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[26/51] [partial] incubator-taverna-engine git commit: temporarily empty repository
diff --git a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/java/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/ b/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/java/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/
deleted file mode 100644
index e1bfab7..0000000
--- a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/java/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-package org.purl.wf4ever.provtaverna.owl;
-import java.util.Calendar;
-import org.apache.jena.riot.IO_Jena;
-import org.apache.jena.riot.system.IO_JenaWriters;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.DatatypeProperty;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.ObjectProperty;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntDocumentManager;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModelSpec;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Literal;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.FileManager;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.LocationMapper;
-public class ProvModel {
-    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ProvModel.class);
-    private static final String EMPTY_PREFIX = "";
-    protected static final OntModelSpec DEFAULT_ONT_MODEL_SPEC = OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM_RDFS_INF;
-    protected static final String FOAF_0_1 = "";
-    protected static final String FOAF_RDF = "foaf.rdf";
-    protected static final String ORE = "";
-    protected static final String PAV = "";
-    protected static final String PAV_RDF = "pav.rdf";
-    protected static final String PROV = "";
-    protected static final String PROV_AQ_RDF = "prov-aq.rdf";
-    protected static final String PROV_DICTIONARY = "";
-    protected static final String PROV_DICTIONARY_TTL = "prov-dictionary.ttl";
-    protected static final String PROV_O = "";
-    protected static final String PROV_O_RDF = "prov-o.rdf";
-    protected static final String RO = "";
-    public OntClass Activity;
-    public OntClass Association;
-    public OntClass Bundle;
-    public OntClass Collection;
-    public OntClass Communication;
-    public OntClass Dictionary;
-    public OntClass EmptyCollection;
-    public OntClass EmptyDictionary;
-    public OntClass End;
-    public OntClass Entity;
-    public OntClass Generation;
-    public OntClass KeyEntityPair;
-    public OntClass Plan;
-    public OntClass Role;
-    public OntClass Start;
-    public OntClass Usage;
-    public ObjectProperty activity;
-    public ObjectProperty agent;
-    public ObjectProperty entity;
-    public ObjectProperty hadDictionaryMember;
-    public ObjectProperty hadMember;
-    public ObjectProperty hadPlan;
-    public ObjectProperty hadRole;
-    public ObjectProperty pairEntity;
-    public ObjectProperty qualifiedAssociation;
-    public ObjectProperty qualifiedCommunication;
-    public ObjectProperty qualifiedEnd;
-    public ObjectProperty qualifiedGeneration;
-    public ObjectProperty qualifiedStart;
-    public ObjectProperty qualifiedUsage;
-    public ObjectProperty used;
-    public ObjectProperty wasAssociatedWith;
-    public ObjectProperty wasDerivedFrom;
-    public ObjectProperty wasGeneratedBy;
-    public ObjectProperty wasInformedBy;
-    public DatatypeProperty atTime;
-    public DatatypeProperty endedAtTime;
-    public DatatypeProperty pairKey;
-    public DatatypeProperty startedAtTime;
-    public OntModel model;
-    private static boolean jenaFileManagerInitialized = false;
-    protected OntModel prov;
-    protected OntModel provDict;
-    public ProvModel() {
-        this(ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(DEFAULT_ONT_MODEL_SPEC));
-    }
-    public ProvModel(Model model) {
-        String defaultPrefix = model.getNsPrefixURI(EMPTY_PREFIX);
-        OntModel ontModel;
-        if (model instanceof OntModel) {
-            ontModel = (OntModel) model;
-        } else {
-            OntModelSpec spec = DEFAULT_ONT_MODEL_SPEC;
-            ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(spec, model);
-        }
-        setModel(ontModel);
-        resetJena();
-        initializeJenaFileManager();
-        loadOntologies();
-        if (defaultPrefix != null) {
-            // Restore the defaultPrefix (:)
-            model.setNsPrefix(EMPTY_PREFIX, defaultPrefix);
-        } else {
-            model.removeNsPrefix(EMPTY_PREFIX);
-        }
-    }
-    private void initializeJenaFileManager() {
-        if (! jenaFileManagerInitialized) {
-            // Only initialize once to avoid adding the same locators
-            // (but no need to synchronize, the occassional extra should be ok)
-            jenaFileManagerInitialized = true;
-            // So that it can find our location-mapping.n3
-            // and the OWLs in classpath /org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/
-            FileManager.get().addLocatorClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
-            Model mapping = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
-            InputStream mappingStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/location-mapping.n3");
-  , "", "N3");
-			FileManager.get().setLocationMapper(new LocationMapper(mapping));	
-			OntDocumentManager.getInstance().setFileManager(FileManager.get());
-        }
-    }
-    public void resetJena() {
-		IO_Jena.resetJena();
-    }
-    public void addKeyPair(Individual dictionary, long position,
-            Individual listItem) {
