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Posted to by Jim Jagielski <> on 1997/01/07 21:40:29 UTC

snprintf() routine

Okey dokey guys and gals (do we have any gals on the list?) Here is
a nice generic snprintf() package. It's based on the strx_* functions
from xinetd, but with just the bare essentials included in. I will
Email Panagiotis Tsirigotis, the author of the Sio package that
xinetd uses, to see if it's OK if we include this with Apache, if
we decide to do so. I'm including it here for all to take a gander
at... The indenting/formatting is kinda ugly (I didn't bother cleaning
it yet... it's a remnant of the original):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <varargs.h>

typedef enum { NO = 0, YES = 1 } boolean_e ;

#define FALSE			0
#define TRUE			1
#define NUL			'\0'
#define INT_NULL		((int *)0)
#define WIDE_INT				long

typedef WIDE_INT 				wide_int ;
typedef unsigned WIDE_INT 			u_wide_int ;
typedef int 					bool_int ;

#define S_NULL					"(null)"
#define S_NULL_LEN				6

#define FLOAT_DIGITS				6
#define EXPONENT_LENGTH				10

 * NUM_BUF_SIZE is the size of the buffer used for arithmetic conversions
 * XXX: this is a magic number; do not decrease it
#define NUM_BUF_SIZE						512

 * Descriptor for an output stream
struct __sio_output_descriptor
	 * buf:		points to the buffer area.
	 * buf_end: is equal to buf + buffer_size
	char *buf ;
	char *buf_end ;

	unsigned buffer_size ;

	char *start ;                 /* start of valid buffer contents   	*/
											/* (used by the R and W functions) 		*/
	char *nextb ;                 /* pointer to next byte to read/write  */
											/* Always:  start <= nextb < buf_end	*/
	int buftype ;						/* type of buffering 						*/
} ;

typedef struct __sio_output_descriptor __sio_od_t ;

 * The INS_CHAR macro inserts a character in the buffer and writes
 * the buffer back to disk if necessary
 * It uses the char pointers sp and bep:
 * 	sp points to the next available character in the buffer
 * 	bep points to the end-of-buffer+1
 * While using this macro, note that the nextb pointer is NOT updated.
 * No I/O is performed if fd is not positive. Negative fd values imply
 * conversion with the output directed to a string. Excess characters
 * are discarded if the string overflows.
 * NOTE: Evaluation of the c argument should not have any side-effects
#define INS_CHAR( c, sp, bep, odp, cc, fd )											\
			{																						\
				if ( sp < bep )																\
				{																					\
					*sp++ = c ;																	\
					cc++ ;																		\
				}																					\

#define NUM( c )			( c - '0' )

#define STR_TO_DEC( str, num )			\
	num = NUM( *str++ ) ;			\
	while ( isdigit( *str ) )		\
	{					\
		num *= 10 ;			\
		num += NUM( *str++ ) ;		\

 * This macro does zero padding so that the precision
 * requirement is satisfied. The padding is done by
 * adding '0's to the left of the string that is going
 * to be printed.
#define FIX_PRECISION( adjust, precision, s, s_len )		\
	if ( adjust )						\
		while ( s_len < precision )			\
		{						\
			*--s = '0' ;				\
			s_len++ ;				\

 * Macro that does padding. The padding is done by printing
 * the character ch.
#define PAD( width, len, ch )	do				\
		{						\
			INS_CHAR( ch, sp, bep, odp, cc, fd ) ;	\
			width-- ;				\
		}						\
		while ( width > len )

 * Prefix the character ch to the string str
 * Increase length
 * Set the has_prefix flag
#define PREFIX( str, length, ch )	 *--str = ch ; length++ ; has_prefix = YES

