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ambari git commit: AMBARI-14366. Script to generate blueprint configuration json from configuration files provided (aonishuk)

Repository: ambari
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/branch-2.2 ce7f65a44 -> cde0fac58

AMBARI-14366. Script to generate blueprint configuration json from configuration files provided (aonishuk)


Branch: refs/heads/branch-2.2
Commit: cde0fac58c641b85ff76a0a27719aca6bc28a7fd
Parents: ce7f65a
Author: Andrew Onishuk <>
Authored: Tue Dec 22 15:06:52 2015 +0200
Committer: Andrew Onishuk <>
Committed: Tue Dec 22 15:06:52 2015 +0200

 .../resources/scripts/  | 224 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 224 insertions(+)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03c650c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import optparse
+import sys
+import os
+import logging
+import tempfile
+import json
+import base64
+import time
+import xml
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+logger = logging.getLogger('AmbariTakeoverConfigMerge')
+class ConfigMerge:
+  INPUT_DIR = '/etc/hadoop'
+  OUTPUT_DIR = '/tmp'
+  OUT_FILENAME = 'ambari_takeover_config_merge.out'
+  JSON_FILENAME = 'ambari_takeover_config_merge.json'
+  config_files_map = {}
+  def __init__(self, config_files_map):
+    self.config_files_map = config_files_map
+  @staticmethod
+  def get_all_supported_files_grouped_by_name(extensions=SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS):
+    filePaths = {}
+    for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(ConfigMerge.INPUT_DIR, followlinks=True):
+      for file in fileList:
+        root, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
+        for filename_ending in ConfigMerge.SUPPORTED_FILENAME_ENDINGS:
+          if root.endswith(filename_ending) and ext in extensions:
+            if not file in filePaths:
+              filePaths[file] = []
+            filePaths[file].append(os.path.join(dirName, file))
+    return filePaths
+  # Used DOM parser to read data into a map
+  def read_xml_data_to_map(self, path):
+    configurations = {}
+    tree = ET.parse(path)
+    root = tree.getroot()
+    for properties in root.iter('property'):
+      name = properties.find('name')
+      value = properties.find('value')
+      if name != None:
+        name_text = name.text if name.text else ""
+      else:
+        logger.warn("No name is found for one of the properties in {0}, ignoring it".format(path))
+        continue
+      if value != None:
+        value_text = value.text if value.text else ""
+      else:
+        logger.warn("No value is found for \"{0}\" in {1}, using empty string for it".format(name_text, path))
+        value_text = ""
+      configurations[name_text] = value_text
+    logger.debug("Following configurations found in {0}:\n{1}".format(path, configurations))
+    return configurations
+  @staticmethod
+  def merge_configurations(filepath_to_configurations):
+    configuration_information_dict = {}
+    property_name_to_value_to_filepaths = {}
+    merged_configurations = {}
+    for path, configurations in filepath_to_configurations.iteritems():
+      for configuration_name, value in configurations.iteritems():
+        if not configuration_name in property_name_to_value_to_filepaths:
+          property_name_to_value_to_filepaths[configuration_name] = {}
+        if not value in property_name_to_value_to_filepaths[configuration_name]:
+          property_name_to_value_to_filepaths[configuration_name][value] = []
+        logger.debug("Iterating over '{0}' with value '{1}' in file '{2}'".format(configuration_name, value, path))
+        property_name_to_value_to_filepaths[configuration_name][value].append(path)
+        merged_configurations[configuration_name] = value
+    return merged_configurations, property_name_to_value_to_filepaths
+  @staticmethod
+  def format_for_blueprint(configurations):
+    all_configs = []
+    for configuration_type, configuration_properties in configurations.iteritems():
+      all_configs.append({})
+      all_configs[-1][configuration_type] = configuration_properties
+    return {
+      "configurations": all_configs,
+      "host_groups": [],
+      "Blueprints": {}
+    }
+  @staticmethod
+  def format_conflicts_output(property_name_to_value_to_filepaths):
+    output = ""
+    for property_name, value_to_filepaths in property_name_to_value_to_filepaths.iteritems():
+      if len(value_to_filepaths) == 1:
+        continue
+      for value, filepaths in value_to_filepaths.iteritems():
+        for filepath in filepaths:
+          output += "| {0} | {1} | {2} |\n".format(property_name, filepath, value)
+    return output
+  def perform_merge(self):
+    result_configurations = {}
+    has_conflicts = False
+    for filename, paths in self.config_files_map.iteritems():
+      filepath_to_configurations = {}
+      configuration_type = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
+      for path in paths:
+        logger.debug("Read xml data from {0}".format(path))
+        filepath_to_configurations[path] = self.read_xml_data_to_map(path)
+      merged_configurations, property_name_to_value_to_filepaths = ConfigMerge.merge_configurations(
+        filepath_to_configurations)
+      conflicts_output = ConfigMerge.format_conflicts_output(property_name_to_value_to_filepaths)
+      if conflicts_output:
+        has_conflicts = True
+        conflict_filename = os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_DIR, configuration_type + "-conflicts.txt")
+        logger.warn(
+          "You have configurations conflicts for {0}. Please check {1}".format(configuration_type, conflict_filename))
+        with open(conflict_filename, "w") as fp:
+          fp.write(conflicts_output)
+      result_configurations[configuration_type] = merged_configurations
+    result_json_file = os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_DIR, "blueprint.json")
+"Using '{0}' file as output for blueprint template".format(result_json_file))
+    with open(result_json_file, 'w') as outfile:
+      outfile.write(json.dumps(ConfigMerge.format_for_blueprint(result_configurations), sort_keys=True, indent=4,
+                               separators=(',', ': ')))
+    if has_conflicts:
+"Script finished with configurations conflicts, please resolve them before using the blueprint")
+      return 1
+    else:
+"Script successfully finished")
+      return 0
+def main():
+  tempDir = tempfile.gettempdir()
+  outputDir = os.path.join(tempDir)
+  parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]")
+  parser.set_description('This python program is an Ambari thin client and '
+                         'supports Ambari cluster takeover by generating a '
+                         'configuration json that can be used with a '
+                         'blueprint.\n\nIt reads actual hadoop configs '
+                         'from a target directory and produces an out file '
+                         'with problems found that need to be addressed and '
+                         'the json file which can be used to create the '
+                         'blueprint.\n\nThis script only works with *-site.xml '
+                         'files for now.'
+                         )
+  parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
+                    default=False, help="output verbosity.")
+  parser.add_option("-o", "--outputdir", dest="outputDir", default=outputDir,
+                    metavar="FILE", help="Output directory. [default: /tmp]")
+  parser.add_option("-i", "--inputdir", dest="inputDir", help="Input directory.")
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  # set verbose
+  if options.verbose:
+    logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+  else:
+    logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+  ConfigMerge.INPUT_DIR = options.inputDir
+  ConfigMerge.OUTPUT_DIR = options.outputDir
+  logegr_file_name = os.path.join(ConfigMerge.OUTPUT_DIR, "takeover_config_merge.log")
+  file_handler = logging.FileHandler(logegr_file_name, mode="w")
+  formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
+  file_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+  logger.addHandler(file_handler)
+  stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+  stdout_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+  stdout_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+  logger.addHandler(stdout_handler)
+  filePaths = ConfigMerge.get_all_supported_files_grouped_by_name()
+"Writing logs into '{0}' file".format(logegr_file_name))
+  logger.debug("Following configuration files found:\n{0}".format(filePaths.items()))
+  configMerge = ConfigMerge(filePaths)
+  return configMerge.perform_merge()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  try:
+    sys.exit(main())
+  except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
+    print("\nAborting ... Keyboard Interrupt.")
+    sys.exit(1)