You are viewing a plain text version of this content. The canonical link for it is here.
Posted to by on 2009/06/14 21:11:09 UTC

svn commit: r784605 [4/6] - in /incubator/jspwiki/trunk: ./ src/WebContent/ src/WebContent/WEB-INF/classes/templates/ src/WebContent/scripts/ src/WebContent/templates/default/ src/WebContent/templates/default/editors/ src/WebContent/templates/default/i...

Modified: incubator/jspwiki/trunk/src/WebContent/scripts/jspwiki-edit.js
--- incubator/jspwiki/trunk/src/WebContent/scripts/jspwiki-edit.js (original)
+++ incubator/jspwiki/trunk/src/WebContent/scripts/jspwiki-edit.js Sun Jun 14 19:11:08 2009
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     JSPWiki - a JSP-based WikiWiki clone.
     Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
@@ -17,754 +17,2550 @@
     KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
     specific language governing permissions and limitations
     under the License.  
- */
- ** Javascript routines to support JSPWiki Editing
- ** since v.2.6.0
- ** uses mootools v1.1
- **
- ** Needs jspwiki-common.js and mootools.js
- ** EditTools object (main object)
- ** - find&replace functionality : with regexp support
- ** - included popup-pagelinks routines from Janne 
- **
- ** TextArea object
- **     Supports selections inside textarea, in ie and other browsers
- **/
-var WikiSnippets =
+Function: toISODate
+	Return the current date in ISO8601 format 'yyyy-mm-dd'.
+	(ref. EcmaScript 5)	
+> alert( new Date().toISODate() ); // alerts 2009-05-21
+> alert( new Date().toISODate() ); // alerts 2009-05-21T16:06:05.000TZ
+	toISODate: function(){
+		var d = this,
+			dd = d.getDate(),
+			mm = d.getMonth()+1;
+		return d.getFullYear() + '-' + (mm<10 ?'0':'') + mm + '-' + (dd<10 ?'0':'') + dd;
+	}
+Class: WikiEditor
+	The WikiEditor class implement all JSPWiki's plain editor support functions.
+	It uses the [SnipEditor] class to enhance the textarea object.
+	The WikiEditor contains all JSPWiki's specific snippets to ease the entry of 
+	the JSPWiki markup syntax.	
+var WikiEdit = 
-	getSnippets: function(){
-	 	// FIXME: This is a kludge; should really insert a Date plugin or something.
-		var now = new Date();
-		var day = ((now.getDate() < 10) ? "0" + now.getDate() : now.getDate())
-		var month = ((now.getMonth() < 9) ? "0" + (now.getMonth()+1) : (now.getMonth()+1) )
-		var currentDate = now.getFullYear() + "-" + month + "-" + day;
+	initialize: function(){
+		//should always run first, but seems not guaranteed on ie so let's do this for sure
+		Wiki.initialize(); 
+		var txta = $('editorarea'),
+			self = this,
+			snipe,
+			config,
+			tocCursor,
+			prefs = Wiki.prefs,
+			tileBtns, tileFn,
+ 			height = prefs.get('EditorSize');
+		window.onbeforeunload = function(){
+			if( txta.value != txta.defaultValue ) return "edit.areyousure".localize();
+		};
+		if( height ) txta.setStyle('height',height);
+		// open the new snipEditor
+		snipe = self.snipEditor = new SnipEditor( txta, {
+			tabsnips: self.tabSnippets, 
+			// tabcompletion => set by this.configFn()
+			// directsnips => set by this.configFn() 
+			suggestsnips: self.suggestSnippets(), 
+  			buttons: $$('a.tool'),
+			toc: {
+				tocParser: (Wiki.Context =='edit') ? self.jspwikiTOC : null,
+				all: "edit.allsections".localize(),
+				startOfPage: "edit.startOfPage".localize()
+			},
+			dialogs: {
+				//config: [Dialog, {caption:'Configuration Dialog'.localize(), body:$('configDialog')}],
+				config: new Dialog({caption:'Configuration Dialog'.localize(), body:$('configDialog'), showNow:false}),
+				//pagename: new Dialog...
+				fonts: {caption:'My-Fonts'},
+				colors: {colorImage:'templates/default/images/circle-256.png'},
+				special: {caption:'My-Special Chars'}
+			},
+			findForm: {
+				findDialog: $('findDialog'),
+				submit: $('doreplace'),
+				findInput: $('tbFIND'),
+				replaceInput: $('tbREPLACE'),
+				isRegExp: $('tbREGEXP'),
+				isMatchCase: $('tbMatchCASE'),
+				isReplaceGlobal: $('tbGLOBAL'),
+				msgNoMatchFound: function(){
+					Wiki.alert('edit.findandreplace.nomatch'.localize());
+					//Wiki.roar('edit.findandreplace.nomatch'.localize());
+					//FIXME: alert('edit.findandreplace.nomatch'.localize());
+				}
+			},
+  			next: $('nextInput'),
+  			onresize:function(height){  
+  				//save the height in the preference cookie
+  				prefs.set('EditorSize',height); 
+  			}
+  		});
+		//initialize the configuration dialog and link it to the buttons
+		configFn = function(){
+			snipe.set('directsnips', $('smartpairs').checked ? self.directSnippets : {})
+				.set('tabcompletion', $('tabcompletion').checked == true );
+		};
+		['smartpairs', 'tabcompletion'].each( function(id){
+			var element = $(id);
+			if( element ){ 
+				element.setProperty( 'checked', prefs.get(id) || false )
+					.addEvent( 'click', function(e){
+						configFn();
+						prefs.set(id, this.checked);
+					});
+			}
+		});
+		configFn();
+		//initialize the preview layout buttons: tile-vert or tile-horz
+		tileBtns = $$('.tHORZ','.tVERT');
+		tileFn = function(tile){
+			prefs.set('previewLayout',tile);
+			tileBtns.each(function(el){
+				el[( el.getText()==tile ) ? 'hide': 'show']();
+			});
+			tile = (tile=='tile-vert') ? 'size1of1':'size1of2';
+			$('editor-content').getChildren().each(function(el){
+				el.removeClass('size1of1').removeClass('size1of2').addClass(tile);
+			});
+		};
+		tileBtns.each( function(el){
+			el.addEvent( 'click',function(){ tileFn(this.getText()); });
+		});
+		tileFn( prefs.get('previewLayout')||'tile-vert' );
+		//add a localized hover title to the resize drag-bar
+		$E('.editor-container .resize-bar').set({'title':'edit.resize'.localize()});
+		// Select the right section of the page:  URL?section=0..n
+		// cursor = -2 (all) or 0..n (section# - first section is 0)
+		tocCursor =[&?]section=(\d+)/);
+		snipe.selectTocItem( tocCursor ? tocCursor[1].toInt() : -2 );
+		self.initializePreview( snipe );		
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: directSnippets
+		DirectSnippet definitions for JSPWiki, aka ''smartpairs''.
+		These snippets are directly expanded on keypress.
+	*/
+	directSnippets: { 
+		'"' : '"',
+		'(' : ')',
+		'[' : ']',
+		'{' : '}',
+		"'" : {
+			snippet:"'",
+			scope:{
+				"[{":"}]"  //plugin parameters
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: tabSnippets
+		TabSnippet definitions for JSPWiki.
+		These snippets are expanded when clicking the corresponding toolbar button.
+		When the ''tabcompletion'' flag is on, the tabSnippets are expanded after
+		pressing the TAB key.
