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svn commit: r830962 [1/2] - in /incubator/uima/sandbox/trunk/RegularExpressionAnnotator: docbook/RegexAnnotatorUserGuide/ src/main/java/org/apache/uima/annotator/regex/impl/ src/test/java/org/apache/uima/annotator/regex/ src/test/resources/wildcardFile...

Author: twgoetz
Date: Thu Oct 29 14:32:39 2009
New Revision: 830962

Jira UIMA-1642: make regex annotator accept wildcard expressions in rule file parameter.  Add test cases and documentation.


Modified: incubator/uima/sandbox/trunk/RegularExpressionAnnotator/docbook/RegexAnnotatorUserGuide/RegexAnnotatorUserGuide.xml
--- incubator/uima/sandbox/trunk/RegularExpressionAnnotator/docbook/RegexAnnotatorUserGuide/RegexAnnotatorUserGuide.xml (original)
+++ incubator/uima/sandbox/trunk/RegularExpressionAnnotator/docbook/RegexAnnotatorUserGuide/RegexAnnotatorUserGuide.xml Thu Oct 29 14:32:39 2009
@@ -1104,7 +1104,10 @@
 								- This parameter is modeled as array of Strings and contains 
 								the concept files the annotator should use. The concept files
 								must be specified using a relative path that is available in the
-								UIMA datapath or in the classpath.
+								UIMA datapath or in the classpath.  When you use the UIMA datapath,
+								you can use wildcard expressions such as <code>rules/*.rule</code>.
+								These kinds of wildcard expressions will not work when rule files
+								are discovered via the classpath.

Modified: incubator/uima/sandbox/trunk/RegularExpressionAnnotator/src/main/java/org/apache/uima/annotator/regex/impl/
--- incubator/uima/sandbox/trunk/RegularExpressionAnnotator/src/main/java/org/apache/uima/annotator/regex/impl/ (original)
+++ incubator/uima/sandbox/trunk/RegularExpressionAnnotator/src/main/java/org/apache/uima/annotator/regex/impl/ Thu Oct 29 14:32:39 2009
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
@@ -38,9 +40,7 @@
 import org.apache.uima.UimaContext;
 import org.apache.uima.analysis_component.CasAnnotator_ImplBase;
 import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineProcessException;
-import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.annotator.AnnotatorContext;
 import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.annotator.AnnotatorContextException;
-import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.annotator.TextAnnotator;
 import org.apache.uima.annotator.regex.Annotation;
 import org.apache.uima.annotator.regex.Concept;
 import org.apache.uima.annotator.regex.ConceptFileParser;
@@ -64,963 +64,960 @@
 public class RegExAnnotator extends CasAnnotator_ImplBase {
-   public static final String MESSAGE_DIGEST = "org.apache.uima.annotator.regex.regexMessages";
+  public static final String MESSAGE_DIGEST = "org.apache.uima.annotator.regex.regexMessages";
-   public static final String REGEX_CONCEPTS_FILES = "ConceptFiles";
+  public static final String REGEX_CONCEPTS_FILES = "ConceptFiles";
-   public static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = System
-         .getProperty("path.separator");
+  public static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("path.separator");
-   private Logger logger;
+  private Logger logger;
-   private Concept[] regexConcepts;
-   private boolean lastRuleExceptionMatch = false;
-   private AnnotationFS lastRuleExceptionAnnotation = null;
-   private NumberFormat floatNumberFormat = null;
-   private NumberFormat integerNumberFormat = null;
-   /**
-    * Performs any startup tasks required by this annotator. This implementation
-    * reads the configuration parameters and compiles the regular expressions.
-    * 
-    * @see TextAnnotator#initialize(AnnotatorContext)
-    */
-   public void initialize(UimaContext aContext)
-         throws ResourceInitializationException {
-      super.initialize(aContext);
-      // initialize annotator logger
-      this.logger = getContext().getLogger();
-      // default initialization for number format
-      this.floatNumberFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
-      this.integerNumberFormat = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();
-      // create a concept file parser object
-      ConceptFileParser parser = new ConceptFileParser_impl();
-      // get configuration parameter settings
-      // get parameter ConceptFiles, default is an empty array
-      String[] conceptFileNames = safeGetConfigParameterStringArrayValue(
-            getContext(), REGEX_CONCEPTS_FILES, new String[] {});
-      // get UIMA datapath and tokenize it into its elements
-      StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(getContext()
-            .getDataPath(), PATH_SEPARATOR);
-      ArrayList<File> datapathElements = new ArrayList<File>();
-      while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
-         // add datapath elements to the 'datapathElements' array list
-         datapathElements.add(new File(tokenizer.nextToken()));
-      }
-      // try to resolve the concept file names
-      ArrayList<Concept> concepts = new ArrayList<Concept>();
-      for (int i = 0; i < conceptFileNames.length; i++) {
-         // try to resolve the relative file name with classpath or datapath
-         ConceptFile file = resolveRelativeFilePath(conceptFileNames[i],
-               datapathElements);
-         // if the current concept file wasn't found, throw an exception
-         if (file == null) {
-            throw new RegexAnnotatorConfigException(
-                  "regex_annotator_resource_not_found",
-                  new Object[] { conceptFileNames[i] });
-         } else {
-            // log concept file path
-            this.logger.logrb(Level.CONFIG, "RegExAnnotator", "initialize",
-                  MESSAGE_DIGEST, "regex_annotator_rule_set_file",
-                  new Object[] { file.getFilePath() });
-            // parse concept file to internal objects
-            Concept[] currentConcepts = parser.parseConceptFile(file
-                  .getFilePath(), file.getStream());
-            try {
-              file.getStream().close();
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-              this.logger.logrb(Level.WARNING, "RegExAnnotator", "initialize",
-                  MESSAGE_DIGEST, "regex_annotator_error_closing_input_stream",
-                  new Object[] { file.getFilePath(), e.getMessage() });
-            }
-            // add all concepts to the concepts list
-            for (int c = 0; c < currentConcepts.length; c++) {
-               concepts.add(currentConcepts[c]);
-            }
-         }
-      }
+  private Concept[] regexConcepts;
-      // get one array that contains all the concepts
-      this.regexConcepts = concepts.toArray(new Concept[] {});
+  private boolean lastRuleExceptionMatch = false;
-      // check duplicate concept names
-      HashSet<String> conceptNames = new HashSet<String>(
-            this.regexConcepts.length);
-      for (int i = 0; i < this.regexConcepts.length; i++) {
-         String name = this.regexConcepts[i].getName();
-         // check if concept name was set, if not, skip concept
-         if (name == null) {
-            continue;
-         }
-         // concept name was set, check for duplicate concept names
-         // duplicate concept names can occurs, just log a warning!
-         if (conceptNames.contains(name)) {
-            this.logger.logrb(Level.WARNING, "RegExAnnotator", "initialize",
-                  MESSAGE_DIGEST,
-                  "regex_annotator_warning_duplicate_concept_name",
-                  new Object[] { name });
-         } else {
-            // add concept name to the concept name list
-            conceptNames.add(name);
-         }
-      }
-      // initialize the regex concepts
-      for (int i = 0; i < this.regexConcepts.length; i++) {
-         ((Concept_impl) this.regexConcepts[i]).initialize(this.logger);
-      }
-   }
-   /**
-    * @param context
-    * @param param
-    * @param defaultValue
-    * @return returns the boolean parameter value
-    * @throws AnnotatorContextException
-    */
-   private static String[] safeGetConfigParameterStringArrayValue(
-         UimaContext context, String param, String[] defaultValue) {
-      String[] array = (String[]) context.getConfigParameterValue(param);
-      if (array != null && array.length > 0) {
-         return array;
-      }
-      return defaultValue;
-   }
-   /**
-    * @param context
-    * @param param
-    * @param defaultValue
-    * @return returns the boolean parameter value
-    * @throws AnnotatorContextException
-    */
-   private ConceptFile resolveRelativeFilePath(String fileName,
-         ArrayList<File> datapathElements) {
-      ConceptFile conceptFile;
-      URL url;
-      // try to use the class loader to load the file resource
-      if ((url = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(fileName)) != null) {
-         // we have successfully resolved the concept file, now also get it as
-         // stream
-         InputStream stream = this.getClass().getClassLoader()
-               .getResourceAsStream(fileName);
-         conceptFile = new ConceptFile(url.getFile(), stream);
-         return conceptFile;
-      } else {
-         if (datapathElements == null || datapathElements.size() == 0) {
-            return null;
-         }
-         // try to use the datapath to load the file resource
-         for (int i = 0; i < datapathElements.size(); i++) {
-            File testFile = new File(datapathElements.get(i), fileName);
-            if (testFile.exists()) {
-               InputStream stream;
-               try {
-                  stream = new BufferedInputStream(
-                        new FileInputStream(testFile));
-               } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
-                  return null;
-               }
-               conceptFile = new ConceptFile(testFile.getAbsolutePath(), stream);
-               return conceptFile;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      return null;
+  private AnnotationFS lastRuleExceptionAnnotation = null;
-   }
+  private NumberFormat floatNumberFormat = null;
-   /**
-    * Acquires references to CAS Type and Feature objects that are later used
-    * during the {@link #process(CAS)} method.
