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[5/8] qpid-dispatch git commit: DISPATCH-1049 Add console tests
diff --git a/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrChartService.js b/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrChartService.js
index 574ea07..fc53520 100644
--- a/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrChartService.js
+++ b/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrChartService.js
@@ -16,844 +16,825 @@ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 specific language governing permissions and limitations
 under the License.
-'use strict';
 /* global angular d3 c3 */
- * @module QDR
- */
-var QDR = (function(QDR) {
-  // The QDR chart service handles periodic gathering data for charts and displaying the charts
-  QDR.module.factory('QDRChartService', ['QDRService',
-    function(QDRService) {
-      let instance = 0; // counter for chart instances
-      let bases = [];
-      var findBase = function(name, attr, request) {
-        for (let i = 0; i < bases.length; ++i) {
-          let base = bases[i];
-          if (base.equals(name, attr, request))
-            return base;
-        }
-        return null;
-      };
-      function ChartBase(name, attr, request) {
-        // the base chart attributes
- = name; // the record's "name" field
-        this.attr = attr; // the record's attr field to chart
-        this.request = request; // the associated request that fetches the data
-        // copy the savable properties to an object
-        this.copyProps = function(o) {
- =;
-          o.attr = this.attr;
-          this.request.copyProps(o);
-        };
-        this.equals = function(name, attr, request) {
-          return ( == name && this.attr == attr && this.request.equals(request));
-        };
+import { QDRLogger } from './qdrGlobals.js';
+let instance = 0,
+  bases = [];
+class ChartBase {
+  constructor(name, attr, request) {
+    // the base chart attributes
+ = name; // the record's "name" field
+    this.attr = attr; // the record's attr field to chart
+    this.request = request; // the associated request that fetches the data
+    // copy the savable properties to an object
+    this.copyProps = function (o) {
+ =;
+      o.attr = this.attr;
+      this.request.copyProps(o);
+    };
+    this.equals = function (name, attr, request) {
+      return ( == name && this.attr == attr && this.request.equals(request));
+    };
+  }
+// Object that represents a visible chart
+// There can be multiple of these per ChartBase (eg. one rate  and one value chart)
+class Chart {
+  constructor(opts, request, QDRService, QDRChartService) {
+    var findBase = function (name, attr, request) {
+      for (let i = 0; i < bases.length; ++i) {
+        let base = bases[i];
+        if (base.equals(name, attr, request))
+          return base;
-      // Object that represents a visible chart
-      // There can be multiple of these per ChartBase (eg. one rate  and one value chart)
-      function Chart(opts, request) { //name, attr, cinstance, request) {
-        let base = findBase(, opts.attr, request);
-        if (!base) {
-          base = new ChartBase(, opts.attr, request);
-          bases.push(base);
+      return null;
+    };
+    let base = findBase(, opts.attr, request);
+    if (!base) {
+      base = new ChartBase(, opts.attr, request);
+      bases.push(base);
+    }
+    this.base = base;
+    this.QDRService = QDRService;
+    this.QDRChartService = QDRChartService;
+    this.instance = angular.isDefined(opts.instance) ? opts.instance : ++instance;
+    this.dashboard = false; // is this chart on the dashboard page
+    this.hdash = false; // is this chart on the hawtio dashboard page
+    this.hreq = false; // has this hdash chart been requested
+    this.type = opts.type ? opts.type : 'value'; // value or rate
+    this.rateWindow = opts.rateWindow ? opts.rateWindow : 1000; // calculate the rate of change over this time interval. higher == smother graph
+    this.areaColor = '#32b9f3'; // the chart's area color when not an empty string
+    this.lineColor = '#058dc7'; // the chart's line color when not an empty string
+    this.visibleDuration = opts.visibleDuration ? opts.visibleDuration : opts.type === 'rate' ? 0.25 : 1; // number of minutes of data to show (<= base.duration)
+    this.userTitle = null; // user title overrides title()
+    this.hideLabel = opts.hideLabel;
+    this.hideLegend = opts.hideLegend;
+    // generate a unique id for this chart
+ = function () {
+      let name =;
+      let nameparts = name.split('/');
+      if (nameparts.length == 2)
+        name = nameparts[1];
+      let key = this.QDRService.utilities.nameFromId(this.request().nodeId) + this.request().entity + name + this.attr() + '_' + this.instance + '_' + (this.request().aggregate ? '1' : '0');
+      // remove all characters except letters,numbers, and _
+      return key.replace(/[^\w]/gi, '');
+    };
+    // copy the savable properties to an object
+    this.copyProps = function (o) {
+      o.type = this.type;
+      o.rateWindow = this.rateWindow;
+      o.areaColor = this.areaColor;
+      o.lineColor = this.lineColor;
+      o.visibleDuration = this.visibleDuration;
+      o.userTitle = this.userTitle;
+      o.dashboard = this.dashboard;
+      o.hdash = this.hdash;
+      o.instance = this.instance;
+      this.base.copyProps(o);
+    };
+ = function (_) {
+      if (!arguments.length)
+        return;
+ = _;
+      return this;
+    };
+    this.attr = function (_) {
+      if (!arguments.length)
+        return this.base.attr;
+      this.base.attr = _;
+      return this;
+    };
+    this.nodeId = function (_) {
+      if (!arguments.length)
+        return this.base.request.nodeId;
+      this.base.request.nodeId = _;
+      return this;
+    };
+    this.entity = function (_) {
+      if (!arguments.length)
+        return this.base.request.entity;
+      this.base.request.entity = _;
+      return this;
+    };
+    this.aggregate = function (_) {
+      if (!arguments.length)
+        return this.base.request.aggregate;
+      this.base.request.aggregate = _;
+      return this;
+    };
+    this.request = function (_) {
+      if (!arguments.length)
+        return this.base.request;
+      this.base.request = _;
+      return this;
+    };
+ = function () {
+      return, this.base.attr); // refernce to chart's data array
+    };
+    this.interval = function (_) {
+      if (!arguments.length)
+        return this.base.request.interval;
+      this.base.request.interval = _;
+      return this;
+    };
+    this.duration = function (_) {
+      if (!arguments.length)
+        return this.base.request.duration;
+      this.base.request.duration = _;
+      return this;
+    };
+    this.router = function () {
+      return this.QDRService.utilities.nameFromId(this.nodeId());
+    };
+    this.title = function (_) {
+      let name = this.request().aggregate ? 'Aggregate' : this.QDRService.utilities.nameFromId(this.nodeId());
+      let computed = name +
+              ' ' + this.QDRService.utilities.humanify(this.attr()) +
+              ' - ' +;
+      if (!arguments.length)
+        return this.userTitle || computed;
+      // don't store computed title in userTitle
+      if (_ === computed)
+        _ = null;
+      this.userTitle = _;
+      return this;
+    };
+    this.title_short = function () {
+      if (!arguments.length)
+        return this.userTitle ||;
+      return this;
+    };
+    this.copy = function () {
+      let chart = this.QDRChartService.registerChart({
+        nodeId: this.nodeId(),