+	Example:
+	Clicking following link(button) with text "br" inserts a "\\" followed by a nexline
+	>  <a href="#" class="tool" id="tbBR" title="key='editor.plain.tbBR.title'">br</a>
+	The keystrokes {{nl<TAB>}} are converted to "\\" followed by a newline, 
+	when the ''tabcompletion'' flag is on.
+	>	'nl':'\\\\\n'
+	*/
+	tabSnippets: {
+		"%%": {
+			nScope: { "%%(":")" },
+			snippet: "%%{css-style} {body-text} /% ",
+			"css-style": {
+				//"(css-definitions)|information|warning|error|quote|sub-script|superscript|strikethrough|monospace"
+				"css definitions":"( css:value; )",
+				"information":"information",
+				"warning":"warning",
+				"error":"error",
+				"commentbox":"commentbox",
+				"quoted paragraph":"quote",
+				"sub-script<span class='sub'>2</span>":"sub",
+				"super-script<span class='sup'>2</span>":"sup",
+				"<span class='strike'>strikethrough</span>":"strike"
+			}
+		},
+		"br": "\\\\\n",
+		"nl": { synonym: "br" },
+		"hr": "\n----\n",
+		"h1": "\n!!!{Heading 1 title}\n", 
+		"h2": "\n!!{Heading 2 title}\n",
+		"h3": "\n!{Heading 3 title}\n",
+		"font": {
+			nScope: { 
+				"%%(":")",
+				"font-family:":";"
+			},
+			snippet: "%%(font-family:{fonts};) {body}/% "
+		},
+		"color": {
+			nScope: { "%%(":")" },
+			snippet: "%%(color:{colors};background-color:{colors}; ) {body}/% "
+		},
+		"special": {
+			snippet: "{special}",
+			nScope: { "%%(":")" }
+		},
+		"dl": "\n;{term}:{definition-text} ", 
+		"sub": "%%sub {subscript text}/% ",
+		"sup": "%%sup {superscript text}/% ",
+		"strike": "%%strike {strikethrough text}/% ",
+		"xflow": "\n%%xflow\n{wide content}\n/%\n ",
+		"pre": "\n\\{\\{\\{\n{some preformatted block}\n}}}\n",
+		"code": "\n%%prettify \n\\{\\{\\{\n{/* some code block */}\n}}}\n/%\n",
+		"mono": "\\{\\{{monospaced text}}} ",
+		"link": {
+			snippet:"[{link text}|{pagename or url}|{attributes}] ",
+			attributes:"acceskey=X|title=description|target:_blank"
+		},
+/*		'accesskey', 'charset', 'class', 'hreflang', 'id', 'lang', 'dir', 
+		'rel', 'rev', 'style', 'tabindex', 'target', 'title', 'type'
+		- link-text
+		- wiki-page or url
+		- description:title
+		- target: _blank --new-- window yes or no
+		"bold": "__{bold text}__ ",
+		"italic": "''{italic text}'' ",
+		"acl": {
+			snippet: "\n[\{ALLOW {permission} {principal(,principal)} \}]\n",
+			permission: "view|edit|modify|comment|rename|upload|delete",
+			"principal(,principal)": function(){
+				return "Anonymous|Asserted|Authenticated|All";
+				//FIXME: retrieve user group list through ajax call
+			}
+		},
+		"allow": { synonym: "acl" },
+		"img": {
+			snippet:"\n[\\{Image src='{img.jpg}' width='{400px}' height='{300px}' align='{text-align}' style='{css-style}' class='{css-class}' }]\n",
+			'text-align':'left|center|right'
+		},
+		"plugin": {
+			snippet:"\n[\\{{plugin}}]\n",
+			plugin: {
+				"Set a page variable":"SET name='value'",
+				"Get a page variable":"$varname",
+				"Test a page variable":"If name='value' page='pagename' exists='true' contains='regexp'\n\nbody\n",
+				"Insert Page":"InsertPage page='pagename'",
+				"Table Of Contents [toc]":"TableOfContents",
+				"Make Page Alias":"SET alias='pagename'",
+				"Current Time":"CurrentTimePlugin format='yyyy mmm-dd'",
+				"Incoming Links":"ReferredPagesPlugin page='pagename' type='local|external|attachment' depth='1..8' include='regexp' exclude='regexp'",
+				"Outgoing Links":"ReferringPagesPlugin page='pagename' separator=',' include='regexp' exclude='regexp'",
+				"Search":"Search query='Janne' max='10'",
+				"Display weblog posts":"WeblogPlugin page='pagename' startDate='300604' days='30' maxEntries='30' allowComments='false'",
+				"New weblog entry":"WeblogEntryPlugin"
+			}
+		},
+		"tab": {
+			nScope: { 
+				"%%(":")",
+				"%%tabbedSection":"/%"
+			},
+			snippet:"%%tabbedSection \n%%tab-{tabTitle1}\n{tab content 1}\n/%\n%%tab-{tabTitle2}\n{tab content 2}\n/%\n/%\n"
+		},
+		"alias": {
+			nScope: { "[{":"}]" },
+			snippet:"\n[\\{SET alias='{pagename}' }]\n"
+		},
+		"toc": {
+			nScope: { "[{":"}]" },
+			snippet:"\n[\\{TableOfContents }]\n"
+		},
+		"table": "\n||heading-1||heading-2\n| cell11   | cell12\n| cell21   | cell22\n",
+		"quote": "\n%%quote \n{quoted text}\n/%\n",
+		"sign": function(){
+			var name = Wiki.UserName || 'UserName';
+			return "\\\\--" + name + ", "+ new Date().toISODate() + "\n";
+		},
+		"date": function(k) {
+			return new Date().toISODate()+' ';
+			//return "[{Date value='" + d.toISODate() + "' }]"
+			//return "[{Date " + d.toISODate() + " }]"
+		},
+		"lorem" : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\n",
+		"Lorem" : { synonym: "lorem" }
+	}, 
+	/*
+	Function: suggestSnippets
+		Suggest-Snippet definitions for JSPWiki.
+		The snippets are processed after key-up events or mouse-clicks.
+		The typically pop-up a ''suggestion'' dialog-box, assisting the
+		entry of information in the textarea.
+		The suggestion dialog-box is only shown in certain ''contextual'' conditions.
