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svn commit: r1688350 [2/34] - in /tajo/site/docs: 0.10.1/ 0.10.1/_sources/ 0.10.1/_sources/backup_and_restore/ 0.10.1/_sources/configuration/ 0.10.1/_sources/functions/ 0.10.1/_sources/index/ 0.10.1/_sources/partitioning/ 0.10.1/_sources/sql_language/ ...

Added: tajo/site/docs/0.10.1/_sources/getting_started.txt
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+Getting Started
+In this section, we explain setup of a standalone Tajo instance. It will run against the local filesystem. In later sections, we will present how to run Tajo cluster instance on Apache Hadoop's HDFS, a distributed filesystem. This section shows you how to start up a Tajo cluster, create tables in your Tajo cluster, submit SQL queries via Tajo shell, and shutting down your Tajo cluster instance. The below exercise should take no more than ten minutes.
+ * Hadoop 2.3.0 or higher (up to 2.6.0)
+ * Java 1.6 or 1.7
+ * Protocol buffer 2.5.0
+Dowload and unpack the source code
+You can either download the source code release of Tajo or check out the development codebase from Git.
+Download the latest source release
+Choose a download site from this list of `Apache Download Mirrors <>`_.
+Click on the suggested mirror link. This will take you to a mirror of Tajo Releases. 
+Download the file that ends in .tar.gz to your local filesystem, e.g. tajo-x.y.z-src.tar.gz.
+Decompress and untar your downloaded file and then change into the unpacked directory. ::
+  tar xzvf tajo-x.y.z-src.tar.gz
+Check out the source code via Git
+The development codebase can also be downloaded from `the Apache git repository <>`_ as follows: ::
+  git clone
+A read-only git repository is also mirrored on `Github <>`_.
+Build source code
+You prepare the prerequisites and the source code, you can build the source code now.
+The first step of the installation procedure is to configure the source tree for your system and choose the options you would like. This is done by running the configure script. For a default installation simply enter:
+You can compile source code and get a binary archive as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ cd tajo-x.y.z
+  $ mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pdist -Dtar -Dhadoop.version=2.X.X
+  $ ls tajo-dist/target/tajo-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
+.. note::
+  If you don't specify the hadoop version, tajo cluster may not run correctly. Thus, we highly recommend that you specify your hadoop version with maven build command.
+  Example:
+    $ mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pdist -Dtar -Dhadoop.version=2.5.1
+Then, after you move some proper directory, discompress the tar.gz file as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ cd [a directory to be parent of tajo binary]
+  $ tar xzvf ${TAJO_SRC}/tajo-dist/target/tajo-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
+Setting up a local Tajo cluster
+Apache Tajo™ provides two run modes: local mode and fully distributed mode. Here, we explain only the local mode where a Tajo instance runs on a local file system. A local mode Tajo instance can start up with very simple configurations.
+First of all, you need to add the environment variables to conf/
+.. code-block:: bash
+  # Hadoop home. Required
+  export HADOOP_HOME= ...
+  # The java implementation to use.  Required.
+  export JAVA_HOME= ...
+To launch the tajo master, execute
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ $TAJO_HOME/bin/
+.. note::
+  If you want to how to setup a fully distributed mode of Tajo, please see :doc:`/configuration/cluster_setup`.
+.. warning::
+  By default, *Catalog server* which manages table meta data uses `Apache Derby <>`_ as a persistent storage, and Derby stores data into ``/tmp/tajo-catalog-${username}`` directory. But, some operating systems may remove all contents in ``/tmp`` when booting up. In order to ensure persistent store of your catalog data, you need to set a proper location of derby directory. To learn Catalog configuration, please refer to :doc:`/configuration/catalog_configuration`.
+First query execution
+First of all, we need to prepare some table for query execution. For example, you can make a simple text-based table as follows: 
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ mkdir /home/x/table1
+  $ cd /home/x/table1
+  $ cat > data.csv
+  1|abc|1.1|a
+  2|def|2.3|b
+  3|ghi|3.4|c
+  4|jkl|4.5|d
+  5|mno|5.6|e
+  <CTRL + D>
+Apache Tajo™ provides a SQL shell which allows users to interactively submit SQL queries. In order to use this shell, please execute ``bin/tsql`` ::
+  $ $TAJO_HOME/bin/tsql
+  tajo>
+In order to load the table we created above, we should think of a schema of the table.
+Here, we assume the schema as (int, text, float, text). ::
+  $ $TAJO_HOME/bin/tsql
+  tajo> create external table table1 (
+        id int,
+        name text, 
+        score float, 
+        type text) 
+        using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'file:/home/x/table1';
+To load an external table, you need to use ‘create external table’ statement. 
+In the location clause, you should use the absolute directory path with an appropriate scheme. 
+If the table resides in HDFS, you should use ‘hdfs’ instead of ‘file’.
+If you want to know DDL statements in more detail, please see Query Language. ::
+  tajo> \d
+  table1
+ ``\d`` command shows the list of tables. ::
+  tajo> \d table1
+  table name: table1
+  table path: file:/home/x/table1
+  store type: CSV
+  number of rows: 0
+  volume (bytes): 78 B
+  schema:
+  id      INT
+  name    TEXT
+  score   FLOAT
+  type    TEXT
+``\d [table name]`` command shows the description of a given table.
+Also, you can execute SQL queries as follows: ::
+  tajo> select * from table1 where id > 2;
+  final state: QUERY_SUCCEEDED, init time: 0.069 sec, response time: 0.397 sec
+  result: file:/tmp/tajo-hadoop/staging/q_1363768615503_0001_000001/RESULT, 3 rows ( 35B)
+  id,  name,  score,  type
+  - - - - - - - - - -  - - -
+  3,  ghi,  3.4,  c
+  4,  jkl,  4.5,  d
+  5,  mno,  5.6,  e
+  tajo> \q
+  bye
+Feel free to enjoy Tajo with SQL standards. 
+If you want to know more explanation for SQL supported by Tajo, please refer :doc:`/sql_language`.
\ No newline at end of file

Added: tajo/site/docs/0.10.1/_sources/hbase_integration.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/0.10.1/_sources/hbase_integration.txt (added)
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+HBase Integration
+Apache Tajo™ storage supports integration with Apache HBase™.
+This integration allows Tajo to access all tables used in Apache HBase.
+In order to use this feature, you need to build add some configs into ``conf/`` and then add some properties into a table create statement.
+This section describes how to setup HBase integration.
+First, you need to set your HBase home directory to the environment variable ``HBASE_HOME`` in conf/ as follows: ::
+  export HBASE_HOME=/path/to/your/hbase/directory
+If you set the directory, Tajo will add HBase library file to classpath.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] <table_name> [(<column_name> <data_type>, ... )]
+  USING hbase
+  WITH ('table'='<hbase_table_name>'
+  , 'columns'=':key,<column_family_name>:<qualifier_name>, ...'
