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[31/55] [partial] incubator-systemml git commit: [SYSTEMML-482] [SYSTEMML-480] Adding a Git attributes file to enfore Unix-styled line endings, and normalizing all of the line endings.
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/arima_box-jenkins/arima.dml b/src/test/scripts/applications/arima_box-jenkins/arima.dml
index f9afea9..73052e0 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/arima_box-jenkins/arima.dml
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/arima_box-jenkins/arima.dml
@@ -1,287 +1,287 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Arguments
-# 1st arg: X (one column time series)
-# 2nd arg: max_func_invoc
-# 3rd arg: p (non-seasonal AR order)
-# 4th arg: d (non-seasonal differencing order)
-# 5th arg: q (non-seasonal MA order)
-# 6th arg: P (seasonal AR order)
-# 7th arg: D (seasonal differencing order)
-# 8th arg: Q (seasonal MA order)
-# 9th arg: s (period in terms of number of time-steps)
-# 10th arg: 0/1 (1 means include.mean)
-# 11th arg: 0 to use CG solver, 1 to use Jacobi's method
-# 12th arg: file name to store learnt parameters
-#changing to additive sar since R's arima seems to do that
-arima_css = function(Matrix[Double] w, Matrix[Double] X, Integer pIn, Integer P, Integer qIn, Integer Q, Integer s, Integer useJacobi) return (Double obj){
-	b = X[,2:ncol(X)]%*%w
-	R = Rand(rows=nrow(X), cols=nrow(X), min=0, max=0)
-	for(i7 in 1:qIn){
-		ma_ind_ns = P+pIn+i7
-		err_ind_ns = i7
-		ones_ns = Rand(rows=nrow(R)-err_ind_ns, cols=1, min=1, max=1)
-		d_ns = ones_ns * castAsScalar(w[ma_ind_ns,1])
-		R[1+err_ind_ns:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_ns] = R[1+err_ind_ns:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_ns] + diag(d_ns)
-	}
-	for(i8 in 1:Q){
-		ma_ind_s = P+pIn+qIn+i8
-		err_ind_s = s*i8
-		ones_s = Rand(rows=nrow(R)-err_ind_s, cols=1, min=1, max=1)
-		d_s = ones_s * castAsScalar(w[ma_ind_s,1])
-		R[1+err_ind_s:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_s] = R[1+err_ind_s:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_s] + diag(d_s)
-	}
-	#checking for strict diagonal dominance
-	#required for jacobi's method
-	#
-	max_iter = 100
-	tol = 0.01
-	y_hat = Rand(rows=nrow(X), cols=1, min=0, max=0)
-  	iter = 0
-	if(useJacobi == 1){
-		check = sum(ppred(rowSums(abs(R)), 1, ">="))
-		if(check > 0){
-			print("R is not diagonal dominant. Suggest switching to an exact solver.")
-		}
-		diff = tol+1.0
-		while(iter < max_iter & diff > tol){
-    		y_hat_new = b - R%*%y_hat
-    		diff = sum((y_hat_new-y_hat)*(y_hat_new-y_hat))
-    		y_hat = y_hat_new
-    		iter = iter + 1
-    	}
-  	}else{
-	  	ones = matrix(1, rows=nrow(X), cols=1)
-  		A = R + diag(ones)
-  		Z = t(A)%*%A
-  		y = t(A)%*%b
-  		r = -y
-  		p = -r
-  		norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
-  		continue = 1
-  		if(norm_r2 == 0){
-  			continue = 0
-  		}
-  		while(iter < max_iter & continue == 1){
-  			q = Z%*%p
-  			alpha = norm_r2 / castAsScalar(t(p) %*% q)
-  			y_hat = y_hat + alpha * p
-  			old_norm_r2 = norm_r2
-  			r = r + alpha * q
-  			norm_r2 = sum(r * r)
-  			if(norm_r2 < tol){
-  				continue = 0
-  			}
-  			beta = norm_r2 / old_norm_r2
-  			p = -r + beta * p
-  			iter = iter + 1
-  		}
-	}
-  	errs = X[,1] - y_hat
-  	obj = sum(errs*errs)
-#input col of time series data
-X = read($1)
-max_func_invoc = $2
-#non-seasonal order
-p = $3
-d = $4
-q = $5
-#seasonal order
-P = $6
-D = $7
-Q = $8
-#length of the season
-s = $9
-include_mean = $10
-useJacobi = $11
-num_rows = nrow(X)
-if(num_rows <= d){
-	print("non-seasonal differencing order should be larger than length of the time-series")
-Y = X
-for(i in 1:d){
-	n1 = nrow(Y)+0.0
-	Y = Y[2:n1,] - Y[1:n1-1,]
-num_rows = nrow(Y)+0.0
-if(num_rows <= s*D){
-	print("seasonal differencing order should be larger than number of observations divided by length of season")
-for(i in 1:D){
-	n1 = nrow(Y)+0.0
-	Y = Y[s+1:n1,] - Y[1:n1-s,]
-n = nrow(Y)
-max_ar_col = P+p
-max_ma_col = Q+q
-if(max_ar_col > max_ma_col){
-	max_arma_col = max_ar_col
-	max_arma_col = max_ma_col
-mu = 0
-if(include_mean == 1){
-	mu = sum(Y)/nrow(Y)
-	Y = Y - mu
-totcols = 1+p+P+Q+q #target col (X), p-P cols, q-Q cols  
-Z = Rand(rows=n, cols=totcols, min=0, max=0)
-Z[,1] = Y #target col
-parfor(i1 in 1:p, check=0){
-	Z[i1+1:n,1+i1] = Y[1:n-i1,]
-parfor(i2 in 1:P, check=0){
-	Z[s*i2+1:n,1+p+i2] = Y[1:n-s*i2,]
-parfor(i5 in 1:q, check=0){
-	Z[i5+1:n,1+P+p+i5] = Y[1:n-i5,]
-parfor(i6 in 1:Q, check=0){
-	Z[s*i6+1:n,1+P+p+q+i6] = Y[1:n-s*i6,]
-one = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=1, max=1)
-simplex = Rand(rows=totcols-1, cols=totcols, min=0, max=0)
-for(i in 2:ncol(simplex)){
-	simplex[i-1,i] = 0.1
-num_func_invoc = 0
-objvals = Rand(rows=1, cols=ncol(simplex), min=0, max=0)
-parfor(i3 in 1:ncol(simplex)){
-	arima_css_obj_val = arima_css(simplex[,i3], Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
-	objvals[1,i3] = arima_css_obj_val
-num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + ncol(simplex)
-tol = 1.5 * 10^(-8) * castAsScalar(objvals[1,1])
-continue = 1
-while(continue == 1 & num_func_invoc <= max_func_invoc) {
-	best_index = 1
-	worst_index = 1
-	for(i in 2:ncol(objvals)){
-		this = castAsScalar(objvals[1,i])
-		that = castAsScalar(objvals[1,best_index])
-  		if(that > this){
-    		best_index = i
-  		}
-  		that = castAsScalar(objvals[1,worst_index])
-  		if(that < this){
-    		worst_index = i
-  		}
-	}
-	best_obj_val = castAsScalar(objvals[1,best_index])
-	worst_obj_val = castAsScalar(objvals[1,worst_index])
-	if(worst_obj_val <= best_obj_val + tol){
-		continue = 0
-	}
-	print("#Function calls::" + num_func_invoc + " OBJ: " + best_obj_val)
-	c = (rowSums(simplex) - simplex[,worst_index])/(nrow(simplex))
-	x_r = 2*c - simplex[,worst_index]
-	obj_x_r = arima_css(x_r, Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
-	num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + 1
-	if(obj_x_r < best_obj_val){
-		x_e = 2*x_r - c
-		obj_x_e = arima_css(x_e, Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
-		num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + 1
-		if(obj_x_r <= obj_x_e){
-			simplex[,worst_index] = x_r
-			objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_r
-		}else{
-			simplex[,worst_index] = x_e
-			objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_e
-		}
-	}else{
-		if(obj_x_r < worst_obj_val){
-			simplex[,worst_index] = x_r
-			objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_r
-		}
-		x_c_in = (simplex[,worst_index] + c)/2
-		obj_x_c_in = arima_css(x_c_in, Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
-		num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + 1
-		if(obj_x_c_in < castAsScalar(objvals[1,worst_index])){
-			simplex[,worst_index] = x_c_in
-			objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_c_in
-		}else{
-			if(obj_x_r >= worst_obj_val){
-				best_point = simplex[,best_index]
-				parfor(i4 in 1:ncol(simplex)){
-					if(i4 != best_index){
-						simplex[,i4] = (simplex[,i4] + best_point)/2
-						tmp = arima_css(simplex[,i4], Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
-						objvals[1,i4] = tmp*one
-					}
-				}
-				num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + ncol(simplex) - 1
-			}
-		}
-	}
-best_point = simplex[,best_index]
-if(include_mean == 1){
-	tmp2 = Rand(rows=totcols, cols=1, min=0, max=0)
-	tmp2[1:nrow(best_point),1] = best_point
-	tmp2[nrow(tmp2),1] = mu
-	best_point = tmp2
-write(best_point, $12, format="text")
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Arguments
+# 1st arg: X (one column time series)
+# 2nd arg: max_func_invoc
+# 3rd arg: p (non-seasonal AR order)
+# 4th arg: d (non-seasonal differencing order)
+# 5th arg: q (non-seasonal MA order)
+# 6th arg: P (seasonal AR order)
+# 7th arg: D (seasonal differencing order)
+# 8th arg: Q (seasonal MA order)
+# 9th arg: s (period in terms of number of time-steps)
+# 10th arg: 0/1 (1 means include.mean)
+# 11th arg: 0 to use CG solver, 1 to use Jacobi's method
+# 12th arg: file name to store learnt parameters
+#changing to additive sar since R's arima seems to do that
+arima_css = function(Matrix[Double] w, Matrix[Double] X, Integer pIn, Integer P, Integer qIn, Integer Q, Integer s, Integer useJacobi) return (Double obj){
+	b = X[,2:ncol(X)]%*%w
+	R = Rand(rows=nrow(X), cols=nrow(X), min=0, max=0)
+	for(i7 in 1:qIn){
+		ma_ind_ns = P+pIn+i7
+		err_ind_ns = i7
+		ones_ns = Rand(rows=nrow(R)-err_ind_ns, cols=1, min=1, max=1)
+		d_ns = ones_ns * castAsScalar(w[ma_ind_ns,1])
+		R[1+err_ind_ns:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_ns] = R[1+err_ind_ns:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_ns] + diag(d_ns)
+	}
+	for(i8 in 1:Q){
+		ma_ind_s = P+pIn+qIn+i8
+		err_ind_s = s*i8
+		ones_s = Rand(rows=nrow(R)-err_ind_s, cols=1, min=1, max=1)
+		d_s = ones_s * castAsScalar(w[ma_ind_s,1])
+		R[1+err_ind_s:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_s] = R[1+err_ind_s:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_s] + diag(d_s)
+	}
+	#checking for strict diagonal dominance
+	#required for jacobi's method
+	#
+	max_iter = 100
+	tol = 0.01
+	y_hat = Rand(rows=nrow(X), cols=1, min=0, max=0)
+  	iter = 0
+	if(useJacobi == 1){
+		check = sum(ppred(rowSums(abs(R)), 1, ">="))
+		if(check > 0){
+			print("R is not diagonal dominant. Suggest switching to an exact solver.")
