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Posted to by on 2005/01/26 10:13:18 UTC

cvs commit: ws-axis/site/src4forrest-060/ja/src/documentation/content/xdocs/java/ant ant.xml axis-admin.xml axis-java2wsdl.xml axis-wsdl2java.xml foreach.xml runaxisfunctionaltests.xml

toshi       2005/01/26 01:13:18

  Added:       site/src4forrest-060/ja/src/documentation/content/xdocs/java/ant
                        ant.xml axis-admin.xml axis-java2wsdl.xml
                        axis-wsdl2java.xml foreach.xml
  A feedback from the i18n task on the Japanese Axis Community.
  The translation was made by Youhei Kawada [].
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  ws-axis/site/src4forrest-060/ja/src/documentation/content/xdocs/java/ant/ant.xml
  Index: ant.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Shift_JIS"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.2//EN" "./dtd/document-v12.dtd">
      <title>WebServices - Axis</title>
  <a name="AxisAntTasks"/>
  <title>Axis Ant �^�X�N</title>
  <p>Axis �ɂ� ant ���̃r���h�v���Z�X�̑��ʂ����������� Ant �^�X�N���t���Ă��܂��B�����̃^�X�N�𗘗p����ɂ͈ȉ��̂��̂��K�v�ł��B</p>
    <li><a href="">Apache Ant 1.5.1 �ȍ~</a> [�p��]</li>
    <li>�^�X�N���܂�ł��� <code>axis-ant.jar</code> ���C�u����</li>
    <li>�S�Ă̎�v�� Axis ���C�u����</li>
  <a name="DeclaringTheTasks"/>
  <p>�^�X�N��錾����ɂ́A�N���X�p�X�� axis �^�X�N JAR �Ƃ���Ɉˑ�����S�Ẵ��C�u�������܂߂�悤�ɐݒ肵�܂��B�S�Ă� axis lib �f�B���N�g���Ɋ܂߂�Ώ\���ł��B</p>
  <source>&lt;path id="axis.classpath"&gt;
    &lt;fileset dir="${axis.home}/build/lib"&gt;
      &lt;include name="**/*.jar" /&gt;
  <p>���� <code>&lt;taskdef&gt;</code> �錾�𗘗p���� <code>axis-ant.jar</code> �t�@�C�����̃v���p�e�B�t�@�C���Ƀ��X�g�A�b�v����Ă���S�Ẵ^�X�N��錾���܂��B</p>
  <source>&lt;taskdef resource=""
    classpathref="axis.classpath" /&gt;</source>
  <a name="CreatingJavaFilesFromWSDL"/>
  <title>WSDL ���� Java �t�@�C���𐶐�</title>
  <p>����� <a href="axis-wsdl2java.html">&lt;axis-wsdl2java&gt;</a> [�p��] �^�X�N�𗘗p���܂��B</p>
    url="${local.wsdl}" &gt;
        package="interop" /&gt;
  <p>mapping �v�f�� XML ���O��Ԃ��� Java �p�b�P�[�W�ւ̃}�b�s���O�����X�g�A�b�v����̂ɗ��p����A�K�v�Ȃ����܂߂邱�Ƃ��ł��܂��B</p>
  <a name="CreatingWSDLFilesFromJava"/>
  <title>Java ���� WSDL �t�@�C���𐶐�</title>
  <p>����� <a href="axis-java2wsdl.html">&lt;axis-java2wsdl&gt;</a> [�p��] �^�X�N�𗘗p���܂��B</p>
  <a name="TalkingToTheAdminService"/>
  <title>admin �T�[�r�X�Ƃ̒ʐM</title>
  <p>����� <a href="axis-admin.html">&lt;axis-admin&gt;</a> [�p��] �^�X�N�ɂ���čs���܂��B</p>
  <p>������ target.* �v���p�e�B�́A�f�v���C����Ă���V�X�e���̃v���p�e�B�t�@�C��������o�����̂ŁA�P��̃r���h�t�@�C�����قȂ�V�X�e���ɊȒP�Ƀf�v���C���邱�Ƃ��ł��܂��B</p>
  <a name="ForeachTask"/>
  <title>Foreach �^�X�N</title>
  <p><a href="foreach.html">&lt;foreach&gt;</a> [�p��]</p>
  <a name="RunaxisfunctionaltestsTask"/>
  <title>Runaxisfunctionaltests �^�X�N</title>
  <p><a href="runaxisfunctionaltests.html">&lt;runaxisfunctionaltests&gt;</a> [�p��]</p>
  1.1                  ws-axis/site/src4forrest-060/ja/src/documentation/content/xdocs/java/ant/axis-admin.xml
  Index: axis-admin.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.2//EN" "./dtd/document-v12.dtd">
      <title>WebServices - Axis</title>
  <title>Axis-admin Task</title>
  <p>Task to administer a local or remote Axis server.</p>
  <p>Task to administer a local or remote Axis server. Remember, for remote admin, the server has to be accept remote management calls.</p>
      <td>set a debug flag</td>
      <td>Whether or not the build should halt if this task fails. Defaults to <code>true</code>.</td>
      <td>specifies that a simple file protocol be used</td>
      <td>name the host to admin</td>
      <td>set a new password; only valid if action=passwd</td>
      <td>the admin password</td>
      <td>the port to connect to</td>
      <td>the path to the AxisAdmin servlet</td>
      <td>set the transport chain to use</td>
      <td>full url to the admin endpoint</td>
      <td>username to log in as</td>
      <td>the name of the XML file containing deployment information</td>
  <title>Parameters as nested elements</title>
  1.1                  ws-axis/site/src4forrest-060/ja/src/documentation/content/xdocs/java/ant/axis-java2wsdl.xml
  Index: axis-java2wsdl.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.2//EN" "./dtd/document-v12.dtd">
      <title>WebServices - Axis</title>
  <title>Axis-java2wsdl Task</title>
  <p>Generates a WSDL description from a Java class.</p>
  <p>Generates a WSDL description from a Java class.</p>
      <td>The name to use use for the binding element. If not specified, the value of the <code>servicePortName</code> + "SoapBinding" is used.</td>