+  , 'hbase.zookeeper.quorum'='<zookeeper_address>'
+  , ''='<zookeeper_client_port>'
+  )
+* ``table`` : Set hbase origin table name. If you want to create an external table, the table must exists on HBase. The other way, if you want to create a managed table, the table must doesn't exist on HBase.
+* ``columns`` : :key means HBase row key. The number of columns entry need to equals to the number of Tajo table column
+* ``hbase.zookeeper.quorum`` : Set zookeeper quorum address. You can use different zookeeper cluster on the same Tajo database. If you don't set the zookeeper address, Tajo will refer the property of hbase-site.xml file.
+* ```` : Set zookeeper client port. If you don't set the port, Tajo will refer the property of hbase-site.xml file.
+``IF NOT EXISTS`` allows ``CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE`` statement to avoid an error which occurs when the table does not exist.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] <table_name> [PURGE]
+``IF EXISTS`` allows ``DROP TABLE`` statement to avoid an error which occurs when the table does not exist. ``DROP TABLE`` statement removes a table from Tajo catalog, but it does not remove the contents on HBase cluster. If ``PURGE`` option is given, ``DROP TABLE`` statement will eliminate the entry in the catalog as well as the contents on HBase cluster.
+INSERT OVERWRITE statement overwrites a table data of an existing table. Tajo's INSERT OVERWRITE statement follows ``INSERT INTO SELECT`` statement of SQL. The examples are as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  -- when a target table schema and output schema are equivalent to each other
+  INSERT OVERWRITE INTO t1 SELECT l_orderkey, l_partkey, l_quantity FROM lineitem;
+  -- or
+  -- when the output schema are smaller than the target table schema
+  INSERT OVERWRITE INTO t1 SELECT l_orderkey FROM lineitem;
+  -- when you want to specify certain target columns
+  INSERT OVERWRITE INTO t1 (col1, col3) SELECT l_orderkey, l_quantity FROM lineitem;
+.. note::
+  If you don't set row key option, You are never able to use your table data. Because Tajo need to have some key columns for sorting before creating result data.
+In order to create a new HBase table which is to be managed by Tajo, use the USING clause on CREATE TABLE:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE blog (rowkey text, author text, register_date text, title text)
+  USING hbase WITH (
+    'table'='blog'
+    , 'columns'=':key,info:author,info:date,content:title');
+After executing the command above, you should be able to see the new table in the HBase shell:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  $ hbase shell
+  create 'blog', {NAME=>'info'}, {NAME=>'content'}
+  put 'blog', 'hyunsik-02', 'content:title', 'Getting started with Tajo on your desktop'
+  put 'blog', 'hyunsik-02', 'info:author', 'Hyunsik Choi'
+  put 'blog', 'hyunsik-02', 'info:date', '2014-12-03'
+  put 'blog', 'blrunner-01', 'content:title', 'Apache Tajo: A Big Data Warehouse System on Hadoop'
+  put 'blog', 'blrunner-01', 'info:author', 'Jaehwa Jung'
+  put 'blog', 'blrunner-01', 'info:date', '2014-10-31'
+  put 'blog', 'jhkim-01', 'content:title', 'APACHE TAJO™ v0.9 HAS ARRIVED!'
+  put 'blog', 'jhkim-01', 'info:author', 'Jinho Kim'
+  put 'blog', 'jhkim-01', 'info:date', '2014-10-22'
+And then create the table and query the table meta data with ``\d`` option:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  default> \d blog;
+  table name:
+  table path:
+  store type: HBASE
+  number of rows: unknown
+  volume: 0 B
+  Options:
+          'columns'=':key,info:author,info:date,content:title'
+          'table'='blog'
+  schema:
+  rowkey  TEXT
+  author  TEXT
+  register_date   TEXT
+  title   TEXT
+And then query the table as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  default> SELECT * FROM blog;
+  rowkey,  author,  register_date,  title
+  -------------------------------
+  blrunner-01,  Jaehwa Jung,  2014-10-31,  Apache Tajo: A Big Data Warehouse System on Hadoop
+  hyunsik-02,  Hyunsik Choi,  2014-12-03,  Getting started with Tajo on your desktop
+  jhkim-01,  Jinho Kim,  2014-10-22,  APACHE TAJO™ v0.9 HAS ARRIVED!
+  default> SELECT * FROM blog WHERE rowkey = 'blrunner-01';
+  Progress: 100%, response time: 2.043 sec
+  rowkey,  author,  register_date,  title
+  -------------------------------
+  blrunner-01,  Jaehwa Jung,  2014-10-31,  Apache Tajo: A Big Data Warehouse System on Hadoop
+Here's how to insert data the HBase table:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  CREATE TABLE blog_backup(rowkey text, author text, register_date text, title text)
+  USING hbase WITH (
+    'table'='blog_backup'
+    , 'columns'=':key,info:author,info:date,content:title');
+Use HBase shell to verify that the data actually got loaded:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  hbase(main):004:0> scan 'blog_backup'
+   ROW          COLUMN+CELL
+   blrunner-01  column=content:title, timestamp=1421227531054, value=Apache Tajo: A Big Data Warehouse System on Hadoop
+   blrunner-01  column=info:author, timestamp=1421227531054, value=Jaehwa Jung
+   blrunner-01  column=info:date, timestamp=1421227531054, value=2014-10-31
+   hyunsik-02   column=content:title, timestamp=1421227531054, value=Getting started with Tajo on your desktop
+   hyunsik-02   column=info:author, timestamp=1421227531054, value=Hyunsik Choi
+   hyunsik-02   column=info:date, timestamp=1421227531054, value=2014-12-03
+   jhkim-01     column=content:title, timestamp=1421227531054, value=APACHE TAJO\xE2\x84\xA2 v0.9 HAS ARRIVED!
+   jhkim-01     column=info:author, timestamp=1421227531054, value=Jinho Kim
+   jhkim-01     column=info:date, timestamp=1421227531054, value=2014-10-22
+  3 row(s) in 0.0470 seconds

Added: tajo/site/docs/0.10.1/_sources/hcatalog_integration.txt
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+HCatalog Integration
+Apache Tajo™ catalog supports HCatalogStore driver to integrate with Apache Hive™. 
+This integration allows Tajo to access all tables used in Apache Hive. 
+Depending on your purpose, you can execute either SQL queries or HiveQL queries on the 
+same tables managed in Apache Hive.
+In order to use this feature, you need to build Tajo with a specified maven profile 
+and then add some configs into ``conf/`` and ``conf/catalog-site.xml``. 
+This section describes how to setup HCatalog integration. 
+This instruction would take no more than ten minutes.
+First, you need to compile the source code with hcatalog profile. 
+Currently, Tajo supports hcatalog-0.11.0 and hcatalog-0.12.0 profile.
+So, if you want to use Hive 0.11.0, you need to set ``-Phcatalog-0.11.0`` as the maven profile ::
+  $ mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pdist -Dtar -Phcatalog-0.11.0
+Or, if you want to use Hive 0.12.0, you need to set ``-Phcatalog-0.12.0`` as the maven profile ::
+  $ mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pdist -Dtar -Phcatalog-0.12.0
+Then, you need to set your Hive home directory to the environment variable ``HIVE_HOME`` in conf/ as follows: ::
+  export HIVE_HOME=/path/to/your/hive/directory
+If you need to use jdbc to connect HiveMetaStore, you have to prepare MySQL jdbc driver.
