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Posted to by on 2004/12/09 12:18:58 UTC

cvs commit: ws-axis/c buildSamples.xml

samisa      2004/12/09 03:18:58

  Added:       c        buildSamples.xml
  A very bassic Ant build file to build interop clients and server lib samples. Could be improved in the future.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/buildSamples.xml
  Index: buildSamples.xml
  <project name="AxisCPPSamples" default="buildSamples" basedir=".">
  <description >
  This ANT script compiles samples for Axis C++
  This script is intended for use with Java 1.4+ and Apache ANT 1.6+.
  Ant is available from:
  To allow the automated finding of all available samples, use has been made of the
  ant-contrib project offering.  Also, to compile C/C++ code you will require the
  cpptasks extension to ANT. You will need to place the JAR files within:
  	[ant install dir]/lib
  These are available from:
  {Note: The cpptasks are a seperate download from ant-contrib}
  Associated with this build script are property files for each platform, the script
  will automatically determine the correct one to be used;
  Please use these to configure directories to suit the needs of your system.
  * The following compilers will be required;
  	- Windows = Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
  	- Linux   = gcc
  	- AIX     = Visual Age
  	  Load definition of C/C++ Tasks and Types
  	  To allow the compilation and linking of C/C++ code
  	<taskdef resource="cpptasks.tasks"/>
  	<typedef resource="cpptasks.types"/>
  	<property environment="env"/>
  	  Load definition of Additional Tasks and Types
  	<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/"/>
  	  These properties should be the same for all environments, so have not been
  	  included within the property files
  	<property name="dir.samples" value="${basedir}/samples"/>
  	<!--property name="samples.list" value="base doclitbase"/-->
  	<property name="dir.include" value="${basedir}/include"/>
  	<!--property name="sampleName" value="base"/-->
  	  Compiler definitions
  		  Definition of Visual C++ compiler
  		<compiler id="VisualC++" name="msvc" if="windows">
  			<compilerarg value="/nologo"/>
  			<compilerarg value="/MD"/>
  			<compilerarg value="/W3"/>
  			<compilerarg value="/GX"/>
  			<compilerarg value="/Od"/>
  			<includepath path="${dir.include}"/>
  				<define name="WIN32"/>
  				<define name="NDEBUG"/>
  				<define name="_WINDOWS"/>
  				<define name="_MBCS"/>
  				<define name="_USRDLL"/>
  				<define name="ENABLE_AXIS_EXCEPTION"/>
  			<compilerarg value="/FD"/>
  			<compilerarg value="/c"/>
  		  Definition of gcc compile for Linux
  		<compiler id="Linuxgcc" name="g++" if="linux">
  			<compilerarg value="-g"/>
  				<define name="ENABLE_AXIS_EXCEPTION"/>
  				<define name="HAVE_CONFIG_H"/>
  				<define name="PIC"/>
  			<includepath path="${dir.include}"/>
  		  Definition of xlc compile for AIX
  		<compiler id="AIXxlc" name="xlC" if="aix">
  			<compilerarg value="-g"/>
  			<compilerarg value="-V"/>
  			<compilerarg value="-qstaticinline"/>
  				<define name="ENABLE_AXIS_EXCEPTION"/>
  				<define name="HAVE_CONFIG_H"/>
  				<define name="AIX"/>
  			<includepath path="${dir.include}"/>
  	  Linker Definitions
  		  Definition of Visual C++ linker
  		<linker id="VisualC++Linker" name="msvc" if="windows">
  			<linkerarg value="/machine:I386"/>
  			<linkerarg value="/nologo"/>
  			<linkerarg value="/pdb:none"/>
  		  Definition of Linux linker
  		<linker id="LinuxLinker" name="g++" libtool="true" if="linux">
  			<linkerarg value="-g"/>
  			<libset libs="stdc++"/>
  			<libset libs="dl"/>
  			<libset libs="pthread"/>
  		  Definition of AIX linker
  		<linker id="AIXLinker" name="xlC" libtool="false" if="aix">
  			<!-- debug is on for all -->
