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[4/7] incubator-mynewt-site git commit: Update newt command documentation, sysconfig overwrites, events, bsp list
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new file mode 100644
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+                            <h2 id="newt-sync"><font color="#F2853F" style="font-size:24pt">newt sync </font></h2>
+<p>Synchronize and refresh the contents of the local copy of all the repositories used in the project with the latest updates maintained in the remote repositories. </p>
+<h4 id="usage">Usage:</h4>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    newt sync [flags]
+<h4 id="flags">Flags:</h4>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    -f, --force             Force overwrite of existing remote repository
+#### Global Flags:
+    -h, --help              Help for newt commands
+    -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)
+    -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default &quot;WARN&quot;)
+    -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to
+    -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output
+    -s, --silent            Be silent; don&#39;t output anything
+    -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands
+<h4 id="description">Description</h4>
+<p>Synchronize project dependencies and repositories. Prior to 1.0.0 release, the command deletes and resynchronizes each repository. Post 1.0.0, it will abort the synchronization if there are any local changes to any repository. Using the -f to force overwrite of existing repository will stash and save the changes while pulling in all the latest changes from the remote repository. </p>
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diff --git a/develop/newt/command_list/newt_target/index.html b/develop/newt/command_list/newt_target/index.html
index ad858a5..f06110d 100644
--- a/develop/newt/command_list/newt_target/index.html
+++ b/develop/newt/command_list/newt_target/index.html
@@ -301,14 +301,6 @@
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@@ -373,6 +365,14 @@
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+      <a href="../newt_pkg/">newt pkg</a>
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@@ -388,6 +388,14 @@
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+      <a href="../newt_sync/">newt sync</a>
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       <a href="./">newt target</a>
@@ -496,14 +504,14 @@
                             <h2 id="newt-target"><font color="#F2853F" style="font-size:24pt">newt target </font></h2>
-<p>Provides commands to create, build, delete, and query targets. </p>
+<p>Commands to create, delete, configure and query targets. </p>
 <h4 id="usage">Usage:</h4>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    newt target [command] input1 [input2]
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    newt target [command] [flags]
 <h4 id="available-commands">Available Commands:</h4>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    config      View target system configuration
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    config      View or populate a target&#39;s system configuration settings
     copy        Copy target
     create      Create a target
     delete      Delete target
@@ -514,21 +522,19 @@
-<h4 id="flags">Flags:</h4>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    -h, --help=false: help for target
 <h4 id="global-flags">Global Flags:</h4>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    -l, --loglevel=&quot;WARN&quot;: Log level, defaults to WARN.
-    -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee log output to
-    -q, --quiet=false: Be quiet; only display error output.
-    -s, --silent=false: Be silent; don&#39;t output anything.
-    -v, --verbose=false: Enable verbose output when executing commands.
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">  -h, --help              Help for newt commands
+  -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)
+  -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default &quot;WARN&quot;)
+  -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to
+  -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output
+  -s, --silent            Be silent; don&#39;t output anything
+  -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands
 <h4 id="description">Description</h4>
+<p>The target command provides subcommands to create, build, delete, and query targets. The subcommands take one or two <code>target-name</code> arguments. </p>
@@ -539,43 +545,35 @@
-<td>Displays the specified target's system configuration. The configuration for any package is listed in its <code>syscfg.yml</code> file. A target build consists of several packages. The command lists the settings for the config variables from all the included packages. If the default values have not been changed then the default values will be seen.</td>
+<td>The config command allows you to  view or populate a target's system configuration settings.  A target's system configuration settings include the settings of all the packages it includes. The settings for a package are listed in the package's <code>syscfg.yml</code> file. The <code>config</code> command has two subcommands: <code>show</code> and <code>init</code>.  <br><br> The config show &lt;target-name&gt; command displays the system configuration setting definitions and values for all the packages that the <code>target-name</code> target includes.  <br><br>The config init &lt;target-name&gt; command populates the target's <code>syscfg.yml</code> file with the system configuration values for all the packages that the <code>target-name</code> target includes.</td>
-<td>Set variables (attributes) of the target named via <code>input1</code>. Currently the list of possible attributes (variables) are:<code>app</code>, <code>bsp</code>, <code>build_profile</code>, <code>cflags</code>, <code>lflags</code>. For a simulated target, e.g. for software testing purposes, <code>bsp</code> is set to <code>@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/native</code>.</td>
+<td>The copy  &lt;src-target&gt; &lt;dst-target&gt; command creates a new target named <code>dst-target</code> by cloning the <code>src-target</code> target.</td>
-<td>Creates an empty target definition by the name of <code>input1</code>.</td>
+<td>The create &lt;target-name&gt; command creates an empty target named <code>target-name</code>. It creates the <code>targets/target-name</code> directory and the skeleton <code>pkg.yml</code> and <code>target.yml</code> files in the directory.</td>
-<td>Deletes only the description for the target. Does not delete the target directory with associated binaries. If you want to clean out the binaries, list files, and executables use<code>newt clean &lt;target-name&gt;</code> <strong>before</strong> deleting the target!</td>
+<td>The delete &lt;target-name&gt; command deletes the description for the <code>target-name</code> target. It deletes the 'targets/target-name' directory.  It does not delete the 'bin/targets/target-name' directory where the build artifacts are stored. If you want to delete the build artifacts, run the <code>newt clean &lt;target-name&gt;</code> command  <strong>before</strong> deleting the target.</td>
-<td>Creates dependency tree for packages in the code for a target. Display shows each package followed by the list of libraries or packages that it depends on.</td>
+<td>The dep &lt;target-name&gt; command displays a dependency tree for the packages that the <code>target-name</code> target includes. It shows each package followed by the list of libraries or packages that it depends on.</td>
-<td>Creates the reverse dependency tree for packages in the code for a target. Display shows each package followed by the list of libraries or packages that depend on it.</td>
+<td>The revdep &lt;target-name&gt; command displays the reverse dependency tree for the packages that the <code>target-name</code> target includes. It shows each package followed by the list of libraries or packages that depend on it.</td>
