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svn commit: r432760 [2/2] - in /httpd/httpd/branches/1.3.x/htdocs/manual: install-tpf.html install-ztpf.html readme-tpf.html

Modified: httpd/httpd/branches/1.3.x/htdocs/manual/install-ztpf.html
--- httpd/httpd/branches/1.3.x/htdocs/manual/install-ztpf.html (original)
+++ httpd/httpd/branches/1.3.x/htdocs/manual/install-ztpf.html Fri Aug 18 15:39:36 2006
@@ -3,314 +3,227 @@
 <html xmlns="">
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
-          content="text/html; charset=us-ascii" />
-    <title>Installing Apache on z/TPF</title>
-    <style type="text/css">
-    /*<![CDATA[*/
-    <!-- 
-            .indented { margin-left: 25pt; } 
-            .output { padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; background-color: #dadada;  }
-            --> 
-    /*]]>*/
-    </style>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii" />
+<title>Installing Apache on z/TPF</title>
+<style type="text/css">
+   /*<![CDATA[*/
+   <!--
+   .indented { margin-left: 25pt; }
+   .output { padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; background-color: #dadada;  }
+  --> /*]]>*/
-    <center>
-        <h2><a id="top"
-           name="top"></a>Installing the Apache 1.3 HTTP Server on
-           z/TPF</h2>
-        <hr />
-        [ <a href="#download">Download</a> |
-        <a href="#setup">MakeTPF Setup</a> |
-        <a href="#compilation">Compilation</a> |
-        <a href="#installation">Installation</a> |
-        <a href="#activation">Activation</a>&nbsp;] 
-        <hr />
-    </center>
-    <p>This document outlines the steps needed to install Apache
-    onto an IBM z/TPF Enterprise Edition V1 R1 system. (There are
-    separate <a href="install-tpf.html">installation instructions
-    for TPF4.1</a>.)</p>
-    <p>You should first review
-    <a href="readme-tpf.html">readme-tpf.html</a> for basic
-    information on the port of Apache to TPF including a list of
-    supported modules.</p>
-    <p>The allocated <tt>CHTA</tt> program name is used throughout
-    these instructions to refer to Apache. You can use a different
-    program name if you wish.<br />
-     Likewise the directory structure
-    <tt>opensource/apache/src</tt> is used for the Apache source
-    code directory. You can use different directories than
-    <tt>opensource/apache</tt> if you wish.</p>
-    <p>If you change the program or directory names be sure to
-    change the entries shown in these instructions, all
-    MakeTPF-related files, and the sample files
-    accordingly.</p><br />
-    <center>
-        <h2><a id="download"
-           name="download"></a>Download</h2>
-    </center>
-    <p>Releases of the Apache server are compressed into a
-    "tarball" file which must be downloaded to your PC.
-    Additionally the source code from the tarball will need to be
-    copied onto your Linux build system for compiling. Here are all
-    the details on how to get Apache and how to get it where it
-    needs to be:</p>
-    <ol>
-        <li>
-            <p>Download the compressed Apache 1.3 files (the "tarball") from
-	    <a href=""></a>
-	    to your PC.  The file name on the web site will be
-	    <tt>apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>.tar.Z</tt>, where "<tt><i>vv</i></tt>" 
-	    is the version number.
-	    Replaced "<tt><i>vv</i></tt>" throughout these instructions
-	    with the actual version number.</p>
-            <p>
-            <font color="#CC6600"><font size="+1">TIP:</font></font>
-            Be sure to keep the <tt>.tar.Z</tt> extension when
-            saving the file.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Decompress the tarball on your PC using WinZip or
-            some other PC decompression tool.</p>
-            <p>
-            <font color="#CC6600"><font size="+1">TIP:</font></font>
-            If you are using WinZip verify that the <i>"TAR File
-            Smart CR/LF Conversion"</i> option (under Options,
-            Configuration) is <em>not</em> checked.</p>
-            <p>This is what you can expect if you use WinZip:</p>
-            <ul>
-                <li>open the tarball with WinZip (this can usually
-                be done simply by double-clicking on the downloaded
-                tarball)</li>
-                <li>you will be told that the archive contains one
-                file (apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>.tar) - allow WinZip to
-                decompress it to a temporary folder</li>
-                <li>extract the archived files onto your PC -
-                you'll be using files from the&nbsp; <tt>conf,
-                htdocs,</tt> and <tt>icons</tt> directories later
-                in the install phase<br />
-                <br /></li>
-            </ul>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>FTP the tarball to your Linux build machine using
-            binary mode:</p>
-            <ul>
-                <li>activate FTP in an MSDOS window:<br />
-                 <b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ftp&nbsp;<i></i></tt></b>&nbsp;</li>
-                <li>sign in&nbsp;</li>
-                <li>set mode to
-                binary:&nbsp;&nbsp;<b><tt>binary</tt></b>&nbsp;</li>
-                <li>send the file to your Linux build
-                machine:<br />
-                 <b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;send&nbsp;"c:/<i>path</i>/apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>.tar.Z"&nbsp;apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>.tar.Z</tt></b></li>
-                <li>exit FTP:&nbsp;&nbsp;<b><tt>bye</tt></b></li>
-            </ul>
-            <p>
-            <font color="#CC6600"><font size="+1">TIP:</font></font>
-            Linux file names are case sensitive.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-	<p>On your Linux build machine, decompress and extract the
-       	archived files necessary for compiling Apache:</p>
-            <p class="indented"><b><tt>tar -xzkf
-            apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>.tar.Z "*/src"</tt></b></p>
-            <p>Note that the following "<tt>src</tt>"
-            subdirectories are not used for Apache on z/TPF and may
-            be removed if desired:</p>
-            <p class="indented"><tt>lib/expat-lite</tt>,
-            <tt>lib/sdbm</tt>, <tt>regex</tt>, and all <tt>os</tt>
-            subdirectories except for <tt>os/tpf</tt>.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Create header files that are automatically generated
-            for other platforms but are not for z/TPF:</p>
-            <p class="indented"><b><tt>cp
-            apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>/src/os/tpf/samples/test_char.txt&nbsp;&nbsp;apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>/src/main/test_char.h<br />
-             cp
-            apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>/src/os/tpf/samples/uri_delims.txt
-            apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>/src/main/uri_delims.h</tt></b></p>
-        </li>
-    </ol><br />
-    <center>
-        <h2><a id="setup"
-           name="setup"></a>MakeTPF Setup</h2>
-    </center>
-    <ol>
-        <li>
-            <p>Move the source code into your desired directory
-            structure for MakeTPF with the following entries.<br />
-             Replace "<tt>foobar</tt>" below with your actual
-            directory name:</p>
-	    <p class="indented"><b><tt>
-             export AROOT="foobar/opensource/apache"<br />
-	     mkdir -p $AROOT<br />
-	     mv apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>/* $AROOT<br />
-            </tt></b></p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>CHTA is already in the <tt>tpf_app_base.cntl</tt>
-            control file. Adjust any settings if necessary.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Create an environment file for Apache named
-            <tt>maketpf.env_apache</tt> using
-            <tt>$AROOT/src/os/tpf/samples/sample_env.txt</tt> as a
-            guide.<br />
-             Place <tt>maketpf.env_apache</tt> in the same
-            directory as your other environment files.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Create a .mak file for Apache named
-            <tt>$AROOT/src/chta.mak</tt> using
-            <tt>$AROOT/src/os/tpf/samples/sample_mak.txt</tt> as a
-            guide<br />
-             Verify that the <tt>maketpf_env</tt> assignments in
-            <tt>chta.mak</tt> are correct for your build
-            environment.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Create a configuration file named
-            <tt>$AROOT/src/maketpf.cfg</tt>.<br />
-             Ensure that the first assignment of <tt>TPF_ROOT</tt>
-            in <tt>maketpf.cfg</tt> is the absolute path to your
-            "<tt>foobar</tt>" directory.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-	<p>Later if you want to include Apache in your full build 
-	add <tt>APACHE=YES</tt> to the <tt>CONFIG</tt> macro in 
-	your Stage 1 deck.<br />
-	Then reassemble the SIP deck (<tt>sip.asm</tt>) to update
-	the SIP generated build files with the <tt>APACHE</tt> 
-	function switch enabled.</p>
-        </li>
-    </ol><br />
-    <center>
-        <h2><a id="compilation"
-           name="compilation"></a>Compilation</h2>
-    </center>
-    <ol>
-        <li>
-            <p>Switch to the Apache source code subdirectory:</p>
-            <p class="indented"><b><tt>cd $AROOT/src</tt></b></p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Overlay src/Configuration with
-            src/Configuration.tmpl:</p>
-            <p class="indented">
-            <b><tt>cp&nbsp;Configuration.tmpl&nbsp;Configuration</tt></b></p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>The src/Configuration file controls which optional
-            modules are compiled into Apache.<br />
-             Leave the file as-is if you want to use the default
-            set of modules.<br />
-             Otherwise edit the src/Configuration file to customize
-            which modules are used:</p>
-            <ul>
-                <li>Comment out (by preceding the line with a "#")
-                lines corresponding to those modules you do
-                <em>not</em> wish to include.</li>
-                <li>Uncomment (by removing the initial "#", if
-                present) lines corresponding to those modules you
-                wish to include.<br />
-                 (The <a href="readme-tpf.html">readme-tpf.html</a>
-                document lists the modules that have been tested on
-                TPF).</li>
-                <li>Add lines for any custom or third party modules
-                you wish to include.<br />
-                 The modules placed in the Apache distribution are
-                the ones that have been tested and are used
-                regularly by various members of the Apache
-                development group. Additional modules contributed
-                by members or third parties with specific needs or
-                functions are available at
-                <a href=""></a>.
