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[GitHub] [arrow-datafusion] alamb commented on a diff in pull request #2648: Support logical plan compilation

alamb commented on code in PR #2648:

@@ -17,191 +17,916 @@
 //! Compile DataFusion Expr to JIT'd function.
-use datafusion_common::Result;
+use std::mem;
+use std::sync::Arc;
-use crate::api::Assembler;
+use arrow::array::{Array, PrimitiveArray};
+use arrow::datatypes::{Float64Type, Int64Type};
+use arrow::record_batch::RecordBatch;
+use datafusion_common::{DFSchema, DFSchemaRef, DataFusionError, Result};
+use datafusion_expr::logical_plan::Projection;
+use datafusion_expr::{Expr, LogicalPlan};
+use crate::api::{Assembler, CodeBlock, FunctionBuilder};
 use crate::ast::{JITType, I32};
 use crate::{
     ast::{Expr as JITExpr, I64, PTR_SIZE},
-/// Wrap JIT Expr to array compute function.
-pub fn build_calc_fn(
-    assembler: &Assembler,
-    jit_expr: JITExpr,
-    inputs: Vec<(String, JITType)>,
-    ret_type: JITType,
-) -> Result<GeneratedFunction> {
-    // Alias pointer type.
-    // The raw pointer `R64` or `R32` is not compatible with integers.
-    const PTR_TYPE: JITType = if PTR_SIZE == 8 { I64 } else { I32 };
-    let mut builder = assembler.new_func_builder("calc_fn");
-    // Declare in-param.
-    // Each input takes one position, following by a pointer to place result,
-    // and the last is the length of inputs/output arrays.
-    for (name, _) in &inputs {
-        builder = builder.param(format!("{}_array", name), PTR_TYPE);
-    }
-    let mut builder = builder.param("result", ret_type).param("len", I64);
-    // Start build function body.
-    // It's loop that calculates the result one by one.
-    let mut fn_body = builder.enter_block();
-    fn_body.declare_as("index", fn_body.lit_i(0))?;
-    fn_body.while_block(
-        |cond|"index")?,"len")?),
-        |w| {
-            w.declare_as("offset", w.mul("index")?, w.lit_i(PTR_SIZE as i64))?)?;
-            for (name, ty) in &inputs {
-                w.declare_as(
-                    format!("{}_ptr", name),
-                    w.add(!("{}_array", name))?,"offset")?)?,
-                )?;
-                w.declare_as(name, w.load(!("{}_ptr", name))?, *ty)?)?;
-            }
-            w.declare_as("res_ptr", w.add("result")?,"offset")?)?)?;
-            w.declare_as("res", jit_expr.clone())?;
-  "res")?,"res_ptr")?)?;
+// Alias pointer type.
+// The raw pointer `R64` or `R32` is not compatible with integers.