+		}
+		diff = tol+1.0
+		while(iter < max_iter & diff > tol){
+    		y_hat_new = b - R%*%y_hat
+    		diff = sum((y_hat_new-y_hat)*(y_hat_new-y_hat))
+    		y_hat = y_hat_new
+    		iter = iter + 1
+    	}
+  	}else{
+	  	ones = matrix(1, rows=nrow(X), cols=1)
+  		A = R + diag(ones)
+  		Z = t(A)%*%A
+  		y = t(A)%*%b
+  		r = -y
+  		p = -r
+  		norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
+  		continue = 1
+  		if(norm_r2 == 0){
+  			continue = 0
+  		}
+  		while(iter < max_iter & continue == 1){
+  			q = Z%*%p
+  			alpha = norm_r2 / castAsScalar(t(p) %*% q)
+  			y_hat = y_hat + alpha * p
+  			old_norm_r2 = norm_r2
+  			r = r + alpha * q
+  			norm_r2 = sum(r * r)
+  			if(norm_r2 < tol){
+  				continue = 0
+  			}
+  			beta = norm_r2 / old_norm_r2
+  			p = -r + beta * p
+  			iter = iter + 1
+  		}
+	}
+  	errs = X[,1] - y_hat
+  	obj = sum(errs*errs)
+#input col of time series data
+X = read($1)
+max_func_invoc = $2
+#non-seasonal order
+p = $3
+d = $4
+q = $5
+#seasonal order
+P = $6
+D = $7
+Q = $8
+#length of the season
+s = $9
+include_mean = $10
+useJacobi = $11
+num_rows = nrow(X)
+if(num_rows <= d){
+	print("non-seasonal differencing order should be larger than length of the time-series")
+Y = X
+for(i in 1:d){
+	n1 = nrow(Y)+0.0
+	Y = Y[2:n1,] - Y[1:n1-1,]
+num_rows = nrow(Y)+0.0
+if(num_rows <= s*D){
+	print("seasonal differencing order should be larger than number of observations divided by length of season")
+for(i in 1:D){
+	n1 = nrow(Y)+0.0
+	Y = Y[s+1:n1,] - Y[1:n1-s,]
+n = nrow(Y)
+max_ar_col = P+p
+max_ma_col = Q+q
+if(max_ar_col > max_ma_col){
+	max_arma_col = max_ar_col
+	max_arma_col = max_ma_col
+mu = 0
+if(include_mean == 1){
+	mu = sum(Y)/nrow(Y)
+	Y = Y - mu
+totcols = 1+p+P+Q+q #target col (X), p-P cols, q-Q cols  
+Z = Rand(rows=n, cols=totcols, min=0, max=0)
+Z[,1] = Y #target col
+parfor(i1 in 1:p, check=0){
+	Z[i1+1:n,1+i1] = Y[1:n-i1,]
+parfor(i2 in 1:P, check=0){
+	Z[s*i2+1:n,1+p+i2] = Y[1:n-s*i2,]
+parfor(i5 in 1:q, check=0){
+	Z[i5+1:n,1+P+p+i5] = Y[1:n-i5,]
+parfor(i6 in 1:Q, check=0){
+	Z[s*i6+1:n,1+P+p+q+i6] = Y[1:n-s*i6,]
+one = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=1, max=1)
+simplex = Rand(rows=totcols-1, cols=totcols, min=0, max=0)
+for(i in 2:ncol(simplex)){
+	simplex[i-1,i] = 0.1
+num_func_invoc = 0
+objvals = Rand(rows=1, cols=ncol(simplex), min=0, max=0)
+parfor(i3 in 1:ncol(simplex)){
+	arima_css_obj_val = arima_css(simplex[,i3], Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
+	objvals[1,i3] = arima_css_obj_val
+num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + ncol(simplex)
+tol = 1.5 * 10^(-8) * castAsScalar(objvals[1,1])
+continue = 1
+while(continue == 1 & num_func_invoc <= max_func_invoc) {
+	best_index = 1
+	worst_index = 1
+	for(i in 2:ncol(objvals)){
+		this = castAsScalar(objvals[1,i])
+		that = castAsScalar(objvals[1,best_index])
+  		if(that > this){
+    		best_index = i
+  		}
+  		that = castAsScalar(objvals[1,worst_index])
+  		if(that < this){
+    		worst_index = i
+  		}
+	}
+	best_obj_val = castAsScalar(objvals[1,best_index])
+	worst_obj_val = castAsScalar(objvals[1,worst_index])
+	if(worst_obj_val <= best_obj_val + tol){
+		continue = 0
+	}
+	print("#Function calls::" + num_func_invoc + " OBJ: " + best_obj_val)
+	c = (rowSums(simplex) - simplex[,worst_index])/(nrow(simplex))
+	x_r = 2*c - simplex[,worst_index]
+	obj_x_r = arima_css(x_r, Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
+	num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + 1
+	if(obj_x_r < best_obj_val){
+		x_e = 2*x_r - c
+		obj_x_e = arima_css(x_e, Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
+		num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + 1
+		if(obj_x_r <= obj_x_e){
+			simplex[,worst_index] = x_r
+			objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_r
+		}else{
+			simplex[,worst_index] = x_e
+			objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_e
+		}
+	}else{
+		if(obj_x_r < worst_obj_val){
+			simplex[,worst_index] = x_r
+			objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_r
+		}
+		x_c_in = (simplex[,worst_index] + c)/2
+		obj_x_c_in = arima_css(x_c_in, Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
+		num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + 1
+		if(obj_x_c_in < castAsScalar(objvals[1,worst_index])){
+			simplex[,worst_index] = x_c_in
+			objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_c_in
+		}else{
+			if(obj_x_r >= worst_obj_val){
+				best_point = simplex[,best_index]
+				parfor(i4 in 1:ncol(simplex)){
+					if(i4 != best_index){
+						simplex[,i4] = (simplex[,i4] + best_point)/2
+						tmp = arima_css(simplex[,i4], Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
+						objvals[1,i4] = tmp*one
+					}
+				}
+				num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + ncol(simplex) - 1
+			}
+		}
+	}
+best_point = simplex[,best_index]
+if(include_mean == 1){
+	tmp2 = Rand(rows=totcols, cols=1, min=0, max=0)
+	tmp2[1:nrow(best_point),1] = best_point
+	tmp2[nrow(tmp2),1] = mu
+	best_point = tmp2
+write(best_point, $12, format="text")
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/arima_box-jenkins/arima.pydml b/src/test/scripts/applications/arima_box-jenkins/arima.pydml
index 0c4be73..9b3387c 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/arima_box-jenkins/arima.pydml
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/arima_box-jenkins/arima.pydml
@@ -1,258 +1,258 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Arguments
-# 1st arg: X (one column time series)
-# 2nd arg: max_func_invoc
-# 3rd arg: p (non-seasonal AR order)
-# 4th arg: d (non-seasonal differencing order)
-# 5th arg: q (non-seasonal MA order)
-# 6th arg: P (seasonal AR order)
-# 7th arg: D (seasonal differencing order)
-# 8th arg: Q (seasonal MA order)
-# 9th arg: s (period in terms of number of time-steps)
-# 10th arg: 0/1 (1 means include.mean)
-# 11th arg: 0 to use CG solver, 1 to use Jacobi's method
-# 12th arg: file name to store learnt parameters
-#changing to additive sar since R's arima seems to do that
-def arima_css(w:matrix[float], X:matrix[float], pIn: int, P: int, qIn: int, Q:int, s:int, useJacobi: int) -> (obj: float):
-    b = dot(X[,2:ncol(X)], w)
-    R = Rand(rows=nrow(X), cols=nrow(X), min=0, max=0)
-    for(i7 in 1:qIn):
-        ma_ind_ns = P+pIn+i7
-        err_ind_ns = i7
-        ones_ns = Rand(rows=nrow(R)-err_ind_ns, cols=1, min=1, max=1)
-        d_ns = ones_ns * castAsScalar(w[ma_ind_ns,1])
-        R[1+err_ind_ns:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_ns] = R[1+err_ind_ns:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_ns] + diag(d_ns)
-    for(i8 in 1:Q):
-        ma_ind_s = P+pIn+qIn+i8
-        err_ind_s = s*i8
-        ones_s = Rand(rows=nrow(R)-err_ind_s, cols=1, min=1, max=1)
-        d_s = ones_s * castAsScalar(w[ma_ind_s,1])
-        R[1+err_ind_s:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_s] = R[1+err_ind_s:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_s] + diag(d_s)
-    #checking for strict diagonal dominance
-    #required for jacobi's method
-    max_iter = 100
-    tol = 0.01
-    y_hat = Rand(rows=nrow(X), cols=1, min=0, max=0)
-    iter = 0
-    if(useJacobi == 1):
-        check = sum(ppred(rowSums(abs(R)), 1, ">="))
-        if(check > 0):
-            print("R is not diagonal dominant. Suggest switching to an exact solver.")