+        entity: this.entity(),
+        name:,
+        attr: this.attr(),
+        interval: this.interval(),
+        forceCreate: true,
+        aggregate: this.aggregate(),
+        hdash: this.hdash
+      });
+      chart.type = this.type;
+      chart.areaColor = this.areaColor;
+      chart.lineColor = this.lineColor;
+      chart.rateWindow = this.rateWindow;
+      chart.visibleDuration = this.visibleDuration;
+      chart.userTitle = this.userTitle;
+      return chart;
+    };
+    // compare to a chart
+    this.equals = function (c) {
+      return (c.instance == this.instance &&
+              c.base.equals(, this.base.attr, this.base.request) &&
+              c.type == this.type &&
+              c.rateWindow == this.rateWindow &&
+              c.areaColor == this.areaColor &&
+              c.lineColor == this.lineColor);
+    };
+  }
+// Object that represents the management request to fetch and store data for multiple charts
+class ChartRequest {
+  constructor(opts) {
+    this.duration = opts.duration || 10; // number of minutes to keep the data
+    this.nodeId = opts.nodeId; // eg amqp:/_topo/0/QDR.A/$management
+    this.entity = opts.entity; // eg .router.address
+    // sorted since the responses will always be sorted
+    this.aggregate = opts.aggregate; // list of nodeIds for aggregate charts
+    this.datum = {}; // object containing array of arrays for each attr
+    // like {attr1: [[date,value],[date,value]...], attr2: [[date,value]...]}
+    this.interval = opts.interval || 1000; // number of milliseconds between updates to data
+    this.setTimeoutHandle = null; // used to cancel the next request
+    // allow override of normal request's management call to get data
+    this.override = opts.override; // call this instead of internal function to retreive data
+    this.overrideAttrs = opts.overrideAttrs;
+ = function (name, attr) {
+      if (this.datum[name] && this.datum[name][attr])
+        return this.datum[name][attr];
+      return null;
+    };
+    this.addAttrName = function (name, attr) {
+      if (Object.keys(this.datum).indexOf(name) == -1) {
+        this.datum[name] = {};
+      }
+      if (Object.keys(this.datum[name]).indexOf(attr) == -1) {
+        this.datum[name][attr] = [];
+      }
+    };
+    this.addAttrName(, opts.attr);
+    this.copyProps = function (o) {
+      o.nodeId = this.nodeId;
+      o.entity = this.entity;
+      o.interval = this.interval;
+      o.aggregate = this.aggregate;
+      o.duration = this.duration;
+    };
+    this.removeAttr = function (name, attr) {
+      if (this.datum[name]) {
+        if (this.datum[name][attr]) {
+          delete this.datum[name][attr];
-        this.base = base;
-        this.instance = angular.isDefined(opts.instance) ? opts.instance : ++instance;
-        this.dashboard = false; // is this chart on the dashboard page
-        this.hdash = false; // is this chart on the hawtio dashboard page
-        this.hreq = false; // has this hdash chart been requested
-        this.type = opts.type ? opts.type : 'value'; // value or rate
-        this.rateWindow = opts.rateWindow ? opts.rateWindow : 1000; // calculate the rate of change over this time interval. higher == smother graph
-        this.areaColor = '#32b9f3'; // the chart's area color when not an empty string
-        this.lineColor = '#058dc7'; // the chart's line color when not an empty string
-        this.visibleDuration = opts.visibleDuration ? opts.visibleDuration : opts.type === 'rate' ? 0.25 : 1; // number of minutes of data to show (<= base.duration)
-        this.userTitle = null; // user title overrides title()
-        this.hideLabel = opts.hideLabel;
-        this.hideLegend = opts.hideLegend;
-        // generate a unique id for this chart
- = function() {
-          let name =;
-          let nameparts = name.split('/');
-          if (nameparts.length == 2)
-            name = nameparts[1];
-          let key = + this.request().entity + name + this.attr() + '_' + this.instance + '_' + (this.request().aggregate ? '1' : '0');
-          // remove all characters except letters,numbers, and _
-          return key.replace(/[^\w]/gi, '');
-        };
-        // copy the savable properties to an object
-        this.copyProps = function(o) {
-          o.type = this.type;
-          o.rateWindow = this.rateWindow;
-          o.areaColor = this.areaColor;
-          o.lineColor = this.lineColor;
-          o.visibleDuration = this.visibleDuration;
-          o.userTitle = this.userTitle;
-          o.dashboard = this.dashboard;
-          o.hdash = this.hdash;
-          o.instance = this.instance;
-          this.base.copyProps(o);
-        };
- = function(_) {
-          if (!arguments.length) return;
- = _;
-          return this;
-        };
-        this.attr = function(_) {
-          if (!arguments.length) return this.base.attr;
-          this.base.attr = _;
-          return this;
-        };
-        this.nodeId = function(_) {
-          if (!arguments.length) return this.base.request.nodeId;
-          this.base.request.nodeId = _;
-          return this;
-        };
-        this.entity = function(_) {
-          if (!arguments.length) return this.base.request.entity;
-          this.base.request.entity = _;
-          return this;
-        };
-        this.aggregate = function(_) {
-          if (!arguments.length) return this.base.request.aggregate;
-          this.base.request.aggregate = _;
-          return this;
-        };
-        this.request = function(_) {
-          if (!arguments.length) return this.base.request;
-          this.base.request = _;
-          return this;
-        };
- = function() {
-          return, this.base.attr); // refernce to chart's data array
-        };
-        this.interval = function(_) {
-          if (!arguments.length) return this.base.request.interval;
-          this.base.request.interval = _;
-          return this;
-        };
-        this.duration = function(_) {
-          if (!arguments.length) return this.base.request.duration;
-          this.base.request.duration = _;
-          return this;
-        };
-        this.router = function () {
-          return;
-        };
-        this.title = function(_) {
-          let name = this.request().aggregate ? 'Aggregate' :;
-          let computed = name +
-            ' ' + QDRService.utilities.humanify(this.attr()) +
-            ' - ' +;
-          if (!arguments.length) return this.userTitle || computed;
-          // don't store computed title in userTitle
-          if (_ === computed)
-            _ = null;
-          this.userTitle = _;
-          return this;
-        };
-        this.title_short = function() {
-          if (!arguments.length) return this.userTitle ||;
-          return this;
-        };
-        this.copy = function() {
-          let chart = self.registerChart({
-            nodeId: this.nodeId(),
-            entity: this.entity(),
-            name:,
-            attr: this.attr(),
-            interval: this.interval(),
-            forceCreate: true,
-            aggregate: this.aggregate(),
-            hdash: this.hdash
-          });
-          chart.type = this.type;
-          chart.areaColor = this.areaColor;
-          chart.lineColor = this.lineColor;
-          chart.rateWindow = this.rateWindow;
-          chart.visibleDuration = this.visibleDuration;
-          chart.userTitle = this.userTitle;
-          return chart;
-        };
-        // compare to a chart
-        this.equals = function(c) {
-          return (c.instance == this.instance &&
-            c.base.equals(, this.base.attr, this.base.request) &&