-    * 
-    * @see TextAnnotator#typeSystemInit(TypeSystem)
-    */
-   public void typeSystemInit(TypeSystem aTypeSystem)
-         throws AnalysisEngineProcessException {
-      // initialize types for the regex concepts
-      if (this.regexConcepts != null) {
-         try {
-            for (int i = 0; i < this.regexConcepts.length; i++) {
-               ((Concept_impl) this.regexConcepts[i]).typeInit(aTypeSystem);
-            }
-         } catch (ResourceInitializationException ex) {
-            throw new RegexAnnotatorProcessException(ex);
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   /**
-    * Invokes this annotator's analysis logic. This annotator uses the java
-    * regular expression package to find annotations using the regular
-    * expressions defined by its configuration parameters.
-    * 
-    * @param aCAS
-    *           the CAS to process
-    * 
-    * @throws AnalysisEngineProcessException
-    *            if a failure occurs during processing.
-    * 
-    * @see CasAnnotator_ImplBase#process(CAS)
-    */
-   public void process(CAS aCAS) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException {
-      // iterate over all concepts one after the other to process them
-      for (int i = 0; i < this.regexConcepts.length; i++) {
-         // System.out.println(this.regexConcepts[i]);
-         // list of all annotation that must be added to the CAS for this
-         // concept
-         ArrayList<FeatureStructure> annotsToAdd = new ArrayList<FeatureStructure>();
-         // get the rules for the current concept
-         Rule[] conceptRules = this.regexConcepts[i].getRules();
-         boolean foundMatch = false;
-         for (int ruleCount = 0; ruleCount < conceptRules.length; ruleCount++) {
-            // get the regex pattern for the current rule
-            Pattern pattern = conceptRules[ruleCount].getRegexPattern();
-            // get the match type where the rule should be processed on
-            Type matchType = conceptRules[ruleCount].getMatchType();
-            // get match type iterator from the CAS
-            FSIterator mtIterator = aCAS.getAnnotationIndex(matchType)
-                  .iterator();
-            String matchValue = null;
-            AnnotationFS currentAnnot = null;
-            // iterate over all match type annotations where the
-            // current rule should be processed on
-            while (mtIterator.hasNext()) {
-               // get next match type annotation
-               currentAnnot = (AnnotationFS);
-               // check filter features, if all conditions are true
-               FilterFeature[] filterFeatures = conceptRules[ruleCount]
-                     .getMatchTypeFilterFeatures();
-               boolean passed = true;
-               for (int ff = 0; ff < filterFeatures.length; ff++) {
-                  // get the current filterFeature featurePath value
-                  String featureValue = filterFeatures[ff].getFeaturePath()
-                        .getValue(currentAnnot);
-                  // check if feature value is set
-                  if (featureValue != null) {
-                     // create matcher for the current feature value
-                     Matcher matcher = filterFeatures[ff].getPattern().matcher(
-                           featureValue);
-                     // check matches - use MATCH_COMPLETE
-                     if (!matcher.matches()) {
-                        // no match - stop processing
-                        passed = false;
-                        break;
-                     }
-                  } else {
-                     // feature value not set - stop processing
-                     passed = false;
-                     break;
-                  }
-               }
-               // check if the filter feature check passed all conditions
-               if (!passed) {
-                  // conditions for the current annotation not passed, go on
-                  // with the next
-                  continue;
-               }
-               // get the specified feature path value from the current
-               // annotation to run the regex on
-               matchValue = conceptRules[ruleCount].getMatchTypeFeaturePath()
-                     .getValue(currentAnnot);
-               // check matchValue result, if it is null we don't have to match
-               // anything and can go on with the next annotation
-               if (matchValue == null) {
-                  continue;
-               }
-               // try to match the current pattern on the text
-               Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(matchValue);
-               // check the match strategy we have for this rule
-               // MatchStrategy - MATCH_ALL
-               if (conceptRules[ruleCount].getMatchStrategy() == Rule.MATCH_ALL) {
-                  int pos = 0;
-                  while (matcher.find(pos)) {
-                     // we have a match
-                     // check rule exceptions
-                     if (!matchRuleExceptions(conceptRules[ruleCount]
-                           .getExceptions(), aCAS, currentAnnot)) {
-                        // create annotations and features
-                        processConceptInstructions(matcher, currentAnnot,
-                              matchValue, aCAS, this.regexConcepts[i],
-                              ruleCount, annotsToAdd);
-                        // set match found
-                        foundMatch = true;
-                     }
-                     // set start match position for the next match to the
-                     // current end match position
-                     if (matcher.end() == pos) {
-                       // Special case: matched the empty string.  If at the end of the input, need
-                       // to break.
-                       if (pos == matchValue.length()) {
-                         break;
-                       }
-                       // Otherwise increment search pos so as not to loop.
-                       ++pos;
-                     } else {
-                       // Default case: match was non-empty.
-                       pos = matcher.end();
-                     }
-                  }
-               }
-               // MatchStrategy - MATCH_COMPLETE
-               else if (conceptRules[ruleCount].getMatchStrategy() == Rule.MATCH_COMPLETE) {
-                  if (matcher.matches()) {
-                     // we have a match
-                     // check rule exceptions
-                     if (!matchRuleExceptions(conceptRules[ruleCount]
-                           .getExceptions(), aCAS, currentAnnot)) {
-                        // create annotations and features
-                        processConceptInstructions(matcher, currentAnnot,
-                              matchValue, aCAS, this.regexConcepts[i],
-                              ruleCount, annotsToAdd);
-                        // set match found
-                        foundMatch = true;
-                     }
-                  }
-               }
-               // MatchStrategy - MATCH_FIRST
-               else if (conceptRules[ruleCount].getMatchStrategy() == Rule.MATCH_FIRST) {
-                  if (matcher.find()) {
-                     // we have a match
-                     // check rule exceptions
-                     if (!matchRuleExceptions(conceptRules[ruleCount]
-                           .getExceptions(), aCAS, currentAnnot)) {
-                        // create annotations and features
-                        processConceptInstructions(matcher, currentAnnot,
-                              matchValue, aCAS, this.regexConcepts[i],
-                              ruleCount, annotsToAdd);
-                        // set match found
-                        foundMatch = true;
-                     }
-                  }
-               }
+  private NumberFormat integerNumberFormat = null;
-               // all analysis is done, we can go to the next annotation
-            }
-            if (foundMatch) {
-               // check setting of processAllConceptRules to decide if
-               // we go on with the next rule or not
-               if (!this.regexConcepts[i].processAllConceptRules()) {
-                  // we found a match for the current rule and we don't want go
-                  // on with further rules of this concept
-                  break;
-               }
-            }
-         }
+  /**
+   * Performs any startup tasks required by this annotator. This implementation reads the
+   * configuration parameters and compiles the regular expressions.
+   */
+  public void initialize(UimaContext aContext) throws ResourceInitializationException {
+    super.initialize(aContext);
-         // add all created annotations to the CAS index before moving to the
-         // next concept
-         for (int x = 0; x < annotsToAdd.size(); x++) {
-            aCAS.getIndexRepository().addFS(annotsToAdd.get(x));
-         }
-         // reset last rule exception annotation since we move to the next rule
-         // and everything is new
-         this.lastRuleExceptionAnnotation = null;
-      }
-   }
-   /**
-    * Check if the rule exception match for the current match type annotation.
-    * 
-    * @param exceptions
-    *           current rule exceptions
-    * @param aCAS
-    *           current CAS
-    * @param annot
-    *           current match type annotation
-    * 
-    * @return returns true if the rule exception match
-    */
-   private boolean matchRuleExceptions(RuleException[] exceptions, CAS aCAS,
-         AnnotationFS annot) {
-      // if we have already checked the exceptions for the current match type
-      // annotation, return the
-      // last result - this can happen in case of MATCH_ALL match strategy
-      if (this.lastRuleExceptionAnnotation == annot) {
-         return this.lastRuleExceptionMatch;
-      }
-      // loop over all rule exceptions
-      for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.length; i++) {
-         // store current match type annotation for performance reason. In case
-         // of MATCH_ALL match
-         // strategy maybe the matchRuleException() method is called multiple
-         // times for the same
-         // match type annotations and in that case the result of the rule
-         // exception match is exactly
-         // the same.