+	*/
+	suggestSnippets:function(){
 		return {
-	"toc" : {
-		snippet:["","[{TableOfContents }]", "\n"],
-		tab:['[{TableOfContents }]', '']
-	},
-	"link" : {
-		snippet:["[","link text|pagename", "]"],
-		tab:['link text','pagename','']
-	},
-	"code" : {
-		snippet:["%%prettify \n{{{\n","some code block", "\n}}}\n/%\n"],
-		tab:['some code block','']
-	},
-	"pre" : {
-		snippet:["{{{\n","some preformatted block", "\n}}}\n"],
-		tab:['some preformatted block','']
-	},
-	"br" : {
-		snippet:['\\\\\n','',''],
-		tab:['']
-	},
-	"bold" : {
-		snippet:["__","some bold text", "__"],
-		tab:['some bold text','']
-	},
-	"italic" : {
-		snippet:["''","some italic text", "''"],
-		tab:['some italic text','']
-	},
-	"h1" : {
-		snippet:["!!!","Heading 1 title\n", ""],
-		tab:["Heading 1 title\n", ""]
-	},
-	"h2" : {
-		snippet:["!!","Heading 2 title", ""],
-		tab:["Heading 2 title\n", ""]
-	},
-	"h3" : {
-		snippet:["!","Heading 3 title", ""],
-		tab:["Heading 3 title\n", ""]
-	},
-	"dl" : {
-		snippet:[";","term:definition text", ""],
-		tab:["term","definition text", ""]
-	},
-	"mono" : {
-		snippet:["{{","some monospaced text", "}}"],
-		tab:["some monospaced text", ""]
-	},
-	"hr" : {
-		snippet:['','----','\n'],
-		tab:['']
-	},
-	"sub" : {
-		snippet:["%%sub ","subscript text", "/%"],
-		tab:['subscript text','']
-	},
-	"sup" : {
-		snippet:["%%sup ","superscript text", "/%"],
-		tab:['superscript text','']
-	},
-	"strike" : {
-		snippet:["%%strike ","strikethrough text", "/%"],
-		tab:['strikethrough text','']
-	},
-	"tab" : {
-		snippet:["%%tabbedSection \n","%%tab-tabTitle1\ntab content 1\n/%\n%%tab-tabTitle2\ntab content 2", "\n/%\n/%\n"],
-		tab:['tabTitle1','tab content 1','tabTitle2','tab content 2','']
-	},
-	"table" : {
-		snippet:["\n","||heading 1||heading 2\n| cell 1   | cell 2", "\n"],
-		tab:['heading 1','heading 2','cell 1','cell 2','']
-	},
-	"img" : {
-		snippet:["","[{Image src='img.jpg' width='..' height='..' align='left|center|right' style='..' class='..' }]", "\n"],
-		tab:['img.jpg', '']
-	},
-	"quote" : {
-		snippet:["%%quote \n","quoted text", "\n/%\n"],
-		tab:['quoted text','']
-	},
-	"%%" : {
-		snippet:["%%","wikistyle\nsome text", "\n/%"],
-		tab:['wikistyle','some text','']
-	},
-	//dynamic snippets
-	"sign" : {
-		snippet:["\\\\\n--",Wiki.UserName+", "+currentDate,"\n"],
-		tab:[Wiki.UserName,currentDate,'']
-	},
-	/* TODO: how to insert the proper current date/timestamp, inline with the preferred time format */
-	/* TODO: Should be localized. */
-	"date" : {
-		//return new object snippet
-		command: function(k) {
-			var dayNames = ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],
-			monthNames = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],
-			dt = new Date(),
-			y  = dt.getYear();
-			if (y < 1000) y +=1900;
-			var date = dayNames[dt.getDay()] + ", " + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + " " + dt.getDate() + ", " + y;
-			return {
-				//key:"date", optional
-				snippet:['',date,' '],
-				tab:[date,'']
-			};
+		/*
+		Suggest snippet: color
+			This snippet will popup the colorwheel whenever the cursor is
+			after or inside a hexadecimal color definition
+		*/
+		colors: {
+			//scope:{	"%%(":")" },
+			scope: function(txta){
+				//fixme
+				var iscolor = txta.getFromStart().test( /(#[0-9a-f]*)$/i );
+				if(iscolor){
+					//
+					var len = RegExp.$1.length,
+						caret = txta.getSelectionRange();
+					txta.setSelectionRange( caret.start-len, caret.start );
+				}
+				return iscolor
+			}
+			//dialog = 'colors'
+		},
+		/*
+		Suggest snippet: Link
+			This snippet will popup a dialog with partial matching pagenames.
+			The list of pages is retrieved via an JAX-RPC call to JSPWiki.
+		*/
+		//suggestLink is the name of a predefined dialog
+		//suggest:
+		link: {
+			scope: function( txta ){
+				//match [<newline>
+				//match [xxxx <until ]>
+				//match [xxxx <until newline>
+				//dont match [{
+				//dont match [[
+				return txta.getFromStart().test( /\[(:?[^\[\{\]\n\r][^\]\n\r]*)?$/ );
+			},
+			dialog: [SelectionDialog, {
+				body:'',
+				caption:'Link Suggestion Dialog', 
+				onShow:this.updateSuggest.bind(this),
+				onSelect:this.updateLink.bind(this)
+			}]
+		}
+		};
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: suggestLink
+		Suggest list of page of page/attachement names based on the
+		partial match of the textarea input.
+	*/
+	updateLink: function( value ){
+		var txta = this.snipEditor.get('textarea'),
+			caret = txta.getSelectionRange();
+		//extend the selection till next ] or end of the line
+		if( caret.thin ){ 
+			var end = txta.getTillEnd().search( /[\n\r\]]/ );
+			if( end!=-1 ) txta.setSelectionRange( caret.start, caret.start + end );
+		}
+		txta.setSelection( value.slice(this.suggestPrefix) );
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: updateSuggest
+		onShow() event Handler on the link suggestion dialog
+	*/
+	updateSuggest: function( dialog ){
+		var txta = this.snipEditor.get('textarea'),
+			fromStart = txta.getFromStart(),
+			//match '[' + 'any char except \n or ]' at end of the string
+			searchword = fromStart.match( /\[([^\n\r\]]*)$/ )[1];
+		if(searchword.indexOf('|') != -1) searchword = searchword.split('|')[1];
+		this.suggestPrefix = searchword.length;
+		//ifn o searchword, then get list of page attachments
+		if(searchword == "" ) searchword = Wiki.PageName + '/';
+		//alert(searchword);		
+		Wiki.jsonrpc('search.getSuggestions', [searchword,30], function(result,exception){
+			//offline testing:
+			//var result = {list:['result1', 'result longer 2', 'result very longereererere 3', 'results moremore']};
+			//var exception;
+			if( exception ){ 
+				alert( exception.message ); 
+			} else if( !result.list || ( result.list.length == 0 ) ){ 
+				dialog.hide();
+			} else {
+				dialog.setBody( result.list );
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: jspwikiTOC
+		Convert a jspwiki-markup page to an array of page sections.
+		Each section starts with a JSPWiki header line. ( !, !! !!! )
+		This function is a callback function for the [SnipEditor]. 
+		It is called by [snipeditor.buildToc] every time the textarea of the
+		snipeditor is being changed.
+	Returns:
+		This function returns a array of objects [{title, start, indent}]
+		title - (string) title of the section without markup characters
+	 	start - (integer) offset within the text string where this section starts
+	 	indent - (integer) indentation or nesting level of the section 0,1...n
+	*/
+	jspwikiTOC: function( text ){
+		// mask any header line inside a {{{ ... }}} but keep length of the text unchanged!
+		text = text.replace(/\{\{\{([\s\S]*?)\}\}\}/g, function(match){
+			return match.replace( /^!/mg, ' ' );
+		});
+		var result = [],
+			DELIM = '\u00a4',
+			// after the regexp and split text, you'll get an array:
+			// [0] : text prior to the first header
+			// [1,odd] : header markup !, !! or !!!
+			// [2,even] : remainder of the section, starting with header title
+			tt = text.replace( /^([!]{1,3})/mg, DELIM+"$1"+DELIM ).split(DELIM),
+			pos = tt.shift().length,  //get length of the first element, prior to first section
+			count = tt.length;
+		for( var i=0; i<count; i=i+2 ){
+			var hlen = tt[i].length,
+				//take first line
+				title = tt[i+1].split(/[\r\n]/)[0]
+					//remove unescaped(~) inline wiki markup __,'',{{,}}, %%(*), /%
+					.replace(/(^|[^~])(__|''|\{\{|\}\}|%%\([^\)]+\)|%%\S+\s|%%\([^\)]+\)|\/%)/g,'$1')
+				    //and remove wiki-markup escape chars ~ 			
+					.replace(/~([^~])/g, '$1'); 
+			//Indent: convert length of header markup (!!!,!!,!) into #indent-level:  3,2,1 => 0,1,2
+			result.push({'title':title, 'start':pos, 'indent':3-hlen})
+			pos += hlen + tt[i+1].length;
+		};
+		return result;
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: initializePreview
+		Initialize textarea preview functionality.