-            c.type == this.type &&
-            c.rateWindow == this.rateWindow &&
-            c.areaColor == this.areaColor &&
-            c.lineColor == this.lineColor);
-        };
-      // Object that represents the management request to fetch and store data for multiple charts
-      function ChartRequest(opts) { //nodeId, entity, name, attr, interval, aggregate) {
-        this.duration = opts.duration || 10; // number of minutes to keep the data
-        this.nodeId = opts.nodeId; // eg amqp:/_topo/0/QDR.A/$management
-        this.entity = opts.entity; // eg .router.address
-        // sorted since the responses will always be sorted
-        this.aggregate = opts.aggregate; // list of nodeIds for aggregate charts
-        this.datum = {}; // object containing array of arrays for each attr
-        // like {attr1: [[date,value],[date,value]...], attr2: [[date,value]...]}
-        this.interval = opts.interval || 1000; // number of milliseconds between updates to data
-        this.setTimeoutHandle = null; // used to cancel the next request
-        // allow override of normal request's management call to get data
-        this.override = opts.override; // call this instead of internal function to retreive data
-        this.overrideAttrs = opts.overrideAttrs;
- = function(name, attr) {
-          if (this.datum[name] && this.datum[name][attr])
-            return this.datum[name][attr];
-          return null;
-        };
-        this.addAttrName = function(name, attr) {
-          if (Object.keys(this.datum).indexOf(name) == -1) {
-            this.datum[name] = {};
-          }
-          if (Object.keys(this.datum[name]).indexOf(attr) == -1) {
-            this.datum[name][attr] = [];
-          }
-        };
-        this.addAttrName(, opts.attr);
-        this.copyProps = function(o) {
-          o.nodeId = this.nodeId;
-          o.entity = this.entity;
-          o.interval = this.interval;
-          o.aggregate = this.aggregate;
-          o.duration = this.duration;
-        };
-        this.removeAttr = function(name, attr) {
-          if (this.datum[name]) {
-            if (this.datum[name][attr]) {
-              delete this.datum[name][attr];
-            }
-          }
-          return this.attrs().length;
-        };
-        this.equals = function(r, entity, aggregate) {
-          if (arguments.length == 3) {
-            let o = {
-              nodeId: r,
-              entity: entity,
-              aggregate: aggregate
-            };
-            r = o;
-          }
-          return (this.nodeId === r.nodeId && this.entity === r.entity && this.aggregate == r.aggregate);
-        };
-        this.names = function() {
-          return Object.keys(this.datum);
-        };
-        this.attrs = function() {
-          let attrs = {};
-          Object.keys(this.datum).forEach(function(name) {
-            Object.keys(this.datum[name]).forEach(function(attr) {
-              attrs[attr] = 1;
-            });
-          }, this);
-          return Object.keys(attrs);
-        };
+      return this.attrs().length;
+    };
+    this.equals = function (r, entity, aggregate) {
+      if (arguments.length == 3) {
+        let o = {
+          nodeId: r,
+          entity: entity,
+          aggregate: aggregate
+        };
+        r = o;
-      // Below here are the properties and methods available on QDRChartService
-      let self = {
-        charts: [], // list of charts to gather data for
-        chartRequests: [], // the management request info (multiple charts can be driven off of a single request
-        init: function() {
-          self.loadCharts();
- {
-            self.charts.forEach(function(chart) {
-              self.unRegisterChart(chart, true);
-            });
-  ;
-          });
-        },
-        findChartRequest: function(nodeId, entity, aggregate) {
-          let ret = null;
-          self.chartRequests.some(function(request) {
-            if (request.equals(nodeId, entity, aggregate)) {
-              ret = request;
-              return true;
-            }
-          });
-          return ret;
-        },
-        findCharts: function(opts) { //name, attr, nodeId, entity, hdash) {
-          if (!opts.hdash)
-            opts.hdash = false; // rather than undefined
-          return self.charts.filter(function(chart) {
-            return ( == &&
-              chart.attr() == opts.attr &&
-              chart.nodeId() == opts.nodeId &&
-              chart.entity() == opts.entity &&
-              chart.hdash == opts.hdash);
-          });
-        },
-        delChartRequest: function(request) {
-          for (let i = 0; i < self.chartRequests.length; ++i) {
-            let r = self.chartRequests[i];
-            if (request.equals(r)) {
-              QDR.log.debug('removed request: ' + request.nodeId + ' ' + request.entity);
-              self.chartRequests.splice(i, 1);
-              self.stopCollecting(request);
-              return;
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        delChart: function(chart, skipSave) {
-          let foundBases = 0;
-          for (let i = 0; i < self.charts.length; ++i) {
-            let c = self.charts[i];
-            if (c.base === chart.base)
-              ++foundBases;
-            if (c.equals(chart)) {
-              self.charts.splice(i, 1);
-              if (chart.dashboard && !skipSave)
-                self.saveCharts();
-            }
-          }
-          if (foundBases == 1) {
-            let baseIndex = bases.indexOf(chart.base);
-            bases.splice(baseIndex, 1);
-          }
-        },
-        createChart: function (opts, request) {
-          return new Chart(opts, request);
-        },
-        createChartRequest: function (opts) {
-          let request = new ChartRequest(opts); //nodeId, entity, name, attr, interval, aggregate);
-          request.creationTimestamp =;
-          self.chartRequests.push(request);
-          self.startCollecting(request);
-          self.sendChartRequest(request, true);
-          return request;
-        },
-        destroyChartRequest: function (request) {
-          self.stopCollecting(request);
-          self.delChartRequest(request);
-        },
-        registerChart: function(opts) { //nodeId, entity, name, attr, interval, instance, forceCreate, aggregate, hdash) {
-          let request = self.findChartRequest(opts.nodeId, opts.entity, opts.aggregate);
-          if (request) {
-            // add any new attr or name to the list
-            request.addAttrName(, opts.attr);
-          } else {
-            // the nodeId/entity did not already exist, so add a new request and chart
-            QDR.log.debug('added new request: ' + opts.nodeId + ' ' + opts.entity);
-            request = self.createChartRequest(opts);
-          }
-          let charts = self.findCharts(opts); //name, attr, nodeId, entity, hdash);
-          let chart;
-          if (charts.length == 0 || opts.forceCreate) {
-            if (!opts.use_instance && opts.instance)
-              delete opts.instance;
-            chart = new Chart(opts, request); //, opts.attr, opts.instance, request);
-            self.charts.push(chart);
-          } else {
-            chart = charts[0];
-          }
-          return chart;
-        },
-        // remove the chart for name/attr
-        // if all attrs are gone for this request, remove the request
-        unRegisterChart: function(chart, skipSave) {
-          // remove the chart
-          // TODO: how do we remove charts that were added to the hawtio dashboard but then removed?