 * Convert num to its decimal format.
 * Return value:
 *       - a pointer to a string containing the number (no sign)
 *			- len contains the length of the string
 *			- is_negative is set to TRUE or FALSE depending on the sign
 *			  of the number (always set to FALSE if is_unsigned is TRUE)
 * The caller provides a buffer for the string: that is the buf_end argument
 * which is a pointer to the END of the buffer + 1 (i.e. if the buffer
 * is declared as buf[ 100 ], buf_end should be &buf[ 100 ])
static char *conv_10( num, is_unsigned, is_negative, buf_end, len )
	register wide_int num ; 
	register bool_int is_unsigned ;
	register bool_int *is_negative ;
	char *buf_end ;
	register int *len ;
	register char *p = buf_end ;
	register u_wide_int magnitude ;

	if ( is_unsigned )
		magnitude = (u_wide_int) num ;
		*is_negative = FALSE ;
		*is_negative = ( num < 0 ) ;

		 * On a 2's complement machine, negating the most negative integer 
		 * results in a number that cannot be represented as a signed integer.
		 * Here is what we do to obtain the number's magnitude:
		 *		a. add 1 to the number
		 *		b. negate it (becomes positive)
		 *		c. convert it to unsigned
		 *		d. add 1
		if ( *is_negative )
			wide_int t = num + 1 ;

			magnitude = ( (u_wide_int) -t ) + 1 ;
			magnitude = (u_wide_int) num ;

	 * We use a do-while loop so that we write at least 1 digit 
		register u_wide_int new_magnitude = magnitude / 10 ;

		*--p = magnitude - new_magnitude*10 + '0' ;
		magnitude = new_magnitude ;
	while ( magnitude ) ;
	*len = buf_end - p ;
	return( p ) ;

 * Convert a floating point number to a string formats 'f', 'e' or 'E'.
 * The result is placed in buf, and len denotes the length of the string
 * The sign is returned in the is_negative argument (and is not placed
 * in buf).
static char *conv_fp( format, num, add_dp, precision, is_negative, buf, len )
	register char format ;
	register double num ;
	boolean_e add_dp ;			/* always add decimal point if YES */
	int precision ;
	bool_int *is_negative ;
	char buf[] ;
	int *len ;
	register char *s = buf ;
	register char *p ;
	int decimal_point ;
	char *ecvt(), *fcvt() ;
	char *strcpy() ;
	if ( format == 'f' )
		p = fcvt( num, precision, &decimal_point, is_negative ) ;
	else /* either e or E format */
		p = ecvt( num, precision+1, &decimal_point, is_negative ) ;

	 * Check for Infinity and NaN
	if ( isalpha( *p ) )
		*len = strlen( strcpy( buf, p ) ) ;
		*is_negative = FALSE ;
		return( buf ) ;
	if ( format == 'f' )
		if ( decimal_point <= 0 )
			*s++ = '0' ;
			if ( precision > 0 )
				*s++ = '.' ;
				while ( decimal_point++ < 0 )
					*s++ = '0' ;
			else if ( add_dp )
				*s++ = '.' ;
			while ( decimal_point-- > 0 )
				*s++ = *p++ ;
			if ( precision > 0 || add_dp ) *s++ = '.' ;
		*s++ = *p++ ;
		if ( precision > 0 || add_dp ) *s++ = '.' ;

	 * copy the rest of p, the NUL is NOT copied
	while ( *p ) *s++ = *p++ ;			
	if ( format != 'f' )
		char temp[ EXPONENT_LENGTH ] ;				/* for exponent conversion */
		int t_len ;
		bool_int exponent_is_negative ;

		*s++ = format ;		/* either e or E */
		decimal_point-- ;
		if ( decimal_point != 0 )
			p = conv_10( (wide_int)decimal_point, FALSE, &exponent_is_negative,
												&temp[ EXPONENT_LENGTH ], &t_len ) ;
			*s++ = exponent_is_negative ? '-' : '+' ;
			 * Make sure the exponent has at least 2 digits
			if ( t_len == 1 )
				*s++ = '0' ;
			while ( t_len-- ) *s++ = *p++ ;
			*s++ = '+' ;
			*s++ = '0' ;
			*s++ = '0' ;

	*len = s - buf ;
	return( buf ) ;