-         this.lastRuleExceptionAnnotation = annot;
-         // find covering annotation
-         AnnotationFS coverFs = findCoverFS(aCAS, annot, exceptions[i]
-               .getType());
-         // check if covering annotation was found
-         if (coverFs != null) {
-            // check if the found coverFs annotation match the exception pattern
-            if (exceptions[i].matchPattern(coverFs)) {
-               this.lastRuleExceptionMatch = true;
-               return this.lastRuleExceptionMatch;
-            }
-         }
-      }
+    // initialize annotator logger
+    this.logger = getContext().getLogger();
-      this.lastRuleExceptionMatch = false;
-      return false;
-   }
-   /**
-    * Finds the covering annotation of the specified coverFSType for the given
-    * annotation.
-    * 
-    * @param aCAS
-    *           a CAS to search in
-    * @param annot
-    *           current annotation
-    * @param coverFsType
-    *           covering annotation type to search for
-    * 
-    * @return returns the covering annotation FS or null if the covering
-    *         annotation was not found.
-    * 
-    */
-   private AnnotationFS findCoverFS(CAS aCAS, AnnotationFS annot,
-         Type coverFsType) {
-      // covering annotation
-      AnnotationFS coverFs = null;
-      // create a searchFS of the coverFsType with the annot boundaries to
-      // search for it.
-      FeatureStructure searchFs = aCAS.createAnnotation(coverFsType, annot
-            .getBegin(), aCAS.getDocumentText().length());
-      // get the coverFSType iterator from the CAS and move it "near" to the
-      // position of the created searchFS.
-      FSIterator iterator = aCAS.getAnnotationIndex(coverFsType).iterator();
-      iterator.moveTo(searchFs);
-      // now the iterator can either point directly to the FS we are searching
-      // or it points to the next higher FS in the list. So we either have
-      // already found the correct one, of we maybe have to move the iterator to
-      // the previous position.
+    // default initialization for number format
+    this.floatNumberFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
+    this.integerNumberFormat = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();
-      // check if the iterator at the current position is valid
-      if (iterator.isValid()) {
-         // iterator is valid, so we either have the correct annotation of we
-         // have to move to the
-         // previous one, lets check the current FS from the iterator
-         // get current FS
-         coverFs = (AnnotationFS) iterator.get();
-         // check if the coverFS covers the current match type annotation
-         if ((coverFs.getBegin() <= annot.getBegin())
-               && (coverFs.getEnd() >= annot.getEnd())) {
-            // we found the covering annotation
-            return coverFs;
-         } else {
-            // current coverFs does not cover the current match type annotation
-            // lets try to move iterator to the previous annotation and check
-            // again
-            iterator.moveToPrevious();
-            // check if the iterator is still valid after me move it to the
-            // previous FS
-            if (iterator.isValid()) {
-               // get FS
-               coverFs = (AnnotationFS) iterator.get();
-               // check the found coverFS covers the current match type
-               // annotation
-               if ((coverFs.getBegin() <= annot.getBegin())
-                     && (coverFs.getEnd() >= annot.getEnd())) {
-                  // we found the covering annotation
-                  return coverFs;
-               }
-            }
-         }
-      } else {
-         // iterator is invalid lets try to move the iterator to the last FS and
-         // check the FS
-         iterator.moveToLast();
-         // check if the iterator is valid after we move it
-         if (iterator.isValid()) {
-            // get FS
-            coverFs = (AnnotationFS) iterator.get();
-            // check the found coverFS covers the current match type annotation
-            if ((coverFs.getBegin() <= annot.getBegin())
-                  && (coverFs.getEnd() >= annot.getEnd())) {
-               // we found the covering annotation
-               return coverFs;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      // no covering annotation found
-      return null;
-   }
-   /**
-    * The createAnnotations method creates the annotations and features for the
-    * given rule matches.
-    * 
-    * @param matcher
-    *           current regex matcher
-    * @param annot
-    *           match type annotation
-    * @param matchingText
-    *           text that is used to match
-    * @param aCAS
-    *           current CAS
-    * @param concept
-    *           current concept
-    * @param ruleIndex
-    *           current rule index
-    * @param annotsToAdd
-    *           array for the annotations that should be created
-    */
-   private void processConceptInstructions(Matcher matcher, AnnotationFS annot,
-         String matchingText, CAS aCAS, Concept concept, int ruleIndex,
-         ArrayList<FeatureStructure> annotsToAdd)
-         throws RegexAnnotatorProcessException {
+    // create a concept file parser object
+    ConceptFileParser parser = new ConceptFileParser_impl();
-      // create local annotation map for reference features
-      HashMap<String, FeatureStructure> annotMap = new HashMap<String, FeatureStructure>();
+    // get configuration parameter settings
+    // get parameter ConceptFiles, default is an empty array
+    String[] conceptFileNames = safeGetConfigParameterStringArrayValue(getContext(),
+        REGEX_CONCEPTS_FILES, new String[] {});
-      // has the rule some reference features to set
-      boolean hasReferenceFeatures = false;
+    // get UIMA datapath and tokenize it into its elements
+    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(getContext().getDataPath(), PATH_SEPARATOR);
+    ArrayList<File> datapathElements = new ArrayList<File>();
+    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
+      // add datapath elements to the 'datapathElements' array list
+      datapathElements.add(new File(tokenizer.nextToken()));
+    }
-      // get annotations that should be created
-      Annotation[] annotations = concept.getAnnotations();
-      for (int a = 0; a < annotations.length; a++) {
-         // get annotation type
-         Type annotType = annotations[a].getAnnotationType();
+    // try to resolve the concept file names
+    ArrayList<Concept> concepts = new ArrayList<Concept>();
+    for (int i = 0; i < conceptFileNames.length; i++) {
+      // try to resolve the relative file name with classpath or datapath
+      String filename = conceptFileNames[i];
+      List<ConceptFile> cfList = new ArrayList<ConceptFile>();
+      if (containsWildcardChar(filename)) {
+        resolveRelativeWildcardFilePath(filename, datapathElements, cfList);
+      } else {
+        ConceptFile file = resolveRelativeFilePath(filename, datapathElements);
+        // if the current concept file wasn't found, throw an exception
+        if (file == null) {
+          throw new RegexAnnotatorConfigException("regex_annotator_resource_not_found",
+              new Object[] { conceptFileNames[i] });
+        }
+        cfList.add(file);
+        // log concept file path
+        this.logger.logrb(Level.CONFIG, "RegExAnnotator", "initialize", MESSAGE_DIGEST,
+            "regex_annotator_rule_set_file", new Object[] { file.getFilePath() });
-         // get local start and end position of the match in the matchingText
-         int localStart = annotations[a].getBegin().getMatchPosition(matcher);
-         int localEnd = annotations[a].getEnd().getMatchPosition(matcher);
-         // check if match group positions are valid. If they are invalid,
-         // the match group is available but has no matching content
-         if (localStart == -1 || localEnd == -1) {
-            // match group positions are invalid, so we cannot create the
-            // annotation
-            continue;
-         }
+      }
-         // set default validation value to true, by default all annotations
-         // are created
-         boolean validation = true;
-         // check if an validator for the current annotation is available
-         if (annotations[a].hasValidator()) {
-            // get the substring of the match from the matching text
-            String matchText = matchingText.substring(localStart, localEnd);
-            // validate annotation
-            try {
-               validation = annotations[a].validate(matchText, concept
-                     .getRules()[ruleIndex].getId());
-            } catch (Exception ex) {
-               throw new RegexAnnotatorProcessException(
-                     "regex_annotator_error_validating_annotation",
-                     new Object[] { annotations[a].getId(), matchText,
-                           Integer.valueOf(localStart),
-                           Integer.valueOf(localEnd) }, ex);
-            }
-         }
+      for (ConceptFile file : cfList) {
+        // parse concept file to internal objects
+        Concept[] currentConcepts = parser.parseConceptFile(file.getFilePath(), file.getStream());
+        try {
+          file.getStream().close();
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+          this.logger.logrb(Level.WARNING, "RegExAnnotator", "initialize", MESSAGE_DIGEST,
+              "regex_annotator_error_closing_input_stream", new Object[] { file.getFilePath(),
+                  e.getMessage() });
+        }
+        // add all concepts to the concepts list
+        for (int c = 0; c < currentConcepts.length; c++) {
+          concepts.add(currentConcepts[c]);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // get one array that contains all the concepts
+    this.regexConcepts = concepts.toArray(new Concept[] {});
+    // check duplicate concept names
+    HashSet<String> conceptNames = new HashSet<String>(this.regexConcepts.length);
+    for (int i = 0; i < this.regexConcepts.length; i++) {
+      String name = this.regexConcepts[i].getName();
+      // check if concept name was set, if not, skip concept
+      if (name == null) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      // concept name was set, check for duplicate concept names
+      // duplicate concept names can occurs, just log a warning!