-                There are instructions on that page for linking
-                these modules into the core Apache code.<br />
-                 &nbsp;</li>
-            </ul>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>If you would like to use the TCP/IP network services
-            database add "<tt>CFLAGS_CHTA += -DTPF_HAVE_NSD</tt>"
-            to either <tt>src/chta.mak</tt> or
-            <tt>src/maketpf.cfg</tt>. See "Network Services
-            Database Support" in the
-            <a href="">IBM
-            TPF Product Information Center</a> for details.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p><a id="run-configure"
-               name="run-configure"></a>Run the "Configure"
-               script:</p>
-            <p class="indented"><b><tt>export TPF=YES; export
-            TPF64BIT=YES<br />
-             ./Configure</tt></b></p>
-            <table class="indented">
-                <tr>
-                    <td class="output">
-                        <pre>
+<h2><a id="top" name="top"></a>Installing the Apache 1.3 HTTP Server on z/TPF</h2>
+<hr />
+[ <a href="#download">Download</a> |
+<a href="#setup">MakeTPF Setup</a> |
+<a href="#compilation">Compilation</a> |
+<a href="#installation">Installation</a> |
+<a href="#activation">Activation</a>&nbsp;]
+<hr />
+<p>This document outlines the steps needed to install Apache onto an IBM z/TPF
+Enterprise Edition V1 R1 system. (There are separate
+<a href="install-tpf.html">installation instructions for TPF4.1</a>.)</p>
+<p>You should first review <a href="readme-tpf.html">readme-tpf.html</a> for
+basic information on the port of Apache to TPF including a list of supported
+<p>The allocated <tt>CHTA</tt> program name is used throughout these
+instructions to refer to Apache. You can use a different program name if you
+wish.<br />
+Likewise the directory structure <tt>opensource/apache/src</tt> is used for the
+Apache source code directory. You can use different directories than
+<tt>opensource/apache</tt> if you wish.</p>
+<p>If you change the program or directory names be sure to change the entries
+shown in these instructions, all MakeTPF-related files, and the sample files
+accordingly.</p><br />
+<h2><a id="download" name="download"></a>Download</h2>
+<p>Releases of the Apache server are compressed into a "tarball" file which
+must be downloaded to your PC.  Additionally the source code from the tarball
+will need to be copied onto your Linux build system for compiling. Here are all
+the details on how to get Apache and how to get it where it needs to be:</p>
+   <li><p>Download the compressed Apache 1.3 files (the "tarball") from
+   <a href=""></a>
+   to your PC.  The file name on the web site will be
+   <tt>apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>.tar.Z</tt>, where "<tt><i>vv</i></tt>" is the
+   version number.  Replaced "<tt><i>vv</i></tt>" throughout these instructions
+   with the actual version number.</p>
+   <p><font color="#CC6600"><font size="+1">TIP:</font></font>Be sure to keep
+   the <tt>.tar.Z</tt> extension when saving the file.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Decompress the tarball on your PC using WinZip or some other PC
+   decompression tool.</p>
+   <p><font color="#CC6600"><font size="+1">TIP:</font></font>If you are using
+   WinZip verify that the <i>"TAR File Smart CR/LF Conversion"</i> option
+   (under Options, Configuration) is <em>not</em> checked.</p>
+   <p>This is what you can expect if you use WinZip:</p>
+   <ul>
+      <li>open the tarball with WinZip (this can usually be done simply by
+      double-clicking on the downloaded tarball)</li>
+      <li>you will be told that the archive contains one file
+      (apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>.tar) - allow WinZip to decompress it to a
+      temporary folder</li>
+      <li>extract the archived files onto your PC - you'll be using files from
+      the&nbsp; <tt>conf, htdocs,</tt> and <tt>icons</tt> directories later in
+      the install phase<br /><br /></li>
+   </ul>
+   </li>
+   <li><p>FTP the tarball to your Linux build machine using binary mode:</p>
+   <ul>
+      <li>activate FTP in an MSDOS window:<br />
+      <b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ftp&nbsp;<i></i></tt></b>&nbsp;</li>
+      <li>sign in&nbsp;</li>
+      <li>set mode to binary:&nbsp;&nbsp;<b><tt>binary</tt></b>&nbsp;</li>
+      <li>send the file to your Linux build machine:<br />
+      <b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;send&nbsp;"c:/<i>path</i>/apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>.tar.Z"&nbsp;apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>.tar.Z</tt></b></li>
+      <li>exit FTP:&nbsp;&nbsp;<b><tt>bye</tt></b></li>
+   </ul>
+   <p><font color="#CC6600"><font size="+1">TIP:</font></font> Linux file names
+   are case sensitive.</p></li>
+   <li><p>On your Linux build machine, decompress and extract the archived
+   files necessary for compiling Apache:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><b><tt>tar -xzkf apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>.tar.Z "*/src"</tt></b></p>
+   <p>Note that the following "<tt>src</tt>" subdirectories are not used for
+   Apache on z/TPF and may be removed if desired:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><tt>lib/expat-lite</tt>, <tt>lib/sdbm</tt>,
+   <tt>regex</tt>, and all <tt>os</tt> subdirectories except for
+   <tt>os/tpf</tt>.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Create header files that are automatically generated for other
+   platforms but are not for z/TPF:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><b><tt>cp apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>/src/os/tpf/samples/test_char.txt&nbsp;&nbsp;apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>/src/main/test_char.h<br />
+   cp apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>/src/os/tpf/samples/uri_delims.txt
+   apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>/src/main/uri_delims.h</tt></b></p></li>
+</ol><br />
+<h2><a id="setup" name="setup"></a>MakeTPF Setup</h2>
+   <li><p>Move the source code into your desired directory structure for
+   MakeTPF with the following entries.<br />
+   Replace "<tt>foobar</tt>" below with your actual directory name:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><b><tt>export AROOT="foobar/opensource/apache"<br />
+   mkdir -p $AROOT<br />
+   mv apache_1.3.<i>vv</i>/* $AROOT<br />
+   </tt></b></p></li>
+   <li><p>CHTA is already in the <tt>tpf_app_base.cntl</tt> control file.
+   Adjust any settings if necessary.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Create an environment file for Apache named <tt>maketpf.env_apache</tt>
+   using <tt>$AROOT/src/os/tpf/samples/sample_env.txt</tt> as a guide.<br />
+   Place <tt>maketpf.env_apache</tt> in the same directory as your other
+   environment files.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Create a .mak file for Apache named <tt>$AROOT/src/chta.mak</tt>
+   using <tt>$AROOT/src/os/tpf/samples/sample_mak.txt</tt> as a guide<br />
+   Verify that the <tt>maketpf_env</tt> assignments in <tt>chta.mak</tt> are
+   correct for your build environment.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Create a configuration file named <tt>$AROOT/src/maketpf.cfg</tt>.<br />
+   Ensure that the first assignment of <tt>TPF_ROOT</tt> in <tt>maketpf.cfg</tt>
+   is the absolute path to your "<tt>foobar</tt>" directory.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Later if you want to include Apache in your full build add
+   <tt>APACHE=YES</tt> to the <tt>CONFIG</tt> macro in your Stage 1 deck.<br />
+   Then reassemble the SIP deck (<tt>sip.asm</tt>) to update the SIP generated
+   build files with the <tt>APACHE</tt> function switch enabled.</p></li>
+</ol><br />
+<h2><a id="compilation" name="compilation"></a>Compilation</h2>
+   <li><p>Switch to the Apache source code subdirectory:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><b><tt>cd $AROOT/src</tt></b></p></li>
+   <li><p>Overlay src/Configuration with src/Configuration.tmpl:</p>
+   <p class="indented">
+   <b><tt>cp&nbsp;Configuration.tmpl&nbsp;Configuration</tt></b></p></li>
+   <li><p>The src/Configuration file controls which optional modules are
+   compiled into Apache.<br />
+   Leave the file as-is if you want to use the default set of modules.<br />
+   Otherwise edit the src/Configuration file to customize which modules are
+   used:</p>
+   <ul>
+      <li>Comment out (by preceding the line with a "#") lines corresponding
+      to those modules you do <em>not</em> wish to include.</li>
+      <li>Uncomment (by removing the initial "#", if present) lines corresponding
+      to those modules you wish to include.<br />
+      (The <a href="readme-tpf.html">readme-tpf.html</a> document lists the
+      modules that have been tested on TPF).</li>
+      <li>Add lines for any custom or third party modules you wish to include.<br />
+      The modules placed in the Apache distribution are the ones that have been
+      tested and are used regularly by various members of the Apache development
+      group. Additional modules contributed by members or third parties with
+      specific needs or functions are available at
+      <a href=""></a>.