+const PTR_TYPE: JITType = if PTR_SIZE == 8 { I64 } else { I32 };
-            w.assign("index", w.add("index")?, w.lit_i(1))?)?;
-            Ok(())
-        },
-    )?;
+type JITFunction = fn(*const i64, *const i64, i64) -> ();
-    let gen_func =;
-    Ok(gen_func)
+pub struct JITContext {
+    assembler: Assembler,
+    fn_state: Option<FnState>,
-mod test {
-    use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
+impl JITContext {
+    pub fn compile_logical_plan(
+        &mut self,
+        logical_plan: LogicalPlan,
+    ) -> Result<JITExecutionPlan> {
+        match logical_plan {
+            LogicalPlan::Projection(projection) => {
+                let Projection {
+                    expr: exprs,
+                    input,
+                    schema: output_schema,
+                    alias: _alias,
+                } = projection;
-    use arrow::{
-        array::{Array, PrimitiveArray},
-        datatypes::{DataType, Int64Type},
-    };
-    use datafusion_common::{DFField, DFSchema, DataFusionError};
-    use datafusion_expr::Expr as DFExpr;
+                let gen_fn = self.generate_fn(
+                    exprs,
+                    input.schema().clone(),
+                    output_schema.clone(),
+                )?;
-    use crate::ast::BinaryExpr;
+                let fn_ptr =
+                    unsafe { mem::transmute::<_, JITFunction>(self.compile(gen_fn)?) };
+                let exec_plan = JITExecutionPlan {
+                    fn_ptr,
+                    output_schema,
+                };
+                Ok(exec_plan)
+            }
+            plan => Err(DataFusionError::NotImplemented(format!(
+                "Compiling {:?} is not yet supported",
+                plan
+            ))),
+        }
+    }
-    use super::*;
+    /// Generate function IR for a group of exprs
+    fn generate_fn(
+        &mut self,
+        exprs: Vec<Expr>,
+        input_schema: DFSchemaRef,
+        output_schema: DFSchemaRef,
+    ) -> Result<GeneratedFunction> {
+        let input_fields = collect_jit_type(&input_schema)?;
+        let output_fields = collect_jit_type(&output_schema)?;
-    fn run_df_expr(
-        df_expr: DFExpr,
-        schema: Arc<DFSchema>,
-        lhs: PrimitiveArray<Int64Type>,
-        rhs: PrimitiveArray<Int64Type>,
-    ) -> Result<PrimitiveArray<Int64Type>> {
-        if lhs.null_count() != 0 || rhs.null_count() != 0 {
-            return Err(DataFusionError::NotImplemented(
-                "Computing on nullable array not yet supported".to_string(),
-            ));
+        let jit_exprs = exprs
+            .iter()
+            .map(|expr| JITExpr::try_from((expr.clone(), input_schema.clone())))
+            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
+        self.start_fn(input_fields, output_fields)?;
+        for (index, expr) in jit_exprs.into_iter().enumerate() {
+            self.build_expr_block(expr, index)?;
-        if lhs.len() != rhs.len() {
-            return Err(DataFusionError::NotImplemented(
-                "Computing on different length arrays not yet supported".to_string(),
+        let gen_fn = self.finish_fn()?;
+        Ok(gen_fn)
+    }
+pub struct FnState {
+    fn_body: CodeBlock,
+    in_field: Vec<(String, JITType)>,
+    out_field: Vec<(String, JITType)>,
+impl FnState {
+    fn new(
+        builder: FunctionBuilder,
+        in_field: Vec<(String, JITType)>,
+        out_field: Vec<(String, JITType)>,
+    ) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            fn_body: builder.enter_block(),
+            in_field,
+            out_field,
+        }
+    }
+impl JITContext {
+    /// The generated function will have signature like
+    /// ```rust, ignore
+    /// fn calc_fn(
+    ///     input_arrays: *const *const Array,
+    ///     output_arrays: *const *const Array,
+    ///     length: i64, // row count
+    /// );
+    /// ```
+    fn start_fn(
+        &mut self,
+        in_field: Vec<(String, JITType)>,
+        out_field: Vec<(String, JITType)>,
+    ) -> Result<()> {
+        if self.fn_state.is_some() {
+            return Err(DataFusionError::Internal(
+                "Function construction already started".to_string(),
-        // translate DF Expr to JIT Expr
-        let input_fields = schema
-            .fields()
-            .iter()
-            .map(|field| {
-                Ok((
-                    field.qualified_name(),
-                    JITType::try_from(field.data_type())?,
-                ))
-            })
-            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
-        let jit_expr: JITExpr = (df_expr, schema).try_into()?;
-        // allocate memory for calc result
-        let len = lhs.len();
-        let result = vec![0i64; len];
-        // compile and run JIT code
-        let assembler = Assembler::default();
-        let gen_func = build_calc_fn(&assembler, jit_expr, input_fields, I64)?;
-        let mut jit = assembler.create_jit();
-        let code_ptr = jit.compile(gen_func)?;
-        let code_fn = unsafe {
-            core::mem::transmute::<_, fn(*const i64, *const i64, *const i64, i64) -> ()>(
-                code_ptr,
-            )
+        let mut builder = self.assembler.new_func_builder("calc_fn");
+        // declare fn sig
+        builder = builder
+            .param("input_arrays", PTR_TYPE)
+            .param("output_arrays", PTR_TYPE)
+            .param("length", I64);
+        self.fn_state = Some(FnState::new(builder, in_field, out_field));
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    /// Build one loop for an expr. The index is the position of this expr
+    /// and is used to offset result column.