-        dictionary.addProperty(hadMember, listItem);
-        Individual keyPair = model.createIndividual(KeyEntityPair);
-        keyPair.addProperty(pairEntity, listItem);
-        keyPair.addLiteral(pairKey, position);
-        dictionary.addProperty(hadDictionaryMember, keyPair);
-    }
-    protected void checkNotNull(OntModel model, Object... possiblyNulls) {
-        int i = 0;
-        for (Object check : possiblyNulls) {
-            if (check == null) {
-                throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load term #" + i
-                        + " from ontology");
-            }
-            i++;
-        }
-    }
-    public Individual createActivity(URI uri) {
-        return model.createIndividual(uri.toASCIIString(), Activity);
-    }
-    public Individual createBundle(URI uri) {
-        return model.createIndividual(uri.toASCIIString(), Bundle);
-    }
-    public Individual createDictionary(URI uri) {
-        Individual artifact = createEntity(uri);
-        artifact.addRDFType(Collection);
-        artifact.addRDFType(Dictionary);
-        return artifact;
-    }
-    public Individual createEntity(URI uri) {
-        return model.createIndividual(uri.toASCIIString(), Entity);
-    }
-    public Individual createPlan(URI planUri) {
-        return model.createIndividual(planUri.toString(), Plan);
-    }
-    public Individual createRole(URI uri) {
-        return model.createIndividual(uri.toASCIIString(), Role);
-    }
-    public OntModel getModel() {
-        return model;
-    }
-    public void loadOntologies() {
-        loadPROVO();
-        loadProvDictionary();
-        model.setNsPrefixes(prov);
-    }
-    protected OntModel loadOntologyFromClasspath(String classPathUri, String uri) {
-        OntModel ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel();
-        // Load from classpath
-        InputStream inStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(classPathUri);
-        if (inStream == null) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't load " + classPathUri);
-        }
-        // Ontology ontology = ontModel.createOntology(uri);
-        if (classPathUri.endsWith(".ttl")) {
-  , uri, "TURTLE");
-        } else {
-  , uri);
-        }
-        return ontModel;
-    }
-    protected synchronized void loadProvDictionary() {
-        if (provDict != null) {
-            return;
-        }
-        OntModel ontModel = loadOntologyFromClasspath(PROV_DICTIONARY_TTL,
-                PROV_DICTIONARY);
-        hadDictionaryMember = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV
-                + "hadDictionaryMember");
-        pairEntity = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "pairEntity");
-        pairKey = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(PROV + "pairKey");
-        Dictionary = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Dictionary");
-        EmptyDictionary = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "EmptyDictionary");
-        KeyEntityPair = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "KeyEntityPair");
-        checkNotNull(ontModel, hadDictionaryMember, pairEntity, pairKey,
-                Dictionary, EmptyDictionary, KeyEntityPair);
-        provDict = ontModel;
-    }
-    protected synchronized void loadPROVO() {
-        if (prov != null) {
-            return;
-        }
-        OntModel ontModel = loadOntologyFromClasspath(PROV_O_RDF, PROV_O);
-        ontModel.setNsPrefix("prov", PROV_O);
-        wasDerivedFrom = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "wasDerivedFrom");
-        wasAssociatedWith = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV
-                + "wasAssociatedWith");
-        qualifiedAssociation = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV
-                + "qualifiedAssociation");
-        wasGeneratedBy = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "wasGeneratedBy");
-        qualifiedGeneration = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV
-                + "qualifiedGeneration");
-        used = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "used");
-        qualifiedUsage = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "qualifiedUsage");
-        wasInformedBy = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "wasInformedBy");
-        qualifiedCommunication = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV
-                + "qualifiedCommunication");
-        qualifiedStart = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "qualifiedStart");
-        qualifiedEnd = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "qualifiedEnd");
-        hadMember = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "hadMember");
-        agent = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "agent");
-        entity = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "entity");
-        activity = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "activity");
-        hadPlan = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "hadPlan");
-        hadRole = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "hadRole");
-        startedAtTime = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(PROV + "startedAtTime");
-        endedAtTime = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(PROV + "endedAtTime");
-        atTime = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(PROV + "atTime");
-        Bundle = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Bundle");
-        Entity = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Entity");
-        Activity = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Activity");