-<td>Set variables (attributes) of the target named via <code>input1</code>. Currently the list of possible attributes (variables) are:<code>app</code>, <code>bsp</code>, <code>build_profile</code>, <code>features</code>, <code>cflags</code>, <code>lflags</code>. For a simulated target, e.g. for software testing purposes, <code>bsp</code> is set to <code>@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/native</code>.</td>
-<td>To display all the existing values for a target variable (attribute), you can issue a <code>newt vals &lt;variable-name&gt;</code> command. For example, <code>newt vals app</code> displays the valid values available for the variable <code>app</code> for any target.</td>
-<td>Currently, the only two values available for <code>build_profile</code> are <code>optimized</code> and <code>debug</code>.</td>
+<td>The set &lt;target-name&gt; &lt;var-name=var-value&gt; [var-name=var-value...] command sets variables (attributes) for the &lt;target-name&gt;  target. The set command overwrites your current variable values. <br><br>The valid <code>var-name</code> values are: <code>app</code>, <code>bsp</code>, <code>loader</code>, <code>build_profile</code>, <code>cflags</code>, <code>lflags</code>, <code>aflags</code>, <code>syscfg</code>.  <br><br>The <code>var-value</code> format depends on the <code>var-name</code> as follows: <ul><li><code>app</code>, <code>bsp</code>, <code>loader</code>: @&lt;source-path&gt;, where <code>source-path</code> is the directory containing the application or bsp source. These variables are stored in the target's target.yml file. For a simulated target, e.g. for software testing purposes, set <code>bsp</code> to <code>@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/native</code>.</li> <li><code>build_profile</code>: <code>optimized</code> or <code>debug</code></li><li><code>cflags
 </code>, <code>aflags</code>, <code>lflags</code>: A string of flags, with each flag separated by a space. These variables are saved in the target's <code>pkg.yml</code> file. </li><li><code>syscfg</code>: The <code>syscfg</code> variable allows you to assign values to configuration settings in your target's <code>syscfg.yml</code> file. <br>The format is <code>syscfg=setting-name1=setting-value1[:setting-name2=setting-value2...]</code>,  where <code>setting-name1</code> is a configuration setting name and <code>setting-value1</code> is the value to assign to <code>settingname1</code>. If <code>settingvalue1</code> is not specified, the setting is set to value <code>1</code>.  You use a <code>:</code> to delimit each setting when you set multiple settings. <br><strong>Warning</strong>: All existing setting values in the <code>syscfg.yml</code> file are deleted.  Only new settings that are specified in the command are saved in the <code>syscfg.yml</code> file.</li></ul>  You can spec
 ify <code>var-name=</code> or <code>var-name=""</code> to unset a variable value.<br><br>To display all the existing values for a target variable (attribute), you can run the <code>newt vals &lt;variable-name&gt;</code> command. For example, <code>newt vals app</code> displays the valid values available for the variable <code>app</code> for any target.</td>
-<td>Shows what variables (attributes) are set on the specified target <code>input1</code>. If no <code>input1</code> is specified then show the configuration for all the targets defined so far.</td>
+<td>The show [target-name] command shows the values of the variables (attributes) for the <code>target-name</code> target. When <code>target-name</code> is not specified, the command shows the variables for all the targets that are defined for your project.</td>
@@ -590,34 +588,69 @@
-<td>newt target config rb_blinky</td>
-<td>Shows all the system configuration settings for all the packages in the target named <code>rb_blinky</code>.</td>
+<td>config show</td>
+<td>newt target config show rb_blinky</td>
+<td>Shows the system configuration settings for all the packages that the <code>rb_blinky</code> target includes.</td>
+<td>config init</td>
+<td>newt target config init my_blinky</td>
+<td>Creates and populates the <code>my_blinky</code> target's <code>syscfg.yml</code> file with the system configuration setting values from all the packages that the <code>my_blinky</code> target includes.</td>
-<td>newt target copy rb_blinky rb_bletiny</td>
-<td>Clones the target settings in <code>rb_blinky</code> to the destination target <code>rb_bletiny</code></td>
+<td>newt target copy <br>rb_blinky rb_bletiny</td>
+<td>Creates the <code>rb_bletiny</code> target by cloning the <code>rb_blinky</code> target.</td>
-<td>newt target create target1</td>
-<td>Creates an empty target by the name <code>target1</code></td>
+<td>newt target create <br>my_new_target</td>
+<td>Creates the <code>my_newt_target</code> target. It creates the <code>targets/my_new_target</code> directory and creates the skeleton <code>pkg.yml</code> and <code>target.yml</code> files in the directory.</td>
+<td>newt target delete rb_bletiny</td>
+<td>Deletes the <code>rb_bletiny</code> target. It deletes the <code>targets/rb_bletiny</code> directory.</td>
+<td>newt target dep myble</td>
+<td>Displays the dependency tree of all the package dependencies for the <code>myble</code> target. It lists each package followed by a list of packages it depends on.</td>
+<td>newt target revdep myble</td>
+<td>Displays the reverse dependency tree of all the package dependencies for the <code>myble</code> target. It lists each package followed by a list of packages that depend on it.</td>
+<td>newt target set myble <br>app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/bletiny</td>
+<td>Use <code>bletiny</code> as the application to build for the <code>myble</code> target.</td>
+<td>newt target set myble <br>cflags="-DNDEBUG -Werror"</td>
+<td>Set <code>pkg.cflags</code> variable with <code>-DNDEBUG -Werror</code> in the <code>myble</code> target's <code>pkg.yml</code> file..</td>
+<td>newt target set myble syscfg=LOG_NEWTMGR=0:CONFIG_NEWTMGR</td>
+<td>Sets the <code>syscfg.vals</code> variable in the <code>myble</code> target's <code>syscfg.yml</code> file with the setting values: LOG_NEWTMGR: 0 and CONFIG_NEWTMGR: 1. CONFIG_NEWTMGR is set to 1 because a value is not specified.</td>
+<td>newt target set myble cflags=</td>
+<td>Unsets the <code>pkg.cflags</code> variable in the <code>myble</code> target's <code>pkg.yml</code> file.</td>
 <td>newt target show myble</td>
-<td>Shows all variable settings for the target named "myble" i.e. what app, bsp, build_profile, features, cflags are set to. Note that all variables are not required to be set in order to successfully define a target.</td>
+<td>Shows all variable settings for the <code>myble</code> target, i.e. the values that app, bsp, build_profile, cflags, aflags, ldflags, syscfg variables are set to. Note that not all variables have to be set for a target.</td>
 <td>newt target show</td>
-<td>Shows all variable settings for all the targets defined.</td>
-<td>newt target set myble app=@apache-mynewt-core/apps/bletiny</td>
-<td>Assign <code>bletiny</code> to be the application to be included in the build for the target named <code>myble</code>.</td>
+<td>Shows all the variable settings for all the targets defined for the project.</td>
@@ -630,9 +663,9 @@
 <ul class="nav nav-pills" style="margin-bottom: 10px">
-    <a href=../newt_size/>
+    <a href=../newt_sync/>
         <span class="fa fa-arrow-left"></span>
-        Previous: newt size
+        Previous: newt sync
diff --git a/develop/newt/command_list/newt_test/index.html b/develop/newt/command_list/newt_test/index.html
index 9e2c35f..20c6c2d 100644
--- a/develop/newt/command_list/newt_test/index.html
+++ b/develop/newt/command_list/newt_test/index.html
@@ -301,14 +301,6 @@
     <li >
-      <a href="../newt_complete/">newt complete</a>
-    </li>
-    <li >
       <a href="../newt_create_image/">newt create-image</a>
@@ -373,6 +365,14 @@
     <li >
+      <a href="../newt_pkg/">newt pkg</a>
+    </li>
+    <li >
       <a href="../newt_run/">newt run</a>
@@ -389,6 +389,14 @@
     <li >
+      <a href="../newt_sync/">newt sync</a>
+    </li>
+    <li >
       <a href="../newt_target/">newt target</a>
@@ -496,41 +504,30 @@
                             <h2 id="newt-test"><font color="#F2853F" style="font-size:24pt">newt test </font></h2>
-<p>Executes unit tests for one or more packages </p>
+<p>Execute unit tests for one or more packages.  </p>
 <h4 id="usage">Usage:</h4>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    newt test [flags] input1 [input2] ...