-        diff = tol+1.0
-        while(iter < max_iter & diff > tol):
-            y_hat_new = b - dot(R, y_hat)
-            diff = sum((y_hat_new-y_hat)*(y_hat_new-y_hat))
-            y_hat = y_hat_new
-            iter = iter + 1
-    else:
-        ones = full(1, rows=nrow(X), cols=1)
-        A = R + diag(ones)
-        transpose_A = transpose(A)
-        Z = dot(transpose_A, A)
-        y = dot(transpose_A, b)
-        r = -y
-        p = -r
-        norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
-        continue = 1
-        if(norm_r2 == 0):
-            continue = 0
-        while(iter < max_iter & continue == 1):
-            q = dot(Z, p)
-            transpose_p = transpose(p)
-            alpha = norm_r2 / castAsScalar(dot(transpose_p, q))
-            y_hat = y_hat + alpha * p
-            old_norm_r2 = norm_r2
-            r = r + alpha * q
-            norm_r2 = sum(r * r)
-            if(norm_r2 < tol):
-                continue = 0
-            beta = norm_r2 / old_norm_r2
-            p = -r + beta * p
-            iter = iter + 1    
-    errs = X[,1] - y_hat
-    obj = sum(errs*errs)
-# end arima_css function
-#input col of time series data
-X = load($1)
-max_func_invoc = $2
-#non-seasonal order
-p = $3
-d = $4
-q = $5
-#seasonal order
-P = $6
-D = $7
-Q = $8
-#length of the season
-s = $9
-include_mean = $10
-useJacobi = $11
-num_rows = nrow(X)
-if(num_rows <= d):
-    print("non-seasonal differencing order should be larger than length of the time-series")
-Y = X
-for(i in 1:d):
-    n1 = nrow(Y)+0.0
-    Y = Y[2:n1,] - Y[1:n1-1,]
-num_rows = nrow(Y)+0.0
-if(num_rows <= s*D):
-    print("seasonal differencing order should be larger than number of observations divided by length of season")
-for(i in 1:D):
-    n1 = nrow(Y)+0.0
-    Y = Y[s+1:n1,] - Y[1:n1-s,]
-n = nrow(Y)
-max_ar_col = P+p
-max_ma_col = Q+q
-if(max_ar_col > max_ma_col):
-    max_arma_col = max_ar_col
-    max_arma_col = max_ma_col
-mu = 0
-if(include_mean == 1):
-    mu = sum(Y)/nrow(Y)
-    Y = Y - mu
-totcols = 1+p+P+Q+q #target col (X), p-P cols, q-Q cols  
-Z = Rand(rows=n, cols=totcols, min=0, max=0)
-Z[,1] = Y #target col
-parfor(i1 in 1:p, check=0):
-    Z[i1+1:n,1+i1] = Y[1:n-i1,]
-parfor(i2 in 1:P, check=0):
-    Z[s*i2+1:n,1+p+i2] = Y[1:n-s*i2,]
-parfor(i5 in 1:q, check=0):
-    Z[i5+1:n,1+P+p+i5] = Y[1:n-i5,]
-parfor(i6 in 1:Q, check=0):
-    Z[s*i6+1:n,1+P+p+q+i6] = Y[1:n-s*i6,]
-one = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=1, max=1)
-simplex = Rand(rows=totcols-1, cols=totcols, min=0, max=0)
-for(i in 2:ncol(simplex)):
-    simplex[i-1,i] = 0.1
-num_func_invoc = 0
-objvals = Rand(rows=1, cols=ncol(simplex), min=0, max=0)
-parfor(i3 in 1:ncol(simplex)):
-    arima_css_obj_val = arima_css(simplex[,i3], Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
-    objvals[1,i3] = arima_css_obj_val
-num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + ncol(simplex)
-tol = 1.5 * (10**-8) * castAsScalar(objvals[1,1])
-continue = 1
-while(continue == 1 & num_func_invoc <= max_func_invoc):
-    best_index = 1
-    worst_index = 1
-    for(i in 2:ncol(objvals)):
-        this = castAsScalar(objvals[1,i])
-        that = castAsScalar(objvals[1,best_index])
-        if(that > this):
-            best_index = i
-        that = castAsScalar(objvals[1,worst_index])
-        if(that < this):
-            worst_index = i
-    best_obj_val = castAsScalar(objvals[1,best_index])
-    worst_obj_val = castAsScalar(objvals[1,worst_index])
-    if(worst_obj_val <= best_obj_val + tol):
-        continue = 0
-    print("#Function calls::" + num_func_invoc + " OBJ: " + best_obj_val)
-    c = (rowSums(simplex) - simplex[,worst_index])/(nrow(simplex))
-    x_r = 2*c - simplex[,worst_index]
-    obj_x_r = arima_css(x_r, Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
-    num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + 1
-    if(obj_x_r < best_obj_val):
-        x_e = 2*x_r - c
-        obj_x_e = arima_css(x_e, Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
-        num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + 1
-        if(obj_x_r <= obj_x_e):
-            simplex[,worst_index] = x_r
-            objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_r
-        else:
-            simplex[,worst_index] = x_e
-            objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_e
-    else:
-        if(obj_x_r < worst_obj_val):
-            simplex[,worst_index] = x_r
-            objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_r
-        x_c_in = (simplex[,worst_index] + c)/2
-        obj_x_c_in = arima_css(x_c_in, Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
-        num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + 1
-        if(obj_x_c_in < castAsScalar(objvals[1,worst_index])):
-            simplex[,worst_index] = x_c_in
-            objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_c_in
-        else:
-            if(obj_x_r >= worst_obj_val):
-                best_point = simplex[,best_index]
-                parfor(i4 in 1:ncol(simplex)):
-                    if(i4 != best_index):
-                        simplex[,i4] = (simplex[,i4] + best_point)/2
-                        tmp = arima_css(simplex[,i4], Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
-                        objvals[1,i4] = tmp*one
-                num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + ncol(simplex) - 1
-best_point = simplex[,best_index]
-if(include_mean == 1):
-    tmp2 = Rand(rows=totcols, cols=1, min=0, max=0)
-    tmp2[1:nrow(best_point),1] = best_point
-    tmp2[nrow(tmp2),1] = mu
-    best_point = tmp2
-save(best_point, $12, format="text")
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Arguments
+# 1st arg: X (one column time series)
+# 2nd arg: max_func_invoc
+# 3rd arg: p (non-seasonal AR order)
+# 4th arg: d (non-seasonal differencing order)
+# 5th arg: q (non-seasonal MA order)
+# 6th arg: P (seasonal AR order)
+# 7th arg: D (seasonal differencing order)
+# 8th arg: Q (seasonal MA order)
+# 9th arg: s (period in terms of number of time-steps)
+# 10th arg: 0/1 (1 means include.mean)
+# 11th arg: 0 to use CG solver, 1 to use Jacobi's method
+# 12th arg: file name to store learnt parameters
+#changing to additive sar since R's arima seems to do that
+def arima_css(w:matrix[float], X:matrix[float], pIn: int, P: int, qIn: int, Q:int, s:int, useJacobi: int) -> (obj: float):
+    b = dot(X[,2:ncol(X)], w)
+    R = Rand(rows=nrow(X), cols=nrow(X), min=0, max=0)
+    for(i7 in 1:qIn):
+        ma_ind_ns = P+pIn+i7
+        err_ind_ns = i7
+        ones_ns = Rand(rows=nrow(R)-err_ind_ns, cols=1, min=1, max=1)
+        d_ns = ones_ns * castAsScalar(w[ma_ind_ns,1])
+        R[1+err_ind_ns:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_ns] = R[1+err_ind_ns:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_ns] + diag(d_ns)
+    for(i8 in 1:Q):
+        ma_ind_s = P+pIn+qIn+i8
+        err_ind_s = s*i8
+        ones_s = Rand(rows=nrow(R)-err_ind_s, cols=1, min=1, max=1)
+        d_s = ones_s * castAsScalar(w[ma_ind_s,1])
+        R[1+err_ind_s:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_s] = R[1+err_ind_s:nrow(R),1:ncol(R)-err_ind_s] + diag(d_s)
+    #checking for strict diagonal dominance
+    #required for jacobi's method
+    max_iter = 100
+    tol = 0.01
+    y_hat = Rand(rows=nrow(X), cols=1, min=0, max=0)
+    iter = 0
+    if(useJacobi == 1):
+        check = sum(ppred(rowSums(abs(R)), 1, ">="))
+        if(check > 0):
+            print("R is not diagonal dominant. Suggest switching to an exact solver.")
