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incubator-juneau git commit:

Repository: incubator-juneau
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master ef7a11dcc -> 26e0b485a


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 26e0b485a1353826df0277a89bb4519dab37cc05
Parents: ef7a11d
Author: jamesbognar <>
Authored: Mon Aug 8 09:29:54 2016 -0400
Committer: jamesbognar <>
Committed: Mon Aug 8 09:29:54 2016 -0400

---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 152 +--------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 150 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 40419cf..6567794 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,154 +1,6 @@
 # Juneau
-## Links:
-* [Home Page](
-## Contacts:
-* [James Bognar - Salesforce](
-* [Peter Haumer - IBM](
-## Quick Examples:
-Core library includes easy-to-use and customizable serializers and parsers.  The examples here are only a small taste of what's possible. 
-Extensive examples are provided in the Javadocs.
-Default serializers can often be used to serializers POJOs in a single line of code...
-   // A simple POJO class
-   public class Person {
-      public String name = "John Smith";
-      public int age = 21;
-   }
-   // Serialize a bean to JSON, XML, or HTML
-   Person p = new Person();
-   // Produces:
-   // "{name:'John Smith',age:21}"
-   String json = JsonSerializer.DEFAULT.serialize(p);
-   // Produces:
-   // <object>
-   //   <name>John Smith</name>
-   //   <age>21</age>
-   // </object>
-   String xml = XmlSerializer.DEFAULT.serialize(p);
-   // Produces:
-   // <table>
-   //   <tr><th>key</th><th>value</th></tr>
-   //   <tr><td>name</td><td>John Smith</td></tr>
-   //   <tr><td>age</td><td>21</td></tr>
-   // </table>
-   String html = HtmlSerializer.DEFAULT.serialize(p);
-Parsing back into POJOs is equally simple...
-   // Use one of the predefined parsers.
-   ReaderParser parser = JsonParser.DEFAULT;
-   // Parse a JSON object (creates a generic ObjectMap).
-   String json = "{name:'John Smith',age:21}";
-   Map m1 = parser.parse(json, Map.class);
-   // Parse a JSON string.
-   json = "'foobar'";
-   String s2 = parser.parse(json, String.class);
-   // Parse a JSON number as a Long or Float.
-   json = "123";
-   Long l3 = parser.parse(json, Long.class);
-   Float f3 = parser.parse(json, Float.class);
-   // Parse a JSON object as a bean.
-   json = "{name:'John Smith',age:21}";
-   Person p4 = parser.parse(json, Person.class);
-   // Parse a JSON object as a HashMap<String,Person>.
-   json = "{a:{name:'John Smith',age:21},b:{name:'Joe Smith',age:42}}";
-   Map<String,Person> m5 = parser.parseMap(json, HashMap.class, String.class, Person.class)
-   // Parse a JSON array of integers as a Collection of Integers or int[] array.
-   json = "[1,2,3]";
-   List<Integer> l6 = parser.parseCollection(json, LinkedList.class, Integer.class);
-   int[] i6 = parser.parse(json, int[].class);
-Server component allows for annotated REST servlets that automatically support all language types...
-   @RestResource(
-      path="/systemProperties"
-   )
-   public class SystemPropertiesService extends RestServletJenaDefault {
-      /** [OPTIONS /*] - Show resource options. */
-      @RestMethod(name="OPTIONS", path="/*")
-      public ResourceOptions getOptions(RestRequest req) {
-         return new ResourceOptions(this, req);
-      }
-      /** [GET /] - Get all system properties. */
-      @RestMethod(name="GET", path="/")
-      public TreeMap<String,String> getSystemProperties() throws Throwable {
-         return new TreeMap(System.getProperties());
-      }
-      /** [GET /{propertyName}] - Get system property with specified name. */
-      @RestMethod(name="GET", path="/{propertyName}")
-      public String getSystemProperty(@Attr String propertyName) throws Throwable {
-         return System.getProperty(propertyName);
-      }
-      /** [PUT /{propertyName}] - Set system property with specified name. */
-      @RestMethod(name="PUT", path="/{propertyName}", guards=AdminGuard.class)
-      public Redirect setSystemProperty(@Attr String propertyName, @Content String value) {
-         System.setProperty(propertyName, value);
-         return new Redirect();
-      }
-      /** [DELETE /{propertyName}] - Delete system property with specified name. */
-      @RestMethod(name="DELETE", path="/{propertyName}", guards=AdminGuard.class)
-      public Redirect deleteSystemProperty(@Attr String propertyName) {
-         System.clearProperty(propertyName);
-         return new Redirect();
-      }
-   }
-Client component allows you to easily interact with REST intefaces using POJOs...
-   // Create a reusable JSON client.
-   RestClient client = new RestClient(JsonSerializer.class, JsonParser.class);
-   // The address of the root resource.
-   String url = "http://localhost:9080/sample/addressBook";
-   // Do a REST GET against a remote REST interface and convert
-   // the response to an unstructured ObjectMap object.
-   ObjectMap m1 = client.doGet(url).getResponse(ObjectMap.class);
-   // Same as above, except parse the JSON as a bean.
-   AddressBook a2 = client.doGet(url).getResponse(AddressBook.class);
-   // Add a person to the address book.
-   // Use XML as the transport medium.
-   client = new RestClient(XmlSerializer.class, XmlParser.class);
-   Person p = new Person("Joe Smith", 21);
-   int returnCode = client.doPost(url + "/entries", p).execute();
-A remote proxy interface API is also provided ...
-   RestClient client = new RestClient(JsonSerializer.class, JsonParser.class)
-		.setRemoteableUriServletUrl("https://localhost:9443/jazz/remote");
-   	// Execute a method on the server.
-   	IAddressBook ab = client.getRemoteableProxy(IAddressBook.class);
-   	ab.createPerson(...);
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+Please visit the [home page]( for more information about this project.