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[1/3] arrow git commit: ARROW-1154: [C++] Import miscellaneous computational utility code from parquet-cpp

Repository: arrow
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master cb5f2b953 -> b06522870
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/util/hash-util.h b/cpp/src/arrow/util/hash-util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffe1a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/hash-util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+// From Apache Impala (incubating) as of 2016-02-22
+#include <cstdint>
+#include "arrow/util/compiler-util.h"
+#include "arrow/util/cpu-info.h"
+#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
+#include "arrow/util/sse-util.h"
+namespace arrow {
+/// Utility class to compute hash values.
+class HashUtil {
+ public:
+  /// Compute the Crc32 hash for data using SSE4 instructions.  The input hash
+  /// parameter is the current hash/seed value.
+  /// This should only be called if SSE is supported.
+  /// This is ~4x faster than Fnv/Boost Hash.
+  /// TODO: crc32 hashes with different seeds do not result in different hash functions.
+  /// The resulting hashes are correlated.
+  /// TODO: update this to also use SSE4_crc32_u64 and SSE4_crc32_u16 where appropriate.
+  static uint32_t CrcHash(const void* data, int32_t bytes, uint32_t hash) {
+    DCHECK(CpuInfo::IsSupported(CpuInfo::SSE4_2));
+    uint32_t words = bytes / sizeof(uint32_t);
+    bytes = bytes % sizeof(uint32_t);
+    const uint32_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(data);
+    while (words--) {
+      hash = SSE4_crc32_u32(hash, *p);
+      ++p;
+    }
+    const uint8_t* s = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(p);
+    while (bytes--) {
+      hash = SSE4_crc32_u8(hash, *s);
+      ++s;
+    }
+    // The lower half of the CRC hash has has poor uniformity, so swap the halves
+    // for anyone who only uses the first several bits of the hash.
+    hash = (hash << 16) | (hash >> 16);
+    return hash;
+  }
+  /// CrcHash() specialized for 1-byte data
+  static inline uint32_t CrcHash1(const void* v, uint32_t hash) {
+    DCHECK(CpuInfo::IsSupported(CpuInfo::SSE4_2));
+    const uint8_t* s = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(v);
+    hash = SSE4_crc32_u8(hash, *s);
+    hash = (hash << 16) | (hash >> 16);
+    return hash;
+  }
+  /// CrcHash() specialized for 2-byte data
+  static inline uint32_t CrcHash2(const void* v, uint32_t hash) {
+    DCHECK(CpuInfo::IsSupported(CpuInfo::SSE4_2));
+    const uint16_t* s = reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(v);
+    hash = SSE4_crc32_u16(hash, *s);
+    hash = (hash << 16) | (hash >> 16);
+    return hash;
+  }
+  /// CrcHash() specialized for 4-byte data
+  static inline uint32_t CrcHash4(const void* v, uint32_t hash) {
+    DCHECK(CpuInfo::IsSupported(CpuInfo::SSE4_2));
+    const uint32_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(v);
+    hash = SSE4_crc32_u32(hash, *p);
+    hash = (hash << 16) | (hash >> 16);
+    return hash;
+  }
+  /// CrcHash() specialized for 8-byte data
+  static inline uint32_t CrcHash8(const void* v, uint32_t hash) {
+    DCHECK(CpuInfo::IsSupported(CpuInfo::SSE4_2));
+    const uint64_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(v);
+    hash = SSE4_crc32_u64(hash, *p);
+    hash = (hash << 16) | (hash >> 16);
+    return hash;
+  }
+  /// CrcHash() specialized for 12-byte data
+  static inline uint32_t CrcHash12(const void* v, uint32_t hash) {
+    DCHECK(CpuInfo::IsSupported(CpuInfo::SSE4_2));
+    const uint64_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(v);
+    hash = SSE4_crc32_u64(hash, *p);
+    ++p;
+    hash = SSE4_crc32_u32(hash, *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(p));
+    hash = (hash << 16) | (hash >> 16);
+    return hash;
+  }
+  /// CrcHash() specialized for 16-byte data
+  static inline uint32_t CrcHash16(const void* v, uint32_t hash) {
+    DCHECK(CpuInfo::IsSupported(CpuInfo::SSE4_2));
+    const uint64_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(v);
+    hash = SSE4_crc32_u64(hash, *p);
+    ++p;
+    hash = SSE4_crc32_u64(hash, *p);
+    hash = (hash << 16) | (hash >> 16);
+    return hash;
+  }
+  static const uint64_t MURMUR_PRIME = 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995;
+  static const int MURMUR_R = 47;
+  /// Murmur2 hash implementation returning 64-bit hashes.
+  static uint64_t MurmurHash2_64(const void* input, int len, uint64_t seed) {
+    uint64_t h = seed ^ (len * MURMUR_PRIME);
+    const uint64_t* data = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(input);
+    const uint64_t* end = data + (len / sizeof(uint64_t));
+    while (data != end) {
+      uint64_t k = *data++;
+      k *= MURMUR_PRIME;
+      k ^= k >> MURMUR_R;
+      k *= MURMUR_PRIME;
+      h ^= k;
+      h *= MURMUR_PRIME;
+    }
+    const uint8_t* data2 = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data);
+    switch (len & 7) {
+      case 7:
+        h ^= uint64_t(data2[6]) << 48;
+      case 6:
+        h ^= uint64_t(data2[5]) << 40;
+      case 5:
+        h ^= uint64_t(data2[4]) << 32;
+      case 4:
+        h ^= uint64_t(data2[3]) << 24;
+      case 3:
+        h ^= uint64_t(data2[2]) << 16;
+      case 2:
+        h ^= uint64_t(data2[1]) << 8;
+      case 1:
+        h ^= uint64_t(data2[0]);
+        h *= MURMUR_PRIME;
+    }
+    h ^= h >> MURMUR_R;
+    h *= MURMUR_PRIME;
+    h ^= h >> MURMUR_R;
+    return h;
+  }
+  /// default values recommended by
+  static const uint32_t FNV_PRIME = 0x01000193;  //   16777619
+  static const uint32_t FNV_SEED = 0x811C9DC5;   // 2166136261
+  static const uint64_t FNV64_PRIME = 1099511628211UL;
+  static const uint64_t FNV64_SEED = 14695981039346656037UL;
+  /// Implementation of the Fowler-Noll-Vo hash function. This is not as performant
+  /// as boost's hash on int types (2x slower) but has bit entropy.
+  /// For ints, boost just returns the value of the int which can be pathological.
+  /// For example, if the data is <1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, ..> and then the mod of 1000
+  /// is taken on the hash, all values will collide to the same bucket.
+  /// For string values, Fnv is slightly faster than boost.
+  /// IMPORTANT: FNV hash suffers from poor diffusion of the least significant bit,
+  /// which can lead to poor results when input bytes are duplicated.
+  /// See FnvHash64to32() for how this can be mitigated.
+  static uint64_t FnvHash64(const void* data, int32_t bytes, uint64_t hash) {
+    const uint8_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data);
+    while (bytes--) {
+      hash = (*ptr ^ hash) * FNV64_PRIME;
+      ++ptr;
+    }
+    return hash;
+  }
+  /// Return a 32-bit hash computed by invoking FNV-64 and folding the result to 32-bits.
+  /// This technique is recommended instead of FNV-32 since the LSB of an FNV hash is the
+  /// XOR of the LSBs of its input bytes, leading to poor results for duplicate inputs.
+  /// The input seed 'hash' is duplicated so the top half of the seed is not all zero.
+  /// Data length must be at least 1 byte: zero-length data should be handled separately,
+  /// for example using CombineHash with a unique constant value to avoid returning the
+  /// hash argument. Zero-length data gives terrible results: the initial hash value is
+  /// xored with itself cancelling all bits.
+  static uint32_t FnvHash64to32(const void* data, int32_t bytes, uint32_t hash) {
+    // IMPALA-2270: this function should never be used for zero-byte inputs.
+    DCHECK_GT(bytes, 0);
+    uint64_t hash_u64 = hash | ((uint64_t)hash << 32);
+    hash_u64 = FnvHash64(data, bytes, hash_u64);
+    return (hash_u64 >> 32) ^ (hash_u64 & 0xFFFFFFFF);
+  }
+  /// Computes the hash value for data.  Will call either CrcHash or MurmurHash
+  /// depending on hardware capabilities.
+  /// Seed values for different steps of the query execution should use different seeds
+  /// to prevent accidental key collisions. (See IMPALA-219 for more details).
+  static uint32_t Hash(const void* data, int32_t bytes, uint32_t seed) {
+    if (LIKELY(CpuInfo::IsSupported(CpuInfo::SSE4_2))) {
+      return CrcHash(data, bytes, seed);
+    } else {
+      return MurmurHash2_64(data, bytes, seed);
+    }
+    return static_cast<uint32_t>(MurmurHash2_64(data, bytes, seed));
+  }
+  /// The magic number (used in hash_combine()) 0x9e3779b9 = 2^32 / (golden ratio).
+  static const uint32_t HASH_COMBINE_SEED = 0x9e3779b9;
+  /// Combine hashes 'value' and 'seed' to get a new hash value.  Similar to
+  /// boost::hash_combine(), but for uint32_t. This function should be used with a
+  /// constant first argument to update the hash value for zero-length values such as
+  /// NULL, boolean, and empty strings.
+  static inline uint32_t HashCombine32(uint32_t value, uint32_t seed) {
+    return seed ^ (HASH_COMBINE_SEED + value + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2));
+  }
+  // Get 32 more bits of randomness from a 32-bit hash:
+  static inline uint32_t Rehash32to32(const uint32_t hash) {
+    // Constants generated by uuidgen(1) with the -r flag
+    static const uint64_t m = 0x7850f11ec6d14889ull, a = 0x6773610597ca4c63ull;
+    // This is strongly universal hashing following Dietzfelbinger's "Universal hashing
+    // and k-wise independent random variables via integer arithmetic without primes". As
+    // such, for any two distinct uint32_t's hash1 and hash2, the probability (over the
+    // randomness of the constants) that any subset of bit positions of
+    // Rehash32to32(hash1) is equal to the same subset of bit positions
+    // Rehash32to32(hash2) is minimal.
+    return (static_cast<uint64_t>(hash) * m + a) >> 32;
+  }
+  static inline uint64_t Rehash32to64(const uint32_t hash) {
+    static const uint64_t m1 = 0x47b6137a44974d91ull, m2 = 0x8824ad5ba2b7289cull,
+                          a1 = 0x705495c62df1424aull, a2 = 0x9efc49475c6bfb31ull;
+    const uint64_t hash1 = (static_cast<uint64_t>(hash) * m1 + a1) >> 32;
+    const uint64_t hash2 = (static_cast<uint64_t>(hash) * m2 + a2) >> 32;
+    return hash1 | (hash2 << 32);
+  }
+}  // namespace arrow
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/util/logging.h b/cpp/src/arrow/util/logging.h
index 8a929da..b618121 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/util/logging.h
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/logging.h
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ namespace arrow {
 #define ARROW_LOG_INTERNAL(level) ::arrow::internal::CerrLog(level)
 #define ARROW_LOG(level) ARROW_LOG_INTERNAL(ARROW_##level)
+#define ARROW_IGNORE_EXPR(expr) ((void)(expr));
 #define ARROW_CHECK(condition)                           \
   (condition) ? 0                                        \
@@ -47,25 +48,32 @@ namespace arrow {
 #ifdef NDEBUG
-#define DCHECK(condition) \
-  while (false)           \
+#define DCHECK(condition)      \
+  ARROW_IGNORE_EXPR(condition) \
+  while (false)                \
 #define DCHECK_EQ(val1, val2) \
+  ARROW_IGNORE_EXPR(val1)     \
   while (false)               \
 #define DCHECK_NE(val1, val2) \
+  ARROW_IGNORE_EXPR(val1)     \
   while (false)               \
 #define DCHECK_LE(val1, val2) \
+  ARROW_IGNORE_EXPR(val1)     \
   while (false)               \
 #define DCHECK_LT(val1, val2) \
+  ARROW_IGNORE_EXPR(val1)     \
   while (false)               \
 #define DCHECK_GE(val1, val2) \
+  ARROW_IGNORE_EXPR(val1)     \
   while (false)               \
 #define DCHECK_GT(val1, val2) \
+  ARROW_IGNORE_EXPR(val1)     \
   while (false)               \
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/util/ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c9b33c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+// From Apache Impala as of 2016-01-29
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <boost/utility.hpp>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <random>
+#include <vector>
+#include "arrow/util/bit-stream-utils.h"
+#include "arrow/util/rle-encoding.h"
+using std::vector;
+namespace arrow {
+const int MAX_WIDTH = 32;
+TEST(BitArray, TestBool) {
+  const int len = 8;
+  uint8_t buffer[len];
+  BitWriter writer(buffer, len);
+  // Write alternating 0's and 1's
+  for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+    bool result = writer.PutValue(i % 2, 1);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+  }
+  writer.Flush();
+  EXPECT_EQ((int)buffer[0], BOOST_BINARY(1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0));
+  // Write 00110011
+  for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+    bool result = false;
+    switch (i) {
+      case 0:
+      case 1:
+      case 4:
+      case 5:
+        result = writer.PutValue(false, 1);
+        break;
+      default:
+        result = writer.PutValue(true, 1);
+        break;
+    }
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+  }
+  writer.Flush();
+  // Validate the exact bit value
+  EXPECT_EQ((int)buffer[0], BOOST_BINARY(1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0));
+  EXPECT_EQ((int)buffer[1], BOOST_BINARY(1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0));
+  // Use the reader and validate
+  BitReader reader(buffer, len);
+  for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+    bool val = false;
+    bool result = reader.GetValue(1, &val);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+    EXPECT_EQ(val, (i % 2) != 0);
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+    bool val = false;
+    bool result = reader.GetValue(1, &val);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+    switch (i) {
+      case 0:
+      case 1:
+      case 4:
+      case 5:
+        EXPECT_EQ(val, false);
+        break;
+      default:
+        EXPECT_EQ(val, true);
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+// Writes 'num_vals' values with width 'bit_width' and reads them back.