+Next, you should set the path of MySQL JDBC driver jar file to the environment variable HIVE_JDBC_DRIVER_DIR in conf/ as follows: ::
+  export HIVE_JDBC_DRIVER_DIR==/path/to/your/mysql_jdbc_driver/mysql-connector-java-x.x.x-bin.jar
+Finally, you should specify HCatalogStore as Tajo catalog driver class in ``conf/catalog-site.xml`` as follows: ::
+  <property>
+    <name></name>
+    <value></value>
+  </property>
+.. note::
+  Hive stores a list of partitions for each table in its metastore. If new partitions are
+  directly added to HDFS, HiveMetastore will not able aware of these partitions unless the user
+  ``ALTER TABLE table_name ADD PARTITION`` commands on each of the newly added partitions or
+  ``MSCK REPAIR TABLE  table_name`` command.
+  But current tajo doesn't provide ``ADD PARTITION`` command and hive doesn't provide an api for
+  responding to ``MSK REPAIR TABLE`` command. Thus, if you insert data to hive partitioned
+  table and you want to scan the updated partitions through Tajo, you must run following command on hive ::
+  $ MSCK REPAIR TABLE [table_name];

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+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+.. Apache Tajo documentation master file, created by
+   sphinx-quickstart on Thu Feb 27 08:29:11 2014.
+   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
+   contain the root `toctree` directive.
+Apache Tajo™ 0.10.1 Release - User documentation
+Table of Contents:
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 3
+   introduction
+   getting_started
+   configuration
+   tsql
+   sql_language
+   time_zone
+   functions
+   table_management
+   table_partitioning
+   index_overview
+   backup_and_restore
+   hcatalog_integration
+   hbase_integration
+   swift_integration
+   jdbc_driver
+   tajo_client_api
+   faq
+Indices and tables
+* :ref:`genindex`
+* :ref:`modindex`
+* :ref:`search`

Added: tajo/site/docs/0.10.1/_sources/index/future_work.txt
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+Future Works
+* Providing more index types, such as bitmap and HBase index
+* Supporting index on partitioned tables
+* Supporting the backup and restore feature
+* Cost-based query optimization by estimating the query selectivity
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Added: tajo/site/docs/0.10.1/_sources/index/how_to_use.txt
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+How to use index?
+1. Create index
+The first step for utilizing index is index creation. You can create index using SQL (:doc:`/sql_language/ddl`) or Tajo API (:doc:`/tajo_client_api`). For example, you can create a BST index on the lineitem table by submitting the following SQL to Tajo.
+.. code-block:: sql
+     default> create index l_orderkey_idx on lineitem (l_orderkey);
+If the index is created successfully, you can see the information about that index as follows: ::
+  default> \d lineitem
+  table name: default.lineitem
+  table path: hdfs://localhost:7020/tpch/lineitem
+  store type: CSV
+  number of rows: unknown
+  volume: 753.9 MB
+  Options:
+  	'text.delimiter'='|'
+  schema:
+  l_orderkey	INT8
+  l_partkey	INT8
+  l_suppkey	INT8
+  l_linenumber	INT8
+  l_quantity	FLOAT4
+  l_extendedprice	FLOAT4
+  l_discount	FLOAT4
+  l_tax	FLOAT4
+  l_returnflag	TEXT
+  l_linestatus	TEXT
+  l_shipdate	DATE
+  l_commitdate	DATE
+  l_receiptdate	DATE
+  l_shipinstruct	TEXT
+  l_shipmode	TEXT
+  l_comment	TEXT
+  Indexes:
+  "l_orderkey_idx" TWO_LEVEL_BIN_TREE (l_orderkey ASC NULLS LAST )
+For more information about index creation, please refer to the above links.
+2. Enable/disable index scans
+When an index is successfully created, you must enable the index scan feature as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+     default> \set INDEX_ENABLED true
+If you don't want to use the index scan feature anymore, you can simply disable it as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+     default> \set INDEX_ENABLED false
+.. note::
+     Once the index scan feature is enabled, Tajo currently always performs the index scan regardless of its efficiency. You should set this option when the expected number of retrieved tuples is sufficiently small.
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Added: tajo/site/docs/0.10.1/_sources/index/types.txt
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+Index Types
+Currently, Tajo supports only one type of index, ``TWO_LEVEL_BIN_TREE``, shortly ``BST``. The BST index is a kind of binary search tree which is extended to be permanently stored on disk. It consists of two levels of nodes; a leaf node indexes the keys with the positions of data in an HDFS block and a root node indexes the keys with the leaf node indices.
+When an index scan is started, the query engine first reads the root node and finds the search key. If it finds a leaf node corresponding to the search key, it subsequently finds the search key in that leaf node. Finally, it directly reads a tuple corresponding to the search key from HDFS.
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Added: tajo/site/docs/0.10.1/_sources/index_overview.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/0.10.1/_sources/index_overview.txt (added)
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+Index (Experimental Feature)
+An index is a data structure that is used for efficient query processing. Using an index, the Tajo query engine can directly retrieve search values.
+This is still an experimental feature. In order to use indexes, you must check out the source code of the ``index_support`` branch::
+  git clone -b index_support tajo-index
+For the source code build, please refer to :doc:`getting_started`.
+The following sections describe the supported index types, the query execution with an index, and the future works.
+.. toctree::
+      :maxdepth: 1
+      index/types
+      index/how_to_use
+      index/future_work
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Added: tajo/site/docs/0.10.1/_sources/introduction.txt
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+The main goal of Apache Tajo project is to build an advanced open source
+data warehouse system in Hadoop for processing web-scale data sets. 
+Basically, Tajo provides SQL standard as a query language.
+Tajo is designed for both interactive and batch queries on data sets
+stored on HDFS and other data sources. Without hurting query response
+times, Tajo provides fault-tolerance and dynamic load balancing which
+are necessary for long-running queries. Tajo employs a cost-based and
+progressive query optimization techniques for reoptimizing running
+queries in order to avoid the worst query plans.
\ No newline at end of file

Added: tajo/site/docs/0.10.1/_sources/jdbc_driver.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/0.10.1/_sources/jdbc_driver.txt (added)
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+Tajo JDBC Driver
+Apache Tajo™ provides JDBC driver
+which enables Java applciations to easily access Apache Tajo in a RDBMS-like manner.
+In this section, we explain how to get JDBC driver and an example code.
+How to get JDBC driver
+Direct Download
+You can directly download a JDBC driver jar file (``tajo-jdbc-x.y.z.jar``) from `Downloads <>`_.
+From Binary Distribution
+Tajo binary distribution provides JDBC jar file located in ``${TAJO_HOME}/share/jdbc-dist/tajo-jdbc-x.y.z.jar``.
