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Posted to by james lapointe <> on 2015/08/31 19:17:16 UTC

.camel folders contention

In my corporate environment - I had to run camel in web container.  I later
found out the environment is load balanced - meaning two instances of camel
will try and process the same file.  In looking the logs - I'm seeing some
contention errors are both routes are running and one has locked the camel
processing folder .camel.

At the moment, I'am of two minds about this - if it is a problem or not.
Part of me thinks the 1st server to get pick up the route will process and
the second will get errors - but it won't hurt anything.  The other part of
me thinks they will contend for the same resource and this will cause

Thus, my question is do I have a problem?  Any if so - what is some

I realize I could set up/configure so it's only running on one server.

Best Regards:
