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svn commit: r675856 [1/4] - in /ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc: ./ configuration/ configuration/caches/ configuration/macrodef/ configuration/namespace/ ivyfile/ resolver/ settings/ settings/caches/ settings/macrodef/ settings/namespace/ tutorial/ tutorial/bui...

Author: xavier
Date: Fri Jul 11 01:03:23 2008
New Revision: 675856

DOCUMENTATION: Fixed more than a hundred (100+) obsolete "configuration" references; replaced with "settings" (IVY-863) (thanks to Sakari Maaranen)

    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/caches.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/caches/cache.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/caches/ttl.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/classpath.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/conflict-managers.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/include.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/latest-strategies.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/lock-strategies.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/macrodef.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/macrodef/attribute.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/module.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/modules.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/namespace.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/namespace/dest.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/namespace/fromtosystem.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/namespace/rule.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/namespace/src.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/namespaces.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/outputters.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/parsers.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/properties.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/property.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/resolvers.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/settings.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/status.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/statuses.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/triggers.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/typedef.html   (with props)
    ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/settings/version-matchers.html   (with props)

Modified: ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/concept.html
--- ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/concept.html (original)
+++ ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/concept.html Fri Jul 11 01:03:23 2008
@@ -245,13 +245,13 @@
 <li>the repository cache</li>
 The repository cache is where Ivy stores data downloaded from module repositories, along with some meta information concerning these artifacts, like their original location.
-This part of the cache can be shared if you use a well suited [[configuration/lock-strategies lock strategy]]. 
+This part of the cache can be shared if you use a well suited [[settings/lock-strategies lock strategy]]. 
 <li>the resolution cache</li>
 This part of the cache is used to store resolution data, which is used by Ivy to reuse the results of a resolve process.
 This part of the cache is overwritten each time a new resolve is performed, and should never be used by multiple processes at the same time.
-While there is always only one resolution cache, you can [[configuration/caches define multiple repository caches]], each [[configuration/resolvers resolver]] being able to use a separate cache.
+While there is always only one resolution cache, you can [[settings/caches define multiple repository caches]], each [[settings/resolvers resolver]] being able to use a separate cache.
 <h2><a name="change">Change management</a></h2>
 To optimize the dependency resolution and the way the cache is used, Ivy assumes by default that a revision never changes. So once Ivy has a module in its cache (metadata and artifacts), it trusts the cache and do not even query the repository. This optimization is very useful in most cases, and causes no problem as long as you respect this paradigm: a revision never changes. Besides performance, there are several [[bestpractices good reasons]] to follow this principle.	
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
 <h3>Changes in artifacts</h3>
 Some people, especially those coming from maven 2 land, like to use one special revision to handle often updated modules. In maven 2 this is called a SNAPSHOT version, and some argue that it helps saves disk space to keep only one version for the high number of intermediary builds you can make whilst developing.
-Ivy supports this kind of approach with the notion of changing revision. A changing revision is just that: a revision for which Ivy should consider that the artifacts may change over time. To handle this, you can either specify a dependency as changing on the [[ivyfile/dependency]] tag, or use the changingPattern and changingMatcher attributes on your [[configuration/resolvers]] to indicate which revision or group of revisions should be considered as changing.
+Ivy supports this kind of approach with the notion of changing revision. A changing revision is just that: a revision for which Ivy should consider that the artifacts may change over time. To handle this, you can either specify a dependency as changing on the [[ivyfile/dependency]] tag, or use the changingPattern and changingMatcher attributes on your [[settings/resolvers]] to indicate which revision or group of revisions should be considered as changing.
 Once Ivy knows that a revision is changing, it will follow this principle to avoid checking your repository too often: if the module metadata has not changed, it will considered the whole module (including artifacts) as not changed. Even if the module descriptor file has changed, it will check the publication data of the module to see if this is a new publication of the same revision or not. Then if the publication date has changed, it will check the artifacts last modified timestamps, and download them accordingly.

Modified: ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration.html
--- ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration.html (original)
+++ ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration.html Fri Jul 11 01:03:23 2008
@@ -22,135 +22,13 @@
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+	<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="3; url=settings.html">
-	<textarea id="xooki-source">
-In order to work as you want, ivy sometimes need some settings. Actually, ivy can work with no specific settings at all, see the <a href="tutorial/defaultconf.html">default settings documentation</a> for details about that. But ivy is able to work in very different contexts. You just have to configure it properly.
-Settings are specified through an xml file, usually called ivysettings.xml. To configure ivy from ant, you just have to use the [[ant:settings]] datatype with the path of your settings file.
-Here is an example of settings file :
-<code type="xml">
-        <properties file="${ivy.settings.dir}/" />
-        <settings defaultCache="${cache.dir}" defaultResolver="ibiblio" checkUpToDate="false" />
-        <resolvers>
-                <ibiblio name="ibiblio" />
-                <filesystem name="internal">
-                        <ivy pattern="${repository.dir}/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml" />
-                        <artifact pattern="${repository.dir}/[module]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" />
-                </filesystem>
-        </resolvers>
-        <modules>
-                <module organisation="jayasoft" name=".*" resolver="internal" />
-        </modules>
-Mainly, the settings enable to configure the default cache directory used by ivy and the dependency resolvers that it will use to resolve dependencies.
-<i>Note: To work, this settings file needs a property file named in the same directory as the settings file, with ivy variables you want in it.</i>
-Some useful variables are available in settings files:
-<li>ivy.settings.dir</li> this variable references the directory in which the ivysettings itself is. This is available if the settings has been loaded as a file. In case of an url, it takes the part before the last slash of the url, if any. If the url has no slash, then this variable is not set.
-<li>ivy.settings.file</li>the path of the settings file itself, it has been loaded as a file only. If it has been loaded as an url, this variable is not set
-<li>ivy.settings.url</li>the url pointing to the settings file. This is set both when it has been loaded as a file or an url
-<span class="since">since 1.4</span> Note that all <a href="">java system properties</a> are available as ivy variables in your settings file.
-<h1>Settings file structure</h1>
-The settings file is structured in some parts and left other open. Indeed each resolver has its own structure, thus it's not the settings file itself which define the structure for the resolvers.