-        Start = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Start");
-        End = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "End");
-        Association = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Association");
-        Plan = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Plan");
-        Role = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Role");
-        Generation = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Generation");
-        Usage = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Usage");
-        Communication = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Communication");
-        Collection = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Collection");
-        EmptyCollection = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "EmptyCollection");
-        checkNotNull(ontModel, wasDerivedFrom, wasAssociatedWith,
-                qualifiedAssociation, wasGeneratedBy, qualifiedGeneration,
-                used, qualifiedUsage, wasInformedBy, qualifiedCommunication,
-                agent, entity, activity, hadPlan, hadMember, hadRole,
-                startedAtTime, endedAtTime, atTime, qualifiedStart,
-                qualifiedEnd,
-                Bundle, Entity, Activity, Association, Plan, Role, Generation,
-                Usage, Communication, Start, End, Collection, EmptyCollection);
-        prov = ontModel;
-    }
-    public void setEmptyDictionary(Individual dictionary) {
-        dictionary.addRDFType(EmptyCollection);
-        dictionary.addRDFType(EmptyDictionary);
-    }
-    public Individual setEndedAtTime(Individual endedActivity, Calendar time) {
-        if (time == null) {
-            logger.warn("Unknown end time");
-            return null;
-        }
-        return setEndedAtTime(endedActivity, model.createTypedLiteral(time));
-    }
-    public Individual setEndedAtTime(Individual endedActivity, Literal time) {
-        if (time == null) {
-            logger.warn("Unknown end time");
-            return null;
-        }
-        endedActivity.addLiteral(endedAtTime, time);
-        Individual end = model.createIndividual(End);
-        endedActivity.setPropertyValue(qualifiedEnd, end);
-        end.addLiteral(atTime, time);
-        return end;
-    }
-    public void setModel(OntModel model) {
-        this.model = model;
-    }
-    public void setRole(Individual involvement, Individual role) {
-        involvement.addProperty(hadRole, role);
-    }
-    public Individual setStartedAtTime(Individual startedActivity, Calendar time) {
-        if (time == null) {
-            logger.warn("Unknown start time");
-            return null;
-        }
-        return setStartedAtTime(startedActivity, model.createTypedLiteral(time));
-    }
-    public Individual setStartedAtTime(Individual startedActivity, Literal time) {
-        if (time == null) {
-            logger.warn("Unknown start time");
-            return null;
-        }
-        startedActivity.addLiteral(startedAtTime, time);
-        Individual start = model.createIndividual(Start);
-        startedActivity.setPropertyValue(qualifiedStart, start);
-        start.addLiteral(atTime, time);
-        return start;
-    }
-    public Individual setUsed(Individual activity, Individual usedEntity) {
-        activity.addProperty(used, usedEntity);
-        Individual usage = model.createIndividual(Usage);
-        activity.addProperty(qualifiedUsage, usage);
-        usage.addProperty(entity, usedEntity);
-        return usage;
-    }
-    public Individual setWasAssociatedWith(Individual activity,
-            Individual associatedAgent, Individual plan) {
-        activity.setPropertyValue(wasAssociatedWith, associatedAgent);
-        Individual association = model.createIndividual(Association);
-        activity.setPropertyValue(qualifiedAssociation, association);
-        association.setPropertyValue(agent, associatedAgent);
-        if (plan != null) {
-            association.setPropertyValue(hadPlan, plan);
-        }
-        return association;
-    }
-    public void setWasDerivedFrom(Individual derived, Individual original) {
-        derived.addProperty(wasDerivedFrom, original);
-    }
-    public Individual setWasGeneratedBy(Individual generated,
-            Individual generatingActivity) {
-        generated.setPropertyValue(wasGeneratedBy, generatingActivity);
-        Individual generation = model.createIndividual(Generation);
-        generated.setPropertyValue(qualifiedGeneration, generation);
-        generation.setPropertyValue(activity, generatingActivity);
-        return generation;
-    }
-    public Individual setWasInformedBy(Individual informed, Individual informer) {
-        informed.setPropertyValue(wasInformedBy, informer);
-        Individual communication = model.createIndividual(Communication);
-        informed.setPropertyValue(qualifiedCommunication, communication);
-        communication.setPropertyValue(activity, informer);
-        return communication;
-    }
diff --git a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/java/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/ b/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/java/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/
deleted file mode 100644
index b0f0766..0000000
--- a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/java/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-package org.purl.wf4ever.provtaverna.owl;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.DatatypeProperty;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.ObjectProperty;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel;
