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[41/50] [abbrv] incubator-predictionio git commit: Unbundle 3rd party documentation components
diff --git a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/distribution/0.8.1/slidebars.css b/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/distribution/0.8.1/slidebars.css
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index 0cb86ce..0000000
--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/distribution/0.8.1/slidebars.css
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@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-/* -----------------------------------
- * Slidebars
- * Version 0.8.1
- *
- *
- * Written by Adam Smith
- *
- *
- * Released under MIT License
- *
- *
- * -------------------
- * Slidebars CSS Index
- *
- * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body
- * 002 - Site
- * 003 - Slidebars
- * 004 - Animation
- *
- * ----------------------------
- * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body
- */
-html, body, #sb-site, .sb-slidebar {
-	margin: 0;
-	padding: 0;
-	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-	   -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-	        box-sizing: border-box;
-html, body {
-	width: 100%;
-	overflow-x: hidden; /* Stops horizontal scrolling. */
-html {
-	min-height: 100%;
-body {
-	height: 100%;
-/* ----------
- * 002 - Site
- */
-#sb-site {
-	width: 100%;
-	min-height: 100%; /* Initially set here but accurate height is set by slidebars.js */
-	position: relative;
-	z-index: 1; /* Site sits above Slidebars */
-	background-color: #ffffff; /* Default background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */
-/* ---------------
- * 003 - Slidebars
- */
- {
-	height: 100%;
-	overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling on Slidebars when needed. */
-	position: fixed;
-	top: 0;
-	z-index: 0; /* Slidebars sit behind sb-site. */
-	visibility: hidden; /* Initially hide the Slidebars. */
-	background-color: #222222; /* Default Slidebars background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */
- { /* Makes Slidebars scroll naturally with the site, and unfixes them for Android Browser 2.X. */
-	position: absolute;
- {
-	left: 0; /* Sets Slidebar to the left. */
- {
-	right: 0; /* Sets Slidebar to the right. */
- .sb-left, .sb-right {
-	visibility: visible; /* Makes Slidebars visibile when open. */
-/* Slidebar Widths */
- {
-	width: 30%; /* Browsers that don't support media queries. */
- {
-	/* To set a custom width, add this class to your Slidebar and pass a px or % value as a data attribute 'data-sb-width'. */
-@media (max-width: 480px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 70%; /* Slidebar width on extra small screens. */
-	}
-@media (min-width: 481px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 55%; /* Slidebar width on small screens. */
-	}
-@media (min-width: 768px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 40%; /* Slidebar width on small screens. */
-	}
-@media (min-width: 992px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 30%; /* Slidebar width on medium screens. */
-	}
-@media (min-width: 1200px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 20%; /* Slidebar width on large screens. */
-	}
-/* ---------------
- * 004 - Animation
- */
- .sb-slide, .sb-slide {
-	-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms ease;
-	   -moz-transition: -moz-transform 400ms ease;
-	     -o-transition: -o-transform 400ms ease;
-	        transition: transform 400ms ease;
-	-webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform, left; /* Add 'left' for Android < 4.4 */
-	-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; /* Prevents flickering. */
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/distribution/0.8.1/slidebars.js
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-// -----------------------------------
-// Slidebars
-// Version 0.8.1
-// Written by Adam Smith
-// Released under MIT License
-// ---------------------
-// Index of Slidebars.js
-// 001 - Default Settings
-// 002 - Feature Detection
-// 003 - User Agents
-// 004 - Setup
-// 005 - Animation
-// 006 - Operations
-// 007 - API
-// 008 - Window Resizes
-// 009 - User Input
-;(function($) {
-	$.slidebars = function(options) {
-		// ----------------------
-		// 001 - Default Settings
-		var settings = $.extend({
-			siteClose: true, // true or false - Enable closing of Slidebars by clicking on #sb-site.
-			disableOver: false, // integer or false - Hide Slidebars over a specific width.
-			hideControlClasses: false // true or false - Hide controls at same width as disableOver.
-		}, options);
-		// -----------------------
-		// 002 - Feature Detection
-		var test = document.createElement('div').style, // Create element to test on.
-		supportTransition = false, // Variable for testing transitions.
-		supportTransform = false; // variable for testing transforms.
-		// Test for CSS Transitions
-		if (test.MozTransition === '' || test.WebkitTransition === '' || test.OTransition === '' || test.transition === '') supportTransition = true;
-		// Test for CSS Transforms
-		if (test.MozTransform === '' || test.WebkitTransform === '' || test.OTransform === '' || test.transform === '') supportTransform = true;
-		// -----------------
-		// 003 - User Agents
-		var ua = navigator.userAgent, // Get user agent string.
-		android = false; // Variable for storing android version.
-		if (ua.match(/Android/)) { // Detect for Android in user agent string.
-			android = parseFloat(ua.slice(ua.indexOf('Android')+8)); // Get version of Android.
-			if (android < 3) $('html').addClass('sb-android'); // Add 'sb-android' helper class for unfixing elements.
-		}
-		// -----------
-		// 004 - Setup
-		// Site Container
-		if (!$('#sb-site').length) $('body').children().wrapAll('<div id="sb-site" />'); // Check if content is wrapped with sb-site, wrap if it isn't.
-		var $site = $('#sb-site'); // Cache the selector.
-		if (!$site.parent().is('body')) $site.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary.
-		$site.addClass('sb-slide'); // Add animation class.
-		// Left Slidebar	
-		if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check if the left Slidebar exists.
-			var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector.
-			leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed.
-			if (!$left.parent().is('body')) $left.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary.
-			if (android && android < 3) $left.addClass('sb-static'); // Add static class for older versions of Android.
-			if ($left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width.
-		}
-		// Right Slidebar
-		if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check if the right Slidebar exists.
-			var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector.
-			rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed.
-			if (!$right.parent().is('body')) $right.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary.
-			if (android && android < 3) $right.addClass('sb-static'); // Add static class for older versions of Android.
-			if ($right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width.
-		}
-		// Set Minimum Heights
-		function setMinHeights() {
-			var minHeight = $('html').css('height'); // Get minimum height of the page.
-			$site.css('minHeight', minHeight); // Set minimum height to the site.
-			if ($left && $left.hasClass('sb-static')) $left.css('minHeight', minHeight);  // Set minimum height to the left Slidebar.
-			if ($right && $right.hasClass('sb-static')) $right.css('minHeight', minHeight);  // Set minimum height to the right Slidebar.
-		}
-		setMinHeights(); // Set them
-		// Control Classes
-		var $controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close');
-		// Initialise
-		function initialise() {
-			var windowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get the window width.
-			if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) { // False or larger than window size. 
-				this.init = true; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated.
-				$('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class.
-				if (settings.hideControlClasses) $;
-			} else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) { // Less than window size.
-				this.init = false; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated.
-				$('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class.
-				if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.hide(); // Hide controls
-				if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open.
-			}
-		}
-		initialise();
-		// ---------------
-		// 005 - Animation
-		var animation, // Animation type.
-		$slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache all elements to animate.
-		// Set Animation Type
-		if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // Browser supports CSS Transitions
-			animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browser that support transform and tranisions.
-			if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead.
-		} else {
-			animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions.
-		}
-		$('html').addClass('sb-anim-type-' + animation); // Add animation type class.
-		// Animate Mixin
-		function animate (selector, amount, side) {
-			if (animation === 'translate') {
-				selector.css({
-					'transform': 'translate(' + amount + ')'
-				});
-			} else if (animation === 'side') {
-				selector.css(side, amount);
-			} else if (animation === 'jQuery') {
-				var properties = {};
-				properties[side] = amount;
-				selector.stop().animate(properties, 400);
-			}
-		}
-		// ----------------
-		// 006 - Operations
-		// Open a Slidebar
-		function open(side) {
-			// Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open.
-			if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { // It's open, close it, then continue.