+      There are instructions on that page for linking these modules into the core Apache code.<br />
+      &nbsp;</li>
+   </ul>
+   </li>
+   <li><p>If you would like to use the TCP/IP network services database add
+   "<tt>CFLAGS_CHTA += -DTPF_HAVE_NSD</tt>" to either <tt>src/chta.mak</tt> or
+   <tt>src/maketpf.cfg</tt>. See "Network Services Database Support" in the
+   <a href="">IBM TPF Product Information Center</a>
+   for details.</p></li>
+   <li><p><a id="run-configure" name="run-configure"></a>Run the "Configure"
+   script:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><b><tt>export TPF=YES; export TPF64BIT=YES<br />
+   ./Configure</tt></b></p>
+   <table class="indented" summary="Configure output">
+   <tr><td class="output"><pre>
 Using config file: Configuration
 Creating Makefile
 + configured for TPF platform
 + setting C compiler to c89
-+ setting C pre-processor to /usr/bin/cpp 
++ setting C pre-processor to /usr/bin/cpp
 + using "tr [a-z] [A-Z]" to uppercase
 + checking for system header files
 + adding selected modules
@@ -321,251 +234,182 @@
 Creating Makefile in main
 Creating Makefile in modules/standard
-                        </pre>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-            </table>
-            <p>This generates modules.c and the apache.modules text
-            file for use later by MakeTPF.<br />
-             (Other files created by <tt>Configure</tt> are
-            <em>not</em> used on z/TPF such as
-            include/ap_config_auto.h and the various Makefiles, so
-            don't be concerned that the C compiler and
-            pre-processor shown in the <tt>Configure</tt> output
-            are incorrect.)</p>
-            <p class="indented">Use the <tt>-file</tt> option if
-            you want to maintain multiple configurations:</p>
-            <p class="indented">
-            <b><tt>./Configure&nbsp;-file&nbsp;Configuration.2nd</tt></b></p>
-            <table class="indented">
-                <tr>
-                    <td class="output">
-                        <pre>
+   </table>
+   <p>This generates modules.c and the apache.modules text file for use later
+   by MakeTPF.<br />
+   (Other files created by <tt>Configure</tt> are <em>not</em> used on z/TPF
+   such as include/ap_config_auto.h and the various Makefiles, so don't be
+   concerned that the C compiler and pre-processor shown in the
+   <tt>Configure</tt> output are incorrect.)</p>
+   <p class="indented">Use the <tt>-file</tt> option if you want to maintain
+   multiple configurations:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><b><tt>./Configure&nbsp;-file&nbsp;Configuration.2nd</tt></b></p>
+   <table class="indented" summary="Configure output using -file">
+   <tr><td class="output"><pre>
 Using config file: Configuration.2nd
 Creating Makefile
 + configured for TPF platform
 + setting C compiler to c89
 <em>et cetera</em>
-                        </pre>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-            </table>&nbsp;
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Edit src/os/tpf/os.h if you do <em>not</em> want the
-            scoreboard kept in shared memory.</p>
-            <p>The default behavior for Apache on all platforms
-            <em>except</em> TPF is to use the file system for
-            maintaining the scoreboard (which holds current Apache
-            children status). The default behavior for Apache on
-            TPF is to use shared memory. This reduces file activity
-            and improves performance.</p>
-            <p>If for some reason you do not want to use shared
-            memory for the scoreboard, you must remove
-            "<tt>#define&nbsp;USE_SHMGET_SCOREBOARD</tt>" from the
-            <tt>os.h</tt>. The change will only take effect after
-            Apache is (re)compiled.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Compile and link Apache:</p>
-            <p class="indented"><b><tt>maketpf chta -f</tt></b></p>
-            <p>
-            <font color="#CC6600"><font size="+1">TIP:</font></font>
-            Apache uses cinet6 from CLTY, which is part of the
-            Internet Daemon (ZINET). Ensure that you link Apache
-            with the proper version of CLTY for your system. If you
-            apply changes to CLTY you should re-link Apache to
-            prevent the <code>inetd_getServer</code> and/or
-            <code>inetd_getServerStatus</code> functions from
-            failing.</p>
-        </li>
-    </ol><br />
-    <center>
-        <h2><a id="installation"
-           name="installation">Installation</a></h2>
-    </center>
-    <ol>
-        <li>
-            <p>Load and activate Apache on your test system.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Ensure that the program name you are using for
-            Apache has <tt>RESTRICT</tt> and <tt>KEY0</tt>
-            authorization:</p>
-            <p class="indented"><tt><b>zdpat chta</b></tt></p>
-            <p>If necessary you can use the <tt>zapat</tt> entry to
-            alter the authorization:</p>
-            <p class="indented"><tt><b>zapat chta restrict
-            key0</b></tt></p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>General documentation for Apache is located at
-            <a href=""></a>
-            and in the HTML pages included with the distribution
-            (tarball) under the <tt>htdocs/manual</tt>
-            directory.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Create the Apache run-time configuration file. The
-            server requires a configuration file to initialize
-            itself during activation.<br />
-	    Copy the distribution version, conf/httpd.conf-dist
-	    from the decompressed tarball on your PC,
-            to conf/httpd.conf and then edit the conf/httpd.conf
-            copy with your site specific information.</p>
-            <p>You must change every occurrence of
-            "<tt>@@ServerRoot@@</tt>" to your document server root
-            (for example "<tt>/usr/local/apache</tt>")</p>
-            <p>You should also add the following line to the
-            httpd.conf file to prevent Apache from doing a host
-            name lookup on your test system:</p>
-            <p class="indented"><tt>ServerName</tt></p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Be sure your Native Stack communications device is
-            active on TPF.<br />
-             Refer to the
-            <a href="">IBM
-            TPF Product Information Center</a> for details.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Using either TFTP or FTP, transfer the configuration
-            file, icons, and web pages to your TPF system. A
-            typical directory structure for Apache is as
-            follows:</p>
-            <p class="indented"><tt>/usr/local/apache/conf<br />
-             /usr/local/apache/logs<br />
-             /usr/local/apache/icons<br />
-             /usr/local/apache/htdocs<br /></tt></p>
-            <p>At a minimum you will need these files on TPF:</p>
-            <p class="indented">
-            <tt>/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf<br />
-             /usr/local/apache/conf/mime.types<br />
-             /usr/local/apache/htdocs/index.html.en<br />
-             /usr/local/apache/htdocs/apache_pb.gif<br /></tt></p>
-            <p>All gif, jpg, and zip files should be transferred as
-            binary; the configuration file and html pages should be
-            transferred as text.</p>
-            <p>Refer to the
-            <a href="">IBM
-            TPF Product Information Center</a> for details on TFTP
-            and FTP.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>The logs directory must exist and be accessible in
-            order to avoid an <tt>fopen</tt> error while running
-            Apache:</p>
-            <p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile mkdir
-            /usr/local/apache/logs<br />
-             zfile chmod 777
-            /usr/local/apache/logs<br /></tt></b></p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Add Apache to the Internet Daemon's tables using
-            ZINET entries:</p>
-            <p class="indented">
-            <tt><b>zinet&nbsp;add&nbsp;s-apache&nbsp;pgm-chta&nbsp;model-daemon&nbsp;user-root</b></tt></p>
-            <p>Refer to the
-            <a href="">IBM
-            TPF Product Information Center</a> for details on the
-            Internet Daemon and ZINET commands.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Start the server:</p>
-            <p class="indented">
-            <b><tt>zinet&nbsp;start&nbsp;s-apache</tt></b></p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p>Verify Apache was successfully started:</p>
-            <p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile cat
-            /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log</tt></b></p>
-            <p>The output should be similar to this:</p>
-            <table class="indented">
-                <tr>
-		    <td class="output">
-<pre>[<i>timestamp</i>] [notice] Apache/1.3.<i>vv</i> (TPF) configured -- resuming normal operations
-[<i>timestamp</i>] [notice] Accept mutex: tpfcore (Default: tpfcore)</pre>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-            </table>
-            <p>If there are severe errors correct the conf file and
-            restart the server:</p>
-            <p class="indented">
-            <b><tt>zinet&nbsp;stop&nbsp;s-apache</tt></b><br />
-             correct the httpd.conf file and transfer it to
-            TPF<br />
-             <b><tt>zfile&nbsp;rm&nbsp;/usr/local/apache/logs/error_log</tt></b><br />
-             <b><tt>zinet&nbsp;start&nbsp;s-apache</tt></b></p>
-        </li>
-    </ol>
-    <br />
-    <center>
-        <h2><a id="activation"
-           name="activation"></a>Activation</h2>
-    </center>
-    <ol>
-	    <li><p>Request a page from your browser:</p>
-            <p class="indented">
-            <tt><b>http://<i>xx.xx.xx.xx</i></b></tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(where
-            <i>xx.xx.xx.xx</i> is your test system IP address)</p>
-        </li>
-    </ol>
-    <hr />
-    <center>
-        [ <a href="#top">top</a> | <a href="#download">Download</a>
-        [ <a href="#setup">MakeTPF Setup</a> |
-        <a href="#compilation">Compilation</a> |
-        <a href="#installation">Installation</a> |
-        <a href="#activation">Activation</a>&nbsp;]
-    </center>
+   </table>&nbsp;</li>
+   <li><p>Edit src/os/tpf/os.h if you do <em>not</em> want the scoreboard kept
+   in shared memory.</p>
+   <p>The default behavior for Apache on all platforms <em>except</em> TPF is
+   to use the file system for maintaining the scoreboard (which holds current
+   Apache children status). The default behavior for Apache on TPF is to use
+   shared memory. This reduces file activity and improves performance.</p>
+   <p>If for some reason you do not want to use shared memory for the
+   scoreboard, you must remove "<tt>#define&nbsp;USE_SHMGET_SCOREBOARD</tt>"
+   from the <tt>os.h</tt>. The change will only take effect after Apache is
