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Posted to by Kristian Rosenvold <> on 2012/08/28 22:18:10 UTC

[ANN] Maven Surefire Plugin 2.12.3 Released

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven
Surefire Plugin, version 2.12.3.

This release includes the maven-surefire-plugin, which executes the
unit tests of an application, the maven-surefire-report-plugin, which
parses surefire/failsafe test results and renders them to DOXIA
creating the web interface version of the test results, as well as the
maven-failsafe-plugin, which executes the integration tests of an

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 2.12.3

** Bug
    * [SUREFIRE-824] - SpecificTestClassFilterTest currently fails on windows
    * [SUREFIRE-848] - NPE in
    * [SUREFIRE-849] - Properites groups and excludedGroups do not
enable JUnit47 provider
    * [SUREFIRE-857] - Non-ASCII source and name in ReportEntry are
escaped unicode on fork.
    * [SUREFIRE-862] - excludedGroups property does not work with JUnit
    * [SUREFIRE-878] - redirectTestOutputToFile is empty when text is
written to output too early (SpringJUnit4ClassRunner)
    * [SUREFIRE-888] - <reportFormat>plain</reportFormat> should
inject "\n" after per-method test line items in console & files
    * [SUREFIRE-901] - Failsafe verify fails if no
failsafe-summary.xml can be found
    * [SUREFIRE-906] - Sometimes get NullPointerException in forked process
    * [SUREFIRE-907] - IllegalArgumentException from
ThreadPoolExecutor.<init> in

** Improvement
    * [SUREFIRE-899] - Add support for TestNG "order-by-instances" property


-The Maven team