+void TestBitArrayValues(int bit_width, int num_vals) {
+  int len = static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(bit_width * num_vals, 8));
+  EXPECT_GT(len, 0);
+  const uint64_t mod = bit_width == 64 ? 1 : 1LL << bit_width;
+  std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(len);
+  BitWriter writer(, len);
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_vals; ++i) {
+    bool result = writer.PutValue(i % mod, bit_width);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+  }
+  writer.Flush();
+  EXPECT_EQ(writer.bytes_written(), len);
+  BitReader reader(, len);
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_vals; ++i) {
+    int64_t val = 0;
+    bool result = reader.GetValue(bit_width, &val);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+    EXPECT_EQ(val, i % mod);
+  }
+  EXPECT_EQ(reader.bytes_left(), 0);
+TEST(BitArray, TestValues) {
+  for (int width = 1; width <= MAX_WIDTH; ++width) {
+    TestBitArrayValues(width, 1);
+    TestBitArrayValues(width, 2);
+    // Don't write too many values
+    TestBitArrayValues(width, (width < 12) ? (1 << width) : 4096);
+    TestBitArrayValues(width, 1024);
+  }
+// Test some mixed values
+TEST(BitArray, TestMixed) {
+  const int len = 1024;
+  uint8_t buffer[len];
+  bool parity = true;
+  BitWriter writer(buffer, len);
+  for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+    bool result;
+    if (i % 2 == 0) {
+      result = writer.PutValue(parity, 1);
+      parity = !parity;
+    } else {
+      result = writer.PutValue(i, 10);
+    }
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+  }
+  writer.Flush();
+  parity = true;
+  BitReader reader(buffer, len);
+  for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+    bool result;
+    if (i % 2 == 0) {
+      bool val;
+      result = reader.GetValue(1, &val);
+      EXPECT_EQ(val, parity);
+      parity = !parity;
+    } else {
+      int val;
+      result = reader.GetValue(10, &val);
+      EXPECT_EQ(val, i);
+    }
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+  }
+// Validates encoding of values by encoding and decoding them.  If
+// expected_encoding != NULL, also validates that the encoded buffer is
+// exactly 'expected_encoding'.
+// if expected_len is not -1, it will validate the encoded size is correct.
+void ValidateRle(const vector<int>& values, int bit_width, uint8_t* expected_encoding,
+    int expected_len) {
+  const int len = 64 * 1024;
+  uint8_t buffer[len];
+  EXPECT_LE(expected_len, len);
+  RleEncoder encoder(buffer, len, bit_width);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
+    bool result = encoder.Put(values[i]);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+  }
+  int encoded_len = encoder.Flush();
+  if (expected_len != -1) { EXPECT_EQ(encoded_len, expected_len); }
+  if (expected_encoding != NULL) {
+    EXPECT_EQ(memcmp(buffer, expected_encoding, expected_len), 0);
+  }
+  // Verify read
+  {
+    RleDecoder decoder(buffer, len, bit_width);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
+      uint64_t val;
+      bool result = decoder.Get(&val);
+      EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+      EXPECT_EQ(values[i], val);
+    }
+  }
+  // Verify batch read
+  {
+    RleDecoder decoder(buffer, len, bit_width);
+    vector<int> values_read(values.size());
+    ASSERT_EQ(values.size(),
+        decoder.GetBatch(, static_cast<int>(values.size())));
+    EXPECT_EQ(values, values_read);
+  }
+// A version of ValidateRle that round-trips the values and returns false if
+// the returned values are not all the same
+bool CheckRoundTrip(const vector<int>& values, int bit_width) {
+  const int len = 64 * 1024;
+  uint8_t buffer[len];
+  RleEncoder encoder(buffer, len, bit_width);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
+    bool result = encoder.Put(values[i]);
+    if (!result) { return false; }
+  }
+  int encoded_len = encoder.Flush();
+  int out = 0;
+  {
+    RleDecoder decoder(buffer, encoded_len, bit_width);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
+      EXPECT_TRUE(decoder.Get(&out));
+      if (values[i] != out) { return false; }
+    }
+  }
+  // Verify batch read
+  {
+    RleDecoder decoder(buffer, len, bit_width);
+    vector<int> values_read(values.size());
+    if (static_cast<int>(values.size()) !=
+        decoder.GetBatch(, static_cast<int>(values.size()))) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (values != values_read) { return false; }
+  }
+  return true;
+TEST(Rle, SpecificSequences) {
+  const int len = 1024;
+  uint8_t expected_buffer[len];
+  vector<int> values;
+  // Test 50 0' followed by 50 1's
+  values.resize(100);
+  for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
+    values[i] = 0;
+  }
+  for (int i = 50; i < 100; ++i) {
+    values[i] = 1;
+  }
+  // expected_buffer valid for bit width <= 1 byte
+  expected_buffer[0] = (50 << 1);
+  expected_buffer[1] = 0;
+  expected_buffer[2] = (50 << 1);
+  expected_buffer[3] = 1;
+  for (int width = 1; width <= 8; ++width) {
+    ValidateRle(values, width, expected_buffer, 4);
+  }
+  for (int width = 9; width <= MAX_WIDTH; ++width) {
+    ValidateRle(values, width, NULL, 2 * (1 + static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(width, 8))));
+  }
+  // Test 100 0's and 1's alternating
+  for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+    values[i] = i % 2;
+  }
+  int num_groups = static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(100, 8));
+  expected_buffer[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>((num_groups << 1) | 1);
+  for (int i = 1; i <= 100 / 8; ++i) {
+    expected_buffer[i] = BOOST_BINARY(1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0);
+  }
+  // Values for the last 4 0 and 1's. The upper 4 bits should be padded to 0.
+  expected_buffer[100 / 8 + 1] = BOOST_BINARY(0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0);
+  // num_groups and expected_buffer only valid for bit width = 1
+  ValidateRle(values, 1, expected_buffer, 1 + num_groups);
+  for (int width = 2; width <= MAX_WIDTH; ++width) {
+    int num_values = static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(100, 8)) * 8;
+    ValidateRle(
+        values, width, NULL, 1 + static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(width * num_values, 8)));
+  }
+// ValidateRle on 'num_vals' values with width 'bit_width'. If 'value' != -1, that value
+// is used, otherwise alternating values are used.
+void TestRleValues(int bit_width, int num_vals, int value = -1) {
+  const uint64_t mod = (bit_width == 64) ? 1 : 1LL << bit_width;
+  vector<int> values;
+  for (int v = 0; v < num_vals; ++v) {
+    values.push_back((value != -1) ? value : static_cast<int>(v % mod));
+  }
+  ValidateRle(values, bit_width, NULL, -1);
+TEST(Rle, TestValues) {
+  for (int width = 1; width <= MAX_WIDTH; ++width) {
+    TestRleValues(width, 1);
+    TestRleValues(width, 1024);
+    TestRleValues(width, 1024, 0);
+    TestRleValues(width, 1024, 1);
+  }
+TEST(Rle, BitWidthZeroRepeated) {
+  uint8_t buffer[1];
+  const int num_values = 15;
+  buffer[0] = num_values << 1;  // repeated indicator byte
+  RleDecoder decoder(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
+  uint8_t val;
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
+    bool result = decoder.Get(&val);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+    EXPECT_EQ(val, 0);  // can only encode 0s with bit width 0
+  }
+  EXPECT_FALSE(decoder.Get(&val));
+TEST(Rle, BitWidthZeroLiteral) {
+  uint8_t buffer[1];
+  const int num_groups = 4;
+  buffer[0] = num_groups << 1 | 1;  // literal indicator byte
+  RleDecoder decoder = RleDecoder(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
+  const int num_values = num_groups * 8;
+  uint8_t val;
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
+    bool result = decoder.Get(&val);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+    EXPECT_EQ(val, 0);  // can only encode 0s with bit width 0
+  }
+  EXPECT_FALSE(decoder.Get(&val));
+// Test that writes out a repeated group and then a literal
+// group but flush before finishing.
+TEST(BitRle, Flush) {
+  vector<int> values;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
+    values.push_back(1);
+  values.push_back(0);
+  ValidateRle(values, 1, NULL, -1);
+  values.push_back(1);
+  ValidateRle(values, 1, NULL, -1);
+  values.push_back(1);
+  ValidateRle(values, 1, NULL, -1);
+  values.push_back(1);
+  ValidateRle(values, 1, NULL, -1);
+// Test some random sequences.
+TEST(BitRle, Random) {
+  int niters = 50;
+  int ngroups = 1000;
+  int max_group_size = 16;
+  vector<int> values(ngroups + max_group_size);
+  // prng setup
+  std::random_device rd;
+  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(1, 20);
+  for (int iter = 0; iter < niters; ++iter) {
+    // generate a seed with device entropy
+    uint32_t seed = rd();
+    std::mt19937 gen(seed);
+    bool parity = 0;
+    values.resize(0);
+    for (int i = 0; i < ngroups; ++i) {
+      int group_size = dist(gen);
+      if (group_size > max_group_size) { group_size = 1; }
+      for (int i = 0; i < group_size; ++i) {
+        values.push_back(parity);
+      }
+      parity = !parity;
+    }
+    if (!CheckRoundTrip(values, BitUtil::NumRequiredBits(values.size()))) {
+      FAIL() << "failing seed: " << seed;
+    }
+  }
+// Test a sequence of 1 0's, 2 1's, 3 0's. etc
+// e.g. 011000111100000
+TEST(BitRle, RepeatedPattern) {
+  vector<int> values;
+  const int min_run = 1;
+  const int max_run = 32;
+  for (int i = min_run; i <= max_run; ++i) {
+    int v = i % 2;
+    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
+      values.push_back(v);
+    }
+  }
+  // And go back down again
+  for (int i = max_run; i >= min_run; --i) {
+    int v = i % 2;
+    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
+      values.push_back(v);
+    }
+  }
+  ValidateRle(values, 1, NULL, -1);
+TEST(BitRle, Overflow) {
+  for (int bit_width = 1; bit_width < 32; bit_width += 3) {
+    int len = RleEncoder::MinBufferSize(bit_width);
+    std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(len);
+    int num_added = 0;
+    bool parity = true;
+    RleEncoder encoder(, len, bit_width);
+    // Insert alternating true/false until there is no space left
+    while (true) {
+      bool result = encoder.Put(parity);
+      parity = !parity;
+      if (!result) break;
+      ++num_added;
+    }
+    int bytes_written = encoder.Flush();
+    EXPECT_LE(bytes_written, len);
+    EXPECT_GT(num_added, 0);
+    RleDecoder decoder(, bytes_written, bit_width);
+    parity = true;
+    uint32_t v;
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_added; ++i) {
+      bool result = decoder.Get(&v);
+      EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+      EXPECT_EQ(v != 0, parity);
+      parity = !parity;
+    }
+    // Make sure we get false when reading past end a couple times.
+    EXPECT_FALSE(decoder.Get(&v));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(decoder.Get(&v));
+  }
+}  // namespace arrow
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/util/rle-encoding.h b/cpp/src/arrow/util/rle-encoding.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ec6235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/rle-encoding.h
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+// Imported from Apache Impala (incubating) on 2016-01-29 and modified for use
+// in parquet-cpp, Arrow
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "arrow/util/bit-stream-utils.h"
+#include "arrow/util/bit-util.h"
+#include "arrow/util/compiler-util.h"
+namespace arrow {
+/// Utility classes to do run length encoding (RLE) for fixed bit width values.  If runs
+/// are sufficiently long, RLE is used, otherwise, the values are just bit-packed
+/// (literal encoding).
+/// For both types of runs, there is a byte-aligned indicator which encodes the length
+/// of the run and the type of the run.
+/// This encoding has the benefit that when there aren't any long enough runs, values
+/// are always decoded at fixed (can be precomputed) bit offsets OR both the value and
+/// the run length are byte aligned. This allows for very efficient decoding
+/// implementations.
+/// The encoding is:
+///    encoded-block := run*
+///    run := literal-run | repeated-run
+///    literal-run := literal-indicator < literal bytes >
+///    repeated-run := repeated-indicator < repeated value. padded to byte boundary >
+///    literal-indicator := varint_encode( number_of_groups << 1 | 1)
+///    repeated-indicator := varint_encode( number_of_repetitions << 1 )
+/// Each run is preceded by a varint. The varint's least significant bit is
+/// used to indicate whether the run is a literal run or a repeated run. The rest
+/// of the varint is used to determine the length of the run (eg how many times the
+/// value repeats).
+/// In the case of literal runs, the run length is always a multiple of 8 (i.e. encode
+/// in groups of 8), so that no matter the bit-width of the value, the sequence will end
+/// on a byte boundary without padding.
+/// Given that we know it is a multiple of 8, we store the number of 8-groups rather than
+/// the actual number of encoded ints. (This means that the total number of encoded values
+/// can not be determined from the encoded data, since the number of values in the last
+/// group may not be a multiple of 8). For the last group of literal runs, we pad
+/// the group to 8 with zeros. This allows for 8 at a time decoding on the read side
+/// without the need for additional checks.
+/// There is a break-even point when it is more storage efficient to do run length
+/// encoding.  For 1 bit-width values, that point is 8 values.  They require 2 bytes
+/// for both the repeated encoding or the literal encoding.  This value can always
+/// be computed based on the bit-width.
+/// TODO: think about how to use this for strings.  The bit packing isn't quite the same.
+/// Examples with bit-width 1 (eg encoding booleans):
+/// ----------------------------------------
+/// 100 1s followed by 100 0s:
+/// <varint(100 << 1)> <1, padded to 1 byte>  <varint(100 << 1)> <0, padded to 1 byte>
+///  - (total 4 bytes)
+/// alternating 1s and 0s (200 total):
+/// 200 ints = 25 groups of 8
+/// <varint((25 << 1) | 1)> <25 bytes of values, bitpacked>
+/// (total 26 bytes, 1 byte overhead)
+/// Decoder class for RLE encoded data.
+class RleDecoder {
+ public:
+  /// Create a decoder object. buffer/buffer_len is the decoded data.
+  /// bit_width is the width of each value (before encoding).
+  RleDecoder(const uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len, int bit_width)
+      : bit_reader_(buffer, buffer_len),
+        bit_width_(bit_width),
+        current_value_(0),
+        repeat_count_(0),
+        literal_count_(0) {
+    DCHECK_GE(bit_width_, 0);
+    DCHECK_LE(bit_width_, 64);
+  }
+  RleDecoder() : bit_width_(-1) {}
+  void Reset(const uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len, int bit_width) {
+    DCHECK_GE(bit_width, 0);
+    DCHECK_LE(bit_width, 64);
+    bit_reader_.Reset(buffer, buffer_len);
+    bit_width_ = bit_width;
+    current_value_ = 0;
+    repeat_count_ = 0;
+    literal_count_ = 0;
+  }
+  /// Gets the next value.  Returns false if there are no more.