      <td>the class name to import, eg. org.example.Foo. Required. The class must be on the classpath.</td>
      <td>Comma separated list of methods to exclude from the wsdl file.</td>
      <td>The setter for the "extraClasses" attribute</td>
      <td>Sometimes extra information is available in the implementation class file. Use this option to specify the implementation class.</td>
      <td>Optional attribute that indicates the name of the input wsdl file. The output wsdl file will contain everything from the input wsdl file plus the new constructs. If a new construct is already present in the input wsdl file, it is not added. This option is useful for constructing a wsdl file with multiple ports, bindings, or portTypes.</td>
      <td>The url of the location of the service. The name after the last slash or backslash is the name of the service port (unless overridden by the -s option). The service port address location attribute is assigned the specified value.</td>
      <td>the location of the interface WSDL when generating an implementation WSDL Required when <code>outputImpl</code> is set</td>
      <td>If this option is specified, only the indicated methods in your interface class will be exported into the WSDL file. The methods list must be comma separated. If not specified, all methods declared in the interface class will be exported into the WSDL file</td>
      <td>the target namespace. Required.</td>
      <td>Namespace of the implementation WSDL.</td>
      <td>The name of the output WSDL file. If not specified, a suitable default WSDL file is written into the current directory.</td>
      <td>Use this option to indicate the name of the output implementation WSDL file. If specified, Java2WSDL will produce separate interface and implementation WSDL files. If not, a single WSDL file is generated</td>
      <td>Indicates the name to use use for the portType element. If not specified, the class-of-portType name is used.</td>
      <td>the name of the service element. If not specified, the service element is the <code>portTypeName</code>Service.</td>
      <td>service port name (obtained from location if not specified)</td>
      <td>Comma separated list of classes which stop the Java2WSDL inheritance search.</td>
      <td>The style of the WSDL document: RPC, DOCUMENT or WRAPPED. If RPC, a rpc/encoded wsdl is generated. If DOCUMENT, a document/literal wsdl is generated. If WRAPPED, a document/literal wsdl is generated using the wrapped approach.</td>
      <td>the default type mapping registry to use. Either 1.1 or 1.2. Default is 1.1</td>
      <td>Set the use option</td>
      <td>should inherited methods be exported too? Default=false</td>
  <title>Parameters as nested elements</title>
  <p>mapping (<br/>add a mapping of namespaces to packages</p>
  <p>mappingset (<br/>add a mapping of namespaces to packages</p>
  1.1                  ws-axis/site/src4forrest-060/ja/src/documentation/content/xdocs/java/ant/axis-wsdl2java.xml
  Index: axis-wsdl2java.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.2//EN" "./dtd/document-v12.dtd">
      <title>WebServices - Axis</title>
  <title>Axis-wsdl2java Task</title>
  <p>Create Java classes from local or remote WSDL.</p>
  <p>Create Java classes from local or remote WSDL. Mappings from namespaces to packages can be provided as nested &lt;mapping&gt; elements.</p>
  <p>Proxy settings are taken from the java runtime settings of http.ProxyHost, http.ProxyPort, etc. The Ant task &lt;setProxy&gt; can set these. As well as the nested mapping elements, this task uses the file <code></code> in the project base directory for namespace mapping</p>
  <p>This task does no dependency checking; files are generated whether they need to be or not. The exception to this is the Impl class, which is not
  overwritten if it exists. This is a safety measure. However, all other classes are generated overwriting anything that exists.</p>
  <p>The safe way to use this task is to have it generate the java source in a build directory, then have a &lt;copy&gt; task selectively copy the files you need into a safe location. Again, copying into the source tree is dangerous, but a separate build/src tree is safe. Then include this separate tree in the &lt;javac&gt; task's src attribute to include it in the build. Implement your own implementation classes of the server stub and the test cases using the generated templates. If you want to add methods to autogenerated data types, consider subclassing them, or write helper classes.</p>