-    <a href="configuration/property.html">property</a>
-    <a href="configuration/properties.html">properties</a>
-    <a href="configuration/conf.html">settings</a>
-    <a href="configuration/include.html">include</a>
-    <a href="configuration/classpath.html">classpath</a>
-    <a href="configuration/typedef.html">typedef</a>
-    <a href="configuration/lock-strategies.html">lock-strategies</a>
-    <a href="configuration/caches.html">caches</a>
-        <a href="configuration/caches/cache.html">cache</a>
-    <a href="configuration/latest-strategies.html">latest-strategies</a>
-    <a href="configuration/version-matchers.html">version-matchers</a>
-    <a href="configuration/triggers.html">triggers</a>
-    <a href="configuration/parsers.html">parsers</a>
-    <a href="configuration/conflict-managers.html">conflict-managers</a>
-    <a href="configuration/outputters.html">outputters</a>
-    <a href="configuration/namespaces.html">namespaces</a>
-        <a href="configuration/namespace.html">namespace</a>
-            <a href="configuration/namespace/rule.html">rule</a>
-                <a href="configuration/namespace/fromtosystem.html">fromsystem</a>
-                    <a href="configuration/namespace/src.html">src</a>
-                    <a href="configuration/namespace/dest.html">dest</a>
-                <a href="configuration/namespace/fromtosystem.html">tosystem</a>
-                    <a href="configuration/namespace/src.html">src</a>
-                    <a href="configuration/namespace/dest.html">dest</a>
-    <a href="configuration/macrodef.html">macrodef</a>
-        <a href="configuration/macrodef/attribute.html">attribute</a>
-        any resolver
-    <a href="configuration/resolvers.html">resolvers</a>
-        any resolver
-    <a href="configuration/modules.html">modules</a>
-        <a href="configuration/module.html">module</a>
-    <a href="configuration/statuses.html">statuses</a>
-        <a href="configuration/status.html">status</a>
-<b>Tag:</b> ivysettings
-Root tag of any ivysettings file.
-<h2>Child elements</h2>
-<table class="ivy-children">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-chld">Element</th><th class="ivy-chld-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-chld-card">Cardinality</th></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/property.html">property</a></td><td>set an ivy variable</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/properties.html">properties</a></td><td>loads a properties file as ivy variables</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/conf.html">settings</a></td><td>configures ivy with some defaults</td>
-        <td>0..1</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/include.html">include</a></td><td>includes another settings file</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/classpath.html">classpath</a></td><td>add a location in the classpath used to load plugins</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/typedef.html">typedef</a></td><td>defines new types in ivy</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/lock-strategies.html">lock-strategies</a></td><td>defines lock strategies</td>
-        <td>0..1</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/caches.html">caches</a></td><td>defines repository cache managers</td>
-        <td>0..1</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/latest-strategies.html">latest-strategies</a></td><td>defines latest strategies</td>
-        <td>0..1</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/parsers.html">parsers</a></td><td>defines module descriptor parsers</td>
-        <td>0..1</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/version-matchers.html">version-matchers</a></td><td>defines new version matchers</td>
-        <td>0..1</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/triggers.html">triggers</a></td><td>register triggers on ivy events</td>
-        <td>0..1</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/namespaces.html">namespaces</a></td><td>defines new namespaces</td>
-        <td>0..1</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/macrodef.html">macrodef</a></td><td>defines a new macro resolver</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/resolvers.html">resolvers</a></td><td>defines dependency resolvers</td>
-        <td>0..1</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/conflict-managers.html">conflict-managers</a></td><td>defines conflicts managers</td>
-        <td>0..1</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/modules.html">modules</a></td><td>defines rules between modules and dependency resolvers</td>
-        <td>0..1</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/outputters.html">outputters</a></td><td>defines the list of available report outputters</td>
-        <td>0..1</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="configuration/statuses.html">statuses</a></td><td>defines the list of available statuses</td>
-        <td>0..1</td></tr>
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+<a href="settings.html">here</a>.
 <script type="text/javascript">xooki.postProcess();</script>

Modified: ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/caches.html
--- ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/caches.html (original)
+++ ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/caches.html Fri Jul 11 01:03:23 2008
@@ -22,71 +22,13 @@
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+	<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="3; url=../settings/caches.html">
-	<textarea id="xooki-source">
-<b>Tag:</b> caches
-Configures the Ivy cache system. <span class="since">since 2.0</span>.
-See <a href="../concept.html#cache">cache concept</a> for details on the Ivy cache concept.
-By default, Ivy defines one repository cache instance, called 'default-cache', which uses the default cache settings defined using attributes on this tag. This default instance is defined as long as you don't define your own default cache using the 'default' attribute, and have at least one dependency resolver which doesn't specify which cache instance to use.
-<em>defaultCacheDir</em> is the default directory used for both the resolution and repository cache(s). It usually points to a directory in your filesystem. If you want to isolate resolution cache from repository cache, we recommend setting both the resolutionCacheDir and repositoryCacheDir attributes on this tag instead of using defaultCacheDir.
-Since repository cache implementations are pluggable, you can either define new cache instances based on the default implementation provided in Ivy using the [[configuration/caches/cache]] child element, or use custom cache implementations using child elements as you have defined using [[configuration/typedef]].
-<em>ivyPattern</em> and <em>artifactPattern</em> are used to configure the default way Ivy stores ivy files and artifacts in repository cache(s). Usually you do not have to change this, unless you want to use the cache directly from another tool, which is not recommended. These patterns are relative to the repository cache base directory.
-<em>checkUpToDate</em> indicates to ivy if it must check date of artifacts before retrieving them (i.e. copying them from
-cache to another place in your filesystem). Usually it is a good thing to check date to avoid unnecessary copy, even if it's most of the time a local copy.
-<table class="ivy-attributes">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-att">Attribute</th><th class="ivy-att-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-att-req">Required</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>default</td><td>the name of the default cache to use on all resolvers not defining the cache instance to use</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to a default cache manager instance named 'default-cache'</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>defaultCacheDir</td><td>a path to a directory to use as default basedir for both resolution and repository cache(s)</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to .ivy2/cache in the user's home directory</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>resolutionCacheDir</td><td>the path of the directory to use for all resolution cache data</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to defaultCacheDir</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>repositoryCacheDir</td><td>the path of the default directory to use for repository cache data. <strong>This should not point to a directory used as a repository!</strong></td>
-        <td>No, defaults to defaultCacheDir</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>ivyPattern</td><td>default pattern used to indicate where ivy files should be put in the repository cache(s)</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to [organisation]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>artifactPattern</td><td>default pattern used to indicate where artifact files should be put in the repository cache(s)</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to [organisation]/[module]/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>checkUpToDate</td><td>Indicates if date should be checked before retrieving artifacts from cache</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to true</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>useOrigin</td><td>the default value to use for useOrigin for caches in which it isn't specifically defined.
