces of
-// this function: this is still enough for thread-safety w.r.t. other functions
-// of this module.
-// We can't hold heap_checker_lock throughout because it would deadlock
-// on a memory allocation since our new/delete hooks can be on.
-void HeapLeakChecker_InternalInitStart() {
-  { SpinLockHolder l(&heap_checker_lock);
-    RAW_CHECK(!internal_init_start_has_run,
-              "Heap-check constructor called twice.  Perhaps you both linked"
-              " in the heap checker, and also used LD_PRELOAD to load it?");
-    internal_init_start_has_run = true;
-    // AddressSanitizer's custom malloc conflicts with HeapChecker.
-    FLAGS_heap_check = "";
-    if (FLAGS_heap_check.empty()) {
-      // turns out we do not need checking in the end; can stop profiling
-      HeapLeakChecker::TurnItselfOffLocked();
-      return;
-    } else if (RunningOnValgrind()) {
-      // There is no point in trying -- we'll just fail.
-      RAW_LOG(WARNING, "Can't run under Valgrind; will turn itself off");
-      HeapLeakChecker::TurnItselfOffLocked();
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  // Changing this to false can be useful when debugging heap-checker itself:
-  if (!FLAGS_heap_check_run_under_gdb && IsDebuggerAttached()) {
-    RAW_LOG(WARNING, "Someone is ptrace()ing us; will turn itself off");
-    SpinLockHolder l(&heap_checker_lock);
-    HeapLeakChecker::TurnItselfOffLocked();
-    return;
-  }
-  { SpinLockHolder l(&heap_checker_lock);
-    if (!constructor_heap_profiling) {
-      RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Can not start so late. You have to enable heap checking "
-	             "with HEAPCHECK=<mode>.");
-    }
-  }
-  // Set all flags
-  RAW_DCHECK(FLAGS_heap_check_pointer_source_alignment > 0, "");
-  if (FLAGS_heap_check == "minimal") {
-    // The least we can check.
-    FLAGS_heap_check_before_constructors = false;  // from after main
-                                                   // (ignore more)
-    FLAGS_heap_check_after_destructors = false;  // to after cleanup
-                                                 // (most data is live)
-    FLAGS_heap_check_ignore_thread_live = true;  // ignore all live
-    FLAGS_heap_check_ignore_global_live = true;  // ignore all live
-  } else if (FLAGS_heap_check == "normal") {
-    // Faster than 'minimal' and not much stricter.
-    FLAGS_heap_check_before_constructors = true;  // from no profile (fast)
-    FLAGS_heap_check_after_destructors = false;  // to after cleanup
-                                                 // (most data is live)
-    FLAGS_heap_check_ignore_thread_live = true;  // ignore all live
-    FLAGS_heap_check_ignore_global_live = true;  // ignore all live
-  } else if (FLAGS_heap_check == "strict") {
-    // A bit stricter than 'normal': global destructors must fully clean up
-    // after themselves if they are present.
-    FLAGS_heap_check_before_constructors = true;  // from no profile (fast)
-    FLAGS_heap_check_after_destructors = true;  // to after destructors
-                                                // (less data live)
-    FLAGS_heap_check_ignore_thread_live = true;  // ignore all live
-    FLAGS_heap_check_ignore_global_live = true;  // ignore all live
-  } else if (FLAGS_heap_check == "draconian") {
-    // Drop not very portable and not very exact live heap flooding.
-    FLAGS_heap_check_before_constructors = true;  // from no profile (fast)
-    FLAGS_heap_check_after_destructors = true;  // to after destructors
-                                                // (need them)
-    FLAGS_heap_check_ignore_thread_live = false;  // no live flood (stricter)
-    FLAGS_heap_check_ignore_global_live = false;  // no live flood (stricter)
-  } else if (FLAGS_heap_check == "as-is") {
-    // do nothing: use other flags as is
-  } else if (FLAGS_heap_check == "local") {
-    // do nothing
-  } else {
-    RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Unsupported heap_check flag: %s",
-                   FLAGS_heap_check.c_str());
-  }
-  // FreeBSD doesn't seem to honor atexit execution order:
-  //
-  // Since heap-checking before destructors depends on atexit running
-  // at the right time, on FreeBSD we always check after, even in the
-  // less strict modes.  This just means FreeBSD is always a bit
-  // stricter in its checking than other OSes.
-  // This now appears to be the case in other OSes as well;
-  // so always check afterwards.
-  FLAGS_heap_check_after_destructors = true;
-  { SpinLockHolder l(&heap_checker_lock);
-    RAW_DCHECK(heap_checker_pid == getpid(), "");
-    heap_checker_on = true;
-    RAW_DCHECK(heap_profile, "");
-    HeapLeakChecker::ProcMapsResult pm_result = HeapLeakChecker::UseProcMapsLocked(HeapLeakChecker::DISABLE_LIBRARY_ALLOCS);
-      // might neeed to do this more than once
-      // if one later dynamically loads libraries that we want disabled
-    if (pm_result != HeapLeakChecker::PROC_MAPS_USED) {  // can't function
-      HeapLeakChecker::TurnItselfOffLocked();
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  // make a good place and name for heap profile leak dumps
-  string* profile_prefix =
-    new string(FLAGS_heap_check_dump_directory + "/" + invocation_name());
-  // Finalize prefix for dumping leak checking profiles.
-  const int32 our_pid = getpid();   // safest to call getpid() outside lock