+        diff = tol+1.0
+        while(iter < max_iter & diff > tol):
+            y_hat_new = b - dot(R, y_hat)
+            diff = sum((y_hat_new-y_hat)*(y_hat_new-y_hat))
+            y_hat = y_hat_new
+            iter = iter + 1
+    else:
+        ones = full(1, rows=nrow(X), cols=1)
+        A = R + diag(ones)
+        transpose_A = transpose(A)
+        Z = dot(transpose_A, A)
+        y = dot(transpose_A, b)
+        r = -y
+        p = -r
+        norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
+        continue = 1
+        if(norm_r2 == 0):
+            continue = 0
+        while(iter < max_iter & continue == 1):
+            q = dot(Z, p)
+            transpose_p = transpose(p)
+            alpha = norm_r2 / castAsScalar(dot(transpose_p, q))
+            y_hat = y_hat + alpha * p
+            old_norm_r2 = norm_r2
+            r = r + alpha * q
+            norm_r2 = sum(r * r)
+            if(norm_r2 < tol):
+                continue = 0
+            beta = norm_r2 / old_norm_r2
+            p = -r + beta * p
+            iter = iter + 1    
+    errs = X[,1] - y_hat
+    obj = sum(errs*errs)
+# end arima_css function
+#input col of time series data
+X = load($1)
+max_func_invoc = $2
+#non-seasonal order
+p = $3
+d = $4
+q = $5
+#seasonal order
+P = $6
+D = $7
+Q = $8
+#length of the season
+s = $9
+include_mean = $10
+useJacobi = $11
+num_rows = nrow(X)
+if(num_rows <= d):
+    print("non-seasonal differencing order should be larger than length of the time-series")
+Y = X
+for(i in 1:d):
+    n1 = nrow(Y)+0.0
+    Y = Y[2:n1,] - Y[1:n1-1,]
+num_rows = nrow(Y)+0.0
+if(num_rows <= s*D):
+    print("seasonal differencing order should be larger than number of observations divided by length of season")
+for(i in 1:D):
+    n1 = nrow(Y)+0.0
+    Y = Y[s+1:n1,] - Y[1:n1-s,]
+n = nrow(Y)
+max_ar_col = P+p
+max_ma_col = Q+q
+if(max_ar_col > max_ma_col):
+    max_arma_col = max_ar_col
+    max_arma_col = max_ma_col
+mu = 0
+if(include_mean == 1):
+    mu = sum(Y)/nrow(Y)
+    Y = Y - mu
+totcols = 1+p+P+Q+q #target col (X), p-P cols, q-Q cols  
+Z = Rand(rows=n, cols=totcols, min=0, max=0)
+Z[,1] = Y #target col
+parfor(i1 in 1:p, check=0):
+    Z[i1+1:n,1+i1] = Y[1:n-i1,]
+parfor(i2 in 1:P, check=0):
+    Z[s*i2+1:n,1+p+i2] = Y[1:n-s*i2,]
+parfor(i5 in 1:q, check=0):
+    Z[i5+1:n,1+P+p+i5] = Y[1:n-i5,]
+parfor(i6 in 1:Q, check=0):
+    Z[s*i6+1:n,1+P+p+q+i6] = Y[1:n-s*i6,]
+one = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=1, max=1)
+simplex = Rand(rows=totcols-1, cols=totcols, min=0, max=0)
+for(i in 2:ncol(simplex)):
+    simplex[i-1,i] = 0.1
+num_func_invoc = 0
+objvals = Rand(rows=1, cols=ncol(simplex), min=0, max=0)
+parfor(i3 in 1:ncol(simplex)):
+    arima_css_obj_val = arima_css(simplex[,i3], Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
+    objvals[1,i3] = arima_css_obj_val
+num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + ncol(simplex)
+tol = 1.5 * (10**-8) * castAsScalar(objvals[1,1])
+continue = 1
+while(continue == 1 & num_func_invoc <= max_func_invoc):
+    best_index = 1
+    worst_index = 1
+    for(i in 2:ncol(objvals)):
+        this = castAsScalar(objvals[1,i])
+        that = castAsScalar(objvals[1,best_index])
+        if(that > this):
+            best_index = i
+        that = castAsScalar(objvals[1,worst_index])
+        if(that < this):
+            worst_index = i
+    best_obj_val = castAsScalar(objvals[1,best_index])
+    worst_obj_val = castAsScalar(objvals[1,worst_index])
+    if(worst_obj_val <= best_obj_val + tol):
+        continue = 0
+    print("#Function calls::" + num_func_invoc + " OBJ: " + best_obj_val)
+    c = (rowSums(simplex) - simplex[,worst_index])/(nrow(simplex))
+    x_r = 2*c - simplex[,worst_index]
+    obj_x_r = arima_css(x_r, Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
+    num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + 1
+    if(obj_x_r < best_obj_val):
+        x_e = 2*x_r - c
+        obj_x_e = arima_css(x_e, Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
+        num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + 1
+        if(obj_x_r <= obj_x_e):
+            simplex[,worst_index] = x_r
+            objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_r
+        else:
+            simplex[,worst_index] = x_e
+            objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_e
+    else:
+        if(obj_x_r < worst_obj_val):
+            simplex[,worst_index] = x_r
+            objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_r
+        x_c_in = (simplex[,worst_index] + c)/2
+        obj_x_c_in = arima_css(x_c_in, Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
+        num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + 1
+        if(obj_x_c_in < castAsScalar(objvals[1,worst_index])):
+            simplex[,worst_index] = x_c_in
+            objvals[1,worst_index] = obj_x_c_in
+        else:
+            if(obj_x_r >= worst_obj_val):
+                best_point = simplex[,best_index]
+                parfor(i4 in 1:ncol(simplex)):
+                    if(i4 != best_index):
+                        simplex[,i4] = (simplex[,i4] + best_point)/2
+                        tmp = arima_css(simplex[,i4], Z, p, P, q, Q, s, useJacobi)
+                        objvals[1,i4] = tmp*one
+                num_func_invoc = num_func_invoc + ncol(simplex) - 1
+best_point = simplex[,best_index]
+if(include_mean == 1):
+    tmp2 = Rand(rows=totcols, cols=1, min=0, max=0)
+    tmp2[1:nrow(best_point),1] = best_point
+    tmp2[nrow(tmp2),1] = mu
+    best_point = tmp2
+save(best_point, $12, format="text")
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/Binomial.dml b/src/test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/Binomial.dml
index 9d2f7f4..a3cbf5a 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/Binomial.dml
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/Binomial.dml
@@ -1,171 +1,171 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Computes binomial parameter  p  (the biased-coin probability)
-# such that  Prob [Binom(n, p) <= m] = alpha
-# Use it for "exact" confidence intervals over p given m, n:
-# For example, for 95%-confidence intervals, use  [p1, p2]
-# such that Prob [Binom(n, p1) <= m-1] = 0.975
-# and       Prob [Binom(n, p2) <= m  ] = 0.025
-binomQuantile =
-    function (Matrix[double] n_vector, Matrix[double] m_vector, Matrix[double] alpha_vector)
-    return (Matrix[double] p_vector)
-    num_rows = nrow (n_vector);
-    p_min = Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0);
-    alpha_p_min = Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 1.0, max = 1.0);
-    p_max = Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 1.0, max = 1.0);
-    alpha_p_max = Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0);
-    for (i in 1:27) {  #  Uses "division by half" method to solve equations
-        p_new = (p_min + p_max) / 2.0;
-        [alpha_p_new] = binomProb (n_vector, m_vector, p_new);
-        move_new_to_max = ppred (alpha_p_new, alpha_vector, "<");
-        p_max = (1 - move_new_to_max) * p_max + move_new_to_max * p_new;
-        p_min = (1 - move_new_to_max) * p_new + move_new_to_max * p_min;
-        alpha_p_max = (1 - move_new_to_max) * alpha_p_max + move_new_to_max * alpha_p_new;
-        alpha_p_min = (1 - move_new_to_max) * alpha_p_new + move_new_to_max * alpha_p_min;
-    }
-    p_vector = (p_min + p_max) / 2.0;
-# Computes the cumulative distribution fuction of the binomial distribution,
-# that is,  Prob [Binom(n, p) <= m],  using the incomplete Beta function
-# approximated via a continued fraction, see "Handbook of Mathematical Functions"
-# edited by M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun, U.S. Nat-l Bureau of Standards,
-# 10th print (Dec 1972), Sec. 26.5.8-26.5.9, p. 944
-binomProb =
-    function (Matrix[double] n_vector, Matrix[double] m_vector, Matrix[double] p_vector)
-    return (Matrix[double] result)
-    num_rows = nrow (n_vector);
-    num_iterations = 100;
-    mean_vector = p_vector * n_vector;
-    is_opposite = ppred (mean_vector, m_vector, "<");
-    l_vector = is_opposite * (n_vector - (m_vector + 1)) + (1 - is_opposite) * m_vector;
-    q_vector = is_opposite * (1.0 - p_vector) + (1 - is_opposite) * p_vector;
-    n_minus_l_vector = n_vector - l_vector;
-    is_result_zero1 = ppred (l_vector, - 0.0000000001, "<");
-    is_result_one1  = ppred (n_minus_l_vector, 0.0000000001, "<");
-    is_result_zero2 = ppred (q_vector, 0.9999999999, ">");
-    is_result_one2  = ppred (q_vector, 0.0000000001, "<");
-    is_result_zero  = is_result_zero1 + (1 - is_result_zero1) * is_result_zero2 * (1 - is_result_one1);
-    is_result_one   = (is_result_one1 + (1 - is_result_one1)  * is_result_one2) * (1 - is_result_zero);
-    result = Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0);
-    result = result + is_result_one;
-    is_already_done = is_result_zero + is_result_one;
-    still_iterating = 1 - is_already_done;
-    n_vector = (1 - is_already_done) * n_vector + is_already_done * 2;
-    l_vector = (1 - is_already_done) * l_vector + is_already_done;
-    n_minus_l_vector = (1 - is_already_done) * n_minus_l_vector + is_already_done;
-    q_vector = (1 - is_already_done) * q_vector + is_already_done * 0.8;
-    numer_old = q_vector;
-    denom_old = Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0);
-    numer =  Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0);
-    denom = 1.0 - q_vector;
-    is_i_even = 1;
-    for (i in 1:num_iterations)  #  The continued fraction iterations
-    {
-        is_i_even = 1 - is_i_even;
-        e_term = Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 1.0, max = 1.0);
-        if (i > 1) {
-            if (is_i_even == 1) {
-                e_term = - (2 * n_minus_l_vector + (i - 2)) * (2 * l_vector - (i - 2));
-            }
-            if (is_i_even == 0) {
-                e_term = (i - 1) * (2 * n_vector + (i - 1));
-            }
-            e_term = e_term / (n_minus_l_vector + (i - 2)) / (n_minus_l_vector + (i - 1));
-            e_term = e_term * 0.25;
-        }
-        numer_new = still_iterating * (q_vector * numer + (1.0 - q_vector) * e_term * numer_old) + (1.0 - still_iterating);
-        denom_new = still_iterating * (q_vector * denom + (1.0 - q_vector) * e_term * denom_old) + (1.0 - still_iterating);
-        numer_old = still_iterating * (q_vector * numer) + (1.0 - still_iterating);
-        denom_old = still_iterating * (q_vector * denom) + (1.0 - still_iterating);
-        numer = numer_new;
-        denom = denom_new;
-        abs_denom = abs (denom);
-        denom_too_big = ppred (abs_denom, 10000000000.0, ">");
-        denom_too_small = ppred (abs_denom, 0.0000000001, "<");