+    ///
+    /// The generated loop block contains three parts:
+    /// - retrieve data from pointer (`*const *const Array`)
+    /// - evaluate expr
+    /// - store result to output array
+    fn build_expr_block(&mut self, expr: JITExpr, index: usize) -> Result<()> {
+        // retrieve fn state
+        let fn_state = match self.fn_state.as_mut() {
+            Some(builder) => builder,
+            None => {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Internal(
+                    "Function construction is not started".to_string(),
+                ));
+            }
-        code_fn(
-            lhs.values().as_ptr(),
-            rhs.values().as_ptr(),
-            result.as_ptr(),
-            len as i64,
+        let (res_name, _) = fn_state.out_field[index].clone();
+        // build one calculation loop for expression.
+        let calc_block = &mut fn_state.fn_body;
+        calc_block.declare_as("index", calc_block.lit_i(0))?;
+        calc_block.while_block(
+            |cond|"index")?,"length")?),
+            |w| {
+                // declare index variable
+                w.declare_as("offset", w.mul("index")?, w.lit_i(PTR_SIZE as i64))?)?;
+                // transform input pointers
+                w.declare_as("array_index", w.lit_i(0))?;
+                w.declare_as("array_offset", w.lit_i(0))?;
+                w.declare_as("array_ptr", w.lit_i(0))?;
+                for (name, ty) in &fn_state.in_field {
+                    w.assign(
+                        "array_offset",
+                        w.mul("array_index")?, w.lit_i(PTR_SIZE as i64))?,
+                    )?;
+                    w.assign(
+                        "array_ptr",
+                        w.add("input_arrays")?,"array_offset")?)?,
+                    )?;
+                    w.assign("array_ptr", w.load("array_ptr")?, PTR_TYPE)?)?;
+                    w.declare_as(
+                        format!("{}_ptr", name),
+                        w.add("array_ptr")?,"offset")?)?,
+                    )?;
+                    w.declare_as(name, w.load(!("{}_ptr", name))?, *ty)?)?;
+                    w.assign("array_index", w.add("array_index")?, w.lit_i(1))?)?;
+                }
+                // declare result pointer
+                let res_array_offset = index * PTR_SIZE;
+                w.declare_as(
+                    format!("{}_array", res_name),
+                    w.add("output_arrays")?, w.lit_i(res_array_offset as i64))?,
+                )?;
+                w.assign(
+                    format!("{}_array", res_name),
+                    w.load(!("{}_array", res_name))?, PTR_TYPE)?,
+                )?;
+                w.declare_as(
+                    format!("{}_ptr", res_name),
+                    w.add(!("{}_array", res_name))?,"offset")?)?,
+                )?;
+                // evaluate expr
+                w.declare_as(&res_name, expr.clone())?;
+                // store result
+      ,!("{}_ptr", res_name))?)?;
+                // step index
+                w.assign("index", w.add("index")?, w.lit_i(1))?)?;
+                Ok(())
+            },
+        )?;
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    fn finish_fn(&mut self) -> Result<GeneratedFunction> {
+        let fn_state = match self.fn_state.as_mut() {
+            Some(builder) => builder,
+            None => {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::Internal(
+                    "Function construction is not started".to_string(),
+                ));
+            }
+        };
+        let gen_fn =;
+        self.fn_state = None;
+        Ok(gen_fn)
+    }
+    fn compile(&self, gen_fn: GeneratedFunction) -> Result<*const u8> {
+        let mut jit = self.assembler.create_jit();
+        jit.compile(gen_fn)
+    }
+/// A JIT compiled execution plan.