+		When #autopreview checkbox is checked, bind the
+		[refreshPreview] handler to the {{preview}} event
+		of the textarea.
+		Finally, send periodically the preview event. 
+	*/
+	initializePreview : function( snipe ){
+		var autopreview = 'autopreview',
+			self = this,
+			prefs = Wiki.prefs,
+			refreshFn = self.refreshPreview.bind(self);
+		$(autopreview)
+			.setProperty('checked', prefs.get(autopreview) || false)
+			.addEvent('click', function(){
+				prefs.set(autopreview, this.checked);
+				refreshFn();
+			})
+			.fireEvent('click');
+		self.refreshPreview.periodical(3000, self);
+		snipe.toElement().addEvent('change',refreshFn);
+    },
+	/*
+	Function: refreshPreview
+		Make AJAX call to the backend to convert the contents of the textarea
+		(wiki markup) to HTML.
+	*/
+	refreshPreview: function(){
+    	var	self = this,
+    		snipe = self.snipEditor,
+    		text = snipe.get('textarea').getValue(),
+    		page = Wiki.PageName,
+    		preview = $('livepreview'),
+    		spin = $('previewspin');
+		if( !$('autopreview').checked ){ 
+			if( self.previewcache ){
+				preview.empty();
+				self.previewcache = null;
+			}
+		} else if( self.previewcache != text ){
+			self.previewcache = text;		
+			new Ajax( Wiki.TemplateUrl + "/AJAXPreview.jsp?page=" + page, { 
+				postBody: 'wikimarkup=' + encodeURIComponent( text ),
+				update: preview,
+				onRequest: function(){; },
+				onComplete: function(){ spin.hide(); Wiki.renderPage(preview, page); }
+			}).request();
-		} /* return */
+Global: load/domready
+	Initialize the WikiEdit class on page load.
+window.addEvent('domready', function(){ WikiEdit.initialize() } );
+Class: SnipEditor
+	The SnipEditor class enriches a TEXTAREA object with many capabilities, 
+	including tab-autocompletion, auto-indentation, smart typing pairs, suggestion 
+	popups, live-preview, textarea resizing, toggle buttons etc.
+	The configuration of the snip-editor is done through Snippet objects. 
+	See [getSnippet] for more info on how to define snippets.
+	The SnipEditor was inspired by postEditor (by Daniel Mota aka IceBeat, 
+ ) and ''textMate'' (
+	It has been written to fit with needs of the JSPWIKI project.
+	The main changes and enhancements include support for suggestion-popups, toolbar 
+	driven toggle buttons, simplified the snippet definition, 
+	and compatible with IE6/7. (ugh)
+	Dirk Frederickx, Oct-Dec 2008
+	el - textarea element
+	options - optional, see options below
+	tab - (string) number of spaces used to insert/remove a tab in the textarea; 
+		default is 4
+	tabcompletion - (boolean, default true) when set to true, 
+	    the tabSnippet keywords will be expanded
+		when pressing the TAB key.  See also [tabSnippet]
+	tabsnips - (snippet-object) set of snippets, which will be expanded when
+		clicking a button or pressing the TAB key. See [getSnippet], [tabSnippet]
+	directsnips - (snippet-object) set of snippets which are directly expanded
+		on key-down. See [getSnippet], [directSnippet]
+	suggestsnips - (snippet-object) set of snippets which are triggered at
+		key-up or mouse click events. Typically suggestsnips are used to generate
+		help dialog popups.
+	buttons - (array of Elements), each button elemnet will bind its click-event 
+	    with [onButtonClick}. When the click event fires, the {{rel}} attribute
+	    or the text of the element will be used as snippet keyword.
+	    See also [tabSnippet].
+	dialogs - set of dialogs, consisting of either a Dialog object, 
+		or a set of {dialog-options} for the predefined
+		dialogs suchs as Font, Color and Special.
+		See property [initializeDialogs] and [openDialog]
+	findForm - (object) list of form-controls. See [onFindAndReplace] handler.
+	next - (Element), when pressing Shift-Enter, the textarea will ''blur'' and
+		this ''next'' element will ge the focus.
+		This compensates the overwritting default TAB handling of the browser.
+	onresize - (function, optional), when present, a textarea resize bar 
+		with css class {{resize-bar}} is added after the textarea,
+		allowing to resize the heigth of the textarea.
+		This onresize callback function is called whenever
+		the height of the textarea is changed.
+	[Textarea]
+	[UndoRedo]
+	(start code)
+	<script>
+		new SnipEditor( "mainTextarea", {
+			tabsnips: { bold:"**{bold text}**", italic:"''{italice text}''" }, 
+			tabcompletion:true,
+			directsnips: { '(':')', '[' : ']' }, 
+			buttons: $$('a.tool'),
+			next:'nextInputField' 
+	  	});
+  	</script>
+	(end)
+var SnipEditor = new Class({
+	options: {
+		tab: "    ", //default tab = 4 spaces
+		tabcompletion: true,
+		tabsnips: {},
+		directsnips: {},
+		suggestsnips: {},
+		buttons: null,
+		toc: {
+			tocParser: null,
+			all: "(All)",
+			startOfPage: "Start of the page"
+		},
+		dialogs: {
+			//fonts: {caption:'Fonts'},
+			//colors: {colorImage: '../dialog/circle-256.png'},
+			//special: {caption:'Special Chars'}
+		},
+		findForm: {
+			findDialog: null,
+			submit: null, //will get a click-event attached
+			findInput: null, //input element
+			replaceInput: null, //input element
+			isRegExp: null, //checkbox, regular expression allowed
+			isReplaceGlobal: null, //checkbox, global find&replace
+			isMatchCase: null, //checkbox, match upper/lower case
+			msgNoMatchFound: function(){}  //called when no find match is found
+		},
+		next: null, //element, shift-Enter will get you to the 'next' element
+		onresize: null //function, onresize callback handler
+	},
+	initialize: function(el, options){
+		this.setOptions(options);
+		var self = this,
+			options = self.options,
+			main = self.mainarea = $(el),
+			txta = main.clone()
+				.removeProperty('id')
+				.removeProperty('name')
+				.injectBefore( main.hide() )
+				.addEvent('change', self.onChangeTXTA.bind( self ) ); 
+				// Make sure to catch ALL {{change}} events, and copy the 
+				// content of txta back to the main textarea. 
+				// This includes the ''last'' change event, just before firing 
+				// the submit event of the form.
+		self.textarea = new Textarea( txta );
+		self.undoredo = new UndoRedo( self );
+		self.activeSnip = null;
+		self.initializeDialogs();
+		self.initializeToc( txta );
+		self.initializeResizing( txta );
+		var keystroke = self.onKeystroke.bind( self ),
+			btns = options.buttons,
+			find = options.findForm.submit,
+			suggest = self.suggestSnippet.bind( self );
+		if( btns ) btns.addEvent( 'click', self.onButtonClick.bind( self ) );
+		if( find ) find.addEvent( 'click', self.onFindAndReplace.bind( self ) );
+		txta.addEvent( 'keydown', keystroke )
+			.addEvent( 'keypress', keystroke )
+			//fixme: any click outside the suggestion block should clear the active snip
+			//better is to attach the click handler of the suggestion block to the document body
+			//and decide on the target whether you click inside or not.