+  template <typename T>
+  bool Get(T* val);
+  /// Gets a batch of values.  Returns the number of decoded elements.
+  template <typename T>
+  int GetBatch(T* values, int batch_size);
+  /// Like GetBatch but the values are then decoded using the provided dictionary
+  template <typename T>
+  int GetBatchWithDict(const T* dictionary, T* values, int batch_size);
+  /// Like GetBatchWithDict but add spacing for null entries
+  template <typename T>
+  int GetBatchWithDictSpaced(const T* dictionary, T* values, int batch_size,
+      int null_count, const uint8_t* valid_bits, int64_t valid_bits_offset);
+ protected:
+  BitReader bit_reader_;
+  /// Number of bits needed to encode the value. Must be between 0 and 64.
+  int bit_width_;
+  uint64_t current_value_;
+  uint32_t repeat_count_;
+  uint32_t literal_count_;
+ private:
+  /// Fills literal_count_ and repeat_count_ with next values. Returns false if there
+  /// are no more.
+  template <typename T>
+  bool NextCounts();
+/// Class to incrementally build the rle data.   This class does not allocate any memory.
+/// The encoding has two modes: encoding repeated runs and literal runs.
+/// If the run is sufficiently short, it is more efficient to encode as a literal run.
+/// This class does so by buffering 8 values at a time.  If they are not all the same
+/// they are added to the literal run.  If they are the same, they are added to the
+/// repeated run.  When we switch modes, the previous run is flushed out.
+class RleEncoder {
+ public:
+  /// buffer/buffer_len: preallocated output buffer.
+  /// bit_width: max number of bits for value.
+  /// TODO: consider adding a min_repeated_run_length so the caller can control
+  /// when values should be encoded as repeated runs.  Currently this is derived
+  /// based on the bit_width, which can determine a storage optimal choice.
+  /// TODO: allow 0 bit_width (and have dict encoder use it)
+  RleEncoder(uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len, int bit_width)
+      : bit_width_(bit_width), bit_writer_(buffer, buffer_len) {
+    DCHECK_GE(bit_width_, 0);
+    DCHECK_LE(bit_width_, 64);
+    max_run_byte_size_ = MinBufferSize(bit_width);
+    DCHECK_GE(buffer_len, max_run_byte_size_) << "Input buffer not big enough.";
+    Clear();
+  }
+  /// Returns the minimum buffer size needed to use the encoder for 'bit_width'
+  /// This is the maximum length of a single run for 'bit_width'.
+  /// It is not valid to pass a buffer less than this length.
+  static int MinBufferSize(int bit_width) {
+    /// 1 indicator byte and MAX_VALUES_PER_LITERAL_RUN 'bit_width' values.
+    int max_literal_run_size =
+        1 + static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(MAX_VALUES_PER_LITERAL_RUN * bit_width, 8));
+    /// Up to MAX_VLQ_BYTE_LEN indicator and a single 'bit_width' value.
+    int max_repeated_run_size =
+        BitReader::MAX_VLQ_BYTE_LEN + static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(bit_width, 8));
+    return std::max(max_literal_run_size, max_repeated_run_size);
+  }
+  /// Returns the maximum byte size it could take to encode 'num_values'.
+  static int MaxBufferSize(int bit_width, int num_values) {
+    // For a bit_width > 1, the worst case is the repetition of "literal run of length 8
+    // and then a repeated run of length 8".
+    // 8 values per smallest run, 8 bits per byte
+    // int bytes_per_run = BitUtil::Ceil(bit_width * 8, 8);
+    int bytes_per_run = bit_width;
+    int num_runs = static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(num_values, 8));
+    int literal_max_size = num_runs + num_runs * bytes_per_run;
+    // In the very worst case scenario, the data is a concatenation of repeated
+    // runs of 8 values. Repeated run has a 1 byte varint followed by the
+    // bit-packed repeated value
+    int min_repeated_run_size = 1 + static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(bit_width, 8));
+    int repeated_max_size =
+        static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(num_values, 8)) * min_repeated_run_size;
+    return std::max(literal_max_size, repeated_max_size);
+  }
+  /// Encode value.  Returns true if the value fits in buffer, false otherwise.
+  /// This value must be representable with bit_width_ bits.
+  bool Put(uint64_t value);
+  /// Flushes any pending values to the underlying buffer.
+  /// Returns the total number of bytes written
+  int Flush();
+  /// Resets all the state in the encoder.
+  void Clear();
+  /// Returns pointer to underlying buffer
+  uint8_t* buffer() { return bit_writer_.buffer(); }
+  int32_t len() { return bit_writer_.bytes_written(); }
+ private:
+  /// Flushes any buffered values.  If this is part of a repeated run, this is largely
+  /// a no-op.
+  /// If it is part of a literal run, this will call FlushLiteralRun, which writes
+  /// out the buffered literal values.
+  /// If 'done' is true, the current run would be written even if it would normally
+  /// have been buffered more.  This should only be called at the end, when the
+  /// encoder has received all values even if it would normally continue to be
+  /// buffered.
+  void FlushBufferedValues(bool done);
+  /// Flushes literal values to the underlying buffer.  If update_indicator_byte,
+  /// then the current literal run is complete and the indicator byte is updated.
+  void FlushLiteralRun(bool update_indicator_byte);
+  /// Flushes a repeated run to the underlying buffer.
+  void FlushRepeatedRun();
+  /// Checks and sets buffer_full_. This must be called after flushing a run to
+  /// make sure there are enough bytes remaining to encode the next run.
+  void CheckBufferFull();
+  /// The maximum number of values in a single literal run
+  /// (number of groups encodable by a 1-byte indicator * 8)
+  static const int MAX_VALUES_PER_LITERAL_RUN = (1 << 6) * 8;
+  /// Number of bits needed to encode the value. Must be between 0 and 64.
+  const int bit_width_;
+  /// Underlying buffer.
+  BitWriter bit_writer_;
+  /// If true, the buffer is full and subsequent Put()'s will fail.
+  bool buffer_full_;
+  /// The maximum byte size a single run can take.
+  int max_run_byte_size_;
+  /// We need to buffer at most 8 values for literals.  This happens when the
+  /// bit_width is 1 (so 8 values fit in one byte).
+  /// TODO: generalize this to other bit widths
+  int64_t buffered_values_[8];
+  /// Number of values in buffered_values_
+  int num_buffered_values_;
+  /// The current (also last) value that was written and the count of how
+  /// many times in a row that value has been seen.  This is maintained even
+  /// if we are in a literal run.  If the repeat_count_ get high enough, we switch
+  /// to encoding repeated runs.
+  uint64_t current_value_;
+  int repeat_count_;
+  /// Number of literals in the current run.  This does not include the literals
+  /// that might be in buffered_values_.  Only after we've got a group big enough
+  /// can we decide if they should part of the literal_count_ or repeat_count_
+  int literal_count_;
+  /// Pointer to a byte in the underlying buffer that stores the indicator byte.
+  /// This is reserved as soon as we need a literal run but the value is written
+  /// when the literal run is complete.
+  uint8_t* literal_indicator_byte_;
+template <typename T>
+inline bool RleDecoder::Get(T* val) {
+  return GetBatch(val, 1) == 1;
+template <typename T>
+inline int RleDecoder::GetBatch(T* values, int batch_size) {
+  DCHECK_GE(bit_width_, 0);
+  int values_read = 0;
+  while (values_read < batch_size) {
+    if (repeat_count_ > 0) {
+      int repeat_batch =
+          std::min(batch_size - values_read, static_cast<int>(repeat_count_));
+      std::fill(values + values_read, values + values_read + repeat_batch,
+          static_cast<T>(current_value_));
+      repeat_count_ -= repeat_batch;
+      values_read += repeat_batch;
+    } else if (literal_count_ > 0) {
+      int literal_batch =
+          std::min(batch_size - values_read, static_cast<int>(literal_count_));
+      int actual_read =
+          bit_reader_.GetBatch(bit_width_, values + values_read, literal_batch);
+      DCHECK_EQ(actual_read, literal_batch);
+      literal_count_ -= literal_batch;
+      values_read += literal_batch;
+    } else {
+      if (!NextCounts<T>()) return values_read;
+    }
+  }
+  return values_read;
+template <typename T>
+inline int RleDecoder::GetBatchWithDict(const T* dictionary, T* values, int batch_size) {
+  DCHECK_GE(bit_width_, 0);
+  int values_read = 0;
+  while (values_read < batch_size) {
+    if (repeat_count_ > 0) {
+      int repeat_batch =
+          std::min(batch_size - values_read, static_cast<int>(repeat_count_));
+      std::fill(values + values_read, values + values_read + repeat_batch,
+          dictionary[current_value_]);
+      repeat_count_ -= repeat_batch;
+      values_read += repeat_batch;
+    } else if (literal_count_ > 0) {
+      int literal_batch =
+          std::min(batch_size - values_read, static_cast<int>(literal_count_));
+      const int buffer_size = 1024;
+      int indices[buffer_size];
+      literal_batch = std::min(literal_batch, buffer_size);
+      int actual_read = bit_reader_.GetBatch(bit_width_, &indices[0], literal_batch);
+      DCHECK_EQ(actual_read, literal_batch);
+      for (int i = 0; i < literal_batch; ++i) {
+        values[values_read + i] = dictionary[indices[i]];
+      }
+      literal_count_ -= literal_batch;
+      values_read += literal_batch;
+    } else {
+      if (!NextCounts<T>()) return values_read;
+    }
+  }
+  return values_read;
+template <typename T>
+inline int RleDecoder::GetBatchWithDictSpaced(const T* dictionary, T* values,
+    int batch_size, int null_count, const uint8_t* valid_bits,
+    int64_t valid_bits_offset) {
+  DCHECK_GE(bit_width_, 0);
+  int values_read = 0;
+  int remaining_nulls = null_count;
+  INIT_BITSET(valid_bits, static_cast<int>(valid_bits_offset));
+  while (values_read < batch_size) {
+    bool is_valid = (bitset_valid_bits & (1 << bit_offset_valid_bits)) != 0;
+    READ_NEXT_BITSET(valid_bits);
+    if (is_valid) {
+      if ((repeat_count_ == 0) && (literal_count_ == 0)) {
+        if (!NextCounts<T>()) return values_read;
+      }
+      if (repeat_count_ > 0) {
+        T value = dictionary[current_value_];
+        // The current index is already valid, we don't need to check that again
+        int repeat_batch = 1;
+        repeat_count_--;
+        while (repeat_count_ > 0 && (values_read + repeat_batch) < batch_size) {
+          if (bitset_valid_bits & (1 << bit_offset_valid_bits)) {
+            repeat_count_--;
+          } else {
+            remaining_nulls--;
+          }
+          repeat_batch++;
+          READ_NEXT_BITSET(valid_bits);
+        }
+        std::fill(values + values_read, values + values_read + repeat_batch, value);
+        values_read += repeat_batch;
+      } else if (literal_count_ > 0) {
+        int literal_batch = std::min(
+            batch_size - values_read - remaining_nulls, static_cast<int>(literal_count_));
+        // Decode the literals
+        constexpr int kBufferSize = 1024;
+        int indices[kBufferSize];
+        literal_batch = std::min(literal_batch, kBufferSize);
+        int actual_read = bit_reader_.GetBatch(bit_width_, &indices[0], literal_batch);
+        DCHECK_EQ(actual_read, literal_batch);
+        int skipped = 0;
+        int literals_read = 1;
+        values[values_read] = dictionary[indices[0]];
+        // Read the first bitset to the end
+        while (literals_read < literal_batch) {
+          if (bitset_valid_bits & (1 << bit_offset_valid_bits)) {
+            values[values_read + literals_read + skipped] =
+                dictionary[indices[literals_read]];
+            literals_read++;
+          } else {
+            skipped++;
+          }
+          READ_NEXT_BITSET(valid_bits);
+        }
+        literal_count_ -= literal_batch;
+        values_read += literal_batch + skipped;
+        remaining_nulls -= skipped;
+      }
+    } else {
+      values_read++;
+      remaining_nulls--;
+    }
+  }
+  return values_read;
+template <typename T>
+bool RleDecoder::NextCounts() {
+  // Read the next run's indicator int, it could be a literal or repeated run.
+  // The int is encoded as a vlq-encoded value.
+  int32_t indicator_value = 0;
+  bool result = bit_reader_.GetVlqInt(&indicator_value);
+  if (!result) return false;
+  // lsb indicates if it is a literal run or repeated run
+  bool is_literal = indicator_value & 1;
+  if (is_literal) {
+    literal_count_ = (indicator_value >> 1) * 8;
+  } else {
+    repeat_count_ = indicator_value >> 1;
+    bool result =
+        bit_reader_.GetAligned<T>(static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(bit_width_, 8)),
+            reinterpret_cast<T*>(&current_value_));
+    DCHECK(result);
+  }
+  return true;
+/// This function buffers input values 8 at a time.  After seeing all 8 values,
+/// it decides whether they should be encoded as a literal or repeated run.
+inline bool RleEncoder::Put(uint64_t value) {
+  DCHECK(bit_width_ == 64 || value < (1ULL << bit_width_));
+  if (UNLIKELY(buffer_full_)) return false;
+  if (LIKELY(current_value_ == value)) {
+    ++repeat_count_;
+    if (repeat_count_ > 8) {
+      // This is just a continuation of the current run, no need to buffer the
+      // values.
+      // Note that this is the fast path for long repeated runs.
+      return true;
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (repeat_count_ >= 8) {
+      // We had a run that was long enough but it has ended.  Flush the
+      // current repeated run.
+      DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_, 0);
+      FlushRepeatedRun();
+    }
+    repeat_count_ = 1;
+    current_value_ = value;
+  }
+  buffered_values_[num_buffered_values_] = value;
+  if (++num_buffered_values_ == 8) {
+    DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_ % 8, 0);
+    FlushBufferedValues(false);
+  }
+  return true;
+inline void RleEncoder::FlushLiteralRun(bool update_indicator_byte) {
+  if (literal_indicator_byte_ == NULL) {
+    // The literal indicator byte has not been reserved yet, get one now.
+    literal_indicator_byte_ = bit_writer_.GetNextBytePtr();
+    DCHECK(literal_indicator_byte_ != NULL);
+  }
+  // Write all the buffered values as bit packed literals
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_buffered_values_; ++i) {
+    bool success = bit_writer_.PutValue(buffered_values_[i], bit_width_);
+    DCHECK(success) << "There is a bug in using CheckBufferFull()";
+  }
+  num_buffered_values_ = 0;
+  if (update_indicator_byte) {
+    // At this point we need to write the indicator byte for the literal run.
+    // We only reserve one byte, to allow for streaming writes of literal values.
+    // The logic makes sure we flush literal runs often enough to not overrun
+    // the 1 byte.
+    DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_ % 8, 0);
+    int num_groups = literal_count_ / 8;
+    int32_t indicator_value = (num_groups << 1) | 1;
+    DCHECK_EQ(indicator_value & 0xFFFFFF00, 0);
+    *literal_indicator_byte_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(indicator_value);
+    literal_indicator_byte_ = NULL;
+    literal_count_ = 0;
+    CheckBufferFull();
+  }
+inline void RleEncoder::FlushRepeatedRun() {
+  DCHECK_GT(repeat_count_, 0);
+  bool result = true;
+  // The lsb of 0 indicates this is a repeated run
+  int32_t indicator_value = repeat_count_ << 1 | 0;
+  result &= bit_writer_.PutVlqInt(indicator_value);
+  result &= bit_writer_.PutAligned(
+      current_value_, static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(bit_width_, 8)));
+  DCHECK(result);
+  num_buffered_values_ = 0;
+  repeat_count_ = 0;
+  CheckBufferFull();
+/// Flush the values that have been buffered.  At this point we decide whether
+/// we need to switch between the run types or continue the current one.
+inline void RleEncoder::FlushBufferedValues(bool done) {
+  if (repeat_count_ >= 8) {
+    // Clear the buffered values.  They are part of the repeated run now and we
+    // don't want to flush them out as literals.
+    num_buffered_values_ = 0;
+    if (literal_count_ != 0) {
+      // There was a current literal run.  All the values in it have been flushed
+      // but we still need to update the indicator byte.
+      DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_ % 8, 0);
+      DCHECK_EQ(repeat_count_, 8);
+      FlushLiteralRun(true);
+    }
+    DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_, 0);
+    return;
+  }
+  literal_count_ += num_buffered_values_;
+  DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_ % 8, 0);
+  int num_groups = literal_count_ / 8;
+  if (num_groups + 1 >= (1 << 6)) {
+    // We need to start a new literal run because the indicator byte we've reserved
+    // cannot store more values.
+    DCHECK(literal_indicator_byte_ != NULL);
+    FlushLiteralRun(true);
+  } else {
+    FlushLiteralRun(done);
+  }
+  repeat_count_ = 0;
+inline int RleEncoder::Flush() {
+  if (literal_count_ > 0 || repeat_count_ > 0 || num_buffered_values_ > 0) {
+    bool all_repeat = literal_count_ == 0 && (repeat_count_ == num_buffered_values_ ||
+                                                 num_buffered_values_ == 0);
+    // There is something pending, figure out if it's a repeated or literal run
+    if (repeat_count_ > 0 && all_repeat) {
+      FlushRepeatedRun();
+    } else {
+      DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_ % 8, 0);
+      // Buffer the last group of literals to 8 by padding with 0s.
+      for (; num_buffered_values_ != 0 && num_buffered_values_ < 8;
+           ++num_buffered_values_) {
+        buffered_values_[num_buffered_values_] = 0;
+      }
+      literal_count_ += num_buffered_values_;
+      FlushLiteralRun(true);
+      repeat_count_ = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  bit_writer_.Flush();
+  DCHECK_EQ(num_buffered_values_, 0);
+  DCHECK_EQ(literal_count_, 0);
+  DCHECK_EQ(repeat_count_, 0);
+  return bit_writer_.bytes_written();
+inline void RleEncoder::CheckBufferFull() {
+  int bytes_written = bit_writer_.bytes_written();
+  if (bytes_written + max_run_byte_size_ > bit_writer_.buffer_len()) {
+    buffer_full_ = true;
+  }
+inline void RleEncoder::Clear() {
+  buffer_full_ = false;
+  current_value_ = 0;
+  repeat_count_ = 0;
+  num_buffered_values_ = 0;
+  literal_count_ = 0;
+  literal_indicator_byte_ = NULL;
+  bit_writer_.Clear();
+}  // namespace arrow
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/util/sse-util.h b/cpp/src/arrow/util/sse-util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..570c405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/sse-util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+// From Apache Impala as of 2016-01-29. Pared down to a minimal set of
+// functions needed for parquet-cpp
+#include <emmintrin.h>
+namespace arrow {
+/// This class contains constants useful for text processing with SSE4.2 intrinsics.
+namespace SSEUtil {
+/// Number of characters that fit in 64/128 bit register.  SSE provides instructions
+/// for loading 64 or 128 bits into a register at a time.
+static const int CHARS_PER_64_BIT_REGISTER = 8;
+static const int CHARS_PER_128_BIT_REGISTER = 16;
+/// SSE4.2 adds instructions for text processing.  The instructions have a control
+/// byte that determines some of functionality of the instruction.  (Equivalent to
+/// GCC's _SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_ANY, etc).
+static const int PCMPSTR_EQUAL_ANY = 0x00;     // strchr
+static const int PCMPSTR_EQUAL_EACH = 0x08;    // strcmp
+static const int PCMPSTR_UBYTE_OPS = 0x00;     // unsigned char (8-bits, rather than 16)
+static const int PCMPSTR_NEG_POLARITY = 0x10;  // see Intel SDM chapter 4.1.4.
+/// In this mode, SSE text processing functions will return a mask of all the
+/// characters that matched.
+/// In this mode, SSE text processing functions will return the number of
+/// bytes that match consecutively from the beginning.
+static const int STRCMP_MODE =
+/// Precomputed mask values up to 16 bits.
+static const int SSE_BITMASK[CHARS_PER_128_BIT_REGISTER] = {
+    1 << 0, 1 << 1, 1 << 2, 1 << 3, 1 << 4, 1 << 5, 1 << 6, 1 << 7, 1 << 8, 1 << 9,
+    1 << 10, 1 << 11, 1 << 12, 1 << 13, 1 << 14, 1 << 15,
+}  // namespace SSEUtil
+/// Define the SSE 4.2 intrinsics.  The caller must first verify at runtime (or codegen
+/// IR load time) that the processor supports SSE 4.2 before calling these.  These are
+/// defined outside the namespace because the IR w/ SSE 4.2 case needs to use macros.
+#ifndef IR_COMPILE
+/// When compiling to native code (i.e. not IR), we cannot use the -msse4.2 compiler
+/// flag.  Otherwise, the compiler will emit SSE 4.2 instructions outside of the runtime
+/// SSE 4.2 checks and Impala will crash on CPUs that don't support SSE 4.2
+/// (IMPALA-1399/1646).  The compiler intrinsics cannot be used without -msse4.2, so we
+/// define our own implementations of the intrinsics instead.
+/// The PCMPxSTRy instructions require that the control byte 'mode' be encoded as an
+/// immediate.  So, those need to be always inlined in order to always propagate the
+/// mode constant into the inline asm.
+#define SSE_ALWAYS_INLINE inline __attribute__((__always_inline__))
+template <int MODE>
+static inline __m128i SSE4_cmpestrm(__m128i str1, int len1, __m128i str2, int len2) {
+#ifdef __clang__
+  /// Use asm reg rather than Yz output constraint to workaround LLVM bug 13199 -
+  /// clang doesn't support Y-prefixed asm constraints.
+  register volatile __m128i result asm("xmm0");
+  __asm__ volatile("pcmpestrm %5, %2, %1"
+                   : "=x"(result)
+                   : "x"(str1), "xm"(str2), "a"(len1), "d"(len2), "i"(MODE)
+                   : "cc");
+  __m128i result;
+  __asm__ volatile("pcmpestrm %5, %2, %1"
+                   : "=Yz"(result)
+                   : "x"(str1), "xm"(str2), "a"(len1), "d"(len2), "i"(MODE)
+                   : "cc");
+  return result;
+template <int MODE>
+static inline int SSE4_cmpestri(__m128i str1, int len1, __m128i str2, int len2) {
+  int result;
+  __asm__("pcmpestri %5, %2, %1"
+          : "=c"(result)
+          : "x"(str1), "xm"(str2), "a"(len1), "d"(len2), "i"(MODE)
+          : "cc");
+  return result;
+static inline uint32_t SSE4_crc32_u8(uint32_t crc, uint8_t v) {
+  __asm__("crc32b %1, %0" : "+r"(crc) : "rm"(v));
+  return crc;
+static inline uint32_t SSE4_crc32_u16(uint32_t crc, uint16_t v) {
+  __asm__("crc32w %1, %0" : "+r"(crc) : "rm"(v));
+  return crc;
+static inline uint32_t SSE4_crc32_u32(uint32_t crc, uint32_t v) {
+  __asm__("crc32l %1, %0" : "+r"(crc) : "rm"(v));
+  return crc;
+static inline uint32_t SSE4_crc32_u64(uint32_t crc, uint64_t v) {
+  uint64_t result = crc;
+  __asm__("crc32q %1, %0" : "+r"(result) : "rm"(v));
+  return result;
+static inline int64_t POPCNT_popcnt_u64(uint64_t a) {
+  int64_t result;
+  __asm__("popcntq %1, %0" : "=r"(result) : "mr"(a) : "cc");
+  return result;
+#elif defined(__SSE4_2__)  // IR_COMPILE for SSE 4.2.
+/// When cross-compiling to IR, we cannot use inline asm because LLVM JIT does not
+/// support it.  However, the cross-compiled IR is compiled twice: with and without
+/// -msse4.2.  When -msse4.2 is enabled in the cross-compile, we can just use the
+/// compiler intrinsics.
+#include <smmintrin.h>
+template <int MODE>
+static inline __m128i SSE4_cmpestrm(__m128i str1, int len1, __m128i str2, int len2) {
+  return _mm_cmpestrm(str1, len1, str2, len2, MODE);
+template <int MODE>
+static inline int SSE4_cmpestri(__m128i str1, int len1, __m128i str2, int len2) {
+  return _mm_cmpestri(str1, len1, str2, len2, MODE);
+#define SSE4_crc32_u8 _mm_crc32_u8
+#define SSE4_crc32_u16 _mm_crc32_u16
+#define SSE4_crc32_u32 _mm_crc32_u32
+#define SSE4_crc32_u64 _mm_crc32_u64
+#define POPCNT_popcnt_u64 _mm_popcnt_u64
+#else  // IR_COMPILE without SSE 4.2.
+/// When cross-compiling to IR without SSE 4.2 support (i.e. no -msse4.2), we cannot use
+/// SSE 4.2 instructions.  Otherwise, the IR loading will fail on CPUs that don't
+/// support SSE 4.2.  However, because the caller isn't allowed to call these routines
+/// on CPUs that lack SSE 4.2 anyway, we can implement stubs for this case.
+template <int MODE>
+static inline __m128i SSE4_cmpestrm(__m128i str1, int len1, __m128i str2, int len2) {
+  DCHECK(false) << "CPU doesn't support SSE 4.2";
+  return (__m128i){0};  // NOLINT
+template <int MODE>
+static inline int SSE4_cmpestri(__m128i str1, int len1, __m128i str2, int len2) {
+  DCHECK(false) << "CPU doesn't support SSE 4.2";
+  return 0;
+static inline uint32_t SSE4_crc32_u8(uint32_t crc, uint8_t v) {
+  DCHECK(false) << "CPU doesn't support SSE 4.2";
+  return 0;
+static inline uint32_t SSE4_crc32_u16(uint32_t crc, uint16_t v) {
+  DCHECK(false) << "CPU doesn't support SSE 4.2";
+  return 0;
+static inline uint32_t SSE4_crc32_u32(uint32_t crc, uint32_t v) {
+  DCHECK(false) << "CPU doesn't support SSE 4.2";
+  return 0;
+static inline uint32_t SSE4_crc32_u64(uint32_t crc, uint64_t v) {
+  DCHECK(false) << "CPU doesn't support SSE 4.2";
+  return 0;
+static inline int64_t POPCNT_popcnt_u64(uint64_t a) {
+  DCHECK(false) << "CPU doesn't support SSE 4.2";
+  return 0;
+#endif  // IR_COMPILE
+static inline uint32_t SSE4_crc32_u8(uint32_t crc, uint8_t v) {
+  DCHECK(false) << "SSE support is not enabled";
+  return 0;
+static inline uint32_t SSE4_crc32_u16(uint32_t crc, uint16_t v) {
+  DCHECK(false) << "SSE support is not enabled";
+  return 0;
+static inline uint32_t SSE4_crc32_u32(uint32_t crc, uint32_t v) {
+  DCHECK(false) << "SSE support is not enabled";
+  return 0;
+static inline uint32_t SSE4_crc32_u64(uint32_t crc, uint64_t v) {
+  DCHECK(false) << "SSE support is not enabled";
+  return 0;
+static inline int64_t POPCNT_popcnt_u64(uint64_t a) {
+  DCHECK(false) << "SSE support is not enabled";
+  return 0;
+#endif  // ARROW_USE_SSE
+}  // namespace arrow
+#endif  //  ARROW_UTIL_SSE_UTIL_H

[3/3] arrow git commit: ARROW-1154: [C++] Import miscellaneous computational utility code from parquet-cpp

Posted by
ARROW-1154: [C++] Import miscellaneous computational utility code from parquet-cpp

I will make a corresponding PR to parquet-cpp to ensure that this code migration is complete enough.

