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Posted to by on 2001/08/01 03:58:24 UTC

cvs commit: httpd-2.0/server request.c

wrowe       01/07/31 18:58:24

  Modified:    server   request.c
    Add the new directory_walk logic, eliminating get_path_info and
    check_symlinks, in a protected define REPLACE_PATH_INFO_METHOD.
    This allows others to work on vetting, caching, etc, while keeping
    the existing logic stable till it's sufficiently optimal for beta.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.16      +389 -0    httpd-2.0/server/request.c
  Index: request.c
  RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-2.0/server/request.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.15
  retrieving revision 1.16
  diff -u -r1.15 -r1.16
  --- request.c	2001/07/30 19:19:35	1.15
  +++ request.c	2001/08/01 01:58:24	1.16
  @@ -153,6 +153,8 @@
   static int check_symlinks(char *d, int opts, apr_pool_t *p)
   #if defined(OS2)
  @@ -642,6 +644,392 @@
                                    * symlink goop. */
  +#else /* defined REPLACE_PATH_INFO_METHOD */
  + *
  + * Getting and checking directory configuration.  Also checks the
  + * FollowSymlinks and FollowSymOwner stuff, since this is really the
  + * only place that can happen (barring a new mid_dir_walk callout).
  + *
  + * We can't do it as an access_checker module function which gets
  + * called with the final per_dir_config, since we could have a directory
  + * with FollowSymLinks disabled, which contains a symlink to another
  + * with a .htaccess file which turns FollowSymLinks back on --- and
  + * access in such a case must be denied.  So, whatever it is that
  + * checks FollowSymLinks needs to know the state of the options as
  + * they change, all the way down.
  + */
  +AP_DECLARE(int) directory_walk(request_rec *r)
  +    core_server_config *sconf = ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config,
  +                                                     &core_module);
  +    ap_conf_vector_t *per_dir_defaults = r->server->lookup_defaults;
  +    ap_conf_vector_t **sec_ent = (ap_conf_vector_t **) sconf->sec->elts;
  +    int num_sec = sconf->sec->nelts;
  +    int sec;
  +    unsigned int seg;
  +    int res;
  +    ap_conf_vector_t *entry_config;
  +    ap_conf_vector_t *this_conf;
  +    core_dir_config *entry_core;
  +    apr_status_t rv;
  +    apr_size_t buflen;
  +    char *seg_name;
  +    char *delim;
  +    /*
  +     * Are we dealing with a file? If not, we simply assume we have a 
  +     * handler that doesn't require one, but for safety's sake, and so
  +     * we have something find_types() can get something out of, fake 
  +     * one. But don't run through the directory entries.
  +     */
  +    if (r->filename == NULL) {
  +        r->filename = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->uri);
  +        r->finfo.filetype = APR_NOFILE;
  +        r->per_dir_config = per_dir_defaults;
  +        return OK;
  +    }
  +    /*
  +     * Go down the directory hierarchy.  Where we have to check for symlinks,
  +     * do so.  Where a .htaccess file has permission to override anything,
  +     * try to find one.  If either of these things fails, we could poke
  +     * around, see why, and adjust the lookup_rec accordingly --- this might
  +     * save us a call to get_path_info (with the attendant stat()s); however,
  +     * for the moment, that's not worth the trouble.
  +     *
  +     * r->path_info tracks the remaining source path.
  +     * r->filename  tracks the path as we build it.
  +     * we begin our adventure at the root...
  +     */
  +    r->path_info = r->filename;
  +    if ((rv = apr_filepath_merge(&r->path_info, NULL, r->filename, 
  +                                 APR_FILEPATH_NOTRELATIVE, r->pool)) 
  +                  == APR_SUCCESS) {
  +        char *buf;
  +        rv = apr_filepath_root(&r->filename, &r->path_info, 
  +                               APR_FILEPATH_TRUENAME, r->pool);
  +        buflen = strlen(r->filename) + strlen(r->path_info) + 1;
  +        buf = apr_palloc(r->pool, buflen);
  +        strcpy (buf, r->filename);
  +        r->filename = buf;
  +    }
  +    else {
  +        return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
  +    }
  +    r->finfo.valid = APR_FINFO_TYPE;
  +    r->finfo.filetype = APR_DIR; /* It's the root, of course it's a dir */
  +    /* Fake filenames (i.e. proxy:) only match Directory sections.