-public class TavernaProvModel extends WfprovModel {
-    protected static final String CNT = "";
-    protected static final String TAVERNAPROV = "";
-    protected static final String TAVERNAPROV_TTL = "taverna-prov.ttl";
-    public ObjectProperty content;
-    public OntClass Content;
-    public OntClass ContentAsBase64;
-    public OntClass ContentAsText;
-    public OntClass Error;
-    public OntClass TavernaEngine;
-    public OntModel cnt;
-    public OntModel tavernaProv;
-    public DatatypeProperty byteCount;
-    public DatatypeProperty bytes;
-    public DatatypeProperty characterEncoding;
-    public DatatypeProperty chars;
-    public DatatypeProperty errorMessage;
-    public DatatypeProperty sha1;
-    public DatatypeProperty sha512;
-    public DatatypeProperty stackTrace;
-    public Individual createTavernaEngine(URI uri) {
-        Individual engine = model.createIndividual(uri.toASCIIString(), TavernaEngine);
-        return engine;
-    }
-    private void loadCnt() {
-        if (cnt != null) {
-            return;
-        }
-        OntModel ontModel = loadOntologyFromClasspath("content.owl", CNT);    
-        bytes = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(CNT + "bytes");
-        chars = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(CNT + "chars");
-        characterEncoding = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(CNT + "characterEncoding");
-        ContentAsText = ontModel.getOntClass(CNT + "ContentAsText");
-        ContentAsBase64 = ontModel.getOntClass(CNT + "ContentAsBase64");
-        checkNotNull(ontModel, bytes, chars, characterEncoding, ContentAsText, ContentAsBase64);
-        cnt = ontModel;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void loadOntologies() {
-        super.loadOntologies();
-        loadCnt();
-        loadTavernaProv();
-        model.setNsPrefixes(tavernaProv);
-    }
-    protected synchronized void loadTavernaProv() {
-        if (tavernaProv != null) {
-            return;
-        }
-        OntModel ontModel = loadOntologyFromClasspath(TAVERNAPROV_TTL, TAVERNAPROV);    
-        content = ontModel.getObjectProperty(TAVERNAPROV + "content");        
-        byteCount = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(TAVERNAPROV + "byteCount");
-        sha1 = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(TAVERNAPROV + "sha1");
-        sha512 = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(TAVERNAPROV + "sha512");
-        stackTrace = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(TAVERNAPROV + "stackTrace");
-        errorMessage = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(TAVERNAPROV + "errorMessage");
-        Content = ontModel.getOntClass(TAVERNAPROV + "Content");
-        Error = ontModel.getOntClass(TAVERNAPROV + "Error");
-        TavernaEngine = ontModel.getOntClass(TAVERNAPROV + "TavernaEngine");
-        checkNotNull(ontModel, content, Content, byteCount,sha1, sha512, stackTrace, errorMessage, Content, Error, TavernaEngine);
-        tavernaProv = ontModel;            
-    }
-    public Individual setContent(Individual entity, URI uri) {
-        Individual cont = model.createIndividual(uri.toASCIIString(), Content);
-        entity.setPropertyValue(content, cont);
-        return cont;
-    }
-    public Individual createError(URI errorURI) {
-        return model.createIndividual(errorURI.toASCIIString(), Error);
-    }
diff --git a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/java/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/ b/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/java/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/
deleted file mode 100644
index f20542b..0000000
--- a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/java/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-package org.purl.wf4ever.provtaverna.owl;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.ObjectProperty;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel;
-import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
-public class WfprovModel extends ProvModel {
-    private static final String DCTERMS = "";
-    private static final String WFPROV_OWL = "wfprov.owl";
-    private static final String WFPROV = "";
-    private static final String WFDESC_OWL = "wfdesc.owl";
-    private static final String WFDESC = "";
-    protected OntModel wfdesc;
-    protected OntModel wfprov;
-    protected OntClass Process;
-    protected OntClass Workflow;
-    protected OntClass WorkflowRun;
-    protected ObjectProperty wasEnactedBy;
-    protected ObjectProperty describedByProcess;
-    protected ObjectProperty describedByWorkflow;
-    protected OntClass ProcessRun;
-    protected ObjectProperty wasPartOfWorkflowRun;
-    protected ObjectProperty hasPart;
-    protected OntModel dcterms;
-    protected ObjectProperty hasSubProcess;
-    protected OntClass Artifact;
-    protected ObjectProperty wasOutputFrom;
-    protected ObjectProperty usedInput;
-    protected OntClass Output;
-    protected OntClass Input;
-    protected ObjectProperty describedByParameter;
-    @Override
-    public void loadOntologies() {
-        super.loadOntologies();
-        loadDcTerms();
-        loadWfDesc();
-        loadWfprov();
-        model.setNsPrefixes(wfprov);
-    }
-    protected synchronized void loadDcTerms() {
-        if (dcterms != null) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // As pulls in various rubbish we cheat
-        OntModel ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(); 
-        hasPart = ontModel.createObjectProperty(DCTERMS + "hasPart");