Author: Wes McKinney <>

Closes #785 from wesm/ARROW-1154 and squashes the following commits:

08b54c98 [Wes McKinney] Fix variety of compiler warnings
ddc7354b [Wes McKinney] Fixes to get PARQUET-1045 working
f5cd0259 [Wes McKinney] Import miscellaneous computational utility code from parquet-cpp


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: b06522870cb212989dc619b3c50e080b05772bce
Parents: cb5f2b9
Author: Wes McKinney <>
Authored: Tue Jun 27 08:13:59 2017 -0400
Committer: Wes McKinney <>
Committed: Tue Jun 27 08:13:59 2017 -0400

 LICENSE.txt                             |   11 +
 cpp/CMakeLists.txt                      |    5 +
 cpp/src/arrow/      |    8 +-
 cpp/src/arrow/                |    4 +-
 cpp/src/arrow/ipc/             |    4 +-
 cpp/src/arrow/status.h                  |   16 +-
 cpp/src/arrow/util/CMakeLists.txt       |    8 +
 cpp/src/arrow/util/bit-stream-utils.h   |  397 +++
 cpp/src/arrow/util/     |  166 +-
 cpp/src/arrow/util/bit-util.h           |  329 ++-
 cpp/src/arrow/util/bpacking.h           | 3342 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 cpp/src/arrow/util/compiler-util.h      |   59 +
 cpp/src/arrow/util/          |  206 ++
 cpp/src/arrow/util/cpu-info.h           |   92 +
 cpp/src/arrow/util/hash-util.h          |  258 ++
 cpp/src/arrow/util/logging.h            |   12 +-
 cpp/src/arrow/util/ |  460 ++++
 cpp/src/arrow/util/rle-encoding.h       |  598 +++++
 cpp/src/arrow/util/sse-util.h           |  237 ++
 19 files changed, 6191 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/LICENSE.txt
index 95c506f..55823cb 100644
--- a/LICENSE.txt
+++ b/LICENSE.txt
@@ -330,3 +330,14 @@ Apache 2.0 License or the under the 3-clause BSD license:
+This project includes code from Daniel Lemire's FrameOfReference project.
+Copyright: 2013 Daniel Lemire
+Home page:
+Project page:
+License: Apache License Version 2.0
diff --git a/cpp/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/CMakeLists.txt
index ca34101..1d1ffbe 100644
--- a/cpp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/cpp/CMakeLists.txt
     "Build the plasma object store along with Arrow"
+  option(ARROW_USE_SSE
+    "Build with SSE4 optimizations"
+    OFF)
     "Build our own zlib (some libz.a aren't configured for static linking)"
@@ -650,6 +654,7 @@ set(ARROW_SRCS
+  src/arrow/util/
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/ b/cpp/src/arrow/
index 3c49c63..bdfba8b 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ namespace arrow {
 constexpr int64_t kFinalSize = 256;
-#define ABORT_NOT_OK(s)                                 \
-  do {                                                  \
-    ::arrow::Status _s = (s);                           \
-    if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!_s.ok())) { exit(-1); }    \
+#define ABORT_NOT_OK(s)                              \
+  do {                                               \
+    ::arrow::Status _s = (s);                        \
+    if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!_s.ok())) { exit(-1); } \
   } while (0);
 static void BM_BuildPrimitiveArrayNoNulls(
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/ b/cpp/src/arrow/
index c2f4f84..390a406 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/
@@ -323,8 +323,8 @@ class ArrayEqualsVisitor : public RangeEqualsVisitor {
       : RangeEqualsVisitor(right, 0, right.length(), 0) {}
   Status Visit(const NullArray& left) {
-      result_ = true;
-      return Status::OK();
+    result_ = true;
+    return Status::OK();
   Status Visit(const BooleanArray& left) {
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/ipc/ b/cpp/src/arrow/ipc/
index 7fef847..cb747b6 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/ipc/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/ipc/
@@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ class RecordBatchStreamReader::RecordBatchStreamReaderImpl {
     return ReadSchema();
-  Status ReadNextMessage(Message::Type expected_type, bool allow_null,
-      std::shared_ptr<Message>* message) {
+  Status ReadNextMessage(
+      Message::Type expected_type, bool allow_null, std::shared_ptr<Message>* message) {
     RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadMessage(stream_.get(), message));
     if (!(*message) && !allow_null) {
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/status.h b/cpp/src/arrow/status.h
index 9a75a58..bfb945c 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/status.h
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/status.h
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
 #include "arrow/util/visibility.h"
 // Return the given status if it is not OK.
-#define ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(s)                          \
-  do {                                                  \
-    ::arrow::Status _s = (s);                           \
-    if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!_s.ok())) { return _s; }   \
+#define ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(s)                        \
+  do {                                                \
+    ::arrow::Status _s = (s);                         \
+    if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!_s.ok())) { return _s; } \
   } while (0);
 // If 'to_call' returns a bad status, CHECK immediately with a logged message
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@
 namespace arrow {
-#define RETURN_NOT_OK(s)                                \
-  do {                                                  \
-    Status _s = (s);                                    \
-    if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!_s.ok())) { return _s; }   \
+#define RETURN_NOT_OK(s)                              \
+  do {                                                \
+    Status _s = (s);                                  \
+    if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(!_s.ok())) { return _s; } \
   } while (0);
 #define RETURN_NOT_OK_ELSE(s, else_) \
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/util/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/src/arrow/util/CMakeLists.txt
index 1abcce4..bc1eeb2 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/util/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -22,11 +22,18 @@
 # Headers: top level
+  bit-stream-utils.h
+  bpacking.h
+  compiler-util.h
+  cpu-info.h
+  hash-util.h
+  rle-encoding.h
+  sse-util.h
   DESTINATION include/arrow/util)
@@ -56,4 +63,5 @@ ADD_ARROW_TEST(bit-util-test)
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/util/bit-stream-utils.h b/cpp/src/arrow/util/bit-stream-utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..537fdc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/bit-stream-utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+// From Apache Impala (incubating) as of 2016-01-29
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "arrow/util/bit-util.h"
+#include "arrow/util/bpacking.h"
+#include "arrow/util/compiler-util.h"
+#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
+namespace arrow {
+/// Utility class to write bit/byte streams.  This class can write data to either be
+/// bit packed or byte aligned (and a single stream that has a mix of both).
+/// This class does not allocate memory.
+class BitWriter {
+ public:
+  /// buffer: buffer to write bits to.  Buffer should be preallocated with
+  /// 'buffer_len' bytes.
+  BitWriter(uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len) : buffer_(buffer), max_bytes_(buffer_len) {
+    Clear();
+  }
+  void Clear() {
+    buffered_values_ = 0;
+    byte_offset_ = 0;
+    bit_offset_ = 0;
+  }
+  /// The number of current bytes written, including the current byte (i.e. may include a
+  /// fraction of a byte). Includes buffered values.
+  int bytes_written() const {
+    return byte_offset_ + static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(bit_offset_, 8));
+  }
+  uint8_t* buffer() const { return buffer_; }
+  int buffer_len() const { return max_bytes_; }
+  /// Writes a value to buffered_values_, flushing to buffer_ if necessary.  This is bit
+  /// packed.  Returns false if there was not enough space. num_bits must be <= 32.
+  bool PutValue(uint64_t v, int num_bits);
+  /// Writes v to the next aligned byte using num_bytes. If T is larger than
+  /// num_bytes, the extra high-order bytes will be ignored. Returns false if
+  /// there was not enough space.
+  template <typename T>
+  bool PutAligned(T v, int num_bytes);
+  /// Write a Vlq encoded int to the buffer.  Returns false if there was not enough
+  /// room.  The value is written byte aligned.
+  /// For more details on vlq:
+  ///
+  bool PutVlqInt(uint32_t v);
+  // Writes an int zigzag encoded.
+  bool PutZigZagVlqInt(int32_t v);
+  /// Get a pointer to the next aligned byte and advance the underlying buffer
+  /// by num_bytes.
+  /// Returns NULL if there was not enough space.
+  uint8_t* GetNextBytePtr(int num_bytes = 1);
+  /// Flushes all buffered values to the buffer. Call this when done writing to
+  /// the buffer.  If 'align' is true, buffered_values_ is reset and any future
+  /// writes will be written to the next byte boundary.
+  void Flush(bool align = false);
+ private:
+  uint8_t* buffer_;
+  int max_bytes_;
+  /// Bit-packed values are initially written to this variable before being memcpy'd to
+  /// buffer_. This is faster than writing values byte by byte directly to buffer_.
+  uint64_t buffered_values_;
+  int byte_offset_;  // Offset in buffer_
+  int bit_offset_;   // Offset in buffered_values_
+/// Utility class to read bit/byte stream.  This class can read bits or bytes
+/// that are either byte aligned or not.  It also has utilities to read multiple
+/// bytes in one read (e.g. encoded int).
+class BitReader {
+ public:
+  /// 'buffer' is the buffer to read from.  The buffer's length is 'buffer_len'.
+  BitReader(const uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len)
+      : buffer_(buffer), max_bytes_(buffer_len), byte_offset_(0), bit_offset_(0) {
+    int num_bytes = std::min(8, max_bytes_ - byte_offset_);
+    memcpy(&buffered_values_, buffer_ + byte_offset_, num_bytes);
+  }
+  BitReader() : buffer_(NULL), max_bytes_(0) {}
+  void Reset(const uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len) {
+    buffer_ = buffer;
+    max_bytes_ = buffer_len;
+    byte_offset_ = 0;
+    bit_offset_ = 0;
+    int num_bytes = std::min(8, max_bytes_ - byte_offset_);
+    memcpy(&buffered_values_, buffer_ + byte_offset_, num_bytes);
+  }
+  /// Gets the next value from the buffer.  Returns true if 'v' could be read or false if
+  /// there are not enough bytes left. num_bits must be <= 32.
+  template <typename T>
+  bool GetValue(int num_bits, T* v);
+  /// Get a number of values from the buffer. Return the number of values actually read.
+  template <typename T>
+  int GetBatch(int num_bits, T* v, int batch_size);
+  /// Reads a 'num_bytes'-sized value from the buffer and stores it in 'v'. T
+  /// needs to be a little-endian native type and big enough to store
+  /// 'num_bytes'. The value is assumed to be byte-aligned so the stream will
+  /// be advanced to the start of the next byte before 'v' is read. Returns
+  /// false if there are not enough bytes left.
+  template <typename T>
+  bool GetAligned(int num_bytes, T* v);
+  /// Reads a vlq encoded int from the stream.  The encoded int must start at
+  /// the beginning of a byte. Return false if there were not enough bytes in
+  /// the buffer.
+  bool GetVlqInt(int32_t* v);
+  // Reads a zigzag encoded int `into` v.
+  bool GetZigZagVlqInt(int32_t* v);
+  /// Returns the number of bytes left in the stream, not including the current
+  /// byte (i.e., there may be an additional fraction of a byte).
+  int bytes_left() {
+    return max_bytes_ - (byte_offset_ + static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(bit_offset_, 8)));
+  }
+  /// Maximum byte length of a vlq encoded int
+  static const int MAX_VLQ_BYTE_LEN = 5;
+ private:
+  const uint8_t* buffer_;
+  int max_bytes_;
+  /// Bytes are memcpy'd from buffer_ and values are read from this variable. This is
+  /// faster than reading values byte by byte directly from buffer_.