+/// Currently only a minimal [execute] interface is implemented.
+pub struct JITExecutionPlan {
+    fn_ptr: JITFunction,
+    output_schema: DFSchemaRef,
+impl JITExecutionPlan {
+    /// Execute on input batch.
+    ///
+    /// Partitioning and task context are not supported yet.
+    pub fn execute(
+        &self,
+        // partition: usize,
+        input: RecordBatch,
+        // context: Arc<TaskContext>,
+    ) -> Result<RecordBatch> {
+        self.check_input(&input)?;
+        let input_pointers = self.convert_input_record_batch(&input)?;
+        let length = input.num_rows();
+        let output_pointers = self.alloc_output_array(&self.output_schema, length)?;
+        // involve function
+        (self.fn_ptr)(
+            input_pointers.as_ptr() as _,
+            output_pointers.as_ptr() as _,
+            length as i64,
-        let result_array = PrimitiveArray::<Int64Type>::from_iter(result);
-        Ok(result_array)
+        let result = self.convert_output_record_batch(
+            output_pointers,
+            &self.output_schema,
+            length,
+        )?;
+        Ok(result)
+    }
+    fn check_input(&self, input: &RecordBatch) -> Result<()> {
+        for column in input.columns() {
+            if column.null_count() != 0 {
+                return Err(DataFusionError::NotImplemented(
+                    "Computing on nullable array not yet supported".to_string(),
+                ));
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    /// Make a pointer vector of input [RecordBatch]. Currently only support primitive arrays.
+    fn convert_input_record_batch(&self, batch: &RecordBatch) -> Result<Vec<*const ()>> {
+        let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(batch.num_columns());
+        for array in batch.columns() {
+            let values_ptr = match array.data_type() {
+                arrow::datatypes::DataType::Int64 => array
+                    .as_any()
+                    .downcast_ref::<PrimitiveArray<Int64Type>>()
+                    .unwrap()
+                    .values()
+                    .as_ptr()
+                    as *const (),
+                arrow::datatypes::DataType::Float64 => array
+                    .as_any()
+                    .downcast_ref::<PrimitiveArray<Float64Type>>()
+                    .unwrap()
+                    .values()
+                    .as_ptr()
+                    as *const (),
+                arrow::datatypes::DataType::Null
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Boolean
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Int8
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Int16
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Int32
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::UInt8
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::UInt16
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::UInt32
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::UInt64
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Float16
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Float32
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Timestamp(_, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Date32
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Date64
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Time32(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Time64(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Duration(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Interval(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Binary
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::FixedSizeBinary(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::LargeBinary
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Utf8
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::LargeUtf8
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::List(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::FixedSizeList(_, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::LargeList(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Struct(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Union(_, _, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Dictionary(_, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Decimal(_, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Map(_, _) => {
+                    return Err(DataFusionError::NotImplemented(format!(
+                        "Unsupported data type {}",
+                        array.data_type()
+                    )));
+                }
+            };
+            result.push(values_ptr)
+        }
+        Ok(result)
+    }
+    /// Preallocate output arrays.
+    ///
+    /// This method will allocate n vectors (number of schema's fields), with `length`
+    /// elements each. And return their pointers (of data part). The allocated memory
+    /// will be "leak" via [Vec::from_raw_parts]. And needs to be retrieved via
+    /// [convert_output_record_batch].
