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Posted to by "alamb (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/05/16 20:41:33 UTC

[GitHub] [arrow-datafusion] alamb commented on a diff in pull request #6183: Faster ListingTable partition listing (#6182)

alamb commented on code in PR #6183:

@@ -153,225 +151,239 @@ pub fn split_files(
+struct Partition {

Review Comment:
   I think adding some comments about specifically what `depth` and `files` fields mean would help readability. Like are the files only files or do they include paths and what does `depth` signify?

@@ -153,225 +151,239 @@ pub fn split_files(
+struct Partition {
+    path: Path,
+    depth: usize,
+    files: Option<Vec<ObjectMeta>>,
+impl Partition {
+    async fn list(mut self, store: &dyn ObjectStore) -> Result<(Self, Vec<Path>)> {
+        trace!("Listing partition {}", self.path);
+        let prefix = Some(&self.path).filter(|p| !p.as_ref().is_empty());
+        let result = store.list_with_delimiter(prefix).await?;
+        self.files = Some(result.objects);
+        Ok((self, result.common_prefixes))
+    }
+/// Returns a recursive list of the partitions in `table_path` up to `max_depth`
+async fn list_partitions(
+    store: &dyn ObjectStore,
+    table_path: &ListingTableUrl,
+    max_depth: usize,
+) -> Result<Vec<Partition>> {
+    let partition = Partition {
+        path: table_path.prefix().clone(),
+        depth: 0,
+        files: None,
+    };
+    let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(64);
+    let mut pending = vec![];
+    let mut futures = FuturesUnordered::new();
+    futures.push(partition.list(store));
+    while let Some((partition, paths)) = {
+        if let Some(next) = pending.pop() {
+            futures.push(next)
+        }
+        let depth = partition.depth;
+        out.push(partition);
+        for path in paths {
+            let child = Partition {
+                path,
+                depth: depth + 1,
+                files: None,
+            };
+            match depth < max_depth {
+                true => match futures.len() < CONCURRENCY_LIMIT {
+                    true => futures.push(child.list(store)),
+                    false => pending.push(child.list(store)),
+                },
+                false => out.push(child),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(out)
+async fn prune_partitions(
+    table_path: &ListingTableUrl,
+    partitions: Vec<Partition>,
+    filters: &[Expr],
+    partition_cols: &[(String, DataType)],
+) -> Result<Vec<Partition>> {
+    if filters.is_empty() {
+        return Ok(partitions);
+    }
+    let mut builders: Vec<_> = (0..partition_cols.len())
+        .map(|_| StringBuilder::with_capacity(partitions.len(), partitions.len() * 10))
+        .collect();
+    for partition in &partitions {
+        let cols = partition_cols.iter().map(|x| x.0.as_str());
+        let parsed = parse_partitions_for_path(table_path, &partition.path, cols)
+            .unwrap_or_default();
+        let mut builders = builders.iter_mut();
+        for (p, b) in parsed.iter().zip(&mut builders) {
+            b.append_value(p);
+        }
+        builders.for_each(|b| b.append_null());
+    }
+    let arrays = partition_cols
+        .iter()
+        .zip(builders)
+        .map(|((_, d), mut builder)| {
+            let array = builder.finish();
+            cast(&array, d)