-          // We don't get a notification that they were removed. Instead, we could just stop sending
-          // the request in the background and only send the request when the chart's tick() event is triggered
-          //if (chart.hdash) {
-          //  chart.dashboard = false;
-          //  self.saveCharts();
-          //    return;
-          //}
-          for (let i = 0; i < self.charts.length; ++i) {
-            let c = self.charts[i];
-            if (chart.equals(c)) {
-              let request = chart.request();
-              self.delChart(chart, skipSave);
-              if (request) {
-                // see if any other charts use this attr
-                for (let j = 0; j < self.charts.length; ++j) {
-                  let ch = self.charts[j];
-                  if (ch.attr() == chart.attr() && ch.request().equals(chart.request()))
-                    return;
-                }
-                // no other charts use this attr, so remove it
-                if (request.removeAttr(, chart.attr()) == 0) {
-                  self.destroyChartRequest(request);
-                }
-              }
+      return (this.nodeId === r.nodeId && this.entity === r.entity && this.aggregate == r.aggregate);
+    };
+    this.names = function () {
+      return Object.keys(this.datum);
+    };
+    this.attrs = function () {
+      let attrs = {};
+      Object.keys(this.datum).forEach(function (name) {
+        Object.keys(this.datum[name]).forEach(function (attr) {
+          attrs[attr] = 1;
+        });
+      }, this);
+      return Object.keys(attrs);
+    };
+  }
+class AreaChart {
+  constructor(chart, chartId, defer, width, QDRService) {
+    if (!chart)
+      return;
+    this.QDRService = QDRService;
+    // reference to underlying chart
+    this.chart = chart;
+    // if this is an aggregate chart, show it stacked
+    this.stacked = chart.request().aggregate;
+    // the id of the html element that is bound to the chart. The svg will be a child of this
+    this.htmlId = chartId;
+    this.colorMap = {};
+    if (!defer)
+      this.generate(width);
+  }
+  // create the svg and bind it to the given
+  generate (width) {
+    let chart = this.chart;  // for access during chart callbacks
+    let self = this;
+    // an array of 10 colors
+    let colors = d3.scale.category10().range();
+    // list of router names. used to get the color index
+    let nameList =;
+    for (let i=0; i<nameList.length; i++) {
+      this.colorMap[nameList[i]] = colors[i % 10];
+    }
+    let nodeName = this.QDRService.utilities.nameFromId(this.chart.base.request.nodeId);
+    this.colorMap[nodeName] = this.chart.areaColor;
+    let c3ChartDefaults = $().c3ChartDefaults();
+    let singleAreaChartConfig = c3ChartDefaults.getDefaultSingleAreaConfig();
+    singleAreaChartConfig.bindto = '#' + this.htmlId;
+    singleAreaChartConfig.size = {
+      width: width || 400,
+      height: 200
+    };
+ = {
+      x: 'x',           // x-axis is named x
+      columns: [[]],
+      type: 'area-spline'
+    };
+    singleAreaChartConfig.axis = {
+      x: {
+        type: 'timeseries',
+        tick: {
+          format: (function (d) {
+            let data =;
+            let first = data[0]['values'][0].x;
+            if (d - first == 0) {
+              return d3.timeFormat('%I:%M:%S')(d);
-          }
-          if (!skipSave)
-            self.saveCharts();
-        },
-        stopCollecting: function(request) {
-          if (request.setTimeoutHandle) {
-            clearInterval(request.setTimeoutHandle);
-            request.setTimeoutHandle = null;
-          }
-        },
-        startCollecting: function(request) {
-          request.setTimeoutHandle = setInterval(self.sendChartRequest, request.interval, request);
-        },
-        shouldRequest: function() {
-          // see if any of the charts associated with this request have either dialog, dashboard, or hreq
-          return self.charts.some(function(chart) {
-            return (chart.dashboard || chart.hreq) || (!chart.dashboard && !chart.hdash);
-          });
-        },
-        // send the request
-        sendChartRequest: function(request) {
-          if (request.busy)
-            return;
-          if (self.charts.length > 0 && !self.shouldRequest(request)) {
-            return;
-          }
-          // ensure the response has the name field so we can associate the response values with the correct chart
-          let attrs = request.attrs();
-          if (attrs.indexOf('name') == -1)
-            attrs.push('name');
-          // this is called when the response is received
-          var saveResponse = function(nodeId, entity, response) {
-            request.busy = false;
-            if (!response || !response.attributeNames)
-              return;
-            //QDR.log.debug("got chart results for " + nodeId + " " + entity);
-            // records is an array that has data for all names
-            let records = response.results;
-            if (!records)
-              return;
+            return d3.timeFormat('%M:%S')(d);
+          }).bind(this),
+          culling: {max: 4}
+        }
+      },
+      y: {
+        tick: {
+          format: function (d) { return d<1 ? d3.format('.2f')(d) : d3.format('.2s')(d); },
+          count: 5
+        }
+      }
+    };
-            let now = new Date();
-            let cutOff = new Date(now.getTime() - request.duration * 60 * 1000);
-            // index of the "name" attr in the response
-            let nameIndex = response.attributeNames.indexOf('name');
-            if (nameIndex < 0)
-              return;
+    if (!chart.hideLabel) {
+      singleAreaChartConfig.axis.x.label = {
+        text:,
+        position: 'outer-right'
+      };
-            let names = request.names();
-            // for each record returned, find the name/attr for this request and save the data with this timestamp
-            for (let i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) {
-              let name = records[i][nameIndex];
-              // if we want to store the values for some attrs for this name
-              if (names.indexOf(name) > -1) {
-                attrs.forEach(function(attr) {
-                  let attrIndex = response.attributeNames.indexOf(attr);
-                  if (records[i][attrIndex] !== undefined) {
-                    let data =, attr); // get a reference to the data array
-                    if (data) {
-                      if (request.aggregate) {
-                        data.push([now, response.aggregates[i][attrIndex].sum, response.aggregates[i][attrIndex].detail]);
-                      } else {
-                        data.push([now, records[i][attrIndex]]);
-                      }
-                      // expire the old data
-                      while (data[0][0] < cutOff) {
-                        data.shift();
-                      }
-                    }
-                  }
-                });
-              }
-            }
-          };
-          request.busy = true;
-          // check for override of request
-          if (request.override) {
-            request.override(request, saveResponse);
-          } else {
-            // send the appropriate request
-            if (request.aggregate) {
-              let nodeList =;
-    , request.entity, attrs, saveResponse, request.nodeId);
-            } else {
-    , request.entity, attrs, saveResponse);
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        numCharts: function() {
-          return self.charts.filter(function(chart) {
-            return chart.dashboard;
-          }).length;
-          //return self.charts.length;
-        },
-        isAttrCharted: function(nodeId, entity, name, attr, aggregate) {
-          let charts = self.findCharts({
-            name: name,
-            attr: attr,
-            nodeId: nodeId,
-            entity: entity
-          });
-          // if any of the matching charts are on the dashboard page, return true
-          return charts.some(function(chart) {
-            return (chart.dashboard && (aggregate ? chart.aggregate() : !chart.aggregate()));
-          });
-        },
-        addHDash: function(chart) {
-          chart.hdash = true;
-          self.saveCharts();
-        },
-        delHDash: function(chart) {
-          chart.hdash = false;
-          self.saveCharts();
-        },
-        addDashboard: function(chart) {
-          chart.dashboard = true;
-          self.saveCharts();
-        },
-        delDashboard: function(chart) {
-          chart.dashboard = false;
-          self.saveCharts();
-        },
-        // save the charts to local storage
-        saveCharts: function() {
-          let minCharts = [];
-          self.charts.forEach(function(chart) {
-            let minChart = {};
-            // don't save chart unless it is on the dashboard
-            if (chart.dashboard || chart.hdash) {
-              chart.copyProps(minChart);
-              minCharts.push(minChart);
-            }
-          });
-          localStorage['QDRCharts'] = angular.toJson(minCharts);
-        },
-        loadCharts: function() {
-          let charts = angular.fromJson(localStorage['QDRCharts']);
-          if (charts) {
-            // get array of known ids
-            let nodeList =;
-            charts.forEach(function(chart) {
-              // if this chart is not in the current list of nodes, skip
-              if (nodeList.indexOf(chart.nodeId) >= 0) {
-                if (!angular.isDefined(chart.instance)) {
-                  chart.instance = ++instance;
-                }
-                if (chart.instance >= instance)
-                  instance = chart.instance + 1;
-                if (!chart.duration)
-                  chart.duration = 1;
-                if (chart.nodeList)
-                  chart.aggregate = true;
-                if (!chart.hdash)
-                  chart.hdash = false;
-                if (!chart.dashboard)