+			.addEvent( 'click', self.clearActiveSnip.bind( self ))
+			.addEvent( 'click', suggest )
+			.addEvent( 'keyup', suggest );
-	getSmartPairs: function(){
-		return {
+	/*
+	Function: toElement
+		Retrieve textarea DOM element;
+		This allows the dollar function to return 
+		the element when passed an instance of the class. (mootools 1.2.x)
+	Example:
+	>	var snipe = new SnipEditor('textarea-element');
+	>	$('textarea-element') == snipe.toElement();
+	>	$('textarea-element') == $(snipe); //mootools 1.2.x
+	*/
+	toElement: function(){
+		return this.textarea.toElement();
+	},	
+	/*
+	Function: get
+		Retrieve some of the public properties of the snip-editor: 
+		textarea, resize object.
+	Arguments:
+		item - 'resize' or 'textarea'
+	*/
+	get: function(item){
+		return( /textarea|dialogs|tabcompletion|tabsnips|directsnips|suggestsnips/.test(item) 
+			? this[item] : null )
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: set
+		Set/Reset some of the options of the snip-editor.
+	Arguments:
+		item - 'tabsnips', 'tabcompletion', 'directsnip' or 'sectionview'
+		newvalue - 'resize' or 'textarea'
+	Returns
+		this SnipEditor object
+	*/
+	set: function(item, newvalue){
+		if( /dialogs|tabcompletion|tabsnips|directsnips|suggestsnips/.test(item) ){
+			this.options[item] = newvalue;
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: onKeystroke
+		This is a cross-browser keystroke handler for keyPress and keyDown 
+		events on the textarea.
+	Note:
+		The KeyPress is used to accept regular character keys.
+		The KeyDown event captures all special keys, such as Enter, Del, Backspace, Esc, ...
+		To work around some browser incompatibilities, a hack with the {{event.which}} 
+		attribute is used to grab the actual special chars.
+		Ref. keyboard event paper by Jan Wolter,
+		Todo: check on Opera
+	Arguments:
+		e - (event) keypress or keydown event.
+	*/
+	onKeystroke: function(e){
+		e = new Event(e);
+		if( e.type=='keydown' ){
+			//Only accept special keys via keydown event
+			if( !Event.keys[e.key] ) return;
+		} else { // e.type=='keypress'
+			//Only accept regular character keys via keypress event
+			//Note: cross-browser hack with 'which' attribute for special chars
+			if( $chk(e.event.which) && (e.event.which==0) ) return; 
+			//Reset faulty 'special char' treatment by mootools
+			e.key = String.fromCharCode(e.code).toLowerCase(); 
+		}
+	    if( e.shift && e.key=='enter' ){
+	    	//Exit and jump to the next element
+	    	e.stop();
+	    	this.clearActiveSnip();
+	    	if( ) $(;
+	    	return;
+	    }
+	    var self = this,
+	    	txta = self.textarea,
+	    	el = txta.toElement(),
+	    	caret = txta.getSelectionRange(),
+			top = el.scrollTop, 
+			left = el.scrollLeft;
+		if( this.directSnippet(e, txta, caret) ) return;
+		el.focus();
+		switch( e.key ){
+			case 'tab': 
+				e.stop();
+				if( self.activeSnip ){
+					return self.nextParameter(txta, caret);
+				} else {
+					if( self.tabSnippet(e, txta, caret) ) return;
+					self.convertTabToSpaces(e, txta, caret);
+				}
+				break;
+			case 'up' :
+			case 'down': 
+			case 'esc': self.clearActiveSnip(); return;
+			case 'enter': self.onEnter(e, txta, caret); break;
+			case 'delete': self.onDelete(e, txta, caret); break;
+			case 'backspace': self.onBackspace(e, txta, caret); break;
+		}
+		el.scrollTop  = top;
+		el.scrollLeft = left;
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: onEnter
+		When the Enter key is pressed, the next line will be ''auto-indented''
+		or space-aligned with the previous line.
+	Arguments:
+		e - event
+		txta - Textarea object
+		caret - caret object, indicating the start/end of the textarea selection
+	*/
+	onEnter: function(e, txta, caret) {
+		//if( this.activeSnip ){
+			//fixme
+			//how to 'continue previous snippet ??
+			//eg '\n* {unordered list item}' followed by TAB or ENTER
+			//snippet should always start with \n;
+			//snippet should have a 'continue on enter' flag ?
+		//}
+		this.clearActiveSnip();
+		if( caret.thin ){
+			var fromStart = txta.getFromStart(),
+				prevline = fromStart.split('\n').pop(),
+				indent = prevline.match( /^\s+/gi );
+			if( indent ){
+				e.stop(); 
+				txta.insertAfter( '\n' + indent.join('') );
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: onBackspace
+		Remove single-character directsnips such as {{ (), [], {} }}
+	Arguments:
+		e - event
+		txta - Textarea object
+		caret - caret object, indicating the start/end of the textarea selection
+	*/
+	onBackspace: function(e, txta, caret) {
+		if( caret.thin  && (caret.start > 0) ){
+			var key = txta.getValue().charAt(caret.start-1), 
+				snip = this.getSnippet( this.options.directsnips );
+			if( snip && (snip.snippet == txta.getValue().charAt(caret.start)) ){
+				/* remove the closing pair character */
+				txta.setSelectionRange( caret.start, caret.start+1 )
+					.setSelection('');
+			}
+  		}
+  	},
+	/*
+	Function: onDelete
+		Removes the next TAB (4spaces) if matched
+	Arguments:
+		e - event
+		txta - Textarea object
+		caret - caret object, indicating the start/end of the textarea selection
+	*/
+	onDelete: function(e, txta, caret) {
+		var tab =;
+		if( caret.thin	&& (txta.getTillEnd().indexOf(tab) == 0) ){
+			e.stop();
+			txta.setSelectionRange(caret.start, caret.start + tab.length)
+				.setSelection('');
+		}
+	},	
+	/*
+	Function: toggleFindAndReplace
+		Toggles the visibility of the find and replace dialog.
+		This event handler is linked with the ''find'' button.
+	Arguments:
+		e - event
+	*/
+	toggleFindAndReplace: function(e){
+		if(e) new Event(e).stop();
+		var form = this.options.findForm,
+			dialog = form.findDialog,
+			showDialog = ( dialog.getStyle('display')=='none' );
+		dialog.setStyle( 'display', showDialog ? '' : 'none' );	
+		showDialog ? form.findInput.focus() : this.toElement().focus();
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: onFindAndReplace
+		Perform the find and replace operation on either the full textarea
+		or the selection of the textarea. It supports 
+		regular expressions, case-(in)sensitive replace and global replace.
+		This is an event handler, typically linked with the submit button of the
+		find and replace dialog. 
+	Arguments:
+		e - event
+	*/
+	onFindAndReplace: function(e){
+		if(e) new Event(e).stop();
+		var txta = this.textarea,
+			fo = this.options.findForm,
+			findText	= (fo.findInput) ? fo.findInput.value : '',
+			replaceText	= (fo.replaceInput) ? fo.replaceInput.value : '',
+			isRegExp	= (fo.isRegExp) ? fo.isRegExp.checked : false,
+			reGlobal	= (fo.isReplaceGlobal && fo.isReplaceGlobal.checked) ? 'g' : '',
+			reMatchCase	= (fo.isMatchCase && fo.isMatchCase.checked) ? '' : 'i';
+		if( findText == '' ) return;
+		var sel = txta.getSelection() || '',
+			data = (sel=='') ? txta.getValue() : sel;
+		if( !isRegExp ) findText = findText.escapeRegExp();
+		var re = new RegExp(findText, reGlobal + reMatchCase + 'm'); //multiline
+		if( data.match(re) ){
+			this.undoredo.onChange();
+			data = data.replace(re, replaceText);  
+			(sel=='') ? txta.toElement().value = data : txta.setSelection(data);			
+		} else {
+			(fo.msgNoMatchFound) ? fo.msgNoMatchFound() : alert("No match found");
+		}
+		txta.toElement().focus();
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: setActiveSnip
+		The activeSnip contains an array with ''{parameters}'' used to step through 
+		each parameter when pressing subsequent tabs. 