-				close();
-				setTimeout(proceed, 400);
-			} else { // Its not open, continue.
-				proceed();
-			}
-			// Open
-			function proceed() {
-				if (this.init && side === 'left' && $left) { // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open.
-					var leftWidth = $left.css('width'); // Get the width of the left Slidebar.
-					$('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes.
-					animate($slide, leftWidth, 'left'); // Animation
-					setTimeout(function() { leftActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables.
-				} else if (this.init && side === 'right' && $right) { // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open.
-					var rightWidth = $right.css('width'); // Get the width of the right Slidebar.
-					$('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes.
-					animate($slide, '-' + rightWidth, 'left'); // Animation
-					setTimeout(function() { rightActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables.
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Close either Slidebar
-		function close(link) {
-			if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open.
-				leftActive = false; // Set active variable.
-				rightActive = false; // Set active variable.
-				animate($slide, '0px', 'left'); // Animation
-				setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish.
-					$('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes.
-					if (link) window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it.
-				}, 400);
-			}
-		}
-		// Toggle either Slidebar
-		function toggle(side) {
-			if (side === 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use.
-				if (leftActive) {
-					close(); // Slidebar is open, close it.
-				} else if (!leftActive) {
-					open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it.
-				}	
-			} else if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use.
-				if (rightActive) {
-					close(); // Slidebar is open, close it.
-				} else if (!rightActive) {
-					open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it.
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// ---------
-		// 007 - API
- = open; // Maps user variable name to the open method.
-		this.close = close; // Maps user variable name to the close method.
-		this.toggle = toggle; // Maps user variable name to the toggle method.
-		// --------------------
-		// 008 - Window Resizes
-		function resize() {
-			setMinHeights(); // Reset the minimum heights.
-			initialise(); // Check new screen sizes to see if Slidebars should still operate.
-			if (leftActive) { // Left Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized.
-				open('left'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size.
-			} else if (rightActive) { // Right Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized.
-				open('right'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size.
-			}
-		}
-		$(window).resize(resize);
-		// ----------------
-		// 009 - User Input
-		function input(event) { // Stop default behaviour and event bubbling.
-			event.preventDefault();
-			event.stopPropagation();
-		}
-		// Slidebar Toggle Left
-		$('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) {			
-			input(event);
-			toggle('left'); // Toggle left Slidebar.
-		});
-		// Slidebar Toggle Right
-		$('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			input(event);
-			toggle('right'); // Toggle right Slidebar.
-		});
-		// Slidebar Left Open
-		$('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			input(event);
-			if (!leftActive) open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it.
-		});
-		// Slidebar Right Open
-		$('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			input(event);
-			if (!rightActive) open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it.
-		});
-		// Slidebar Close
-		$('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			input(event);
-			if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // A Slidebar is open, close it.
-		});
-		// Slidebar Close via Link
-		$('.sb-slidebar a').not('.sb-disable-close').on('click', function(event) {
-			if (leftActive || rightActive) { // Only proceed is a Slidebar is active.
-				input(event);
-				close( $(this).attr('href') ); // Call closing method and pass link.
-			}
-		});
-		// Slidebar Close via Site
-		$site.on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			if (leftActive || rightActive) { // Only proceed if the left or the right Slidebar is active.
-				input(event); // If active, stop the click bubbling.
-				close(); // Close the Slidebar.
-			}
-		});
-	}; // End slidebars function.
-}) (jQuery);
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diff --git a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/distribution/0.8.1/slidebars.min.css b/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/distribution/0.8.1/slidebars.min.css
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-/* Slidebars 0.8.1 - Written by Adam Smith - Released under MIT License - */
-html,body,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}html,body{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{min-height:100%}body{height:100%}#sb-site{width:100%;min-height:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{height:100%;width:30%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;visibility:hidden;background-color:#222}.sb-static{position:absolute}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0} .sb-left, .sb-right{visibility:visible}@media(max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}}@media(min-width:481px){.sb-slidebar{width:55%}}@media(min-width:768px){.sb-slidebar{width:40%}}@media(min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:30%}}@media(min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}} .sb-slide, .sb-slide{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;
 transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}
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diff --git a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/distribution/0.8.1/slidebars.min.js b/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/distribution/0.8.1/slidebars.min.js
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index 76d9c93..0000000
--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/distribution/0.8.1/slidebars.min.js
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@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-// Slidebars 0.8.1 - Written by Adam Smith - Released under MIT License -
-;(function(a){a.slidebars=function(b){var v=a.extend({siteClose:true,disableOver:false,hideControlClasses:false},b);var s=document.createElement("div").style,q=false,j=false;if(s.MozTransition===""||s.WebkitTransition===""||s.OTransition===""||s.transition===""){q=true}if(s.MozTransform===""||s.WebkitTransform===""||s.OTransform===""||s.transform===""){j=true}var p=navigator.userAgent,x=false;if(p.match(/Android/)){x=parseFloat(p.slice(p.indexOf("Android")+8));if(x<3){a("html").addClass("sb-android")}}if(!a("#sb-site").length){a("body").children().wrapAll('<div id="sb-site" />')}var o=a("#sb-site");if(!o.parent().is("body")){o.appendTo("body")}o.addClass("sb-slide");if(a(".sb-left").length){var d=a(".sb-left"),e=false;if(!d.parent().is("body")){d.appendTo("body")}if(x&&x<3){d.addClass("sb-static")}if(d.hasClass("sb-width-custom")){d.css("width",d.attr("data-sb-width"))}}if(a(".sb-right").length){var g=a(".sb-right"),i=false;if(!g.parent().is("body")){g.appendTo("body")}if(x&&x<3){g.