  			<linkerarg value="-g"/>
  	  Determine platform
  	<target name="pre-init">
  		<condition property="windows">
  			<os family="windows"/>
  		<condition property="aix">
  			<os name="AIX"/>
  		<condition property="linux">
  			<os name="Linux"/>
  	  Check if an individual samples name has been specified
  	<target name="checkIfIndividualTest">
  		<condition property="individualTest">
  			<isset property=""/>
  	  Initialize properties
  	<target name="initialize" depends="pre-init, checkIfIndividualTest">
  		<condition property="platform" value="Win32">
  			<isset property="windows"/>
  		<condition property="platform" value="Linux">
  			<isset property="linux"/>
  		<condition property="platform" value="AIX">
  			<isset property="aix"/>
  		<condition property="dir.xmlParser" value="${env.XERCES_HOME}/bin">
  					<isset property="dir.xmlParser"/>
  				<isset property="windows"/>
  		<condition property="dir.xmlParser" value="${env.XERCES_HOME}/lib">
  					<isset property="dir.xmlParser"/>
  					<isset property="windows"/>
  		<!-- Load properties from file -->
  		<property file="${basedir}/build/build.${platform}.properties"/>
  		<!-- Get directory to contain log file -->
  		<dirname file="${results.log}" property="dir.results"/>
  		<mkdir dir="${dir.obj}/objects"/>
  		<mkdir dir="${dir.obj}/samples"/>
  	<target name="compileSamples">
                  <for list="base,doclitbase,doclitgroupB,groupB" param="sampleName">
      			<!--Build client-->
  			<property name="clientSampleDir" value="client/interoptests"/>		
  			<echo>Building ${clientSampleDir}/@{sampleName}</echo>
  			<cc failonerror="false" incremental="false" outfile="${dir.obj}/samples/@{sampleName}"
  		 objdir="${dir.obj}/objects" exceptions="true"
  		 outtype="executable" subsystem="console">
  		 	<!-- Compilers -->
  			<compiler refid="VisualC++"/>
  			<compiler refid="Linuxgcc"/>
  			<compiler refid="AIXxlc"/>
  			<!-- Linkers -->
  			<linker refid="VisualC++Linker"/>
  			<linker refid="LinuxLinker"/>
  			<linker refid="AIXLinker"/>
  			<!-- Additional library of Axis Client -->
  			<libset dir="${dir.obj}/bin" libs="${clientLibraryName}"/>
  			<!-- Files to be compiled -->
  			<includepath path="${dir.include}"/>
  			<fileset dir="${dir.samples}/${clientSampleDir}/@{sampleName}">
  				<include name="*.cpp"/>
      			<!--Build server-->		
  			<property name="serverSampleDir" value="server/interoptests"/>		
  			<echo>Building ${serverSampleDir}/@{sampleName}</echo>
  			<cc failonerror="false" incremental="false" outfile="${dir.obj}/samples/@{sampleName}"
  		 objdir="${dir.obj}/objects" exceptions="true"
  		 outtype="shared" subsystem="console" >
  		 	<!-- Compilers -->
  			<compiler refid="VisualC++"/>
  			<compiler refid="Linuxgcc"/>
  			<compiler refid="AIXxlc"/>
  			<!-- Linkers -->
  			<linker refid="VisualC++Linker"/>
  			<linker refid="LinuxLinker"/>
  			<linker refid="AIXLinker"/>
  			<!-- Additional library of Axis Client -->
  			<libset dir="${dir.obj}/bin" libs="${serverEngineLibraryName}"/>
  			<!-- Files to be compiled -->
  			<includepath path="${dir.include}"/>
  			<fileset dir="${dir.samples}/${serverSampleDir}/@{sampleName}">
  				<include name="*.cpp"/>
  		<copy file="${dir.samples}/client/" tofile="${dir.obj}/samples/" overwrite="false"/>
  		<copy file="${dir.samples}/client/run_interoptests.bat" tofile="${dir.obj}/samples/run_interoptests.bat" overwrite="false"/>
  	  Build samples
  	<target name="buildSamples" unless="runOnly" depends="initialize, compileSamples" description="Build all sampless"/>	 
  	  Remove all generated samples artifacts
  	<target name="clean" depends="initialize" description="Remove all generated samples artifacts">
  		<delete dir="${dir.samples.generated}"/>
  		<delete dir="${dir.results}"></delete>