+   (re)compiled.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Compile and link Apache:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><b><tt>maketpf chta -f</tt></b></p>
+   <p><font color="#CC6600"><font size="+1">TIP:</font></font>Apache uses
+   cinet6 from CLTY, which is part of the Internet Daemon (ZINET). Ensure that
+   you link Apache with the proper version of CLTY for your system. If you
+   apply changes to CLTY you should re-link Apache to prevent the
+   <code>inetd_getServer</code> and/or <code>inetd_getServerStatus</code>
+   functions from failing.</p></li>
+</ol><br />
+<h2><a id="installation" name="installation">Installation</a></h2>
+   <li><p>Load and activate Apache on your test system.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Ensure that the program name you are using for Apache has
+   <tt>RESTRICT</tt> and <tt>KEY0</tt> authorization:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><tt><b>zdpat chta</b></tt></p>
+   <p>If necessary you can use the <tt>zapat</tt> entry to alter the
+   authorization:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><tt><b>zapat chta restrict key0</b></tt></p></li>
+   <li><p>General documentation for Apache is located at
+   <a href=""></a>
+   and in the HTML pages included with the distribution (tarball) under the
+   <tt>htdocs/manual</tt> directory.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Create the Apache run-time configuration file. The server requires a
+   configuration file to initialize
+   itself during activation.<br />
+   Copy the distribution version, conf/httpd.conf-dist from the decompressed
+   tarball on your PC, to conf/httpd.conf and then edit the conf/httpd.conf
+   copy with your site specific information.</p>
+   <p>You must change every occurrence of "<tt>@@ServerRoot@@</tt>" to your
+   document server root (for example "<tt>/usr/local/apache</tt>")</p>
+   <p>You should also add the following line to the httpd.conf file to prevent
+   Apache from doing a host name lookup on your test system:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><tt>ServerName</tt></p></li>
+   <li><p>Be sure your Native Stack communications device is active on TPF.<br />
+   Refer to the
+   <a href="">IBM TPF Product Information Center</a>
+   for details.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Using either TFTP or FTP, transfer the configuration file, icons,
+   and web pages to your TPF system. A typical directory structure for Apache
+   is as follows:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><tt>/usr/local/apache/conf<br />
+   /usr/local/apache/logs<br />
+   /usr/local/apache/icons<br />
+   /usr/local/apache/htdocs<br /></tt></p>
+   <p>At a minimum you will need these files on TPF:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><tt>/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf<br />
+   /usr/local/apache/conf/mime.types<br />
+   /usr/local/apache/htdocs/index.html.en<br />
+   /usr/local/apache/htdocs/apache_pb.gif<br /></tt></p>
+   <p>All gif, jpg, and zip files should be transferred as binary; the
+   configuration file and html pages should be transferred as text.</p>
+   <p>Refer to the
+   <a href="">IBM TPF Product Information Center</a>
+   for details on TFTP and FTP.</p></li>
+   <li><p>The logs directory must exist and be accessible in order to avoid an
+   <tt>fopen</tt> error while running Apache:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile mkdir /usr/local/apache/logs<br />
+   zfile chmod 777 /usr/local/apache/logs<br /></tt></b></p></li>
+   <li><p>Add Apache to the Internet Daemon's tables using ZINET entries:</p>
+   <p class="indented">
+   <tt><b>zinet&nbsp;add&nbsp;s-<i>apache</i>&nbsp;pgm-chta&nbsp;model-daemon&nbsp;user-root</b></tt></p>
+   <p>Refer to the
+   <a href="">IBM TPF Product Information Center</a>
+   for details on the Internet Daemon and ZINET commands.</p></li>
+   <li><p>Start the server:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><b><tt>zinet&nbsp;start&nbsp;s-<i>apache</i></tt></b></p></li>
+   <li><p>Verify Apache was successfully started:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile cat /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log</tt></b></p>
+   <p>The output should be similar to this:</p>
+   <table class="indented" summary="vi instructions">
+   <tr><td class="output"><pre>
+[<i>timestamp</i>] [notice] Apache/1.3.<i>vv</i> (TPF) configured -- resuming normal operations
+[<i>timestamp</i>] [notice] Accept mutex: tpfcore (Default: tpfcore)
+   </table>
+   <p>If there are severe errors correct the conf file and restart the server:</p>
+   <p class="indented"><b><tt>zinet&nbsp;stop&nbsp;s-<i>apache</i></tt></b><br />
+   correct the httpd.conf file and transfer it to TPF<br />
+   <b><tt>zfile&nbsp;rm&nbsp;/usr/local/apache/logs/error_log</tt></b><br />
+   <b><tt>zinet&nbsp;start&nbsp;s-<i>apache</i></tt></b></p></li>
+</ol><br />
+<h2><a id="activation" name="activation"></a>Activation</h2>
+   <li><p>Request a page from your browser:</p>
+   <p class="indented">
+   <tt><b>http://<i>xx.xx.xx.xx</i></b></tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(where
+   <i>xx.xx.xx.xx</i> is your test system IP address)</p></li>
+<hr />
+[ <a href="#top">top</a> | <a href="#download">Download</a>
+[ <a href="#setup">MakeTPF Setup</a> |
+<a href="#compilation">Compilation</a> |
+<a href="#installation">Installation</a> |
+<a href="#activation">Activation</a>&nbsp;]
+<hr />

Modified: httpd/httpd/branches/1.3.x/htdocs/manual/readme-tpf.html
--- httpd/httpd/branches/1.3.x/htdocs/manual/readme-tpf.html (original)
+++ httpd/httpd/branches/1.3.x/htdocs/manual/readme-tpf.html Fri Aug 18 15:39:36 2006
@@ -3,354 +3,365 @@
 <html xmlns="">
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
-          content="text/html; charset=us-ascii" />
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii" />
-    <title>The Apache TPF Port</title>
-    <style type="text/css">
-    /*<![CDATA[*/
-    <!-- 
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-            .output { padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; background-color: #dadada;  }
-            .nobr { white-space: nowrap; } 
-            --> 
-    /*]]>*/
+<title>The Apache TPF Port</title>
+<style type="text/css">
+   /*<![CDATA[*/ <!--
+   .indented { margin-left: 25pt; }
+   .output { padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; background-color: #dadada;  }
+   .nobr { white-space: nowrap; }
+   --> /*]]>*/
-    <center>
-        <h2><a id="top"
-           name="top"></a> Overview of the Apache TPF Port</h2>
-        <hr />
-        [
-        <a href="#configuration_files">Configuration&nbsp;Files</a>
-        | <a href="#whats_available">What's&nbsp;Available</a> |
-        <a href="#cgi">CGI&nbsp;Scripts</a> |
-        <a href="#options">Options</a> |
-        <a href="#syslog">Syslog</a> |
-        <a href="#porting_notes">Porting&nbsp;Notes</a>&nbsp;] 
-        <hr />
-    </center>
+<h2><a id="top" name="top"></a> Overview of the Apache TPF Port</h2>
+<hr />
+<a href="#configuration_files">Configuration&nbsp;Files</a>
+| <a href="#whats_available">What's&nbsp;Available</a>
+| <a href="#cgi">CGI&nbsp;Scripts</a>
+| <a href="#options">Options</a>
+| <a href="#syslog">Syslog</a>
+| <a href="#porting_notes">Porting&nbsp;Notes</a>&nbsp;]
+<hr />
-    <p>Apache includes changes allowing it to run on IBM's
-    EBCDIC-based
-    <a href="">TPF</a>
-    (Transaction Processing Facility) operating system. This builds
-    on the
-    <a href="">EBCDIC
-    changes</a> previously made to Apache.</p>
+<p>Apache includes changes allowing it to run on IBM's EBCDIC-based
+<a href="">TPF</a> (Transaction
+Processing Facility) operating system. This builds on the
+<a href="">EBCDIC changes</a>
+previously made to Apache.</p>
-    <p>Refer to either the <a href="install-tpf.html">TPF4.1
-    installation</a> or <a href="install-ztpf.html">z/TPF1.1
-    installation</a> documents for step-by-step build
-    instructions.</p>
+<p>Refer to either the <a href="install-tpf.html">TPF4.1 installation</a> or
+<a href="install-ztpf.html">z/TPF1.1 installation</a> documents for
+step-by-step build instructions.</p>
-    <p>If you would like to be notified when new versions of Apache
-    are released consider joining the
-    <a href="">announcements
-    list</a>.</p><br />
+<p>If you would like to be notified when new versions of Apache are released
+consider joining the
+<a href="">announcements list</a>.</p><br />
+<h2><a id="configuration_files" name="configuration_files"></a>Apache Configuration Files</h2>
-    <center>
-        <h2><a id="configuration_files"
-           name="configuration_files"></a>Apache Configuration
-           Files</h2>
-    </center>
+<p>The distributed configuration files (httpd.conf-dist and mime.types, both
+located in the conf subdirectory) work on TPF with the following caveats:</p>
-    <p>The distributed configuration files (httpd.conf-dist and
-    mime.types, both located in the conf subdirectory) work on TPF
-    with the following caveats:</p>
+   <li>Apache on TPF does not support listening on multiple ports.</li>
-    <ul>
-        <li>Apache on TPF does not support listening on multiple
-        ports.</li>
+   <li>Performance considerations may dictate lowering the default values for
+   TimeOut (5 minutes) and KeepAliveTimeout (15 seconds) in order to reduce the
+   number of active ECBs on your system.</li>
-        <li>Performance considerations may dictate setting
-        KeepAlive to "Off" (the default is "On") or lowering the
-        Timeout value from the default 300 seconds (5 minutes) in
-        order to reduce the number of active ECBs on your
-        system.</li>
+   <li>The default value of MaxRequestsPerChild is zero (infinity). A non-zero
+   value is recommended on TPF to control resource utilization (such as heap
+   storage) by the long running Apache child ECBs.</li>
-        <li>The default value of MaxRequestsPerChild is zero
-        (infinity). A non-zero value is recommended on TPF to
-        control resource utilization (such as heap storage) by the
-        long running Apache child ECBs.</li>
+   <li>Depending on your typical response size, the SendBufferSize directive
+   can be useful for setting SO_SNDBUF higher than the 32KB default buffer size
+   for Native Stack.</li>
-        <li>Unlike on Unix systems, newly created Apache child
-        processes on TPF re-read the various configuration files
-        (such as httpd.conf and mime.types). Be sure to stop and
-        restart Apache after changing configuration files so that
-        the Apache parent process and all child processes are in
-        sync.</li>
-    </ul><br />
-    <center>
-        <h2><a id="whats_available"
-           name="whats_available"></a> What's Available in this
-           Version</h2>
-    </center>
+<p>Unlike on Unix systems, newly created Apache child processes on TPF re-read
+the various configuration files (such as httpd.conf and mime.types). <br />
+Therefore when you change the configuration file(s) you should manually restart
+the server to keep the Apache parent process and all child processes in sync.
