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Posted to by Stan Devitt <> on 2010/07/01 15:10:30 UTC

RE: standardized Maven GAV URN?

Such a notation would be much more useful if it were 

	1. standardized and 
	2. unambiguous 

My personal preference would be "something like"    


This way, the classifier, the extension, and the scope could be optional simplifying this to

	groupId:artifactId:version    (defaulting to no classifier, extension=jar, scope=compile)



Whatever is done, having multiple conflicting ambiguous versions of this is just bad design.  The final choice should probably be consistent with the URI specification   (in this case, a path with scheme=GAV, a blank authority, and no query or fragment)  .  It should be registered.

	i.e., GAV:junit:junit:3.8.1


PS.  The full set of coordinates falls into two categories:

	1. name the artifact  (group,artifact,version,classifier)
	2. meta-data about the artifact 
		- assistance to help find it in a repo  (extension)  
		- restrict its use  (scope)

Here, I have deliberately separated (1) from (2) by a ";"  

> Luke Patterson wrote:
> I was looking more for a URN for Maven coordinates, which is slightly
> different than the flattened form of <dependency> elements.  e.g. the
> <scope> portion isn't part of what I'm looking for, it is more a statement
> of how I rely upon it

>> Brian Fox-3 wrote:
>> Group:artifact:version:classifier:extension is pretty common

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