-    	Use true to avoid the copy of local artifacts to the cache and use directly their original location.</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to false</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>lockStrategy</td><td>the name of the default [[configuration/lock-strategies lock strategy]] to use when accessing repository cache(s)</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to <em>no-lock</em></td></tr>
-<h1>Child elements</h1>
-<table class="ivy-children">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-chld">Element</th><th class="ivy-chld-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-chld-card">Cardinality</th></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="caches/cache.html">cache</a></td><td>defines a new repository cache instance, based on the default repository cache implementation</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
-<code type="xml">
-  <cache name="mycache" basedir="path/to/my/cache/1" />
-  <cache name="mycache2" basedir="path/to/my/cache/2" />
-Define 2 cache instances, named mycache and mycache2, using two different directories as base directory, and using the default patterns and lock strategies. The default cache instance will still be defined as long as at least one dependency resolver does not declare which cache manager to use.
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Modified: ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/caches/cache.html
--- ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/caches/cache.html (original)
+++ ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/caches/cache.html Fri Jul 11 01:03:23 2008
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-	<textarea id="xooki-source">
-<b>Tag:</b> cache
-Defines a repository cache instance based on the default repository cache implementation.
-The default repository cache implementation caches files on the local filesystem in subdirectories of a configured base directory.
-<table class="ivy-attributes">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-att">Attribute</th><th class="ivy-att-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-att-req">Required</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>name</td><td>name of the cache instance</td>
-        <td>Yes</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>basedir</td><td>the path of the base directory to use to put repository cache data. <strong>This should not point to a directory used as a repository!</strong></td>
-        <td>No, defaults to repositoryCacheDir defined in [[configuration/caches]]</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>ivyPattern</td><td>the pattern to use to store cached ivy files</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to default cache ivy pattern as configured in [[configuration/caches]]</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>artifactPattern</td><td>the pattern to use to store cached artifacts</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to default cache artifact pattern as configured in [[configuration/caches]]</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>useOrigin</td><td>true to avoid the copy of local artifacts to the cache and use directly their original location, false otherwise. 
-To know if an artifact is local ivy asks to the resolver. Only filesystem resolver is considered local by default, but this can be disabled if you want to force the copy on one filesystem resolver and use the original location on another. Note that it is safe to use useOrigin even if you use the cache for some non local resolvers. In this case the cache will behave as usual, copying files to the cache. Note also that this only applies to artifacts, not to ivy files, which are still copied in the cache.</td>
-        <td>No. defaults to the default value configured in [[configuration/caches]]</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>lockStrategy</td><td>the name of the [[configuration/lock-strategies lock strategy]] to use for this cache</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to default lock strategy as configured in [[configuration/caches]]</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>defaultTTL</td><td>the default [[configuration/caches/ttl TTL]] to use when no specific one is defined</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to ${ivy.cache.ttl.default}</td></tr>
-<h1>Child elements</h1>
-<table class="ivy-children">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-chld">Element</th><th class="ivy-chld-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-chld-card">Cardinality</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>[[configuration/caches/ttl]]</td><td>defines a TTL rule</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
-<cache name="mycache" 
-       basedir="/path/to/mycache"
-       ivyPattern="[module]/ivy-[revision].xml" 
-       artifactPattern="[module]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"
-       lockStrategy="no-lock"
-       defaultTTL="1s">
-    <ttl revision="latest.integration" duration="200ms" />
-    <ttl organisation="org1" duration="10m 20s" />
-    <ttl organisation="org2" duration="5h" />
-    <ttl organisation="org3" duration="2d 12h" />
-Defines a cache called 'mycache', storing files in the '/path/to/mycache' directory using '[module]/ivy-[revision].xml' as pattern to store Ivy files and '[module]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]' as pattern to store other artifacts.
-The lock strategy used by this cache is the 'no-lock' strategy, which does not perform any locking. 
-The defaultTTL used is of 1s, meaning that by default dynamic revision result will be stored and used for one second. TTL rules then define that all 'latest.integration' revisions will be stored and used for 200ms, while other dynamic revisions from org1 org2 and org3 modules will be stored respectively for 10 minutes 20 seconds; 5 hours; and 2 days and 12 hours.</textarea>
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Modified: ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/caches/ttl.html
--- ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/caches/ttl.html (original)
+++ ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/caches/ttl.html Fri Jul 11 01:03:23 2008
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-	<textarea id="xooki-source">
-<b>Tag:</b> ttl
-<span class="since">Since 2.0</span> Defines a TTL (Time To Live) rule for resolved revision caching.
-When Ivy resolves a dynamic version constraint (like latest.integration or a version range), it can store the result of the resolution (like latest.integration=1.5.1) for a given time, called TTL. It means that Ivy will reuse this dynamic revision resolution result without accessing the repositories for the duration of the TTL, unless running [[ant:resolve]] in refresh mode.
-This tag let you define a rule to define a TTL specific to a set of dynamic revision, based on the whole module revision information (organization, module name, revision, ...). The revision considered in the rule is the revision before the resolution (for instance 'latest.integration') and not the resolved revision (for instance '1.5.1').
-The rules are evaluated in order, the first matching rule being used to define the TTL. If no rule matches, the cache defaultTTL will be used.
-The format used to specify the TTL is of the form:
-XXd XXh XXm XXs XXXms
-Where 'd' stands for days, 'h' for hours, 'm' for minutes, 's' for seconds and 'ms' for milliseconds. Any part of the specification can be omitted, so '12d', '2h 5m' and '1d 5ms' are all valid.
-Using a 0ms TTL disable resolved revision caching for the given rule.