+There are several ways to restart Apache on TPF:</p>
-    <p>Unless otherwise noted either TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT09 or z/TPF1.1
-    is required for the server to function on TPF.</p>
+<ul style="list-style: none;">
-    <p>The Apache organization provides
-    <a href="">online
-    documentation</a> describing the various modules and components
-    of the server.</p>
+   <li><b>zinet stop/start</b>
+   <p><tt>zinet stop s-<i>apache</i></tt> followed by a <br />
+   <tt>zinet start s-<i>apache</i></tt></p>
-    <h3>Components/modules tested on TPF:</h3>
+   <p>The Apache parent tells its children to immediately exit, even if they're
+   processing a request.  Once the children exit, the parent exits.</p></li>
-    <ul>
-        <li>alloc.c</li>
+   <li><b>"stop now" sigterm signal</b>
+   <p><tt>zfile kill -s sigterm <i>apache_parent_pid</i></tt> or <br />
+   <tt>zfile kill -s sigterm `cat /usr/local/apache/logs/`</tt></p>
-        <li>ap_base64.c</li>
+   <p>The Apache parent tells its children to immediately exit, even if they're
+   processing a request.  Once the children exit, the parent exits.  For the
+   DAEMON model, InetD (ZINET) will create a new Apache parent to replace the
+   one that exited.</p></li>
-        <li>ap_checkpass.c</li>
+   <li><b>"restart now" sighup signal</b>
+   <p><tt>zfile kill -s sighup <i>apache_parent_pid</i></tt> or <br />
+   <tt>zfile kill -s sighup `cat /usr/local/apache/logs/`</tt></p>
-        <li>ap_cpystrn.c</li>
+   <p>The Apache parent tells its children to immediately exit, even if they're
+   processing a request.  Then the existing parent re-reads the configuration
+   file(s) and creates new children to replace the exiting ones.</p></li>
-        <li>ap_ebcdic.c</li>
+   <li><b>"graceful restart" sigusr1 signal</b>
+   <p><tt>zfile kill -s sigusr1 <i>apache_parent_pid</i></tt> or <br />
+   <tt>zfile kill -s sigusr1 `cat /usr/local/apache/logs/`</tt></p>
-        <li>ap_fnmatch.c</li>
+   <p>The Apache parent asks its children to exit when they're finished with
+   any requests they're currently handling.  Then the existing parent re-reads
+   the configuration file(s) and creates new children to replace the exiting
+   ones.</p>
+   <p>"Graceful restart" can be used to pick up new configuration files without
+   disrupting traffic.</p></li>
-        <li>ap_md5c.c</li>
+<p>Apache documentation details
+<a href="">Stopping and Restarting Apache</a>.</p>
-        <li>ap_sha1.c</li>
+<p>Please see the Spring 2006 TPFUG
+<a href="">Apache presentation</a>
+(in the Open Source section) for TPF diagrams and additional information on
+start, stop, and restart.</p><br />
-        <li>ap_signal.c</li>
+<h2><a id="whats_available" name="whats_available"></a> What's Available in this Version</h2>
-        <li>ap_slack.c</li>
+<p>Unless otherwise noted either TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT09 or z/TPF1.1 is required for
+the server to function on TPF.</p>
-        <li>ap_snprintf.c</li>
+<p>The Apache organization provides
+<a href="">online documentation</a> describing
+the various modules and components of the server.</p>
-        <li>buff.c</li>
+<h3>Components/modules tested on TPF:</h3>
-        <li>buildmark.c</li>
+   <li>alloc.c</li>
-        <li>http_config.c</li>
+   <li>ap_base64.c</li>
-        <li>http_core.c</li>
+   <li>ap_checkpass.c</li>
-        <li>http_log.c</li>
+   <li>ap_cpystrn.c</li>
-        <li>http_main.c</li>
+   <li>ap_ebcdic.c</li>
-        <li>http_protocol.c</li>
+   <li>ap_fnmatch.c</li>
-        <li>http_request.c</li>
+   <li>ap_md5c.c</li>
-        <li>http_vhost.c</li>
+   <li>ap_sha1.c</li>
-        <li>logresolve.c <em>(requires TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 or
-        z/TPF1.1)</em></li>
+   <li>ap_signal.c</li>
-        <li>mod_access.c <em>(Use of mod_access directives
-        "<tt>allow&nbsp;from</tt>" &amp; "<tt>deny&nbsp;from</tt>"
-        with host <u>names</u> (versus ip addresses) requires
-        TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 or z/TPF1.1)</em></li>
+   <li>ap_slack.c</li>
-        <li>mod_actions.c</li>
+   <li>ap_snprintf.c</li>
-        <li>mod_alias.c</li>
+   <li>buff.c</li>
-        <li>mod_asis.c</li>
+   <li>buildmark.c</li>
-        <li>mod_auth.c</li>
+   <li>http_config.c</li>
-        <li>mod_auth_anon.c</li>
+   <li>http_core.c</li>
-        <li>mod_autoindex.c</li>
+   <li>http_log.c</li>
-        <li>mod_cern_meta.c</li>
+   <li>http_main.c</li>
-        <li>mod_cgi.c <em>(requires TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 or
-        z/TPF1.1)</em></li>
+   <li>http_protocol.c</li>
-        <li>mod_digest.c</li>
+   <li>http_request.c</li>
-        <li>mod_dir.c</li>
+   <li>http_vhost.c</li>
-        <li>mod_env.c</li>
+   <li>logresolve.c <em>(requires TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 or z/TPF1.1)</em></li>
-        <li>mod_example.c</li>
+   <li>mod_access.c <em>(Use of mod_access directives "<tt>allow&nbsp;from</tt>" &amp; "<tt>deny&nbsp;from</tt>"
+   with host <u>names</u> (versus ip addresses) requires TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 or z/TPF1.1)</em></li>
-        <li>mod_expires.c</li>
+   <li>mod_actions.c</li>
-        <li>mod_headers.c</li>
+   <li>mod_alias.c</li>
-        <li>mod_imap.c</li>
+   <li>mod_asis.c</li>
-        <li>mod_include.c <em>(CGI execution requires
-        TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 or z/TPF1.1)</em></li>
+   <li>mod_auth.c</li>
-        <li>mod_info.c</li>
+   <li>mod_auth_anon.c</li>
-        <li>mod_log_agent.c</li>
+   <li>mod_autoindex.c</li>
-        <li>mod_log_config.c</li>
+   <li>mod_cern_meta.c</li>
-        <li>mod_log_forensic.c</li>
+   <li>mod_cgi.c <em>(requires TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 or z/TPF1.1)</em></li>
-        <li>mod_log_referer.c</li>
+   <li>mod_digest.c</li>
-        <li>mod_mime.c</li>
+   <li>mod_dir.c</li>
-        <li>mod_mime_magic.c</li>
+   <li>mod_env.c</li>
-        <li>mod_negotiation.c</li>
+   <li>mod_example.c</li>
-        <li>
-        <a href=""
-        >mod_put.c</a> <em>(third party module)</em></li>
+   <li>mod_expires.c</li>
-        <li>mod_setenvif.c</li>
+   <li>mod_headers.c</li>
-        <li>mod_speling.c</li>
+   <li>mod_imap.c</li>
-        <li>mod_status.c</li>
+   <li>mod_include.c <em>(CGI execution requires TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 or z/TPF1.1)</em></li>
-        <li>mod_tpf_shm_static.c <em>(third party module, requires
-        TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 or z/TPF1.1)</em></li>
+   <li>mod_info.c</li>
-        <li>mod_unique_id.c <em>(requires TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 or
-        z/TPF1.1)</em></li>
+   <li>mod_log_agent.c</li>
-        <li>mod_userdir.c</li>
+   <li>mod_log_config.c</li>
-        <li>mod_usertrack.c</li>
+   <li>mod_log_forensic.c</li>
-        <li>os.c</li>
+   <li>mod_log_referer.c</li>
-        <li>os-inline.c</li>
+   <li>mod_mime.c</li>
-        <li>regular expression parser <em>(used only on
-        TPF4.1)</em></li>
+   <li>mod_mime_magic.c</li>
-        <li>regular expression test tool <em>(used only on TPF4.1;
-        requires TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 )</em></li>
+   <li>mod_negotiation.c</li>
-        <li>rfc1413.c</li>
+   <li><a href="">mod_put.c</a> <em>(third party module)</em></li>
-        <li>rotatelogs.c <em>(requires TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 or
-        z/TPF1.1; on TPF4.1, if PJ27214 is implemented be sure to
-        apply PJ28367)</em></li>
+   <li>mod_setenvif.c</li>
-        <li>syslog <em>(requires TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT13 or z/TPF1.1; see
-        <a href="#syslog">usage</a> instructions)</em></li>
