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cvs commit: xml-xerces/c/src/util/MsgLoaders/MsgFile MsgLoader.cpp

abagchi     00/02/01 15:42:33

  Added:       c/src/util/MsgLoaders/MsgFile MsgLoader.cpp
  AS/400 related change
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  xml-xerces/c/src/util/MsgLoaders/MsgFile/MsgLoader.cpp
  Index: MsgLoader.cpp
   * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999  All rights reserved.
   * US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or
   * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
   * The program is provided "as is" without any warranty express or
   * implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
   * warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
   * IBM will not be liable for any damages suffered by you as a result
   * of using the Program. In no event will IBM be liable for any
   * special, indirect or consequential damages or lost profits even if
   * IBM has been advised of the possibility of their occurrence. IBM
   * will not be liable for any third party claims against you.
   * @version Revision:  01 1.2 src/com/ibm/xml/util/MsgLoaders/MsgCatalog/MsgCatalogLoader.cpp, xml4c3Utils, xml4c3 
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Includes
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #include <util/XML4CDefs.hpp>
  #include <util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
  #include <util/XMLMsgLoader.hpp>
  #include <util/XMLString.hpp>
  #include <util/XMLUni.hpp>
  #include "MsgLoader.hpp"
  #include "XMLMessages.h"
  #include <locale.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <qmhrtvm.h>
  #include <qusec.h>
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Public Constructors and Destructor
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  MsgCatalogLoader::MsgCatalogLoader(const XMLCh* const msgDomain) :
      , fMsgDomain(0)
      fMsgDomain = XMLString::replicate(msgDomain);
      delete fMsgDomain;
  char* PackingRepText(const char * const repText1,
  		     const char * const repText2,
  		     const char * const repText3,
  		     const char * const repText4,
  		     int& totalsize)
      short sizes[4];
      char* reps[4];
      char *buffer;		// Allocate just what we need
      char* anchor;
      char temp[2];
      reps[0] = (char*)repText1;
      reps[1] = (char*)repText2;
      reps[2] = (char*)repText3;
      reps[3] = (char*)repText4;
      int count = 0;
      for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
  	if(reps[i] != NULL)
  	{				// Collect all the sizes and count how many we've got
  	    sizes[i] = strlen(reps[i]);
              totalsize += sizes[i]+2;
      buffer = (char*)malloc(totalsize);		// Allocate just what we need
      anchor = buffer;
      for(i = 0; i < count; i++)		// Stuff everything into the buffer
  	memcpy(buffer, (void *)&sizes[i], sizeof(short));
  	buffer += sizeof(short);
  	memcpy(buffer, reps[i], sizes[i]);
  	buffer += sizes[i];
      return anchor;		// This guy is still holding the beginning of the buffer
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Implementation of the local retrieve message
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  bool localMsg(char * msgId
                              ,       XMLCh* const            toFill
                              , const unsigned long           maxChars
  			    ,		char*		    repTexts
  			    ,		int		    size)
      typedef _Packed struct {
  	Qmh_Rtvm_RTVM0100_t mdata;        /* Basic Message Data                  */
  	char                mtext[1024];  /* Kind of arbitrary, enough?      */
      } MyMessage_t;
      /* Information about the message that we're going to retrieve               */
      char         msgformat[9]  = "RTVM0100";
      char         msgfile[21]   = "QXMLMSG   *LIBL     ";
      char	 *msgsubstdta  = repTexts;		// ??
      int	  msgsubstlen = 0;
  	msgsubstlen = size;  //strlen(repTexts);	// ??