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    newt test &lt;package-name&gt; [package-names...]  | all [flags]
 <h4 id="flags">Flags:</h4>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    -h, --help=false: help for target
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">   -e, --exclude string   Comma separated list of packages to exclude
 <h4 id="global-flags">Global Flags:</h4>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    -l, --loglevel=&quot;WARN&quot;: Log level, defaults to WARN.
-    -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee log output to
-    -q, --quiet=false: Be quiet; only display error output.
-    -s, --silent=false: Be silent; don&#39;t output anything.
-    -v, --verbose=false: Enable verbose output when executing commands.
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    -h, --help              Help for newt commands
+    -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)
+    -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default &quot;WARN&quot;)
+    -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to
+    -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output
+    -s, --silent            Be silent; don&#39;t output anything
+    -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands
 <h4 id="description">Description</h4>
-<td>Test a pkg named <code>input1</code>. You may specify multiple packages separated by space in the same command.</td>
+<p>Executes unit tests for one or more packages.  You specify a list of packages, separated by space, to test multiple packages in the same command, or specify <code>all</code> to test all packages. When you use the <code>all</code> option,  you may use the <code>-e</code> flag followed by a comma separated list of packages to exclude from the test.</p>
 <h4 id="examples">Examples</h4>
@@ -542,19 +539,24 @@
-<td>newt test targets/myble2</td>
-<td>Tests the pkg named 'targets/myble2'</td>
+<td>newt test <br>@apache-mynewt-core/kernel/os</td>
+<td>Tests the <code>kernel/os</code> package in the <code>apache-mynewt-core</code> repository.</td>
+<td>newt test kernel/os encoding/json</td>
+<td>Tests the <code>kernel/os</code> and <code>encoding/json</code> packages in the current repository.</td>
-<td>newt test @apache-mynewt-core/libs/os</td>
-<td>Tests the libs/os pkg in the repo named apache-mynewt-core</td>
+<td>newt test all</td>
+<td>Tests all packages.</td>
-<td>newt test libs/os libs/json</td>
-<td>Tests the <code>libs/os</code> and <code>libs/json packages</code> in the current repo. Should indicate at the end of the output: <br> <code>Passed tests: [libs/os libs/json]</code> <br>  <code>All tests passed</code></td>
+<td>newt test all -e net/oic,encoding/json</td>
+<td>Tests all packages except for the <code>net/oic</code> and the <code>encoding/json</code> packages.</td>
diff --git a/develop/newt/command_list/newt_upgrade/index.html b/develop/newt/command_list/newt_upgrade/index.html
index 6648664..984c4e3 100644
--- a/develop/newt/command_list/newt_upgrade/index.html
+++ b/develop/newt/command_list/newt_upgrade/index.html
@@ -301,14 +301,6 @@
     <li >
-      <a href="../newt_complete/">newt complete</a>
-    </li>
-    <li >
       <a href="../newt_create_image/">newt create-image</a>
@@ -373,6 +365,14 @@
     <li >
+      <a href="../newt_pkg/">newt pkg</a>
+    </li>
+    <li >
       <a href="../newt_run/">newt run</a>
@@ -389,6 +389,14 @@
     <li >
+      <a href="../newt_sync/">newt sync</a>
+    </li>
+    <li >
       <a href="../newt_target/">newt target</a>
@@ -496,40 +504,30 @@
                             <h2 id="newt-upgrade"><font color="#F2853F" style="font-size:24pt">newt upgrade </font></h2>
-<p>Upgrade project dependencies</p>
+<p>Upgrade project dependencies.</p>
 <h4 id="usage">Usage:</h4>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    newt pkg [command][flag] input1 input2
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    newt upgrade [flags] 
 <h4 id="flags">Flags:</h4>
 <div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    -f, --force   Force upgrade of the repositories to latest state in project.yml
-#### Global Flags:
-    -l, --loglevel=&quot;WARN&quot;: Log level, defaults to WARN.
-    -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee log output to
-    -q, --quiet=false: Be quiet; only display error output.
-    -s, --silent=false: Be silent; don&#39;t output anything.
-    -v, --verbose=false: Enable verbose output when executing commands.
