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Posted to by Boysenberry Payne <> on 2005/02/18 19:43:00 UTC

Looking for easy sessions using mod_perl

I'm moving from PHP to mod_perl.  What a jump...

Normally in php it's as simple as:

Then depending on your settings the session is kept in a cookie
or in the url.

I've looked into Apache::Session a bit, also Session (which is a 
wrapper for Apache:Session.)
I set it up locally using my mysql database, but I'm getting now where 

Here is the code:
my $cookie = $r->header_in( 'Cookie' );
$r->print( "Content Type: text/plain\n\n" );
$cookie =~ s/SESSION_ID=(\w+)/$1/;

my %session;
eval {
   tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $cookie,
     { DataSource => 'dbi:mysql:boysie_habitat2',
       UserName => 'boysie_human',
       Password => "h\@b!T",
       LockDataSource => 'dbi:mysql:boysie_habitat2',
       LockUserName => 'boysie_human',
       LockPassword => "h\@b!T",

if( $@ ) {
   $r->print( "Couldn't tie session: $@" );

I get the following error:
null: Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at 
/Users/WebRoot/perl/ line 16.

I've tried printing out the cookie to see it and get the same error for 
anything I try to print it with.

It seems like it's being recorded ok in mysql.  I get the id fine, but 
the a_session column seems to be funky.
I'll copy an example below:


You can't see it in the copy but there are a bunch of squares (I guess 
mac os x's new line characters.)

Any reason why this is so difficult to get working (besides my 


Re: Looking for easy sessions using mod_perl

Posted by Jonathan Vanasco <>.
Thats a whole lot easier than my approach.

On Feb 18, 2005, at 2:18 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> It's that easy with mod_perl too if you use Apache::SessionManager.
> Save yourself some trouble and just use that.

Re: Looking for easy sessions using mod_perl

Posted by Perrin Harkins <>.
On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 12:43 -0600, Boysenberry Payne wrote:
> Normally in php it's as simple as:
> session_start();

It's that easy with mod_perl too if you use Apache::SessionManager.
Save yourself some trouble and just use that.

- Perrin

Re: Looking for easy sessions using mod_perl

Posted by Jonathan Vanasco <>.
the squares are because your cookie is serialized -- thats just the 
data structure

Below is a bunch of stuff that i routinely use in a class that is 
essentially a WebPageVisitor
(its not the complete stuff, so it might seem spotty)

maybe that will help you


our $CookieDefaults = 	
				domain 			=> 	[
				path 			=> '/',
				expires 		=> '+365d',
				secure 			=> 0,
my $cookiejar 	= Apache::Cookie::Jar->new( $this->{'ApacheRequestRec'} 
my @names 		= $cookiejar->cookies();

if ( $cookiejar->cookies('SESSION_ID') )
	$sessionID = $this->session__validate( 
$cookiejar->cookies('SESSION_ID')->value );

sub session__validate
	my  $this 				= $_[0];
	my  $sessionID 			= $_[1];
	# 	If not 32 chars long, kill it
   	if ( length($sessionID) != 32 ) { $sessionID = undef; }

   	# 	If its not in a valid file, kill it
	if ( defined($sessionID) )
		my $DIR = 
	  	if ( -e  
"${$this->{'ApacheSessionOptions'}}->{Directory}/$sessionID" )	  	{
	  		$sessionID = undef;
	return $sessionID;

sub session__load
	my  $this 				= $_[0];
	my  $sessionID 			= $_[1];
		$this->session__tie( $sessionID );

sub session__new
	my  $this 				= $_[0];
		$this->session__tie( '' );
	return $this->{'sessionID'}

sub session__tie
	my  $this 				= $_[0];
	my  $sessionID 			= $_[1];

	tie %{$this->{'__SESSION'}} , 'Apache::Session::File', $sessionID, 
	$this->{'sessionID'} = $this->{'__SESSION'}{_session_id};

sub session__new__if_no_cookie
	my  $this 				= $_[0];
	my  $cookiejar 			= $_[1];
	if ( !$this->login_from_cookie( $cookiejar ) )

sub cookie__session__set
	my  $this = $_[0];
	foreach $DOMAIN (@{${$this->{'CookieDefaults'}}->{'domain'}})
		my	$session_cookie = Apache::Cookie->new	(
														-name 		=> 'SESSION_ID',
														-value 		=> $this->{'sessionID'},
														-domain 	=> $DOMAIN,
														-path 		=> ${$this->{'CookieDefaults'}}->{'path'},
														-expires 	=> ${$this->{'CookieDefaults'}}->{'expires'},
														-secure 	=> ${$this->{'CookieDefaults'}}->{'secure'},
		#	Bake it!
		#	$session_cookie->bake();
		$this->{'ApacheRequestRec'}->err_headers_out->add('Set-Cookie' => 