+    fn alloc_output_array(
+        &self,
+        schema: &DFSchemaRef,
+        length: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Vec<*const ()>> {
+        let mut pointers = Vec::with_capacity(schema.fields().len());
+        for field in schema.fields() {
+            let buffer_pointer = match field.data_type() {
+                arrow::datatypes::DataType::Int64 => {
+                    let buf = Vec::<i64>::with_capacity(length);
+                    let ptr = buf.as_ptr() as _;
+                    mem::forget(buf);
+                    ptr
+                }
+                arrow::datatypes::DataType::UInt64 => {
+                    let buf = Vec::<u64>::with_capacity(length);
+                    let ptr = buf.as_ptr() as _;
+                    mem::forget(buf);
+                    ptr
+                }
+                arrow::datatypes::DataType::Float64 => {
+                    let buf = Vec::<f64>::with_capacity(length);
+                    let ptr = buf.as_ptr() as _;
+                    mem::forget(buf);
+                    ptr
+                }
+                arrow::datatypes::DataType::Null
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Boolean
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Int8
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Int16
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Int32
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::UInt8
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::UInt16
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::UInt32
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Float16
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Float32
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Timestamp(_, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Date32
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Date64
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Time32(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Time64(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Duration(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Interval(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Binary
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::FixedSizeBinary(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::LargeBinary
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Utf8
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::LargeUtf8
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::List(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::FixedSizeList(_, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::LargeList(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Struct(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Union(_, _, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Dictionary(_, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Decimal(_, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Map(_, _) => {
+                    return Err(DataFusionError::NotImplemented(format!(
+                        "Unsupported data type {}",
+                        field.data_type()
+                    )));
+                }
+            };
+            pointers.push(buffer_pointer);
+        }
+        Ok(pointers)
+    }
+    /// Read and deallocate result arrays from `pointers`, which is allocated by
+    /// [alloc_output_array] and has guaranteed memories. The content would be default
+    /// value if it's not set by calculation program.
+    fn convert_output_record_batch(
+        &self,
+        pointers: Vec<*const ()>,
+        schema: &DFSchemaRef,
+        length: usize,
+    ) -> Result<RecordBatch> {
+        let mut arrays: Vec<Arc<dyn Array>> = Vec::with_capacity(schema.fields().len());
+        for (pointer, field) in pointers.into_iter().zip(schema.fields().iter()) {
+            let array: Arc<dyn Array> = match field.data_type() {
+                arrow::datatypes::DataType::Int64 => {
+                    let vec = unsafe {
+                        Vec::<i64>::from_raw_parts(pointer as _, length, length)
+                    };
+                    Arc::new(PrimitiveArray::from_iter(vec.into_iter()))
+                }
+                arrow::datatypes::DataType::UInt64 => {
+                    let vec = unsafe {
+                        Vec::<u64>::from_raw_parts(pointer as _, length, length)
+                    };
+                    Arc::new(PrimitiveArray::from_iter(vec.into_iter()))
+                }
+                arrow::datatypes::DataType::Float64 => {
+                    let vec = unsafe {
+                        Vec::<f64>::from_raw_parts(pointer as _, length, length)
+                    };
+                    Arc::new(PrimitiveArray::from_iter(vec.into_iter()))
+                }
+                arrow::datatypes::DataType::Null
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Boolean
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Int8
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Int16
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Int32
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::UInt8
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::UInt16
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::UInt32
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Float16
