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Posted to by Administrator <> on 2004/04/26 16:52:04 UTC

Re[6]: The mirror's domain name changes.


Monday, April 26, 2004, 5:36:30 AM, you wrote:

   What a strange thing could happened when doing several things at
   once... Thanks for such a detailed consultations. Hope there's
   nothing I could forget for now. If it is all ok with it now -- add
   it please to the list.

H> Administrator,

H> Glad i was able to help. There are a few  more things i can see that needs
H> to be fixed before Joshua will add you to the mirror list. Take a look at
H> your directory directive for the apache dist folder in your apache HTTPD
H> config file.

H> <Directory /path/to/mirror>
H>   IndexOptions FancyIndexing NameWidth=* FoldersFirst \
H>      ScanHTMLTitles DescriptionWidth=*
H>   HeaderName HEADER.html
H>   ReadmeName README.html
H>   AllowOverride FileInfo Indexes
H>   Options Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
H> </Directory>
H> your directive include all
H> of that?It appears that it is missing AllowOverride FileInfo Indexes
H> IndexOptions FancyIndexing NameWidth=* FoldersFirst  /

H> also the permissions on your HEADER.html file in the main dist folder need
H> to be checked. HEADER.html is not being displayed when going to
H> which is required. I came to this conclusion when
H> the HEADER.html file in the cocoon directory came up the way it should.
H> HEADER.html should just need read access if i am not mistaken. This can be
H> accomplished by running the command    chmod 400 HEADER.html  That should
H> fix the permission problem for that file.

It seems that this was caused by missing directives in config, not

H> Please have a look at what i have decribed above and also take a look at
H>   which explains what is
H> expected of a mirror.

H> Cheers,

H> andy rowe
H> Rowe's Webhosting Service

H> ----- Original Message ----- 
H> From: "Administrator" <>
H> To: "Andy Rowe" <>
H> Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 5:12 AM
H> Subject: Re[4]: The mirror's domain name changes.

Best regards,