      char         msgsubst[11]  = "*YES      ";
      char         msgfmtctl[11] = "*NO       ";
      Qus_EC_t     errorcode;
      MyMessage_t  message;                 /* message we'll retrieve        */
    memset(&errorcode, 0, sizeof(errorcode));    /* Clear the error area   */
    errorcode.Bytes_Provided = sizeof(errorcode);/* Init the error code    */
    memset(&message, 0, sizeof(message.mdata));  /* Clear the message area */
    message.mtext[0]='\0';                       /* Null Text String       */
    int len = sizeof(message);
    for(int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
        message.mtext[i] = '\0';
    QMHRTVM( &message, len, msgformat, msgId,
             msgfile, msgsubstdta, msgsubstlen, msgsubst, msgfmtctl, &errorcode);  /*,
  	   "*MSGID    ", 1200, 1200);  */
                                           /* The error message should now be stored in message.mtext */
  					 /* with the CCSID 1200					    */
  //    char msgString[100];
  //    char* catMessage = catgets( fCatalogHandle, msgSet, (int)msgToLoad, msgString);
      XMLString::copyString((XMLCh*)toFill,  XMLString::transcode(message.mtext));
      return true;
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Implementation of the virtual message loader API
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  bool MsgCatalogLoader::loadMsg(const  XMLMsgLoader::XMLMsgId  msgToLoad
                              ,       XMLCh* const            toFill
                              , const unsigned long           maxChars)
      char * msgId;
      char * repTexts = NULL;
      int size = 0;
      if (!XMLString::compareString(fMsgDomain, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain))
  	if(msgToLoad < 7)	// Warning messages
  	    msgId = Warnings[msgToLoad - 2];
  	else			// Fatal Errors
  	    msgId = Errors[msgToLoad - 9];
      else if (!XMLString::compareString(fMsgDomain, XMLUni::fgExceptDomain))
          msgId = Exceptions[msgToLoad - 2];
      else if (!XMLString::compareString(fMsgDomain, XMLUni::fgValidityDomain))
  	msgId = Invalid[msgToLoad - 2];
      if (!localMsg(msgId, toFill, maxChars, repTexts, size))
          return false;
      return true;
  bool MsgCatalogLoader::loadMsg(const  XMLMsgLoader::XMLMsgId  msgToLoad
                              ,       XMLCh* const            toFill
                              , const unsigned long           maxChars
                              , const char* const            repText1
                              , const char* const            repText2
                              , const char* const            repText3
                              , const char* const            repText4)
      char * msgId;
      int size=0;
      char* repTexts = PackingRepText(repText1, repText2, repText3, repText4, size);
      if (!XMLString::compareString(fMsgDomain, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain))
  	if(msgToLoad < 7)
  	    msgId = Warnings[msgToLoad - 2];
  	    msgId = Errors[msgToLoad - 9];
      else if (!XMLString::compareString(fMsgDomain, XMLUni::fgExceptDomain))
          msgId = Exceptions[msgToLoad - 2];
      else if (!XMLString::compareString(fMsgDomain, XMLUni::fgValidityDomain))
  	msgId = Invalid[msgToLoad - 2];
      // Call the other version to load up the message
      if (!localMsg(msgId, toFill, maxChars, repTexts, size))
          return false;
      return true;
  bool MsgCatalogLoader::loadMsg(const  XMLMsgLoader::XMLMsgId  msgToLoad
                              ,       XMLCh* const            toFill
                              , const unsigned long           maxChars
                              , const XMLCh* const             repText1
                              , const XMLCh* const             repText2
                              , const XMLCh* const             repText3
                              , const XMLCh* const             repText4)
      //  Transcode the provided parameters and call the other version,
      //  which will do the replacement work.
      char* tmp1 = 0;
      char* tmp2 = 0;
      char* tmp3 = 0;
      char* tmp4 = 0;
      bool bRet = false;
      if (repText1)
          tmp1 = XMLString::transcode(repText1);
      if (repText2)
          tmp2 = XMLString::transcode(repText2);
      if (repText3)
          tmp3 = XMLString::transcode(repText3);
      if (repText4)
          tmp4 = XMLString::transcode(repText4);
      bRet = loadMsg(msgToLoad, toFill, maxChars, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4);
      if (tmp1)
          delete [] tmp1;
      if (tmp2)
          delete [] tmp2;
      if (tmp3)
          delete [] tmp3;
      if (tmp4)
          delete [] tmp4;
      return bRet;