+<h4 id="global-flags">Global Flags:</h4>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    -h, --help              Help for newt commands
+    -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)
+    -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default &quot;WARN&quot;)
+    -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to
+    -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output
+    -s, --silent            Be silent; don&#39;t output anything
+    -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands
 <h4 id="description">Description</h4>
-<td>If you have changed the project.yml description for the project, you need to run this command to update all the package dependencies.</td>
+<p>Upagrades your project and package dependencies. If you have changed the project.yml description for the project, you need to run this command to update all the package dependencies.  </p>
                         <div class="row">
diff --git a/develop/newt/command_list/newt_vals/index.html b/develop/newt/command_list/newt_vals/index.html
index ea9da76..9f4d479 100644
--- a/develop/newt/command_list/newt_vals/index.html
+++ b/develop/newt/command_list/newt_vals/index.html
@@ -301,14 +301,6 @@
     <li >
-      <a href="../newt_complete/">newt complete</a>
-    </li>
-    <li >
       <a href="../newt_create_image/">newt create-image</a>
@@ -373,6 +365,14 @@
     <li >
+      <a href="../newt_pkg/">newt pkg</a>
+    </li>
+    <li >
       <a href="../newt_run/">newt run</a>
@@ -389,6 +389,14 @@
     <li >
+      <a href="../newt_sync/">newt sync</a>
+    </li>
+    <li >
       <a href="../newt_target/">newt target</a>
@@ -496,37 +504,35 @@
                             <h2 id="newt-vals"><font color="#F2853F" style="font-size:24pt">newt vals </font></h2>
-<p>Displays valid values for the specified element type(s). Appropriate values must be chosen and assigned to one or more elements when defining a package or target. Element types currently available are the following:</p>
+<p>Display valid values for the specified element type(s).</p>
+<h4 id="usage">Usage:</h4>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">  newt vals &lt;element-type&gt; [element-types...] [flags]
+<h4 id="global-flags">Global Flags:</h4>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    -h, --help              Help for newt commands
+    -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)
+    -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default &quot;WARN&quot;)
+    -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to
+    -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output
+    -s, --silent            Be silent; don&#39;t output anything
+    -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands
+<h4 id="description">Description</h4>
+<p>Displays valid values for the specified element type(s). You must set valid values for one or more elements when you define a package or a target. Valid element types are:</p>
-<h4 id="usage">Usage:</h4>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">  newt vals &lt;element-type&gt; [element-types...] [flags]
-<h4 id="flags">Flags:</h4>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    -h, --help=false: help for target
-<h4 id="global-flags">Global Flags:</h4>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    -l, --loglevel=&quot;WARN&quot;: Log level, defaults to WARN.
-    -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee log output to
-    -q, --quiet=false: Be quiet; only display error output.
-    -s, --silent=false: Be silent; don&#39;t output anything.
-    -v, --verbose=false: Enable verbose output when executing commands.
 <h4 id="examples">Examples</h4>
@@ -538,7 +544,7 @@
 <td>newt vals api</td>
 <td>Shows the possible values for APIs a package may specify as required. For example, the <code>pkg.yml</code> for <code>adc</code> specifies that it requires the api named <code>ADC_HW_IMPL</code>, one of the values listed by the command.</td>
diff --git a/develop/newt/command_list/newt_version/index.html b/develop/newt/command_list/newt_version/index.html
index c20c421..d546422 100644
--- a/develop/newt/command_list/newt_version/index.html
+++ b/develop/newt/command_list/newt_version/index.html
@@ -301,14 +301,6 @@
     <li >
-      <a href="../newt_complete/">newt complete</a>
-    </li>
-    <li >
       <a href="../newt_create_image/">newt create-image</a>
@@ -373,6 +365,14 @@
     <li >
+      <a href="../newt_pkg/">newt pkg</a>
+    </li>
+    <li >
       <a href="../newt_run/">newt run</a>
@@ -389,6 +389,14 @@
     <li >
+      <a href="../newt_sync/">newt sync</a>
+    </li>
+    <li >
       <a href="../newt_target/">newt target</a>
@@ -496,23 +504,20 @@
                             <h2 id="newt-version"><font color="#F2853F" style="font-size:24pt">newt version </font></h2>
-<p>Allows you to query the version of newt installed in your application space.</p>
+<p>Display the version of the newt tool you have installed</p>
 <h4 id="usage">Usage:</h4>
 <div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    newt version [flags]
-<h4 id="flags">Flags:</h4>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    -h, --help=false: help for version
 <h4 id="global-flags">Global Flags:</h4>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    -l, --loglevel string   Log level, defaults to WARN. (default &quot;WARN&quot;)
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    -h, --help              Help for newt commands
+    -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)
+    -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default &quot;WARN&quot;)
     -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to
-    -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output.
-    -s, --silent            Be silent; don&#39;t output anything.
-    -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands.
+    -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output
+    -s, --silent            Be silent; don&#39;t output anything
+    -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands
@@ -527,9 +532,9 @@
 <td>newt version</td>
-<td>Displays the version of newt tool installed</td>
+<td>Displays the version of the newt tool you have installed</td>
diff --git a/develop/newt/newt_intro/index.html b/develop/newt/newt_intro/index.html
index 6d82b45..31db5d4 100644
--- a/develop/newt/newt_intro/index.html
+++ b/develop/newt/newt_intro/index.html
@@ -395,32 +395,32 @@ systems with a make system built for embedded systems and create Newt.</p>
 <p>When Newt sees a directory tree that contains a "project.yml" file, it is smart enough to recognize it as the base directory of a project, and 
 automatically builds a package tree. It also recognizes two important package directories in the package tree - "apps" and "targets". More on these directories in <a href="../newt_operation/">Newt Theory of Ops</a>.</p>
-<p>When Newt is told to build a project, it recursively resolves all package dependencies and generates artifacts that are placed in the bin/ directory at the top-level of the project. The artifact directory is prefixed by the target name being built - <code>my_blinky_sim</code> for example:</p>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ tree bin
-\u2514\u2500\u2500 my_blinky_sim
-    \u251c\u2500\u2500 apps
-    \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 blinky
-    \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.a
-    \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.a.cmd
-    \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf
-    \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf.cmd
-    \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf.dSYM
-    \u2502��     \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 Contents
-    \u2502��     \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 Info.plist
-    \u2502��     \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 Resources
-    \u2502��     \u2502��         \u2514\u2500\u2500 DWARF
-    \u2502��     \u2502��             \u2514\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf
-    \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf.lst
-    \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 main.d
-    \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 main.o
-    \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 main.o.cmd
-    \u251c\u2500\u2500 hw
-    \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 bsp
-    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 native
-    \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 hal_bsp.d
-    \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 hal_bsp.o
-    \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 hal_bsp.o.cmd