+   <li>mod_speling.c</li>
-        <li>util.c</li>
+   <li>mod_status.c</li>
-        <li>util_date.c</li>
+   <li>mod_tpf_shm_static.c <em>(third party module, requires
+   TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 or z/TPF1.1)</em></li>
-        <li>util_md5.c</li>
+   <li>mod_unique_id.c <em>(requires TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 or z/TPF1.1)</em></li>
-        <li>util_script.c</li>
+   <li>mod_userdir.c</li>
-        <li>util_uri.c</li>
-    </ul>
+   <li>mod_usertrack.c</li>
-    <h3>Components/modules not yet supported on TPF:</h3>
+   <li>os.c</li>
-    <ul>
-        <li>htdigest.c</li>
+   <li>os-inline.c</li>
-        <li>htpasswd.c</li>
+   <li>regular expression parser <em>(used only on TPF4.1)</em></li>
-        <li>lib/expat-lite</li>
+   <li>rfc1413.c</li>
-        <li>lib/sdbm</li>
+   <li>rotatelogs.c <em>(requires TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT 10 or z/TPF1.1; on TPF4.1,
+   if PJ27214 is implemented be sure to apply PJ28367)</em></li>
-        <li>mod_auth_digest.c</li>
+   <li>syslog <em>(requires TPF4.1&nbsp;PUT13 or z/TPF1.1; see
+   <a href="#syslog">usage</a> instructions)</em></li>
-        <li>mod_proxy.c</li>
+   <li>util.c</li>
-        <li>mod_rewrite.c</li>
+   <li>util_date.c</li>
-        <li>mod_vhost_alias.c</li>
+   <li>util_md5.c</li>
-        <li>proxy_cache.c</li>
+   <li>util_script.c</li>
-        <li>proxy_connect.c</li>
+   <li>util_uri.c</li>
-        <li>proxy_ftp.c</li>
-        <li>proxy_http.c</li>
+<h3>Components/modules not yet supported on TPF:</h3>
-        <li>proxy_util.c</li>
-    </ul>
+   <li>htdigest.c</li>
-    <h3>Components/modules that don't apply or that probably won't
-    ever be available on TPF:</h3>
+   <li>htpasswd.c</li>
-    <ul>
-        <li>ab.c</li>
+   <li>lib/expat-lite</li>
-        <li>ap_getpass.c</li>
+   <li>lib/sdbm</li>
-        <li>mod_auth_db.c</li>
+   <li>mod_auth_digest.c</li>
-        <li>mod_auth_dbm.c</li>
+   <li>mod_proxy.c</li>
-        <li>mod_auth_db.module</li>
+   <li>mod_rewrite.c</li>
-        <li>mod_mmap_static.c</li>
+   <li>mod_vhost_alias.c</li>
-        <li>mod_so.c</li>
+   <li>proxy_cache.c</li>
-        <li>suexec.c</li>
-    </ul><br />
+   <li>proxy_connect.c</li>
-    <center>
-        <h2><a id="cgi"
-           name="cgi"></a>How to Use CGI Scripts</h2>
-    </center>
+   <li>proxy_ftp.c</li>
-    <p>The following is a very simple example of a CGI script
-    ("Hello World") and the necessary steps to run it.<br />
-     Refer to the
-    <a href="">mod_cgi
-    module</a> for additional information.</p>
+   <li>proxy_http.c</li>
-    <h3>Add necessary directives to httpd.conf:</h3>
+   <li>proxy_util.c</li>
-    <p>Example:</p>
+<h3>Components/modules that don't apply or that probably won't ever be
+   available on TPF:</h3>
-    <p class="indented"><tt>ScriptLog logs/script_log<br />
-     ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/</tt></p>
+   <li>ab.c</li>
-    <p>A request for
-    <tt>http://</tt><i>myserver</i><tt>/cgi-bin/filename.cgi</tt>
-    would cause the server to run the script
-    <span class="nobr"><tt>/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/filename.cgi</tt></span></p>
+   <li>ap_getpass.c</li>
-    <h3>Create the CGI script:</h3>
+   <li>mod_auth_db.c</li>
-    <p>For this example <tt>QZZ1</tt> is the name of the TPF
-    program that will be executed by the CGI script.<br />
-     The directory path must match what is in the httpd.conf file
-    for <tt>ScriptAlias</tt> directive.</p>
+   <li>mod_auth_dbm.c</li>
-    <p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile echo "#!QZZ1" &gt;
-    /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/filename.cgi<br />
-     zfile cat
-    /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/filename.cgi&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></b>
-    (expected output:&nbsp;<tt>#!QZZ1</tt>)</p>
+   <li>mod_auth_db.module</li>
-    <h3>Mark the script as executable:</h3>
+   <li>mod_mmap_static.c</li>
-    <p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile chmod 755
-    /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/filename.cgi</tt></b></p>
+   <li>mod_so.c</li>
-    <h3>Create, load, and activate the CGI program (QZZ1) on
-    TPF:</h3>
+   <li>suexec.c</li>
-    <table class="indented">
-        <tr>
-            <td class="output">
-                <pre>
+</ul><br />
+<h2><a id="cgi" name="cgi"></a>How to Use CGI Scripts</h2>
+<p>The following is a very simple example of a CGI script ("Hello World") and
+the necessary steps to run it.<br />
+Refer to the
+<a href="">mod_cgi module</a>
+for additional information.</p>
+<h3>Add necessary directives to httpd.conf:</h3>
+<p class="indented"><tt>ScriptLog logs/script_log<br />
+ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/</tt></p>
+<p>A request for <tt>http://</tt><i>myserver</i><tt>/cgi-bin/filename.cgi</tt>
+would cause the server to run the script
+<span class="nobr"><tt>/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/filename.cgi</tt></span></p>
+<h3>Create the CGI script:</h3>
+<p>For this example <tt>QZZ1</tt> is the name of the TPF program that will be
+executed by the CGI script.<br />
+The directory path must match what is in the httpd.conf file for
+<tt>ScriptAlias</tt> directive.</p>
+<p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile echo "#!QZZ1" &gt; /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/filename.cgi<br />
+zfile cat /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/filename.cgi&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></b>
+(expected output:&nbsp;<tt>#!QZZ1</tt>)</p>
+<h3>Mark the script as executable:</h3>
+<p class="indented">
+<b><tt>zfile chmod 755 /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/filename.cgi</tt></b></p>
+<h3>Create, load, and activate the CGI program (QZZ1) on TPF:</h3>
+<table class="indented" summary="CGI example"><tr><td class="output"><pre>
 /* QZZ1-- simple "Hello world" program to demonstrate basic CGI output */
 #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
@@ -364,425 +375,361 @@
    printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n");
-   printf("&lt;head&gt;&lt;title&gt;CGI Output&lt;title&gt;&lt;head&gt;\n");
-   printf("&lt;body&gt;\n");
-   printf("&lt;h1&gt;Hello world.&lt;h1&gt;\n");
+   printf("&lt;head&gt;&lt;title&gt;CGI Output&lt;/title&gt;&lt;/head&gt;\n");
-   printf("&lt;html&gt;\n");
+   printf("&lt;h1&gt;Hello world.&lt;/h1&gt;\n");
+   printf("&lt;/body&gt;\n");
+   printf("&lt;/html&gt;\n");
-                </pre>
-            </td>
-        </tr>
-    </table>
-    <h3>Request the CGI script from a browser:</h3>
+<h3>Request the CGI script from a browser:</h3>
-    <p class="indented">
-    <tt>http://</tt><i>myserver</i><tt>/cgi-bin/filename.cgi</tt></p>
+<p class="indented"><tt>http://</tt><i>myserver</i><tt>/cgi-bin/filename.cgi</tt></p>
-    <center>
-        <br />
+<br />
+<h2><a id="options" name="options">How to Use Apache's "Dash" Options</a></h2>
-        <h2><a id="options"
-           name="options">How to Use Apache's "Dash"
-           Options</a></h2>
-    </center>
+<h3>Overview of Apache's "dash" options:</h3>
-    <h3>Overview of Apache's "dash" options:</h3>
+<p>Apache can be invoked with various options, such as "-f".  Some of these
+options display information about the server or perform syntax checks but they
+don't actually start the server.  These "information only" options are useful
+with TPF's ZFILE command line feature: -h, -l, -L, -S, -t, -T, -v, and -V.</p>
-    <p>Apache can be invoked with various options, such as "-f".
-    Some of these options display information about the server or
-    perform syntax checks but they don't actually start the server.