 addClass("sb-static")}if(g.hasClass("sb-width-custom")){g.css("width",g.attr("data-sb-width"))}}function r(){var y=a("html").css("height");o.css("minHeight",y);if(d&&d.hasClass("sb-static")){d.css("minHeight",y)}if(g&&g.hasClass("sb-static")){g.css("minHeight",y)}}r();var u=a(".sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close");function n(){var y=a(window).width();if(!v.disableOver||(typeof v.disableOver==="number"&&v.disableOver>=y)){this.init=true;a("html").addClass("sb-init");if(v.hideControlClasses){}}else{if(typeof v.disableOver==="number"&&v.disableOver<y){this.init=false;a("html").removeClass("sb-init");if(v.hideControlClasses){u.hide()}if(e||i){k()}}}}n();var t,l=a(".sb-slide");if(q&&j){t="translate";if(x&&x<4.4){t="side"}}else{t="jQuery"}a("html").addClass("sb-anim-type-"+t);function c(y,B,A){if(t==="translate"){y.css({transform:"translate("+B+")"})}else{if(t==="side"){y.css(A,B)}else{if(t==="jQuery"){var z={};z[A]=B;y.stop().animate(z,400)
 }}}}function h(y){if(y==="left"&&d&&i||y==="right"&&g&&e){k();setTimeout(z,400)}else{z()}function z(){if(this.init&&y==="left"&&d){var A=d.css("width");a("html").addClass("sb-active sb-active-left");c(l,A,"left");setTimeout(function(){e=true},400)}else{if(this.init&&y==="right"&&g){var B=g.css("width");a("html").addClass("sb-active sb-active-right");c(l,"-"+B,"left");setTimeout(function(){i=true},400)}}}}function k(y){if(e||i){e=false;i=false;c(l,"0px","left");setTimeout(function(){a("html").removeClass("sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right");if(y){window.location=y}},400)}}function m(y){if(y==="left"&&d){if(e){k()}else{if(!e){h("left")}}}else{if(y==="right"&&g){if(i){k()}else{if(!i){h("right")}}}}};this.close=k;this.toggle=m;function w(){r();n();if(e){h("left")}else{if(i){h("right")}}}a(window).resize(w);function f(y){y.preventDefault();y.stopPropagation()}a(".sb-toggle-left").on("touchend click",function(y){f(y);m("left")});a(".sb-toggle-right").on("touchend click",
 function(y){f(y);m("right")});a(".sb-open-left").on("touchend click",function(y){f(y);if(!e){h("left")}});a(".sb-open-right").on("touchend click",function(y){f(y);if(!i){h("right")}});a(".sb-close").on("touchend click",function(y){f(y);if(e||i){k()}});a(".sb-slidebar a").not(".sb-disable-close").on("click",function(y){if(e||i){f(y);k(a(this).attr("href"))}});o.on("touchend click",function(y){if(e||i){f(y);k()}})}})(jQuery);
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-/* -----------------------------------
- * Slidebars
- * Version 0.8.2
- *
- *
- * Written by Adam Smith
- *
- *
- * Released under MIT License
- *
- *
- * -------------------
- * Slidebars CSS Index
- *
- * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body
- * 002 - Site
- * 003 - Slidebars
- * 004 - Animation
- *
- * ----------------------------
- * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body
- */
-html, body, #sb-site, .sb-slidebar {
-	margin: 0;
-	padding: 0;
-	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-	   -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-	        box-sizing: border-box;
-html, body {
-	width: 100%;
-	overflow-x: hidden; /* Stops horizontal scrolling. */
-html {
-	min-height: 100%;
-body {
-	height: 100%;
-/* ----------
- * 002 - Site
- */
-#sb-site {
-	width: 100%;
-	min-height: 100%; /* Initially set here but accurate height is set by slidebars.js */
-	position: relative;
-	z-index: 1; /* Site sits above Slidebars */
-	background-color: #ffffff; /* Default background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */
-/* ---------------
- * 003 - Slidebars
- */
- {
-	height: 100%;
-	overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling on Slidebars when needed. */
-	position: fixed;
-	top: 0;
-	z-index: 0; /* Slidebars sit behind sb-site. */
-	visibility: hidden; /* Initially hide the Slidebars. */
-	background-color: #222222; /* Default Slidebars background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */
- { /* Makes Slidebars scroll naturally with the site, and unfixes them for Android Browser 2.X. */
-	position: absolute;
-	height: auto;
-	/* min-height set by slidebars.js */
- {
-	left: 0; /* Sets Slidebar to the left. */
- {
-	right: 0; /* Sets Slidebar to the right. */
- .sb-left, .sb-right {
-	visibility: visible; /* Makes Slidebars visibile when open. */
-/* Slidebar Widths */
- {
-	width: 30%; /* Browsers that don't support media queries. */
- {
-	/* To set a custom width, add this class to your Slidebar and pass a px or % value as a data attribute 'data-sb-width'. */
-@media (max-width: 480px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 70%; /* Slidebar width on extra small screens. */
-	}
-@media (min-width: 481px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 55%; /* Slidebar width on small screens. */
-	}
-@media (min-width: 768px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 40%; /* Slidebar width on small screens. */
-	}
-@media (min-width: 992px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 30%; /* Slidebar width on medium screens. */
-	}
-@media (min-width: 1200px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 20%; /* Slidebar width on large screens. */
-	}
-/* ---------------
- * 004 - Animation
- */
- .sb-slide, .sb-slide {
-	-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms ease;
-	   -moz-transition: -moz-transform 400ms ease;
-	     -o-transition: -o-transform 400ms ease;
-	        transition: transform 400ms ease;
-	-webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform, left; /* Add 'left' for Android < 4.4 */
-	-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; /* Prevents flickering. */
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deleted file mode 100644
index 997f5c8..0000000
--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/distribution/0.8.2/slidebars.js
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@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-// -----------------------------------
-// Slidebars
-// Version 0.8.2
-// Written by Adam Smith
-// Released under MIT License
-// ---------------------
-// Index of Slidebars.js
-// 001 - Default Settings
-// 002 - Feature Detection
-// 003 - User Agents
-// 004 - Setup
-// 005 - Animation
-// 006 - Operations
-// 007 - API
-// 008 - Window Resizes
-// 009 - User Input
-;(function($) {
-	$.slidebars = function(options) {
-		// ----------------------
-		// 001 - Default Settings
-		var settings = $.extend({
-			siteClose: true, // true or false - Enable closing of Slidebars by clicking on #sb-site.
-			disableOver: false, // integer or false - Hide Slidebars over a specific width.
-			hideControlClasses: false // true or false - Hide controls at same width as disableOver.
-		}, options);
-		// -----------------------
-		// 002 - Feature Detection
-		var test = document.createElement('div').style, // Create element to test on.
-		supportTransition = false, // Variable for testing transitions.
-		supportTransform = false; // variable for testing transforms.
-		// Test for CSS Transitions
-		if (test.MozTransition === '' || test.WebkitTransition === '' || test.OTransition === '' || test.transition === '') supportTransition = true;
-		// Test for CSS Transforms
-		if (test.MozTransform === '' || test.WebkitTransform === '' || test.OTransform === '' || test.transform === '') supportTransform = true;
-		// -----------------
-		// 003 - User Agents
-		var ua = navigator.userAgent, // Get user agent string.
-		android = false; // Variable for storing android version.
-		if (ua.match(/Android/)) { // Detect for Android in user agent string.
-			android = parseFloat(ua.slice(ua.indexOf('Android')+8)); // Get version of Android.
-			if (android < 3) $('html').addClass('sb-android'); // Add 'sb-android' helper class for unfixing elements.
-		}
-		// -----------
-		// 004 - Setup
-		// Site Container
-		if (!$('#sb-site').length) $('body').children().wrapAll('<div id="sb-site" />'); // Check if content is wrapped with sb-site, wrap if it isn't.
-		var $site = $('#sb-site'); // Cache the selector.
-		if (!$site.parent().is('body')) $site.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary.
-		$site.addClass('sb-slide'); // Add animation class.
-		// Left Slidebar	
-		if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check if the left Slidebar exists.
-			var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector.
-			leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed.
-			if (!$left.parent().is('body')) $left.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary.
-			if (android && android < 3) $left.addClass('sb-static'); // Add static class for older versions of Android.
-			if ($left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width.
-		}
-		// Right Slidebar
-		if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check if the right Slidebar exists.
-			var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector.
-			rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed.
-			if (!$right.parent().is('body')) $right.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary.
-			if (android && android < 3) $right.addClass('sb-static'); // Add static class for older versions of Android.
-			if ($right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width.
-		}
-		// Set Minimum Heights
-		function setMinHeights() {
-			$site.css('minHeight', ''); // Remove any min-height set.
-			if ($left) $left.css('minHeight', ''); // Remove any min-height set.
-			if ($right) $right.css('minHeight', ''); // Remove any min-height set.
-			var minHeight = $('html').css('height'); // Get minimum height of the page.
-			$site.css('minHeight', minHeight); // Set minimum height to the site.
-			if ($left && $left.hasClass('sb-static')) $left.css('minHeight', minHeight);  // Set minimum height to the left Slidebar.
-			if ($right && $right.hasClass('sb-static')) $right.css('minHeight', minHeight);  // Set minimum height to the right Slidebar.
-		}
-		setMinHeights(); // Set them.
-		// Control Classes
-		var $controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close');
-		// Initialise
-		function initialise() {
-			var windowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get the window width.
-			if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) { // False or larger than window size. 
-				this.init = true; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated.
-				$('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class.
-				if (settings.hideControlClasses) $;
-			} else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) { // Less than window size.
-				this.init = false; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated.
-				$('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class.
-				if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.hide(); // Hide controls
-				if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open.
-			}
-		}
-		initialise();
-		// ---------------
-		// 005 - Animation
-		var animation, // Animation type.
-		$slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache all elements to animate.
-		// Set Animation Type
-		if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // Browser supports css transitions and transforms.
-			animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browsers that support it.
-			if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead.
-		} else {
-			animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions.
-		}
-		$('html').addClass('sb-anim-type-' + animation); // Add animation type class.