+        })
+        .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
+    let fields: Fields = partition_cols
+        .iter()
+        .map(|(n, d)| Field::new(n, d.clone(), true))
+        .collect();
+    let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(fields));
+    let df_schema = DFSchema::new_with_metadata(
+        partition_cols
+            .iter()
+            .map(|(n, d)| DFField::new_unqualified(n, d.clone(), true))
+            .collect(),
+        Default::default(),
+    )?;
+    let batch = RecordBatch::try_new(schema.clone(), arrays)?;
+    // TODO: Plumb this down
+    let props = ExecutionProps::new();
+    // Applies `filter` to `batch` returning `None` on error
+    let do_filter = |filter| -> Option<ArrayRef> {
+        let expr = create_physical_expr(filter, &df_schema, &schema, &props).ok()?;
+        Some(expr.evaluate(&batch).ok()?.into_array(partitions.len()))
+    };
+    //.Compute the conjunction of the filters, ignoring errors
+    let mask = filters
+        .iter()
+        .fold(None, |acc, filter| match (acc, do_filter(filter)) {
+            (Some(a), Some(b)) => Some(and(&a, b.as_boolean()).unwrap_or(a)),
+            (None, Some(r)) => Some(r.as_boolean().clone()),
+            (r, None) => r,
+        });
+    let mask = match mask {
+        Some(mask) => mask,
+        None => return Ok(partitions),
+    };
+    // Don't retain partitions that evaluated to null
+    let prepared = match mask.null_count() {
+        0 => mask,
+        _ => prep_null_mask_filter(&mask),
+    };
+    // Sanity check
+    assert_eq!(prepared.len(), partitions.len());
+    let filtered = partitions
+        .into_iter()
+        .zip(prepared.values())
+        .filter_map(|(p, f)| f.then_some(p))
+        .collect();
+    Ok(filtered)
 /// Discover the partitions on the given path and prune out files
 /// that belong to irrelevant partitions using `filters` expressions.
 /// `filters` might contain expressions that can be resolved only at the
 /// file level (e.g. Parquet row group pruning).
-/// TODO for tables with many files (10k+), it will usually more efficient
-/// to first list the folders relative to the first partition dimension,
-/// prune those, then list only the contain of the remaining folders.
 pub async fn pruned_partition_list<'a>(
     store: &'a dyn ObjectStore,
     table_path: &'a ListingTableUrl,
     filters: &'a [Expr],
     file_extension: &'a str,
-    table_partition_cols: &'a [(String, DataType)],
+    partition_cols: &'a [(String, DataType)],
 ) -> Result<BoxStream<'a, Result<PartitionedFile>>> {
     let list = table_path.list_all_files(store, file_extension);
     // if no partition col => simply list all the files
-    if table_partition_cols.is_empty() {
+    if partition_cols.is_empty() {
         return Ok(Box::pin(list.map_ok(|object_meta| object_meta.into())));
-    let applicable_filters: Vec<_> = filters
-        .iter()
-        .filter(|f| {
-            expr_applicable_for_cols(
-                &table_partition_cols
-                    .iter()
-                    .map(|x| x.0.clone())
-                    .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
-                f,
-            )
-        })
-        .collect();
+    let partitions = list_partitions(store, table_path, partition_cols.len()).await?;
+    info!("Listed {} partitions", partitions.len());