+From Building Source Code
+You can build Tajo from the source code and then get JAR files as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ tar xzvf tajo-x.y.z-src.tar.gz
+  $ mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pdist -Dtar
+  $ ls -l tajo-dist/target/tajo-x.y.z/share/jdbc-dist/tajo-jdbc-x.y.z.jar
+Setting the CLASSPATH
+In order to use the JDBC driver, you should add ``tajo-jdbc-x.y.z.jar`` in your ``CLASSPATH``.
+.. code-block:: bash
+  CLASSPATH=path/to/tajo-jdbc-x.y.z.jar:$CLASSPATH
+An Example JDBC Client
+The JDBC driver class name is ``org.apache.tajo.jdbc.TajoDriver``.
+You can get the driver ``Class.forName("org.apache.tajo.jdbc.TajoDriver")``.
+The connection url should be ``jdbc:tajo://<TajoMaster hostname>:<TajoMaster client rpc port>/<database name>``.
+The default TajoMaster client rpc port is ``26002``.
+If you want to change the listening port, please refer :doc:`/configuration/cluster_setup`.
+.. note::
+  Currently, Tajo does not support the concept of database and namespace. 
+  All tables are contained in ``default`` database. So, you don't need to specify any database name.
+The following shows an example of JDBC Client.
+.. code-block:: java
+  import java.sql.Connection;
+  import java.sql.ResultSet;
+  import java.sql.Statement;
+  import java.sql.DriverManager;
+  public class TajoJDBCClient {
+    ....
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+      try {
+        Class.forName("org.apache.tajo.jdbc.TajoDriver");
+      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
+        // fill your handling code
+      }
+      Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:tajo://");
+      Statement stmt = null;
+      ResultSet rs = null;
+      try {
+        stmt = conn.createStatement();
+        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from table1");
+        while ( {
+          System.out.println(rs.getString(1) + "," + rs.getString(3));
+        }
+      } finally {
+        if (rs != null) rs.close();
+        if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
+        if (conn != null) conn.close();
+      }
+    }
+  }

Added: tajo/site/docs/0.10.1/_sources/partitioning/column_partitioning.txt
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+Column Partitioning
+The column table partition is designed to support the partition of Apache Hive™.
+How to Create a Column Partitioned Table
+You can create a partitioned table by using the ``PARTITION BY`` clause. For a column partitioned table, you should use
+the ``PARTITION BY COLUMN`` clause with partition keys.
+For example, assume there is a table ``orders`` composed of the following schema. ::
+  id          INT,
+  item_name   TEXT,
+  price       FLOAT
+Also, assume that you want to use ``order_date TEXT`` and ``ship_date TEXT`` as the partition keys.
+Then, you should create a table as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  CREATE TABLE orders (
+    id INT,
+    item_name TEXT,
+    price
+  ) PARTITION BY COLUMN (order_date TEXT, ship_date TEXT);
+Partition Pruning on Column Partitioned Tables
+The following predicates in the ``WHERE`` clause can be used to prune unqualified column partitions without processing
+during query planning phase.
+* ``=``
+* ``<>``
+* ``>``
+* ``<``
+* ``>=``
+* ``<=``
+* LIKE predicates with a leading wild-card character
+* IN list predicates
+Compatibility Issues with Apache Hive™
+If partitioned tables of Hive are created as external tables in Tajo, Tajo can process the Hive partitioned tables directly.
+There haven't known compatibility issues yet.
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+Hash Partitioning
+.. todo::
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+Introduction to Partitioning
+Table partitioning provides two benefits: easy table management and data pruning by partition keys.
+Currently, Apache Tajo only provides Apache Hive-compatible column partitioning.
+Partitioning Methods
+Tajo provides the following partitioning methods:
+ * Column Partitioning
+ * Range Partitioning (TODO)
+ * Hash Partitioning (TODO)
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+Range Partitioning
+.. todo::
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+SQL Language
+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 1
+    sql_language/data_model
+    sql_language/ddl
+    sql_language/insert
+    sql_language/queries    
+    sql_language/sql_expression
+    sql_language/predicates
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+Data Model
+Data Types
+| Support   | SQL Type Name  |  Alias                     | Size (byte) | Description                                       | Range                                                                    |
+| O         | boolean        |  bool                      |  1          |                                                   | true/false                                                               |
+|           | bit            |                            |  1          |                                                   | 1/0                                                                      | 
+|           | varbit         |  bit varying               |             |                                                   |                                                                          |
+| O         | tinyint        |  int1                      |  1          | tiny-range integer value                          | -2^7 (-128) to 2^7-1 (127)                                               |
+| O         | smallint       |  int2                      |  2          | small-range integer value                         | -2^15 (-32,768) to 2^15-1 (32,767)                                       |
+| O         | integer        |  int, int4                 |  4          | integer value                                     | -2^31 (-2,147,483,648) to 2^31 - 1 (2,147,483,647)                       |
+| O         | bigint         |  bit varying               |  8          | larger range integer value                        | -2^63 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808) to 2^63-1 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807) |
+| O         | real           |  int8                      |  4          | variable-precision, inexact, real number value    | -3.4028235E+38 to 3.4028235E+38 (6 decimal digits precision)             |
+| O         | float[(n)]     |  float4                    |  4 or 8     | variable-precision, inexact, real number value    |                                                                          |
+| O         | double         |  float8, double precision  |  8          | variable-precision, inexact, real number value    | 1 .7E–308 to 1.7E+308 (15 decimal digits precision)                      |
+|           | number         |  decimal                   |             |                                                   |                                                                          |
+|           | char[(n)]      |  character                 |             |                                                   |                                                                          |
+|           | varchar[(n)]   |  character varying         |             |                                                   |                                                                          |
+| O         | text           |  text                      |             | variable-length unicode text                      |                                                                          |
+|           | binary         |  binary                    |             |                                                   |                                                                          |
+|           | varbinary[(n)] |  binary varying            |             |                                                   |                                                                          |
+| O         | blob           |  bytea                     |             | variable-length binary string                     |                                                                          |
+| O         | date           |                            |             |                                                   |                                                                          | 
+| O         | time           |                            |             |                                                   |                                                                          | 
+|           | timetz         |  time with time zone       |             |                                                   |                                                                          |
+| O         | timestamp      |                            |             |                                                   |                                                                          |
+|           | timestamptz    |                            |             |                                                   |                                                                          |
+| O         | inet4          |                            | 4           | IPv4 address                                      |                                                                          |
+Using real number value (real and double)
+The real and double data types are mapped to float and double of java primitives respectively. Java primitives float and double follows the IEEE 754 specification. So, these types are correctly matched to SQL standard data types.
++ float[( n )] is mapped to either float or double according to a given length n. If n is specified, it must be bewtween 1 and 53. The default value of n is 53.
++ If 1 <- n <- 24, a value is mapped to float (6 decimal digits precision).
++ If 25 <- n <- 53, a value is mapped to double (15 decimal digits precision). 