-		// Animate Mixin
-		function animate (selector, amount, side) {
-			if (animation === 'translate') {
-				selector.css({
-					'transform': 'translate(' + amount + ')'
-				});
-			} else if (animation === 'side') {
-				selector.css(side, amount);
-			} else if (animation === 'jQuery') {
-				var properties = {};
-				properties[side] = amount;
-				selector.stop().animate(properties, 400);
-			}
-		}
-		// ----------------
-		// 006 - Operations
-		// Open a Slidebar
-		function open(side) {
-			// Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open.
-			if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { // It's open, close it, then continue.
-				close();
-				setTimeout(proceed, 400);
-			} else { // Its not open, continue.
-				proceed();
-			}
-			// Open
-			function proceed() {
-				if (this.init && side === 'left' && $left) { // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open.
-					var leftWidth = $left.css('width'); // Get the width of the left Slidebar.
-					$('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes.
-					animate($slide, leftWidth, 'left'); // Animation
-					setTimeout(function() { leftActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables.
-				} else if (this.init && side === 'right' && $right) { // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open.
-					var rightWidth = $right.css('width'); // Get the width of the right Slidebar.
-					$('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes.
-					animate($slide, '-' + rightWidth, 'left'); // Animation
-					setTimeout(function() { rightActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables.
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Close either Slidebar
-		function close(link) {
-			if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open.
-				leftActive = false; // Set active variable.
-				rightActive = false; // Set active variable.
-				animate($slide, '0px', 'left'); // Animation
-				setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish.
-					$('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes.
-					if (link) window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it.
-				}, 400);
-			}
-		}
-		// Toggle either Slidebar
-		function toggle(side) {
-			if (side === 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use.
-				if (leftActive) {
-					close(); // Slidebar is open, close it.
-				} else if (!leftActive) {
-					open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it.
-				}	
-			} else if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use.
-				if (rightActive) {
-					close(); // Slidebar is open, close it.
-				} else if (!rightActive) {
-					open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it.
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// ---------
-		// 007 - API
- = open; // Maps user variable name to the open method.
-		this.close = close; // Maps user variable name to the close method.
-		this.toggle = toggle; // Maps user variable name to the toggle method.
-		// --------------------
-		// 008 - Window Resizes
-		function resize() {
-			setMinHeights(); // Reset the minimum heights.
-			initialise(); // Check new screen sizes to see if Slidebars should still operate.
-			if (leftActive) { // Left Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized.
-				open('left'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size.
-			} else if (rightActive) { // Right Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized.
-				open('right'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size.
-			}
-		}
-		$(window).resize(resize);
-		// ----------------
-		// 009 - User Input
-		function eventHandler(event, selector) {
-			event.stopPropagation(); // Stop event bubbling.
-			event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behaviour
-			if (event.type === 'touchend')'click'); // If event type was touch turn off clicks to prevent phantom clicks.
-		}
-		// Toggle Left Slidebar
-		$('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			if ($left && leftActive !== true) { // If using left Slidebar and its closed.
-				open('left'); // Its closed, open it.
-			} else {
-				close(); // Its open, close it.
-			}
-		});
-		// Toggle Right Slidebar
-		$('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			if ($right && rightActive !== true) { // If using right Slidebar and its closed.
-				open('right'); // Its closed, open it.
-			} else {
-				close(); // Its open, close it.
-			}
-		});
-		// Open Left Slidebar
-		$('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			if ($left && leftActive !== true) open('left'); // If using left Slidebar and its closed.
-		});
-		// Open Right Slidebar
-		$('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			if ($right && rightActive !== true) open('right'); // If using right Slidebar and its closed.
-		});
-		// Close a Slidebar
-		$('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // If left or right Slidebar is open, close it.
-		});
-		// Close Slidebar via Link
-		$('.sb-slidebar a').not('.sb-disable-close').on('click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			if (leftActive || rightActive) close( $(this).attr('href') ); // If left or right Slidebar is open, close it and pass link.
-		});
-		// Close Slidebar via Site
-		$site.on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			if (settings.siteClose && (leftActive || rightActive)) { // If settings permit closing by site and left or right Slidebar is open.
-				eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-				close(); // Close it.
-			}
-		});
-	}; // End slidebars function.
-}) (jQuery);
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-/* Slidebars 0.8.2 - Written by Adam Smith - Released under MIT License - */
-html,body,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}html,body{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{min-height:100%}body{height:100%}#sb-site{width:100%;min-height:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{height:100%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;visibility:hidden;background-color:#222}.sb-static{position:absolute;height:auto}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0} .sb-left, .sb-right{visibility:visible}.sb-slidebar{width:30%}@media(max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}}@media(min-width:481px){.sb-slidebar{width:55%}}@media(min-width:768px){.sb-slidebar{width:40%}}@media(min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:30%}}@media(min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}} .sb-slide, .sb-slide{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition
 :-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}
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@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-// Slidebars 0.8.2 - Written by Adam Smith - Released under MIT License -
-;(function(a){a.slidebars=function(b){var v=a.extend({siteClose:true,disableOver:false,hideControlClasses:false},b);var s=document.createElement("div").style,q=false,i=false;if(s.MozTransition===""||s.WebkitTransition===""||s.OTransition===""||s.transition===""){q=true}if(s.MozTransform===""||s.WebkitTransform===""||s.OTransform===""||s.transform===""){i=true}var p=navigator.userAgent,x=false;if(p.match(/Android/)){x=parseFloat(p.slice(p.indexOf("Android")+8));if(x<3){a("html").addClass("sb-android")}}if(!a("#sb-site").length){a("body").children().wrapAll('<div id="sb-site" />')}var o=a("#sb-site");if(!o.parent().is("body")){o.appendTo("body")}o.addClass("sb-slide");if(a(".sb-left").length){var d=a(".sb-left"),e=false;if(!d.parent().is("body")){d.appendTo("body")}if(x&&x<3){d.addClass("sb-static")}if(d.hasClass("sb-width-custom")){d.css("width",d.attr("data-sb-width"))}}if(a(".sb-right").length){var f=a(".sb-right"),h=false;if(!f.parent().is("body")){f.appendTo("body")}if(x&&x<3){f.
