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Posted to by Kay Kay <> on 2010/02/02 21:46:24 UTC

Ivy productivity issue - local publishing of patched versions to ivy

As a follow-up to the discussion on irc - here is a thread to address 
some frustrations / pain points w.r.t ivy .

More often than not - when it involves patching hadoop / hdfs and 
testing them with hbase - ivy comes in the way and clearing ivy cache to 
start all over , is a production impediment.

To work around the same-  the following strategies should work best.

* Checkout hadoop / hdfs from svn as appropriate.
* Change the version of hadoop/hdfs , on which patched need to be 
applied and played around to something non-conflicting with central 
repositories ( say - 0.20.8 , 0.21.8 etc. ).


Add the following target to the build.xml of hadoop / hdfs , where  
"local" would be a local file system resolver set up internally.

<target name="local.publish" depends="jar">
<ivy:publish resolver="*local*" forcedeliver="true" overwrite="true">
<artifacts pattern="./build/[module]-[revision].[ext]"/>

To make this work with hbase -

$ ant local.publish

to publish artifacts to local resolver

* Use the same file system resolver as that was used to publish in 
* Change to 0.20.8 / 0.21.8 as appropriate .
* ant clean package

So - now hbase would be running with the patched hdfs / hadoop-common as 
we want it to be.

Hope this helps.