+      if (conceptNames.contains(name)) {
+        this.logger.logrb(Level.WARNING, "RegExAnnotator", "initialize", MESSAGE_DIGEST,
+            "regex_annotator_warning_duplicate_concept_name", new Object[] { name });
+      } else {
+        // add concept name to the concept name list
+        conceptNames.add(name);
+      }
+    }
-         // only create annotation if the validation was true
-         if (validation == true) {
-            // create annotation start and begin positions dependent of the rule
-            // matching
-            if (concept.getRules()[ruleIndex].isFeaturePathMatch()) {
-               // we match a feature path, use a source annotation boundaries
-               // for the annotation that is created
-               localStart = annot.getBegin();
-               localEnd = annot.getEnd();
+    // initialize the regex concepts
+    for (int i = 0; i < this.regexConcepts.length; i++) {
+      ((Concept_impl) this.regexConcepts[i]).initialize(this.logger);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param context
+   * @param param
+   * @param defaultValue
+   * @return returns the boolean parameter value
+   * @throws AnnotatorContextException
+   */
+  private static String[] safeGetConfigParameterStringArrayValue(UimaContext context, String param,
+      String[] defaultValue) {
+    String[] array = (String[]) context.getConfigParameterValue(param);
+    if (array != null && array.length > 0) {
+      return array;
+    }
+    return defaultValue;
+  }
+  private static final boolean containsWildcardChar(String filename) {
+    final int pos = filename.lastIndexOf('/');
+    if (pos >= 0) {
+      filename = filename.substring(pos);
+    }
+    return filename.indexOf('*') >= 0;
+  }
+  private static final Pattern wildcardExpr2Regex(String wildcardExpr) {
+    // Note: backslash must be the first character to be replaced, for obvious reasons.
+    final String[] specialChars = new String[] { "\\", ".", "+", "(", ")", "?", "[", "]", "{", "}",
+        "$", "^", "|" };
+    for (String escape : specialChars) {
+      wildcardExpr = wildcardExpr.replace(escape, "\\" + escape);
+    }
+    wildcardExpr = wildcardExpr.replace("*", ".*");
+    return Pattern.compile(wildcardExpr);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param context
+   * @param param
+   * @param defaultValue
+   * @return returns the boolean parameter value
+   * @throws AnnotatorContextException
+   */
+  private ConceptFile resolveRelativeFilePath(String fileName, ArrayList<File> datapathElements) {
+    ConceptFile conceptFile;
+    URL url;
+    // try to use the class loader to load the file resource
+    if ((url = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(fileName)) != null) {
+      // we have successfully resolved the concept file, now also get it as
+      // stream
+      InputStream stream = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fileName);
+      conceptFile = new ConceptFile(url.getFile(), stream);
+      return conceptFile;
+    }
+    if (datapathElements == null || datapathElements.size() == 0) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    // try to use the datapath to load the file resource
+    for (int i = 0; i < datapathElements.size(); i++) {
+      File testFile = new File(datapathElements.get(i), fileName);
+      if (testFile.exists()) {
+        InputStream stream;
+        try {
+          stream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(testFile));
+        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
+          return null;
+        }
+        conceptFile = new ConceptFile(testFile.getAbsolutePath(), stream);
+        return conceptFile;
+      }
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  private static final class RegexFileFilter implements FileFilter {
+    private Pattern pattern;
+    private RegexFileFilter(Pattern pattern) {
+      super();
+      this.pattern = pattern;
+    }
+    public boolean accept(File file) {
+      return this.pattern.matcher(file.getName()).matches();
+    }
+  }
+  private void resolveRelativeWildcardFilePath(String wildcardExpr,
+      List<File> datapathElements, List<ConceptFile> cfList) {
+    // try to use the class loader to load the file resource
+    if (datapathElements == null || datapathElements.size() == 0) {
+      return;
+    }
+    Pattern pattern = wildcardExpr2Regex((new File(wildcardExpr)).getName());
+    FileFilter regexFileFilter = new RegexFileFilter(pattern);
+    // try to use the datapath to load the file resource
+    for (File dpDir : datapathElements) {
+      if (dpDir.isDirectory() && dpDir.canRead()) {
+        dpDir = (new File(dpDir, wildcardExpr)).getParentFile();
+        File[] files = dpDir.listFiles(regexFileFilter);
+        if (files.length == 0) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        for (File file : files) {
+          System.out.println("Found file: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
+          InputStream stream;
+          try {
+            stream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
+          } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
+            continue;
+          }
+          ConceptFile conceptFile = new ConceptFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), stream);
+          cfList.add(conceptFile);
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Acquires references to CAS Type and Feature objects that are later used during the
+   * {@link #process(CAS)} method.
+   */
+  public void typeSystemInit(TypeSystem aTypeSystem) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException {
+    // initialize types for the regex concepts
+    if (this.regexConcepts != null) {
+      try {
+        for (int i = 0; i < this.regexConcepts.length; i++) {
+          ((Concept_impl) this.regexConcepts[i]).typeInit(aTypeSystem);
+        }
+      } catch (ResourceInitializationException ex) {
+        throw new RegexAnnotatorProcessException(ex);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Invokes this annotator's analysis logic. This annotator uses the java regular expression
+   * package to find annotations using the regular expressions defined by its configuration
+   * parameters.
+   * 
+   * @param aCAS
+   *          the CAS to process
+   * 
+   * @throws AnalysisEngineProcessException
+   *           if a failure occurs during processing.
+   * 
+   * @see CasAnnotator_ImplBase#process(CAS)
+   */
+  public void process(CAS aCAS) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException {
+    // iterate over all concepts one after the other to process them
+    for (int i = 0; i < this.regexConcepts.length; i++) {
+      // System.out.println(this.regexConcepts[i]);
+      // list of all annotation that must be added to the CAS for this
+      // concept
+      ArrayList<FeatureStructure> annotsToAdd = new ArrayList<FeatureStructure>();
+      // get the rules for the current concept
+      Rule[] conceptRules = this.regexConcepts[i].getRules();
+      boolean foundMatch = false;
+      for (int ruleCount = 0; ruleCount < conceptRules.length; ruleCount++) {
+        // get the regex pattern for the current rule
+        Pattern pattern = conceptRules[ruleCount].getRegexPattern();
+        // get the match type where the rule should be processed on
+        Type matchType = conceptRules[ruleCount].getMatchType();
+        // get match type iterator from the CAS
+        FSIterator<?> mtIterator = aCAS.getAnnotationIndex(matchType).iterator();
+        String matchValue = null;
+        AnnotationFS currentAnnot = null;
+        // iterate over all match type annotations where the
+        // current rule should be processed on
+        while (mtIterator.hasNext()) {
+          // get next match type annotation
+          currentAnnot = (AnnotationFS);
+          // check filter features, if all conditions are true
+          FilterFeature[] filterFeatures = conceptRules[ruleCount].getMatchTypeFilterFeatures();
+          boolean passed = true;
+          for (int ff = 0; ff < filterFeatures.length; ff++) {
+            // get the current filterFeature featurePath value
+            String featureValue = filterFeatures[ff].getFeaturePath().getValue(currentAnnot);
+            // check if feature value is set
+            if (featureValue != null) {
+              // create matcher for the current feature value
+              Matcher matcher = filterFeatures[ff].getPattern().matcher(featureValue);
+              // check matches - use MATCH_COMPLETE
+              if (!matcher.matches()) {
+                // no match - stop processing
+                passed = false;
+                break;
+              }
             } else {
-               // we match no feature path, make positions absolute to the
-               // document text -> add match type annotation offset.
