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Posted to by Markus Heinisch <> on 2004/11/12 10:58:09 UTC

Import and checkout problem

I'm new to subversion and started with the quick start manual.
I'm using subversion 1.1 an WindowsXP.
My problem is:
I tried to checkout into the folder after an initial import which still contains the files that were imported. 
How can I accomplish that task?
When deleting all file in my working dir, svn co is able to checkout all files, but that is kind of annoying.
This is what I have done:
D:\Projekte>svn ls file:///D:/svnroot
D:\Projekte>svn import -m "test import" TestSVN file:///D:/svnroot/projects/TestSVN
Hinzufügen     TestSVN\JustAfolder
Hinzufügen     TestSVN\JustAfolder\bDoc.pdf
Hinzufügen     TestSVN\aDoc.pdf
Revision 7 übertragen.
D:\Projekte>svn ls file:///D:/svnroot/projects/TestSVN -R
D:\Projekte>svn co file:///D:/svnroot/projects/TestSVN
svn: Konnte Verzeichnis 'TestSVN/JustAfolder' nicht hinzufügen: ein Objekt mit demselben Namen
existiert bereits
Last command says that an object with the given name exists!
Any hints or comments?

Re: Import and checkout problem

Posted by Gary Feldman <>.
Markus Heinisch wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to subversion and started with the quick start manual.
> I'm using subversion 1.1 an WindowsXP.
> My problem is:
> I tried to checkout into the folder after an initial import which still 
> contains the files that were imported.

The quick answer is that you can't, and that's intentional.

There are several reasons for this.  One is that Subversion tries very 
hard to never accidentally delete information.  Since it has no way of 
knowing whether the directory after the initial import is unchanged from 
the import, it will refuse to overwrite any of those files.

Also, by always doing checkouts to an empty directory, you're guaranteed 
that you have a tree that exactly matches the repository.  While this 
often doesn't matter, it's nevertheless a good practice and habit.


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