-    These "information only" options are useful with TPF's ZFILE
-    command line feature: -h, -l, -L, -S, -t, -T, -v, and -V.</p>
+<p>Another option, -X, is used when actually running the server. It is passed
+to Apache through the ZINET XPARM field since ZINET is the only way to start
+the server on TPF.</p>
-    <p>Another option, -X, is used when actually running the
-    server. It is passed to Apache through the ZINET XPARM field
-    since ZINET is the only way to start the server on TPF.</p>
+<p>A third group of options apply to both the informational displays (ZFILE)
+and running the server (ZINET XPARM): -d, -D and -f.</p>
-    <p>A third group of options apply to both the informational
-    displays (ZFILE) and running the server (ZINET XPARM): -d, -D
-    and -f.</p>
+<p>The rest of Apache's options are either not applicable or are not supported
+on TPF.</p>
-    <p>The rest of Apache's options are either not applicable or
-    are not supported on TPF.</p>
+<p>On TPF4.1 using dash options requires PJ27277 which shipped on PUT13.</p>
-    <p>On TPF4.1 using dash options requires PJ27277 which shipped
-    on PUT13.</p>
+<h3>Table of supported Apache options</h3>
-    <h3>Table of supported Apache options</h3>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5" summary="Supported Apache options">
+   <td>
+   <b>Option&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></td>
-    <table border="1"
-           cellpadding="5">
-        <tr>
-            <td>
-            <b>Option&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></td>
+   <td><b>ZFILE</b></td>
-            <td><b>ZFILE</b></td>
+   <td><b>ZINET</b></td>
-            <td><b>ZINET</b></td>
+   <td><b>Description</b></td>
-            <td><b>Description</b></td>
-        </tr>
+   <td valign="top"><b>-d</b> <i>path</i></td>
-        <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><b>-d</b> <i>path</i></td>
+   <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
-            <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
+   <td valign="top">ZINET</td>
-            <td valign="top">ZINET</td>
-            <td valign="top">Set the initial value for the
+   <td valign="top">Set the initial value for the
             ServerRoot directive.</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><b>-D</b> <i>define</i></td>
+   <td valign="top"><b>-D</b> <i>define</i></td>
-            <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
+   <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
-            <td valign="top">ZINET</td>
+   <td valign="top">ZINET</td>
-            <td valign="top">Set a configuration parameter which
-            can be used with &lt;IfDefine&gt;...&lt;/IfDefine&gt;
-            sections in the configuration file to conditionally
-            skip or process commands.</td>
-        </tr>
+   <td valign="top">Set a configuration parameter which can be used with
+   &lt;IfDefine&gt;...&lt;/IfDefine&gt; sections in the configuration file to
+   conditionally skip or process commands.</td>
-        <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><b>-f</b> <i>filename</i></td>
-            <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
+   <td valign="top"><b>-f</b> <i>filename</i></td>
-            <td valign="top">ZINET</td>
+   <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
-            <td valign="top">Use an alternate configuration file
-            instead of the default conf/httpd.conf file.</td>
+   <td valign="top">ZINET</td>
+   <td valign="top">Use an alternate configuration file instead of the default
+   conf/httpd.conf file.</td>
-            <td valign="top"><b>-h</b></td>
+   <td valign="top"><b>-h</b></td>
-            <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
+   <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
-            <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+   <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
-            <td valign="top">List a short summary of available
-            command line options then exit. Note that this outputs
-            all options, not just those supported on TPF.</td>
-        </tr>
+   <td valign="top">List a short summary of available command line options then
+   exit. Note that this outputs all options, not just those supported on TPF.</td>
-        <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><b>-l</b></td>
+   <td valign="top"><b>-l</b></td>
-            <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
+   <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
-            <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+   <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
-            <td valign="top">List modules compiled into the server
-            then exit.</td>
-        </tr>
+   <td valign="top">List modules compiled into the server then exit.</td>
-        <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><b>-L</b></td>
+   <td valign="top"><b>-L</b></td>
-            <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
+   <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
-            <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+   <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
-            <td valign="top">List available configuration
-            directives then exit. Note that this outputs all
-            configuration directives, not just those supported on
-            TPF.</td>
-        </tr>
+   <td valign="top">List available configuration directives then exit. Note
+   that this outputs all configuration directives, not just those supported on
+   TPF.</td>
-        <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><b>-S</b></td>
+   <td valign="top"><b>-S</b></td>
-            <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
+   <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
-            <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+   <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
-            <td valign="top">Show the settings as parsed from the
-            configuration file then exit. Currently Apache only
-            shows the virtual host settings.</td>
-        </tr>
+   <td valign="top">Show the settings as parsed from the configuration file
+   then exit. Currently Apache only shows the virtual host settings.</td>
-        <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><b>-t</b></td>
+   <td valign="top"><b>-t</b></td>
-            <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
+   <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
-            <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+   <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
-            <td valign="top">Run syntax tests for configuration
-            files with document root checks then exit.</td>
-        </tr>
+   <td valign="top">Run syntax tests for configuration files with document root
+   checks then exit.</td>
-        <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><b>-T</b></td>
+   <td valign="top"><b>-T</b></td>
-            <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
+   <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
-            <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+   <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
-            <td valign="top">Run syntax tests for configuration
+   <td valign="top">Run syntax tests for configuration
             files <i>without</i> document root checks then
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><b>-v</b></td>
+   <td valign="top"><b>-v</b></td>
-            <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
+   <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
-            <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+   <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
-            <td valign="top">Show the version number then
-            exit.</td>
-        </tr>
+   <td valign="top">Show the version number then exit.</td>
-        <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><b>-V</b></td>
+   <td valign="top"><b>-V</b></td>
-            <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
+   <td valign="top">ZFILE</td>
-            <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+   <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
-            <td valign="top">Show the version number and various
-            compile settings then exit.</td>
-        </tr>
+   <td valign="top">Show the version number and various compile settings then
+   exit.</td>
-        <tr>
-            <td valign="top"><b>-X</b></td>
+   <td valign="top"><b>-X</b></td>
-            <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+   <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
-            <td valign="top">ZINET</td>
+   <td valign="top">ZINET</td>
-            <td valign="top">Run in single-process mode for
-            internal debugging purposes only. The parent process
-            does not tpf_fork any children.</td>
-        </tr>
-    </table>
+   <td valign="top">Run in single-process mode for internal debugging purposes
+   only. The parent process does not tpf_fork any children.</td>
-    <p>See
-    <a href=""></a>
-    for more information about these command line options.</p>
+<a href=""></a>
+for more information about these command line options.</p>
-    <h3>Setup for ZFILE examples:</h3>
+<h3>Setup for ZFILE examples:</h3>
-    <p>Ensure Apache (CHTA) is loaded.</p>
+<p>Ensure Apache (CHTA) is loaded.</p>
-    <p>Create the httpd script:</p>
+<p>Create the httpd script:</p>
-    <p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile echo "#!CHTA" &gt;
-    /bin/httpd<br />
-     zfile cat /bin/httpd&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></b> (expected
-    output:&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>#!CHTA</tt>)</p>
+<p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile echo "#!CHTA" &gt; /bin/httpd<br />
+zfile cat /bin/httpd&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></b>
+(expected output:&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>#!CHTA</tt>)</p>
-    <p class="indented">(See "ZFILE-Activate a TPF Segment or
-    Script" in the
-    <a href="">IBM TPF
-    Information Center</a> for additional information.)</p>
+<p class="indented">(See "ZFILE-Activate a TPF Segment or Script" in the
+<a href="">IBM TPF Information Center</a>
+for additional information.)</p>
-    <p>Mark the script as executable:</p>
+<p>Mark the script as executable:</p>
-    <p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile chmod 755
-    /bin/httpd</tt></b></p>
+<p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile chmod 755 /bin/httpd</tt></b></p>
-    <h3>ZFILE example 1:</h3>
+<h3>ZFILE example 1:</h3>
-    <p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile httpd -v</tt></b></p>
+<p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile httpd -v</tt></b></p>
-    <table class="indented">
-        <tr>
-            <td class="output">
-                <pre>
-FILE0001I 11.43.09 START OF DISPLAY FROM httpd -v          
+<table class="indented" summary="ZFILE example 1"><tr><td class="output"><pre>
+FILE0001I 11.43.09 START OF DISPLAY FROM httpd -v
 Server version: Apache/1.3.20 (TPF)
 Server built: May 23 2001 09:39:22
-                </pre>
-            </td>
-        </tr>
-    </table>
-    <h3>ZFILE example 2:</h3>
+<h3>ZFILE example 2:</h3>
-    <p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile httpd -t -f
-    /usr/local/apache/conf/alt.conf</tt></b></p>
+<p class="indented"><b><tt>zfile httpd -t -f /usr/local/apache/conf/alt.conf</tt></b></p>
-    <table class="indented">
-        <tr>
-            <td class="output">
-                <pre>
+<table class="indented" summary="ZFILE example 2">
+   <td class="output"><pre>
 FILE0002I 11.47.26 START OF ERROR DISPLAY FROM httpd -t ...
 Syntax OK
-                </pre>
-            </td>
-        </tr>
-    </table>
+<h3>ZINET XPARM example:</h3>
+<p>This example uses an alternate configuration file called
+<p>Create and transfer your alternate configuration file to your TPF test system.</p>
+<p>Add and start Apache using <tt>ZINET</tt> commands:</p>
+<p class="indented"><b><tt>zinet add s-<i>apache</i> pgm-<i>chta</i>
+model-daemon user-root xparm--f conf/alt.conf<br />
+zinet start s-<i>apache</i></tt></b></p>
+<p>(See "ZINET ADD-Add an Internet Server Application Entry" and "ZINET
+ALTER-Change an Internet Server Application Entry" in the
+<a href="">IBM TPF Information Center</a>
+for more information about using the XPARM field.)</p><br />
+<h2><a id="syslog" name="syslog"></a>Syslog Daemon</h2>
+<h3>Syslog overview:</h3>
+<p>The syslog daemon is a server process that provides a message logging
+facility for application and system processes.  It can be used to write
+messages to log files or to tapes. See "Operating the Syslog Daemon" in the
+<a href="">IBM TPF Information Center</a>.