 addClass("sb-static")}if(f.hasClass("sb-width-custom")){f.css("width",f.attr("data-sb-width"))}}function r(){o.css("minHeight","");if(d){d.css("minHeight","")}if(f){f.css("minHeight","")}var y=a("html").css("height");o.css("minHeight",y);if(d&&d.hasClass("sb-static")){d.css("minHeight",y)}if(f&&f.hasClass("sb-static")){f.css("minHeight",y)}}r();var u=a(".sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close");function m(){var y=a(window).width();if(!v.disableOver||(typeof v.disableOver==="number"&&v.disableOver>=y)){this.init=true;a("html").addClass("sb-init");if(v.hideControlClasses){}}else{if(typeof v.disableOver==="number"&&v.disableOver<y){this.init=false;a("html").removeClass("sb-init");if(v.hideControlClasses){u.hide()}if(e||h){j()}}}}m();var t,k=a(".sb-slide");if(q&&i){t="translate";if(x&&x<4.4){t="side"}}else{t="jQuery"}a("html").addClass("sb-anim-type-"+t);function c(y,B,A){if(t==="translate"){y.css({transform:"translate("+B+")"})}else{if(t==="s
 ide"){y.css(A,B)}else{if(t==="jQuery"){var z={};z[A]=B;y.stop().animate(z,400)}}}}function g(y){if(y==="left"&&d&&h||y==="right"&&f&&e){j();setTimeout(z,400)}else{z()}function z(){if(this.init&&y==="left"&&d){var A=d.css("width");a("html").addClass("sb-active sb-active-left");c(k,A,"left");setTimeout(function(){e=true},400)}else{if(this.init&&y==="right"&&f){var B=f.css("width");a("html").addClass("sb-active sb-active-right");c(k,"-"+B,"left");setTimeout(function(){h=true},400)}}}}function j(y){if(e||h){e=false;h=false;c(k,"0px","left");setTimeout(function(){a("html").removeClass("sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right");if(y){window.location=y}},400)}}function l(y){if(y==="left"&&d){if(e){j()}else{if(!e){g("left")}}}else{if(y==="right"&&f){if(h){j()}else{if(!h){g("right")}}}}};this.close=j;this.toggle=l;function w(){r();m();if(e){g("left")}else{if(h){g("right")}}}a(window).resize(w);function n(z,y){z.stopPropagation();z.preventDefault();if(z.type==="touchend"){"c
 lick")}}a(".sb-toggle-left").on("touchend click",function(y){n(y,a(this));if(d&&e!==true){g("left")}else{j()}});a(".sb-toggle-right").on("touchend click",function(y){n(y,a(this));if(f&&h!==true){g("right")}else{j()}});a(".sb-open-left").on("touchend click",function(y){n(y,a(this));if(d&&e!==true){g("left")}});a(".sb-open-right").on("touchend click",function(y){n(y,a(this));if(f&&h!==true){g("right")}});a(".sb-close").on("touchend click",function(y){n(y,a(this));if(e||h){j()}});a(".sb-slidebar a").not(".sb-disable-close").on("click",function(y){n(y,a(this));if(e||h){j(a(this).attr("href"))}});o.on("touchend click",function(y){if(v.siteClose&&(e||h)){n(y,a(this));j()}})}})(jQuery);
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-/* -----------------------------------
- * Slidebars
- * Version 0.8
- *
- *
- * Written by Adam Smith
- *
- *
- * Released under MIT License
- *
- *
- * -------------------
- * Slidebars CSS Index
- *
- * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body
- * 002 - Site
- * 003 - Slidebars
- * 004 - Animation
- *
- * ----------------------------
- * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body
- */
-html, body, #sb-site, .sb-slidebar {
-	margin: 0;
-	padding: 0;
-	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-	   -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-	        box-sizing: border-box;
-html, body {
-	width: 100%;
-	overflow-x: hidden; /* Stops horizontal scrolling. */
-html {
-	min-height: 100%;
-body {
-	height: 100%;
-/* ----------
- * 002 - Site
- */
-#sb-site {
-	width: 100%;
-	min-height: 100%; /* Initially set here but accurate height is set by slidebars.js */
-	position: relative;
-	z-index: 1; /* Site sits above Slidebars */
-	background-color: #ffffff; /* Default background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */
-/* ---------------
- * 003 - Slidebars
- */
- {
-	height: 100%;
-	overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling on Slidebars when needed. */
-	position: fixed;
-	top: 0;
-	z-index: 0; /* Slidebars sit behind sb-site. */
-	visibility: hidden; /* Initially hide the Slidebars. */
-	background-color: #222222; /* Default Slidebars background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */
- { /* Makes Slidebars scroll naturally with the site, and unfixes them for Android Browser 2.X. */
-	position: absolute;
- {
-	left: 0; /* Sets Slidebar to the left. */
- {
-	right: 0; /* Sets Slidebar to the right. */
- .sb-left, .sb-right {
-	visibility: visible; /* Makes Slidebars visibile when open. */
-/* Slidebar Widths */
- {
-	width: 30%; /* Browsers that don't support media queries. */
- {
-	/* To set a custom width, add this class to your Slidebar and pass a px or % value as a data attribute 'data-sb-width'. */
-@media (max-width: 480px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 70%; /* Slidebar width on extra small screens. */
-	}
-@media (min-width: 481px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 55%; /* Slidebar width on small screens. */
-	}
-@media (min-width: 768px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 40%; /* Slidebar width on small screens. */
-	}
-@media (min-width: 992px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 30%; /* Slidebar width on medium screens. */
-	}
-@media (min-width: 1200px) {
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 20%; /* Slidebar width on large screens. */
-	}
-/* ---------------
- * 004 - Animation
- */
- .sb-slide, .sb-slide {
-	-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms ease;
-	   -moz-transition: -moz-transform 400ms ease;
-	     -o-transition: -o-transform 400ms ease;
-	        transition: transform 400ms ease;
-	-webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform, left; /* Add 'left' for Android < 4.4 */
-	-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; /* Prevents flickering. */
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--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/distribution/0.8/slidebars.js
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-// -----------------------------------
-// Slidebars
-// Version 0.8
-// Written by Adam Smith
-// Released under MIT License
-// ---------------------
-// Index of Slidebars.js
-// 001 - Default Settings
-// 002 - Feature Detection
-// 003 - User Agents
-// 004 - Setup
-// 005 - Animation
-// 006 - Operations
-// 007 - API
-// 008 - Window Resizes
-// 009 - User Input
-;(function($) {
-	$.slidebars = function(options) {
-		// ----------------------
-		// 001 - Default Settings
-		var settings = $.extend({
-			siteClose: true, // true or false - Enable closing of Slidebars by clicking on #sb-site.
-			disableOver: false, // integer or false - Hide Slidebars over a specific width.
-			hideControlClasses: false // true or false - Hide controls at same width as disableOver.
-		}, options);
-		// -----------------------
-		// 002 - Feature Detection
-		var test = document.createElement('div').style, // Create element to test on.
-		supportTransition = false, // Variable for testing transitions.
-		supportTransform = false; // variable for testing transforms.
-		// Test for CSS Transitions
-		if (test.MozTransition === '' || test.WebkitTransition === '' || test.OTransition === '' || test.transition === '') supportTransition = true;
-		// Test for CSS Transforms
-		if (test.MozTransform === '' || test.WebkitTransform === '' || test.OTransform === '' || test.transform === '') supportTransform = true;
-		// -----------------
-		// 003 - User Agents
-		var ua = navigator.userAgent, // Get user agent string.
-		android = false; // Variable for storing android version.
-		if (ua.match(/Android/)) { // Detect for Android in user agent string.
-			android = parseFloat(ua.slice(ua.indexOf('Android')+8)); // Get version of Android.
-			if (android < 3) $('html').addClass('sb-android'); // Add 'sb-android' helper class for unfixing elements.
-		}
-		// -----------
-		// 004 - Setup
-		// Site Container
-		if (!$('#sb-site').length) $('body').children().wrapAll('<div id="sb-site" />'); // Check if content is wrapped with sb-site, wrap if it isn't.
-		var $site = $('#sb-site'); // Cache the selector.
-		if (!$site.parent().is('body')) $site.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary.
-		$site.addClass('sb-slide'); // Add animation class.
-		// Left Slidebar	
-		if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check if the left Slidebar exists.
-			var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector.
-			leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed.
-			if (!$left.parent().is('body')) $left.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary.
-			if (android && android < 3) $left.addClass('sb-static'); // Add static class for older versions of Android.
-			if ($left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width.
-		}
-		// Right Slidebar
-		if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check if the right Slidebar exists.
-			var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector.
-			rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed.
-			if (!$right.parent().is('body')) $right.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary.
-			if (android && android < 3) $right.addClass('sb-static'); // Add static class for older versions of Android.
-			if ($right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width.
-		}
-		// Set Minimum Heights
-		function setMinHeights() {
-			var minHeight = $('html').css('height'); // Get minimum height of the page.
-			$site.css('minHeight', minHeight); // Set minimum height to the site.
-			if ($left.hasClass('sb-static')) $left.css('minHeight', minHeight);  // Set minimum height to the left Slidebar.
-			if ($right.hasClass('sb-static')) $right.css('minHeight', minHeight);  // Set minimum height to the right Slidebar.
-		}
-		setMinHeights(); // Set them
-		// Control Classes
-		var $controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close');
-		// Initialise
-		function initialise() {
-			var windowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get the window width.
-			if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) { // False or larger than window size. 
-				this.init = true; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated.
-				$('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class.
-				if (settings.hideControlClasses) $;
-			} else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) { // Less than window size.
