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cvs commit: jakarta-lucene-sandbox/contributions/webcrawler-LARM build.xml

otis        2002/09/14 12:16:28

  Modified:    contributions/webcrawler-LARM build.xml
  - Moved properties to a properties file.
  - Commented out checksyntax and run targets, since LARM can be started from now.
  - Added target clean that just cleans the build files and changed cleanall
  target to use it.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.4       +137 -137  jakarta-lucene-sandbox/contributions/webcrawler-LARM/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-lucene-sandbox/contributions/webcrawler-LARM/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision 1.4
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
  --- build.xml	30 Jun 2002 14:58:27 -0000	1.3
  +++ build.xml	14 Sep 2002 19:16:28 -0000	1.4
  @@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
   <?xml version="1.0"?>
  +<!-- $Id$ -->
   <project name="webcrawler-LARM" default="build" basedir=".">
  -  <property file="${basedir}/" />
  +    <property file="${basedir}/" />
  +    <property file="${basedir}/" />
  -  <property name="name"           value="webcrawler_LARM"/>
  -  <property name="version"        value="0.5"/>
  -  <property name=""     value="${name}-${version}"/>
  -  <property name="debug"          value="on"/>
  -  <property name="src.dir"        value="./src"/>
  -  <property name="lib.dir"        value="./libs"/>
  -  <property name="logs.dir"       value="./logs"/>
  -  <property name="cache.dir"      value="./cachingqueue"/>
  -  <property name="build.dir"      value="./build"/>
  -  <property name="src.httpclient" value="${lib.dir}/"/>
  -  <property name="build.classes"  value="${build.dir}/src"/>
  -  <property name="build.src"      value="${build.dir}/src"/>
  -  <property name="build.encoding" value="ISO-8859-1"/>
  -  <property name="threads"        value="15"/>
  -  <!-- Build classpath -->
  -  <path id="classpath">
  -    <pathelement location="${build.classes}"/>
  -    <pathelement location="${lucene.jar}"/>
  -    <pathelement location="${oro.jar}"/>
  -    <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
  -        <include name="*.jar" />
  -     </fileset>
  -   </path>
  -  <path id="run.classpath">
  -    <pathelement location="${build.dir}/${}.jar"/>
  -    <pathelement location="${lucene.jar}"/>
  -    <pathelement location="${oro.jar}"/>
  -    <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
  -      <include name="*.jar" />
  -    </fileset>
  -  </path>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- I N I T                                                            -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="init">
  -    <available
  -      property="lucene.present"
  -      classname="org.apache.lucene.document.Document"
  -      classpath="${lucene.jar}"
  -    />
  -  </target>
  -  <target name="lucene_check" depends="init" unless="lucene.present">
  -    <echo>
  -      ##################################################################
  -      Lucene not found.
  -      Lucene Home: ${lucene.jar}
  -      ##################################################################
  -    </echo>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- B U I L D                                                          -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="build" depends="init,lucene_check"
  -    description="-> builds jar file">
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${build.src}"/>
  -    <unzip src="${src.httpclient}" dest="${build.src}" overwrite="false"/>
  -    <javac
  -      encoding="${build.encoding}"
  -      srcdir="${src.dir}:${build.src}"
  -      excludes="**/CVS/*"
  -      destdir="${build.classes}"
  -      debug="${debug}">
  -      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  -    </javac>
  -    <jar
  -      jarfile="${build.dir}/${}.jar"
  -      basedir="${build.classes}"
  -    />
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- Check Syntax for Run Task                                          -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="checksyntax" unless="start">
  -    <echo>
  -    use run with the following syntax
  -    ant run -Dstart=&lt;URL&gt; -Drestrictto=&lt;Pattern&gt; [-Dthreads=&lt;Thread Count&gt;]
  -    default value for threads is 15
  -    </echo>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- R U N                                                              -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="run" depends="build, checksyntax" if="start"
  -    description="-> runs command-line version of the crawler">
  -    <delete dir="${logs.dir}"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${logs.dir}"/>
  -    <java
  -      classname="de.lanlab.larm.fetcher.FetcherMain"
  -      fork="yes">
  -      <jvmarg value="-server"/>
  -      <jvmarg value="-Xmx400mb"/>
  -      <arg value="-start"/>
  -      <arg value="${start}"/>
  -      <arg value="-restrictto"/>
  -      <arg value="${restrictto}"/>
  -      <arg value="-threads"/>
  -      <arg value="${threads}"/>
  -      <classpath refid="run.classpath"/>
  -    </java>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- C L E A N   L A S T   R U N                                        -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="cleanlastrun"