-        checkNotNull(ontModel, hasPart);
-        dcterms = ontModel;
-    }
-    protected synchronized void loadWfDesc() {
-        if (wfdesc != null) {
-            return;
-        }
-        OntModel ontModel = loadOntologyFromClasspath(WFDESC_OWL, WFDESC);  
-        hasSubProcess = ontModel.getObjectProperty(WFDESC + "hasSubProcess");
-        Input = ontModel.getOntClass(WFDESC + "Input");
-//      Input.addSuperClass(Role);
-        Output = ontModel.getOntClass(WFDESC + "Output");
-//    Output.addSuperClass(Role);
-        Process = ontModel.getOntClass(WFDESC + "Process");
-        Workflow = ontModel.getOntClass(WFDESC + "Workflow");
-        checkNotNull(ontModel, hasSubProcess, Process, Workflow, Input, Output);
-        wfdesc = ontModel;
-    }
-    protected synchronized void loadWfprov() {
-        if (wfprov != null) {
-            return;
-        }
-        OntModel ontModel = loadOntologyFromClasspath(WFPROV_OWL, WFPROV);    
-        wasEnactedBy = ontModel.getObjectProperty(WFPROV + "wasEnactedBy");
-//        wasEnactedBy.addSuperProperty(wasAssociatedWith);
-        describedByWorkflow = ontModel.getObjectProperty(WFPROV + "describedByWorkflow");
-        describedByProcess = ontModel.getObjectProperty(WFPROV + "describedByProcess");
-        describedByParameter = ontModel.getObjectProperty(WFPROV + "describedByParameter");
-        usedInput = ontModel.getObjectProperty(WFPROV + "usedInput");
-        wasOutputFrom = ontModel.getObjectProperty(WFPROV + "wasOutputFrom");
-        wasPartOfWorkflowRun = ontModel.getObjectProperty(WFPROV + "wasPartOfWorkflowRun");
-//        wasPartOfWorkflowRun.addSuperProperty(hasPart);
-        Artifact = ontModel.getOntClass(WFPROV + "Artifact");
-//        Artifact.addSuperClass(Entity);
-        ProcessRun = ontModel.getOntClass(WFPROV + "ProcessRun");
-//        ProcessRun.addSuperClass(Activity);
-        WorkflowRun = ontModel.getOntClass(WFPROV + "WorkflowRun");
-        checkNotNull(ontModel, wasEnactedBy, describedByWorkflow, describedByProcess,
-                describedByParameter, 
-                wasPartOfWorkflowRun, usedInput, wasOutputFrom, 
-                 Artifact, ProcessRun, WorkflowRun);
-        wfprov = ontModel;
-    }
-    public Individual createWorkflowRun(URI runURI) {
-        Individual a = createActivity(runURI);
-        a.setRDFType(WorkflowRun);
-        return a;
-    }
-    public Individual createProcessRun(URI processURI) {
-        Individual a = createActivity(processURI);
-        a.setRDFType(ProcessRun);
-        return a;
-    }
-    public void setWasPartOfWorkflowRun(Individual process,
-            Individual parentProcess) {
-        process.addProperty(wasPartOfWorkflowRun, parentProcess);
-        parentProcess.addProperty(hasPart, process);
-    }
-    public Individual setWasEnactedBy(Individual workflowRun, Individual workflowEngine, Individual wfplan) {
-        Individual association = setWasAssociatedWith(workflowRun, workflowEngine, wfplan);
-        workflowRun.addProperty(wasEnactedBy, workflowEngine);
-        return association;
-    }
-    public void setDescribedByWorkflow(Individual workflowRun, Individual wfplan) {
-        workflowRun.addProperty(describedByWorkflow, wfplan);
-    }
-    public void addSubProcess(Individual wf, Individual proc) {
-//      parentWf.getWfdescHasSubProcesses().add(procPlan);
-//      objCon.addDesignation(parentWf, Resource.class).getDctermsHasPart().add(procPlan);
-      wf.addProperty(hasSubProcess, proc);
-      wf.addProperty(hasPart, proc);
-  }
-    public void setDescribedByProcess(Individual processRun, Individual processPlan) {
-        processRun.addProperty(describedByProcess, processPlan);
-    }
-    public Individual createWorkflow(URI wfUri) {
-        Individual wfplan = createPlan(wfUri);
-        wfplan.addRDFType(Workflow);
-        return wfplan;
-    }
-    public Individual createProcess(URI processUri) {
-        Individual wfplan = createPlan(processUri);
-        wfplan.addRDFType(Process);
-        return wfplan;
-    }
-    public Individual createArtifact(URI dataURI) {
-       Individual entity = createEntity(dataURI);
-       entity.addRDFType(Artifact);
-       return entity;
-    }
-    public Individual setUsedInput(Individual activity, Individual entity) {
-        Individual usage = setUsed(activity, entity);
-        activity.addProperty(usedInput, entity);
-        return usage;
-    }
-    public Individual setWasOutputFrom(Individual entity, Individual activity) {
-        Individual usage = setWasGeneratedBy(entity, activity);
-        entity.addProperty(wasOutputFrom, activity);
-        return usage;
-    }
-    public Individual createInputParameter(URI portURI) {
-        Individual parameter = createRole(portURI);
-        parameter.addRDFType(Input);
-        return parameter;
-    }
-    public Individual createOutputParameter(URI portURI) {
-        Individual parameter = createRole(portURI);
-        parameter.addRDFType(Output);
-        return parameter;
-    }
-    public void setDescribedByParameter(Individual entity, Individual portRole, Individual involvement) {
-        setRole(involvement, portRole);        
-        entity.addProperty(describedByParameter, portRole);
-    }
diff --git a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/location-mapping.n3 b/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/location-mapping.n3
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f4d08..0000000
--- a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/location-mapping.n3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-@prefix lm: <> .