-               localStart = annot.getBegin() + localStart;
-               localEnd = annot.getBegin() + localEnd;
-            }
-            // create annotation for this match
-            FeatureStructure fs = aCAS.createAnnotation(annotType, localStart,
-                  localEnd);
-            // get features for the current annotation
-            Feature[] features = annotations[a].getFeatures();
-            for (int f = 0; f < features.length; f++) {
-               // get feature type
-               int type = features[f].getType();
-               // check if we have a reference feature or not
-               if (type == Feature.FLOAT_FEATURE
-                     || type == Feature.INTEGER_FEATURE
-                     || type == Feature.STRING_FEATURE) {
-                  // we have no reference feature
-                  // replace match groups in the feature value
-                  String featureValue = replaceMatchGroupValues(features[f]
-                        .getValue(), matcher, concept.getRules()[ruleIndex]);
-                  // do featureValue normalization
-                  try {
-                     // try to set the normalized feature value, if no
-                     // normalization was specified for the feature, the
-                     // original feature value is set
-                     if (featureValue != null) {
-                        featureValue = features[f].normalize(featureValue,
-                              concept.getRules()[ruleIndex].getId());
-                     }
-                  } catch (Exception ex) {
-                     throw new RegexAnnotatorProcessException(
-                           "regex_annotator_error_normalizing_feature_value",
-                           new Object[] { featureValue, features[f].getName() },
-                           ex);
-                  }
-                  // set feature value at the annotation in dependence of the
-                  // feature type
-                  if (type == Feature.FLOAT_FEATURE) {
-                     try {
-                        if (featureValue != null) {
-                           Number number = this.floatNumberFormat
-                                 .parse(featureValue);
-                           fs.setFloatValue(features[f].getFeature(), number
-                                 .floatValue());
-                        }
-                     } catch (ParseException ex) {
-                        this.logger
-                              .logrb(
-                                    Level.WARNING,
-                                    "RegExAnnotator",
-                                    "processConceptInstructions",
-                                    MESSAGE_DIGEST,
-                                    "regex_annotator_warning_number_format_conversion",
-                                    new Object[] { featureValue,
-                                          features[f].getFeature().getName(),
-                                          "float" });
-                     }
-                  } else if (type == Feature.INTEGER_FEATURE) {
-                     try {
-                        if (featureValue != null) {
-                           Number number = this.integerNumberFormat
-                                 .parse(featureValue);
-                           fs.setIntValue(features[f].getFeature(), number
-                                 .intValue());
-                        }
-                     } catch (ParseException ex) {
-                        this.logger
-                              .logrb(
-                                    Level.WARNING,
-                                    "RegExAnnotator",
-                                    "processConceptInstructions",
-                                    MESSAGE_DIGEST,
-                                    "regex_annotator_warning_number_format_conversion",
-                                    new Object[] { featureValue,
-                                          features[f].getFeature().getName(),
-                                          "integer" });
-                     }
-                  } else if (type == Feature.STRING_FEATURE) {
-                     fs.setStringValue(features[f].getFeature(), featureValue);
-                  }
-               } else if (type == Feature.REFERENCE_FEATURE) {
-                  // we have a reference feature, we have to set this later
-                  // since we cannot be sure that the referenced annotation is
-                  // already created
-                  hasReferenceFeatures = true;
-               } else if (type == Feature.RULEID_FEATURE) {
-                  // get rule id and set it as feature value
-                  String ruleId = concept.getRules()[ruleIndex].getId();
-                  fs.setStringValue(features[f].getFeature(), ruleId);
-               } else if (type == Feature.CONFIDENCE_FEATURE) {
-                  // get rule confidence value and set it as feature value
-                  float confidence = concept.getRules()[ruleIndex]
-                        .getConfidence();
-                  fs.setFloatValue(features[f].getFeature(), confidence);
-               }
-            }
+              // feature value not set - stop processing
+              passed = false;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+          // check if the filter feature check passed all conditions
+          if (!passed) {
+            // conditions for the current annotation not passed, go on
+            // with the next
+            continue;
+          }
-            // add annotation to the local HashMap that is used to set
-            // annotation
-            // reference features, the annotation must only be added in case
-            // that
-            // an annotation id was specified.
-            if (annotations[a].getId() != null) {
-               annotMap.put(annotations[a].getId(), fs);
-            }
+          // get the specified feature path value from the current
+          // annotation to run the regex on
+          matchValue = conceptRules[ruleCount].getMatchTypeFeaturePath().getValue(currentAnnot);
+          // check matchValue result, if it is null we don't have to match
+          // anything and can go on with the next annotation
+          if (matchValue == null) {
+            continue;
+          }
-            // add annotation to the list of feature structures that must be
-            // added
-            // to the index
-            annotsToAdd.add(fs);
-         }
-      } // end of annotation processing
-      // if we detected previously some reference feature types we have to set
-      // them now
-      if (hasReferenceFeatures) {
-         // iterate again over the annotation array
-         for (int a = 0; a < annotations.length; a++) {
-            // get all features for the current annotation
-            Feature[] features = annotations[a].getFeatures();
-            for (int f = 0; f < features.length; f++) {
-               // get feature type
-               int type = features[f].getType();
-               // check if we have a reference feature, we are only
-               // interested in reference features now
-               if (type == Feature.REFERENCE_FEATURE) {
-                  // search for the annotation the feature belongs to, the
-                  // annotation was created earlier
-                  // to search for the correct annotation we use the current
-                  // annotation ID
-                  FeatureStructure fs = annotMap.get(annotations[a].getId());
-                  // search for the referenced annotation ID
-                  // the annotation ID we search for is specified in the feature
-                  // value
-                  FeatureStructure refFs = annotMap.get(features[f].getValue());
-                  // set reference feature value
-                  fs.setFeatureValue(features[f].getFeature(), refFs);
-               }
-            }
-         }
-      } // end - set reference feature value
+          // try to match the current pattern on the text
+          Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(matchValue);
-      // process update features of the current match type annotation
-      // get all match type update features of the current rule
-      Feature[] updateFeatures = concept.getRules()[ruleIndex]
-            .getMatchTypeUpdateFeatures();
-      for (int f = 0; f < updateFeatures.length; f++) {
-         int type = updateFeatures[f].getType();
-         // check if we have a reference feature or not
-         if (type == Feature.FLOAT_FEATURE || type == Feature.INTEGER_FEATURE
-               || type == Feature.STRING_FEATURE) {
+          // check the match strategy we have for this rule
+          // MatchStrategy - MATCH_ALL
+          if (conceptRules[ruleCount].getMatchStrategy() == Rule.MATCH_ALL) {
+            int pos = 0;
+            while (matcher.find(pos)) {
+              // we have a match
+              // check rule exceptions
+              if (!matchRuleExceptions(conceptRules[ruleCount].getExceptions(), aCAS, currentAnnot)) {
+                // create annotations and features
+                processConceptInstructions(matcher, currentAnnot, matchValue, aCAS,
+                    this.regexConcepts[i], ruleCount, annotsToAdd);
+                // set match found
+                foundMatch = true;
+              }
+              // set start match position for the next match to the
+              // current end match position
+              if (matcher.end() == pos) {
+                // Special case: matched the empty string. If at the end of the input, need
+                // to break.
+                if (pos == matchValue.length()) {
+                  break;
+                }
+                // Otherwise increment search pos so as not to loop.
+                ++pos;
+              } else {
+                // Default case: match was non-empty.
+                pos = matcher.end();
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          // MatchStrategy - MATCH_COMPLETE
+          else if (conceptRules[ruleCount].getMatchStrategy() == Rule.MATCH_COMPLETE) {
+            if (matcher.matches()) {
+              // we have a match
+              // check rule exceptions
+              if (!matchRuleExceptions(conceptRules[ruleCount].getExceptions(), aCAS, currentAnnot)) {
+                // create annotations and features
+                processConceptInstructions(matcher, currentAnnot, matchValue, aCAS,
+                    this.regexConcepts[i], ruleCount, annotsToAdd);
+                // set match found
+                foundMatch = true;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          // MatchStrategy - MATCH_FIRST
+          else if (conceptRules[ruleCount].getMatchStrategy() == Rule.MATCH_FIRST) {
+            if (matcher.find()) {
+              // we have a match
+              // check rule exceptions
+              if (!matchRuleExceptions(conceptRules[ruleCount].getExceptions(), aCAS, currentAnnot)) {
+                // create annotations and features
+                processConceptInstructions(matcher, currentAnnot, matchValue, aCAS,
+                    this.regexConcepts[i], ruleCount, annotsToAdd);
+                // set match found
+                foundMatch = true;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          // all analysis is done, we can go to the next annotation
+        }
+        if (foundMatch) {
+          // check setting of processAllConceptRules to decide if
+          // we go on with the next rule or not
+          if (!this.regexConcepts[i].processAllConceptRules()) {
+            // we found a match for the current rule and we don't want go
+            // on with further rules of this concept
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // add all created annotations to the CAS index before moving to the
+      // next concept
+      for (int x = 0; x < annotsToAdd.size(); x++) {
+        aCAS.getIndexRepository().addFS(annotsToAdd.get(x));
+      }
+      // reset last rule exception annotation since we move to the next rule
+      // and everything is new
+      this.lastRuleExceptionAnnotation = null;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Check if the rule exception match for the current match type annotation.
+   * 
+   * @param exceptions
+   *          current rule exceptions
+   * @param aCAS
+   *          current CAS
+   * @param annot
+   *          current match type annotation
+   * 
+   * @return returns true if the rule exception match
+   */
+  private boolean matchRuleExceptions(RuleException[] exceptions, CAS aCAS, AnnotationFS annot) {
+    // if we have already checked the exceptions for the current match type
+    // annotation, return the
+    // last result - this can happen in case of MATCH_ALL match strategy
+    if (this.lastRuleExceptionAnnotation == annot) {
+      return this.lastRuleExceptionMatch;
+    }
+    // loop over all rule exceptions
+    for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.length; i++) {
+      // store current match type annotation for performance reason. In case
+      // of MATCH_ALL match
+      // strategy maybe the matchRuleException() method is called multiple
+      // times for the same
+      // match type annotations and in that case the result of the rule
+      // exception match is exactly
+      // the same.
