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Posted to by Jared Laney <> on 2014/11/09 05:12:38 UTC Error


Recently, my cluster has been manifesting this issue when the server is
taken down by our administrator or he kill the nimbus, supervisor, and ui
pids sometimes inadvertently.

I start to see this error when I restart my Topology after restarting
nimbus, ui, and supervisor for the two nodes in the supervisor.log:

2014-11-08 22:28:08 b.s.event [ERROR] Error when processing event
at backtype.storm.daemon.supervisor$fn__6412.invoke(supervisor.clj:438)

Could it be that the apache commons-io jar file is getting corrupted?  I'm
really not sure what to do on this.  Normally, I have to delete the data
directory, the zookeeper data directory, and unzip the tar.gz distribution
for storm and the error goes away.  It just seems strange that the
moveDirectory method would disappear.