-        denom_normal = 1.0 - denom_too_big - denom_too_small;
-        rescale_vector = denom_too_big * 0.0000000001 + denom_too_small * 10000000000.0 + denom_normal;
-        numer_old = numer_old * rescale_vector;
-        denom_old = denom_old * rescale_vector;
-        numer = numer * rescale_vector;
-        denom = denom * rescale_vector;
-        convergence_check_left  = abs (numer * denom_old - numer_old * denom);
-        convergence_check_right = abs (numer * denom_old) * 0.000000001;
-        has_converged = ppred (convergence_check_left, convergence_check_right, "<=");
-        has_converged = still_iterating * has_converged;
-        still_iterating = still_iterating - has_converged;
-        result = result + has_converged * numer / denom;
-    }
-    result = result + still_iterating * numer / denom;
-    n_vector_not_already_done = (1 - is_already_done) * n_vector;
-    l_vector_not_already_done = (1 - is_already_done) * l_vector;
-    n_minus_l_vector_not_already_done = (1 - is_already_done) * n_minus_l_vector;
-    q_vector_not_already_done = (1 - is_already_done) * q_vector + is_already_done;
-    one_minus_q_vector_not_already_done = (1 - is_already_done) * (1.0 - q_vector) + is_already_done;
-    [n_logfact] = logFactorial (n_vector_not_already_done);
-    [l_logfact] = logFactorial (l_vector_not_already_done);
-    [n_minus_l_logfact] = logFactorial (n_minus_l_vector_not_already_done);
-    log_update_factor = n_logfact - l_logfact - n_minus_l_logfact + l_vector * log (q_vector_not_already_done) 
-        + n_minus_l_vector * log (one_minus_q_vector_not_already_done);
-    updated_result = result * (is_already_done + (1 - is_already_done) * exp (log_update_factor));
-    result = is_opposite + (1 - 2 * is_opposite) * updated_result;
-# Computes the logarithm of the factorial of x >= 0 via the Gamma function 
-# From paper: C. Lanczos "A Precision Approximation of the Gamma Function",
-# Journal of the SIAM: Numerical Analysis, Series B, Vol. 1, 1964, pp. 86-96
-logFactorial = function (Matrix[double] x) return (Matrix[double] logfact)
-    y = 1.000000000178;
-    y = y + 76.180091729406 / (x + 1);
-    y = y - 86.505320327112 / (x + 2);
-    y = y + 24.014098222230 / (x + 3);
-    y = y -  1.231739516140 / (x + 4);
-    y = y +  0.001208580030 / (x + 5);
-    y = y -  0.000005363820 / (x + 6);
-    logfact = log(y) + (x + 0.5) * log(x + 5.5) - (x + 5.5) + 0.91893853320467; # log(sqrt(2 * PI));
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Computes binomial parameter  p  (the biased-coin probability)
+# such that  Prob [Binom(n, p) <= m] = alpha
+# Use it for "exact" confidence intervals over p given m, n:
+# For example, for 95%-confidence intervals, use  [p1, p2]
+# such that Prob [Binom(n, p1) <= m-1] = 0.975
+# and       Prob [Binom(n, p2) <= m  ] = 0.025
+binomQuantile =
+    function (Matrix[double] n_vector, Matrix[double] m_vector, Matrix[double] alpha_vector)
+    return (Matrix[double] p_vector)
+    num_rows = nrow (n_vector);
+    p_min = Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0);
+    alpha_p_min = Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 1.0, max = 1.0);
+    p_max = Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 1.0, max = 1.0);
+    alpha_p_max = Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0);
+    for (i in 1:27) {  #  Uses "division by half" method to solve equations
+        p_new = (p_min + p_max) / 2.0;
+        [alpha_p_new] = binomProb (n_vector, m_vector, p_new);
+        move_new_to_max = ppred (alpha_p_new, alpha_vector, "<");
+        p_max = (1 - move_new_to_max) * p_max + move_new_to_max * p_new;
+        p_min = (1 - move_new_to_max) * p_new + move_new_to_max * p_min;
+        alpha_p_max = (1 - move_new_to_max) * alpha_p_max + move_new_to_max * alpha_p_new;
+        alpha_p_min = (1 - move_new_to_max) * alpha_p_new + move_new_to_max * alpha_p_min;
+    }
+    p_vector = (p_min + p_max) / 2.0;
+# Computes the cumulative distribution fuction of the binomial distribution,
+# that is,  Prob [Binom(n, p) <= m],  using the incomplete Beta function
+# approximated via a continued fraction, see "Handbook of Mathematical Functions"
+# edited by M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun, U.S. Nat-l Bureau of Standards,
+# 10th print (Dec 1972), Sec. 26.5.8-26.5.9, p. 944
+binomProb =
+    function (Matrix[double] n_vector, Matrix[double] m_vector, Matrix[double] p_vector)
+    return (Matrix[double] result)
+    num_rows = nrow (n_vector);
+    num_iterations = 100;
+    mean_vector = p_vector * n_vector;
+    is_opposite = ppred (mean_vector, m_vector, "<");
+    l_vector = is_opposite * (n_vector - (m_vector + 1)) + (1 - is_opposite) * m_vector;
+    q_vector = is_opposite * (1.0 - p_vector) + (1 - is_opposite) * p_vector;
+    n_minus_l_vector = n_vector - l_vector;
+    is_result_zero1 = ppred (l_vector, - 0.0000000001, "<");
+    is_result_one1  = ppred (n_minus_l_vector, 0.0000000001, "<");
+    is_result_zero2 = ppred (q_vector, 0.9999999999, ">");
+    is_result_one2  = ppred (q_vector, 0.0000000001, "<");
+    is_result_zero  = is_result_zero1 + (1 - is_result_zero1) * is_result_zero2 * (1 - is_result_one1);
+    is_result_one   = (is_result_one1 + (1 - is_result_one1)  * is_result_one2) * (1 - is_result_zero);
+    result = Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0);
+    result = result + is_result_one;
+    is_already_done = is_result_zero + is_result_one;
+    still_iterating = 1 - is_already_done;
+    n_vector = (1 - is_already_done) * n_vector + is_already_done * 2;
+    l_vector = (1 - is_already_done) * l_vector + is_already_done;
+    n_minus_l_vector = (1 - is_already_done) * n_minus_l_vector + is_already_done;
+    q_vector = (1 - is_already_done) * q_vector + is_already_done * 0.8;
+    numer_old = q_vector;
+    denom_old = Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0);
+    numer =  Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0);
+    denom = 1.0 - q_vector;
+    is_i_even = 1;
+    for (i in 1:num_iterations)  #  The continued fraction iterations
+    {
+        is_i_even = 1 - is_i_even;
+        e_term = Rand (rows = num_rows, cols = 1, min = 1.0, max = 1.0);
+        if (i > 1) {
+            if (is_i_even == 1) {
+                e_term = - (2 * n_minus_l_vector + (i - 2)) * (2 * l_vector - (i - 2));
+            }
+            if (is_i_even == 0) {
+                e_term = (i - 1) * (2 * n_vector + (i - 1));
+            }
+            e_term = e_term / (n_minus_l_vector + (i - 2)) / (n_minus_l_vector + (i - 1));
+            e_term = e_term * 0.25;
+        }
+        numer_new = still_iterating * (q_vector * numer + (1.0 - q_vector) * e_term * numer_old) + (1.0 - still_iterating);
+        denom_new = still_iterating * (q_vector * denom + (1.0 - q_vector) * e_term * denom_old) + (1.0 - still_iterating);
+        numer_old = still_iterating * (q_vector * numer) + (1.0 - still_iterating);
+        denom_old = still_iterating * (q_vector * denom) + (1.0 - still_iterating);
+        numer = numer_new;
+        denom = denom_new;
+        abs_denom = abs (denom);
+        denom_too_big = ppred (abs_denom, 10000000000.0, ">");
+        denom_too_small = ppred (abs_denom, 0.0000000001, "<");
+        denom_normal = 1.0 - denom_too_big - denom_too_small;
+        rescale_vector = denom_too_big * 0.0000000001 + denom_too_small * 10000000000.0 + denom_normal;
+        numer_old = numer_old * rescale_vector;
+        denom_old = denom_old * rescale_vector;
+        numer = numer * rescale_vector;
+        denom = denom * rescale_vector;
+        convergence_check_left  = abs (numer * denom_old - numer_old * denom);
+        convergence_check_right = abs (numer * denom_old) * 0.000000001;
+        has_converged = ppred (convergence_check_left, convergence_check_right, "<=");
+        has_converged = still_iterating * has_converged;
+        still_iterating = still_iterating - has_converged;
+        result = result + has_converged * numer / denom;
+    }
+    result = result + still_iterating * numer / denom;
+    n_vector_not_already_done = (1 - is_already_done) * n_vector;
+    l_vector_not_already_done = (1 - is_already_done) * l_vector;
+    n_minus_l_vector_not_already_done = (1 - is_already_done) * n_minus_l_vector;
+    q_vector_not_already_done = (1 - is_already_done) * q_vector + is_already_done;
+    one_minus_q_vector_not_already_done = (1 - is_already_done) * (1.0 - q_vector) + is_already_done;
+    [n_logfact] = logFactorial (n_vector_not_already_done);
+    [l_logfact] = logFactorial (l_vector_not_already_done);
+    [n_minus_l_logfact] = logFactorial (n_minus_l_vector_not_already_done);
+    log_update_factor = n_logfact - l_logfact - n_minus_l_logfact + l_vector * log (q_vector_not_already_done) 
+        + n_minus_l_vector * log (one_minus_q_vector_not_already_done);
+    updated_result = result * (is_already_done + (1 - is_already_done) * exp (log_update_factor));
+    result = is_opposite + (1 - 2 * is_opposite) * updated_result;
+# Computes the logarithm of the factorial of x >= 0 via the Gamma function 
+# From paper: C. Lanczos "A Precision Approximation of the Gamma Function",
+# Journal of the SIAM: Numerical Analysis, Series B, Vol. 1, 1964, pp. 86-96
+logFactorial = function (Matrix[double] x) return (Matrix[double] logfact)
+    y = 1.000000000178;
+    y = y + 76.180091729406 / (x + 1);
+    y = y - 86.505320327112 / (x + 2);
+    y = y + 24.014098222230 / (x + 3);
+    y = y -  1.231739516140 / (x + 4);
+    y = y +  0.001208580030 / (x + 5);
+    y = y -  0.000005363820 / (x + 6);
+    logfact = log(y) + (x + 0.5) * log(x + 5.5) - (x + 5.5) + 0.91893853320467; # log(sqrt(2 * PI));
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/ctci.dml b/src/test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/ctci.dml
index 22d3044..4aa3ae3 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/ctci.dml
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/ctci.dml
@@ -1,145 +1,145 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Computes 95% confidence intervals for binomial ratios using both Wilson and Exact Scores
-# INPUT  1: Dataset as an (N x 2) matrix, input file path/name
-#       Rows: Individual data points
-#      Col 1: Partition attribute (e.g. US State code), must be positive integer
-#      Col 2: Label attribute (e.g. positive/negative/neutral), must be positive integer
-# INPUT  2: Number of data points N (i.e. input matrix size, rows)
-# INPUT  3: "Null" label code, 0 if there is no "null" label
-# INPUT  4: Head Matrix output file path/name
-# INPUT  5: Body Matrix output file path/name
-# OUTPUT 1: Head Matrix with per-label information:
-#       Rows: One row per each distinct code of the label attribute (1, 2, 3, ...)