+		It also contains a ref to the related snippet and snippet key.
+		See also nextParameter(..)
+		As long the snippet is active, the textarea gets the css class {{activeSnip}}.
+	Arguments:
+		snip - snippet object to make active
+	*/
+	setActiveSnip: function( snip ){
+		var self = this;
+		if( self.options.tabcompletion ){
+			self.activeSnip = snip ;
+			self.toElement().addClass('activeSnip');
+		}
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: clearActiveSnip
+		It clears the activeSnip object, and removes the css class from the textarea.
+		It also makes sure there no stuff left in the suggestions box
+	*/
+	clearActiveSnip: function(){
+		var self = this;
+	    self.activeSnip = null;
+		self.hideDialog();
+		self.toElement().removeClass('activeSnip').focus();
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: getSnippet
+		Retrieve and validate the snippet. Returns false when the snippet is not
+		found or not in scope.
+	About snippets:
+	In the simplest case, you can use snippets to insert plain text that you do not 
+	want to type again and again. The snippet is expanded when hitting 
+	the Tab key: the ''snippet'' is replaced by ''snippet expansion text''.
+	(start code)
+	var tabSnippets = {
+		<snippet1> : <snippet expansion text>,
+		<snippet2> : <snippet expansion text>
+	}
+	(end)
+	See also [DirectSnippets].
+	For example, following snippet will expand the ''toc'' text into the 
+	TableOfContents wiki plugin call. Don't forget to escape '{' and '}'  
+	with a backslash, because they have a special meaning. (see below)
+	Use the '\n' charater to define multi-line snippets. Start the snippet
+	with '\n' to make sure the snippet starts on a new line.
+	(start code)
+	"toc": "\n[\{TableOfContents \}]\n"
+	(end)
+	After tab-completion, the caret is placed just after the expanded snippet. 
+	Snippet parameters:
+	If you want, you can put ''{parameters}'' inside the snippet. Pressing the tab
+	will jump to the next parameter. If you are ok with the default value, 
+	just tab over it. If not, start typing to overwrite it.
+	(start code)
+	"bold": "__{some bold text}__"
+	(end)
+	You can have multiple ''{parameters}'' too. Pressing more tabs will get you there.
+	(start code)
+	"link": "[{link text}|{pagename}]"
+	(end)
+	Extended snippet syntax:
+	So far we discussed the simple snippet syntax. In order to unlock more advanced 
+	snippet features, you'll need to use the extended snippet syntax.
+	(start code)
+	"toc": {
+		snippet : "\n[\{TableOfContents \}]\n"
+	}
+	(end)
+	which is actually the same as
+	(start code)
+	"toc": "\n[\{TableOfContents \}]\n"
+	(end)
+	Snippet synonyms:
+	Instead of defining the snippet text, you can also refer to another snippet.
+	This allows you to create synonyms.
+	(start code)
+	"allow": { 
+		synonym: "acl" 
+	}
+	(end)
+	Dynamic snippets:
+	Next to static snippet texts, you can also dynamically generate 
+	the snippet text through a javascript function. For example, you could
+	use ajax calls to populate the snippet on the fly. The function should return
+	either the string (simple snippet syntax) or a snippet object.
+	(eg return {{ { snippet:"..." } }} )
+	(start code)
+	"date": function(e, textarea){
+		return new Date().toLocaleString();
+	}
+	(end)
+	or
+	(start code)
+	"date": function(e, textarea){
+		var d = new Date().toLocaleString();
+		return { 'snippet': d };
+	}
+	(end)
+	Snippet scope:
+	See [inScope] to see how to restrict the scope of a snippet.
+	Parameter dialog boxes:
+	To help the entry of parameters, you can specify a predefined set of choices
+	for a ''{parameter}'', as a string (with | separator), js array or js object.
+	A parameter dialog box will be displayed to provide easy selection of 
+	one of the choices.  See [SelectionDialog].
+	Example of parameter suggestion-list:
+	(start code)
+	"acl": {
+		snippet: "[\{ALLOW {permission} {principal(,principal)} \}]",
+		permission: "view|edit|modify|comment|rename|upload|delete",
+		"principal(,principal)": "Anonymous|Asserted|Authenticated|All"
+		}
+	}
+	"acl": {
+		snippet: "[\{ALLOW {permission} {principal(,principal)} \}]",
+		permission: [view,edit,modify]
+		}
+	}
+	"acl": {
+		snippet: "[\{ALLOW {permission} {principal(,principal)} \}]",
+		permission: {'Only read access':'view','Read and write access':'edit','R/W, rename, delete access':'modify' }
+		}
+	}
+	(end)
+	You can also define global dialog boxes via the ''dialogs'' option, which
+	can be re-used in any snippet.	
+	(start code)
+	new SnipEditor( $('myTextarea'), {
+		...	
+		tabSnippet: {
+			acl: "[\{ALLOW {permission} \}]"
+		},
+		dialogs: {
+			permission: new SelectionDialog({body:[view,edit,modify], caption:'Permission'})
+		},
+		...
+	};
+	(end)
+	Arguments:
+		snips - snippet collection object for lookup of the key
+		key - (optional) snippet key. If not present, retreive the key from 
+		 	the textarea just to the left of the caret. (i.e. tab-completion)
+	Returns:
+		Retrun a snippet object or false.
+		(start code)
+		returned_object = false || {
+				key: "snippet-key",
+				snippet: " snippet-string ",
+				text: " converted snippet-string, no-parameter braces, auto-indented ",
+				parms: [parm1, parm2, "last-snippet-string" ]
+			}
+		(end)
+	*/
+	getSnippet: function( snips, key ){
+		var txta = this.textarea,
+			fromStart = txta.getFromStart(),
+			snip = false;
+		if( key ){
+			snip = snips[key];
+		} else {
+			//lookup key and snippet backwards from the text preceeding the caret
+			var len = fromStart.length;
+			for( var sn in snips ){
+				if( (len >= sn.length) && (sn == fromStart.slice( - sn.length ) ) ){
+					snip = snips[sn];
+					key = sn;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if( snip ){
+			if( snip.synonym ) snip = snips[snip.synonym];
+			if( $type(snip) == 'function' ) snip = snip.apply( this, [key] );
+			if( $type(snip) == 'string' ) snip = { snippet:snip };
+		}
+		if(!snip || !this.inScope(snip, fromStart) ) return false;
+		snip.key = key;
+		var s = snip.snippet,
+			tab =,
+			parms = [];
+		//parse snippet and build the parms[] array with all {parameters}
+		s = s.replace( /\\?\{([^{}]+)\}/g, function( match, name ){
+			if( match.charAt(0) == '\\' ) return match.slice(1);
+			parms.push(name);
+			return name;
+		}).replace( /\\\{/g, '{' );
+		//and finally, replace the escaped '\{' by real '{'
+		//also push the last piece of the snippet onto the parms[] array
+		var last = parms.getLast();
+		if(last) parms.push( s.slice(s.lastIndexOf(last) + last.length) );
+		//collapse \n of previous line if the snippet starts with \n
+		if( (s.indexOf('\n')==0) 
+		&& ( fromStart.slice(0, -key.length ).test( /(^|\n\s*)$/g ) ) ) {
+			s = s.substr(1);
+		}
+		//fixme: also collapse \n of subsequent lines when the snippet ends with a \n
+		//auto-indent the snippet's internal \n
+		var prevline = fromStart.split('\r?\n').pop(),
+			indent = prevline.match(/^\s+/gi); 
+		if( indent ) s = s.replace( /\n/g, '\n' + indent.join('') );
+		//complete the snip object
+		snip.text = s;
+		snip.parms = parms;
+		return snip; 				
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: inScope
+		Sometimes it is useful to restrict the scope of a snippet, and only perform 
+		the tab-completion in specifc parts of the text. The scope parameter allows
+		you to do that by defining start and end delimiting strings. 