+<p>When Newt builds a target, it recursively resolves all package dependencies, and generates artifacts that are placed in the bin/targets/&lt;target-name&gt;/app/apps/&lt;app-name&gt; directory, where the bin directory is under the project base directory, <code>target-name</code> is the name of the target, and <code>app-name</code> is the name of the application. For our example <code>my_blinky_sim</code> is the name of the target and <code>blinky</code> is the name of the application. The <code>blinky.elf</code> executable is stored in the bin/targets/my_blinky_sim/app/apps/blinky directory as shown in the source tree:</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">tree -L 6 bin/
+\u2514\u2500\u2500 targets
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 my_blinky_sim
+    \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 app
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 apps
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 blinky
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 apps
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 apps_blinky.a
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 apps_blinky.a.cmd
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf.cmd
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf.dSYM
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf.lst
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 manifest.json
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 hw
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 bsp
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 native
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 drivers
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 uart
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 hal
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 hw_hal.a
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 hw_hal.a.cmd
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 repos
@@ -434,6 +434,7 @@ bin
 <li><strong>size</strong>: Get size of target components</li>
 <li><strong>create-image</strong>: Add image header to the binary image</li>
 <li><strong>run</strong>: Build, create image, load, and finally open a debug session with the target</li>
+<li><strong>target</strong>: Create, delete, configure, and query a target</li>
 <p>For more details on how Newt works, go to <a href="../newt_operation/">Newt - Theory of Operations</a>.</p>
@@ -496,13 +497,13 @@ Repos successfully installed
-<p>In order to reference the installed repositories in packages, the "@" notation should be specified in the repository specifier.  As an example, the apps/blinky application has the following dependencies in its pkg.yml file. This tells the build system to look in the base directory of repos/apache-mynewt-core for the <code>libs/os</code>, <code>hw/hal</code>, and <code>libs/console/full</code> packages.</p>
+<p>In order to reference the installed repositories in packages, the "@" notation should be specified in the repository specifier.  As an example, the apps/blinky application has the following dependencies in its pkg.yml file. This tells the build system to look in the base directory of repos/apache-mynewt-core for the <code>kernel/os</code>, <code>hw/hal</code>, and <code>sys/console/full</code> packages.</p>
 <div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ more apps/blinky/pkg.yml
-     - &quot;@apache-mynewt-core/libs/os&quot;
+     - &quot;@apache-mynewt-core/kernel/os&quot;
      - &quot;@apache-mynewt-core/hw/hal&quot;
-     - &quot;@apache-mynewt-core/libs/console/full&quot;
+     - &quot;@apache-mynewt-core/sys/console/full&quot;
diff --git a/develop/newt/newt_operation/index.html b/develop/newt/newt_operation/index.html
index 4562aaf..74831d0 100644
--- a/develop/newt/newt_operation/index.html
+++ b/develop/newt/newt_operation/index.html
@@ -378,13 +378,14 @@
 <h4 id="apps-package-directory">"apps" Package Directory</h4>
 <p><code>apps</code> is where applications are stored, and applications are where the main() function is contained.  The base project directory comes with one simple app called <code>blinky</code> in the <code>apps</code> directory. The core repository <code>@apache-mynewt-core</code> comes with many additional sample apps in its <code>apps</code> directory. At the time of this writing, there are several example BLE apps, the boot app, slinky app for using newt manager protocol, and more in that directory.</p>
 <div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">@~/dev/myproj$ ls repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/
-blecent     bleprph_oic bleuart     ffs2native  slinky_oic  test
-blehci      bletest     boot        ocf_sample  spitest     timtest
-bleprph     bletiny     fat2native  slinky      splitty
+blecent     blesplit    boot        sensors_test    splitty
+blehci      bletest     fat2native  slinky      test
+bleprph     bletiny     ffs2native  slinky_oic  testbench
+bleprph_oic bleuart     ocf_sample  spitest     timtest
-<p>Along with the <code>targets</code> directory, <code>apps</code> represents the top-level of the build tree for the particular project, and define the dependencies and features for the rest of the system. Mynewt users and developers can add their own apps to the project's <code>apps</code> directory.   </p>
+<p>Along with the <code>targets</code> directory, <code>apps</code> represents the top-level of the build tree for the particular project, and define the dependencies for the rest of the system. Mynewt users and developers can add their own apps to the project's <code>apps</code> directory.   </p>
 <p>The app definition is contained in a <code>pkg.yml</code> file. For example, blinky's <code>pkg.yml</code> file is:</p>
 <div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ more apps/blinky/pkg.yml
@@ -403,8 +404,7 @@ pkg.deps:
-<p>This file says that the name of the package is apps/blinky, and it 
-depends on kernel/os, hw/hal and sys/console/full packages.</p>
+<p>This file says that the name of the package is apps/blinky, and it depends on the <code>kernel/os,</code>hw/hal<code>and</code>sys/console/full` packages.</p>
 <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> @apache-mynewt-core is a repository descriptor, and this will be 
 covered in the "repository" section. </p>
@@ -430,17 +430,19 @@ pkg.yml     target.yml
 <p>There are helper functions to aid the developer specify parameters for a target. </p>
 <li><strong>vals</strong>: Displays all valid values for the specified parameter type (e.g. bsp for a target)</li>
-<li><strong>target show</strong>: Displays the build artifacts for specified or all targets</li>
+<li><strong>target show</strong>: Displays the variable values for either a specific target or all targets defined for the project</li>
+<li><strong>target set</strong>: Sets values for target variables</li>
-<p>In general, the three basic parameters of a target (<code>app</code>, <code>bsp</code>, and <code>build_profile</code>) are stored in the <code>target.yml</code> file in that target's build directory under <code>targets</code>. You will also see a <code>pkg.yml</code> file in the same directory. Since targets are packages, a <code>pkg.yml</code> is expected. It contains typical package descriptors, dependencies, and additional parameters such as the following:</p>
+<p>In general, the three basic parameters of a target (<code>app</code>, <code>bsp</code>, and <code>build_profile</code>) are stored in the target's <code>target.yml</code> file in the targets/&lt;target-name&gt; directory, where <code>target-name</code> is the name of the target. You will also see a <code>pkg.yml</code> file in the same directory. Since targets are packages, a <code>pkg.yml</code> is expected. It contains typical package descriptors, dependencies, and additional parameters such as the following:</p>
 <li>Cflags: Any additional compiler flags you might want to specify to the build</li>
 <li>Aflags: Any additional assembler flags you might want to specify to the build</li>
 <li>Lflags: Any additional linker flags you might want to specify to the build</li>
+<p>You can also override the values of the system configuration settings that are defined by the packages that your target includes. You override the values in your target's <code>syscfg.yml</code> file (stored in the targets/&lt;target-name&gt; directory). You can use the <code>newt target config show</code> command to see the configuration settings and values for your target, and use the <code>newt target set</code> command to set the <code>syscfg</code> variable and override the configuration setting values.  You can also use an editor to create your target's <code>syscfg.yml</code> file and add the setting values to the file.  See <a href="../../os/modules/sysinitconfig/sysinitconfig/">System Configuration And Initialization</a> for more information on system configuration settings.</p>
 <h3 id="resolving-dependencies">Resolving dependencies</h3>