-#      Col 1: First column index of the Body Matrix block for this label, or 0 if "null"
-#      Col 2: Overall number of data points with this label
-#      Col 3: Percentage (out of 100) of data points to have this label
-# OUTPUT 2: Body Matrix with per-partition statistics:
-#       Rows: One row per each distinct code of the partition attribute (1, 2, 3, ...)
-#    Columns: Arranged in blocks with the same schema, one block per each non-null label,
-#             with the first column index specified in the Head Matrix
-#    Block Col  0:  Number of points, i.e. the count, with this label in the given partition
-#    Block Col  1:  Percentage (out of 100) of points to have the label vs. all in the partition
-#    Block Col  2:  Small side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Wilson Score
-#    Block Col  3:  Large side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Wilson Score
-#    Block Col  4:  Small side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Exact Binomial Score
-#    Block Col  5:  Large side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Exact Binomial Score
-#    Block Col  6:  Percentage (out of 100) of points to lie in the partition vs. all with the label
-#    Block Col  7:  Small side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Wilson Score
-#    Block Col  8:  Large side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Wilson Score
-#    Block Col  9:  Small side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Exact Binomial Score
-#    Block Col 10:  Large side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Exact Binomial Score
-#    Block Col 11-99:  RESERVED and set to zero
-# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f PATH/ctci.dml -args PATH/ctci_test.mtx 5602 2 PATH/ctci_test_head.mtx PATH/ctci_test_body.mtx
-setwd ("test/scripts/applications/ctableStats"); # SET TO THE SCRIPT FOLDER
-source ("Binomial.dml"); # THIS SCRIPT SHOULD BE THERE TOO
-print ("Reading the input matrix...");
-InData = read($1, rows = $2, cols = 2, format = "text");
-print ("Computing the contingency table...");
-CT = table (InData [, 1], InData [, 2]);
-# DEBUG LINE ONLY: write (CT, "test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/ctci_test_CT.mtx", format="text");
-print ("Preparing for the output tables...");
-nullLabel = $3;
-numPartitions = nrow (CT);
-numLabels = ncol (CT);
-cntPartitions = rowSums (CT);
-cntLabels = t(colSums (CT));
-numBodyBlocks = numLabels;
-for (iLabel in 1:numLabels) {
-    if (iLabel == nullLabel) {
-        numBodyBlocks = numBodyBlocks - 1;
-}   }
-numBodyCols = numBodyBlocks * 100;
-HeadMtx = Rand (rows = numLabels, cols = 3, min = 0, max = 0);
-HeadMtx [, 2] = cntLabels;
-HeadMtx [, 3] = 100.0 * cntLabels / sum (cntLabels);
-BodyMtx = Rand (rows = numPartitions, cols = numBodyCols, min = 0, max = 0);
-zeros = Rand (rows = numPartitions, cols = 1, min = 0, max = 0);
-zero = Rand (rows = 1, cols = 1, min = 0, max = 0);
-big_alpha   = 0.975 + zeros;
-small_alpha = 0.025 + zeros;
-iBlock = 0;
-for (iLabel in 1:numLabels)
-    if (iLabel != nullLabel) {
-        if (1==1) {
-            print ("Processing label " + iLabel + ":");
-        }
-        fCol = 1 + iBlock * 100;
-        HeadMtx [iLabel, 1] = fCol + zero;
-        cntPartitionsWithLabel = CT [, iLabel];
-        BodyMtx [, fCol] = cntPartitionsWithLabel;
-        print ("    (partition & label) / (all partition) ratios...");
-        cntPartitionsWithLabel_minus_1 = cntPartitionsWithLabel - 1;
-        [ratio1, left_conf_wilson1, right_conf_wilson1] = 
-            wilson_confidence (cntPartitions, cntPartitionsWithLabel);
-        [left_conf_exact1] = binomQuantile (cntPartitions, cntPartitionsWithLabel_minus_1, big_alpha);
-        [right_conf_exact1] = binomQuantile (cntPartitions, cntPartitionsWithLabel, small_alpha);
-        BodyMtx [, fCol + 1] = round (ratio1 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-        BodyMtx [, fCol + 2] = round (left_conf_wilson1 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-        BodyMtx [, fCol + 3] = round (right_conf_wilson1 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-        BodyMtx [, fCol + 4] = round (left_conf_exact1 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-        BodyMtx [, fCol + 5] = round (right_conf_exact1 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-        print ("    (partition & label) / (all label) ratios...");
-        cntThisLabel = zeros + castAsScalar (cntLabels [iLabel, 1]);
-        [ratio2, left_conf_wilson2, right_conf_wilson2] = 
-            wilson_confidence (cntThisLabel, cntPartitionsWithLabel);
-        [left_conf_exact2] = binomQuantile (cntThisLabel, cntPartitionsWithLabel_minus_1, big_alpha);
-        [right_conf_exact2] = binomQuantile (cntThisLabel, cntPartitionsWithLabel, small_alpha);
-        BodyMtx [, fCol + 6] = round (ratio2 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-        BodyMtx [, fCol + 7] = round (left_conf_wilson2 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-        BodyMtx [, fCol + 8] = round (right_conf_wilson2 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-        BodyMtx [, fCol + 9] = round (left_conf_exact2 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-        BodyMtx [, fCol +10] = round (right_conf_exact2 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-        iBlock = iBlock + 1;
-}   }
-print ("Writing the output matrices...");
-write (HeadMtx, $4, format="text");
-write (BodyMtx, $5, format="text");
-wilson_confidence = function (Matrix[double] n, Matrix[double] m)
-return (Matrix[double] ratio, Matrix[double] conf_left, Matrix[double] conf_right)
-    z = 1.96;      # 97.5% normal percentile, for 95% confidence interval
-    z_sq_n = z * z * n;
-    qroot = sqrt (z_sq_n * (m * (n - m) + z_sq_n / 4));
-    midpt = n * m + z_sq_n / 2;
-    denom = n * n + z_sq_n;
-    ratio = m / n;
-    conf_left  = (midpt - qroot) / denom;
-    conf_right = (midpt + qroot) / denom;
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Computes 95% confidence intervals for binomial ratios using both Wilson and Exact Scores
+# INPUT  1: Dataset as an (N x 2) matrix, input file path/name
+#       Rows: Individual data points
+#      Col 1: Partition attribute (e.g. US State code), must be positive integer
+#      Col 2: Label attribute (e.g. positive/negative/neutral), must be positive integer
+# INPUT  2: Number of data points N (i.e. input matrix size, rows)
+# INPUT  3: "Null" label code, 0 if there is no "null" label
+# INPUT  4: Head Matrix output file path/name
+# INPUT  5: Body Matrix output file path/name
+# OUTPUT 1: Head Matrix with per-label information:
+#       Rows: One row per each distinct code of the label attribute (1, 2, 3, ...)
+#      Col 1: First column index of the Body Matrix block for this label, or 0 if "null"
+#      Col 2: Overall number of data points with this label
+#      Col 3: Percentage (out of 100) of data points to have this label
+# OUTPUT 2: Body Matrix with per-partition statistics:
+#       Rows: One row per each distinct code of the partition attribute (1, 2, 3, ...)
+#    Columns: Arranged in blocks with the same schema, one block per each non-null label,
+#             with the first column index specified in the Head Matrix
+#    Block Col  0:  Number of points, i.e. the count, with this label in the given partition
+#    Block Col  1:  Percentage (out of 100) of points to have the label vs. all in the partition
+#    Block Col  2:  Small side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Wilson Score
+#    Block Col  3:  Large side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Wilson Score
+#    Block Col  4:  Small side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Exact Binomial Score
+#    Block Col  5:  Large side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Exact Binomial Score
+#    Block Col  6:  Percentage (out of 100) of points to lie in the partition vs. all with the label
+#    Block Col  7:  Small side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Wilson Score
+#    Block Col  8:  Large side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Wilson Score
+#    Block Col  9:  Small side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Exact Binomial Score
+#    Block Col 10:  Large side, 95% confid. int-l (of above percentage), Exact Binomial Score
+#    Block Col 11-99:  RESERVED and set to zero
+# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f PATH/ctci.dml -args PATH/ctci_test.mtx 5602 2 PATH/ctci_test_head.mtx PATH/ctci_test_body.mtx
+setwd ("test/scripts/applications/ctableStats"); # SET TO THE SCRIPT FOLDER
+source ("Binomial.dml"); # THIS SCRIPT SHOULD BE THERE TOO
+print ("Reading the input matrix...");
+InData = read($1, rows = $2, cols = 2, format = "text");
+print ("Computing the contingency table...");
+CT = table (InData [, 1], InData [, 2]);
+# DEBUG LINE ONLY: write (CT, "test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/ctci_test_CT.mtx", format="text");
+print ("Preparing for the output tables...");
+nullLabel = $3;
+numPartitions = nrow (CT);
+numLabels = ncol (CT);
+cntPartitions = rowSums (CT);
+cntLabels = t(colSums (CT));
+numBodyBlocks = numLabels;
+for (iLabel in 1:numLabels) {
+    if (iLabel == nullLabel) {
+        numBodyBlocks = numBodyBlocks - 1;
+}   }
+numBodyCols = numBodyBlocks * 100;
+HeadMtx = Rand (rows = numLabels, cols = 3, min = 0, max = 0);
+HeadMtx [, 2] = cntLabels;
+HeadMtx [, 3] = 100.0 * cntLabels / sum (cntLabels);
+BodyMtx = Rand (rows = numPartitions, cols = numBodyCols, min = 0, max = 0);
+zeros = Rand (rows = numPartitions, cols = 1, min = 0, max = 0);
+zero = Rand (rows = 1, cols = 1, min = 0, max = 0);
+big_alpha   = 0.975 + zeros;
+small_alpha = 0.025 + zeros;
+iBlock = 0;
+for (iLabel in 1:numLabels)
+    if (iLabel != nullLabel) {
+        if (1==1) {
+            print ("Processing label " + iLabel + ":");
+        }
+        fCol = 1 + iBlock * 100;
+        HeadMtx [iLabel, 1] = fCol + zero;
+        cntPartitionsWithLabel = CT [, iLabel];
+        BodyMtx [, fCol] = cntPartitionsWithLabel;
+        print ("    (partition & label) / (all partition) ratios...");