-[] lm:mapping
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/annotation-core.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/annotation-core.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/content.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/dcam.owl" ],  
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/dcam.owl" ] , 
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/dcterms_od.owl" ], 
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/dcterms_od.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/foaf.rdf" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/ore-owl.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/pav.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/pav.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/pav.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/prov-o.rdf" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/prov-o.rdf" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/prov-aq.rdf" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/prov-dictionary.rdf" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/ro.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/ro.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/roevo.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/roevo.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/scufl2.rdf" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/scufl2.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/skos-owl1-dl.rdf" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/skos-owl1-dl.rdf" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/taverna-prov.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/terms.rdf" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/wf4ever.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/wf4ever.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/wfdesc.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/wfdesc.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/wfprov.owl" ] ,
-   [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/wfprov.owl" ]
-   .
diff --git a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/.gitignore b/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index fe73470..0000000
--- a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/annotation-core.owl b/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/annotation-core.owl
deleted file mode 100644
index e5521be..0000000
--- a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/annotation-core.owl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- Created by Paolo Ciccarese on April 12th, 2010 -->
-<!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [
-    <!-- Other namespaces -->
-    <!ENTITY xsd  "" >
-    <!ENTITY rdf  "" >
-    <!ENTITY rdfs "" >
-    <!ENTITY owl  "" >
-    <!ENTITY dct  "" >
-    <!ENTITY foaf "">
-    <!ENTITY pav  "">
-    <!-- Ontology -->
-    <!ENTITY ontology "" >
-    <!-- Main namespace -->
-    <!ENTITY annotation-core "" >
-    xml:base="&annotation-core;"
-    xmlns="&annotation-core;"
-    xmlns:pav="&pav;"
-    xmlns:rdfs="&rdfs;"
-    xmlns:owl="&owl;"
-    xmlns:rdf="&rdf;"
-    xmlns:xsd="&xsd;"
-    xmlns:dct="&dct;"
-    xmlns:foaf="&foaf;">
-    <owl:Ontology rdf:about="&ontology;">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;Ontology"/>
-        <rdfs:label rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">Annotation Ontology Core v. 1.0</rdfs:label>
-		<owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>
-    	<dct:language>en</dct:language>
-    	<dct:title xml:lang="en">Annotation Ontology Core</dct:title>
-    	<dct:creator rdf:resource=""/>
-    	<dct:publisher rdf:resource=""/>
-    	<dct:contributor rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">Paolo Ciccarese</dct:contributor>
-    	<dct:contributor rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">Marco Ocana</dct:contributor>
-        <dct:created rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">April 12, 2010</dct:created>
-        <dct:date rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">May 9, 2010</dct:date>
-        <dct:format rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">rdf/xml</dct:format>    
-    </owl:Ontology> 
-    <!-- 
-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    // Annotation Properties
-    //
-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-     -->
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;title">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;created">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;date">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;creator">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;format">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;language">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;publisher">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;contributor">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>      
-    <!-- 
-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    // Annotation Ontology Classes
-    //
-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-     -->
-    <owl:Class rdf:about="Annotation" rdfs:label="(ao) Annotation">
-    	<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&owl;Thing"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="AnnotationCuration"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="Selector"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="AnnotationSet"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="DocumentAnnotation"/>
-        <rdfs:comment rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">
-            Generic annotation class.
-        </rdfs:comment>
-        <!-- created by -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&pav;createdBy"/>
                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-        <!-- created on -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&pav;createdOn"/>
                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-        <!-- annotates -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="annotatesResource"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-        <!-- selector -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="context"/>
-                <owl:someValuesFrom>
-                    <owl:Class rdf:about="Selector"/>
-                </owl:someValuesFrom>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="context"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">0</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>
-        <!-- has topic -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="hasTopic"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">0</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-        <!-- body -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="body"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">0</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-    </owl:Class>
-    <owl:Class rdf:about="Selector" rdfs:label="(ao) Selector">
-        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&owl;Thing"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="Annotation"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="AnnotationCuration"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="AnnotationSet"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="DocumentAnnotation"/>
-        <rdfs:comment rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">
-            Selectors identify document fragments.
-        </rdfs:comment>
-    </owl:Class>
-    <owl:Class rdf:about="AnnotationCuration" rdfs:label="(ao) Annotation Curation">
-    	<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&pav;Curation"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="Annotation"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="Selector"/> 
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="AnnotationSet"/> 
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="DocumentAnnotation"/> 
-        <rdfs:comment rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">
-        </rdfs:comment>
-        <!-- created by -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&pav;createdBy"/>
                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-        <!-- created on -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&pav;createdOn"/>
                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>
-        <!-- curates (exactly one annotation) -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&pav;curates"/>
-                <owl:allValuesFrom>
-                    <owl:Class rdf:about="Annotation"/>
-                </owl:allValuesFrom>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&pav;curates"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&pav;curates"/>
-                <owl:maxCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:maxCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&pav;curatedBy"/>
-                <owl:maxCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">0</owl:maxCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>