-<p>When newt is told to build a project, it will:</p>
+<p>When newt builds a project, it will:</p>
 <li>find the top-level project.yml file</li>
 <li>recurse the packages in the package tree, and build a list of all 
@@ -467,43 +469,48 @@ along with that application.</li>
 <p>Newt builds the dependency tree specified by all the packages. While building this tree, it does a few other things:</p>
 <li>Sets up the include paths for each package. Any package that depends on another package, automatically gets the include directories from the package it includes.  Include directories in the
-newt structure must always be prefixed by the package name. For example, libs/os has the following include tree and its include directory files contains the package name "os" before any header files.  This is so in order to avoid any header file conflicts.</li>
+newt structure must always be prefixed by the package name. For example, kernel/os has the following include tree and its include directory files contains the package name "os" before any header files.  This is so in order to avoid any header file conflicts.</li>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ tree
-\u251c\u2500\u2500 include
-\u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 os
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 arch
-\u2502��     \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 cortex_m0
-\u2502��     \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 os
-\u2502��     \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 os_arch.h
-\u2502��     \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 cortex_m4
-\u2502��     \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 os
-\u2502��     \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 os_arch.h
-\u2502��     \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 sim
-\u2502��     \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 os
-\u2502��     \u2502��         \u2514\u2500\u2500 os_arch.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 endian.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_callout.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_cfg.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_eventq.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_heap.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_malloc.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_mbuf.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_mempool.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_mutex.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_sanity.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_sched.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_sem.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_task.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_test.h
-\u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_time.h
-\u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 queue.h
-\u251c\u2500\u2500 pkg.yml
-\u2514\u2500\u2500 src
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$tree kernel/os/include
+\u2514\u2500\u2500 os
     \u251c\u2500\u2500 arch
+    \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 cortex_m0
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 os
+    \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 os_arch.h
+    \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 cortex_m4
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 os
+    \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 os_arch.h
+    \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 mips
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 os
+    \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 os_arch.h
+    \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 sim
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 os
+    \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 os_arch.h
+    \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 sim-mips
+    \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 os
+    \u2502��         \u2514\u2500\u2500 os_arch.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 endian.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_callout.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_cfg.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_cputime.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_dev.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_eventq.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_fault.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_heap.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_malloc.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_mbuf.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_mempool.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_mutex.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_sanity.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_sched.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_sem.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_task.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_test.h
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 os_time.h
+    \u2514\u2500\u2500 queue.h
@@ -517,43 +524,50 @@ those APIs (i.e. pkg.req_api: hw-hal-impl).</p>
 <p>Reads and validates the configuration setting definitions and values from the package <code>syscfg.yml</code> files.
-It generates a <code>syscfg.h</code> header file that packages include in the source files inorder to access the settings.<br />
+It generates a <code>syscfg.h</code> header file that packages include in the source files in order to access the settings.<br />
 It also generates a system initialization function to initialize the packages.
 See <a href="../../os/modules/sysinitconfig/sysinitconfig/">System Configuration And Initialization</a> for more information.</p>
-<p>In order to properly resolve all dependencies in the build system, newt recursively processes the package dependencies until there are no new dependencies or features (because features can add dependencies.)  And it builds a big list of all the packages that need to be build.</p>
+<p>In order to properly resolve all dependencies in the build system, newt recursively processes the package dependencies until there are no new dependencies.  And it builds a big list of all the packages that need to be build.</p>
 <p>Newt then goes through this package list, and builds every package into 
 an archive file.</p>
 <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> The newt tool generates compiler dependencies for all of these packages, and only rebuilds the packages whose dependencies have changed. Changes in package &amp; project dependencies are also taken into account. It is smart, after all!</p>
 <h3 id="producing-artifacts">Producing artifacts</h3>
 <p>Once newt has built all the archive files, it then links the archive files together.  The linkerscript to use is specified by the board support package (BSP.)</p>
-<p>NOTE: One common use of the "features" option above is to overwrite 
-which linkerscript is used, based upon whether or not the BSP is being 
-build for a raw image, bootable image or bootloader itself.</p>
-<p>The newt tool places all of it's artifacts into the bin/ directory at 
-the top-level of the project, prefixed by the target name being built, 
-for example:</p>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ tree -L 4 bin/
-\u2514\u2500\u2500 my_blinky_sim
-     \u251c\u2500\u2500 apps
-     \u2502   \u2514\u2500\u2500 blinky
-     \u2502       \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.a
-     \u2502       \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.a.cmd
-     \u2502       \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf
-     \u2502       \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf.cmd
-     \u2502       \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf.dSYM
-     \u2502       \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf.lst
-     \u2502       \u251c\u2500\u2500 main.d
-     \u2502       \u251c\u2500\u2500 main.o
-     \u2502       \u2514\u2500\u2500 main.o.cmd
-     \u251c\u2500\u2500 hw
-     \u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 bsp
-     \u2502   \u2502   \u2514\u2500\u2500 native
-     \u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 hal
-     \u2502   \u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 flash_map.d
-     \u2502   \u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 flash_map.o
+<p>The newt tool creates a bin directory under the base project directory, and places a target's build artifacts into the bin/targets/&lt;target-name&gt;/app/apps/&lt;app-name&gt; directory, where <code>target-name</code> is the name of the target and <code>app-name</code> is the name of the application. As an example, the <code>blinky.elf</code> executable for the <code>blinky</code> application defined by the <code>my_blinky_sim</code> target is stored in the bin/targets/my_blinky_sim/app/apps/blinky directory as shown in the following source tree:</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$tree -L 9 bin/ bin/