+And see the Apache ErrorLog
+<a href="">directive documentation</a>
+for details on how to use syslog with Apache.</p>
+<p>On TPF4.1 syslog capabilities were added with PJ27214 which shipped with
+PUT13. You must follow the
+<a href="install-tpf.html#syslog">TPF4.1 syslog-specific installation instructions</a>
+in order to have the option of using syslog with Apache on a TPF4.1 system.
+No additional installation steps are needed for z/TPF1.1 systems.</p>
+<h3>Tips on using syslog with your Apache error log:</h3>
+<p>This section provides some tips on using syslog with Apache.
+It is not meant to replace the syslog documentation in the TPF TCP/IP publication.</p>
+   <li>The syslog daemon will not create files. If you are logging to a file
+   (as specified in the <tt>syslog.conf</tt> configuration file) that file must
+   already exist and have permissions that allow the syslog daemon to write to
+   it.</li>
+   <li>You must restart the syslog daemon for it to recognize changes to its
+   <tt>syslog.conf</tt> configuration file.</li>
+   <li>The syslog daemon must be active prior to starting Apache.</li>
+   <li>To indicate you want to use syslog with your Apache error log add the
+   following directive to your <tt>httpd.conf</tt> file:
+   "<tt>ErrorLog&nbsp;syslog:</tt><i>facility</i>" where <i>facility</i> is
+   "local0" through "local7".</li>
+   <li>Apache will default the facility to "local7" if you omit the facility
+   name from the ErrorLog directive (that is "<tt>ErrorLog&nbsp;syslog</tt>").</li>
+   <li>The syslog facility name must be one that is recognized by both Apache
+   and the syslog.h header file. The facility names "local0" through "local7"
+   are explicitly set aside for your use.</li>
+   <li>Although "local0" through "local7" are recommended user
+   facility names, here is the complete list of names recognized by both
+   Apache and TPF's syslog.h: auth, cron, daemon, kern, local0, local1,
+   local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7, lpr, mail, news,
+   syslog, user, and uucp.</li>
+   <li>You won't see the normal Apache startup/shutdown messages when you
+   use syslog with your Apache error log.</li>
+   <li>Syslog does not support TCP/IP Offload devices (ZCLAW;
+   <em>used only on TPF4.1</em>)</li>
+</ul><br />
+<h2><a id="porting_notes" name="porting_notes"></a>Porting Notes</h2>
+<h3>Changes made due to differences between UNIX and TPF's process models:</h3>
+   <li><p><b>Signals</b>: On TPF a signal sent to a process remains
+   unhandled until the process explicitly requests that signals be
+   handled using the <tt>tpf_process_signals()</tt> function.<br />
+   Additionally, the default action for an alarm on TPF4.1 without
+   PJ30263 applied is to take an OPR-7777 dump and exit.<br />
+   On UNIX, z/TPF, and TPF4.1 with PJ30263 applied the default is the
+   equivalent of <tt>exit()</tt> with no dump taken.</p></li>
+   <li><p><b>Find that function...</b> Some simple functions &amp;
+   definitions needed to be added on TPF. They are in src/os/tpf/os.h.</p></li>
+   <li><p><b>EBCDIC changes:</b> TPF-specific conversion tables between
+   US-ASCII and EBCDIC (character set IBM-1047 to be exact) were created.</p></li>
+   <li><p><b>Miscellaneous, minor changes:</b> Various minor changes
+   (such as casting) were made due to differences in how some functions
+   are implemented on TPF.</p></li>
+<br />
+<hr />
-    <h3>ZINET XPARM example:</h3>
+[ <a href="#top">top</a>
+| <a href="#configuration_files">Configuration&nbsp;Files</a>
+| <a href="#whats_available">What's&nbsp;Available</a>
+| <a href="#cgi">CGI&nbsp;Scripts</a>
+| <a href="#options">Options</a>
+| <a href="#syslog">Syslog</a>
+| <a href="#porting_notes">Porting&nbsp;Notes</a>&nbsp;]
-    <p>This example uses an alternate configuration file called
-    /usr/local/apache/conf/alt.conf.</p>
+<hr />
-    <p>Create and transfer your alternate configuration file to
-    your TPF test system.</p>
-    <p>Add and start Apache using <tt>zinet</tt> commands:</p>
-    <p class="indented"><b><tt>zinet add s-apache pgm-chta
-    model-daemon user-root xparm--f conf/alt.conf<br />
-     zinet start s-apache</tt></b></p>
-    <p>(See "ZINET ADD-Add an Internet Server Application Entry"
-    and "ZINET ALTER-Change an Internet Server Application Entry"
-    in the <a href="">IBM
-    TPF Information Center</a> for more information about using the
-    XPARM field.)</p>
-    <center>
-        <h2><a id="syslog"
-           name="syslog"></a>Syslog Daemon</h2>
-    </center>
-    <h3>Syslog overview:</h3>
-    <p>The syslog daemon is a server process that provides a
-    message logging facility for application and system processes.
-    It can be used to write messages to log files or to tapes. See
-    "Operating the Syslog Daemon" in the
-    <a href="">IBM TPF
-    Information Center</a>. And see the Apache ErrorLog
-    <a href="">directive
-    documentation</a> for details on how to use syslog with
-    Apache.</p>
-    <p>On TPF4.1 syslog capabilities were added with PJ27214 which
-    shipped with PUT13. You must follow the
-    <a href="install-tpf.html#syslog">TPF4.1 syslog-specific
-    installation instructions</a> in order to have the option of
-    using syslog with Apache on a TPF4.1 system. No additional
-    installation steps are needed for z/TPF1.1 systems.</p>
-    <h3>Tips on using syslog with your Apache error log:</h3>
-    <p>This section provides some tips on using syslog with Apache.
-    It is not meant to replace the syslog documentation in the TPF
-    TCP/IP publication.</p>
-    <ul>
-        <li>The syslog daemon will not create files. If you are
-        logging to a file (as specified in the <tt>syslog.conf</tt>
-        configuration file) that file must already exist and have
-        permissions that allow the syslog daemon to write to
-        it.</li>
-        <li>You must restart the syslog daemon for it to recognize
-        changes to its <tt>syslog.conf</tt> configuration
-        file.</li>
-        <li>The syslog daemon must be active prior to starting
-        Apache.</li>
-        <li>To indicate you want to use syslog with your Apache
-        error log add the following directive to your
-        <tt>httpd.conf</tt> file:
-        "<tt>ErrorLog&nbsp;syslog:</tt><i>facility</i>" where
-        <i>facility</i> is "local0" through "local7".</li>
-        <li>Apache will default the facility to "local7" if you
-        omit the facility name from the ErrorLog directive (that is
-        "<tt>ErrorLog&nbsp;syslog</tt>").</li>
-        <li>The syslog facility name must be one that is recognized
-        by both Apache and the syslog.h header file. The facility
-        names "local0" through "local7" are explicitly set aside
-        for your use.</li>
-        <li>Although "local0" through "local7" are recommended user
-        facility names, here is the complete list of names
-        recognized by both Apache and TPF's syslog.h: auth, cron,
-        daemon, kern, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4,
-        local5, local6, local7, lpr, mail, news, syslog, user, and
-        uucp.</li>
-        <li>You won't see the normal Apache startup/shutdown
-        messages when you use syslog with your Apache error
-        log.</li>
-        <li>Syslog does not support TCP/IP Offload devices (ZCLAW;
-        <em>used only on TPF4.1</em>)</li>
-    </ul><br />
-    <center>
-        <h2><a id="porting_notes"
-           name="porting_notes"></a>Porting Notes</h2>
-    </center>
-    <h3>Changes made due to differences between UNIX and TPF's
-    process models:</h3>
-    <ul>
-        <li>
-            <p><b>Signals</b>: On TPF a signal that is sent to a
-            process remains unhandled until the process explicitly
-            requests that signals be handled using the
-            <tt>tpf_process_signals()</tt> function. Additionally,
-            the default action for an alarm on TPF is to take an
-            OPR-7777 dump and exit. (On UNIX the default is the
-            equivalent of <tt>exit()</tt> with no dump taken.)
-            These differences necessitated a few modifications:</p>
-            <ul>
-                <li>bypass the use of <tt>ap_block_alarms()</tt>
-                &amp; <tt>ap_unblock_alarms()</tt></li>
-                <li>add <tt>tpf_process_signals()</tt> calls</li>
-                <li>add <tt>select()</tt> calls to prevent
-                blocking.<br /></li>
-            </ul>
-        </li>
-        <li style="list-style: none"><br /></li>
-        <li>
-            <p><b>Find that function...</b> Some simple functions
-            &amp; definitions needed to be added on TPF. They are
-            in src/os/tpf/os.h.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p><b>EBCDIC changes:</b> TPF-specific conversion
-            tables between US-ASCII and EBCDIC (character set
-            IBM-1047 to be exact) were created.</p>
-        </li>
-        <li>
-            <p><b>Miscellaneous, minor changes:</b> Various minor
-            changes (such as casting) were made due to differences
-            in how some functions are implemented on TPF.</p>
-        </li>
-    </ul>
-    <hr />
-    <center>
-        [ <a href="#top">top</a> |
-        <a href="#configuration_files">Configuration&nbsp;Files</a>
-        | <a href="#whats_available">What's&nbsp;Available</a> |
-        <a href="#cgi">CGI&nbsp;Scripts</a> |
-        <a href="#options">Options</a> |
-        <a href="#syslog">Syslog</a> |
-        <a href="#porting_notes">Porting&nbsp;Notes</a>&nbsp;]
-    </center>