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Posted to by Christian Amend <> on 2016/08/19 08:29:21 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Olingo 2.0.7 has been released


we proudly announce that Apache Olingo 2.0.7 has been released.
You can find the Apache Olingo website here:

This is a maintenance release of Apache Olingo and includes mainly
Bugfixes and small core and JPA Improvements.

This release is available for download:

Apache Olingo is a Java library which enables developers to implement
OData producers and OData consumers.

The Open Data Protocol (OData, is a Web protocol for
querying and updating data that provides a way to unlock your data and
free it from silos that exist in applications today. OData does this
by applying and building upon Web technologies such as HTTP, Atom
Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) and JSON to provide access to
information from a variety of applications, services, and stores.

Release Notes - Olingo - Version 2.0.7

[OLINGO-759] - EntityProviderException HTTP status code 400 is not right
[OLINGO-836] - Null compare handling when using eclipselink+oracle
[OLINGO-875] - Null pointer execption
[OLINGO-882] - Olingo closes EntityManager which is managed by the
application server
[OLINGO-883] - Datetime literal is case sensitive
[OLINGO-891] - Use only two parameters in CONCAT function of JPA Where
[OLINGO-901] - Olingo 2.0.6 has hard requirement on gson 2.4
[OLINGO-929] - Update Entry fails when containing deferred links
[OLINGO-940] - Doesn't support query by special characters like "&" in
$filter expression
[OLINGO-941] - Potential NullPointerException if Navigation Property
in $select Option
[OLINGO-942] - Improve error message for batch handling
[OLINGO-951] - JPA Embeddable support for Olingo and a null check
[OLINGO-955] - NPE in Annotation List Processor
[OLINGO-959] - Deep Insert and Navigation Property Dual Access fix
[OLINGO-973] - WstxParsingException while parsing the OData response
[OLINGO-976] - Problem with JTA transactions

[OLINGO-749] - Support Higher precision for TimeStamps
[OLINGO-763] - Improve V2 Error handling
[OLINGO-881] - V2 Support Java.sql.Timestamp for date/time relevant simple types
[OLINGO-895] - Support for @VirtualAccess
[OLINGO-937] - Avoid call to ServiceLoader on each request
[OLINGO-946] - V2 JPA: Store EdmProvider data in a LinkedHashMap
[OLINGO-947] - V2 Code Cleanup Epic

[OLINGO-965] - V2 Create 2.0.7 release
[OLINGO-997] - Make release build work with Java 8

Best Regards,