  <p>Tip: if you &lt;get&gt; the wsdl, and use the &lt;filesmatch&gt; condition to compare the fetched wsdl with a catched copy, you can make the target that calls the axis-wsd2ljava task conditional on the WSDL having changed. This stops spurious code regeneration and follow-on rebuilds across the java source tree.</p>
      <td>flag to generate code for all elements, even unreferenced ones default=false;</td>
      <td>flag for debug output; default=false</td>
      <td>add scope to deploy.xml: "Application", "Request", "Session" optional;</td>
      <td>name of the Java2WSDLFactory class for extending WSDL generation functions</td>
      <td>Turn on/off Helper class generation; default is false</td>
      <td>set the mapping file. This is a properties file of package=namespace order. Optional, default is to look for a file called in the project directory.</td>
      <td>only generate code for the immediate WSDL document, and not imports; default=false;</td>
      <td>output directory for emitted files</td>
      <td>emit server-side bindings for web service; default=false</td>
      <td>deploy skeleton (true) or implementation (false) in deploy.wsdd. Default is false. Assumes server-side="true".</td>
      <td>flag for automatic Junit testcase generation default is false</td>
      <td>timeout in milliseconds for URL retrieval; default is 45 seconds. Set this to -1 to disable timeouts altogether: other negative values are not allowed)</td>
      <td>the default type mapping registry to use. Either 1.1 or 1.2. Default is 1.1</td>
      <td>URL to fetch and generate WSDL for. Can be remote or a local file.</td>
      <td>flag for verbose output; default=false</td>
  <title>Parameters as nested elements</title>
  <p>mapping (<br/>add a mapping of namespaces to packages</p>
  <p>mappingset (<br/>add a mapping of namespaces to packages</p>
  1.1                  ws-axis/site/src4forrest-060/ja/src/documentation/content/xdocs/java/ant/foreach.xml
  Index: foreach.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.2//EN" "./dtd/document-v12.dtd">
      <title>WebServices - Axis</title>
  <title>Foreach Task</title>
  <p>Call a target foreach entry in a set of parameters based on a fileset.</p>
  <p>Call a target foreach entry in a set of parameters based on a fileset.</p>
  <p><i>For Axis development; there is no support or stability associated with this task</i></p>
  <source>&lt;target name="target1"&gt;
        &lt;foreach target="target2"&gt;
          &lt;param name="param1"&gt;
              &lt;fileset refid="fset1"/&gt;
          &lt;param name="param2"&gt;
            &lt;item value="jar" /&gt;
            &lt;item value="zip" /&gt;
      &lt;target name="target2"&gt;
        &lt;echo message="prop is ${param1}.${param2}" /&gt;
  <p>Really this just a wrapper around "AntCall"<br/>
                  Added a "type" attribute that works precisely like
                  its equivalent in <CODE>ExecuteOn</CODE>. It allows
                  the user to specify whether directories, files, or
                  both directories and files from the filesets are
                  included as entries in the parameter set.</p>
      <td>If true, forks the ant invocation.</td>
      <td>If true, pass all properties to the new Ant project. Defaults to true.</td>
      <td>If true, pass all references to the new Ant project. Defaults to false</td>
      <td>Target to execute, required.</td>
      <td>Enable verbose output when signing ; optional: default false</td>
  <title>Parameters as nested elements</title>
  <p>param (<br/></p>
  1.1                  ws-axis/site/src4forrest-060/ja/src/documentation/content/xdocs/java/ant/runaxisfunctionaltests.xml
  Index: runaxisfunctionaltests.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.2//EN" "./dtd/document-v12.dtd">
      <title>WebServices - Axis</title>
  <title>Runaxisfunctionaltests Task</title>
  <p>Ant task for starting / stopping servers and running junit in the middle.</p>
  <p>Ant task for starting / stopping servers and running junit in the middle. Based on the Cactus org.apache.commons.cactus.ant package, heavily munged and cruftily dumped into one file.</p>
  <p><i>For Axis development; there is no support or stability associated with this task</i></p>
      <td>Sets the target to call to start server 2.</td>
      <td>Sets the stop target. This is the target which does a HTTP admin shutdown on the simple server.</td>
      <td>Sets the target to call to start server 1.</td>
      <td>Sets the target to call to run the tests.</td>
      <td>Sets the target URL (just http://host:port)</td>
  <title>Parameters as nested elements</title>