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Posted to by Sunitha Kambhampati <> on 2006/07/28 20:45:33 UTC

SYSCS_BULK_INSERT procedure fails because it uses PROPERTIES clause.

Calling procedure SYSCS_BULK_INSERT  fails in 10.2 , throwing a syntax
error when it sees the PROPERTIES clause.
SystemProcedures.SYSCS_BULK_INSERT uses the following sql query.
        String binsertSql =
            "insert into " + entityName +
            " PROPERTIES insertMode=bulkInsert " +
            "select * from new " + vtiName +
            "(" +
            "'" + schemaName + "'" + ", " +
            "'" + tableName + "'" +  ", " +
            "'" + vtiArg + "'" +  ")" +
            " as t";
I think because of the optimizer overrides in 10.2, this query does not

The bulk insert is an undocumented feature and I could not find any
tests for it in the codeline.
Do we expect the bulk insert to work as it did in 10.1 or do we not want
to support this in 10.2.

Should this be treated as a bug or is this behavior intended ?
