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Posted to by Matthew Baird <> on 2003/06/27 02:13:14 UTC

Oracle LOB support

I can add support for LOB's, I've got the code right now, but it requires that a platform specific call is hooked into the SqlHelper.getObjectFromColumn(ResultSet rs, int jdbcType, String columnId)

this traces back through RowReaderDefaultImpl before it diverges, so I'd have to make the RowReader known about the Platform.

This would mean making changes to public synchronized RowReader getRowReader() in ClassDescriptor.

ClassDescriptor doesn't really have access to the broker you are using so I'd probably have to pass it in to the getRowReader() call


public synchronized RowReader getRowReader(Platform platform)
		if (m_rowReader == null)
			Configurator configurator = OjbConfigurator.getInstance();
			Configuration config = configurator.getConfigurationFor(null);
			Class rrClass = config.getClass("RowReaderDefaultClass", RowReaderDefaultImpl.class);

		return m_rowReader;

however, is the rowReader shared across threads, or are there any other gotchas I need to think about?