+        cntPartitionsWithLabel_minus_1 = cntPartitionsWithLabel - 1;
+        [ratio1, left_conf_wilson1, right_conf_wilson1] = 
+            wilson_confidence (cntPartitions, cntPartitionsWithLabel);
+        [left_conf_exact1] = binomQuantile (cntPartitions, cntPartitionsWithLabel_minus_1, big_alpha);
+        [right_conf_exact1] = binomQuantile (cntPartitions, cntPartitionsWithLabel, small_alpha);
+        BodyMtx [, fCol + 1] = round (ratio1 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+        BodyMtx [, fCol + 2] = round (left_conf_wilson1 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+        BodyMtx [, fCol + 3] = round (right_conf_wilson1 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+        BodyMtx [, fCol + 4] = round (left_conf_exact1 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+        BodyMtx [, fCol + 5] = round (right_conf_exact1 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+        print ("    (partition & label) / (all label) ratios...");
+        cntThisLabel = zeros + castAsScalar (cntLabels [iLabel, 1]);
+        [ratio2, left_conf_wilson2, right_conf_wilson2] = 
+            wilson_confidence (cntThisLabel, cntPartitionsWithLabel);
+        [left_conf_exact2] = binomQuantile (cntThisLabel, cntPartitionsWithLabel_minus_1, big_alpha);
+        [right_conf_exact2] = binomQuantile (cntThisLabel, cntPartitionsWithLabel, small_alpha);
+        BodyMtx [, fCol + 6] = round (ratio2 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+        BodyMtx [, fCol + 7] = round (left_conf_wilson2 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+        BodyMtx [, fCol + 8] = round (right_conf_wilson2 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+        BodyMtx [, fCol + 9] = round (left_conf_exact2 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+        BodyMtx [, fCol +10] = round (right_conf_exact2 * 100.0 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+        iBlock = iBlock + 1;
+}   }
+print ("Writing the output matrices...");
+write (HeadMtx, $4, format="text");
+write (BodyMtx, $5, format="text");
+wilson_confidence = function (Matrix[double] n, Matrix[double] m)
+return (Matrix[double] ratio, Matrix[double] conf_left, Matrix[double] conf_right)
+    z = 1.96;      # 97.5% normal percentile, for 95% confidence interval
+    z_sq_n = z * z * n;
+    qroot = sqrt (z_sq_n * (m * (n - m) + z_sq_n / 4));
+    midpt = n * m + z_sq_n / 2;
+    denom = n * n + z_sq_n;
+    ratio = m / n;
+    conf_left  = (midpt - qroot) / denom;
+    conf_right = (midpt + qroot) / denom;
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/ctci_odds.dml b/src/test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/ctci_odds.dml
index 856b24c..3d97489 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/ctci_odds.dml
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/ctci_odds.dml
@@ -1,178 +1,178 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Computes 95% confidence intervals for odds ratios using a Gaussian approximation for log-odds
-# INPUT  1: Dataset as an (N x 2) matrix, input file path/name
-#       Rows: Individual data points
-#      Col 1: Partition attribute (e.g. US State code), must be positive integer
-#      Col 2: Label attribute (e.g. positive/negative/neutral), must be positive integer
-# INPUT  2: Number of data points N (i.e. input matrix size, rows)
-# INPUT  3: "Null" label code, 0 if there is no "null" label
-# INPUT  4: Output Matrix file path/name
-# OUTPUT 1: Output Matrix with the following information:
-#       Rows: One row per each distinct pair (partition, label) excluding "null" label
-#     Col  1: Partition attribute value
-#     Col  2: Label attribute value
-#     Col  3: Number of data points with this (partition, label) pair
-#     Col  4: Number of data points with the same partition, but a different label
-#     Col  5: Number of data points with a different partition, but the same label
-#     Col  6: Number of data points with a different partition and a different label
-#     Col  7: The odds ratio
-#     Col  8: Small side of 95%-confidence interval for the odds ratio
-#     Col  9: Large side of 95%-confidence interval for the odds ratio
-#     Col 10: How many sigmas away the log-odds ratio is from zero
-#     Col 11: Chi-squared statistic
-#     Col 12: Cramer's V * 100%
-#     Col 13: Log-odds ratio P-value * 100%
-#     Col 14: Chi-squared P-value * 100%
-#     Col 15: Percentage (out of 100) of data points in this paritition to have this label
-#     Col 16: Small side of 95%-confid. int-l of above percentage, Wilson Score
-#     Col 17: Large side of 95%-confid. int-l of above percentage, Wilson Score
-#     Col 18: Percentage (out of 100) of data points overall to have this label
-#     Col 19: Small side of 95%-confid. int-l of above percentage, Wilson Score
-#     Col 20: Large side of 95%-confid. int-l of above percentage, Wilson Score
-#     Col 21: Percentage (out of 100) of data points overall to lie in this partition
-#     Col 22: Small side of 95%-confid. int-l of above percentage, Wilson Score
-#     Col 23: Large side of 95%-confid. int-l of above percentage, Wilson Score
-# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f PATH/ctci_odds.dml -args PATH/ctci_test.mtx 5602 2 PATH/ctci_odds_test_output.mtx
-print ("Reading the input matrix...");
-InData = read ($1, rows = $2, cols = 2, format = "text");
-numPoints = $2;
-print ("Computing the contingency table...");
-CT = table (InData [, 1], InData [, 2]);
-# DEBUG LINE ONLY: write (CT, "test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/ctci_test_CT.mtx", format="text");
-print ("Preparing for the output tables...");
-nullLabel = $3;
-numPartitions = nrow (CT);
-numLabels = ncol (CT);
-numOutRows = numPartitions * numLabels;
-if (nullLabel > 0 & nullLabel <= numLabels) {
-    numOutRows = numOutRows - numPartitions;
-cntPartitions = rowSums (CT);
-cntLabels = t(colSums (CT));
-OutMtx = Rand (rows = numOutRows, cols = 23, min = 0, max = 0);
-idx = 0;
-zero = Rand (rows = 1, cols = 1, min = 0, max = 0);
-for (iLabel in 1:numLabels)
-    if (iLabel != nullLabel)
-    {
-        if (1==1) {
-            print ("Processing label " + iLabel + ":");
-        }
-        for (iPartition in 1:numPartitions)
-        {
-            idx = idx + 1;
-            OutMtx [idx,  1] = iPartition + zero;
-            OutMtx [idx,  2] = iLabel + zero;
-            n11 = CT [iPartition, iLabel];
-            n01 = cntPartitions [iPartition, 1] - CT [iPartition, iLabel];
-            n10 = cntLabels [iLabel, 1] -  CT [iPartition, iLabel];
-            n00 = numPoints - cntPartitions [iPartition, 1] - cntLabels [iLabel, 1] + CT [iPartition, iLabel];
-            odds_ratio = n11 * n00 / (n01 * n10);
-            sigma_log_odds_ratio = sqrt (1.0 / n00 + 1.0 / n01 + 1.0 / n10 + 1.0 / n11);
-            odds_ratio_interval_small = odds_ratio / exp (1.96 * sigma_log_odds_ratio);
-            odds_ratio_interval_large = odds_ratio * exp (1.96 * sigma_log_odds_ratio);
-            num_sigmas_away = abs (log (odds_ratio) / sigma_log_odds_ratio);
-            chi_diff = n00 * n11 - n01 * n10;
-            chi_denom = (n00 + n01) * (n10 + n11) * (n00 + n10) * (n01 + n11);
-            chi_square = (n00 + n01 + n10 + n11) * chi_diff * chi_diff / chi_denom;
-            cramers_V = sqrt (chi_square / (n00 + n01 + n10 + n11));
-            OutMtx [idx,  3] = n11;
-            OutMtx [idx,  4] = n01;
-            OutMtx [idx,  5] = n10;
-            OutMtx [idx,  6] = n00;
-            OutMtx [idx,  7] = round (odds_ratio * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            OutMtx [idx,  8] = round (odds_ratio_interval_small * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            OutMtx [idx,  9] = round (odds_ratio_interval_large * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            OutMtx [idx, 10] = round (num_sigmas_away * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            OutMtx [idx, 11] = round (chi_square * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            OutMtx [idx, 12] = round (100.0 * cramers_V * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            gauss_pts = Rand (rows = 2, cols = 1, min = 0, max = 0);
-            gauss_pts [1, 1] = - num_sigmas_away;
-            gauss_pts [2, 1] = - sqrt (chi_square);
-            gauss_probs = gaussian_probability (gauss_pts);
-            pval_odds = gauss_probs [1, 1] * 2.0;
-            pval_chi2 = gauss_probs [2, 1] * 2.0;
-            OutMtx [idx, 13] = round (100.0 * pval_odds * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            OutMtx [idx, 14] = round (100.0 * pval_chi2 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            m_cnt = Rand (rows = 3, cols = 1, min = 0, max = 0);
-            n_cnt = Rand (rows = 3, cols = 1, min = 0, max = 0);
-            m_cnt [1, 1] = CT [iPartition, iLabel];
-            n_cnt [1, 1] = cntPartitions [iPartition, 1];
-            m_cnt [2, 1] = cntLabels [iLabel, 1];
-            n_cnt [2, 1] = numPoints + zero;
-            m_cnt [3, 1] = cntPartitions [iPartition, 1];
-            n_cnt [3, 1] = numPoints + zero;
-            [ratios, conf_interval_small, conf_interval_large] = wilson_confidence (n_cnt, m_cnt);
-            OutMtx [idx, 15] = round (100.0 * ratios [1, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            OutMtx [idx, 16] = round (100.0 * conf_interval_small [1, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            OutMtx [idx, 17] = round (100.0 * conf_interval_large [1, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            OutMtx [idx, 18] = round (100.0 * ratios [2, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            OutMtx [idx, 19] = round (100.0 * conf_interval_small [2, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            OutMtx [idx, 20] = round (100.0 * conf_interval_large [2, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            OutMtx [idx, 21] = round (100.0 * ratios [3, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            OutMtx [idx, 22] = round (100.0 * conf_interval_small [3, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-            OutMtx [idx, 23] = round (100.0 * conf_interval_large [3, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