++ Do not use approximate real number columns in WHERE clause in order to compare some exact matches, especially the - and <> operators. The > or < comparisons work well. 
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+Data Definition Language
+.. code-block:: sql
+  CREATE DATABASE [IF NOT EXISTS] <database_name> 
+``IF NOT EXISTS`` allows ``CREATE DATABASE`` statement to avoid an error which occurs when the database exists.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  DROP DATABASE [IF EXISTS] <database_name>
+``IF EXISTS`` allows ``DROP DATABASE`` statement to avoid an error which occurs when the database does not exist.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] <table_name> [(<column_name> <data_type>, ... )]
+  [using <storage_type> [with (<key> = <value>, ...)]] [AS <select_statement>]
+  CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] <table_name> (<column_name> <data_type>, ... )
+  using <storage_type> [with (<key> = <value>, ...)] LOCATION '<path>'
+``IF NOT EXISTS`` allows ``CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE`` statement to avoid an error which occurs when the table does not exist.
+ Compression
+If you want to add an external table that contains compressed data, you should give 'compression.code' parameter to CREATE TABLE statement.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  create EXTERNAL table lineitem (
+  L_ORDERKEY bigint, 
+  L_PARTKEY bigint, 
+  ...
+  L_COMMENT text) 
+  USING TEXT WITH ('text.delimiter'='|','compression.codec'='')
+  LOCATION 'hdfs://localhost:9010/tajo/warehouse/lineitem_100_snappy';
+`compression.codec` parameter can have one of the following compression codecs:
+  *
+  *
+  *
+  * 
+.. code-block:: sql
+  DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] <table_name> [PURGE]
+``IF EXISTS`` allows ``DROP DATABASE`` statement to avoid an error which occurs when the database does not exist. ``DROP TABLE`` statement removes a table from Tajo catalog, but it does not remove the contents. If ``PURGE`` option is given, ``DROP TABLE`` statement will eliminate the entry in the catalog as well as the contents.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  CREATE INDEX [ name ] ON table_name [ USING method ]
+  ( { column_name | ( expression ) } [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] [, ...] )
+  [ WHERE predicate ]
+ Index method
+Currently, Tajo supports only one type of index.
+Index methods:
+  * TWO_LEVEL_BIN_TREE: This method is used by default in Tajo. For more information about its structure, please refer to :doc:`/index/types`.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  DROP INDEX name
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+INSERT OVERWRITE statement overwrites a table data of an existing table or a data in a given directory. Tajo's INSERT OVERWRITE statement follows ``INSERT INTO SELECT`` statement of SQL. The examples are as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  create table t1 (col1 int8, col2 int4, col3 float8);
+  -- when a target table schema and output schema are equivalent to each other
+  INSERT OVERWRITE INTO t1 SELECT l_orderkey, l_partkey, l_quantity FROM lineitem;
+  -- or
+  -- when the output schema are smaller than the target table schema
+  INSERT OVERWRITE INTO t1 SELECT l_orderkey FROM lineitem;
+  -- when you want to specify certain target columns
+  INSERT OVERWRITE INTO t1 (col1, col3) SELECT l_orderkey, l_quantity FROM lineitem;
+In addition, INSERT OVERWRITE statement overwrites table data as well as a specific directory.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  INSERT OVERWRITE INTO LOCATION '/dir/subdir' SELECT l_orderkey, l_quantity FROM lineitem;
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+ Predicates
+ IN Predicate
+IN predicate provides row and array comparison.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  column_reference IN (val1, val2, ..., valN)
+  column_reference NOT IN (val1, val2, ..., valN)
+Examples are as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  -- this statement filters lists down all the records where col1 value is 1, 2 or 3:
+  SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1 WHERE col1 IN (1, 2, 3);
+  -- this statement filters lists down all the records where col1 value is neither 1, 2 nor 3:
+  SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1 WHERE col1 NOT IN (1, 2, 3);
+You can use 'IN clause' on text data domain as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1 WHERE col2 IN ('tajo', 'hadoop');
+  SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1 WHERE col2 NOT IN ('tajo', 'hadoop');
+String Pattern Matching Predicates
+LIKE operator returns true or false depending on whether its pattern matches the given string. An underscore (_) in pattern matches any single character. A percent sign (%) matches any sequence of zero or more characters.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  string LIKE pattern
+  string NOT LIKE pattern
+ILIKE is the same to LIKE, but it is a case insensitive operator. It is not in the SQL standard. We borrow this operator from PostgreSQL.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  string ILIKE pattern
+  string NOT ILIKE pattern
+.. code-block:: sql
+  string SIMILAR TO pattern
+  string NOT SIMILAR TO pattern
+It returns true or false depending on whether its pattern matches the given string. Also like LIKE, ``SIMILAR TO`` uses ``_`` and ``%`` as metacharacters denoting any single character and any string, respectively.
+In addition to these metacharacters borrowed from LIKE, 'SIMILAR TO' supports more powerful pattern-matching metacharacters borrowed from regular expressions:
+| metacharacter          | description                                                                               |
+| &#124;                 | denotes alternation (either of two alternatives).                                         |
+| *                      | denotes repetition of the previous item zero or more times.                               |
+| +                      | denotes repetition of the previous item one or more times.                                |
+| ?                      | denotes repetition of the previous item zero or one time.                                 |
+| {m}                    | denotes repetition of the previous item exactly m times.                                  |
+| {m,}                   | denotes repetition of the previous item m or more times.                                  |
+| {m,n}                  | denotes repetition of the previous item at least m and not more than n times.             |
+| []                     | A bracket expression specifies a character class, just as in POSIX regular expressions.   |
+| ()                     | Parentheses can be used to group items into a single logical item.                        |
+Note that `.`` is not used as a metacharacter in ``SIMILAR TO`` operator.
+Regular expressions
+Regular expressions provide a very powerful means for string pattern matching. In the current Tajo, regular expressions are based on Java-style regular expressions instead of POSIX regular expression. The main difference between java-style one and POSIX's one is character class.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  string ~ pattern
+  string !~ pattern
+  string ~* pattern
+  string !~* pattern
+| operator | Description                                                                                       |
+| ~        | It returns true if a given regular expression is matched to string. Otherwise, it returns false.  |
+| !~       | It returns false if a given regular expression is matched to string. Otherwise, it returns true.  |
+| ~*       | It is the same to '~', but it is case insensitive.                                                |
+| !~*      | It is the same to '!~', but it is case insensitive.                                               |
+Here are examples:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  'abc'   ~   '.*c'               true
+  'abc'   ~   'c'                 false
+  'aaabc' ~   '([a-z]){3}bc       true
+  'abc'   ~*  '.*C'               true
+  'abc'   !~* 'B.*'               true
+Regular expressions operator is not in the SQL standard. We borrow this operator from PostgreSQL.
+*Synopsis for REGEXP and RLIKE operators*
+.. code-block:: sql
+  string REGEXP pattern
+  string NOT REGEXP pattern
+  string RLIKE pattern
+  string NOT RLIKE pattern
+But, they do not support case-insensitive operators.