-<table class="ivy-attributes">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-att">Attribute</th><th class="ivy-att-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-att-req">Required</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>organisation</td><td>the organisation to match to apply the rule.</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to *</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>module</td><td>the module's name to match to apply the rule.</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to *</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>revision</td><td>the module's revision to match to apply the rule. Note that the version is not resolved when evaluating the rule ('latest.integration' for instance).</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to *</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><em>any extra attribute</em></td><td>an extra attribute to match to apply the rule.</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to *</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>matcher</td><td>the <a href="../../concept.html#matcher">matcher</a> to use to match the modules to which the resolver should be applied</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to exact</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>duration</td><td>the TTL to apply</td>
-        <td>Yes</td></tr>
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-<b>Tag:</b> classpath
-Includes a jar in the classpath used to load plugins. <span class="since">since 1.4</span>
-This let you add ivy plugins without relying on ant classpath for instance, easing therefore the use of ivy in multiple execution environment (ant, standalone, IDE plugins, ...).
-<table class="ivy-attributes">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-att">Attribute</th><th class="ivy-att-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-att-req">Required</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>url</td><td>the url of a jar to add to the classpath</td>
-        <td>Yes, unless file is specified</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>file</td><td>a jar to add to the classpath</td>
-        <td>Yes, unless url is specified</td></tr>
-<code type="xml">
-  <classpath file="${ivy.settings.dir}/custom-resolver.jar"/>
-  <typedef name="custom" classname="org.apache.ivy.resolver.CustomResolver"/>
-  <resolvers>
-    <custom name="custom"/>
-  </resolvers>
-Adds custom-resolver.jar found in the same directory as the ivysettings.xml file itself to the classpath, then define a custom resolver and use it.
-<code type="xml">
-  <classpath url=""/>
-  <typedef name="custom" classname="org.apache.ivy.resolver.CustomResolver"/>
-  <resolvers>
-    <custom name="custom"/>
-  </resolvers>
-Same as above, but find the jar on a web server.
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Modified: ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/conf.html
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-<b>Tag:</b> settings
-Configures some important ivy info: default resolver, latest strategy, conflict manager...
-Default resolver is used whenever nothing else is configured in the modules section of the settings file. It should give the name of a dependency resolver defined in the [[configuration/resolvers]] section of the settings file.
-Default latest strategy and conflict manager can also be configured here.
-<em>validate</em> indicates if ivy files should generally be validated against the xsd or not. This setting is only a default value, and can be overridden:
-1) in ant tasks
-2) in resolvers
-So if there is a setting in the resolver, it always wins against all other settings.
-<table class="ivy-attributes">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-att">Attribute</th><th class="ivy-att-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-att-req">Required</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>defaultResolver</td><td>the name of the default resolver to use</td>
-        <td>No, but all modules should be configured in the modules section if not provided</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>defaultLatestStrategy</td><td>the name of the default latest strategy to use</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to latest-revision</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>defaultConflictManager</td><td>the name of the default conflict manager to use</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to latest-revision</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>defaultBranch</td><td>the default branch to use for all modules, except if they have a <a href="../configuration/module.html"> module specific branch setting</a>. <span class="since">since 1.4</span></td>
-        <td>No, defaults to no default branch</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>defaultResolveMode</td><td>the default [[ant:resolve resolve mode]] to use for all modules, except if they have a <a href="../configuration/module.html"> module specific resolve mode setting</a>. <span class="since">since 2.0</span></td>
-        <td>No, defaults to 'default'</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a name="circularDependencyStrategy"></a>circularDependencyStrategy</td><td>the name of the <a href="../concept.html#circular">circular dependency strategy</a> to use <span class="since">since 1.4</span></td>
-        <td>No, defaults to warn</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>validate</td><td>Indicates if ivy files should be validated against ivy.xsd or not.</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to true</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>useRemoteConfig</td><td>true to configure ivyrep and ibiblio resolver from a remote configuration file (updated with changes in those repository structure if any) (<span class="since">since 1.2</span>)</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to false</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><s>defaultCache</s></td><td>a path to a directory to use as default basedir for both resolution and repository cache(s).
-	    <i>Deprecated, we recommend using defaultCacheDir on the [[configuration/caches]] tag instead</i></td>
-        <td>No, defaults to .ivy2/cache in user home</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><s>checkUpToDate</s></td><td>Indicates if date should be checked before retrieving artifacts from cache.
-    	<i>Deprecated, we recommend using checkUpToDate on the [[configuration/caches]] tag instead</i></td>
-        <td>No, defaults to true</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><s>cacheIvyPattern</s></td><td>a pattern to indicate where ivy files should be put in cache.
-    	<i>Deprecated, we recommend using ivyPattern on the [[configuration/caches]] tag instead</i></td>
-        <td>No, defaults to [organisation]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><s>cacheArtifactPattern</s></td><td>a pattern to indicate where artifact files should be put in cache.
-    	<i>Deprecated, we recommend using artifactPattern on the [[configuration/caches]] tag instead</i></td>
-        <td>No, defaults to [organisation]/[module]/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]</td></tr>
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Modified: ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/conflict-managers.html
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-<b>Tag:</b> conflict-managers
-Defines a list of <a href="../concept.html#conflict">conflicts managers</a> usable in ivy. Each conflict manager is identified by its name, given as an attribute.
-The child tag used for the conflict manager must be equal to a name of a conflict manager type (either built-in
-or added with the typedef tag).
-Here is a list of predefined conflicts managers (which do not require anything in the configuration file):
-<li>all</li> this conflicts manager resolve conflicts by selecting all revisions. Also called NoConflictManager, it does evict any module.
-<li>latest-time</li> this conflict manager selects only the 'latest' revision, latest being defined as the latest in time. Note that latest in time is costly to compute, so prefer latest-revision if you can.
-<li>latest-revision</li> this conflict manager selects only the 'latest' revision, latest being defined by a string comparison of revisions.
-<li>latest-compatible</li> this conflict manager selects the latest version in the conflicts which can result in a compatible set of dependencies. This means that in the end this conflict manager does not allow any conflict (like the strict conflict manager), except that it follows a best effort strategy to try to find a set of compatible modules (according to the version constraints)
-<li>strict</li> this conflict manager throws an exception (i.e. causes a build failure) whenever a conflict is found.
-The two "latest" conflict managers also take into account the force attribute of the dependencies.