  +     */
  +    if (rv == APR_EBADPATH)
  +    {
  +        const char *entry_dir;
  +        for (sec = 0; sec < num_sec; ++sec) {
  +            entry_config = sec_ent[sec];
  +            entry_core = ap_get_module_config(entry_config, &core_module);
  +            entry_dir = entry_core->d;
  +            this_conf = NULL;
  +            if (entry_core->r) {
  +                if (!ap_regexec(entry_core->r, r->filename, 0, NULL, 0))
  +                    this_conf = entry_config;
  +            }
  +            else if (entry_core->d_is_fnmatch) {
  +                /* XXX: Gut instinct tells me this could be very, very nasty,
  +                 * have we thought through what 'faux' resource might be
  +                 * case senstitive or not?
  +                 */
  +                if (!apr_fnmatch(entry_dir, r->filename, 0))
  +                    this_conf = entry_config;
  +            }
  +            else if (!strncmp(r->filename, entry_dir, strlen(entry_dir)))
  +                this_conf = entry_config;
  +            if (this_conf)
  +                per_dir_defaults = ap_merge_per_dir_configs(r->pool,
  +                                                            per_dir_defaults,
  +                                                            this_conf);
  +        }
  +        r->per_dir_config = per_dir_defaults;
  +        return OK;
  +    }
  +    /*
  +     * seg keeps track of which segment we've copied.
  +     * sec keeps track of which section we're on, since sections are
  +     *     ordered by number of segments. See core_reorder_directories 
  +     */
  +    seg = 1; 
  +    sec = 0;
  +    do {
  +        int overrides_here;
  +        core_dir_config *core_dir = ap_get_module_config(per_dir_defaults,
  +                                                         &core_module);
  +        /* We have no trailing slash, but we sure would appreciate one...
  +         */
  +        if (seg > 1)
  +            strcat(r->filename, "/");
  +        /* Begin *this* level by looking for matching <Directory> sections
  +         * from the server config.
  +         */
  +        for (; sec < num_sec; ++sec) {
  +            char *entry_dir;
  +            entry_config = sec_ent[sec];
  +            entry_core = ap_get_module_config(entry_config, &core_module);
  +            entry_dir = entry_core->d;
  +            /* No more possible matches? */
  +            if (entry_core->r || !entry_core->d_is_absolute
  +                              || entry_core->d_components > seg)
  +                break;
  +            this_conf = NULL;
  +            if (entry_core->d_is_fnmatch) {
  +                if (!apr_fnmatch(entry_dir, r->filename, FNM_PATHNAME)) {
  +                    this_conf = entry_config;
  +                }
  +            }
  +            else if (!strcmp(r->filename, entry_dir))
  +                this_conf = entry_config;
  +            if (this_conf) {
  +                per_dir_defaults = ap_merge_per_dir_configs(r->pool,
  +                                                            per_dir_defaults,
  +                                                            this_conf);
  +                core_dir = ap_get_module_config(per_dir_defaults,
  +                                                &core_module);
  +            }
  +        }
  +        overrides_here = core_dir->override;
  +        /* If .htaccess files are enabled, check for one. */
  +        if (overrides_here) {
  +            ap_conf_vector_t *htaccess_conf = NULL;
  +            res = ap_parse_htaccess(&htaccess_conf, r, overrides_here,
  +                                    apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->filename),
  +                                    sconf->access_name);
  +            if (res)
  +                return res;
  +            if (htaccess_conf) {
  +                per_dir_defaults = ap_merge_per_dir_configs(r->pool,
  +           per_dir_defaults,
  +           htaccess_conf);
  +           r->per_dir_config = per_dir_defaults;
  +           }
  +        }
  +        /* That temporary trailing slash was useful, now drop it.