-                  chart.dashboard = false;
-                if (!chart.hdash && !chart.dashboard)
-                  chart.dashboard = true;
-                if (chart.hdash && chart.dashboard)
-                  chart.dashboard = false;
-                chart.forceCreate = true;
-                chart.use_instance = true;
-                let newChart = self.registerChart(chart); //chart.nodeId, chart.entity,, chart.attr, chart.interval, true, chart.aggregate);
-                newChart.dashboard = chart.dashboard;
-                newChart.hdash = chart.hdash;
-                newChart.hreq = false;
-                newChart.type = chart.type;
-                newChart.rateWindow = chart.rateWindow;
-                newChart.areaColor = chart.areaColor ? chart.areaColor : '#32b9f3';
-                newChart.lineColor = chart.lineColor ? chart.lineColor : '#058dc7';
-                newChart.duration(chart.duration);
-                newChart.visibleDuration = chart.visibleDuration ? chart.visibleDuration : newChart.type === 'rate' ? 0.25 : 1;
-                if (chart.userTitle)
-                  newChart.title(chart.userTitle);
-              }
-            });
+    }
+    singleAreaChartConfig.transition = {
+      duration: 0
+    };
+    singleAreaChartConfig.area = {
+      zerobased: false
+    };
+    singleAreaChartConfig.tooltip = {
+      contents: function (d) {
+        let d3f = ',';
+        if (chart.type === 'rate')
+          d3f = ',.2f';
+        let zPre = function (i) {
+          if (i < 10) {
+            i = '0' + i;
-        },
-        // constructor for a c3 area chart
-        pfAreaChart: function (chart, chartId, defer, width) {
-          if (!chart)
-            return;
-          // reference to underlying chart
-          this.chart = chart;
-          // if this is an aggregate chart, show it stacked
-          this.stacked = chart.request().aggregate;
-          // the id of the html element that is bound to the chart. The svg will be a child of this
-          this.htmlId = chartId;
-          // an array of 20 colors
-          this.colors = d3.scale.category10().range();
-          if (!defer)
-            this.generate(width);
-        },
+          return i;
+        };
+        let h = zPre(d[0].x.getHours());
+        let m = zPre(d[0].x.getMinutes());
+        let s = zPre(d[0].x.getSeconds());
+        let table = '<table class=\'dispatch-c3-tooltip\'>  <tr><th colspan=\'2\' class=\'text-center\'><strong>'+h+':'+m+':'+s+'</strong></th></tr> <tbody>';
+        for (let i=0; i<d.length; i++) {
+          let c = self.colorMap[d[i].id];
+          let span = `<span class='chart-tip-legend' style='background-color: ${c};'> </span>` + d[i].id;
+          table += ('<tr><td>'+span+'<td>'+d3.format(d3f)(d[i].value)+'</td></tr>');
+        }
+        table += '</tbody></table>';
+        return table;
+      }
+    };
-        // aggregate chart is based on pfAreaChart
-        pfAggChart: function (chart, chartId, defer) {
-          // inherit pfChart's properties, but force a defer
-, chart, chartId, true);
+    singleAreaChartConfig.title = {
+      text: this.QDRService.utilities.humanify(this.chart.attr())
+    };
-          // the request is for aggregate data, but the chart is for the sum and not the detail
-          // Explanation: When the chart.request is aggregate, each data point is composed of 3 parts:
-          //  1. the datetime stamp
-          //  2. the sum of the value for all routers
-          //  3. an object with each router's name and value for this data point
-          // Normally, an aggregate chart shows lines for each of the routers and ignores the sum
-          // For this chart, we want to chart the sum (the 2nd value), so we set stacked to false
-          this.stacked = false;
+ = (color, d) => {
+      let c = this.colorMap[];
+      return c ? c : color;
+    };
+    singleAreaChartConfig.color.pattern[0] = this.chart.areaColor;
-          // let chart legends and tooltips show 'Total' instead of a router name
-          this.aggregate = true;
+    // = {};
+    //nameList.forEach( (name, i) =>[name] = this.colorMap[name] );
+ = this.colormap;
-          if (!defer)
-            this.generate();
-        }
+    if (!chart.hideLegend) {
+      singleAreaChartConfig.legend = {
+        show: true,
-      // allow pfAggChart to inherit prototyped methods
-      self.pfAggChart.prototype = Object.create(self.pfAreaChart.prototype);
-      // except for the constructor
-      self.pfAggChart.prototype.constructor = self.pfAggChart;
-      // create the svg and bind it to the given
-      self.pfAreaChart.prototype.generate = function (width) {
-        let chart = this.chart;  // for access during chart callbacks
-        let self = this;
-        // list of router names. used to get the color index
-        let nameList =;
-        let c3ChartDefaults = $().c3ChartDefaults();
-        let singleAreaChartConfig = c3ChartDefaults.getDefaultSingleAreaConfig();
-        singleAreaChartConfig.bindto = '#' + this.htmlId;
-        singleAreaChartConfig.size = {
-          width: width || 400,
-          height: 200
-        };
- = {
-          x: 'x',           // x-axis is named x
-          columns: [[]],
-          type: 'area-spline'
-        };
-        singleAreaChartConfig.axis = {
-          x: {
-            type: 'timeseries',
-            tick: {
-              format: (function (d) {
-                let data =;
-                let first = data[0]['values'][0].x;
-                if (d - first == 0) {
-                  return d3.timeFormat('%I:%M:%S')(d);
-                }
-                return d3.timeFormat('%M:%S')(d);
-              }).bind(this),
-              culling: {max: 4}
-            }
-          },
-          y: {
-            tick: {
-              format: function (d) { return d<1 ? d3.format('.2f')(d) : d3.format('.2s')(d); },
-              count: 5
-            }
-          }
-        };
+    }
-        if (!chart.hideLabel) {
-          singleAreaChartConfig.axis.x.label = {
-            text:,
-            position: 'outer-right'
-          };
+    if (this.stacked) {
+      // create a stacked area chart
+ = [];
+ = function (t1, t2) { return <; };
+    }
+    this.singleAreaChart = c3.generate(singleAreaChartConfig);
+  }
+  chartData() {
+    let data =;
+    let nodeList =;
+    // oldest data point that should be visible
+    let now = new Date();
+    let visibleDate = new Date(now.getTime() - this.chart.visibleDuration * 60 * 1000);
+    let accessorSingle = function (d, d1, elapsed) {
+      return this.chart.type === 'rate' ? (d1[1] - d[1]) / elapsed : d[1];
+    };
+    let accessorStacked = function (d, d1, elapsed, i) {
+      return this.chart.type === 'rate' ? (d1[2][i].val - d[2][i].val) / elapsed : d[2][i].val;
+    };
+    let accessor = this.stacked ? accessorStacked : accessorSingle;
+    let dx = ['x'];
+    let dlines = [];
+    if (this.stacked) {
+      // for stacked, there is a line per router
+      nodeList.forEach( function (node) {
+        dlines.push([node]);
+      });
+    } else {
+      // for non-stacked, there is only one line
+      dlines.push([this.aggregate ? 'Total' : this.chart.router()]);
+    }
+    for (let i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
+      let d = data[i], elapsed = 1, d1;
+      if (d[0] >= visibleDate) {
+        if (this.chart.type === 'rate' && i < data.length-1) {
+          d1 = data[i+1];
+          elapsed = Math.max((d1[0] - d[0]) / 1000, 0.001); // number of seconds that elapsed
-        singleAreaChartConfig.transition = {
-          duration: 0
-        };
-        singleAreaChartConfig.area = {
-          zerobased: false
-        };
-        singleAreaChartConfig.tooltip = {
-          contents: function (d) {
-            let d3f = ',';
-            if (chart.type === 'rate')
-              d3f = ',.2f';
-            let zPre = function (i) {
-              if (i < 10) {
-                i = '0' + i;
-              }
-              return i;
-            };
-            let h = zPre(d[0].x.getHours());
-            let m = zPre(d[0].x.getMinutes());
-            let s = zPre(d[0].x.getSeconds());
-            let table = '<table class=\'dispatch-c3-tooltip\'>  <tr><th colspan=\'2\' class=\'text-center\'><strong>'+h+':'+m+':'+s+'</strong></th></tr> <tbody>';
-            for (let i=0; i<d.length; i++) {
-              let colorIndex = nameList.indexOf(d[i].id) % 10;
-              let span = '<span class=\'chart-tip-legend\' style=\'background-color: '+self.colors[colorIndex]+';\'> </span>' + d[i].id;
-              table += ('<tr><td>'+span+'<td>'+d3.format(d3f)(d[i].value)+'</td></tr>');
+        // don't push the last data point for a rate chart
+        if (this.chart.type !== 'rate' || i < data.length-1) {
+          dx.push(d[0]);
+          if (this.stacked) {
+            for (let nodeIndex=0; nodeIndex<nodeList.length; nodeIndex++) {
+              dlines[nodeIndex].push(, d, d1, elapsed, nodeIndex));
-            table += '</tbody></table>';
-            return table;
+          } else {
+            dlines[0].push(, d, d1, elapsed));
-        };
-        singleAreaChartConfig.title = {
-          text: QDRService.utilities.humanify(this.chart.attr())
-        };
- = {};
-        nameList.forEach( (function (r, i) {
-[r] = this.colors[i % 10];
-        }).bind(this));
- = (function (color, d) {
-          let i = nameList.indexOf(d);
-          return i >= 0 ? this.colors[i % 10] : color;
-        }).bind(this);
-        if (!chart.hideLegend) {
-          singleAreaChartConfig.legend = {
-            show: true,
-          };
-        if (this.stacked) {
-          // create a stacked area chart
- = [];
- = function (t1, t2) { return <; };
-        }
-        this.singleAreaChart = c3.generate(singleAreaChartConfig);
-      };
-      // filter/modify the into data points for the svg
-      /* the collected data looks like:
-         [[date, val, [v1,v2,...]], [date, val, [v1,v2,...]],...]