-Indeed direct dependencies can declare a force attribute (see <a href="../ivyfile/dependency.html">dependency</a>), which indicates the the revision given in the direct dependency should be prefered over indirect dependencies.
-Here is a list of conflict manager types available, which can be used to define your own custom conflict managers:
-<li>latest-cm</li>The latest conflict manager uses a latest strategy to select the latest revision among several ones. Both latest-time and latest-revision conflict managers are based on this conflict manager type. It takes 'latest' as attribute to define which latest strategy should be used. Example:
-<code><latest-cm name="mylatest-conflict-manager" latest="my-latest-strategy"/></code>
-<li>compatible-cm</li>The latest compatible conflict manager uses a latest strategy to select the latest revision among several ones. It takes 'latest' as attribute to define which latest strategy should be used. Example:
-<code><compatible-cm name="my-latest-compatible-conflict-manager" latest="my-latest-strategy"/></code>
-<li>regexp-cm</li>This conflict manager is based on a regular expression and throw an exception (i.e. causes a build failure) when a conflict is found with versions with different matching group. For instance if a conflict is found between 1.2.x and 1.3.y it will throw an exception if the regular exception is (.*)\.\d, because the matching group will match different string (1.2 and 1.3). 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 won't throw an exception with the same regular expression. The regular expression is set using the 'regexp' attribute. A 'ignoreNonMatching' attribute can also be set to simply warrn when a version is found which does not match the regular expression, instead of throwing an exception.
-<h3>Child elements</h3>
-<table class="ivy-children">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-chld">Element</th><th class="ivy-chld-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-chld-card">Cardinality</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>any conflict manager</td><td>adds a conflict manager to the list of available conflict managers</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
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Modified: ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/include.html
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-<b>Tag:</b> include
-Includes another ivysettings file as if it were part of this one. <span class="since">since 1.3</span>
-The included ivysettings file has to be a complete well formed ivysettings file, i.e. it does have to include the <code><ivysettings></code> tag.
-<table class="ivy-attributes">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-att">Attribute</th><th class="ivy-att-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-att-req">Required</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>file</td><td>a path to the ivysettings file to include</td>
-        <td>Yes</td></tr>
-<code type="xml">
-  <property name="myrepository" value="path/to/my/real/rep"/>
-  <settings defaultResolver="default"/>
-  <include file="path/to/ivysettings-default.xml"/>
-with ivysettings-default.xml:
-<code type="xml">
-  <property name="myrepository" value="path/to/rep" overwrite="false"/>
-  <resolvers>
-    <ivyrep name="default" ivyroot="${myrepository}"/>
-  </resolvers>
-The included ivysettings defines a resolver named default, which is an ivyrep resolver, with its root configured as being the value of myrepository variable. This variable is given the value path/to/rep in the included file, but because the attribute overwrite is set to false, it will not override the value given in the main ivysettings including this one, so the value used for myrepository will be path/to/my/real/rep.
-<code type="xml">
-  <include file="ivysettings-macro.xml"/>
-  <resolvers>
-    <mymacro name="includeworks" mymainrep="included/myrep" mysecondrep="included/secondrep"/>
-  </resolvers>
-with ivysettings-macro.xml being the ivysettings example given on the <a href="../configuration/macrodef.html">macrodef documentation page</a>.
-This let reusing macro resolver easy.
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Modified: ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/latest-strategies.html
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-<b>Tag:</b> latest-strategies
-Defines a list of <a href="../concept.html#latest">latest strategies</a> usable in ivy. Each latest strategy is identified by its name, given as an attribute.
-The child tag used for the latest strategy must be equal to a name of a latest strategy type (usually added with the typedef tag).
-The latest strategies which are always included in ivy (and do not require anything in the configuration file) are:
-<li>latest-time</li> compares the revisions date to know which is the latest. While this is often a good 
-strategy in terms of pertinence, it has the drawback to be costful to compute with distant repositories. If you use ivyrep, 
-for example, ivy has to ask the http server what is the date of each ivy file before knowing which is the latest.
-<li>latest-revision</li> compares the revisions as string, using an algorithm close to the one used in the php version_compare function.
-This algorithm takes into account special meaning of some text. For instance, with this strategy, 1.0-dev1 is considered
-before 1.0-alpha1, which in turn is before 1.0-rc1, which is before 1.0, which is before 1.0.1.
-<li>latest-lexico</li> compares the revisions as string, using lexicographic order (the one used by java string comparison).
-<h1>Child elements</h1>
-<table class="ivy-children">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-chld">Element</th><th class="ivy-chld-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-chld-card">Cardinality</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>any latest strategy</td><td>adds a latest strategy to the list of available strategies</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
-<span class="since">since 1.4</span> The latest-revision can now be configured to handle more words with special meanings than the one defined in php version_compare function.
-Here is an example of how you can do so:
-<code type="xml">
-  <latest-revision name="mylatest-revision">
-    <specialMeaning name="PRE" value="-2"/>
-    <specialMeaning name="QA" value="4"/>
-    <specialMeaning name="PROD" value="5"/>
-  </latest-revision>
-Knowing that the default special meaning words are the following:
-<code type="xml">
-    <specialMeaning name="dev" value="-1"/>
-    <specialMeaning name="rc" value="1"/>
-    <specialMeaning name="final" value="2"/>
-You can even get rid or redefine the default special meanings by setting usedefaultspecialmeanings="false" on the latest-revision tag.
-<code type="xml">
-  <latest-revision name="mylatest-revision" usedefaultspecialmeanings="false">
-    <specialMeaning name="pre" value="-2"/>
-    <specialMeaning name="m" value="1"/>
-    <specialMeaning name="rc" value="2"/>
-    <specialMeaning name="prod" value="3"/>
-  </latest-revision>
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Modified: ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/lock-strategies.html
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-<b>Tag:</b> lock-strategies <span class="since">since 2.0</span>
-Defines a list of lock strategies usable in Ivy. 
-A lock strategy is used by a cache manager to decide when and how locking should be performed (see [[configuration/cache]] to see how to configure the lock strategy to use).
-Two lock strategies are registered by default:
-<li><b>no-lock</b></li> This lock strategy actually performs no locking at all, and thus should not be used in environment where the cache is shared by multiple processes. 