+\u2514\u2500\u2500 targets
+    \u251c\u2500\u2500 my_blinky_sim
+    \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 app
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 apps
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 blinky
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 apps
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 blinky
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 src
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2502��         \u251c\u2500\u2500 main.d
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2502��         \u251c\u2500\u2500 main.o
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2502��         \u2514\u2500\u2500 main.o.cmd
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 apps_blinky.a
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 apps_blinky.a.cmd
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf.cmd
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf.dSYM
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 Contents
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 Info.plist
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 Resources
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2502��         \u2514\u2500\u2500 DWARF
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 blinky.elf.lst
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 manifest.json
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 hw
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u251c\u2500\u2500 bsp
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2514\u2500\u2500 native
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 hw_bsp_native.a
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u251c\u2500\u2500 hw_bsp_native.a.cmd
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��     \u2514\u2500\u2500 repos
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��         \u2514\u2500\u2500 apache-mynewt-core
+    \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502�� \u2502��             \u2514\u2500\u2500 hw
@@ -564,8 +578,8 @@ bin/
 <li>Archive File</li>
 <li>*.cmd: The command use to generate the object or archive file</li>
 <li>*.lst: The list file where symbols are located</li>
-<li>*.o The object files that get put into the archive file</li>
+<p>Note: The *.o object files that get put into the archive file are stored in the bin/targets/my_blinky_sim/app/apps/blinky/apps/blinky/src directory.</p>
 <h3 id="downloaddebug-support">Download/Debug Support</h3>
 <p>Once a target has been build, there are a number of helper functions 
 that work on the target.  These are:</p>
@@ -575,6 +589,7 @@ that work on the target.  These are:</p>
 <li><strong>size</strong>         Size of target components</li>
 <li><strong>create-image</strong>  Add image header to target binary</li>
 <li><strong>run</strong>  The equivalent of build, create-image, load, and debug on specified target</li>
+<li><strong>target</strong> Create, delete, configure, and query a target</li>
 <p><code>load</code> and <code>debug</code> handles driving GDB and the system debugger.  These 
 commands call out to scripts that are defined by the BSP.</p>
diff --git a/develop/newt/newt_ops/index.html b/develop/newt/newt_ops/index.html
index ba4cca8..2528661 100644
--- a/develop/newt/newt_ops/index.html
+++ b/develop/newt/newt_ops/index.html
@@ -301,14 +301,6 @@
     <li >
-      <a href="../command_list/newt_complete/">newt complete</a>
-    </li>
-    <li >
       <a href="../command_list/newt_create_image/">newt create-image</a>
@@ -373,6 +365,14 @@
     <li >
+      <a href="../command_list/newt_pkg/">newt pkg</a>
+    </li>
+    <li >
       <a href="../command_list/newt_run/">newt run</a>
@@ -389,6 +389,14 @@
     <li >
+      <a href="../command_list/newt_sync/">newt sync</a>
+    </li>
+    <li >
       <a href="../command_list/newt_target/">newt target</a>
@@ -494,9 +502,9 @@
                             <h2 id="command-structure">Command Structure</h2>
-<p>Just like verbs are actions in a sentence and adverdbs modifiy verbs, so in <em>newt</em> tool, commands are actions and flags modify actions. A command can have subcommands, too. Arguments to commands and subcommands, with appropriate flags, will dictate the execution and result of a command. </p>
-<p>For instance, in the example below, the <em>newt</em> command has the subcommand <code>target set</code> in which the argument 'my_target1' is the target whose attribute, <em>arch</em>, is set to 'cortex_md.' </p>
-<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    newt target set my_target1 arch=cortex_m4
+<p>Just like verbs are actions in a sentence and adverbs modifiy verbs, so in the <em>newt</em> tool, commands are actions and flags modify actions. A command can have subcommands. Arguments to commands and subcommands, with appropriate flags, dictate the execution and result of a command. </p>
+<p>For instance, in the example below, the <em>newt</em> command has the subcommand <code>target set</code> in which the argument 'my_target1' is the target whose attribute, <em>app</em>, is set to '@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52dk'</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    newt target set my_target1 app=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52dk
@@ -508,14 +516,14 @@
 <p>In addition to the <a href="../newt_intro/">Newt Tool Manual</a> in docs, command-line help is available for each command (and subcommand), through the <code>-h</code> or <code>--help</code> options. </p>
 <div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    newt target  --help
-    Command for manipulating targets
+    Commands to create, delete, configure, and query targets
       newt target [flags]
       newt target [command]
     Available Commands:
-      config      View target system configuration
+      config      View or populate a target&#39;s system configuration
       copy        Copy target
       create      Create a target
       delete      Delete target
@@ -525,6 +533,8 @@
       show        View target configuration variables
     Global Flags:
+      -h, --help              Help for newt commands
+      -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)
       -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default &quot;WARN&quot;)
       -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to
       -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output
diff --git a/develop/os/modules/sysinitconfig/sysconfig_error/index.html b/develop/os/modules/sysinitconfig/sysconfig_error/index.html
index 1e89cd9..c7d1c4a 100644
--- a/develop/os/modules/sysinitconfig/sysconfig_error/index.html
+++ b/develop/os/modules/sysinitconfig/sysconfig_error/index.html
@@ -821,7 +821,90 @@ outputs when multiple packages define the <code>LOG_NEWTMGR</code> setting:</p>
-<p><strong>Note:</strong> Newt does not output the <code>Setting history</code> with duplicate setting error messages. </p>
+<p><strong>Note:</strong> Newt does not output the <code>Setting history</code> with duplicate setting error messages. 
+<h3 id="override-of-undefined-system-configuration-setting">Override of Undefined System Configuration Setting</h3>
+<p>The <code>newt build</code> command ignores overrides of undefined system configuration settings. The command does not print a warning when you run it with the default log level.  If you override a setting and the value is not assigned to the setting, you may have misspelled the setting name or a package no longer defines the setting.  You have two options to troubleshoot this problem:</p>
+<li>Run the <code>newt target config show</code> command to see the configuration setting definitions and overrides.</li>
+<li>Run the <code>newt build -ldebug</code> command to build your target with DEBUG log level. </li>
+<p>Note: The <code>newt build -ldebug</code> command generates lots of output and we recommend that you use the <code>newt target config show</code> command option.
+<h4 id="example-ignoring-override-of-undefined-setting-message">Example: Ignoring Override of Undefined Setting Message</h4>
+<p>The following example shows that the <code>apps/slinky</code> application overrides the <code>LOG_NEWTMGR</code> setting but omits the <strong>T</strong> as an example of an error and overrides the misspelled <strong>LOG_NEWMGR</strong> setting.  Here is an excerpt from its <code>syscfg.yml</code> file: </p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">#package: apps/slinky
+    # Enable the shell task.
+    SHELL_TASK: 1
+        ...
+    # Enable newtmgr commands.