-}   }   }
-print ("Writing the output matrix...");
-write (OutMtx, $4, format="text");
-wilson_confidence = function (Matrix[double] n, Matrix[double] m)
-return (Matrix[double] ratio, Matrix[double] conf_left, Matrix[double] conf_right)
-    z = 1.96;      # 97.5% normal percentile, for 95% confidence interval
-    z_sq_n = z * z * n;
-    qroot = sqrt (z_sq_n * (m * (n - m) + z_sq_n / 4));
-    midpt = n * m + z_sq_n / 2;
-    denom = n * n + z_sq_n;
-    ratio = m / n;
-    conf_left  = (midpt - qroot) / denom;
-    conf_right = (midpt + qroot) / denom;
-gaussian_probability = function (Matrix[double] vector_of_points)
-    return (Matrix[double] vector_of_probabilities)
-    t_gp = 1.0 / (1.0 + abs (vector_of_points) * 0.231641888);  # 0.231641888 = 0.3275911 / sqrt (2.0)
-    erf_gp = 1.0 - t_gp * ( 0.254829592 
-                 + t_gp * (-0.284496736 # "Handbook of Mathematical Functions", ed. by M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun,
-                 + t_gp * ( 1.421413741 # U.S. Nat-l Bureau of Standards, 10th print (Dec 1972), Sec. 7.1.26, p. 299
-                 + t_gp * (-1.453152027 
-                 + t_gp *   1.061405429)))) * exp (- vector_of_points * vector_of_points / 2.0);
-    erf_gp = erf_gp * 2.0 * (ppred (vector_of_points, 0.0, ">") - 0.5);
-    vector_of_probabilities = 0.5 + 0.5 * erf_gp;
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Computes 95% confidence intervals for odds ratios using a Gaussian approximation for log-odds
+# INPUT  1: Dataset as an (N x 2) matrix, input file path/name
+#       Rows: Individual data points
+#      Col 1: Partition attribute (e.g. US State code), must be positive integer
+#      Col 2: Label attribute (e.g. positive/negative/neutral), must be positive integer
+# INPUT  2: Number of data points N (i.e. input matrix size, rows)
+# INPUT  3: "Null" label code, 0 if there is no "null" label
+# INPUT  4: Output Matrix file path/name
+# OUTPUT 1: Output Matrix with the following information:
+#       Rows: One row per each distinct pair (partition, label) excluding "null" label
+#     Col  1: Partition attribute value
+#     Col  2: Label attribute value
+#     Col  3: Number of data points with this (partition, label) pair
+#     Col  4: Number of data points with the same partition, but a different label
+#     Col  5: Number of data points with a different partition, but the same label
+#     Col  6: Number of data points with a different partition and a different label
+#     Col  7: The odds ratio
+#     Col  8: Small side of 95%-confidence interval for the odds ratio
+#     Col  9: Large side of 95%-confidence interval for the odds ratio
+#     Col 10: How many sigmas away the log-odds ratio is from zero
+#     Col 11: Chi-squared statistic
+#     Col 12: Cramer's V * 100%
+#     Col 13: Log-odds ratio P-value * 100%
+#     Col 14: Chi-squared P-value * 100%
+#     Col 15: Percentage (out of 100) of data points in this paritition to have this label
+#     Col 16: Small side of 95%-confid. int-l of above percentage, Wilson Score
+#     Col 17: Large side of 95%-confid. int-l of above percentage, Wilson Score
+#     Col 18: Percentage (out of 100) of data points overall to have this label
+#     Col 19: Small side of 95%-confid. int-l of above percentage, Wilson Score
+#     Col 20: Large side of 95%-confid. int-l of above percentage, Wilson Score
+#     Col 21: Percentage (out of 100) of data points overall to lie in this partition
+#     Col 22: Small side of 95%-confid. int-l of above percentage, Wilson Score
+#     Col 23: Large side of 95%-confid. int-l of above percentage, Wilson Score
+# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f PATH/ctci_odds.dml -args PATH/ctci_test.mtx 5602 2 PATH/ctci_odds_test_output.mtx
+print ("Reading the input matrix...");
+InData = read ($1, rows = $2, cols = 2, format = "text");
+numPoints = $2;
+print ("Computing the contingency table...");
+CT = table (InData [, 1], InData [, 2]);
+# DEBUG LINE ONLY: write (CT, "test/scripts/applications/ctableStats/ctci_test_CT.mtx", format="text");
+print ("Preparing for the output tables...");
+nullLabel = $3;
+numPartitions = nrow (CT);
+numLabels = ncol (CT);
+numOutRows = numPartitions * numLabels;
+if (nullLabel > 0 & nullLabel <= numLabels) {
+    numOutRows = numOutRows - numPartitions;
+cntPartitions = rowSums (CT);
+cntLabels = t(colSums (CT));
+OutMtx = Rand (rows = numOutRows, cols = 23, min = 0, max = 0);
+idx = 0;
+zero = Rand (rows = 1, cols = 1, min = 0, max = 0);
+for (iLabel in 1:numLabels)
+    if (iLabel != nullLabel)
+    {
+        if (1==1) {
+            print ("Processing label " + iLabel + ":");
+        }
+        for (iPartition in 1:numPartitions)
+        {
+            idx = idx + 1;
+            OutMtx [idx,  1] = iPartition + zero;
+            OutMtx [idx,  2] = iLabel + zero;
+            n11 = CT [iPartition, iLabel];
+            n01 = cntPartitions [iPartition, 1] - CT [iPartition, iLabel];
+            n10 = cntLabels [iLabel, 1] -  CT [iPartition, iLabel];
+            n00 = numPoints - cntPartitions [iPartition, 1] - cntLabels [iLabel, 1] + CT [iPartition, iLabel];
+            odds_ratio = n11 * n00 / (n01 * n10);
+            sigma_log_odds_ratio = sqrt (1.0 / n00 + 1.0 / n01 + 1.0 / n10 + 1.0 / n11);
+            odds_ratio_interval_small = odds_ratio / exp (1.96 * sigma_log_odds_ratio);
+            odds_ratio_interval_large = odds_ratio * exp (1.96 * sigma_log_odds_ratio);
+            num_sigmas_away = abs (log (odds_ratio) / sigma_log_odds_ratio);
+            chi_diff = n00 * n11 - n01 * n10;
+            chi_denom = (n00 + n01) * (n10 + n11) * (n00 + n10) * (n01 + n11);
+            chi_square = (n00 + n01 + n10 + n11) * chi_diff * chi_diff / chi_denom;
+            cramers_V = sqrt (chi_square / (n00 + n01 + n10 + n11));
+            OutMtx [idx,  3] = n11;
+            OutMtx [idx,  4] = n01;
+            OutMtx [idx,  5] = n10;
+            OutMtx [idx,  6] = n00;
+            OutMtx [idx,  7] = round (odds_ratio * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            OutMtx [idx,  8] = round (odds_ratio_interval_small * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            OutMtx [idx,  9] = round (odds_ratio_interval_large * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            OutMtx [idx, 10] = round (num_sigmas_away * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            OutMtx [idx, 11] = round (chi_square * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            OutMtx [idx, 12] = round (100.0 * cramers_V * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            gauss_pts = Rand (rows = 2, cols = 1, min = 0, max = 0);
+            gauss_pts [1, 1] = - num_sigmas_away;
+            gauss_pts [2, 1] = - sqrt (chi_square);
+            gauss_probs = gaussian_probability (gauss_pts);
+            pval_odds = gauss_probs [1, 1] * 2.0;
+            pval_chi2 = gauss_probs [2, 1] * 2.0;
+            OutMtx [idx, 13] = round (100.0 * pval_odds * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            OutMtx [idx, 14] = round (100.0 * pval_chi2 * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            m_cnt = Rand (rows = 3, cols = 1, min = 0, max = 0);
+            n_cnt = Rand (rows = 3, cols = 1, min = 0, max = 0);
+            m_cnt [1, 1] = CT [iPartition, iLabel];
+            n_cnt [1, 1] = cntPartitions [iPartition, 1];
+            m_cnt [2, 1] = cntLabels [iLabel, 1];
+            n_cnt [2, 1] = numPoints + zero;
+            m_cnt [3, 1] = cntPartitions [iPartition, 1];
+            n_cnt [3, 1] = numPoints + zero;
+            [ratios, conf_interval_small, conf_interval_large] = wilson_confidence (n_cnt, m_cnt);
+            OutMtx [idx, 15] = round (100.0 * ratios [1, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            OutMtx [idx, 16] = round (100.0 * conf_interval_small [1, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            OutMtx [idx, 17] = round (100.0 * conf_interval_large [1, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            OutMtx [idx, 18] = round (100.0 * ratios [2, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            OutMtx [idx, 19] = round (100.0 * conf_interval_small [2, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            OutMtx [idx, 20] = round (100.0 * conf_interval_large [2, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            OutMtx [idx, 21] = round (100.0 * ratios [3, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            OutMtx [idx, 22] = round (100.0 * conf_interval_small [3, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+            OutMtx [idx, 23] = round (100.0 * conf_interval_large [3, 1] * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
+}   }   }
+print ("Writing the output matrix...");
+write (OutMtx, $4, format="text");
+wilson_confidence = function (Matrix[double] n, Matrix[double] m)
+return (Matrix[double] ratio, Matrix[double] conf_left, Matrix[double] conf_right)
+    z = 1.96;      # 97.5% normal percentile, for 95% confidence interval
+    z_sq_n = z * z * n;
+    qroot = sqrt (z_sq_n * (m * (n - m) + z_sq_n / 4));
+    midpt = n * m + z_sq_n / 2;
+    denom = n * n + z_sq_n;
+    ratio = m / n;
+    conf_left  = (midpt - qroot) / denom;
+    conf_right = (midpt + qroot) / denom;
+gaussian_probability = function (Matrix[double] vector_of_points)
+    return (Matrix[double] vector_of_probabilities)
+    t_gp = 1.0 / (1.0 + abs (vector_of_points) * 0.231641888);  # 0.231641888 = 0.3275911 / sqrt (2.0)
+    erf_gp = 1.0 - t_gp * ( 0.254829592 
+                 + t_gp * (-0.284496736 # "Handbook of Mathematical Functions", ed. by M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun,
+                 + t_gp * ( 1.421413741 # U.S. Nat-l Bureau of Standards, 10th print (Dec 1972), Sec. 7.1.26, p. 299
+                 + t_gp * (-1.453152027 
+                 + t_gp *   1.061405429)))) * exp (- vector_of_points * vector_of_points / 2.0);
+    erf_gp = erf_gp * 2.0 * (ppred (vector_of_points, 0.0, ">") - 0.5);
+    vector_of_probabilities = 0.5 + 0.5 * erf_gp;