-				this.init = false; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated.
-				$('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class.
-				if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.hide(); // Hide controls
-				if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open.
-			}
-		}
-		initialise();
-		// ---------------
-		// 005 - Animation
-		var animation, // Animation type.
-		$slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache all elements to animate.
-		// Set Animation Type
-		if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // Browser supports CSS Transitions
-			animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browser that support transform and tranisions.
-			if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead.
-		} else {
-			animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions.
-		}
-		$('html').addClass('sb-anim-type-' + animation); // Add animation type class.
-		// Animate Mixin
-		function animate (selector, amount, side) {
-			if (animation === 'translate') {
-				selector.css({
-					'transform': 'translate(' + amount + ')'
-				});
-			} else if (animation === 'side') {
-				selector.css(side, amount);
-			} else if (animation === 'jQuery') {
-				var properties = {};
-				properties[side] = amount;
-				selector.stop().animate(properties, 400);
-			}
-		}
-		// ----------------
-		// 006 - Operations
-		// Open a Slidebar
-		function open(side) {
-			// Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open.
-			if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { // It's open, close it, then continue.
-				close();
-				setTimeout(proceed, 400);
-			} else { // Its not open, continue.
-				proceed();
-			}
-			// Open
-			function proceed() {
-				if (this.init && side === 'left' && $left) { // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open.
-					var leftWidth = $left.css('width'); // Get the width of the left Slidebar.
-					$('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes.
-					animate($slide, leftWidth, 'left'); // Animation
-					setTimeout(function() { leftActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables.
-				} else if (this.init && side === 'right' && $right) { // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open.
-					var rightWidth = $right.css('width'); // Get the width of the right Slidebar.
-					$('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes.
-					animate($slide, '-' + rightWidth, 'left'); // Animation
-					setTimeout(function() { rightActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables.
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Close either Slidebar
-		function close(link) {
-			if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open.
-				leftActive = false; // Set active variable.
-				rightActive = false; // Set active variable.
-				animate($slide, '0px', 'left'); // Animation
-				setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish.
-					$('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes.
-					if (link) window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it.
-				}, 400);
-			}
-		}
-		// Toggle either Slidebar
-		function toggle(side) {
-			if (side === 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use.
-				if (leftActive) {
-					close(); // Slidebar is open, close it.
-				} else if (!leftActive) {
-					open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it.
-				}	
-			} else if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use.
-				if (rightActive) {
-					close(); // Slidebar is open, close it.
-				} else if (!rightActive) {
-					open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it.
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// ---------
-		// 007 - API
- = open; // Maps user variable name to the open method.
-		this.close = close; // Maps user variable name to the close method.
-		this.toggle = toggle; // Maps user variable name to the toggle method.
-		// --------------------
-		// 008 - Window Resizes
-		function resize() {
-			setMinHeights(); // Reset the minimum heights.
-			initialise(); // Check new screen sizes to see if Slidebars should still operate.
-			if (leftActive) { // Left Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized.
-				open('left'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size.
-			} else if (rightActive) { // Right Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized.
-				open('right'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size.
-			}
-		}
-		$(window).resize(resize);
-		// ----------------
-		// 009 - User Input
-		function input(event) { // Stop default behaviour and event bubbling.
-			event.preventDefault();
-			event.stopPropagation();
-		}
-		// Slidebar Toggle Left
-		$('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) {			
-			input(event);
-			toggle('left'); // Toggle left Slidebar.
-		});
-		// Slidebar Toggle Right
-		$('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			input(event);
-			toggle('right'); // Toggle right Slidebar.
-		});
-		// Slidebar Left Open
-		$('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			input(event);
-			if (!leftActive) open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it.
-		});
-		// Slidebar Right Open
-		$('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			input(event);
-			if (!rightActive) open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it.
-		});
-		// Slidebar Close
-		$('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			input(event);
-			if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // A Slidebar is open, close it.
-		});
-		// Slidebar Close via Link
-		$('.sb-slidebar a').not('.sb-disable-close').on('click', function(event) {
-			if (leftActive || rightActive) { // Only proceed is a Slidebar is active.
-				input(event);
-				close( $(this).attr('href') ); // Call closing method and pass link.
-			}
-		});
-		// Slidebar Close via Site
-		$site.on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			if (leftActive || rightActive) { // Only proceed if the left or the right Slidebar is active.
-				input(event); // If active, stop the click bubbling.
-				close(); // Close the Slidebar.
-			}
-		});
-	}; // End slidebars function.
-}) (jQuery);
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@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-/* Slidebars 0.8 - Written by Adam Smith - Released under MIT License - */
-html,body,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}html,body{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{min-height:100%}body{height:100%}#sb-site{width:100%;min-height:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{height:100%;width:30%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;visibility:hidden;background-color:#222}.sb-static{position:absolute}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0} .sb-left, .sb-right{visibility:visible}@media(max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}}@media(min-width:481px){.sb-slidebar{width:55%}}@media(min-width:768px){.sb-slidebar{width:40%}}@media(min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:30%}}@media(min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}} .sb-slide, .sb-slide{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;
 transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}
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-// Slidebars 0.8 - Written by Adam Smith - Released under MIT License -
-;(function(a){a.slidebars=function(b){var v=a.extend({siteClose:true,disableOver:false,hideControlClasses:false},b);var s=document.createElement("div").style,q=false,j=false;if(s.MozTransition===""||s.WebkitTransition===""||s.OTransition===""||s.transition===""){q=true}if(s.MozTransform===""||s.WebkitTransform===""||s.OTransform===""||s.transform===""){j=true}var p=navigator.userAgent,x=false;if(p.match(/Android/)){x=parseFloat(p.slice(p.indexOf("Android")+8));if(x<3){a("html").addClass("sb-android")}}if(!a("#sb-site").length){a("body").children().wrapAll('<div id="sb-site" />')}var o=a("#sb-site");if(!o.parent().is("body")){o.appendTo("body")}o.addClass("sb-slide");if(a(".sb-left").length){var d=a(".sb-left"),e=false;if(!d.parent().is("body")){d.appendTo("body")}if(x&&x<3){d.addClass("sb-static")}if(d.hasClass("sb-width-custom")){d.css("width",d.attr("data-sb-width"))}}if(a(".sb-right").length){var g=a(".sb-right"),i=false;if(!g.parent().is("body")){g.appendTo("body")}if(x&&x<3){g.