Review Comment:
   I recommend this be `debug` as it is not likely useful for general operation

@@ -158,17 +176,7 @@ impl ListingTableUrl {
             .try_filter(move |meta| {
                 let path = &meta.location;
                 let extension_match = path.as_ref().ends_with(file_extension);
-                let glob_match = match &self.glob {
-                    Some(glob) => match self.strip_prefix(path) {
-                        Some(mut segments) => {
-                            let stripped = segments.join("/");
-                            glob.matches(&stripped)
-                        }
-                        None => false,
-                    },
-                    None => true,
-                };
+                let glob_match = self.contains(path);

Review Comment:
   this is a nice refactoring

@@ -610,98 +622,27 @@ mod tests {
-                &[String::from("mypartition")]
+                vec!["mypartition"]
             Some(vec!["v1", "v2"]),
-                &[String::from("mypartition"), String::from("otherpartition")]
+                vec!["mypartition", "otherpartition"]
-                &[String::from("mypartition")]
+                vec!["mypartition"]
-    #[test]
-    fn test_path_batch_roundtrip_no_partiton() {

Review Comment:
   What were these tests removed?

@@ -153,225 +151,239 @@ pub fn split_files(
+struct Partition {
+    path: Path,
+    depth: usize,
+    files: Option<Vec<ObjectMeta>>,
+impl Partition {
+    async fn list(mut self, store: &dyn ObjectStore) -> Result<(Self, Vec<Path>)> {
+        trace!("Listing partition {}", self.path);
+        let prefix = Some(&self.path).filter(|p| !p.as_ref().is_empty());
+        let result = store.list_with_delimiter(prefix).await?;
+        self.files = Some(result.objects);
+        Ok((self, result.common_prefixes))
+    }
+/// Returns a recursive list of the partitions in `table_path` up to `max_depth`
+async fn list_partitions(
+    store: &dyn ObjectStore,
+    table_path: &ListingTableUrl,
+    max_depth: usize,
+) -> Result<Vec<Partition>> {
+    let partition = Partition {
+        path: table_path.prefix().clone(),
+        depth: 0,
+        files: None,
+    };
+    let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(64);
+    let mut pending = vec![];
+    let mut futures = FuturesUnordered::new();
+    futures.push(partition.list(store));
+    while let Some((partition, paths)) = {
+        if let Some(next) = pending.pop() {
+            futures.push(next)
+        }
+        let depth = partition.depth;
+        out.push(partition);
+        for path in paths {
+            let child = Partition {
+                path,
+                depth: depth + 1,
+                files: None,
+            };
+            match depth < max_depth {
+                true => match futures.len() < CONCURRENCY_LIMIT {
+                    true => futures.push(child.list(store)),
+                    false => pending.push(child.list(store)),
+                },
+                false => out.push(child),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(out)
+async fn prune_partitions(
+    table_path: &ListingTableUrl,
+    partitions: Vec<Partition>,
+    filters: &[Expr],
+    partition_cols: &[(String, DataType)],
+) -> Result<Vec<Partition>> {
+    if filters.is_empty() {
+        return Ok(partitions);
+    }
+    let mut builders: Vec<_> = (0..partition_cols.len())
+        .map(|_| StringBuilder::with_capacity(partitions.len(), partitions.len() * 10))
+        .collect();
+    for partition in &partitions {
+        let cols = partition_cols.iter().map(|x| x.0.as_str());
+        let parsed = parse_partitions_for_path(table_path, &partition.path, cols)
+            .unwrap_or_default();
+        let mut builders = builders.iter_mut();
+        for (p, b) in parsed.iter().zip(&mut builders) {
+            b.append_value(p);
+        }
+        builders.for_each(|b| b.append_null());
+    }
+    let arrays = partition_cols
+        .iter()
+        .zip(builders)
+        .map(|((_, d), mut builder)| {
+            let array = builder.finish();
+            cast(&array, d)
+        })
+        .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
+    let fields: Fields = partition_cols
+        .iter()
+        .map(|(n, d)| Field::new(n, d.clone(), true))
+        .collect();
+    let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(fields));
+    let df_schema = DFSchema::new_with_metadata(
+        partition_cols
+            .iter()
+            .map(|(n, d)| DFField::new_unqualified(n, d.clone(), true))
+            .collect(),
+        Default::default(),
+    )?;
+    let batch = RecordBatch::try_new(schema.clone(), arrays)?;
+    // TODO: Plumb this down
+    let props = ExecutionProps::new();
+    // Applies `filter` to `batch` returning `None` on error
+    let do_filter = |filter| -> Option<ArrayRef> {
+        let expr = create_physical_expr(filter, &df_schema, &schema, &props).ok()?;
+        Some(expr.evaluate(&batch).ok()?.into_array(partitions.len()))
+    };
+    //.Compute the conjunction of the filters, ignoring errors
+    let mask = filters
+        .iter()
+        .fold(None, |acc, filter| match (acc, do_filter(filter)) {