+      this.lastRuleExceptionAnnotation = annot;
+      // find covering annotation
+      AnnotationFS coverFs = findCoverFS(aCAS, annot, exceptions[i].getType());
+      // check if covering annotation was found
+      if (coverFs != null) {
+        // check if the found coverFs annotation match the exception pattern
+        if (exceptions[i].matchPattern(coverFs)) {
+          this.lastRuleExceptionMatch = true;
+          return this.lastRuleExceptionMatch;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    this.lastRuleExceptionMatch = false;
+    return false;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Finds the covering annotation of the specified coverFSType for the given annotation.
+   * 
+   * @param aCAS
+   *          a CAS to search in
+   * @param annot
+   *          current annotation
+   * @param coverFsType
+   *          covering annotation type to search for
+   * 
+   * @return returns the covering annotation FS or null if the covering annotation was not found.
+   * 
+   */
+  private AnnotationFS findCoverFS(CAS aCAS, AnnotationFS annot, Type coverFsType) {
+    // covering annotation
+    AnnotationFS coverFs = null;
+    // create a searchFS of the coverFsType with the annot boundaries to
+    // search for it.
+    FeatureStructure searchFs = aCAS.createAnnotation(coverFsType, annot.getBegin(), aCAS
+        .getDocumentText().length());
+    // get the coverFSType iterator from the CAS and move it "near" to the
+    // position of the created searchFS.
+    FSIterator<?> iterator = aCAS.getAnnotationIndex(coverFsType).iterator();
+    iterator.moveTo(searchFs);
+    // now the iterator can either point directly to the FS we are searching
+    // or it points to the next higher FS in the list. So we either have
+    // already found the correct one, of we maybe have to move the iterator to
+    // the previous position.
+    // check if the iterator at the current position is valid
+    if (iterator.isValid()) {
+      // iterator is valid, so we either have the correct annotation of we
+      // have to move to the
+      // previous one, lets check the current FS from the iterator
+      // get current FS
+      coverFs = (AnnotationFS) iterator.get();
+      // check if the coverFS covers the current match type annotation
+      if ((coverFs.getBegin() <= annot.getBegin()) && (coverFs.getEnd() >= annot.getEnd())) {
+        // we found the covering annotation
+        return coverFs;
+      }
+      // current coverFs does not cover the current match type annotation
+      // lets try to move iterator to the previous annotation and check
+      // again
+      iterator.moveToPrevious();
+      // check if the iterator is still valid after me move it to the
+      // previous FS
+      if (iterator.isValid()) {
+        // get FS
+        coverFs = (AnnotationFS) iterator.get();
+        // check the found coverFS covers the current match type
+        // annotation
+        if ((coverFs.getBegin() <= annot.getBegin()) && (coverFs.getEnd() >= annot.getEnd())) {
+          // we found the covering annotation
+          return coverFs;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // iterator is invalid lets try to move the iterator to the last FS and
+    // check the FS
+    iterator.moveToLast();
+    // check if the iterator is valid after we move it
+    if (iterator.isValid()) {
+      // get FS
+      coverFs = (AnnotationFS) iterator.get();
+      // check the found coverFS covers the current match type annotation
+      if ((coverFs.getBegin() <= annot.getBegin()) && (coverFs.getEnd() >= annot.getEnd())) {
+        // we found the covering annotation
+        return coverFs;
+      }
+    }
+    // no covering annotation found
+    return null;
+  }
+  /**
+   * The createAnnotations method creates the annotations and features for the given rule matches.
+   * 
+   * @param matcher
+   *          current regex matcher
+   * @param annot
+   *          match type annotation
+   * @param matchingText
+   *          text that is used to match
+   * @param aCAS
+   *          current CAS
+   * @param concept
+   *          current concept
+   * @param ruleIndex
+   *          current rule index
+   * @param annotsToAdd
+   *          array for the annotations that should be created
+   */
+  private void processConceptInstructions(Matcher matcher, AnnotationFS annot, String matchingText,
+      CAS aCAS, Concept concept, int ruleIndex, ArrayList<FeatureStructure> annotsToAdd)
+      throws RegexAnnotatorProcessException {
+    // create local annotation map for reference features
+    HashMap<String, FeatureStructure> annotMap = new HashMap<String, FeatureStructure>();
+    // has the rule some reference features to set
+    boolean hasReferenceFeatures = false;
+    // get annotations that should be created
+    Annotation[] annotations = concept.getAnnotations();
+    for (int a = 0; a < annotations.length; a++) {
+      // get annotation type
+      Type annotType = annotations[a].getAnnotationType();
+      // get local start and end position of the match in the matchingText
+      int localStart = annotations[a].getBegin().getMatchPosition(matcher);
+      int localEnd = annotations[a].getEnd().getMatchPosition(matcher);
+      // check if match group positions are valid. If they are invalid,
+      // the match group is available but has no matching content
+      if (localStart == -1 || localEnd == -1) {
+        // match group positions are invalid, so we cannot create the
+        // annotation
+        continue;
+      }
+      // set default validation value to true, by default all annotations
+      // are created
+      boolean validation = true;
+      // check if an validator for the current annotation is available
+      if (annotations[a].hasValidator()) {
+        // get the substring of the match from the matching text
+        String matchText = matchingText.substring(localStart, localEnd);
+        // validate annotation
+        try {
+          validation = annotations[a].validate(matchText, concept.getRules()[ruleIndex].getId());
+        } catch (Exception ex) {
+          throw new RegexAnnotatorProcessException("regex_annotator_error_validating_annotation",
+              new Object[] { annotations[a].getId(), matchText, Integer.valueOf(localStart),
+                  Integer.valueOf(localEnd) }, ex);
+        }
+      }
+      // only create annotation if the validation was true
+      if (validation == true) {
+        // create annotation start and begin positions dependent of the rule
+        // matching
+        if (concept.getRules()[ruleIndex].isFeaturePathMatch()) {
+          // we match a feature path, use a source annotation boundaries
+          // for the annotation that is created
+          localStart = annot.getBegin();
+          localEnd = annot.getEnd();
+        } else {
+          // we match no feature path, make positions absolute to the
+          // document text -> add match type annotation offset.
+          localStart = annot.getBegin() + localStart;
+          localEnd = annot.getBegin() + localEnd;
+        }
+        // create annotation for this match
+        FeatureStructure fs = aCAS.createAnnotation(annotType, localStart, localEnd);
+        // get features for the current annotation
+        Feature[] features = annotations[a].getFeatures();
+        for (int f = 0; f < features.length; f++) {
+          // get feature type
+          int type = features[f].getType();
+          // check if we have a reference feature or not
+          if (type == Feature.FLOAT_FEATURE || type == Feature.INTEGER_FEATURE
+              || type == Feature.STRING_FEATURE) {
             // we have no reference feature
             // replace match groups in the feature value
-            String featureValue = replaceMatchGroupValues(updateFeatures[f]
-                  .getValue(), matcher, concept.getRules()[ruleIndex]);
+            String featureValue = replaceMatchGroupValues(features[f].getValue(), matcher, concept
+                .getRules()[ruleIndex]);
             // do featureValue normalization
             try {
-               // try to set the normalized feature value, if no
-               // normalization was specified for the feature, the
-               // original feature value is set
-               featureValue = updateFeatures[f].normalize(featureValue, concept
-                     .getRules()[ruleIndex].getId());
+              // try to set the normalized feature value, if no
+              // normalization was specified for the feature, the
+              // original feature value is set
+              if (featureValue != null) {
+                featureValue = features[f].normalize(featureValue, concept.getRules()[ruleIndex]
+                    .getId());
+              }
             } catch (Exception ex) {
-               throw new RegexAnnotatorProcessException(
-                     "regex_annotator_error_normalizing_feature_value",
-                     new Object[] { featureValue, updateFeatures[f].getName() },
-                     ex);
+              throw new RegexAnnotatorProcessException(
+                  "regex_annotator_error_normalizing_feature_value", new Object[] { featureValue,
+                      features[f].getName() }, ex);
-            // set feature value at the annotation in dependence of the feature
-            // type
+            // set feature value at the annotation in dependence of the
+            // feature type
             if (type == Feature.FLOAT_FEATURE) {
-               annot.setFloatValue(updateFeatures[f].getFeature(), Float
-                     .parseFloat(featureValue));
+              try {
+                if (featureValue != null) {
+                  Number number = this.floatNumberFormat.parse(featureValue);
+                  fs.setFloatValue(features[f].getFeature(), number.floatValue());
+                }
+              } catch (ParseException ex) {
+                this.logger.logrb(Level.WARNING, "RegExAnnotator", "processConceptInstructions",
+                    MESSAGE_DIGEST, "regex_annotator_warning_number_format_conversion",
+                    new Object[] { featureValue, features[f].getFeature().getName(), "float" });
+              }
             } else if (type == Feature.INTEGER_FEATURE) {
-               annot.setIntValue(updateFeatures[f].getFeature(), Integer
-                     .parseInt(featureValue));
+              try {
+                if (featureValue != null) {
+                  Number number = this.integerNumberFormat.parse(featureValue);
+                  fs.setIntValue(features[f].getFeature(), number.intValue());
+                }
+              } catch (ParseException ex) {
+                this.logger.logrb(Level.WARNING, "RegExAnnotator", "processConceptInstructions",
+                    MESSAGE_DIGEST, "regex_annotator_warning_number_format_conversion",
+                    new Object[] { featureValue, features[f].getFeature().getName(), "integer" });
+              }
             } else if (type == Feature.STRING_FEATURE) {
-               annot.setStringValue(updateFeatures[f].getFeature(),
-                     featureValue);
+              fs.setStringValue(features[f].getFeature(), featureValue);
-         } else if (type == Feature.REFERENCE_FEATURE) {
-            // search for the referenced annotation ID
-            // the annotation ID we search for is specified in the feature value
-            FeatureStructure refFs = annotMap.get(updateFeatures[f].getValue());
-            // set reference feature value
-            annot.setFeatureValue(updateFeatures[f].getFeature(), refFs);
-         } else if (type == Feature.RULEID_FEATURE) {
+          } else if (type == Feature.REFERENCE_FEATURE) {
+            // we have a reference feature, we have to set this later
+            // since we cannot be sure that the referenced annotation is
+            // already created
+            hasReferenceFeatures = true;
+          } else if (type == Feature.RULEID_FEATURE) {
             // get rule id and set it as feature value
             String ruleId = concept.getRules()[ruleIndex].getId();
-            annot.setStringValue(updateFeatures[f].getFeature(), ruleId);
-         } else if (type == Feature.CONFIDENCE_FEATURE) {
+            fs.setStringValue(features[f].getFeature(), ruleId);
+          } else if (type == Feature.CONFIDENCE_FEATURE) {
             // get rule confidence value and set it as feature value
             float confidence = concept.getRules()[ruleIndex].getConfidence();
-            annot.setFloatValue(updateFeatures[f].getFeature(), confidence);
-         }
-      }
-   }
+            fs.setFloatValue(features[f].getFeature(), confidence);
+          }
+        }
+        // add annotation to the local HashMap that is used to set
+        // annotation
+        // reference features, the annotation must only be added in case
+        // that
+        // an annotation id was specified.
