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Posted to by Apache Hudson Server <> on 2011/04/14 12:29:05 UTC

Jenkins build is still unstable: Karaf-2.2.x » Apache Karaf :: Archetypes :: ITests #83

See <$archetypes-itests/83/>

Jenkins build is still unstable: Karaf-2.2.x » Apache Karaf :: Archetypes :: ITests #91

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <$archetypes-itests/91/>

Jenkins build is still unstable: Karaf-2.2.x » Apache Karaf :: Archetypes :: ITests #90

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <$archetypes-itests/90/>

Jenkins build is still unstable: Karaf-2.2.x » Apache Karaf :: Archetypes :: ITests #89

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <$archetypes-itests/89/>

Jenkins build is still unstable: Karaf-2.2.x » Apache Karaf :: Archetypes :: ITests #88

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <$archetypes-itests/88/>

Jenkins build is still unstable: Karaf-2.2.x » Apache Karaf :: Archetypes :: ITests #86

Posted by Apache Hudson Server <>.
See <$archetypes-itests/86/>

Jenkins build is still unstable: Karaf-2.2.x » Apache Karaf :: Archetypes :: ITests #85

Posted by Apache Hudson Server <>.
See <$archetypes-itests/85/>

Jenkins build is still unstable: Karaf-2.2.x » Apache Karaf :: Archetypes :: ITests #84

Posted by Apache Hudson Server <>.
See <$archetypes-itests/84/>