 * Convert num to a base X number where X is a power of 2. nbits determines X.
 * For example, if nbits is 3, we do base 8 conversion
 * Return value:
 *			a pointer to a string containing the number
 * The caller provides a buffer for the string: that is the buf_end argument
 * which is a pointer to the END of the buffer + 1 (i.e. if the buffer
 * is declared as buf[ 100 ], buf_end should be &buf[ 100 ])
static char *conv_p2( num, nbits, format, buf_end, len )
	register u_wide_int num ;
	register int nbits ;
	char format ;
	char *buf_end ;
	register int *len ;
	register int mask = ( 1 << nbits ) - 1 ;
	register char *p = buf_end ;
	static char low_digits[] = "0123456789abcdef" ;
	static char upper_digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF" ;
	register char *digits = ( format == 'X' ) ? upper_digits : low_digits ;

		*--p = digits[ num & mask ] ;
		num >>= nbits ;
	while( num ) ;

	*len = buf_end - p ;
	return( p ) ;

 * Do format conversion placing the output in odp
static int __sio_converter( odp, fd, fmt, ap )
	register __sio_od_t *odp ;
	int fd ;
	register char *fmt ;
	va_list ap ;
	register char *sp ;
	register char *bep ;
	register int cc = 0 ;
	register int i ;

	register char *s ;
	char *q ;
	int s_len ;

	register int min_width ;
	int precision ;
	enum { LEFT, RIGHT } adjust ;
	char pad_char ;
	char prefix_char ;

	double fp_num ;
	wide_int i_num ;
	u_wide_int ui_num ;

	char num_buf[ NUM_BUF_SIZE ] ;
	char char_buf[ 2 ] ;		/* for printing %% and %<unknown> */

	 * Flag variables
	boolean_e is_long ;
	boolean_e alternate_form ;
	boolean_e print_sign ;
	boolean_e print_blank ;
	boolean_e adjust_precision ;
	boolean_e adjust_width ;
	bool_int is_negative ;

	char *gcvt() ;
	char *strchr() ;

	sp = odp->nextb ;
	bep = odp->buf_end ;

	while ( *fmt )
		if ( *fmt != '%' )
			INS_CHAR( *fmt, sp, bep, odp, cc, fd ) ;
			 * Default variable settings
			adjust = RIGHT ;
			alternate_form = print_sign = print_blank = NO ;
			pad_char = ' ' ;
			prefix_char = NUL ;

			fmt++ ;

			 * Try to avoid checking for flags, width or precision
			if ( isascii( *fmt ) && ! islower( *fmt ) )
				 * Recognize flags: -, #, BLANK, +
				for ( ;; fmt++ )
					if ( *fmt == '-' )
						adjust = LEFT ;
					else if ( *fmt == '+' )
						print_sign = YES ;
					else if ( *fmt == '#' )
						alternate_form = YES ;
					else if ( *fmt == ' ' )
						print_blank = YES ;
					else if ( *fmt == '0' )
						pad_char = '0' ;
						break ;

				 * Check if a width was specified
				if ( isdigit( *fmt ) )
					STR_TO_DEC( fmt, min_width ) ;
					adjust_width = YES ;
				else if ( *fmt == '*' )
					min_width = va_arg( ap, int ) ;
					fmt++ ;
					adjust_width = YES ;
					if ( min_width < 0 )
						adjust = LEFT ;
						min_width = -min_width ;
					adjust_width = NO ;
				 * Check if a precision was specified
				 * XXX: an unreasonable amount of precision may be specified
				 *		  resulting in overflow of num_buf. Currently we
				 *		  ignore this possibility.
				if ( *fmt == '.' )
					adjust_precision = YES ;
					fmt++ ;
					if ( isdigit( *fmt ) )
						STR_TO_DEC( fmt, precision ) ;
					else if ( *fmt == '*' )
						precision = va_arg( ap, int ) ;
						fmt++ ;
						if ( precision < 0 )
							precision = 0 ;
						precision = 0 ;
					adjust_precision = NO ;
				adjust_precision = adjust_width = NO ;

			 * Modifier check
			if ( *fmt == 'l' )
				is_long = YES ;
				fmt++ ;
				is_long = NO ;