+        if (annotations[a].getId() != null) {
+          annotMap.put(annotations[a].getId(), fs);
+        }
+        // add annotation to the list of feature structures that must be
+        // added
+        // to the index
+        annotsToAdd.add(fs);
+      }
+    } // end of annotation processing
+    // if we detected previously some reference feature types we have to set
+    // them now
+    if (hasReferenceFeatures) {
+      // iterate again over the annotation array
+      for (int a = 0; a < annotations.length; a++) {
+        // get all features for the current annotation
+        Feature[] features = annotations[a].getFeatures();
+        for (int f = 0; f < features.length; f++) {
+          // get feature type
+          int type = features[f].getType();
+          // check if we have a reference feature, we are only
+          // interested in reference features now
+          if (type == Feature.REFERENCE_FEATURE) {
+            // search for the annotation the feature belongs to, the
+            // annotation was created earlier
+            // to search for the correct annotation we use the current
+            // annotation ID
+            FeatureStructure fs = annotMap.get(annotations[a].getId());
-   /**
-    * replace the string containing match group syntax with the current match
-    * group values.
-    * 
-    * @param featureValue
-    *           string value that contains the match group syntax
-    * 
-    * @param matcher
-    *           regex matcher to match the match groups
-    * 
-    * @return returns the replaced match group value content
-    */
-   private String replaceMatchGroupValues(String featureValue, Matcher matcher,
-         Rule rule) throws RegexAnnotatorProcessException {
-      StringBuffer replaced = new StringBuffer();
-      int pos = 0;
-      int end = featureValue.length();
-      char c;
-      // Iterate over the input text to find the match groups that must be
-      // replaced.
-      // In the input text, all $ and \ characters must be escaped by \.
-      while (pos < end) {
-         c = featureValue.charAt(pos);
-         // Everything followed by a \ was escaped and the \ (escape character)
-         // can be removed now
-         if (c == '\\') {
-            // skip escape character
-            ++pos;
+            // search for the referenced annotation ID
+            // the annotation ID we search for is specified in the feature
+            // value
+            FeatureStructure refFs = annotMap.get(features[f].getValue());
-            // add escaped character to the output
-            if (pos < end) {
-               replaced.append(featureValue.charAt(pos));
-               // go to the next character
-               ++pos;
-            }
-         } else if (c == '$') {
-            // this must be a match group $n since all other $ characters must
-            // be escaped with a \ which is handled above.
-            // skip $ character we are only interested in the match group number
-            // or name
-            // match group name syntax is ${match group name}
+            // set reference feature value
+            fs.setFeatureValue(features[f].getFeature(), refFs);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    } // end - set reference feature value
+    // process update features of the current match type annotation
+    // get all match type update features of the current rule
+    Feature[] updateFeatures = concept.getRules()[ruleIndex].getMatchTypeUpdateFeatures();
+    for (int f = 0; f < updateFeatures.length; f++) {
+      int type = updateFeatures[f].getType();
+      // check if we have a reference feature or not
+      if (type == Feature.FLOAT_FEATURE || type == Feature.INTEGER_FEATURE
+          || type == Feature.STRING_FEATURE) {
+        // we have no reference feature
+        // replace match groups in the feature value
+        String featureValue = replaceMatchGroupValues(updateFeatures[f].getValue(), matcher,
+            concept.getRules()[ruleIndex]);
+        // do featureValue normalization
+        try {
+          // try to set the normalized feature value, if no
+          // normalization was specified for the feature, the
+          // original feature value is set
+          featureValue = updateFeatures[f].normalize(featureValue, concept.getRules()[ruleIndex]
+              .getId());
+        } catch (Exception ex) {
+          throw new RegexAnnotatorProcessException(
+              "regex_annotator_error_normalizing_feature_value", new Object[] { featureValue,
+                  updateFeatures[f].getName() }, ex);
+        }
+        // set feature value at the annotation in dependence of the feature
+        // type
+        if (type == Feature.FLOAT_FEATURE) {
+          annot.setFloatValue(updateFeatures[f].getFeature(), Float.parseFloat(featureValue));
+        } else if (type == Feature.INTEGER_FEATURE) {
+          annot.setIntValue(updateFeatures[f].getFeature(), Integer.parseInt(featureValue));
+        } else if (type == Feature.STRING_FEATURE) {
+          annot.setStringValue(updateFeatures[f].getFeature(), featureValue);
+        }
+      } else if (type == Feature.REFERENCE_FEATURE) {
+        // search for the referenced annotation ID
+        // the annotation ID we search for is specified in the feature value
+        FeatureStructure refFs = annotMap.get(updateFeatures[f].getValue());
+        // set reference feature value
+        annot.setFeatureValue(updateFeatures[f].getFeature(), refFs);
+      } else if (type == Feature.RULEID_FEATURE) {
+        // get rule id and set it as feature value
+        String ruleId = concept.getRules()[ruleIndex].getId();
+        annot.setStringValue(updateFeatures[f].getFeature(), ruleId);
+      } else if (type == Feature.CONFIDENCE_FEATURE) {
+        // get rule confidence value and set it as feature value
+        float confidence = concept.getRules()[ruleIndex].getConfidence();
+        annot.setFloatValue(updateFeatures[f].getFeature(), confidence);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * replace the string containing match group syntax with the current match group values.
+   * 
+   * @param featureValue
+   *          string value that contains the match group syntax
+   * 
+   * @param matcher
+   *          regex matcher to match the match groups
+   * 
+   * @return returns the replaced match group value content
+   */
+  private String replaceMatchGroupValues(String featureValue, Matcher matcher, Rule rule)
+      throws RegexAnnotatorProcessException {
+    StringBuffer replaced = new StringBuffer();
+    int pos = 0;
+    int end = featureValue.length();
+    char c;
+    // Iterate over the input text to find the match groups that must be
+    // replaced.
+    // In the input text, all $ and \ characters must be escaped by \.
+    while (pos < end) {
+      c = featureValue.charAt(pos);
+      // Everything followed by a \ was escaped and the \ (escape character)
+      // can be removed now
+      if (c == '\\') {
+        // skip escape character
+        ++pos;
+        // add escaped character to the output
+        if (pos < end) {
+          replaced.append(featureValue.charAt(pos));
+          // go to the next character
+          ++pos;
+        }
+      } else if (c == '$') {
+        // this must be a match group $n since all other $ characters must
+        // be escaped with a \ which is handled above.