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Float32
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Timestamp(_, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Date32
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Date64
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Time32(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Time64(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Duration(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Interval(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Binary
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::FixedSizeBinary(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::LargeBinary
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Utf8
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::LargeUtf8
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::List(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::FixedSizeList(_, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::LargeList(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Struct(_)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Union(_, _, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Dictionary(_, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Decimal(_, _)
+                | arrow::datatypes::DataType::Map(_, _) => {
+                    return Err(DataFusionError::NotImplemented(format!(
+                        "Unsupported data type {}",
+                        field.data_type()
+                    )));
+                }
+            };
+            arrays.push(array);
+        }
+        let schema: DFSchema = (schema.as_ref()).clone();
+        let batch = RecordBatch::try_new(schema.try_into().unwrap(), arrays)?;
+        Ok(batch)
+    }
+fn collect_jit_type(schema: &DFSchema) -> Result<Vec<(String, JITType)>> {
+    schema
+        .fields()
+        .iter()
+        .map(|field| {
+            Ok((
+                field.qualified_name(),
+                JITType::try_from(field.data_type())?,
+            ))
+        })
+        .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()
+mod test {
+    use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
+    use arrow::datatypes::{DataType, Field, Schema};
+    use datafusion_common::{DFField, DFSchema};
+    use datafusion_expr::logical_plan::table_scan;
+    use super::*;
-    fn array_add() {
-        let array_a: PrimitiveArray<Int64Type> =
-            PrimitiveArray::from_iter_values((0..10).map(|x| x + 1));
-        let array_b: PrimitiveArray<Int64Type> =
-            PrimitiveArray::from_iter_values((10..20).map(|x| x + 1));
-        let expected =
-            arrow::compute::kernels::arithmetic::add(&array_a, &array_b).unwrap();
-        let df_expr = datafusion_expr::col("a") + datafusion_expr::col("b");
-        let schema = Arc::new(
+    fn generate_compute_function() {
+        let input_schema = Arc::new(
+            DFSchema::new_with_metadata(
+                vec![
+                    DFField::new(None, "a", DataType::Int64, false),
+                    DFField::new(None, "b", DataType::Int64, false),
+                    DFField::new(None, "c", DataType::Float64, false),
+                    DFField::new(None, "d", DataType::Float64, false),
+                    DFField::new(None, "e", DataType::Int64, false),
+                ],
+                HashMap::new(),
+            )
+            .unwrap(),
+        );
+        let output_schema = Arc::new(
-                    DFField::new(Some("table1"), "a", DataType::Int64, false),
-                    DFField::new(Some("table1"), "b", DataType::Int64, false),
+                    DFField::new(Some("result"), "a", DataType::Int64, false),
+                    DFField::new(Some("result"), "b", DataType::Float64, false),
+                    DFField::new(Some("result"), "c", DataType::Int64, false),
+                    DFField::new(Some("result"), "d", DataType::Int64, false),
+        let exprs = vec![
+            datafusion_expr::col("a") + datafusion_expr::col("b"),
+            datafusion_expr::col("c") + datafusion_expr::col("d"),
+            datafusion_expr::col("e") - datafusion_expr::col("a"),
+            datafusion_expr::col("e") * datafusion_expr::col("b"),
+        ];
-        let result = run_df_expr(df_expr, schema, array_a, array_b).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(result, expected);
+        // The generated code contains four loops (each expr has one).
+        // The loop will computes result rows one by one. It will first retrieve
+        // every value in the input columns (in this example we have five columns).
+        // Then evaluate the expr and store its result.
+        //
+        // The generated code has lots of unnecessary lines. Mainly the data retrieve
+        // parts. It will dereference every column every time regardless whether it is need.
+        let expected = r#"fn calc_fn_0(input_arrays: i64, output_arrays: i64, length: i64) -> () {
+    let index: i64;
+    index = 0;
+    while index < length {
+        let offset: i64;
+        offset = index * 8;
+        let array_index: i64;
+        array_index = 0;
+        let array_offset: i64;
+        array_offset = 0;
+        let array_ptr: i64;
+        array_ptr = 0;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let a_ptr: i64;