+    LOG_NEWMGR: 1
+The  <code>newt target config show slinky_sim</code> command outputs the following WARNING message:</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">2017/02/18 17:19:12.119 [WARNING] Ignoring override of undefined settings:
+2017/02/18 17:19:12.119 [WARNING]     LOG_NEWMGR
+2017/02/18 17:19:12.119 [WARNING]     NFFS_FLASH_AREA
+2017/02/18 17:19:12.119 [WARNING] Setting history (newest -&gt; oldest):
+2017/02/18 17:19:12.119 [WARNING]     LOG_NEWMGR: [apps/slinky:1]
+2017/02/18 17:19:12.119 [WARNING]     NFFS_FLASH_AREA: [hw/bsp/native:FLASH_AREA_NFFS]
+<p>The <code>newt build -ldebug slinky_sim</code> command outputs the following  DEBUG message: </p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">2017/02/18 17:06:21.451 [DEBUG] Ignoring override of undefined settings:
+2017/02/18 17:06:21.451 [DEBUG]     LOG_NEWMGR
+2017/02/18 17:06:21.451 [DEBUG]     NFFS_FLASH_AREA
+2017/02/18 17:06:21.451 [DEBUG] Setting history (newest -&gt; oldest):
+2017/02/18 17:06:21.451 [DEBUG]     LOG_NEWMGR: [apps/slinky:1]
+2017/02/18 17:06:21.451 [DEBUG]     NFFS_FLASH_AREA: [hw/bsp/native:FLASH_AREA_NFFS]
+<h4 id="bsp-package-overrides-undefined-configuration-settings">BSP Package Overrides Undefined Configuration Settings</h4>
+<p>You might see a warning that indicates your application's BSP package is overriding some undefined settings. As you can see from the previous example, the WARNING message shows that the <code>hw/bsp/native</code> package is overriding the undefined <code>NFFS_FLASH_AREA</code> setting. This is not an error because of the way a BSP package defines and assigns its flash areas to packages that use flash memory.</p>
+<p>A BSP package defines, in its <code>bsp.yml</code> file, a flash area map of the flash areas on the board. A package that uses flash memory must define a flash area configuration setting name. The BSP package overrides the package's flash area setting with one of the flash areas from its flash area map.   A BSP package overrides the flash area settings for all packages that use flash memory because it does not know the packages that an application uses.  When an application does not include one of these packages, the flash area setting for the package is undefined. You will see a message that indicates the BSP package overrides this undefined setting.</p>
+<p>Here are excerpts from the <code>hw/bsp/native</code> package's <code>bsp.yml</code> and <code>syscfg.yml</code> files for the <code>slinky_sim</code> target.  The BSP package defines the flash area map in its <code>bsp.yml</code> file and overrides the flash area settings for all packages in its <code>syscfg.yml</code> file. The <code>slinky_sim</code> target does not use the <code>fs/nffs</code> package which defines the <code>NFFS_FLASH_AREA</code> setting. Newt warns that the <code>hw/bsp/native</code> packages overrides the undefined <code>NFFS_FLASH_AREA</code> setting.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%"># hw/bsp/native bsp.yml
+    areas:
+        # System areas.
+            device: 0
+            offset: 0x00000000
+            size: 16kB
+            ...
+            device: 0
+            offset: 0x000e0000
+            size: 128kB
+        # User areas.
+            user_id: 0
+            device: 0
+            offset: 0x00004000
+            size: 16kB
+            user_id: 1
+            device: 0
+            offset: 0x00008000
+# hw/bsp/native syscfg.yml
                         <div class="row">
diff --git a/develop/sitemap.xml b/develop/sitemap.xml
index 3a2a667..0ccc1fb 100644
--- a/develop/sitemap.xml
+++ b/develop/sitemap.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-02-27</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-03-02</lastmod>
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-02-27</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-03-02</lastmod>
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-02-27</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-03-02</lastmod>
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+     <lastmod>2017-03-02</lastmod>
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-     <lastmod>2017-02-27</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-03-02</lastmod>
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-     <lastmod>2017-02-27</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-03-02</lastmod>
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+     <lastmod>2017-03-02</lastmod>
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+     <lastmod>2017-03-02</lastmod>
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+     <lastmod>2017-03-02</lastmod>
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-     <lastmod>2017-02-27</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-03-02</lastmod>
@@ -123,13 +123,13 @@
-     <lastmod>2017-02-27</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-03-02</lastmod>
-     <lastmod>2017-02-27</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2017-03-02</lastmod>
diff --git a/events/index.html b/events/index.html
index 3a3395f..b46782d 100644
--- a/events/index.html
+++ b/events/index.html
@@ -150,17 +150,31 @@
                         <div class="event">
-                            <h2>CES</h2>
-                            <p>5-8 January, 2017</p>
-                            <p>Las Vegas, NV</p>
-                            <p>Contact or email us at to check out and discuss Apache Mynewt and its many uses.</p>
+                            <h2>Embedded World</h2>
+                            <p>14-16 March, 2017</p>
+                            <p>Nuremberg, Germany</p>
+                            <p>Contact or email us at to discuss Apache Mynewt.</p>
                         <div class="event">
-                            <h2>Embedded Systems Conference</h2>
-                            <p>6-8 December, 2016</p>
-                            <p>San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, CA, USA</p>
-                            <p>Meet up to discuss Apache Mynewt.</p>
+                            <h2>Bluetooth World</h2>
+                            <p>28-29 March, 2017</p>
+                            <p>Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA, USA</p>
+                            <p>Get to the heart of BLE support from Apache Mynewt at Exhibit Booth #11A.</p>
+                        </div>
+                        <div class="event">
+                            <h2>IoTFuse: Conference 2017</h2>
+                            <p>21 April, 2017</p>
+                            <p>Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, CA, USA</p>
+                            <p>Presentation on managing devices running open source Operating Systems including Apache Mynewt.</p>
+                        </div>
+                        <div class="event">
+                            <h2>ApacheIoT, ApacheCon North America</h2>
+                            <p>16-18 May, 2017</p>
+                            <p>Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA, USA</p>
+                            <p>A new conference track that lays the vision, framework, and components for an IoT system. See more at <a href=""></a>. Multiple talks will feature Apache Mynewt.</p>
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index 9e7f72f..3aa2c75 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -288,6 +288,9 @@
                       <a href=""> FRDM-K64F </a> from NXP (Cortex-M4)
+                  <li>
+                      <a href=""> Creator Ci40 IoT Kit </a> from Imagination Technologies (MIPS CPU)
+                  </li>
diff --git a/landing.html b/landing.html
index e160dec..ccc7ec2 100644
--- a/landing.html
+++ b/landing.html
@@ -147,6 +147,9 @@
                       <a href=""> FRDM-K64F </a> from NXP (Cortex-M4)
+                  <li>
+                      <a href=""> Creator Ci40 IoT Kit </a> from Imagination Technologies (MIPS CPU)
+                  </li>
diff --git a/latest/index.html b/latest/index.html
index 9e7f72f..3aa2c75 100644
--- a/latest/index.html
+++ b/latest/index.html
@@ -288,6 +288,9 @@
                       <a href=""> FRDM-K64F </a> from NXP (Cortex-M4)
+                  <li>
+                      <a href=""> Creator Ci40 IoT Kit </a> from Imagination Technologies (MIPS CPU)
+                  </li>
diff --git a/latest/landing.html b/latest/landing.html
index e160dec..ccc7ec2 100644
--- a/latest/landing.html
+++ b/latest/landing.html
@@ -147,6 +147,9 @@
                       <a href=""> FRDM-K64F </a> from NXP (Cortex-M4)
+                  <li>
+                      <a href=""> Creator Ci40 IoT Kit </a> from Imagination Technologies (MIPS CPU)
+                  </li>