 addClass("sb-static")}if(g.hasClass("sb-width-custom")){g.css("width",g.attr("data-sb-width"))}}function r(){var y=a("html").css("height");o.css("minHeight",y);if(d.hasClass("sb-static")){d.css("minHeight",y)}if(g.hasClass("sb-static")){g.css("minHeight",y)}}r();var u=a(".sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close");function n(){var y=a(window).width();if(!v.disableOver||(typeof v.disableOver==="number"&&v.disableOver>=y)){this.init=true;a("html").addClass("sb-init");if(v.hideControlClasses){}}else{if(typeof v.disableOver==="number"&&v.disableOver<y){this.init=false;a("html").removeClass("sb-init");if(v.hideControlClasses){u.hide()}if(e||i){k()}}}}n();var t,l=a(".sb-slide");if(q&&j){t="translate";if(x&&x<4.4){t="side"}}else{t="jQuery"}a("html").addClass("sb-anim-type-"+t);function c(y,B,A){if(t==="translate"){y.css({transform:"translate("+B+")"})}else{if(t==="side"){y.css(A,B)}else{if(t==="jQuery"){var z={};z[A]=B;y.stop().animate(z,400)}}}}fu
 nction h(y){if(y==="left"&&d&&i||y==="right"&&g&&e){k();setTimeout(z,400)}else{z()}function z(){if(this.init&&y==="left"&&d){var A=d.css("width");a("html").addClass("sb-active sb-active-left");c(l,A,"left");setTimeout(function(){e=true},400)}else{if(this.init&&y==="right"&&g){var B=g.css("width");a("html").addClass("sb-active sb-active-right");c(l,"-"+B,"left");setTimeout(function(){i=true},400)}}}}function k(y){if(e||i){e=false;i=false;c(l,"0px","left");setTimeout(function(){a("html").removeClass("sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right");if(y){window.location=y}},400)}}function m(y){if(y==="left"&&d){if(e){k()}else{if(!e){h("left")}}}else{if(y==="right"&&g){if(i){k()}else{if(!i){h("right")}}}}};this.close=k;this.toggle=m;function w(){r();n();if(e){h("left")}else{if(i){h("right")}}}a(window).resize(w);function f(y){y.preventDefault();y.stopPropagation()}a(".sb-toggle-left").on("touchend click",function(y){f(y);m("left")});a(".sb-toggle-right").on("touchend click",functi
 on(y){f(y);m("right")});a(".sb-open-left").on("touchend click",function(y){f(y);if(!e){h("left")}});a(".sb-open-right").on("touchend click",function(y){f(y);if(!i){h("right")}});a(".sb-close").on("touchend click",function(y){f(y);if(e||i){k()}});a(".sb-slidebar a").not(".sb-disable-close").on("click",function(y){if(e||i){f(y);k(a(this).attr("href"))}});o.on("touchend click",function(y){if(e||i){f(y);k()}})}})(jQuery);
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-/* -----------------------------------
- * Slidebars
- * Version 0.9.4
- *
- *
- * Written by Adam Smith
- *
- *
- * Released under MIT License
- *
- *
- * -------------------
- * Slidebars CSS Index
- *
- * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body
- * 002 - Site
- * 003 - Slidebars
- * 004 - Animation
- * 005 - Helper Classes
- *
- * ----------------------------
- * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body
- */
-html, body, #sb-site, .sb-slidebar {
-	margin: 0;
-	padding: 0;
-	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-	   -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-	        box-sizing: border-box;
-html, body {
-	width: 100%;
-	overflow-x: hidden; /* Stops horizontal scrolling. */
-html {
-	height: 100%;
-body {
-	min-height: 100%;
-	position: relative;
-/* ----------
- * 002 - Site
- */
-#sb-site {
-	width: 100%;
-	position: relative;
-	z-index: 1; /* Site sits above Slidebars */
-	background-color: #ffffff; /* Default background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */
-/* ---------------
- * 003 - Slidebars
- */
- {
-	height: 100%;
-	overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling on Slidebars when needed. */
-	position: fixed;
-	top: 0;
-	z-index: 0; /* Slidebars sit behind sb-site. */
-	visibility: hidden; /* Initially hide the Slidebars. */
-	background-color: #222222; /* Default Slidebars background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */
- {
-	left: 0; /* Set Slidebar to the left. */
- {
-	right: 0; /* Set Slidebar to the right. */
- .sb-slidebar, {
-	position: absolute; /* Makes Slidebars scroll naturally with the site, and unfixes them for Android Browser < 3 and iOS < 5. */
- {
-	visibility: visible; /* Makes Slidebars visibile when open. */
- {
-	z-index: 9999; /* Set z-index high to ensure it overlays any other site elements. */
-/* Slidebar widths for devices that don't support media queries. */
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 30%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-thin {
-		width: 15%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-wide {
-		width: 45%;
-	}
-@media (max-width: 480px) { /* Slidebar width on extra small screens. */
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 70%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-thin {
-		width: 55%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-wide {
-		width: 85%;
-	}
-@media (min-width: 481px) { /* Slidebar width on small screens. */
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 55%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-thin {
-		width: 40%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-wide {
-		width: 70%;
-	}
-@media (min-width: 768px) { /* Slidebar width on small screens. */
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 40%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-thin {
-		width: 25%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-wide {
-		width: 55%;
-	}
-@media (min-width: 992px) { /* Slidebar width on medium screens. */
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 30%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-thin {
-		width: 15%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-wide {
-		width: 45%;
-	}
-@media (min-width: 1200px) { /* Slidebar width on large screens. */
-	.sb-slidebar {
-		width: 20%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-thin {
-		width: 5%;
-	}
-	.sb-width-wide {
-		width: 35%;
-	}
-/* ---------------
- * 004 - Animation
- */
-, #sb-site, .sb-slidebar {
-	-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms ease;
-	   -moz-transition: -moz-transform 400ms ease;
-	     -o-transition: -o-transform 400ms ease;
-	        transition: transform 400ms ease;
-	-webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform, left, right; /* Add left/right for Android < 4.4. */
-	-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; /* Prevents flickering. This is non essential, and you may remove it if your having problems with fixed background images in Chrome. */
-/* --------------------
- * 005 - Helper Classes
- */
- { 
-	display: none; /* May be applied to control classes when Slidebars is disabled over a certain width. */
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-// -----------------------------------
-// Slidebars
-// Version 0.9.4
-// Written by Adam Smith
-// Released under MIT License
-// ---------------------
-// Index of Slidebars.js
-// 001 - Default Settings
-// 002 - Feature Detection
-// 003 - User Agents
-// 004 - Setup
-// 005 - Animation
-// 006 - Operations
-// 007 - API
-// 008 - User Input
-;(function($) {
-	$.slidebars = function(options) {
-		// ----------------------
-		// 001 - Default Settings
-		var settings = $.extend({
-			siteClose: true, // true or false - Enable closing of Slidebars by clicking on #sb-site.
-			disableOver: false, // integer or false - Hide Slidebars over a specific width.
-			hideControlClasses: false // true or false - Hide controls at same width as disableOver.
-		}, options);
-		// -----------------------
-		// 002 - Feature Detection
-		var test = document.createElement('div').style, // Create element to test on.
-		supportTransition = false, // Variable for testing transitions.
-		supportTransform = false; // variable for testing transforms.
-		// Test for CSS Transitions
-		if (test.MozTransition === '' || test.WebkitTransition === '' || test.OTransition === '' || test.transition === '') supportTransition = true;
-		// Test for CSS Transforms
-		if (test.MozTransform === '' || test.WebkitTransform === '' || test.OTransform === '' || test.transform === '') supportTransform = true;
-		// -----------------
-		// 003 - User Agents
-		var ua = navigator.userAgent, // Get user agent string.
-		android = false, // Variable for storing android version.
-		iOS = false; // Variable for storing iOS version.
-		if (/Android/.test(ua)) { // Detect Android in user agent string.
-			android = ua.substr(ua.indexOf('Android')+8, 3); // Set version of Android.
-		} else if (/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/.test(ua)) { // Detect iOS in user agent string.
-			iOS = ua.substr(ua.indexOf('OS ')+3, 3).replace('_', '.'); // Set version of iOS.
-		}
-		if (android && android < 3 || iOS && iOS < 5) $('html').addClass('sb-static'); // Add helper class for older versions of Android & iOS.
-		// -----------
-		// 004 - Setup
-		// Site Container
-		if (!$('#sb-site').length) $('body').children().wrapAll('<div id="sb-site" />'); // Check if content is wrapped with sb-site, wrap if it isn't.
-		var $site = $('#sb-site'); // Cache the selector.
-		if (!$site.parent().is('body')) $site.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary.
-		// Left Slidebar	
-		if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check if the left Slidebar exists.
-			var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector.
-			leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed.
-			$left.addClass('sb-slidebar'); // Make sure the Slidebar has the base class.
-			if (!$left.parent().is('body')) $left.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary.
-		}
-		// Right Slidebar
-		if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check if the right Slidebar exists.
-			var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector.
-			rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed.
-			$right.addClass('sb-slidebar'); // Make sure the Slidebar has the base class.
-			if (!$right.parent().is('body')) $right.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary.
-		}
-		var init = false,
-		windowWidth = $(window).width(), // Get width of window.
-		$controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close'), // Cache the control classes.
-		$slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache users elements to animate.