+        a_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let a: i64;
+        a = *(a_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let b_ptr: i64;
+        b_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let b: i64;
+        b = *(b_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let c_ptr: i64;
+        c_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let c: f64;
+        c = *(c_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let d_ptr: i64;
+        d_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let d: f64;
+        d = *(d_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let e_ptr: i64;
+        e_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let e: i64;
+        e = *(e_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        let result.a_array: i64;
+        result.a_array = output_arrays + 0;
+        result.a_array = *(result.a_array);
+        let result.a_ptr: i64;
+        result.a_ptr = result.a_array + offset;
+        let result.a: i64;
+        result.a = a + b;
+        *(result.a_ptr) = result.a
+        index = index + 1;
-    #[test]
-    fn calc_fn_builder() {
-        let expr = JITExpr::Binary(BinaryExpr::Add(
-            Box::new(JITExpr::Identifier("table1.a".to_string(), I64)),
-            Box::new(JITExpr::Identifier("table1.b".to_string(), I64)),
-        ));
-        let fields = vec![("table1.a".to_string(), I64), ("table1.b".to_string(), I64)];
-        let expected = r#"fn calc_fn_0(table1.a_array: i64, table1.b_array: i64, result: i64, len: i64) -> () {
     let index: i64;
     index = 0;
-    while index < len {
+    while index < length {
         let offset: i64;
         offset = index * 8;
-        let table1.a_ptr: i64;
-        table1.a_ptr = table1.a_array + offset;
-        let table1.a: i64;
-        table1.a = *(table1.a_ptr);
-        let table1.b_ptr: i64;
-        table1.b_ptr = table1.b_array + offset;
-        let table1.b: i64;
-        table1.b = *(table1.b_ptr);
-        let res_ptr: i64;
-        res_ptr = result + offset;
-        let res: i64;
-        res = table1.a + table1.b;
-        *(res_ptr) = res
+        let array_index: i64;
+        array_index = 0;
+        let array_offset: i64;
+        array_offset = 0;
+        let array_ptr: i64;
+        array_ptr = 0;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let a_ptr: i64;
+        a_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let a: i64;
+        a = *(a_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let b_ptr: i64;
+        b_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let b: i64;
+        b = *(b_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let c_ptr: i64;
+        c_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let c: f64;
+        c = *(c_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let d_ptr: i64;
+        d_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let d: f64;
+        d = *(d_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let e_ptr: i64;
+        e_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let e: i64;
+        e = *(e_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        let result.b_array: i64;
+        result.b_array = output_arrays + 8;
+        result.b_array = *(result.b_array);
+        let result.b_ptr: i64;
+        result.b_ptr = result.b_array + offset;
+        let result.b: f64;
+        result.b = c + d;
+        *(result.b_ptr) = result.b
+        index = index + 1;
+    }
+    let index: i64;
+    index = 0;
+    while index < length {
+        let offset: i64;
+        offset = index * 8;
+        let array_index: i64;
+        array_index = 0;
+        let array_offset: i64;
+        array_offset = 0;
+        let array_ptr: i64;
+        array_ptr = 0;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let a_ptr: i64;
+        a_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let a: i64;
+        a = *(a_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let b_ptr: i64;
+        b_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let b: i64;
+        b = *(b_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let c_ptr: i64;
+        c_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let c: f64;
+        c = *(c_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let d_ptr: i64;
+        d_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let d: f64;
+        d = *(d_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let e_ptr: i64;
+        e_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let e: i64;
+        e = *(e_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        let result.c_array: i64;
+        result.c_array = output_arrays + 16;
+        result.c_array = *(result.c_array);
+        let result.c_ptr: i64;
+        result.c_ptr = result.c_array + offset;
+        let result.c: i64;
+        result.c = e - a;
+        *(result.c_ptr) = result.c
+        index = index + 1;
+    }
+    let index: i64;
+    index = 0;
+    while index < length {
+        let offset: i64;
+        offset = index * 8;
+        let array_index: i64;
+        array_index = 0;
+        let array_offset: i64;
+        array_offset = 0;
+        let array_ptr: i64;
+        array_ptr = 0;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let a_ptr: i64;