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+.. code-block:: sql
+  SELECT [distinct [all]] * | <expression> [[AS] <alias>] [, ...]
+    [FROM <table reference> [[AS] <table alias name>] [, ...]]
+    [WHERE <condition>]
+    [GROUP BY <expression> [, ...]]
+    [HAVING <condition>]
+    [ORDER BY <expression> [ASC|DESC] [NULL FIRST|NULL LAST] [, ...]]
+From Clause
+.. code-block:: sql
+  [FROM <table reference> [[AS] <table alias name>] [, ...]]
+The ``FROM`` clause specifies one or more other tables given in a comma-separated table reference list.
+A table reference can be a relation name , or a subquery, a table join, or complex combinations of them.
+Table and Table Aliases
+A temporary name can be given to tables and complex table references to be used
+for references to the derived table in the rest of the query. This is called a table alias.
+To create a a table alias, please use ``AS``:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  FROM table_reference AS alias
+.. code-block:: sql
+  FROM table_reference alias
+The ``AS`` keyword can be omitted, and *Alias* can be any identifier.
+A typical application of table aliases is to give short names to long table references. For example:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  SELECT * FROM long_table_name_1234 s JOIN another_long_table_name_5678 a ON = a.num;
+Joined Tables
+Tajo supports all kinds of join types.
+Join Types
+Cross Join
+.. code-block:: sql
+Cross join, also called *Cartesian product*, results in every possible combination of rows from T1 and T2.
+``FROM T1 CROSS JOIN T2`` is equivalent to ``FROM T1, T2``.
+Qualified joins
+Qualified joins implicitly or explicitly have join conditions. Inner/Outer/Natural Joins all are qualified joins.
+Except for natural join, ``ON`` or ``USING`` clause in each join is used to specify a join condition. 
+A join condition must include at least one boolean expression, and it can also include just filter conditions.
+**Inner Join**
+.. code-block:: sql
+  T1 [INNER] JOIN T2 ON boolean_expression
+  T1 [INNER] JOIN T2 USING (join column list)
+``INNER`` keyword is the default, and so ``INNER`` can be omitted when you use inner join.
+**Outer Join**
+.. code-block:: sql
+  T1 (LEFT|RIGHT|FULL) OUTER JOIN T2 ON boolean_expression
+  T1 (LEFT|RIGHT|FULL) OUTER JOIN T2 USING (join column list)
+One of ``LEFT``, ``RIGHT``, or ``FULL`` must be specified for outer joins. 
+Join conditions in outer join will have different behavior according to corresponding table references of join conditions.
+To know outer join behavior in more detail, please refer to 
+`Advanced outer join constructs <>`_.
+**Natural Join**
+.. code-block:: sql
+``NATURAL`` is a short form of ``USING``. It forms a ``USING`` list consisting of all common column names that appear in 
+both join tables. These common columns appear only once in the output table. If there are no common columns, 
+``NATURAL`` behaves like ``CROSS JOIN``.
+Subqueries allow users to specify a derived table. It requires enclosing a SQL statement in parentheses and an alias name. 
+For example:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  FROM (SELECT * FROM table1) AS alias_name
+Where Clause
+The syntax of the WHERE Clause is
+.. code-block:: sql
+  WHERE search_condition
+``search_condition`` can be any boolean expression. 
+In order to know additional predicates, please refer to :doc:`/sql_language/predicates`.
+Groupby and Having Clauses
+.. code-block:: sql
+  SELECT select_list
+      FROM ...
+      [WHERE ...]
+      GROUP BY grouping_column_reference [, grouping_column_reference]...
+      [HAVING boolean_expression]
+The rows which passes ``WHERE`` filter may be subject to grouping, specified by ``GROUP BY`` clause.
+Grouping combines a set of rows having common values into one group, and then computes rows in the group with aggregation functions. ``HAVING`` clause can be used with only ``GROUP BY`` clause. It eliminates the unqualified result rows of grouping.
+``grouping_column_reference`` can be a column reference, a complex expression including scalar functions and arithmetic operations.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  SELECT l_orderkey, SUM(l_quantity) AS quantity FROM lineitem GROUP BY l_orderkey;
+  SELECT substr(l_shipdate,1,4) as year, SUM(l_orderkey) AS total2 FROM lineitem GROUP BY substr(l_shipdate,1,4);
+If a SQL statement includes ``GROUP BY`` clause, expressions in select list must be either grouping_column_reference or aggregation function. For example, the following example query is not allowed because ``l_orderkey`` does not occur in ``GROUP BY`` clause.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  SELECT l_orderkey, l_partkey, SUM(l_orderkey) AS total FROM lineitem GROUP BY l_partkey;
+Aggregation functions can be used with ``DISTINCT`` keywords. It forces an individual aggregate function to take only distinct values of the argument expression. ``DISTINCT`` keyword is used as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  SELECT l_partkey, COUNT(distinct l_quantity), SUM(distinct l_extendedprice) AS total FROM lineitem GROUP BY l_partkey;
+Orderby and Limit Clauses
+.. code-block:: sql
+  FROM ... ORDER BY <sort_expr> [(ASC|DESC)] [NULL (FIRST|LAST) [,...]
+``sort_expr`` can be a column reference, aliased column reference, or a complex expression. 
+``ASC`` indicates an ascending order of ``sort_expr`` values. ``DESC`` indicates a descending order of ``sort_expr`` values.
+``ASC`` is the default order.
+``NULLS FIRST`` and ``NULLS LAST`` options can be used to determine whether nulls values appear 
+before or after non-null values in the sort ordering. By default, null values are dealt as if larger than any non-null value; 
+that is, ``NULLS FIRST`` is the default for ``DESC`` order, and ``NULLS LAST`` otherwise.
+Window Functions
+A window function performs a calculation across multiple table rows that belong to some window frame.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  SELECT ...., func(param) OVER ([PARTITION BY partition-expr [, ...]] [ORDER BY sort-expr [, ...]]), ....,  FROM
+The PARTITION BY list within OVER specifies dividing the rows into groups, or partitions, that share the same values of 
+the PARTITION BY expression(s). For each row, the window function is computed across the rows that fall into 
+the same partition as the current row.
+We will briefly explain some examples using window functions.
+Multiple window functions can be used in a SQL statement as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  SELECT l_orderkey, sum(l_discount) OVER (PARTITION BY l_orderkey), sum(l_quantity) OVER (PARTITION BY l_orderkey) FROM LINEITEM;
+If ``OVER()`` clause is empty as following, it makes all table rows into one window frame.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  SELECT salary, sum(salary) OVER () FROM empsalary;
+Also, ``ORDER BY`` clause can be used without ``PARTITION BY`` clause as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  SELECT salary, sum(salary) OVER (ORDER BY salary) FROM empsalary;
+Also, all expressions and aggregation functions are allowed in ``ORDER BY`` clause as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  select
+    l_orderkey,
+    count(*) as cnt,
+    row_number() over (partition by l_orderkey order by count(*) desc)
+    row_num
+  from
+    lineitem
+  group by
+    l_orderkey
+.. note::
+  Currently, Tajo does not support multiple different partition-expressions in one SQL statement.
