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Posted to by Minerva CC <> on 2007/04/10 22:42:39 UTC

Date Binding

I have another simple question here.
I want to setup jsp pages to update a List<object>, e.g. searchParameters 
In my Action class I have:
public class SearchParameterAction implements Preparable {
private SearchParameterService service;
private List<SearchParameter> searchParameters;
In the main.jsp page:
<s:url action="parameterlist" id="parlistUrl">
<s:param name="orderid" value="%{#parameters.search_order_id}" />
<div id="search_parameters">
<div style="text-align: right;">
<s:a theme="ajax" notifyTopics="/refresh">Refresh</s:a>
<s:div id="searchParameters" theme="ajax" href="%{parlistUrl}" loadingText="Loading..." listenTopics="/refresh"/>
In the list.jsp:
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
<h2>Search Parameters </h2>
<s:if test="searchParameters.size > 0">
<s:iterator value="searchParameters">
<table id="row_<s:property value="search_parameter_id"/>">
<s:textfield id="search_parameter_id" name="search_parameter_id" cssStyle="display:none"/>
<s:textfield id="search_order_id" name="search_order_id" cssStyle="display:none"/>
<s:textfield id="search_name" label="Search Name" name="search_name" size="30" maxlength="90"/>
<s:textfield id="surname" label="Surname" name="surname" size="30" maxlength="90"/>
<s:textfield id="forenames" label="Forenames" name="forenames" size="30" maxlength="90"/>
<s:textfield id="address" label="Address" name="address" size="55" maxlength="90"/>
<s:url id="removeUrl" action="removeparameter">
<s:param name="id" value="search_parameter_id" />
<s:param name="orderid" value="search_order_id" />
<s:a href="%{removeUrl}" theme="ajax" targets="searchParameters">Remove</s:a>
Now, I want to change some values in the text fields and update the database afterward. The questions are:
1. Is my object searchParameters actually bound to the text fields? If it isn't, how to do the data binding?
2. When I issue a update action, how can I access the searchParameters object in the Action class? In Struts 1, one can access it via requst.getParameter() method. What should I do in the Struts 2?
 Thanks in advance for your help,

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