			 * Argument extraction and printing.
			 * First we determine the argument type.
			 * Then, we convert the argument to a string.
			 * On exit from the switch, s points to the string that
			 * must be printed, s_len has the length of the string
			 * The precision requirements, if any, are reflected in s_len.
			 * NOTE: pad_char may be set to '0' because of the 0 flag.
			 *			It is reset to ' ' by non-numeric formats
			switch( *fmt )
				case 'd':
				case 'i':
				case 'u':
					if ( is_long )
						i_num = va_arg( ap, wide_int ) ;
						i_num = (wide_int) va_arg( ap, int ) ;
					s = conv_10( i_num, (*fmt) == 'u', &is_negative,
												&num_buf[ NUM_BUF_SIZE ], &s_len ) ;
					FIX_PRECISION( adjust_precision, precision, s, s_len ) ;

					if ( *fmt != 'u' )
						if ( is_negative )
							prefix_char = '-' ;
						else if ( print_sign )
							prefix_char = '+' ;
						else if ( print_blank )
							prefix_char = ' ' ;
					break ;

				case 'o':
					if ( is_long )
						ui_num = va_arg( ap, u_wide_int ) ; 
						ui_num = (u_wide_int) va_arg( ap, unsigned int ) ;
					s = conv_p2( ui_num, 3, *fmt, 
												&num_buf[ NUM_BUF_SIZE ], &s_len ) ;
					FIX_PRECISION( adjust_precision, precision, s, s_len ) ;
					if ( alternate_form && *s != '0' )
						*--s = '0' ;
						s_len++ ;
					break ;

				case 'x':
				case 'X':
					if ( is_long )
						ui_num = (u_wide_int) va_arg( ap, u_wide_int ) ;
						ui_num = (u_wide_int) va_arg( ap, unsigned int ) ;
					s = conv_p2( ui_num, 4, *fmt,
												&num_buf[ NUM_BUF_SIZE ], &s_len ) ;
					FIX_PRECISION( adjust_precision, precision, s, s_len ) ;
					if ( alternate_form && i_num != 0 )
						*--s = *fmt ;			/* 'x' or 'X' */
						*--s = '0' ;
						s_len += 2 ;
					break ;

				case 's':
					s = va_arg( ap, char * ) ;
					if ( s != NULL )
						s_len = strlen( s ) ;
						if ( adjust_precision && precision < s_len )
							s_len = precision ;
						s = S_NULL ;
						s_len = S_NULL_LEN ;
					pad_char = ' ' ;
					break ;

				case 'f':
				case 'e':
				case 'E':
					fp_num = va_arg( ap, double ) ;

					s = conv_fp( *fmt, fp_num, alternate_form,
							( adjust_precision == NO ) ? FLOAT_DIGITS : precision,
													&is_negative, &num_buf[ 1 ], &s_len ) ;
					if ( is_negative )
						prefix_char = '-' ;
					else if ( print_sign )
						prefix_char = '+' ;
					else if ( print_blank )
						prefix_char = ' ' ;
					break ;

				case 'g':
				case 'G':
					if ( adjust_precision == NO )
						precision = FLOAT_DIGITS ;
					else if ( precision == 0 )
						precision = 1 ;
					 * We use &num_buf[ 1 ], so that we have room for the sign
					s = gcvt( va_arg( ap, double ), precision, &num_buf[ 1 ] ) ;
					if ( *s == '-' )
						prefix_char = *s++ ;
					else if ( print_sign )
						prefix_char = '+' ;
					else if ( print_blank )
						prefix_char = ' ' ;

					s_len = strlen( s ) ;

					if ( alternate_form && ( q = strchr( s, '.' ) ) == NULL )
						s[ s_len++ ] = '.' ;
					if ( *fmt == 'G' && ( q = strchr( s, 'e' ) ) != NULL )
						*q = 'E' ;
					break ;

				case 'c':
					char_buf[ 0 ] = (char) (va_arg( ap, int )) ;
					s = &char_buf[ 0 ] ;
					s_len = 1 ;
					pad_char = ' ' ;
					break ;

				case '%':
					char_buf[ 0 ] = '%' ;
					s = &char_buf[ 0 ] ;
					s_len = 1 ;
					pad_char = ' ' ;
					break ;

				case 'n':
					*(va_arg( ap, int * )) = cc ;
					break ;