-This strategy is implemented by ([[svn:src/java/org/apache/ivy/plugins/lock/ NoLockStrategy]])
-<li><b>artifact-lock</b></li> This strategy acquire a lock whenever a module descriptor or an artifact is downloaded to the cache, which makes a good solution when you want to share your repository cache.
-Note that this strategy is based on file locking, performed by default using the atomicity (which is documented as atomic in the javadoc, but not recommended to perform locks). A java.nio.FileLock based implementation is also provided, but according to our tests the createNewFile based one performs better and more reliably. We heavily recommend making your own testing in your target environment before relying on this lock strategy for heavily concurrent operations.
-This strategy is implemented by ([[svn:src/java/org/apache/ivy/plugins/lock/ ArtifactLockStrategy]])
-The child tag used for the lock strategy must be equal to a name of a lock strategy type (added with the typedef tag).
-<h1>Child elements</h1>
-<table class="ivy-children">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-chld">Element</th><th class="ivy-chld-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-chld-card">Cardinality</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>any lock strategy</td><td>adds a lock strategy to the list of available ones</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
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Modified: ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/macrodef.html
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-<b>Tag:</b> macrodef
-Defines a new dependency resolver type based upon an other one. This definition is very similar to the macrodef feature of ant for defining macro tasks. <span class="since">since 1.3</span>
-This task eases the lot the process of creating new dependency resolver, because it avoid writing java code.
-It is generally used in combination with the <a href="../configuration/include.html">include</a> feature to help reusing macro at several places.
-A macro is defined by writing the resolver it is equivalent to as if it were written in the resolver place, except that you can use attributes to pass parameters to the newly defined resolver type. Attributes are defined with a name and sometimes a default value, and are used using the following syntax: 
-<h2>Resolvers names</h2>
-Since you can use the same macro several times, and that your macro may define several resolvers (in a chain for instance), resolvers names need to be chosen carefully to avoid name conflicts (a resolver must have a unique name).
-Therefore here is how Ivy deals with the names of the resolvers defined in a macro:
-<li>if there is no name attribute on a resolver in the macrodef, then Ivy will use the name given when using the macro. This is what usually should be done for the main resolver defined in the macro</li>
-<li>if there is a name attribute on a resolver in the macrodef, but this name doesn't contain a @{name} inside, then Ivy will use the provided name prefixed with the name of the macro separated by a dash</li>
-<li>if there is a name attribute on a resolver in the macrodef, and this name contains @{name} somewhere, then Ivy will use this name, and replace @{name} with the name provided when using the macro.
-<code type="xml">
-  <macrodef name="mymacro">
-    <chain>
-      <ibiblio name="ex1" />
-      <ibiblio name="ex2.@{name}" m2compatible="true" />
-    </chain>
-  </macrodef>
-  <resolvers>
-    <mymacro name="default" />
-    <mymacro name="other" />
-   </resolvers>
-This is equivalent to:
-<code type="xml">
-  <resolvers>
-    <chain name="default">
-      <ibiblio name="default-ex1" />
-      <ibiblio name="ex2.default" m2compatible="true" />
-    </chain>
-    <chain name="other">
-      <ibiblio name="other-ex1" />
-      <ibiblio name="ex2.other" m2compatible="true" />
-    </chain>
-   </resolvers>
-<table class="ivy-attributes">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-att">Attribute</th><th class="ivy-att-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-att-req">Required</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>name</td><td>name of the resover type created</td>
-        <td>Yes</td></tr>
-<h1>Child elements</h1>
-<table class="ivy-children">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-chld">Element</th><th class="ivy-chld-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-chld-card">Cardinality</th></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="../configuration/macrodef/attribute.html">attribute</a></td><td>defines an attribute for the macro resolver</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>any resolver</td><td>defines the base resolver upon which this macro is defined</td>
-        <td>1</td></tr>
-Defining a simple macro:
-<code type="xml">
-  <macrodef name="mymacro">
-    <attribute name="mymainrep"/>
-      <filesystem name="fs1">
-        <ivy pattern="@{mymainrep}/[organisation]/[module]/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/>
-        <artifact pattern="@{mymainrep}/[organisation]/[module]/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/>
-      </filesystem>
-  </macrodef>
-Using it:
-<code type="xml">
-  <resolvers>
-    <mymacro name="default" mymainrep="path/to/myrep"/>
-  </resolvers>
-A complete example:
-<code type="xml">
-  <macrodef name="mymacro">
-    <attribute name="mymainrep"/>
-    <attribute name="mysecondrep"/>
-    <attribute name="myseconddirlayout" default="[organisation]/[module]/[type]s"/>
-    <chain>
-      <filesystem name="fs1">
-        <ivy pattern="@{mymainrep}/[organisation]/[module]/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/>
-        <artifact pattern="@{mymainrep}/[organisation]/[module]/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/>
-      </filesystem>
-      <filesystem name="fs2" latest="latest-time">
-        <ivy pattern="@{mysecondrep}/@{myseconddirlayout}/ivy-[revision].xml"/>
-        <artifact pattern="@{mysecondrep}/@{myseconddirlayout}/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/>
-      </filesystem>
-    </chain>
-  </macrodef>
-  <resolvers>
-    <mymacro name="default" mymainrep="path/to/myrep" mysecondrep="path/to/secondrep"/>
-    <mymacro name="other" 
-       mymainrep="path/to/myrep" 
-       mysecondrep="path/to/secondrep" 
-       myseconddirlayout="[module]/[type]s"/>
-   </resolvers>
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-	<textarea id="xooki-source">
-<b>Tag:</b> attribute
-Defines a macrodef attribute. See macrodef for details.
-<table class="ivy-attributes">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-att">Attribute</th><th class="ivy-att-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-att-req">Required</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>name</td><td>the name of the attribute</td>
-        <td>Yes</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>default</td><td>the default value of the attribute if none is specified</td>
-        <td>No, by default attribute are required</td></tr>
-	</textarea>
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-<b>Tag:</b> module
-Define a module set rule. The tag defines a module set, by giving an expression and the matcher to use for organisation, name, revision and any extra attribute identifying your modules. The rule matching is performed in order, and is using a pattern matcher. Hence you can use * to specify all, or simply avoid specifying the attribute. 
-The revision and extra attributes are only used for rules defining the resolver to use. For other settings, use only organisation and module name.