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+ SQL Expressions
+ Arithmetic Expressions
+Type Casts
+A type cast converts a specified-typed data to another-typed data. Tajo has two type cast syntax:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  CAST ( expression AS type )
+  expression::type
+String Expressions
+Function Call
+.. code-block:: sql
+  function_name ([expression [, expression ... ]] )
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+OpenStack Swift Integration
+Tajo supports OpenStack Swift as one of the underlying storage types.
+In Tajo, Swift objects are represented and recognized by the same URI format as in Hadoop.
+You don't need to run Hadoop to run Tajo on Swift, but need to configure it.
+You will also need to configure Swift and Tajo.
+For details, please see the following sections.
+Swift configuration
+This step is not mandatory, but is strongly recommended to configure the Swift's proxy-server with ``list_endpoints`` for better performance.
+More information is available `here <>`_.
+Hadoop configurations
+You need to configure Hadoop to specify how to access Swift objects.
+Here is an example of ``${HADOOP_HOME}/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml``.
+Common configurations
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name>fs.swift.impl</name>
+    <value>org.apache.hadoop.fs.swift.snative.SwiftNativeFileSystem</value>
+    <description>File system implementation for Swift</description>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>fs.swift.blocksize</name>
+    <value>131072</value>
+    <description>Split size in KB</description>
+  </property>
+Configurations per provider
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name>fs.swift.service.${PROVIDER}.auth.url</name>
+    <value></value>
+    <description>Keystone authenticaiton URL</description>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>fs.swift.service.${PROVIDER}.auth.endpoint.prefix</name>
+    <value>/endpoints/AUTH_</value>
+    <description>Keystone endpoints prefix</description>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>fs.swift.service.${PROVIDER}.http.port</name>
+    <value>8080</value>
+    <description>HTTP port</description>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>fs.swift.service.${PROVIDER}.region</name>
+    <value>regionOne</value>
+    <description>Region name</description>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>fs.swift.service.${PROVIDER}.tenant</name>
+    <value>demo</value>
+    <description>Tenant name</description>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>fs.swift.service.${PROVIDER}.username</name>
+    <value>tajo</value>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>fs.swift.service.${PROVIDER}.password</name>
+    <value>tajo_password</value>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>fs.swift.service.${PROVIDER}.location-aware</name>
+    <value>true</value>
+    <description>Flag to enable the location-aware computing</description>
+  </property>
+Tajo configuration
+Finally, you need to configure the classpath of Tajo by adding the following line to ``${TAJO_HOME}/conf/``.
+.. code-block:: sh
+  export TAJO_CLASSPATH=$HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-openstack-x.x.x.jar
+Querying on Swift
+Given a provider name *tajo* and a Swift container name *demo*, you can create a Tajo table with data on Swift as follows.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  default> create external table swift_table (id int32, name text, score float, type text) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'swift://demo.tajo/test.tbl';
+Once a table is created, you can execute any SQL queries on that table as other tables stored on HDFS.
+For query execution details, please refer to :doc:`sql_language`.
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+Table Management
+In Tajo, a table is a logical view of one data sources. Logically, one table consists of a logical schema, partitions, URL, and various properties. Physically, A table can be a directory in HDFS, a single file, one HBase table, or a RDBMS table. In order to make good use of Tajo, users need to understand features and physical characteristics of their physical layout. This section explains all about table management.
+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 1
+    table_management/table_overview
+    table_management/file_formats
+    table_management/compression
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+.. todo::
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+File Formats
+Currently, Tajo provides four file formats as follows:
+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 1
+    text
+    rcfile
+    parquet
+    sequencefile
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+Parquet is a columnar storage format for Hadoop. Parquet is designed to make the advantages of compressed,
+efficient columnar data representation available to any project in the Hadoop ecosystem,
+regardless of the choice of data processing framework, data model, or programming language.
+For more details, please refer to `Parquet File Format <>`_.
+How to Create a Parquet Table?
+If you are not familiar with ``CREATE TABLE`` statement, please refer to Data Definition Language :doc:`/sql_language/ddl`.
+In order to specify a certain file format for your table, you need to use the ``USING`` clause in your ``CREATE TABLE``
+statement. Below is an example statement for creating a table using parquet files.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  CREATE TABLE table1 (
+    id int,
+    name text,
+    score float,
+    type text
+Physical Properties
+Some table storage formats provide parameters for enabling or disabling features and adjusting physical parameters.
+The ``WITH`` clause in the CREATE TABLE statement allows users to set those parameters.
+Now, Parquet file provides the following physical properties.
+* ``parquet.block.size``: The block size is the size of a row group being buffered in memory. This limits the memory usage when writing. Larger values will improve the I/O when reading but consume more memory when writing. Default size is 134217728 bytes (= 128 * 1024 * 1024).
+* ````: The page size is for compression. When reading, each page can be decompressed independently. A block is composed of pages. The page is the smallest unit that must be read fully to access a single record. If this value is too small, the compression will deteriorate. Default size is 1048576 bytes (= 1 * 1024 * 1024).
+* ``parquet.compression``: The compression algorithm used to compress pages. It should be one of ``uncompressed``, ``snappy``, ``gzip``, ``lzo``. Default is ``uncompressed``.
+* ``parquet.enable.dictionary``: The boolean value is to enable/disable dictionary encoding. It should be one of either ``true`` or ``false``. Default is ``true``.
+Compatibility Issues with Apache Hive™
+At the moment, Tajo only supports flat relational tables.
+As a result, Tajo's Parquet storage type does not support nested schemas.
+However, we are currently working on adding support for nested schemas and non-scalar types (`TAJO-710 <>`_).
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+RCFile, short of Record Columnar File, are flat files consisting of binary key/value pairs,
+which shares many similarities with SequenceFile.
+How to Create a RCFile Table?
+If you are not familiar with the ``CREATE TABLE`` statement, please refer to the Data Definition Language :doc:`/sql_language/ddl`.
+In order to specify a certain file format for your table, you need to use the ``USING`` clause in your ``CREATE TABLE``
+statement. Below is an example statement for creating a table using RCFile.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  CREATE TABLE table1 (
+    id int,
+    name text,
+    score float,
+    type text
+Physical Properties
+Some table storage formats provide parameters for enabling or disabling features and adjusting physical parameters.
+The ``WITH`` clause in the CREATE TABLE statement allows users to set those parameters.
+Now, the RCFile storage type provides the following physical properties.
+* ``rcfile.serde`` : custom (De)serializer class. ```` is the default (de)serializer class.
+* ``rcfile.null`` : NULL character. It is only used when a table uses ````. The default NULL character is an empty string ``''``. Hive's default NULL character is ``'\\N'``.
+* ``compression.codec`` : Compression codec. You can enable compression feature and set specified compression algorithm. The compression algorithm used to compress files. The compression codec name should be the fully qualified class name inherited from ` <>`_. By default, compression is disabled.