				 * Always extract the argument as a "char *" pointer. We 
				 * should be using "void *" but there are still machines 
				 * that don't understand it.
				 * If the pointer size is equal to the size of an unsigned
				 * integer we convert the pointer to a hex number, otherwise 
				 * we print "%p" to indicate that we don't handle "%p".
				case 'p':
					ui_num = (u_wide_int) va_arg( ap, char * ) ;

					if ( sizeof( char * ) <= sizeof( u_wide_int ) )
						s = conv_p2( ui_num, 4, 'x', 
												&num_buf[ NUM_BUF_SIZE ], &s_len ) ;
						s = "%p" ;
						s_len = 2 ;
					pad_char = ' ' ;
					break ;

				case NUL:
					 * The last character of the format string was %.
					 * We ignore it.
					continue ;

				 	 * The default case is for unrecognized %'s.
					 * We print %<char> to help the user identify what
					 * option is not understood.
					 * This is also useful in case the user wants to pass
					 * the output of __sio_converter to another function
					 * that understands some other %<char> (like syslog).
					 * Note that we can't point s inside fmt because the
					 * unknown <char> could be preceded by width etc.
					char_buf[ 0 ] = '%' ;
					char_buf[ 1 ] = *fmt ;
					s = char_buf ;
					s_len = 2 ;
					pad_char = ' ' ;
					break ;

			if ( prefix_char != NUL )
				*--s = prefix_char ;
				s_len++ ;

			if ( adjust_width && adjust == RIGHT && min_width > s_len )
				if ( pad_char == '0' && prefix_char != NUL )
					INS_CHAR( *s, sp, bep, odp, cc, fd )
					s++ ;
					s_len-- ;
					min_width-- ;
				PAD( min_width, s_len, pad_char ) ;

			 * Print the string s. 
			for ( i = s_len ; i != 0 ; i-- )
				INS_CHAR( *s, sp, bep, odp, cc, fd ) ;
				s++ ;

			if ( adjust_width && adjust == LEFT && min_width > s_len )
				PAD( min_width, s_len, pad_char ) ;
		fmt++ ;
	odp->nextb = sp ;
	return( cc ) ;

 * This is the general purpose conversion function. It is invoked
 * by all the other str[x]_* functions
static void strx_printv( ccp, buf, len, format, ap )
	int *ccp ;
	char *buf ;
	int len ;
	char *format ;
	va_list ap ;
	__sio_od_t od ;
	int cc ;

    * First initialize the descriptor
	 * Notice that if no length is given, we initialize buf_end to the
	 * highest possible address.
   od.buf = buf ;                			/* NOT NEEDED        */
   od.buf_end = len ? &buf[ len ] : (char *) ~0 ;	/* NEEDED				*/
   od.buffer_size = 0 ;          			/* NOT NEEDED        */
   od.start = buf ;              			/* NOT NEEDED        */
   od.nextb = buf ;              			/* NEEDED            */
   od.buftype = 0 ;              			/* NOT NEEDED        */

    * Do the conversion
   cc = __sio_converter( &od, -1, format, ap ) ;
	if ( len == 0 || od.nextb < od.buf_end )
		*(od.nextb) = '\0' ;
   if ( ccp )
      *ccp = cc ;

static void strx_print( ccp, buf, len, format, va_alist )
	int *ccp ;
	char *buf ;
	int len ;
	char *format ;
	va_list ap ;

	va_start( ap ) ;
	strx_printv( ccp, buf, len, format, ap ) ;
	va_end( ap ) ;

int snprintf( buf, len, format, va_alist )
	char *buf ;
	int len ;
	char *format ;
	int cc ;
	va_list ap ;

	va_start( ap ) ;
	strx_printv( &cc, buf, (len-1), format, ap ) ;
	va_end( ap ) ;
	return( cc ) ;

int vsnprintf( buf, len, format, ap )
	char *buf ;
	int len ;
	char *format ;
	va_list ap ;
	int cc ;

	strx_printv( &cc, buf, (len-1), format, ap ) ;
	return( cc ) ;

      Jim Jagielski            |       jaguNET Access Services           |
                  "Not the Craw... the CRAW!"