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Posted to by Matt Silver <> on 2012/10/19 17:18:49 UTC

Re: Generating WADL with schema import and "element" attribute on representation



Were either of you able to generate a WADL which includes the schema (i.e.,
grammar and element elements)?  I'm using WAS 8, which includes Apache Wink.


What I'm wondering is what specific JAXB annotations do I need to add to my
classes for the above elements to be added to my WADL file?  Currently, I'm
just annotating the class with @XmlRootElement.  





public class Order {


      long orderId;

      String clientId;

      double orderTotal;

      String status;

      String expectedShipDate;


      // getters and setters



Am I instead supposed to be annotating a subclass of the
org.apache.wink.common.model.wadl.Application class, which I then configure
in the web.xml?


IBM provides the following documentation on how to create a method to
customize the WADL generation, but doesn't show any examples of how to do
public class MyResource {
    @Context app;
    public org.apache.wink.common.model.wadl.Application getOptions() {
        org.apache.wink.common.model.wadl.Application wadlAppDoc = new
WADLGenerator().generate("", app.getClasses());
        /* modify the  wadlAppDoc JAXB model if you want to add additional
information */
        return wadlAppDoc;

Thanks in advance,





Bryant Luk <>


Re: Generating WADL with schema import and "element" attribute on


Mon, 24 Jan 2011 21:08:43 GMT

There isn't a way to do this currently. Right now you have to manually
manipulate the jaxb

objects.  However if someone would like to contribute a patch I think this
would be useful.





On Jan 24, 2011, at 1:12 PM, Cappa Roberto
<> wrote:


> Hi,


> is there a way to generate a WADL with WADLGenerator that includes xml
schema import

in "grammar" section? After this, I would like to set the "element"
attribute on xml "representation".

Is there a way to do this automatically, based on annotations on java
databinding classes?


> Thanks.





Matthew Silver
Web Age Solutions Inc.
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