-        <!-- status -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="status"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-    </owl:Class>
-    <owl:Class rdf:about="AnnotationSet" rdfs:label="(ao) Annotation Set">
-        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&owl;Thing"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="Annotation"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="Selector"/>   
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="AnnotationCuration"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="DocumentAnnotation"/>
-        <rdfs:comment rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">
-        </rdfs:comment>
-        <!-- created by -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&pav;createdBy"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-        <!-- created on -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&pav;createdOn"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>
-        <!-- has topic -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="hasTopic"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">0</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-        <!-- items -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="item"/>
-                <owl:allValuesFrom>
-                    <owl:Class rdf:about="Annotation"/>
-                </owl:allValuesFrom>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="item"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-        <!-- source document -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="onResource"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-    </owl:Class>
-    <owl:Class rdf:about="DocumentAnnotation" rdfs:label="(ao) Document Annotation">
-        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&owl;Thing"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="Annotation"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="AnnotationCuration"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="Selector"/>    
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="AnnotationSet"/>
-        <rdfs:comment rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">
-        </rdfs:comment>
-        <!-- created by -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&pav;createdBy"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-        <!-- created on -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&pav;createdOn"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>
-        <!-- has topic -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="hasTopic"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">0</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-        <!-- items -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="item"/>
-                <owl:allValuesFrom>
-                    <owl:Class rdf:about="AnnotationSet"/>
-                </owl:allValuesFrom>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="item"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-        <!-- source document -->
-        <rdfs:subClassOf>
-            <owl:Restriction>
-                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="onResource"/>
-                <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>
-            </owl:Restriction>
-        </rdfs:subClassOf>	
-    </owl:Class>
-    <!-- 
-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    // Annotation Ontology Properties
-    //
-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-     -->
-    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="onResource">
-    </owl:ObjectProperty> 
-    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="annotatesResource">
-    </owl:ObjectProperty> 
-    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="onSourceDocument">
-    	<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&pav;SourceDocument" />
-    </owl:ObjectProperty>
-    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="hasTopic">
-    </owl:ObjectProperty>
-    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="body">
-    </owl:ObjectProperty>
-    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="item">
-    </owl:ObjectProperty>
-    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="&pav;curates">
-        <owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="&pav;curatedBy" />
-    </owl:ObjectProperty>
-    <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="status">
-    </owl:DatatypeProperty>
-    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="context">
-    	<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="Annotation" />
-    	<rdfs:range rdf:resource="Selector" />
-    </owl:ObjectProperty>
-    <!-- 
-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    // Integration
-    //
-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-     -->
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&pav;Curation" rdfs:label="(pav) Curation">
-    	<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&owl;Thing"/>
-    </rdf:Description> 
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&pav;SourceDocument" rdfs:label="(pav) Source Document">
-    	<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&owl;Thing"/>
-    	<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="Annotation"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="AnnotationCuration"/>
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="Selector"/>    
-        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="AnnotationSet"/>
-    </rdf:Description> 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/annotation.owl b/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/annotation.owl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cdadf8..0000000
--- a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/annotation.owl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- Created by Paolo Ciccarese on April 12th, 2010 -->
-<!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [
-    <!-- Other namespaces -->
-    <!ENTITY xsd  "" >
-    <!ENTITY rdf  "" >
-    <!ENTITY rdfs "" >
-    <!ENTITY owl  "" >
-    <!ENTITY dct  "" >
-    <!ENTITY ans  "" >
-    <!ENTITY bkm  "" >
-    <!ENTITY foaf "">
-    <!ENTITY pav  "">
-    <!-- Main namespace -->
-    <!ENTITY annotation "" >
-    xml:base="&annotation;"
-    xmlns="&annotation;"
-    xmlns:pav="&pav;"
-    xmlns:rdfs="&rdfs;"
-    xmlns:owl="&owl;"
-    xmlns:rdf="&rdf;"
-    xmlns:xsd="&xsd;"
-    xmlns:dct="&dct;"
-    xmlns:foaf="&foaf;"
-    xmlns:ans="&ans;"
-    xmlns:bkm="&bkm;">
-    <owl:Ontology rdf:about="&annotation;">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;Ontology"/>
-        <rdfs:label rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">Annotation Ontology v. 1.0</rdfs:label>
-        <owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>
-        <owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>
-        <owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>
-        <owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>
-        <owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>
-        <owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>
-    	<dct:language>en</dct:language>
-    	<dct:title xml:lang="en">Annotation Ontology</dct:title>
-    	<dct:creator rdf:resource=""/>
-    	<dct:publisher rdf:resource=""/>
-    	<dct:contributor rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">Paolo Ciccarese</dct:contributor>
-        <dct:created rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">April 12, 2010</dct:created>
-        <dct:date rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">May 26, 2010</dct:date>
-        <dct:format rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">rdf/xml</dct:format>    
-    </owl:Ontology> 
-    <!-- 
-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //
-    // Annotation Properties
-    //
-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-     -->
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;title">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;created">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;date">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;creator">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;format">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;language">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;publisher">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>
-    <rdf:Description rdf:about="&dct;contributor">
-        <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AnnotationProperty"/>
-    </rdf:Description>          
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/content.owl b/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/content.owl
deleted file mode 100644
index 79553e6..0000000
--- a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/content.owl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
-	xmlns:owl="" 
-	xmlns:dct=""
-	xmlns:xsd="" 
-	xmlns:rdfs=""
-	xmlns:cnt="" 
-	xmlns=""
-	xml:base=""