+		For example, the following "fn" snippet will only expands when it appears
+		inside the scope of a script tag. 
+		(start code)
+		"fn": {
+			snippet: "function( {args} )\{ \n    {body}\n\}\n",
+			scope: {"<script":"</script"} //should be inside this bracket
+		}
+		(end)
+		The opposite is possible too. Use the 'nScope' or not-in-scope parameter
+		to make sure the snippet is only inserted when not in scope.
+		(start code)
+		"special": {
+			snippet: "{special}",
+			nScope: { "%%(":")" } //should not be inside this bracket
+		},
+		(end)
+	Arguments:
+		snip - Snippet Object
+		text - (string) used to check for open scope items
+	Returns:
+		True when the snippet is in scope, false otherwise.
+	*/
+	inScope: function(snip, text){
+		if( snip.scope ){
+			if( $type( snip.scope )=='function' ){
+				return snip.scope( this.textarea ); 
+			} else {
+				for( var key in snip.scope ){
+					var open = text.lastIndexOf(key);
+					if( (open > -1) && (text.indexOf( snip.scope[key], open ) == -1) ) return true;
+				}
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		if( snip.nScope ){
+			for( var key in snip.nScope ){
+				var open = text.lastIndexOf(key);
+				if( (open > -1) && (text.indexOf( snip.nScope[key], open ) == -1) ) return false;
+			}
+		}
+		return true;
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: directSnippet
+		Direct snippet are invoked immediately when the key is pressed
+		as opposed to a [tabSnippet] which are expanded after pressing the Tab key.
+		Direct snippets are typically used for smart typing pairs, 
+		such as {{ (), [] or {}. }}
+		Direct snippets can also be defined through javascript functions
+		or restricted to a certain scope. (ref. [getSnippet], [inScope] )
+		First, the snippet is retrieved based on the entered character.
+		Then, the opening- and closing- chars are inserted around the selection.
+	Arguments:
+		e - event
+		txta - Textarea object
+		caret - caret object, indicating the start/end of the textarea selection
+	Returns:
+		True/False, when succesfully processed the pressed key.
+	Example:
+	(start code)
+	directSnippets: { 
 		'"' : '"',
 		'(' : ')',
 		'{' : '}',
-		'[' : ']',
-		'<' : '>',
-		"'" : { scope:{ "{{{":"}}}" }, pair:"'" }
+		"<" : ">",
+		"'" : {
+			snippet:"'",
+			scope:{
+				"<javascript":"</javascript",
+				"<code":"</code",
+				"<html":"</html"
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	(end)
+	*/
+	directSnippet: function(e, txta, caret){
+		var snip = this.getSnippet( this.options.directsnips, e.key );
+		if(!snip) return false;
+		e.stop();
+		txta.setSelection( e.key, txta.getSelection(), snip.snippet )
+			.setSelectionRange( caret.start+1, caret.end+1 );
+		return true;
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: tabSnippet
+		Intercept the TAB key and perform tab-completion function
+	Arguments:
+		e - event
+		txta - Textarea object
+		caret - caret object, indicating the start/end of the textarea selection
+	Returns:
+		True/False, when succesfully processed the pressed key.
+	*/
+	tabSnippet: function(e, txta, caret){
+		if( !this.options.tabcompletion ) return;	
+		if( caret.thin ){
+			var snip = this.getSnippet( this.options.tabsnips );
+		}
+		if( !snip ) return false;
+		this.undoredo.onChange();
+		//replace the snippet key by the snippet text
+		txta.setSelectionRange( caret.start - snip.key.length, caret.start )
+			.setSelection( snip.text );
+		caret = txta.getSelectionRange(); //get updated caret
+		if( snip.parms.length==0 ){
+			//move caret after the inserted snippet
+			txta.setSelectionRange( caret.start + snip.text.length );
+		} else {
+			//store the active snip and process the first {parameter}
+			this.setActiveSnip( snip );
+			this.nextParameter(txta, caret);
+		}
+		return true;
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: onButtonClick
+		This function is a Click event handler.
+		It looks up the snippet based on the rel-attribute or the text value 
+		of the clicked element, and inserts its value in the textarea.
+		When text was selected prior to the click event, the selection will
+		be injects in one of the snippet {parameter}. 
+		Additionally, when the snippet only contains one {parameter},
+		the snippet will toggle: i.e. remove the snippet when already present,
+		otherwis insert the snippet.
+		TODO:
+		Prior to the insertion of the snippet, the caret will be moved to the beginning of the line.
+		Prior to the insertion of the snippet, the caret will be moved to the beginning of the next line.
+	Arguments:
+		e - (event) keypress or keydown event.
+	*/
+	onButtonClick: function(e){
+		e = new Event(e).stop();
+		this.toElement().focus();
+		var self = this,
+			el =,
+			key = el.getProperty('rel') || el.getText(); 
+		//toggle previously activate dialog, if it is the same command !!fixme
+		if( self.activeDialog ) return self.hideDialog();
+		//catch predefined commands 
+		if( key=='undo' ) return self.undoredo.onUndo();
+		if( key=='redo' ) return self.undoredo.onRedo();
+		if( key=='find' ) return self.toggleFindAndReplace();
+		var snip = self.getSnippet( self.options.tabsnips, key );
+		self.relativeTo = el; //this is a button event -- used to positon the dialog 
+		if( !snip ){
+			//check if this is a button-only dialog command
+			if( self.dialogs[key] ) self.openDialog( key );	
+			return;
+		}
+		var txta = self.textarea, 
+			caret = txta.getSelectionRange();
+		self.undoredo.onChange();
+		if( self.toggleSnippet(txta, snip, caret) ) return;
+		var s = snip.text;
+		if( !caret.thin ){
+			//when text was selected, inject it the first undefined {parameter}
+			var dialogs = self.dialogs; 
+			snip.parms.slice(0,-1).some( function(parm,i){
+				//skip the snippet parms and the predefined dialog parameters
+				if( snip[parm] || dialogs[parm] ) return false;
+				s = s.replace( parm, txta.getSelection() );
+				return true;
+			});
+		}
+		//now insert the snippet text
+		txta.setSelection( s );
+		if( snip.parms.length==0 ) {
+			//when no selection, move caret after the inserted snippet,
+			//otherwise leave the selected snippet unchanged
+			if(caret.thin) txta.setSelectionRange( caret.start + snip.text.length );
+		} else {
+			//this snippet has one or more parameters
+			//store the active snip and process the first {parameter}
+			self.setActiveSnip( snip );
+			//alert(Json.toString(snip));
+			caret = txta.getSelectionRange(); //update new caret
+			self.nextParameter(txta, caret);
+		}
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: toggleSnippet
+		This helper function toggles a snippet. 
+		The snippet should consists of exactly one parameter.		
+		It is called by the onButtonClick event handler.