+            (Some(a), Some(b)) => Some(and(&a, b.as_boolean()).unwrap_or(a)),
+            (None, Some(r)) => Some(r.as_boolean().clone()),
+            (r, None) => r,
+        });
+    let mask = match mask {
+        Some(mask) => mask,
+        None => return Ok(partitions),
+    };
+    // Don't retain partitions that evaluated to null
+    let prepared = match mask.null_count() {
+        0 => mask,
+        _ => prep_null_mask_filter(&mask),
+    };
+    // Sanity check
+    assert_eq!(prepared.len(), partitions.len());
+    let filtered = partitions
+        .into_iter()
+        .zip(prepared.values())
+        .filter_map(|(p, f)| f.then_some(p))
+        .collect();
+    Ok(filtered)
 /// Discover the partitions on the given path and prune out files
 /// that belong to irrelevant partitions using `filters` expressions.
 /// `filters` might contain expressions that can be resolved only at the
 /// file level (e.g. Parquet row group pruning).
-/// TODO for tables with many files (10k+), it will usually more efficient
-/// to first list the folders relative to the first partition dimension,
-/// prune those, then list only the contain of the remaining folders.
 pub async fn pruned_partition_list<'a>(
     store: &'a dyn ObjectStore,
     table_path: &'a ListingTableUrl,
     filters: &'a [Expr],
     file_extension: &'a str,
-    table_partition_cols: &'a [(String, DataType)],
+    partition_cols: &'a [(String, DataType)],
 ) -> Result<BoxStream<'a, Result<PartitionedFile>>> {
     let list = table_path.list_all_files(store, file_extension);
     // if no partition col => simply list all the files
-    if table_partition_cols.is_empty() {
+    if partition_cols.is_empty() {
         return Ok(Box::pin(list.map_ok(|object_meta| object_meta.into())));
-    let applicable_filters: Vec<_> = filters
-        .iter()
-        .filter(|f| {
-            expr_applicable_for_cols(
-                &table_partition_cols
-                    .iter()
-                    .map(|x| x.0.clone())
-                    .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
-                f,
-            )
-        })
-        .collect();
+    let partitions = list_partitions(store, table_path, partition_cols.len()).await?;
+    info!("Listed {} partitions", partitions.len());
-    if applicable_filters.is_empty() {
-        // Parse the partition values while listing all the files
-        // Note: We might avoid parsing the partition values if they are not used in any projection,
-        // but the cost of parsing will likely be far dominated by the time to fetch the listing from
-        // the object store.
-        Ok(Box::pin(list.try_filter_map(
-            move |object_meta| async move {
-                let parsed_path = parse_partitions_for_path(
-                    table_path,
-                    &object_meta.location,
-                    &table_partition_cols
-                        .iter()
-                        .map(|x| x.0.clone())
-                        .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
-                )
-                .map(|p| {
-                    p.iter()
-                        .zip(table_partition_cols)
-                        .map(|(&part_value, part_column)| {
-                            ScalarValue::try_from_string(
-                                part_value.to_string(),
-                                &part_column.1,
-                            )
-                            .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
-                                panic!(
-                                    "Failed to cast str {} to type {}",
-                                    part_value, part_column.1
-                                )
-                            })
-                        })
-                        .collect()
-                });
-                Ok(|partition_values| PartitionedFile {
-                    partition_values,
-                    object_meta,
-                    range: None,
-                    extensions: None,
-                }))
-            },
-        )))
-    } else {
-        // parse the partition values and serde them as a RecordBatch to filter them
-        let metas: Vec<_> = list.try_collect().await?;
-        let batch = paths_to_batch(table_partition_cols, table_path, &metas)?;
-        let mem_table = MemTable::try_new(batch.schema(), vec![vec![batch]])?;
-        debug!("get mem_table: {:?}", mem_table);
-        // Filter the partitions using a local datafusion context
-        // TODO having the external context would allow us to resolve `Volatility::Stable`
-        // scalar functions (`ScalarFunction` & `ScalarUDF`) and `ScalarVariable`s
-        let ctx = SessionContext::new();
-        let mut df = ctx.read_table(Arc::new(mem_table))?;
-        for filter in applicable_filters {
-            df = df.filter(filter.clone())?;
-        }
-        let filtered_batches = df.collect().await?;
-        let paths = batches_to_paths(&filtered_batches)?;
+    let pruned =
+        prune_partitions(table_path, partitions, filters, partition_cols).await?;
-        Ok(Box::pin(futures::stream::iter(paths.into_iter().map(Ok))))
-    }
+    info!("Pruning yielded {} partitions", pruned.len());