-         with date being the timestamp of the sample
-              val being the total value
-              and the [v1,v2,...] array being the component values for each router for stacked charts
-         for stacked charts, the returned data looks like:
-         [['x', date, date,...},
-          ['R1', v1, v1,...},
-          ['R2', v2, v2,...],
-          ...]
-         for non-stacked charts, the returned data looks like:
-         ['x', date, date,...],
-         ['R1', val, val,...]]
-         for rate charts, all the values returned are the change per second between adjacent values
-      */
-      self.pfAreaChart.prototype.chartData = function() {
-        let data =;
-        let nodeList =;
-        // oldest data point that should be visible
-        let now = new Date();
-        let visibleDate = new Date(now.getTime() - this.chart.visibleDuration * 60 * 1000);
-        let accessorSingle = function (d, d1, elapsed) {
-          return this.chart.type === 'rate' ? (d1[1] - d[1]) / elapsed : d[1];
-        };
-        let accessorStacked = function (d, d1, elapsed, i) {
-          return this.chart.type === 'rate' ? (d1[2][i].val - d[2][i].val) / elapsed : d[2][i].val;
-        };
-        let accessor = this.stacked ? accessorStacked : accessorSingle;
-        let dx = ['x'];
-        let dlines = [];
-        if (this.stacked) {
-          // for stacked, there is a line per router
-          nodeList.forEach( function (node) {
-            dlines.push([node]);
-          });
-        } else {
-          // for non-stacked, there is only one line
-          dlines.push([this.aggregate ? 'Total' : this.chart.router()]);
+      }
+    }
+    let columns = [dx];
+    dlines.forEach( function (line) {
+      columns.push(line);
+    });
+    return columns;
+  }
+  // get the data for the chart and update it
+  tick () {
+    // can't draw charts that don't have data yet
+    if (! || == 0 || !this.singleAreaChart) {
+      return;
+    }
+    let nodeName = this.QDRService.utilities.nameFromId(this.chart.base.request.nodeId);
+    this.colorMap[nodeName] = this.chart.areaColor;
+    // update the chart title
+    // since there is no c3 api to get or set the chart title, we change the title directly using d3
+    let rate = '';
+    if (this.chart.type === 'rate')
+      rate = ' per second';
+'#'+this.htmlId+' svg text.c3-title').text(this.QDRService.utilities.humanify(this.chart.attr()) + rate);
+    let d = this.chartData();
+    // load the new data
+    // using the c3.flow api causes the x-axis labels to jump around
+    this.singleAreaChart.load({
+      columns: d
+    });
+  }
+// aggregate chart is based on pfAreaChart
+class AggChart extends AreaChart {
+  constructor(chart, chartId, defer, QDRService) {
+    // inherit pfChart's properties, but force a defer
+    super(chart, chartId, true, undefined, QDRService);
+    // the request is for aggregate data, but the chart is for the sum and not the detail
+    // Explanation: When the chart.request is aggregate, each data point is composed of 3 parts:
+    //  1. the datetime stamp
+    //  2. the sum of the value for all routers
+    //  3. an object with each router's name and value for this data point
+    // Normally, an aggregate chart shows lines for each of the routers and ignores the sum
+    // For this chart, we want to chart the sum (the 2nd value), so we set stacked to false
+    this.stacked = false;
+    // let chart legends and tooltips show 'Total' instead of a router name
+    this.aggregate = true;
+    if (!defer)
+      this.generate();
+  }
+export class QDRChartService {
+  constructor(QDRService, $log) {
+    this.charts = [];
+    this.chartRequests = [];
+    this.QDRService = QDRService;
+    this.QDRLog = new QDRLogger($log, 'QDRChartService');
+  }
+  // Example service function
+  init () {
+    let self = this;
+    this.loadCharts();
+ {
+      self.charts.forEach(function(chart) {
+        self.unRegisterChart(chart, true);
+      });
+    });
+  }
+  findChartRequest (nodeId, entity, aggregate) {
+    let ret = null;
+    this.chartRequests.some(function(request) {
+      if (request.equals(nodeId, entity, aggregate)) {
+        ret = request;
+        return true;
+      }
+    });
+    return ret;
+  }
+  findCharts (opts) { //name, attr, nodeId, entity, hdash) {
+    if (!opts.hdash)
+      opts.hdash = false; // rather than undefined
+    return this.charts.filter(function(chart) {
+      return ( == &&
+        chart.attr() == opts.attr &&
+        chart.nodeId() == opts.nodeId &&
+        chart.entity() == opts.entity &&
+        chart.hdash == opts.hdash);
+    });
+  }
+  delChartRequest (request) {
+    for (let i = 0; i < this.chartRequests.length; ++i) {
+      let r = this.chartRequests[i];
+      if (request.equals(r)) {
+        this.QDRLog.debug('removed request: ' + request.nodeId + ' ' + request.entity);
+        this.chartRequests.splice(i, 1);
+        this.stopCollecting(request);
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  delChart (chart, skipSave) {
+    let foundBases = 0;
+    for (let i = 0; i < this.charts.length; ++i) {
+      let c = this.charts[i];
+      if (c.base === chart.base)
+        ++foundBases;
+      if (c.equals(chart)) {
+        this.charts.splice(i, 1);
+        if (chart.dashboard && !skipSave)
+          this.saveCharts();
+      }
+    }
+    if (foundBases == 1) {
+      let baseIndex = bases.indexOf(chart.base);
+      bases.splice(baseIndex, 1);
+    }
+  }
+  createChart (opts, request) {
+    return new Chart(opts, request, this.QDRService, this);
+  }
+  createChartRequest (opts) {
+    let request = new ChartRequest(opts); //nodeId, entity, name, attr, interval, aggregate);
+    request.creationTimestamp =;
+    this.chartRequests.push(request);
+    this.startCollecting(request);
+    this.sendChartRequest(request);
+    return request;
+  }
+  destroyChartRequest (request) {
+    this.stopCollecting(request);
+    this.delChartRequest(request);
+  }
+  registerChart (opts) { //nodeId, entity, name, attr, interval, instance, forceCreate, aggregate, hdash) {
+    let request = this.findChartRequest(opts.nodeId, opts.entity, opts.aggregate);
+    if (request) {
+      // add any new attr or name to the list
+      request.addAttrName(, opts.attr);
+    } else {
+      // the nodeId/entity did not already exist, so add a new request and chart
+      this.QDRLog.debug('added new request: ' + opts.nodeId + ' ' + opts.entity);
+      request = this.createChartRequest(opts);
+    }
+    let charts = this.findCharts(opts); //name, attr, nodeId, entity, hdash);
+    let chart;
+    if (charts.length == 0 || opts.forceCreate) {
+      if (!opts.use_instance && opts.instance)
+        delete opts.instance;
+      chart = new Chart(opts, request, this.QDRService, this); //, opts.attr, opts.instance, request);
+      this.charts.push(chart);
+    } else {