+  uint64_t buffered_values_;
+  int byte_offset_;  // Offset in buffer_
+  int bit_offset_;   // Offset in buffered_values_
+inline bool BitWriter::PutValue(uint64_t v, int num_bits) {
+  // TODO: revisit this limit if necessary (can be raised to 64 by fixing some edge cases)
+  DCHECK_LE(num_bits, 32);
+  DCHECK_EQ(v >> num_bits, 0) << "v = " << v << ", num_bits = " << num_bits;
+  if (UNLIKELY(byte_offset_ * 8 + bit_offset_ + num_bits > max_bytes_ * 8)) return false;
+  buffered_values_ |= v << bit_offset_;
+  bit_offset_ += num_bits;
+  if (UNLIKELY(bit_offset_ >= 64)) {
+    // Flush buffered_values_ and write out bits of v that did not fit
+    memcpy(buffer_ + byte_offset_, &buffered_values_, 8);
+    buffered_values_ = 0;
+    byte_offset_ += 8;
+    bit_offset_ -= 64;
+    buffered_values_ = v >> (num_bits - bit_offset_);
+  }
+  DCHECK_LT(bit_offset_, 64);
+  return true;
+inline void BitWriter::Flush(bool align) {
+  int num_bytes = static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(bit_offset_, 8));
+  DCHECK_LE(byte_offset_ + num_bytes, max_bytes_);
+  memcpy(buffer_ + byte_offset_, &buffered_values_, num_bytes);
+  if (align) {
+    buffered_values_ = 0;
+    byte_offset_ += num_bytes;
+    bit_offset_ = 0;
+  }
+inline uint8_t* BitWriter::GetNextBytePtr(int num_bytes) {
+  Flush(/* align */ true);
+  DCHECK_LE(byte_offset_, max_bytes_);
+  if (byte_offset_ + num_bytes > max_bytes_) return NULL;
+  uint8_t* ptr = buffer_ + byte_offset_;
+  byte_offset_ += num_bytes;
+  return ptr;
+template <typename T>
+inline bool BitWriter::PutAligned(T val, int num_bytes) {
+  uint8_t* ptr = GetNextBytePtr(num_bytes);
+  if (ptr == NULL) return false;
+  memcpy(ptr, &val, num_bytes);
+  return true;
+inline bool BitWriter::PutVlqInt(uint32_t v) {
+  bool result = true;
+  while ((v & 0xFFFFFF80) != 0L) {
+    result &= PutAligned<uint8_t>(static_cast<uint8_t>((v & 0x7F) | 0x80), 1);
+    v >>= 7;
+  }
+  result &= PutAligned<uint8_t>(static_cast<uint8_t>(v & 0x7F), 1);
+  return result;
+template <typename T>
+inline void GetValue_(int num_bits, T* v, int max_bytes, const uint8_t* buffer,
+    int* bit_offset, int* byte_offset, uint64_t* buffered_values) {
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4800)
+  *v = static_cast<T>(
+      BitUtil::TrailingBits(*buffered_values, *bit_offset + num_bits) >> *bit_offset);
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+  *bit_offset += num_bits;
+  if (*bit_offset >= 64) {
+    *byte_offset += 8;
+    *bit_offset -= 64;
+    int bytes_remaining = max_bytes - *byte_offset;
+    if (LIKELY(bytes_remaining >= 8)) {
+      memcpy(buffered_values, buffer + *byte_offset, 8);
+    } else {
+      memcpy(buffered_values, buffer + *byte_offset, bytes_remaining);
+    }
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4800 4805)
+    // Read bits of v that crossed into new buffered_values_
+    *v = *v | static_cast<T>(BitUtil::TrailingBits(*buffered_values, *bit_offset)
+                             << (num_bits - *bit_offset));
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+    DCHECK_LE(*bit_offset, 64);
+  }
+template <typename T>
+inline bool BitReader::GetValue(int num_bits, T* v) {
+  return GetBatch(num_bits, v, 1) == 1;
+template <typename T>
+inline int BitReader::GetBatch(int num_bits, T* v, int batch_size) {
+  DCHECK(buffer_ != NULL);
+  // TODO: revisit this limit if necessary
+  DCHECK_LE(num_bits, 32);
+  DCHECK_LE(num_bits, static_cast<int>(sizeof(T) * 8));
+  int bit_offset = bit_offset_;
+  int byte_offset = byte_offset_;
+  uint64_t buffered_values = buffered_values_;
+  int max_bytes = max_bytes_;
+  const uint8_t* buffer = buffer_;
+  uint64_t needed_bits = num_bits * batch_size;
+  uint64_t remaining_bits = (max_bytes - byte_offset) * 8 - bit_offset;
+  if (remaining_bits < needed_bits) {
+    batch_size = static_cast<int>(remaining_bits) / num_bits;
+  }
+  int i = 0;
+  if (UNLIKELY(bit_offset != 0)) {
+    for (; i < batch_size && bit_offset != 0; ++i) {
+      GetValue_(num_bits, &v[i], max_bytes, buffer, &bit_offset, &byte_offset,
+          &buffered_values);
+    }
+  }
+  if (sizeof(T) == 4) {
+    int num_unpacked = unpack32(reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(buffer + byte_offset),
+        reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(v + i), batch_size - i, num_bits);
+    i += num_unpacked;
+    byte_offset += num_unpacked * num_bits / 8;
+  } else {
+    const int buffer_size = 1024;
+    uint32_t unpack_buffer[buffer_size];
+    while (i < batch_size) {
+      int unpack_size = std::min(buffer_size, batch_size - i);
+      int num_unpacked = unpack32(reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(buffer + byte_offset),
+          unpack_buffer, unpack_size, num_bits);
+      if (num_unpacked == 0) { break; }
+      for (int k = 0; k < num_unpacked; ++k) {
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4800)
+        v[i + k] = static_cast<T>(unpack_buffer[k]);
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+      }
+      i += num_unpacked;
+      byte_offset += num_unpacked * num_bits / 8;
+    }
+  }
+  int bytes_remaining = max_bytes - byte_offset;
+  if (bytes_remaining >= 8) {
+    memcpy(&buffered_values, buffer + byte_offset, 8);
+  } else {
+    memcpy(&buffered_values, buffer + byte_offset, bytes_remaining);
+  }
+  for (; i < batch_size; ++i) {
+    GetValue_(
+        num_bits, &v[i], max_bytes, buffer, &bit_offset, &byte_offset, &buffered_values);
+  }
+  bit_offset_ = bit_offset;
+  byte_offset_ = byte_offset;
+  buffered_values_ = buffered_values;
+  return batch_size;
+template <typename T>
+inline bool BitReader::GetAligned(int num_bytes, T* v) {
+  DCHECK_LE(num_bytes, static_cast<int>(sizeof(T)));
+  int bytes_read = static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(bit_offset_, 8));
+  if (UNLIKELY(byte_offset_ + bytes_read + num_bytes > max_bytes_)) return false;
+  // Advance byte_offset to next unread byte and read num_bytes
+  byte_offset_ += bytes_read;
+  memcpy(v, buffer_ + byte_offset_, num_bytes);
+  byte_offset_ += num_bytes;
+  // Reset buffered_values_
+  bit_offset_ = 0;
+  int bytes_remaining = max_bytes_ - byte_offset_;
+  if (LIKELY(bytes_remaining >= 8)) {
+    memcpy(&buffered_values_, buffer_ + byte_offset_, 8);
+  } else {
+    memcpy(&buffered_values_, buffer_ + byte_offset_, bytes_remaining);
+  }
+  return true;
+inline bool BitReader::GetVlqInt(int32_t* v) {
+  *v = 0;
+  int shift = 0;
+  int num_bytes = 0;
+  uint8_t byte = 0;
+  do {
+    if (!GetAligned<uint8_t>(1, &byte)) return false;
+    *v |= (byte & 0x7F) << shift;
+    shift += 7;
+    DCHECK_LE(++num_bytes, MAX_VLQ_BYTE_LEN);
+  } while ((byte & 0x80) != 0);
+  return true;
+inline bool BitWriter::PutZigZagVlqInt(int32_t v) {
+  uint32_t u = (v << 1) ^ (v >> 31);
+  return PutVlqInt(u);
+inline bool BitReader::GetZigZagVlqInt(int32_t* v) {
+  int32_t u_signed;
+  if (!GetVlqInt(&u_signed)) return false;
+  uint32_t u = static_cast<uint32_t>(u_signed);
+  *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(v) = (u >> 1) ^ -(static_cast<int32_t>(u & 1));
+  return true;
+}  // namespace arrow
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/util/ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/
index cb2fd1a..cd94558 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/util/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/
@@ -15,18 +15,29 @@
 // specific language governing permissions and limitations
 // under the License.
-#include "arrow/util/bit-util.h"
 #include <cstdint>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
 #include <vector>
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include <boost/utility.hpp>
 #include "arrow/buffer.h"
 #include "arrow/test-util.h"
+#include "arrow/util/bit-stream-utils.h"
+#include "arrow/util/bit-util.h"
+#include "arrow/util/cpu-info.h"
 namespace arrow {
+static void EnsureCpuInfoInitialized() {
+  if (!CpuInfo::initialized()) { CpuInfo::Init(); }
 TEST(BitUtilTests, TestIsMultipleOf64) {
   using BitUtil::IsMultipleOf64;
@@ -109,4 +120,155 @@ TEST(BitUtilTests, TestCopyBitmap) {
+TEST(BitUtil, Ceil) {
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Ceil(0, 1), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Ceil(1, 1), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Ceil(1, 2), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Ceil(1, 8), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Ceil(7, 8), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Ceil(8, 8), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Ceil(9, 8), 2);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Ceil(9, 9), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Ceil(10000000000, 10), 1000000000);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Ceil(10, 10000000000), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Ceil(100000000000, 10000000000), 10);
+TEST(BitUtil, RoundUp) {
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUp(0, 1), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUp(1, 1), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUp(1, 2), 2);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUp(6, 2), 6);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUp(7, 3), 9);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUp(9, 9), 9);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUp(10000000001, 10), 10000000010);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUp(10, 10000000000), 10000000000);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUp(100000000000, 10000000000), 100000000000);
+TEST(BitUtil, RoundDown) {
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDown(0, 1), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDown(1, 1), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDown(1, 2), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDown(6, 2), 6);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDown(7, 3), 6);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDown(9, 9), 9);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDown(10000000001, 10), 10000000000);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDown(10, 10000000000), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDown(100000000000, 10000000000), 100000000000);
+TEST(BitUtil, Popcount) {
+  EnsureCpuInfoInitialized();
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Popcount(BOOST_BINARY(0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1)), 4);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::PopcountNoHw(BOOST_BINARY(0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1)), 4);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Popcount(BOOST_BINARY(1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1)), 6);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::PopcountNoHw(BOOST_BINARY(1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1)), 6);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Popcount(BOOST_BINARY(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)), 8);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::PopcountNoHw(BOOST_BINARY(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)), 8);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Popcount(0), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::PopcountNoHw(0), 0);
+TEST(BitUtil, TrailingBits) {
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::TrailingBits(BOOST_BINARY(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1), 0), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::TrailingBits(BOOST_BINARY(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1), 1), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::TrailingBits(BOOST_BINARY(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1), 64),
+      BOOST_BINARY(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1));
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::TrailingBits(BOOST_BINARY(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1), 100),
+      BOOST_BINARY(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1));
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::TrailingBits(0, 1), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::TrailingBits(0, 64), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::TrailingBits(1LL << 63, 0), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::TrailingBits(1LL << 63, 63), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::TrailingBits(1LL << 63, 64), 1LL << 63);
+TEST(BitUtil, ByteSwap) {
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ByteSwap(static_cast<uint32_t>(0)), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ByteSwap(static_cast<uint32_t>(0x11223344)), 0x44332211);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ByteSwap(static_cast<int32_t>(0)), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ByteSwap(static_cast<int32_t>(0x11223344)), 0x44332211);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ByteSwap(static_cast<uint64_t>(0)), 0);
+      BitUtil::ByteSwap(static_cast<uint64_t>(0x1122334455667788)), 0x8877665544332211);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ByteSwap(static_cast<int64_t>(0)), 0);
+      BitUtil::ByteSwap(static_cast<int64_t>(0x1122334455667788)), 0x8877665544332211);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ByteSwap(static_cast<int16_t>(0)), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ByteSwap(static_cast<int16_t>(0x1122)), 0x2211);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ByteSwap(static_cast<uint16_t>(0)), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ByteSwap(static_cast<uint16_t>(0x1122)), 0x2211);
+TEST(BitUtil, Log2) {
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Log2(1), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Log2(2), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Log2(3), 2);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Log2(4), 2);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Log2(5), 3);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Log2(INT_MAX), 31);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Log2(UINT_MAX), 32);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::Log2(ULLONG_MAX), 64);
+TEST(BitUtil, RoundUpToPowerOf2) {
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUpToPowerOf2(7, 8), 8);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUpToPowerOf2(8, 8), 8);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUpToPowerOf2(9, 8), 16);
+TEST(BitUtil, RoundDownToPowerOf2) {
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDownToPowerOf2(7, 8), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDownToPowerOf2(8, 8), 8);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDownToPowerOf2(9, 8), 8);
+TEST(BitUtil, RoundUpDown) {
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUpNumBytes(7), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUpNumBytes(8), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUpNumBytes(9), 2);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDownNumBytes(7), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDownNumBytes(8), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDownNumBytes(9), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUpNumi32(31), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUpNumi32(32), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUpNumi32(33), 2);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDownNumi32(31), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDownNumi32(32), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDownNumi32(33), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUpNumi64(63), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUpNumi64(64), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundUpNumi64(65), 2);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDownNumi64(63), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDownNumi64(64), 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::RoundDownNumi64(65), 1);
+void TestZigZag(int32_t v) {
+  uint8_t buffer[BitReader::MAX_VLQ_BYTE_LEN];
+  BitWriter writer(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+  BitReader reader(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+  writer.PutZigZagVlqInt(v);
+  int32_t result;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(reader.GetZigZagVlqInt(&result));
+  EXPECT_EQ(v, result);
+TEST(BitStreamUtil, ZigZag) {
+  TestZigZag(0);
+  TestZigZag(1);
+  TestZigZag(-1);
+  TestZigZag(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
+  TestZigZag(-std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
 }  // namespace arrow
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/util/bit-util.h b/cpp/src/arrow/util/bit-util.h
index 90a1c3e..bba9d2d 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/util/bit-util.h
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/bit-util.h
@@ -18,15 +18,77 @@
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+#include <machine/endian.h>
+#elif defined(_WIN32)
+#define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
+#include <endian.h>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define ARROW_BYTE_SWAP64 _byteswap_uint64
+#define ARROW_BYTE_SWAP32 _byteswap_ulong
+#define ARROW_BYTE_SWAP64 __builtin_bswap64
+#define ARROW_BYTE_SWAP32 __builtin_bswap32
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <limits>
 #include <memory>
 #include <vector>
+#include "arrow/util/compiler-util.h"
 #include "arrow/util/visibility.h"
+#include "arrow/util/cpu-info.h"
+#include "arrow/util/sse-util.h"
 namespace arrow {
+#define INIT_BITSET(valid_bits_vector, valid_bits_index)        \
+  int byte_offset_##valid_bits_vector = (valid_bits_index) / 8; \
+  int bit_offset_##valid_bits_vector = (valid_bits_index) % 8;  \
+  uint8_t bitset_##valid_bits_vector = valid_bits_vector[byte_offset_##valid_bits_vector];
+#define READ_NEXT_BITSET(valid_bits_vector)                                          \
+  bit_offset_##valid_bits_vector++;                                                  \
+  if (bit_offset_##valid_bits_vector == 8) {                                         \
+    bit_offset_##valid_bits_vector = 0;                                              \
+    byte_offset_##valid_bits_vector++;                                               \
+    bitset_##valid_bits_vector = valid_bits_vector[byte_offset_##valid_bits_vector]; \
+  }
+// TODO(wesm): The source from Impala was depending on boost::make_unsigned
+// We add a partial stub implementation here
+template <typename T>
+struct make_unsigned {};
+template <>
+struct make_unsigned<int8_t> {
+  typedef uint8_t type;
+template <>
+struct make_unsigned<int16_t> {
+  typedef uint16_t type;
+template <>
+struct make_unsigned<int32_t> {
+  typedef uint32_t type;
+template <>
+struct make_unsigned<int64_t> {
+  typedef uint64_t type;
 class Buffer;
 class MemoryPool;
 class MutableBuffer;
@@ -67,6 +129,11 @@ static inline void SetBit(uint8_t* bits, int64_t i) {
   bits[i / 8] |= kBitmask[i % 8];
+/// Set bit if is_set is true, but cannot clear bit
+static inline void SetArrayBit(uint8_t* bits, int i, bool is_set) {
+  if (is_set) { SetBit(bits, i); }
 static inline void SetBitTo(uint8_t* bits, int64_t i, bool bit_is_set) {
   // TODO: speed up. See
   // "Conditionally set or clear bits without branching"
@@ -77,6 +144,18 @@ static inline void SetBitTo(uint8_t* bits, int64_t i, bool bit_is_set) {
+// Returns the minimum number of bits needed to represent the value of 'x'
+static inline int NumRequiredBits(uint64_t x) {
+  for (int i = 63; i >= 0; --i) {
+    if (x & (UINT64_C(1) << i)) return i + 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+/// Returns the smallest power of two that contains v. Taken from
+/// TODO: Pick a better name, as it is not clear what happens when the input is
+/// already a power of two.
 static inline int64_t NextPower2(int64_t n) {
   n |= n >> 1;
@@ -97,12 +176,66 @@ static inline bool IsMultipleOf8(int64_t n) {
   return (n & 7) == 0;
+/// Returns the ceil of value/divisor
+static inline int64_t Ceil(int64_t value, int64_t divisor) {
+  return value / divisor + (value % divisor != 0);
 /// Returns 'value' rounded up to the nearest multiple of 'factor'
 inline int64_t RoundUp(int64_t value, int64_t factor) {
   return (value + (factor - 1)) / factor * factor;
-inline int64_t RoundUpToMultipleOf64(int64_t num) {
+/// Returns 'value' rounded down to the nearest multiple of 'factor'
+static inline int64_t RoundDown(int64_t value, int64_t factor) {
+  return (value / factor) * factor;
+/// Returns 'value' rounded up to the nearest multiple of 'factor' when factor is
+/// a power of two
+static inline int RoundUpToPowerOf2(int value, int factor) {
+  // DCHECK((factor > 0) && ((factor & (factor - 1)) == 0));
+  return (value + (factor - 1)) & ~(factor - 1);
+static inline int RoundDownToPowerOf2(int value, int factor) {
+  // DCHECK((factor > 0) && ((factor & (factor - 1)) == 0));
+  return value & ~(factor - 1);
+/// Specialized round up and down functions for frequently used factors,
+/// like 8 (bits->bytes), 32 (bits->i32), and 64 (bits->i64).