-		// Initailise Slidebars
-		function initialise() {
-			if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) { // False or larger than window size. 
-				init = true; // true enabled Slidebars to open.
-				$('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class.
-				if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.removeClass('sb-hide'); // Remove class just incase Slidebars was originally disabled.
-			} else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) { // Less than window size.
-				init = false; // false stop Slidebars from opening.
-				$('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class.
-				if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.addClass('sb-hide'); // Hide controls
-				if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open.
-			}
-		}
-		initialise();
-		// Inline CSS
-		function css() {
-			// Set minimum height.
-			$site.css('minHeight', ''); // Reset minimum height.
-			$site.css('minHeight', $('body').height() + 'px'); // Set minimum height of the site to the minimum height of the body.
-			// Set off-canvas margins for Slidebars with push and overlay animations.
-			if ($left && ($left.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $left.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $left.css('marginLeft', '-' + $left.css('width'));
-			if ($right && ($right.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $right.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $right.css('marginRight', '-' + $right.css('width'));
-			// Custom Slidebar Widths
-			if ($left && $left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width.
-			if ($right && $right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width.
-		}
-		css();
-		// Resize Functions
-		$(window).resize(function() {
-			var resizedWindowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get resized window width.
-			if (windowWidth !== resizedWindowWidth) { // Window was actually resized.
-				windowWidth = resizedWindowWidth; // Set the new window width.
-				initialise(); // Call initalise to see if Slidebars should still be running.
-				css(); // Reset minimum heights and negative margins.
-				if (leftActive) open('left'); // If left Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size.
-				if (rightActive) open('right'); // If right Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size.
-			}
-		});
-		// I may include a height check along side a width check here in future.
-		// ---------------
-		// 005 - Animation
-		var animation; // Animation type.
-		// Set Animation Type
-		if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // Browser supports css transitions and transforms.
-			animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browsers that support it.
-			if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead.
-		} else {
-			animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions.
-		}
-		// Animate Mixin
-		function animate(object, amount, side) {
-			// Choose selectors depending on animation style.
-			var selector;
-			if (object.hasClass('sb-style-push')) {
-				selector = $site.add(object).add($slide); // Push - Animate site, Slidebar and user elements.
-			} else if (object.hasClass('sb-style-overlay')) {
-				selector = object; // Overlay - Animate Slidebar only.
-			} else {
-				selector = $site.add($slide); // Reveal - Animate site and user elements.
-			}
-			// Apply Animation
-			if (animation === 'translate') {
-				selector.css('transform', 'translate(' + amount + ')');
-			} else if (animation === 'side') {		
-				if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for side animations.
-				selector.css(side, amount);
-				setTimeout(function() {
-					if (amount === '0px') {
-						selector.removeAttr('style');
-						css();
-					}
-				}, 400);
-			} else if (animation === 'jQuery') {
-				if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for jQuery animations.
-				var properties = {};
-				properties[side] = amount;
-				selector.stop().animate(properties, 400); // Stop any current jQuery animation before starting another.
-				setTimeout(function() {
-					if (amount === '0px') {
-						selector.removeAttr('style');
-						css();
-					}
-				}, 400); // If closed, remove the inline styling on completion of the animation.	
-			}
-		}
-		// ----------------
-		// 006 - Operations
-		// Open a Slidebar
-		function open(side) {
-			// Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open.
-			if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { // It's open, close it, then continue.
-				close();
-				setTimeout(proceed, 400);
-			} else { // Its not open, continue.
-				proceed();
-			}
-			// Open
-			function proceed() {
-				if (init && side === 'left' && $left) { // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open.
-					$('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes.
-					$left.addClass('sb-active');
-					animate($left, $left.css('width'), 'left'); // Animation
-					setTimeout(function() { leftActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables.
-				} else if (init && side === 'right' && $right) { // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open.
-					$('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes.
-					$right.addClass('sb-active');
-					animate($right, '-' + $right.css('width'), 'right'); // Animation
-					setTimeout(function() { rightActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables.
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Close either Slidebar
-		function close(link) {
-			if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open.
-				if (leftActive) {
-					animate($left, '0px', 'left'); // Animation
-					leftActive = false;
-				}
-				if (rightActive) {
-					animate($right, '0px', 'right'); // Animation
-					rightActive = false;
-				}
-				setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish.
-					$('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes.
-					if ($left) $left.removeClass('sb-active');
-					if ($right) $right.removeClass('sb-active');
-					if (link) window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it.
-				}, 400);
-			}
-		}
-		// Toggle either Slidebar
-		function toggle(side) {
-			if (side === 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use.
-				if (!leftActive) {
-					open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it.
-				} else {
-					close(); // Slidebar is open, close it.
-				}
-			}
-			if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use.
-				if (!rightActive) {
-					open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it.
-				} else {
-					close(); // Slidebar is open, close it.
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// ---------
-		// 007 - API
- = open; // Maps user variable name to the open method.
-		this.close = close; // Maps user variable name to the close method.
-		this.toggle = toggle; // Maps user variable name to the toggle method.
-		this.init = function() { // Returns true or false whether Slidebars are running or not.
-			return init;
-		};
- = function(side) { // Returns true or false whether Slidebar is open or closed.
-			if (side === 'left' && $left) return leftActive;
-			if (side === 'right' && $right) return rightActive;
-		};
-		// ----------------
-		// 008 - User Input
-		function eventHandler(event, selector) {
-			event.stopPropagation(); // Stop event bubbling.
-			event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behaviour
-			if (event.type === 'touchend')'click'); // If event type was touch turn off clicks to prevent phantom clicks.
-		}
-		// Toggle Left Slidebar
-		$('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			toggle('left'); // Toggle the left Slidbar.
-		});
-		// Toggle Right Slidebar
-		$('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			toggle('right'); // Toggle the right Slidbar.
-		});
-		// Open Left Slidebar
-		$('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			open('left'); // Open the left Slidebar.
-		});
-		// Open Right Slidebar
-		$('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			open('right'); // Open the right Slidebar.
-		});
-		// Close a Slidebar
-		$('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			close(); // Close either Slidebar.
-		});
-		// Close Slidebar via Link
-		$('.sb-slidebar a').not('.sb-disable-close').on('click', function(event) {
-			eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-			close( $(this).attr('href') ); // Close the Slidebar and pass link.
-		});
-		// Close Slidebar via Site
-		$site.on('touchend click', function(event) {
-			if (settings.siteClose && (leftActive || rightActive)) { // If settings permit closing by site and left or right Slidebar is open.
-				eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event.
-				close(); // Close it.
-			}
-		});
-	}; // End slidebars function.
-}) (jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/distribution/0.9.4/slidebars.min.css b/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/distribution/0.9.4/slidebars.min.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b64114..0000000
--- a/docs/manual/bower_components/Slidebars/distribution/0.9.4/slidebars.min.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-/* Slidebars 0.9.4 - Written by Adam Smith - Released under MIT License - */
-html,body,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}html,body{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{height:100%}body{min-height:100%;position:relative}#sb-site{width:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{height:100%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;visibility:hidden;background-color:#222}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0} .sb-slidebar,{position:absolute}{visibility:visible}{z-index:9999}.sb-slidebar{width:30%}.sb-width-thin{width:15%}.sb-width-wide{width:45%}@media(max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}.sb-width-thin{width:55%}.sb-width-wide{width:85%}}@media(min-width:481px){.sb-slidebar{width:55%}.sb-width-thin{width:40%}.sb-width-wide{width:70%}}@media(min-width:768px){.sb-slidebar{width:40%}.sb-width-thin{width:25%}.sb-width-wide{width:55%}}@media(min-width:992px){.sb-slideba
 r{width:30%}.sb-width-thin{width:15%}.sb-width-wide{width:45%}}@media(min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}.sb-width-thin{width:5%}.sb-width-wide{width:35%}}.sb-slide,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left,right;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}.sb-hide{display:none}
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