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Posted to by Kristian Rosenvold <> on 2011/06/18 11:45:29 UTC

[ANN] Maven Surefire Plugin 2.9 Released

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven
Surefire Plugin, version 2.9

This release includes the maven-surefire-plugin, which executes the
unit tests of an application, the maven-surefire-report-plugin, which
parses surefire/failsafe test results and renders them to DOXIA
creating the web interface version of the test results, as well as the
maven-failsafe-plugin, which executes the integration tests of an

Surefire can now run JUnit 3 tests with a security manager present, see

**** Note to JUnit4 users upgrading:
Due to SUREFIRE-482 users upgrading to surefire 2.9 from <2.7
may see some (incorrectly defined) tests not being run any more.
This should be verified by running mvn -Dsurefire.junit4.upgradecheck=true
install at least once (this can be run multiple times until you
have fixed all issues)

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 2.9

** Bug
    * [SUREFIRE-34] - Using security manager in a fork mode causes an
    * [SUREFIRE-534] - Xpp3Dom gets in the way of org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE
    * [SUREFIRE-690] - testSetCompleted called before testSetStarting
when using m3 parallel builds
    * [SUREFIRE-703] - surefire-junit47doesn't work with
redirectTestOutputToFile option
    * [SUREFIRE-704] - maven surefire Error while executing forked
tests.; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException:
testSetStarting called twice
    * [SUREFIRE-720] - Toolchain is ignored
    * [SUREFIRE-727] - Classpath too long on windows with
    * [SUREFIRE-730] - JUnit4RunListener does not report results from
concurrently running tests correctly
    * [SUREFIRE-731] - Cannot build 2.8.1 from tag
    * [SUREFIRE-733] - write(int) not overridden in ConsoleOuptutCapture
    * [SUREFIRE-735] - Surefire plugin does not report fatal VM creation failure
    * [SUREFIRE-740] - Fractional part of method execution time is
truncated for non English locale
    * [SUREFIRE-741] - Stdout/stderr is now not being included in XML
test reports for test failures
    * [SUREFIRE-742] - Latest 2.8.2-SNAPSHOT version having sporadic
java.lang.RuntimeException errors
    * [SUREFIRE-743] - JUnit 4.x provider never calls notifier.testRunFinished
    * [SUREFIRE-744] - NullPointerException in
ConcurrentReporterManager, falsely report of "No tests were executed!"

** Improvement
    * [SUREFIRE-748] - Ensure plugin classloader is unloadable

** New Feature
    * [SUREFIRE-736] - Add a list of system properties from a properties file


-The Maven team