+        // skip $ character we are only interested in the match group number
+        // or name
+        // match group name syntax is ${match group name}
+        ++pos;
+        if (pos < end) {
+          // get next char to check if we have a match group number or a
+          // match group name
+          c = featureValue.charAt(pos);
+          int groupNumber = -1;
+          if (c == '{') {
+            // we have a match group name
+            // skip grace '{'
-            if (pos < end) {
-               // get next char to check if we have a match group number or a
-               // match group name
-               c = featureValue.charAt(pos);
-               int groupNumber = -1;
-               if (c == '{') {
-                  // we have a match group name
-                  // skip grace '{'
-                  ++pos;
-                  // get match group name
-                  int matchNameEnd = featureValue.indexOf("}", pos);
-                  if (matchNameEnd > -1) {
-                     String matchGroupName = featureValue.substring(pos,
-                           matchNameEnd);
-                     // get match group number for the given match group name
-                     groupNumber = rule.getMatchGroupNumber(matchGroupName);
-                     if (groupNumber == -1) {
-                        throw new RegexAnnotatorProcessException(
-                              "regex_annotator_error_match_group_name_not_found",
-                              new Object[] { matchGroupName, rule.getId() });
-                     }
-                     // set pos to the end of the match group name syntax
-                     pos = matchNameEnd + 1;
-                  }
-               } else {
-                  // we have a match group number
-                  // convert match group number to integer value
-                  groupNumber = c - '0';
-                  // skip match group number
-                  ++pos;
-               }
-               // get match group content
-               String groupMatch =;
-               // add match group content to the output
-               if (groupMatch != null) {
-                  replaced.append(groupMatch);
-               }
-            }
-         } else {
-            // default output character that is added to the output
-            replaced.append(c);
+            // get match group name
+            int matchNameEnd = featureValue.indexOf("}", pos);
+            if (matchNameEnd > -1) {
+              String matchGroupName = featureValue.substring(pos, matchNameEnd);
+              // get match group number for the given match group name
+              groupNumber = rule.getMatchGroupNumber(matchGroupName);
+              if (groupNumber == -1) {
+                throw new RegexAnnotatorProcessException(
+                    "regex_annotator_error_match_group_name_not_found", new Object[] {
+                        matchGroupName, rule.getId() });
+              }
+              // set pos to the end of the match group name syntax
+              pos = matchNameEnd + 1;
+            }
+          } else {
+            // we have a match group number
+            // convert match group number to integer value
+            groupNumber = c - '0';
+            // skip match group number
-         }
-      }
-      return replaced.toString();
-   }
+          }
-   /**
-    * Helper class to bundle the XML Concept file name and the concept file
-    * input stream to one object.
-    */
-   private static class ConceptFile {
-      // concept file path name
-      private String filePath;
-      // concept file stream
-      private InputStream stream;
-      /**
-       * creates a new conceptFile object with the file path and the stream
-       * 
-       * @param filePath
-       *           concept file path
-       * 
-       * @param stream
-       *           concept file stream
-       */
-      public ConceptFile(String filePath, InputStream stream) {
-         this.filePath = filePath;
- = stream;
-      }
-      /**
-       * Returns the concept file path name
-       * 
-       * @return concept file path name
-       */
-      public String getFilePath() {
-         return this.filePath;
-      }
-      /**
-       * Returns the concept file stream
-       * 
-       * @return concept file stream
-       */
-      public InputStream getStream() {
-         return;
-      }
-   }
+          // get match group content
+          String groupMatch =;
+          // add match group content to the output
+          if (groupMatch != null) {
+            replaced.append(groupMatch);
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        // default output character that is added to the output
+        replaced.append(c);
+        ++pos;
+      }
+    }
+    return replaced.toString();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Helper class to bundle the XML Concept file name and the concept file input stream to one
+   * object.
+   */
+  private static class ConceptFile {
+    // concept file path name
+    private String filePath;
+    // concept file stream
+    private InputStream stream;
+    /**
+     * creates a new conceptFile object with the file path and the stream
+     * 
+     * @param filePath
+     *          concept file path
+     * 
+     * @param stream
+     *          concept file stream
+     */
+    public ConceptFile(String filePath, InputStream stream) {
+      this.filePath = filePath;
+ = stream;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the concept file path name
+     * 
+     * @return concept file path name
+     */
+    public String getFilePath() {
+      return this.filePath;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the concept file stream
+     * 
+     * @return concept file stream
+     */
+    public InputStream getStream() {
+      return;
+    }
+  }

Added: incubator/uima/sandbox/trunk/RegularExpressionAnnotator/src/test/java/org/apache/uima/annotator/regex/
--- incubator/uima/sandbox/trunk/RegularExpressionAnnotator/src/test/java/org/apache/uima/annotator/regex/ (added)
+++ incubator/uima/sandbox/trunk/RegularExpressionAnnotator/src/test/java/org/apache/uima/annotator/regex/ Thu Oct 29 14:32:39 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.uima.annotator.regex;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import org.apache.uima.UIMAFramework;
+import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngine;
+import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineDescription;
+import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
+import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceManager;
+import org.apache.uima.test.junit_extension.AnnotatorTester;
+import org.apache.uima.test.junit_extension.JUnitExtension;
+import org.apache.uima.util.XMLInputSource;
+import org.apache.uima.util.XMLParser;
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+public class TestWildcardFileLoading extends TestCase {
+  /**
+   * Test loading rule files with a wildcard file name.
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  public void testEmptyRegex() throws Exception {
+    // create annotation tester with the regex annotator specifier
+    File descFile = JUnitExtension.getFile("wildcardFilenameSyntax/loadFilesWithWildcard.xml");
+    File dpDir = descFile.getParentFile().getParentFile();
+    String datapath = dpDir.getAbsolutePath();
+    XMLParser parser = UIMAFramework.getXMLParser();
+    AnalysisEngineDescription desc = parser.parseAnalysisEngineDescription(new XMLInputSource(
+        descFile));
+    ResourceManager rm = UIMAFramework.newDefaultResourceManager();
+    rm.setDataPath(datapath);
+    AnalysisEngine ae = UIMAFramework.produceAnalysisEngine(desc, rm, null);
+    CAS cas = ae.newCAS();
+    cas.setDocumentLanguage("en");
+    cas.setDocumentText("This is a test.");
+    ae.process(cas);
+  }

Added: incubator/uima/sandbox/trunk/RegularExpressionAnnotator/src/test/resources/wildcardFilenameSyntax/loadFilesWithWildcard.xml
--- incubator/uima/sandbox/trunk/RegularExpressionAnnotator/src/test/resources/wildcardFilenameSyntax/loadFilesWithWildcard.xml (added)
+++ incubator/uima/sandbox/trunk/RegularExpressionAnnotator/src/test/resources/wildcardFilenameSyntax/loadFilesWithWildcard.xml Thu Oct 29 14:32:39 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ -->
+<analysisEngineDescription xmlns="">
+  <frameworkImplementation></frameworkImplementation>
+  <primitive>true</primitive>
+  <annotatorImplementationName>org.apache.uima.annotator.regex.impl.RegExAnnotator</annotatorImplementationName>
+  <analysisEngineMetaData>
+    <name>RegExAnnotator</name>
+    <description>Matches regular expressions in document text.</description>
+    <configurationParameters>
+       <configurationParameter>
+          <name>ConceptFiles</name>
+          <description>list of concept files to configure the annotator
+          </description>
+          <type>String</type>
+          <multiValued>true</multiValued>
+          <mandatory>true</mandatory>
+       </configurationParameter>
+    </configurationParameters>
+    <configurationParameterSettings>
+       <nameValuePair>
+          <name>ConceptFiles</name>
+          <value>
+          	<array>
+          	   <string>wildcardFilenameSyntax/major*minor*.xml</string> 
+          	</array>
+          </value>
+       </nameValuePair>
+    </configurationParameterSettings>
+    <typeSystemDescription>
+      <types>
+        <typeDescription>
+          <name>org.apache.uima.TestAnnot</name>
+          <description/>
+          <supertypeName>uima.tcas.Annotation</supertypeName>
+          <features>
+            <featureDescription>
+              <name>testFeature</name>
+              <description/>
+              <rangeTypeName>uima.cas.String</rangeTypeName>
+            </featureDescription>
+           <featureDescription>
+              <name>testFeature1</name>
+              <description/>
+              <rangeTypeName>uima.cas.String</rangeTypeName>
+            </featureDescription>
+          </features>
+        </typeDescription>
+      </types>
+    </typeSystemDescription>
+    <typePriorities>
+	</typePriorities>
+    <capabilities>
+      <capability>
+        <inputs/>
+        <outputs/>
+        <languagesSupported/>
+      </capability>
+    </capabilities>
+    <operationalProperties>
+      <modifiesCas>true</modifiesCas>
+      <multipleDeploymentAllowed>true</multipleDeploymentAllowed>
+      <outputsNewCASes>false</outputsNewCASes>
+    </operationalProperties>
+  </analysisEngineMetaData>