+/// Returns the rounded up number of bytes that fit the number of bits.
+static inline uint32_t RoundUpNumBytes(uint32_t bits) {
+  return (bits + 7) >> 3;
+/// Returns the rounded down number of bytes that fit the number of bits.
+static inline uint32_t RoundDownNumBytes(uint32_t bits) {
+  return bits >> 3;
+/// Returns the rounded up to 32 multiple. Used for conversions of bits to i32.
+static inline uint32_t RoundUpNumi32(uint32_t bits) {
+  return (bits + 31) >> 5;
+/// Returns the rounded up 32 multiple.
+static inline uint32_t RoundDownNumi32(uint32_t bits) {
+  return bits >> 5;
+/// Returns the rounded up to 64 multiple. Used for conversions of bits to i64.
+static inline uint32_t RoundUpNumi64(uint32_t bits) {
+  return (bits + 63) >> 6;
+/// Returns the rounded down to 64 multiple.
+static inline uint32_t RoundDownNumi64(uint32_t bits) {
+  return bits >> 6;
+static inline int64_t RoundUpToMultipleOf64(int64_t num) {
   // TODO(wesm): is this definitely needed?
   // DCHECK_GE(num, 0);
   constexpr int64_t round_to = 64;
@@ -114,6 +247,200 @@ inline int64_t RoundUpToMultipleOf64(int64_t num) {
   return num;
+/// Non hw accelerated pop count.
+/// TODO: we don't use this in any perf sensitive code paths currently.  There
+/// might be a much faster way to implement this.
+static inline int PopcountNoHw(uint64_t x) {
+  int count = 0;
+  for (; x != 0; ++count)
+    x &= x - 1;
+  return count;
+/// Returns the number of set bits in x
+static inline int Popcount(uint64_t x) {
+  if (LIKELY(CpuInfo::IsSupported(CpuInfo::POPCNT))) {
+    return POPCNT_popcnt_u64(x);
+  } else {
+    return PopcountNoHw(x);
+  }
+  return PopcountNoHw(x);
+// Compute correct population count for various-width signed integers
+template <typename T>
+static inline int PopcountSigned(T v) {
+  // Converting to same-width unsigned then extending preserves the bit pattern.
+  return BitUtil::Popcount(static_cast<typename make_unsigned<T>::type>(v));
+/// Returns the 'num_bits' least-significant bits of 'v'.
+static inline uint64_t TrailingBits(uint64_t v, int num_bits) {
+  if (UNLIKELY(num_bits == 0)) return 0;
+  if (UNLIKELY(num_bits >= 64)) return v;
+  int n = 64 - num_bits;
+  return (v << n) >> n;
+/// Returns ceil(log2(x)).
+/// TODO: this could be faster if we use __builtin_clz.  Fix this if this ever shows up
+/// in a hot path.
+static inline int Log2(uint64_t x) {
+  // DCHECK_GT(x, 0);
+  if (x == 1) return 0;
+  // Compute result = ceil(log2(x))
+  //                = floor(log2(x - 1)) + 1, for x > 1
+  // by finding the position of the most significant bit (1-indexed) of x - 1
+  // (floor(log2(n)) = MSB(n) (0-indexed))
+  --x;
+  int result = 1;
+  while (x >>= 1)
+    ++result;
+  return result;
+/// Swaps the byte order (i.e. endianess)
+static inline int64_t ByteSwap(int64_t value) {
+  return ARROW_BYTE_SWAP64(value);
+static inline uint64_t ByteSwap(uint64_t value) {
+  return static_cast<uint64_t>(ARROW_BYTE_SWAP64(value));
+static inline int32_t ByteSwap(int32_t value) {
+  return ARROW_BYTE_SWAP32(value);
+static inline uint32_t ByteSwap(uint32_t value) {
+  return static_cast<uint32_t>(ARROW_BYTE_SWAP32(value));
+static inline int16_t ByteSwap(int16_t value) {
+  constexpr int16_t m = static_cast<int16_t>(0xff);
+  return static_cast<int16_t>(((value >> 8) & m) | ((value & m) << 8));
+static inline uint16_t ByteSwap(uint16_t value) {
+  return static_cast<uint16_t>(ByteSwap(static_cast<int16_t>(value)));
+/// Write the swapped bytes into dst. Src and st cannot overlap.
+static inline void ByteSwap(void* dst, const void* src, int len) {
+  switch (len) {
+    case 1:
+      *reinterpret_cast<int8_t*>(dst) = *reinterpret_cast<const int8_t*>(src);
+      return;
+    case 2:
+      *reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(dst) = ByteSwap(*reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(src));
+      return;
+    case 4:
+      *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(dst) = ByteSwap(*reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(src));
+      return;
+    case 8:
+      *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(dst) = ByteSwap(*reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(src));
+      return;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  uint8_t* d = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(dst);
+  const uint8_t* s = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src);
+  for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+    d[i] = s[len - i - 1];
+  }
+/// Converts to big endian format (if not already in big endian) from the
+/// machine's native endian format.
+static inline int64_t ToBigEndian(int64_t value) {
+  return ByteSwap(value);
+static inline uint64_t ToBigEndian(uint64_t value) {
+  return ByteSwap(value);
+static inline int32_t ToBigEndian(int32_t value) {
+  return ByteSwap(value);
+static inline uint32_t ToBigEndian(uint32_t value) {
+  return ByteSwap(value);
+static inline int16_t ToBigEndian(int16_t value) {
+  return ByteSwap(value);
+static inline uint16_t ToBigEndian(uint16_t value) {
+  return ByteSwap(value);
+static inline int64_t ToBigEndian(int64_t val) {
+  return val;
+static inline uint64_t ToBigEndian(uint64_t val) {
+  return val;
+static inline int32_t ToBigEndian(int32_t val) {
+  return val;
+static inline uint32_t ToBigEndian(uint32_t val) {
+  return val;
+static inline int16_t ToBigEndian(int16_t val) {
+  return val;
+static inline uint16_t ToBigEndian(uint16_t val) {
+  return val;
+/// Converts from big endian format to the machine's native endian format.
+static inline int64_t FromBigEndian(int64_t value) {
+  return ByteSwap(value);
+static inline uint64_t FromBigEndian(uint64_t value) {
+  return ByteSwap(value);
+static inline int32_t FromBigEndian(int32_t value) {
+  return ByteSwap(value);
+static inline uint32_t FromBigEndian(uint32_t value) {
+  return ByteSwap(value);
+static inline int16_t FromBigEndian(int16_t value) {
+  return ByteSwap(value);
+static inline uint16_t FromBigEndian(uint16_t value) {
+  return ByteSwap(value);
+static inline int64_t FromBigEndian(int64_t val) {
+  return val;
+static inline uint64_t FromBigEndian(uint64_t val) {
+  return val;
+static inline int32_t FromBigEndian(int32_t val) {
+  return val;
+static inline uint32_t FromBigEndian(uint32_t val) {
+  return val;
+static inline int16_t FromBigEndian(int16_t val) {
+  return val;
+static inline uint16_t FromBigEndian(uint16_t val) {
+  return val;
+// Logical right shift for signed integer types
+// This is needed because the C >> operator does arithmetic right shift
+// Negative shift amounts lead to undefined behavior
+template <typename T>
+static T ShiftRightLogical(T v, int shift) {
+  // Conversion to unsigned ensures most significant bits always filled with 0's
+  return static_cast<typename make_unsigned<T>::type>(v) >> shift;
 void BytesToBits(const std::vector<uint8_t>& bytes, uint8_t* bits);
 ARROW_EXPORT Status BytesToBits(const std::vector<uint8_t>&, std::shared_ptr<Buffer>*);

[2/3] arrow git commit: ARROW-1154: [C++] Import miscellaneous computational utility code from parquet-cpp

Posted by
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/util/bpacking.h b/cpp/src/arrow/util/bpacking.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fce5f55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/bpacking.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3342 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+// This file was modified from its original version for inclusion in parquet-cpp.
+// Original source:
+// The original copyright notice follows.
+* This code is released under the
+* Apache License Version 2.0
+* (c) Daniel Lemire 2013
+#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
+namespace arrow {
+inline const uint32_t* unpack1_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30) & 1;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack2_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28) % (1U << 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack3_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (3 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (3 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26) % (1U << 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack4_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24) % (1U << 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack5_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 3)) << (5 - 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (5 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (5 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (5 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22) % (1U << 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack6_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (6 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (6 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (6 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (6 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack7_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 3)) << (7 - 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (7 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (7 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 5)) << (7 - 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (7 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (7 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18) % (1U << 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack8_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack9_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (9 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (9 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 3)) << (9 - 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 7)) << (9 - 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (9 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (9 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (9 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 5)) << (9 - 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack10_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (10 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (10 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (10 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (10 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (10 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (10 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (10 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (10 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack11_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (11 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (11 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 3)) << (11 - 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (11 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 5)) << (11 - 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (11 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 7)) << (11 - 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (11 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 9)) << (11 - 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (11 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack12_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (12 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (12 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (12 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (12 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (12 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (12 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (12 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (12 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack13_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 7)) << (13 - 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (13 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (13 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (13 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 9)) << (13 - 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 3)) << (13 - 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (13 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (13 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 11)) << (13 - 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 5)) << (13 - 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (13 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (13 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack14_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (14 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (14 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (14 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (14 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (14 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (14 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (14 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (14 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (14 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (14 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (14 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (14 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack15_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 13)) << (15 - 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 11)) << (15 - 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 9)) << (15 - 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 7)) << (15 - 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 5)) << (15 - 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 3)) << (15 - 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (15 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (15 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (15 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (15 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (15 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (15 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (15 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (15 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack16_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack17_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (17 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (17 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (17 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (17 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (17 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (17 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (17 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (17 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (17 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 3)) << (17 - 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 5)) << (17 - 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 7)) << (17 - 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 9)) << (17 - 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 11)) << (17 - 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 13)) << (17 - 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13) % (1U << 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 15)) << (17 - 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack18_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (18 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (18 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (18 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (18 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (18 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (18 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (18 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (18 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (18 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (18 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (18 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (18 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (18 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (18 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (18 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (18 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack19_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (19 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (19 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12) % (1U << 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 18)) << (19 - 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 5)) << (19 - 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5) % (1U << 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 11)) << (19 - 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11) % (1U << 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 17)) << (19 - 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (19 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (19 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (19 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 3)) << (19 - 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3) % (1U << 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 9)) << (19 - 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9) % (1U << 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 15)) << (19 - 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (19 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (19 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (19 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (19 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) % (1U << 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 7)) << (19 - 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7) % (1U << 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 13)) << (19 - 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack20_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (20 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (20 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (20 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (20 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (20 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (20 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (20 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (20 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (20 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (20 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (20 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (20 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (20 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (20 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (20 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (20 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack21_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (21 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10) % (1U << 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (21 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 9)) << (21 - 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9) % (1U << 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 19)) << (21 - 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (21 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 18)) << (21 - 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 7)) << (21 - 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7) % (1U << 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 17)) << (21 - 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (21 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (21 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 5)) << (21 - 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5) % (1U << 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 15)) << (21 - 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (21 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (21 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 3)) << (21 - 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3) % (1U << 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 13)) << (21 - 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (21 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (21 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (21 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) % (1U << 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 11)) << (21 - 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack22_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (22 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (22 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (22 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (22 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (22 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (22 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 18)) << (22 - 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (22 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (22 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (22 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (22 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (22 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (22 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (22 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (22 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (22 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 18)) << (22 - 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (22 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (22 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (22 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack23_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 23);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (23 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 5)) << (23 - 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5) % (1U << 23);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 19)) << (23 - 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (23 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (23 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) % (1U << 23);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 15)) << (23 - 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (23 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 23);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (23 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 11)) << (23 - 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (23 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 23);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (23 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 7)) << (23 - 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7) % (1U << 23);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 21)) << (23 - 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (23 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 3)) << (23 - 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3) % (1U << 23);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 17)) << (23 - 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (23 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8) % (1U << 23);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 22)) << (23 - 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 13)) << (23 - 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (23 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 23);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 18)) << (23 - 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 9)) << (23 - 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack24_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (24 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (24 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (24 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (24 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (24 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (24 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (24 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (24 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (24 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (24 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (24 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (24 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (24 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (24 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (24 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (24 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack25_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 25);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 18)) << (25 - 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 11)) << (25 - 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (25 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 25);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 22)) << (25 - 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 15)) << (25 - 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (25 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (25 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) % (1U << 25);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 19)) << (25 - 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (25 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 5)) << (25 - 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5) % (1U << 25);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 23)) << (25 - 23);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (25 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 9)) << (25 - 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (25 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 25);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (25 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 13)) << (25 - 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (25 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6) % (1U << 25);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 24)) << (25 - 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 17)) << (25 - 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (25 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 3)) << (25 - 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3) % (1U << 25);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 21)) << (25 - 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (25 