  +         */
  +        if (seg > 1)
  +            r->filename[strlen(r->filename) - 1] = '\0';
  +        /* Time for all good things to come to an end?
  +         */
  +        if (!r->path_info || !*r->path_info)
  +            break;
  +        /* Now it's time for the next segment... 
  +         * We will assume the next element is an end node, and fix it up
  +         * below as necessary...
  +         */
  +        seg_name = strchr(r->filename, '\0');
  +        delim = strchr(r->path_info + (*r->path_info == '/' ? 1 : 0), '/');
  +        if (delim) {
  +            *delim = '\0';
  +            strcpy(seg_name, r->path_info);
  +            r->path_info = delim;
  +            *delim = '/';
  +        }
  +        else {
  +            strcpy(seg_name, r->path_info);
  +            r->path_info = strchr(r->path_info, '\0');
  +        }
  +        if (*seg_name == '/') ++seg_name;
  +        /* If nothing remained but a '/' string, we are finished
  +         */
  +        if (!*seg_name)
  +            break;
  +        /* XXX: Optimization required:
  +         * If...we have allowed symlinks, and
  +         * if...we find the segment exists in the directory list
  +         * skip the lstat and dummy up an APR_DIR value for r->finfo
  +         * this means case sensitive platforms go quite quickly.
  +         * Case insensitive platforms might be given the wrong path,
  +         * but if it's not found in the cache, then we know we have
  +         * something to test (the misspelling is never cached.)
  +         */
  +        /* We choose apr_lstat here, rather that apr_stat, so that we
  +         * capture this path object rather than it's target.  We will
  +         * replace the info with our target's info below.  We especially
  +         * want the name of this 'link' object, not the name of it's
  +         * target, if we are fixing case.
  +         */
  +        rv = apr_lstat(&r->finfo, r->filename, APR_FINFO_MIN | APR_FINFO_NAME, r->pool);
  +        if (APR_STATUS_IS_ENOENT(rv)) {
  +            /* Nothing?  That could be nice.  But our directory walk is done.
  +             */
  +            r->finfo.filetype = APR_NOFILE;
  +            break;
  +        }
  +        else if (APR_STATUS_IS_EACCES(rv)) {
  +                ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r,
  +                              "access to %s denied", r->uri);
  +            return r->status = HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
  +        }
  +        else if ((rv != APR_SUCCESS && rv != APR_INCOMPLETE) 
  +                 || !(r->finfo.valid & APR_FINFO_TYPE)) {
  +            /* If we hit ENOTDIR, we must have over-optimized, deny 
  +             * rather than assume not found.
  +             */
  +            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r,
  +                          "access to %s failed", r->uri);
  +            return r->status = HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
  +        }
  +        else if ((res = check_safe_file(rnew))) {
  +            rnew->status = res;
  +            return rnew;
  +        }
  +        /* Fix up the path now if we have a name, and they don't agree
  +         */
  +        if ((r->finfo.valid & APR_FINFO_NAME) 
  +            && strcmp(seg_name, r-> {
  +            strcpy(seg_name, r->;
  +            /* TODO: provide users an option that an internal/external
  +             * redirect is required here?
  +             */
  +        }
  +        if (r->finfo.filetype == APR_LNK) 
  +        {
  +            /* Is this an possibly acceptable symlink?
  +             */
  +            apr_finfo_t fi;
  +            if (!(core_dir->opts & (OPT_SYM_LINKS | OPT_SYM_OWNER))) {
  +                ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
  +                            "Symbolic link not allowed: %s", r->filename);
  +                return r->status = HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
  +            }
  +            if ((core_dir->opts & OPT_SYM_OWNER) 
  +                    && !(r->finfo.valid & APR_FINFO_OWNER)) {
  +                /* Ok, it wasn't so easy to learn the owner, (at least, it
  +                 * wasn't free info), so let's ask again... this may hurt
  +                 * performance-wise, but we need the name more often than
  +                 * we test symlinks on case-insensitive platforms.