+The following is an example for creating a table using RCFile that uses compression.
+.. code-block:: sql
+  CREATE TABLE table1 (
+    id int,
+    name text,
+    score float,
+    type text
+  ) USING RCFILE WITH ('compression.codec'='');
+RCFile (De)serializers
+Tajo provides two built-in (De)serializer for RCFile:
+* ````: stores column values in a plain-text form.
+* ````: stores column values in a binary file format.
+The RCFile format can store some metadata in the RCFile header. Tajo writes the (de)serializer class name into
+the metadata header of each RCFile when the RCFile is created in Tajo.
+.. note::
+  ```` is the default (de) serializer for RCFile.
+Compatibility Issues with Apache Hive™
+Regardless of whether the RCFiles are written by Apache Hive™ or Apache Tajo™, the files are compatible in both systems.
+In other words, Tajo can process RCFiles written by Apache Hive and vice versa.
+Since there are no metadata in RCFiles written by Hive, we need to manually specify the (de)serializer class name
+by setting a physical property.
+In Hive, there are two SerDe, and they correspond to the following (de)serializer in Tajo.
+* ``org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.columnar.ColumnarSerDe``: corresponds to ``TextSerializerDeserializer`` in Tajo.
+* ``org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.columnar.LazyBinaryColumnarSerDe``: corresponds to ``BinarySerializerDeserializer`` in Tajo.
+The compatibility issue mostly occurs when a user creates an external table pointing to data of an existing table.
+The following section explains two cases: 1) the case where Tajo reads RCFile written by Hive, and
+2) the case where Hive reads RCFile written by Tajo.
+When Tajo reads RCFile generated in Hive
+To create an external RCFile table generated with ``ColumnarSerDe`` in Hive,
+you should set the physical property ``rcfile.serde`` in Tajo as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+    id int,
+    name text,
+    score float,
+    type text
+  ) USING RCFILE with ( 'rcfile.serde'='', 'rcfile.null'='\\N' )
+  LOCATION '....';
+To create an external RCFile table generated with ``LazyBinaryColumnarSerDe`` in Hive,
+you should set the physical property ``rcfile.serde`` in Tajo as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+    id int,
+    name text,
+    score float,
+    type text
+  ) USING RCFILE WITH ('rcfile.serde' = '')
+  LOCATION '....';
+.. note::
+  As we mentioned above, ``BinarySerializerDeserializer`` is the default (de) serializer for RCFile.
+  So, you can omit the ``rcfile.serde`` only for ````.
+When Hive reads RCFile generated in Tajo
+To create an external RCFile table written by Tajo with ``TextSerializerDeserializer``,
+you should set the ``SERDE`` as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  CREATE TABLE table1 (
+    id int,
+    name string,
+    score float,
+    type string
+  ) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.columnar.ColumnarSerDe' STORED AS RCFILE
+  LOCATION '<hdfs_location>';
+To create an external RCFile table written by Tajo with ``BinarySerializerDeserializer``,
+you should set the ``SERDE`` as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+  CREATE TABLE table1 (
+    id int,
+    name string,
+    score float,
+    type string
+  ) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.columnar.LazyBinaryColumnarSerDe' STORED AS RCFILE
+  LOCATION '<hdfs_location>';
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+SequenceFiles are flat files consisting of binary key/value pairs.
+SequenceFile is basic file format which provided by Hadoop, and Hive also provides it to create a table.
+The ``USING sequencefile`` keywords let you create a SequecneFile. Here is an example statement to create a table using ``SequecneFile``:
+.. code-block:: sql
+ CREATE TABLE table1 (id int, name text, score float, type text)
+ USING sequencefile;
+Also Tajo provides Hive compatibility for SequenceFile. The above statement can be written in Hive as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+ CREATE TABLE table1 (id int, name string, score float, type string)
+ STORED AS sequencefile;
+SerializerDeserializer (SerDe)
+There are two SerDe for SequenceFile as follows:
+ + TextSerializerDeserializer: This class can read and write data in plain text file format.
+ + BinarySerializerDeserializer: This class can read and write data in binary file format.
+The default is the SerDe for plain text file in Tajo. The above example statement created the table using TextSerializerDeserializer.If you want to use BinarySerializerDeserializer, you can specify it by ``sequencefile.serde`` keywords:
+.. code-block:: sql
+ CREATE TABLE table1 (id int, name text, score float, type text)
+ USING sequencefile with ('sequencefile.serde'='')
+In Hive, the above statement can be written in Hive as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+ CREATE TABLE table1 (id int, name string, score float, type string)
+  'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazybinary.LazyBinarySerDe'
+ STORED AS sequencefile;
+There are three SequenceFile Writers based on the SequenceFile.CompressionType used to compress key/value pairs:
+ + Writer : Uncompressed records.
+ + RecordCompressWriter : Record-compressed files, only compress values.
+ + BlockCompressWriter : Block-compressed files, both keys & values are collected in 'blocks' separately and compressed. The size of the 'block' is configurable.
+The default is Uncompressed Writer in Tajo. If you want to use RecordCompressWriter, you can specify it by ``compression.type`` keywords and  ``compression.codec`` keywords:
+.. code-block:: sql
+ CREATE TABLE table1 (id int, name text, score float, type text)
+ USING sequencefile with ('compression.type'='RECORD','compression.codec'='')
+In hive, you need to specify settings as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+ hive> SET hive.exec.compress.output = true;
+ hive> SET mapred.output.compression.type = RECORD;
+ hive> SET mapred.output.compression.codec =;
+ hive> CREATE TABLE table1 (id int, name string, score float, type string) STORED AS sequencefile;;
+And if you want to use BlockCompressWriter, you can specify it by ``compression.type`` keywords and  ``compression.codec`` keywords:
+.. code-block:: sql
+ CREATE TABLE table1 (id int, name text, score float, type text)
+ USING sequencefile with ('compression.type'='BLOCK','compression.codec'='')
+In hive, you need to specify settings as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+ hive> SET hive.exec.compress.output = true;
+ hive> SET mapred.output.compression.type = BLOCK;
+ hive> SET mapred.output.compression.codec =;
+ hive> CREATE TABLE table1 (id int, name string, score float, type string) STORED AS sequencefile;;
+For reference, you can use TextSerDe or BinarySerDe with compression keywords.
+Here is an example statement for this case.
+.. code-block:: sql
+ CREATE TABLE table1 (id int, name text, score float, type text)
+ USING sequencefile with ('sequencefile.serde'='', 'compression.type'='BLOCK','compression.codec'='')
+In hive, you need to specify settings as follows:
+.. code-block:: sql
+ hive> SET hive.exec.compress.output = true;
+ hive> SET mapred.output.compression.type = BLOCK;
+ hive> SET mapred.output.compression.codec =;
+ hive> CREATE TABLE table1 (id int, name string, score float, type string)
+         'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazybinary.LazyBinarySerDe'
+       STORED AS sequencefile;;
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