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 7)) << (25 - 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack26_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 26);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (26 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (26 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (26 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (26 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 26);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 22)) << (26 - 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (26 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (26 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (26 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 26);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 24)) << (26 - 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 18)) << (26 - 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (26 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (26 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 26);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (26 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (26 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (26 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (26 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 26);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 22)) << (26 - 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (26 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (26 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (26 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 26);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 24)) << (26 - 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 18)) << (26 - 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (26 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (26 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack27_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 27);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 22)) << (27 - 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 17)) << (27 - 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (27 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 7)) << (27 - 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (27 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 27);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 24)) << (27 - 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 19)) << (27 - 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (27 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 9)) << (27 - 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (27 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4) % (1U << 27);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 26)) << (27 - 26);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 21)) << (27 - 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (27 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 11)) << (27 - 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (27 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (27 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) % (1U << 27);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 23)) << (27 - 23);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 18)) << (27 - 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 13)) << (27 - 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (27 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 3)) << (27 - 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3) % (1U << 27);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 25)) << (27 - 25);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (27 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 15)) << (27 - 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (27 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 5)) << (27 - 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack28_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 28);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 24)) << (28 - 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (28 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (28 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (28 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (28 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (28 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 28);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 24)) << (28 - 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (28 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (28 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (28 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (28 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (28 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 28);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 24)) << (28 - 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (28 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (28 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (28 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (28 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (28 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 28);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 24)) << (28 - 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (28 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (28 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (28 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (28 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (28 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack29_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 29);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 26)) << (29 - 26);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 23)) << (29 - 23);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (29 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 17)) << (29 - 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (29 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 11)) << (29 - 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (29 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 5)) << (29 - 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (29 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2) % (1U << 29);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 28)) << (29 - 28);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 25)) << (29 - 25);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 22)) << (29 - 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 19)) << (29 - 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (29 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 13)) << (29 - 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (29 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 7)) << (29 - 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (29 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (29 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1) % (1U << 29);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 27)) << (29 - 27);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 24)) << (29 - 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 21)) << (29 - 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 18)) << (29 - 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 15)) << (29 - 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (29 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 9)) << (29 - 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (29 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 3)) << (29 - 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack30_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 30);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 28)) << (30 - 28);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 26)) << (30 - 26);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 24)) << (30 - 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 22)) << (30 - 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (30 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 18)) << (30 - 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (30 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (30 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (30 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (30 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (30 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (30 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (30 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (30 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 30);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 28)) << (30 - 28);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 26)) << (30 - 26);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 24)) << (30 - 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 22)) << (30 - 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (30 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 18)) << (30 - 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (30 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (30 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (30 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (30 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (30 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (30 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (30 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (30 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack31_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0) % (1U << 31);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 31);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 30)) << (31 - 30);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 30);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 29)) << (31 - 29);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 29);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 28)) << (31 - 28);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 28);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 27)) << (31 - 27);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 27);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 26)) << (31 - 26);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 26);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 25)) << (31 - 25);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 25);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 24)) << (31 - 24);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 24);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 23)) << (31 - 23);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 23);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 22)) << (31 - 22);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 22);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 21)) << (31 - 21);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 21);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 20)) << (31 - 20);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 20);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 19)) << (31 - 19);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 19);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 18)) << (31 - 18);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 18);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 17)) << (31 - 17);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 17);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 16)) << (31 - 16);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 16);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 15)) << (31 - 15);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 15);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 14)) << (31 - 14);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 14);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 13)) << (31 - 13);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 13);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 12)) << (31 - 12);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 12);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 11)) << (31 - 11);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 11);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 10)) << (31 - 10);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 10);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 9)) << (31 - 9);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 9);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 8)) << (31 - 8);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 8);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 7)) << (31 - 7);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 7);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 6)) << (31 - 6);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 6);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 5)) << (31 - 5);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 5);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 4)) << (31 - 4);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 4);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 3)) << (31 - 3);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 3);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 2)) << (31 - 2);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 2);
+  ++in;
+  *out |= ((*in) % (1U << 1)) << (31 - 1);
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 1);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* unpack32_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  *out = ((*in) >> 0);
+  ++in;
+  out++;
+  return in;
+inline const uint32_t* nullunpacker32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {
+  for (int k = 0; k < 32; ++k) {
+    out[k] = 0;
+  }
+  return in;
+inline int unpack32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out, int batch_size, int num_bits) {
+  batch_size = batch_size / 32 * 32;
+  int num_loops = batch_size / 32;
+  switch (num_bits) {
+    case 0:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = nullunpacker32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack1_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack2_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack3_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 4:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack4_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 5:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack5_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 6:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack6_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 7:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack7_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 8:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack8_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 9:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack9_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 10:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack10_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 11:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack11_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 12:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack12_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 13:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack13_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 14:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack14_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 15:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack15_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 16:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack16_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 17:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack17_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 18:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack18_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 19:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack19_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 20:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack20_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 21:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack21_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 22:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack22_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 23:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack23_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 24:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack24_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 25:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack25_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 26:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack26_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 27:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack27_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 28:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack28_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 29:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack29_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 30:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack30_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 31:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack31_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    case 32:
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
+        in = unpack32_32(in, out + i * 32);
+      break;
+    default:
+      DCHECK(false) << "Unsupported num_bits";
+  }
+  return batch_size;
+};  // namespace arrow
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/util/compiler-util.h b/cpp/src/arrow/util/compiler-util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccbe545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/compiler-util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+// Branch prediction macro hints for GCC
+#ifdef LIKELY
+#undef LIKELY
+#ifdef UNLIKELY
+#undef UNLIKELY
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define LIKELY(expr) expr
+#define UNLIKELY(expr) expr
+#define LIKELY(expr) __builtin_expect(!!(expr), 1)
+#define UNLIKELY(expr) __builtin_expect(!!(expr), 0)
+#define PREFETCH(addr) __builtin_prefetch(addr)
+// macros to disable padding
+// these macros are portable across different compilers and platforms
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define MANUALLY_ALIGNED_STRUCT(alignment) \
+  __pragma(pack(1));                       \
+  struct __declspec(align(alignment))
+#define STRUCT_END(name, size) \
+  __pragma(pack());            \
+  static_assert(sizeof(name) == size, "compiler breaks packing rules")
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+#define MANUALLY_ALIGNED_STRUCT(alignment) \
+  _Pragma("pack(1)") struct __attribute__((aligned(alignment)))
+#define STRUCT_END(name, size) \
+  _Pragma("pack()") static_assert(sizeof(name) == size, "compiler breaks packing rules")
+#error Unknown compiler, please define structure alignment macros
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/util/ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0fc8bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+// From Apache Impala (incubating) as of 2016-01-29.
+#include "arrow/util/cpu-info.h"
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
+using boost::algorithm::contains;
+using boost::algorithm::trim;
+using std::max;
+using std::string;
+namespace arrow {
+bool CpuInfo::initialized_ = false;
+int64_t CpuInfo::hardware_flags_ = 0;
+int64_t CpuInfo::original_hardware_flags_;
+int64_t CpuInfo::cache_sizes_[L3_CACHE + 1];
+int64_t CpuInfo::cycles_per_ms_;
+int CpuInfo::num_cores_ = 1;
+string CpuInfo::model_name_ = "unknown";  // NOLINT
+static std::mutex cpuinfo_mutex;
+static struct {
+  string name;
+  int64_t flag;
+} flag_mappings[] = {
+    {"ssse3", CpuInfo::SSSE3}, {"sse4_1", CpuInfo::SSE4_1}, {"sse4_2", CpuInfo::SSE4_2},
+    {"popcnt", CpuInfo::POPCNT},
+static const int64_t num_flags = sizeof(flag_mappings) / sizeof(flag_mappings[0]);
+// Helper function to parse for hardware flags.
+// values contains a list of space-seperated flags.  check to see if the flags we
+// care about are present.
+// Returns a bitmap of flags.
+int64_t ParseCPUFlags(const string& values) {
+  int64_t flags = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_flags; ++i) {
+    if (contains(values, flag_mappings[i].name)) { flags |= flag_mappings[i].flag; }
+  }
+  return flags;
+void CpuInfo::Init() {
+  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> cpuinfo_lock(cpuinfo_mutex);
+  if (initialized()) { return; }
+  string line;
+  string name;
+  string value;
+  float max_mhz = 0;
+  int num_cores = 0;
+  memset(&cache_sizes_, 0, sizeof(cache_sizes_));
+  // Read from /proc/cpuinfo
+  std::ifstream cpuinfo("/proc/cpuinfo", std::ios::in);
+  while (cpuinfo) {
+    getline(cpuinfo, line);
+    size_t colon = line.find(':');
+    if (colon != string::npos) {
+      name = line.substr(0, colon - 1);
+      value = line.substr(colon + 1, string::npos);
+      trim(name);
+      trim(value);
+      if ("flags") == 0) {
+        hardware_flags_ |= ParseCPUFlags(value);
+      } else if ("cpu MHz") == 0) {
+        // Every core will report a different speed.  We'll take the max, assuming
+        // that when impala is running, the core will not be in a lower power state.
+        // TODO: is there a more robust way to do this, such as
+        // Window's QueryPerformanceFrequency()
+        float mhz = static_cast<float>(atof(value.c_str()));
+        max_mhz = max(mhz, max_mhz);
+      } else if ("processor") == 0) {
+        ++num_cores;
+      } else if ("model name") == 0) {
+        model_name_ = value;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (cpuinfo.is_open()) cpuinfo.close();
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  // On Mac OS X use sysctl() to get the cache sizes
+  size_t len = 0;
+  sysctlbyname("hw.cachesize", NULL, &len, NULL, 0);
+  uint64_t* data = static_cast<uint64_t*>(malloc(len));
+  sysctlbyname("hw.cachesize", data, &len, NULL, 0);
+  DCHECK_GE(len / sizeof(uint64_t), 3);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    cache_sizes_[i] = data[i];
+  }
+  // Provide reasonable default values if no info
+  cache_sizes_[0] = 32 * 1024;    // Level 1: 32k
+  cache_sizes_[1] = 256 * 1024;   // Level 2: 256k
+  cache_sizes_[2] = 3072 * 1024;  // Level 3: 3M
+  // Call sysconf to query for the cache sizes
+  cache_sizes_[0] = sysconf(_SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_SIZE);
+  cache_sizes_[1] = sysconf(_SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_SIZE);
+  cache_sizes_[2] = sysconf(_SC_LEVEL3_CACHE_SIZE);
+  if (max_mhz != 0) {
+    cycles_per_ms_ = static_cast<int64_t>(max_mhz) * 1000;
+  } else {
+    cycles_per_ms_ = 1000000;
+  }
+  original_hardware_flags_ = hardware_flags_;
+  if (num_cores > 0) {
+    num_cores_ = num_cores;
+  } else {
+    num_cores_ = 1;
+  }
+  initialized_ = true;
+void CpuInfo::VerifyCpuRequirements() {
+  if (!CpuInfo::IsSupported(CpuInfo::SSSE3)) {
+    DCHECK(false) << "CPU does not support the Supplemental SSE3 instruction set";
+  }
+void CpuInfo::EnableFeature(int64_t flag, bool enable) {
+  DCHECK(initialized_);
+  if (!enable) {
+    hardware_flags_ &= ~flag;
+  } else {
+    // Can't turn something on that can't be supported
+    DCHECK_NE(original_hardware_flags_ & flag, 0);
+    hardware_flags_ |= flag;
+  }
+int64_t CpuInfo::hardware_flags() {
+  DCHECK(initialized_);
+  return hardware_flags_;
+int64_t CpuInfo::CacheSize(CacheLevel level) {
+  DCHECK(initialized_);
+  return cache_sizes_[level];
+int64_t CpuInfo::cycles_per_ms() {
+  DCHECK(initialized_);
+  return cycles_per_ms_;
+int CpuInfo::num_cores() {
+  DCHECK(initialized_);
+  return num_cores_;
+std::string CpuInfo::model_name() {
+  DCHECK(initialized_);
+  return model_name_;
+}  // namespace arrow
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/util/cpu-info.h b/cpp/src/arrow/util/cpu-info.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06800fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/util/cpu-info.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+// From Apache Impala (incubating) as of 2016-01-29. Pared down to a minimal
+// set of functions needed for Apache Arrow / Apache parquet-cpp
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <string>
+#include "arrow/util/visibility.h"
+namespace arrow {
+/// CpuInfo is an interface to query for cpu information at runtime.  The caller can
+/// ask for the sizes of the caches and what hardware features are supported.
+/// On Linux, this information is pulled from a couple of sys files (/proc/cpuinfo and
+/// /sys/devices)
+class ARROW_EXPORT CpuInfo {
+ public:
+  static const int64_t SSSE3 = (1 << 1);
+  static const int64_t SSE4_1 = (1 << 2);
+  static const int64_t SSE4_2 = (1 << 3);
+  static const int64_t POPCNT = (1 << 4);
+  /// Cache enums for L1 (data), L2 and L3
+  enum CacheLevel {
+    L1_CACHE = 0,
+    L2_CACHE = 1,
+    L3_CACHE = 2,
+  };
+  /// Initialize CpuInfo.
+  static void Init();
+  /// Determine if the CPU meets the minimum CPU requirements and if not, issue an error
+  /// and terminate.
+  static void VerifyCpuRequirements();
+  /// Returns all the flags for this cpu
+  static int64_t hardware_flags();
+  /// Returns whether of not the cpu supports this flag
+  inline static bool IsSupported(int64_t flag) { return (hardware_flags_ & flag) != 0; }
+  /// Toggle a hardware feature on and off.  It is not valid to turn on a feature
+  /// that the underlying hardware cannot support. This is useful for testing.
+  static void EnableFeature(int64_t flag, bool enable);
+  /// Returns the size of the cache in KB at this cache level
+  static int64_t CacheSize(CacheLevel level);
+  /// Returns the number of cpu cycles per millisecond
+  static int64_t cycles_per_ms();
+  /// Returns the number of cores (including hyper-threaded) on this machine.
+  static int num_cores();
+  /// Returns the model name of the cpu (e.g. Intel i7-2600)
+  static std::string model_name();
+  static bool initialized() { return initialized_; }
+ private:
+  static bool initialized_;
+  static int64_t hardware_flags_;
+  static int64_t original_hardware_flags_;
+  static int64_t cache_sizes_[L3_CACHE + 1];
+  static int64_t cycles_per_ms_;
+  static int num_cores_;
+  static std::string model_name_;  // NOLINT
+}  // namespace arrow