+        a_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let a: i64;
+        a = *(a_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let b_ptr: i64;
+        b_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let b: i64;
+        b = *(b_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let c_ptr: i64;
+        c_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let c: f64;
+        c = *(c_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let d_ptr: i64;
+        d_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let d: f64;
+        d = *(d_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        array_offset = array_index * 8;
+        array_ptr = input_arrays + array_offset;
+        array_ptr = *(array_ptr);
+        let e_ptr: i64;
+        e_ptr = array_ptr + offset;
+        let e: i64;
+        e = *(e_ptr);
+        array_index = array_index + 1;
+        let result.d_array: i64;
+        result.d_array = output_arrays + 24;
+        result.d_array = *(result.d_array);
+        let result.d_ptr: i64;
+        result.d_ptr = result.d_array + offset;
+        let result.d: i64;
+        result.d = e * b;
+        *(result.d_ptr) = result.d
         index = index + 1;
-        let assembler = Assembler::default();
-        let gen_func = build_calc_fn(&assembler, expr, fields, I64).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(format!("{}", &gen_func), expected);
+        // compile logical plan into JIT execution plan
+        let mut jit_ctx = JITContext::default();
+        let gen_fn = jit_ctx
+            .generate_fn(exprs, input_schema, output_schema)
+            .unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", &gen_fn), expected);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn exec_logical_project_plan() {
+        // prepare data
+        let input_schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(vec![
+            Field::new("a", DataType::Int64, false),
+            Field::new("b", DataType::Int64, false),
+            Field::new("c", DataType::Float64, false),
+            Field::new("d", DataType::Float64, false),
+            Field::new("e", DataType::Int64, false),
+        ]));
+        let output_schema = Arc::new(
+            DFSchema::new_with_metadata(
+                vec![
+                    DFField::new(Some("result"), "a", DataType::Int64, false),
+                    DFField::new(Some("result"), "b", DataType::Float64, false),
+                    DFField::new(Some("result"), "c", DataType::Int64, false),
+                    DFField::new(Some("result"), "d", DataType::Int64, false),
+                ],
+                HashMap::new(),
+            )
+            .unwrap(),
+        );
+        let input_batch = RecordBatch::try_new(
+            input_schema.clone(),
+            vec![
+                Arc::new(PrimitiveArray::<Int64Type>::from_iter_values(0..10)) as _,
+                Arc::new(PrimitiveArray::<Int64Type>::from_iter_values(10..20)) as _,
+                Arc::new(PrimitiveArray::<Float64Type>::from_iter_values(
+                    (20..30).map(|x| x as f64),
+                )) as _,
+                Arc::new(PrimitiveArray::<Float64Type>::from_iter_values(
+                    (30..40).map(|x| x as f64),
+                )) as _,
+                Arc::new(PrimitiveArray::<Int64Type>::from_iter_values(40..50)) as _,
+            ],
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        let exprs = vec![
+            datafusion_expr::col("a") + datafusion_expr::col("b"),
+            datafusion_expr::col("c") + datafusion_expr::col("d"),
+            datafusion_expr::col("e") - datafusion_expr::col("a"),
+            datafusion_expr::col("e") * datafusion_expr::col("b"),
+        ];
+        let expected_batch = RecordBatch::try_new(
+            input_schema.clone(),
+            vec![
+                Arc::new(PrimitiveArray::<Int64Type>::from_iter_values(
+                    (0..10).map(|x| x * 2 + 10),
+                )) as _,
+                Arc::new(PrimitiveArray::<Float64Type>::from_iter_values(
+                    (0..10).map(|x| x as f64 * 2.0 + 50.0),
+                )) as _,
+                Arc::new(PrimitiveArray::<Int64Type>::from_iter_values(
+                    (0..10).map(|_| 40),
+                )) as _,
+                Arc::new(PrimitiveArray::<Int64Type>::from_iter_values(
+                    (0..10).map(|x| (x + 10) * (x + 40)),
+                )) as _,
+            ],
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+        // prepare logical plan
+        let table_scan = Arc::new(
+            table_scan(None, &input_schema, None)
+                .unwrap()
+                .build()
+                .unwrap(),
+        );
+        let projection_plan = LogicalPlan::Projection(Projection {
+            expr: exprs,
+            input: table_scan,
+            schema: output_schema,
+            alias: None,
+        });
+        // compile logical plan into JIT execution plan
+        let mut jit_ctx = JITContext::default();
+        let jit_exec_plan = jit_ctx.compile_logical_plan(projection_plan).unwrap();
+        // execute
+        let output_batch = jit_exec_plan.execute(input_batch).unwrap();

Review Comment:
   this is pretty neat

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