Review Comment:
   Likewise, I recommend `debug!` here as well

@@ -153,225 +151,239 @@ pub fn split_files(
+struct Partition {
+    path: Path,
+    depth: usize,
+    files: Option<Vec<ObjectMeta>>,
+impl Partition {
+    async fn list(mut self, store: &dyn ObjectStore) -> Result<(Self, Vec<Path>)> {
+        trace!("Listing partition {}", self.path);
+        let prefix = Some(&self.path).filter(|p| !p.as_ref().is_empty());
+        let result = store.list_with_delimiter(prefix).await?;
+        self.files = Some(result.objects);
+        Ok((self, result.common_prefixes))
+    }
+/// Returns a recursive list of the partitions in `table_path` up to `max_depth`
+async fn list_partitions(
+    store: &dyn ObjectStore,
+    table_path: &ListingTableUrl,
+    max_depth: usize,
+) -> Result<Vec<Partition>> {
+    let partition = Partition {
+        path: table_path.prefix().clone(),
+        depth: 0,
+        files: None,
+    };
+    let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(64);
+    let mut pending = vec![];
+    let mut futures = FuturesUnordered::new();
+    futures.push(partition.list(store));
+    while let Some((partition, paths)) = {
+        if let Some(next) = pending.pop() {

Review Comment:
   Is there an invariant that if pending is non empty, then futures.len() prior to the loop is `CONCURRENCY_LIMT`? I am trying work out why only one pending future pushed to `futures` rather than pushing while `futures.len() < CONCURRENCY_LIMIT`

@@ -152,225 +146,224 @@ pub fn split_files(
+struct Partition {
+    path: Path,
+    depth: usize,
+    files: Option<Vec<ObjectMeta>>,
+impl Partition {
+    async fn list(mut self, store: &dyn ObjectStore) -> Result<(Self, Vec<Path>)> {
+        let prefix = Some(&self.path).filter(|p| !p.as_ref().is_empty());
+        let result = store.list_with_delimiter(prefix).await?;
+        self.files = Some(result.objects);
+        Ok((self, result.common_prefixes))
+    }
+/// Returns a recursive list of the partitions in `table_path` up to `max_depth`
+async fn list_partitions(
+    store: &dyn ObjectStore,
+    table_path: &ListingTableUrl,
+    max_depth: usize,
+) -> Result<Vec<Partition>> {
+    let partition = Partition {
+        path: table_path.prefix().clone(),
+        depth: 0,
+        files: None,
+    };
+    let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(64);
+    let mut futures = FuturesUnordered::new();
+    futures.push(partition.list(store));
+    while let Some((partition, paths)) = {
+        let depth = partition.depth;
+        out.push(partition);
+        for path in paths {
+            let child = Partition {
+                path,
+                depth: depth + 1,
+                files: None,
+            };
+            match depth < max_depth {
+                true => futures.push(child.list(store)),
+                false => out.push(child),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(out)
+async fn prune_partitions(
+    table_path: &ListingTableUrl,
+    partitions: Vec<Partition>,
+    filters: &[Expr],
+    partition_cols: &[(String, DataType)],
+) -> Result<Vec<Partition>> {
+    if filters.is_empty() {
+        return Ok(partitions);
+    }
+    let mut builders: Vec<_> = (0..partition_cols.len())
+        .map(|_| StringBuilder::with_capacity(partitions.len(), partitions.len() * 10))
+        .collect();
+    for partition in &partitions {
+        let cols = partition_cols.iter().map(|x| x.0.as_str());
+        let parsed = parse_partitions_for_path(&table_path, &partition.path, cols)
+            .unwrap_or_default();
+        let mut builders = builders.iter_mut();
+        for (p, b) in parsed.iter().zip(&mut builders) {
+            b.append_value(p);
+        }
+        builders.for_each(|b| b.append_null());
+    }
+    let arrays = partition_cols
+        .iter()
+        .zip(builders)
+        .map(|((_, d), mut builder)| {
+            let array = builder.finish();
+            cast(&array, d)
+        })
+        .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
+    let fields: Fields = partition_cols
+        .into_iter()
+        .map(|(n, d)| Field::new(n, d.clone(), true))
+        .collect();
+    let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(fields));
+    let df_schema = DFSchema::new_with_metadata(
+        partition_cols
+            .into_iter()
+            .map(|(n, d)| DFField::new_unqualified(n, d.clone(), true))
+            .collect(),
+        Default::default(),
+    )?;
+    let batch = RecordBatch::try_new(schema.clone(), arrays)?;
+    // TODO: Plumb this down

Review Comment:
   I think it was even worse (the old code creates an entire `SessionContext` right)?

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