-	<owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Representing Content in RDF</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">Representing Content in RDF as defined by</rdfs:comment>
-		<owl:versionInfo xml:lang="en">Working Draft 29 April 2011</owl:versionInfo>
-		<rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="" />
-		<rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="" />
-        <!--<owl:imports rdf:resource="" />-->
-	</owl:Ontology>
-	<!-- Classes -->
-	<rdfs:Class rdf:about="#Content">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Content</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The content.</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdfs:Class>
-	<rdfs:Class rdf:ID="ContentAsBase64">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Base64 content</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The base64 encoded content (can be used for binary content).</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Content" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdfs:Class>
-	<rdfs:Class rdf:ID="ContentAsText">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Text content</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The text content (can be used for text content).</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Content" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdfs:Class>
-	<rdfs:Class rdf:ID="ContentAsXML">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">XML content</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The XML content (can only be used for XML-wellformed content).</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Content" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdfs:Class>
-	<rdfs:Class rdf:ID="DoctypeDecl">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Document type declaration</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The document type declaration.</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdfs:Class>
-	<!-- Properties -->
-	<rdf:Property rdf:ID="bytes">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Base64 encoded byte sequence</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The Base64 encoded byte sequence of the content.</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#ContentAsBase64" />
-    	<rdfs:range rdf:resource="" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdf:Property>
-	<rdf:Property rdf:ID="characterEncoding">
-		<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Content" />
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Character encoding</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The character encoding used to create a character sequence from a byte sequence or vice versa.</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:range rdf:resource="" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdf:Property>
-	<rdf:Property rdf:ID="chars">
-		<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#ContentAsText" />
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Character sequence</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The character sequence of the text content.</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:range rdf:resource="" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdf:Property>
-	<rdf:Property rdf:ID="declaredEncoding">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">XML character encoding</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The character encoding declared in the XML declaration.</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#ContentAsXML" />
-		<rdfs:range rdf:resource="" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdf:Property>
-	<rdf:Property rdf:ID="doctypeName">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Document type name</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The document type name.</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DoctypeDecl" />
-		<rdfs:range rdf:resource="" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdf:Property>
-	<rdf:Property rdf:ID="dtDecl">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Document type declaration</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The document type declaration.</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#ContentAsXML" />
-		<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#DoctypeDecl" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdf:Property>
-	<rdf:Property rdf:ID="internalSubset">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Internal DTD subset</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The internal document type definition subset within the document type declarations.</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DoctypeDecl" />
-		<rdfs:range rdf:resource="" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdf:Property>
-	<rdf:Property rdf:ID="leadingMisc">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">XML leading misc</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The XML content preceding the document type declaration.</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#ContentAsXML" />
-		<rdfs:range rdf:resource="" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdf:Property>
-	<rdf:Property rdf:ID="publicId">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Public ID</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The document type declarations's public identifier.</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DoctypeDecl" />
-		<rdfs:range rdf:resource="" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdf:Property>
-	<rdf:Property rdf:ID="rest">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">XML rest</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The XML content following the document type declaration.</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#ContentAsXML" />
-		<rdfs:range rdf:resource="" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdf:Property>
-	<rdf:Property rdf:ID="standalone">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">XML standalone document declaration</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The standalone declaration in the XML declaration.</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#ContentAsXML" />
-		<rdfs:range rdf:resource="" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdf:Property>
-	<rdf:Property rdf:ID="systemId">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">System ID</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The document type declarations's system identifier (typed: xsd:anyURI)</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DoctypeDecl" />
-		<rdfs:range rdf:resource="" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdf:Property>
-	<rdf:Property rdf:ID="version">
-		<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">XML version</rdfs:label>
-		<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The XML version declared in the XML declaration.</rdfs:comment>
-		<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#ContentAsXML" />
-		<rdfs:range rdf:resource="" />
-		<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
-	</rdf:Property>
diff --git a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/dcam.owl b/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/dcam.owl
deleted file mode 100644
index a96ea8d..0000000
--- a/taverna-prov-owl-bindings/src/main/resources/org/purl/wf4ever/provtaverna/owl/dcam.owl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<rdf:RDF xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcam="" xmlns:dcmitype="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:owl="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:skos="" xmlns:xsd="" xml:base="">
-    <!--
-  <owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
-  -->
-  <owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
-    <owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>
-    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">DCMI Abstract Model</rdfs:label>
-    <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">OWL 2 DL ontology for a few terms of the DCMI abstract model from the namespace</rdfs:comment>
-  </owl:Ontology>
-  <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="">
-    <skos:definition xml:lang="en-US">A relationship between a resource and a vocabulary encoding scheme which indicates that the resource is a member of a set.</skos:definition>
-    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en-US">Member Of</rdfs:label>
-    <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=""/>
-    <rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>
-  </owl:ObjectProperty>
-  <owl:Class rdf:about="">
-    <skos:definition xml:lang="en-US">An enumerated set of resources.</skos:definition>
-    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en-US">Vocabulary Encoding Scheme</rdfs:label>
-    <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=""/>
-  </owl:Class>
-Made by Triplr by Dave Beckett,
-from in format turtle to rdfxml-abbrev
-using Redland 1.0.7 and Raptor 1.4.18 from
-This document is