-It also gives the specific setting to use for this module set.
-For each module set, you can configure:
-<li>the <a href="../configuration/resolvers.html">resolver</a> to use</li>
-<li>the <a href="../configuration/conflict-managers.html">conflict manager</a> to use</li>
-<li>the default <a href="../terminology.html#branch">branch</a> to use</li>
-<li>the [[ant:resolve resolve mode]] to use</li>
-<table class="ivy-attributes">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-att">Attribute</th><th class="ivy-att-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-att-req">Required</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>organisation</td><td>the organisation to match to apply the rule.</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to *</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>name</td><td>the module's name to match to apply the rule.</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to *</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>revision</td><td>the module's revision to match to apply the rule. Note that the version may not be resolved yet (be latest.integration for instance), so be very careful when using this attribute. <span class="since">since 2.0</span></td>
-        <td>No, defaults to *</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><em>any extra attribute</em></td><td>an extra attribute to match to apply the rule. <span class="since">since 2.0</span></td>
-        <td>No, defaults to *</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>matcher</td><td>the <a href="../concept.html#matcher">matcher</a> to use to match the modules to which the resolver should be applied <span class="since">since 1.3</span></td>
-        <td>No, defaults to exactOrRegexp</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>resolver</td><td>the name of the resolver to apply. The resolver must have been defined in the resolvers section of the configuration file.</td>
-        <td>No</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>conflict-manager</td><td>the name of the conflict manager to apply. <span class="since">since 1.4</span></td>
-        <td>No</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>branch</td><td>the default branch to apply. <span class="since">since 1.4</span></td>
-        <td>No</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>resolveMode</td><td>the resolve mode to use. <span class="since">since 2.0</span></td>
-        <td>No</td></tr>
-<code type="xml">
-  <module organisation="apache" name="*" resolver="myprojectsresolver"/>
-Uses myprojectresolver for all modules from Apache.
-<code type="xml">
-  <module organisation="apache" name="commons-*" matcher="glob" resolver="myapachecommonsresolver"/>
-Uses myapachecommonsresolver for all modules beginning by commons- from apache.
-<code type="xml">
-  <module organisation="apache" name="commons-[a-z]+" myextra="val.*" matcher="regexp" resolver="myapachecommonsresolver"/>
-Uses myapachecommonsresolver for all modules from 'apache' beginning by 'commons-' followed by any number of alphabetic lowercase characters, and with the extra attribute 'myextra' having a value starting with 'val'.
-<code type="xml">
-  <module organisation="apache" name="ivy*" matcher="glob" conflict-manager="latest-time"/> 
-Uses latest-time conflict manager for all modules from apache which name begins with ivy.
-<code type="xml">
-  <module organisation="apache" name="ivy*" matcher="glob" branch="fix-103"/> 
-Uses 'fix-103' as default branch for all modules from apache which name begins with ivy.
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-<b>Tag:</b> modules
-Defines per module or module set settings.
-The rules are given by defining a module set, using pattern for module organisation and name, and giving some settings for the set, like the name of the corresponding resolver to use.
-If no rule match a given module, the default setting will be used.
-Even if not required, because the use of a default big resolver (chain, for instance) able to resolve all dependencies can answer all the needs, the configuration of smaller resolvers used for different cases can improve performances a lot. For instance, if you have a local repository for your modules and a distant repository for third party libraries, it is a good idea to have two separate resolvers, and configure ivy to use one for all your modules and another for the rest (the default one).
-<h1>Child elements</h1>
-<table class="ivy-children">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-chld">Element</th><th class="ivy-chld-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-chld-card">Cardinality</th></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="../configuration/module.html">module</a></td><td>defines a module set rule</td>
-        <td>1..n</td></tr>
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+++ ant/ivy/core/trunk/doc/configuration/namespace.html Fri Jul 11 01:03:23 2008
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-	<textarea id="xooki-source">
-<b>Tag:</b> namespace
-Defines a new namespace. A namespace is identified by a name, which is used to reference the namespace in the resolvers using the namespace.
-Namespaces overview is given in the <a href="../configuration/namespaces.html">namespaces</a> documentation.
-A namespace mainly consists of a list of rules, each rule defining a translation between system namespace and the defined namespace, and vice versa.
-There are two main possibilities for using these rules. By default, a namespace iterate through the rules, and when it finds one that translate the given name, it returns the translated name. But the namespace can be configured to do use the list as a translator chain: in this case, all rules are applied in order, the result of the first rule translation being passed to the second, and so on.
-<table class="ivy-attributes">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-att">Attribute</th><th class="ivy-att-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-att-req">Required</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>name</td><td>the namespace name</td>
-        <td>Yes</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>chainrules</td><td>true to indicate that namespaces rules should be chained, false otherwise</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to false</td></tr>
-<h1>Child elements</h1>
-<table class="ivy-children">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-chld">Element</th><th class="ivy-chld-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-chld-card">Cardinality</th></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="../configuration/namespace/rule.html">rule</a></td><td>defines a new namespace rule</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
-<code type="xml">
-<namespace name="test">
-  <rule>
-    <fromsystem>
-      <src org="systemorg"/>
-      <dest org="A"/>
-    </fromsystem>
-    <tosystem>
-      <src org="A"/>
-      <dest org="systemorg"/>
-    </tosystem>
-  </rule>
-<code type="xml">
-<namespace name="test">
-  <rule>
-    <fromsystem>
-      <src org="systemorg2" module="system\-(.+)"/>
-      <dest org="B" module="$m1"/>
-    </fromsystem>
-    <tosystem>
-      <src org="B" module=".+"/>
-      <dest org="systemorg2" module="system-$m0"/>
-    </tosystem>
-  </rule>
-<code type="xml">
-<namespace name="test" chainrules="true">
-  <rule>
-    <fromsystem>
-      <src org="systemorg"/>
-      <dest org="A"/>
-    </fromsystem>
-    <tosystem>
-      <src org="A"/>
-      <dest org="systemorg"/>
-    </tosystem>
-  </rule>
-  <rule>
-    <fromsystem>
-      <src module="systemmod"/>
-      <dest module="A"/>
-    </fromsystem>
-    <tosystem>
-      <src module="A"/>
-      <dest module="systemmod"/>
-    </tosystem>
-  </rule>
-  <rule>
-    <fromsystem>
-      <src module="systemmod2"/>
-      <dest module="B"/>
-    </fromsystem>
-    <tosystem>
-      <src module="B"/>
-      <dest module="systemmod2"/>
-    </tosystem>
-  </rule>
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-<b>Tag:</b> dest
-Defines the translation part of a translation rule. If a name has matched a corresponding src, it will be translated using this dest part.