  -    description="-> cleans files created by each run of the crawler">
  -    <delete dir="${logs.dir}"/>
  -    <delete dir="${cache.dir}"/>
  -  </target>
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- C L E A N   A L L                                                  -->
  -  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="cleanall" depends="cleanlastrun"
  -    description="-> cleans all build and run files">
  -    <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
  -  </target>
  +<!--     <property name="logs.dir"       value="./logs"/> -->
  +<!--     <property name="cache.dir"      value="./cachingqueue"/> -->
  +<!--     <property name="threads"        value="15"/> -->
  +    <!-- Build classpath -->
  +    <path id="classpath">
  +	<pathelement location="${build.classes}"/>
  +	<pathelement location="${lucene.jar}"/>
  +	<pathelement location="${oro.jar}"/>
  +	<fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
  +	    <include name="*.jar" />
  +	</fileset>
  +    </path>
  +    <path id="run.classpath">
  +	<pathelement location="${build.dir}/${}.jar"/>
  +	<pathelement location="${lucene.jar}"/>
  +	<pathelement location="${oro.jar}"/>
  +	<fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
  +	    <include name="*.jar" />
  +	</fileset>
  +    </path>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- I N I T                                                            -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="init">
  +	<available property="lucene.present"
  +		   classname="org.apache.lucene.document.Document"
  +		   classpath="${lucene.jar}"/>
  +	<mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
  +	<mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
  +	<mkdir dir="${build.src}"/>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="lucene_check" depends="init" unless="lucene.present">
  +	<echo>
  +	    ##################################################################
  +	    Lucene not found.
  +	    Lucene Jar: ${lucene.jar}
  +	    ##################################################################
  +	</echo>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- B U I L D                                                          -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="build" depends="init,lucene_check"
  +	    description="-> compiles sources and builds jar file">
  +	<!-- unzip HTTPClient in the build source tree -->
  +	<unzip src="${src.httpclient}" dest="${build.src}" overwrite="false"/>
  +	<!-- compile -->
  +	<javac
  +	       encoding="${build.encoding}"
  +	       srcdir="${src.dir}:${build.src}"
  +	       excludes="**/CVS/*"
  +	       destdir="${build.classes}"
  +	       debug="${debug}"
  +	       deprecation="${deprecation}">
  +	    <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  +	</javac>
  +	<!-- make a jar -->
  +	<jar
  +	     jarfile="${build.dir}/${}.jar"
  +	     basedir="${build.classes}"
  +	     />
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- Check Syntax for Run Task                                          -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +<!--     <target name="checksyntax" unless="start"> -->
  +<!-- 	<echo> -->
  +<!-- 	    use run with the following syntax -->
  +<!-- 	    ant run -Dstart=&lt;URL&gt; -Drestrictto=&lt;Pattern&gt; [-Dthreads=&lt;Thread Count&gt;] -->
  +<!-- 	    default value for threads is 15 -->
  +<!-- 	</echo> -->
  +<!--     </target> -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- R U N                                                              -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +<!--     <target name="run" depends="build, checksyntax" if="start" -->
  +<!-- 	    description="-> runs command-line version of the crawler"> -->
  +<!-- 	<delete dir="${logs.dir}"/> -->
  +<!-- 	<mkdir dir="${logs.dir}"/> -->
  +<!-- 	<java -->
  +<!-- 	      classname="de.lanlab.larm.fetcher.FetcherMain" -->
  +<!-- 	      fork="yes"> -->
  +<!-- 	    <jvmarg value="-server"/> -->
  +<!-- 	    <jvmarg value="-Xmx400mb"/> -->
  +<!-- 	    <arg value="-start"/> -->
  +<!-- 	    <arg value="${start}"/> -->
  +<!-- 	    <arg value="-restrictto"/> -->
  +<!-- 	    <arg value="${restrictto}"/> -->
  +<!-- 	    <arg value="-threads"/> -->
  +<!-- 	    <arg value="${threads}"/> -->
  +<!-- 	    <classpath refid="run.classpath"/> -->
  +<!-- 	</java> -->
  +<!--     </target> -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- C L E A N   L A S T   R U N                                        -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="cleanlastrun"
  +	    description="-> cleans files created by each run of the crawler">
  +	<delete dir="${logs.dir}"/>
  +	<delete dir="${cache.dir}"/>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- C L E A N  B U I L D                                               -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="clean"
  +	    description="-> cleans all build files">
  +	<delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
  +    </target>
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <!-- C L E A N   A L L                                                  -->
  +    <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +    <target name="cleanall" depends="clean, cleanlastrun"
  +	    description="-> cleans all build and run files"/>

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