+      chart = charts[0];
+    }
+    return chart;
+  }
+  // remove the chart for name/attr
+  // if all attrs are gone for this request, remove the request
+  unRegisterChart (chart, skipSave) {
+    // remove the chart
+    for (let i = 0; i < this.charts.length; ++i) {
+      let c = this.charts[i];
+      if (chart.equals(c)) {
+        let request = chart.request();
+        this.delChart(chart, skipSave);
+        if (request) {
+          // see if any other charts use this attr
+          for (let j = 0; j < this.charts.length; ++j) {
+            let ch = this.charts[j];
+            if (ch.attr() == chart.attr() && ch.request().equals(chart.request()))
+              return;
+          }
+          // no other charts use this attr, so remove it
+          if (request.removeAttr(, chart.attr()) == 0) {
+            this.destroyChartRequest(request);
+          }
-        for (let i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
-          let d = data[i], elapsed = 1, d1;
-          if (d[0] >= visibleDate) {
-            if (this.chart.type === 'rate' && i < data.length-1) {
-              d1 = data[i+1];
-              elapsed = Math.max((d1[0] - d[0]) / 1000, 0.001); // number of seconds that elapsed
-            }
-            // don't push the last data point for a rate chart
-            if (this.chart.type !== 'rate' || i < data.length-1) {
-              dx.push(d[0]);
-              if (this.stacked) {
-                for (let nodeIndex=0; nodeIndex<nodeList.length; nodeIndex++) {
-                  dlines[nodeIndex].push(, d, d1, elapsed, nodeIndex));
+      }
+    }
+    if (!skipSave)
+      this.saveCharts();
+  }
+  stopCollecting (request) {
+    if (request.setTimeoutHandle) {
+      clearInterval(request.setTimeoutHandle);
+      request.setTimeoutHandle = null;
+    }
+  }
+  startCollecting (request) {
+    request.setTimeoutHandle = setInterval(this.sendChartRequest.bind(this), request.interval, request);
+  }
+  shouldRequest () {
+    // see if any of the charts associated with this request have either dialog, dashboard, or hreq
+    return this.charts.some(function(chart) {
+      return (chart.dashboard || chart.hreq) || (!chart.dashboard && !chart.hdash);
+    });
+  }
+  // send the request
+  sendChartRequest (request) {
+    if (request.busy)
+      return;
+    if (this.charts.length > 0 && !this.shouldRequest(request)) {
+      return;
+    }
+    // ensure the response has the name field so we can associate the response values with the correct chart
+    let attrs = request.attrs();
+    if (attrs.indexOf('name') == -1)
+      attrs.push('name');
+    // this is called when the response is received
+    var saveResponse = function(nodeId, entity, response) {
+      request.busy = false;
+      if (!response || !response.attributeNames)
+        return;
+      // records is an array that has data for all names
+      let records = response.results;
+      if (!records)
+        return;
+      let now = new Date();
+      let cutOff = new Date(now.getTime() - request.duration * 60 * 1000);
+      // index of the "name" attr in the response
+      let nameIndex = response.attributeNames.indexOf('name');
+      if (nameIndex < 0)
+        return;
+      let names = request.names();
+      // for each record returned, find the name/attr for this request and save the data with this timestamp
+      for (let i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) {
+        let name = records[i][nameIndex];
+        // if we want to store the values for some attrs for this name
+        if (names.indexOf(name) > -1) {
+          attrs.forEach(function(attr) {
+            let attrIndex = response.attributeNames.indexOf(attr);
+            if (records[i][attrIndex] !== undefined) {
+              let data =, attr); // get a reference to the data array
+              if (data) {
+                if (request.aggregate) {
+                  data.push([now, response.aggregates[i][attrIndex].sum, response.aggregates[i][attrIndex].detail]);
+                } else {
+                  data.push([now, records[i][attrIndex]]);
+                }
+                // expire the old data
+                while (data[0][0] < cutOff) {
+                  data.shift();
-              } else {
-                dlines[0].push(, d, d1, elapsed));
-          }
+          });
-        let columns = [dx];
-        dlines.forEach( function (line) {
-          columns.push(line);
-        });
-        return columns;
-      };
-      // get the data for the chart and update it
-      self.pfAreaChart.prototype.tick = function() {
-        // can't draw charts that don't have data yet
-        if (! || == 0 || !this.singleAreaChart) {
-          return;
+      }
+    };
+    request.busy = true;
+    // check for override of request
+    if (request.override) {
+      request.override(request, saveResponse);
+    } else {
+      // send the appropriate request
+      if (request.aggregate) {
+        let nodeList =;
+, request.entity, attrs, saveResponse, request.nodeId);
+      } else {
+, request.entity, attrs, saveResponse);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  numCharts () {
+    return this.charts.filter(function(chart) {
+      return chart.dashboard;
+    }).length;
+    //return this.charts.length;
+  }
+  isAttrCharted (nodeId, entity, name, attr, aggregate) {
+    let charts = this.findCharts({
+      name: name,
+      attr: attr,
+      nodeId: nodeId,
+      entity: entity
+    });
+    // if any of the matching charts are on the dashboard page, return true
+    return charts.some(function(chart) {
+      return (chart.dashboard && (aggregate ? chart.aggregate() : !chart.aggregate()));
+    });
+  }
+  addHDash (chart) {
+    chart.hdash = true;
+    this.saveCharts();
+  }
+  delHDash (chart) {
+    chart.hdash = false;
+    this.saveCharts();
+  }
+  addDashboard (chart) {
+    chart.dashboard = true;
+    this.saveCharts();
+  }
+  delDashboard (chart) {
+    chart.dashboard = false;
+    this.saveCharts();
+  }
+  // save the charts to local storage
+  saveCharts () {
+    let minCharts = [];
+    this.charts.forEach(function(chart) {
+      let minChart = {};
+      // don't save chart unless it is on the dashboard
+      if (chart.dashboard || chart.hdash) {
+        chart.copyProps(minChart);
+        minCharts.push(minChart);
+      }
+    });
+    localStorage['QDRCharts'] = angular.toJson(minCharts);
+  }
+  loadCharts () {
+    let charts = angular.fromJson(localStorage['QDRCharts']);
+    if (charts) {
+      let self = this;
+      // get array of known ids
+      let nodeList =;
+      charts.forEach(function(chart) {
+        // if this chart is not in the current list of nodes, skip
+        if (nodeList.indexOf(chart.nodeId) >= 0) {
+          if (!angular.isDefined(chart.instance)) {
+            chart.instance = ++instance;
+          }