-The new names can contain references to groups of the matched name, using a slightly modified regexp syntax. Indeed, referenced groups can be part of either the organisation, module or revision part of the original name. So, to reference the groups, you just have to add a letter identifying the part in which the group should be selected: o for organisation, m for module, and r for revision.
-For instance, $o0 matches the whole matched organisation, and $m0 the whole matched module name. $o1 matches the first group of the matched organisation.
-For details about regexp and groups, see the <a href="">Pattern class documentation</a> in the jdk.
-<table class="ivy-attributes">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-att">Attribute</th><th class="ivy-att-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-att-req">Required</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>org</td><td>the new organisation name</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to $o0</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>module</td><td>the new module name</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to $m0</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>rev</td><td>the new revision</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to $r0</td></tr>
-<code type="xml">
-    <fromsystem>
-      <src org="systemorg2" module="system\-(.+)"/>
-      <dest org="B" module="$m1"/>
-    </fromsystem>
-Matches modules from systemorg2 which have a name beginning with system followed by a minus and anything else, and translate it to organisation B and module the part following <code>system-</code> of the original name.
-	</textarea>
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-<b>Tag:</b> fromsystem / tosystem
-Defines a one way translation rule, i.e. a translation from system namespace to the defined namespace or vice versa.
-<h1>Child elements</h1>
-<table class="ivy-children">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-chld">Element</th><th class="ivy-chld-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-chld-card">Cardinality</th></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="../../configuration/namespace/src.html">src</a></td><td>defines a source name which can be accepted</td>
-        <td>1..n</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="../../configuration/namespace/dest.html">dest</a></td><td>defines the translation to apply when a name is accepted by an src pattern</td>
-        <td>1</td></tr>
-	</textarea>
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-	<textarea id="xooki-source">
-<b>Tag:</b> rule
-Defines a new namespace rule. A rule defines a translation between system namespace and the defined namespace, and vice versa.
-See <a href="../../configuration/namespace.html">namespace</a> doc for details.
-<h1>Child elements</h1>
-<table class="ivy-children">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-chld">Element</th><th class="ivy-chld-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-chld-card">Cardinality</th></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="../../configuration/namespace/fromtosystem.html">fromsystem</a></td><td>defines the translation to apply from system namespace to the defined namespace</td>
-        <td>1</td></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="../../configuration/namespace/fromtosystem.html">tosystem</a></td><td>defines the translation to apply from the defined namespace to system namespace</td>
-        <td>1</td></tr>
-	</textarea>
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-<b>Tag:</b> src
-Defines the acceptation part of a translation rule. If a name matches this src, it will be translated using the dest part.
-<table class="ivy-attributes">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-att">Attribute</th><th class="ivy-att-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-att-req">Required</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>org</td><td>the organisation to match as a regexp</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to .*</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>module</td><td>the module name to match as a regexp</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to .*</td></tr>
-    <tr><td>rev</td><td>the revision to match as a regexp</td>
-        <td>No, defaults to .*</td></tr>
-	</textarea>
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-<b>Tag:</b> namespaces
-Namespaces are an advanced feature of Ivy which let you use resolvers in which module names and organisations are not consistent between each other.
-For instance, if you want to use maven2 repository and ivyrep collectively, you will face some naming issues. For example all apache commons projects are declared to be part of the organisation apache in ivyrep whereas in maven2 ibiblio repository, they are declared to be part of the organisation of the same name of the module.
-So if you try to use both maven2 and ivyrep repositories, you will face some issues like:
-How do I declare a dependency on commons-lang ?
-I have an error while trying to resolve module xxx. It says that it depends on [commons-httpclient commons-httpclient] ant that it isn't available.
-Ivy has an answer to give to this kind of troubles, and this answer is called namespaces. In short, you can affect a namespace to each dependency resolver in Ivy, and each namespace defines rules to convert names from the system namespace to the defined namespace itself, and vice versa.
-This very powerful feature is thoroughly used in the <a href="../tutorial/build-repository/advanced1.html">build your own repository tutorial</a>, and this is a good place to have examples of what can be done with namespaces.
-<h1>Child elements</h1>
-<table class="ivy-children">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-chld">Element</th><th class="ivy-chld-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-chld-card">Cardinality</th></tr>
-    <tr><td><a href="../configuration/namespace.html">namespace</a></td><td>defines a new namespace</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
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-	<textarea id="xooki-source">
-<b>Tag:</b> outputters
-Defines a list of report outputters usable in ivy. 
-A report outputter is used at the end of the resolve process to generate a report of how the resolve has been performed.
-Two report outputters are registered by default:
-<li>a log report outputter ([[svn:src/java/org/apache/ivy/plugins/report/ LogReportOutputter]])</li>which produces the output on the console at the end of the resolve, which looks like this:
-        ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        |                  |            modules            ||   artifacts   |
-        |       conf       | number| search|dwnlded|evicted|| number|dwnlded|
-        ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        |      default     |   1   |   1   |   0   |   0   ||   1   |   1   |
-        ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-<li>an xml report outputter ([[svn:src/java/org/apache/ivy/plugins/report/ XmlReportOutputter]])</li>which produces an xml report in the cache, which is mandatory for correct Ivy behaviour, since it's that report which is used when you do a post resolve step in a separate buid from the resolve itself. It's also this xml report which is processed to generate all the different reports available in the [[ant:report]] task.
-The child tag used for the parser must be equal to a name of a report outputter type (added with the typedef tag).
-To see how to define your own report outputter see <a href="../extend.html">Extending Ivy documentation</a>
-<h1>Child elements</h1>
-<table class="ivy-children">
-    <tr><th class="ivy-chld">Element</th><th class="ivy-chld-desc">Description</th><th class="ivy-chld-card">Cardinality</th></tr>
-    <tr><td>any report outputter</td><td>adds a report outputter to the list of available ones</td>
-        <td>0..n</td></tr>
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