  +                 */
  +                if (apr_lstat(&r->finfo, r->filename, APR_FINFO_OWNER, r->pool)
  +                        != APR_SUCCESS) {
  +                    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
  +                                  "Symbolic link not allowed: %s", r->filename);
  +                    return r->status = HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
  +                }
  +            }
  +            /* let's find out the real deal...
  +             */
  +            rv = apr_stat(&fi, r->filename, APR_FINFO_MIN
  +                                          | (core_dir->opts & OPT_SYM_OWNER 
  +                                               ? APR_FINFO_OWNER : 0), r->pool);
  +            if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
  +                ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r,
  +                              "Failed to stat symbolic link's target: %s", r->filename);
  +                return r->status = HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
  +            }
  +            if ((core_dir->opts & OPT_SYM_OWNER)
  +                && (apr_compare_users(fi.user, r->finfo.user) != APR_SUCCESS)) {
  +                ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
  +                              "Symbolic link's owner doesn't match target's owner: %s", 
  +                              r->filename);
  +                return r->status = HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
  +            }
  +            /* Ok, we are done with the link's info, test the real target
  +             */
  +            r->finfo = fi;
  +            if (r->finfo.filetype == APR_REG) {
  +                /* That was fun, nothing left for us here
  +                 */
  +                break;
  +            }
  +            else if (r->finfo.filetype != APR_DIR) {
  +                ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
  +                              "symlink doesn't point to a file or directory: %s",
  +                              r->filename);
  +                return r->status = HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
  +            }
  +        }
  +        ++seg;
  +    } while (r->finfo.filetype == APR_DIR);
  +    /*
  +     * There's two types of IS_SPECIAL sections (see http_core.c), and we've
  +     * already handled the proxy:-style stuff.  Now we'll deal with the
  +     * regexes.
  +     */
  +    for (; sec < num_sec; ++sec) {
  +        entry_config = sec_ent[sec];
  +        entry_core = ap_get_module_config(entry_config, &core_module);
  +        if (entry_core->r) {
  +            if (!ap_regexec(entry_core->r, r->filename, 0, NULL, REG_NOTEOL)) {
  +                per_dir_defaults = ap_merge_per_dir_configs(r->pool,
  +                                                            per_dir_defaults,
  +                                                            entry_config);
  +            }
  +        }
  +    }
  +    r->per_dir_config = per_dir_defaults;
  +/* It seems this shouldn't be needed anymore.  We translated the symlink above
  + x  into a real resource, and should have died up there.  Even if we keep this,
  + x  it needs more thought (maybe an r->file_is_symlink) perhaps it should actually
  + x  happen in file_walk, so we catch more obscure cases in autoindex sub requests, etc.
  + x
  + x    * Symlink permissions are determined by the parent.  If the request is
  + x    * for a directory then applying the symlink test here would use the
  + x    * permissions of the directory as opposed to its parent.  Consider a
  + x    * symlink pointing to a dir with a .htaccess disallowing symlinks.  If
  + x    * you access /symlink (or /symlink/) you would get a 403 without this
  + x    * S_ISDIR test.  But if you accessed /symlink/index.html, for example,
  + x    * you would *not* get the 403.
  + x
  + x   if (r->finfo.filetype != APR_DIR
  + x       && (res = check_symlinks(r->filename, ap_allow_options(r), r->pool))) {
  + x       ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
  + x                   "Symbolic link not allowed: %s", r->filename);
  + x       return res;
  + x   }
  + */
  +    return OK;  /* 'no excuses' */
  +#endif /* defined REPLACE_PATH_INFO_METHOD */
   AP_DECLARE(int) location_walk(request_rec *r)
       core_server_config *sconf = ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config,
  @@ -774,6 +1162,7 @@
       return OK;