+          if (chart.instance >= instance)
+            instance = chart.instance + 1;
+          if (!chart.duration)
+            chart.duration = 1;
+          if (chart.nodeList)
+            chart.aggregate = true;
+          if (!chart.hdash)
+            chart.hdash = false;
+          if (!chart.dashboard)
+            chart.dashboard = false;
+          if (!chart.hdash && !chart.dashboard)
+            chart.dashboard = true;
+          if (chart.hdash && chart.dashboard)
+            chart.dashboard = false;
+          chart.forceCreate = true;
+          chart.use_instance = true;
+          let newChart = self.registerChart(chart); //chart.nodeId, chart.entity,, chart.attr, chart.interval, true, chart.aggregate);
+          newChart.dashboard = chart.dashboard;
+          newChart.hdash = chart.hdash;
+          newChart.hreq = false;
+          newChart.type = chart.type;
+          newChart.rateWindow = chart.rateWindow;
+          newChart.areaColor = chart.areaColor ? chart.areaColor : '#32b9f3';
+          newChart.lineColor = chart.lineColor ? chart.lineColor : '#058dc7';
+          newChart.duration(chart.duration);
+          newChart.visibleDuration = chart.visibleDuration ? chart.visibleDuration : newChart.type === 'rate' ? 0.25 : 1;
+          if (chart.userTitle)
+            newChart.title(chart.userTitle);
-        // update the chart title
-        // since there is no c3 api to get or set the chart title, we change the title directly using d3
-        let rate = '';
-        if (this.chart.type === 'rate')
-          rate = ' per second';
-'#'+this.htmlId+' svg text.c3-title').text(QDRService.utilities.humanify(this.chart.attr()) + rate);
-        let d = this.chartData();
-        // load the new data
-        // using the c3.flow api causes the x-axis labels to jump around
-        this.singleAreaChart.load({
-          columns: d
-        });
-      };
-      return self;
+      });
-  ]);
-  return QDR;
-}(QDR || {}));
+  }
+  // constructor for a c3 area chart
+  pfAreaChart (chart, chartId, defer, width) {
+    return new AreaChart(chart, chartId, defer, width, this.QDRService);
+  }
+  // aggregate chart is based on pfAreaChart
+  pfAggChart (chart, chartId, defer) {
+    return new AggChart(chart, chartId, defer, this.QDRService);
+  }
+QDRChartService.$inject = ['QDRService', '$log'];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrCharts.js b/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrCharts.js
index b296de7..0cffe4e 100644
--- a/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrCharts.js
+++ b/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrCharts.js
@@ -16,34 +16,27 @@ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 specific language governing permissions and limitations
 under the License.
-'use strict';
 /* global angular */
- * @module QDR
- */
-var QDR = (function (QDR) {
+import { QDRTemplatePath, QDRRedirectWhenConnected } from './qdrGlobals.js';
-  /**
-   * @method ChartsController
-   *
-   * Controller that handles the QDR charts page
-   */
-  QDR.module.controller('QDR.ChartsController', function($scope, QDRService, QDRChartService, $uibModal, $location, $routeParams, $timeout) {
+export class ChartsController {
+  constructor(QDRService, QDRChartService, $scope, $location, $timeout, $routeParams, $uibModal) {
+    this.controllerName = 'QDR.ChartsController';
     let updateTimer = null;
     if (! {
       // we are not connected. we probably got here from a bookmark or manual page reload
-      QDR.redirectWhenConnected($location, 'charts');
+      QDRRedirectWhenConnected($location, 'charts');
     $scope.svgCharts = [];
     // create an svg object for each chart
     QDRChartService.charts.filter(function (chart) {return chart.dashboard;}).forEach(function (chart) {
-      let svgChart = new QDRChartService.pfAreaChart(chart,, true);
+      let svgChart = QDRChartService.pfAreaChart(chart,, true);
       svgChart.zoomed = false;
@@ -108,7 +101,7 @@ var QDR = (function (QDR) {
     // called from dialog when we want to clone the dialog chart
     // the chart argument here is a QDRChartService chart
     $scope.addChart = function (chart) {
-      let nchart = new QDRChartService.pfAreaChart(chart,, true);
+      let nchart = QDRChartService.pfAreaChart(chart,, true);
       $timeout( function () {
@@ -132,7 +125,7 @@ var QDR = (function (QDR) {
         backdrop: true,
         keyboard: true,
         backdropClick: true,
-        templateUrl: QDR.templatePath + template,
+        templateUrl: QDRTemplatePath + template,
         controller: 'QDR.ChartDialogController',
         resolve: {
           chart: function() {
@@ -150,11 +143,7 @@ var QDR = (function (QDR) {
-  });
-  return QDR;
-}(QDR || {}));
+  }
+ChartsController.$inject = ['QDRService', 'QDRChartService', '$scope', '$location', '$timeout', '$routeParams', '$uibModal'];
diff --git a/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrGlobals.js b/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrGlobals.js
index af06c55..6fadf14 100644
--- a/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrGlobals.js
+++ b/console/stand-alone/plugin/js/qdrGlobals.js
@@ -16,31 +16,43 @@ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 specific language governing permissions and limitations
 under the License.
-'use strict';
-var QDR = (function(QDR) {
+export var QDRFolder = (function () {
+  function Folder(title) {
+    this.title = title;
+    this.children = [];
+    this.folder = true;
+  }
+  return Folder;
+export var QDRLeaf = (function () {
+  function Leaf(title) {
+    this.title = title;
+  }
+  return Leaf;
-  QDR.Folder = (function () {
-    function Folder(title) {
-      this.title = title;
-      this.children = [];
-      this.folder = true;
-    }
-    return Folder;
-  })();
-  QDR.Leaf = (function () {
-    function Leaf(title) {
-      this.title = title;
-    }
-    return Leaf;
-  })();
+export var QDRCore = {
+  notification: function (severity, msg) {
+    $.notify(msg, severity);
+  }
-  QDR.Core = {
-    notification: function (severity, msg) {
-      $.notify(msg, severity);
-    }
-  };
+export class QDRLogger {
+  constructor($log, source) {
+    this.log = function (msg) { $log.log(`QDR-${source}: ${msg}`); };
+    this.debug = function (msg) { $log.debug(`QDR-${source}: ${msg}`); };
+    this.error = function (msg) { $log.error(`QDR-${source}: ${msg}`); };
+ = function (msg) { $`QDR-${source}: ${msg}`); };
+    this.warn = function (msg) { $log.warn(`QDR-${source}: ${msg}`); };
+  }
-  return QDR;
+export const QDRTemplatePath = 'html/';
+export const QDR_SETTINGS_KEY = 'QDRSettings';
+export const QDR_LAST_LOCATION = 'QDRLastLocation';
-} (QDR || {}));
\ No newline at end of file
+export var QDRRedirectWhenConnected = function ($location, org) {
+  $location.path('/connect');
+  $'org', org);

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