+	Arguments:
+		txta - Textarea object
+		snip - Snippet object
+		caret - Caret object {start, end, thin}
+	*/
+	toggleSnippet: function(txta, snip, caret){
+		var selection = txta.getSelection();
+		// First validate the toggle conditions:
+		// 1) check if some text was selected, 
+		// 2) check whether there is exactly one {parameter} in the snippet
+		if( (selection=='') || (snip.parms.length!= 2) ) return false;
+		var s = snip.text,
+			//get the first and last textual parts of the snippet
+			//the last marker already contains the final text part of the snippet
+			arr = s.split( snip.parms[0] ),
+			fst = arr[0],
+			lst = arr[1],
+			re = new RegExp( '^\\s*' + fst.trim().escapeRegExp() + '\\s*(.*)\\s*' + lst.trim().escapeRegExp() + '\\s*$' );
+		// 3) check whether the toggle-strings are not empty
+		if( (fst+lst)=='' ) return false;
+		// remove the snippet if enclosed inside the selection
+		// be clever on the whitespaces to match the selection text
+		if( selection.test(re) ){
+			//Remove the prefix and suffix of the snippet
+			selection = selection.replace( re, '$1' );
+		// extend the selection when snippet is valid just before or after the selection
+		} else if( txta.getFromStart().test(fst+'$') && txta.getTillEnd().test('^'+lst) ){
+			txta.setSelectionRange(caret.start-fst.length, caret.end+lst.length);
+		} else {
+			//insert snippet
+			txta.setSelection( fst+lst )
+				.setSelectionRange( caret.start + fst.length );
+		}
+		txta.setSelection( selection );	
+		return true;	
+	},
+	/*
+	Method: suggestSnippet
+		Suggestion snippets are dialog-boxes appearing as you type.
+		When clicking items in the suggest dialogs, content is inserted
+		in the textarea.
+	Example:
+	> FIXME!!
+	(start code)
+	suggestionSnippets: [
+		{ // 0 : page links  
+			scope:{ '[':']'	},
+			snippet: function(e, textarea){
+				ajax = <retrieve suggestion list>.join('|');
+				return "[{" + ajax + "}]";
+			}
+		},
+		{ // 1 : color dialog
+			scope:{ 
+				'%%(color:#':';',
+				'%%(background-color:#':';'
+			},
+			snippet: function(e,textarea){
+				ajax = <retrieve suggestion list>.join('|');
+				return "[{" + ajax + "}]";
+			}
+		}
+	]
+	(end)
+	*/
+	suggestSnippet: function(){
+		var self = this,
+			txta = self.textarea,
+			fromStart = txta.getFromStart(),
+			dialogs = self.dialogs,
+			snips = self.options.suggestsnips;
+		if( !self.activeSnip ){
+			for( var sn in snips ){
+				var snip = snips[sn];
+				if( self.inScope(snip, fromStart) ){
+					//alert('bingo '+sn);
+					//get dialog
+					if( !dialogs[sn] ){
+						//create and cache a new dialog
+						var dialog = snip.dialog;
+						//alert(dialog);
+						//if( !dialog ) continue; //bad snippet def.
+						dialogs[sn] = snip.dialog;
+					}
+					self.openDialog( sn ); 
+					return; //found
+				}
+			}
+			//no suggestions in scope (anymore), so hide any active dialog
+			self.hideDialog();
-	}
+	},
- *
- */
-var EditTools = 
-	onPageLoad: function(){
+	/*
+	Function: nextParameter
+		Process the next ''{parameter}'' of the active snippet as you tab along
+		or after you clicked a button.
+	Arguments:
+		txta - Textarea object
+		caret - caret object, indicating the start/end of the textarea selection
+	*/
+	nextParameter: function(txta, caret){
+		var parms = this.activeSnip.parms,
+			parameter,
+			pos;
+		//if( !parms ) return;  //is always true
-		Wiki.onPageLoad(); //Wiki.onpageload should always run first, but seems not guaranteed on ie so let's do this for sure
-		window.onbeforeunload = (function(){
-			var ta = $('editorarea');
-			if(ta.value != ta.defaultValue) return "edit.areyousure".localize();
-		}).bind(this);
+		while( parms.length > 0 ){
+			parameter = parms.shift();
+			pos = txta.getValue().indexOf(parameter, caret.start);
+			if( pos > -1 ){
+				//found the next {parameter} or possibly the end of the snippet
+				this.hideDialog();
+				if( parms.length > 0 ){
+					// select the next {parameter}
+					txta.setSelectionRange( pos, pos + parameter.length );
-		this.wikisnippets = WikiSnippets.getSnippets();
-		this.wikismartpairs = WikiSnippets.getSmartPairs();
+					//fixme: remember ever selected snippet parameter
+					this.undoredo.onChange();
-		this.mainarea = this.textarea = $('editorarea'); 
-		if(!this.textarea || !this.textarea.visible) return;
+					// open a suggestion dialog, if any
+					this.openDialog( parameter );	
-		/* may insert a new this.textarea */
-		this.onPageLoadSectionEdit( );
+					return; // and retain the activeSnip for subsequent {parameters}
+				} else {
-		//this.ta = new TextArea( this.textarea );
-		this.ta = TextArea.initialize( this.textarea ); //FIXME
+					// no more {parameters}, move the caret after the end of the snippet
+					txta.setSelectionRange( pos + parameter.length );
+				}
+			}		
+		}		
-		this.onPageLoadResizeTextarea();
-		this.onPageLoadToolbar();
+		this.clearActiveSnip();
-		this.onPageLoadPostEditor();
-		this.onPageLoadPreview();
+	},
-		this.textarea
-			.addEvent('click', this.getSuggestions.bind(this))
-			.addEvent('keyup', this.getSuggestions.bind(this))
-			.addEvent('change', this.onChangeTextarea.bind(this))
-			.focus();
+	/*
+	Function: initializeResizing
+		Add a resize handle afther the editable textarea.
+		While dragging the textarea, also updates the size of the
+		''toc'' overlay menu. Notice the addtion of 10px (8+2)
+		to compensate for padding and borders. (CHECK)
+		When done, call the onresize callback handler.
+	Arguments:
+		txta - Textarea object
+	*/
+	initializeResizing: function( txta ){
+		var self = this,
+			resizeFn = self.options.onresize;
+		if( resizeFn ){
+			txta.makeResizable({
+				handle: new Element('div',{'class': 'resize-bar' }).injectAfter(txta), 
+				modifiers: { x:false, y:'height' },
+				onDrag: function() { 
+					var toc = self.toc.element;
+					if( toc ) toc.setStyle('height', ) ;
+				},
+				onComplete: function(){ resizeFn( ) }
+			});
-		/* regularly refresh section-edit toc and sneak-preview */		
-		this.textarea.fireEvent.periodical(3000,this.textarea,['change']);		
+		}
-	/* add textarea resize drag bar */
-	onPageLoadResizeTextarea: function(){	
-		var hh=Wiki.prefs.get('EditorSize');
-		if(hh) this.textarea.setStyle('height',hh);
+	/*
+	Function: initializeDialogs
+		Prepare the set of predefined parameter dialog for fonts, colors, special.
+		And mixin the parameters from the dialog options.
+		The snipEditor dialog options contain entries xxx either 
+		- a pre-created Dialog object, 
+		- an array with ~[Dialog-object, {Dialog options}~]
+			This will be initialised during the first invocation of the dialog.
+		- a set of ''{dialog-options}'' which will overwrite some of the options of  
+			the predefined dialogs suchs as Font, Color and Special.
+	*/
+	initializeDialogs: function(){
+		var select = this.onSelectDialog.bind(this),
+			change = this.onChangeDialog.bind(this);
+		this.dialogs = {
+				fonts: [FontDialog, {caption:'Fonts', autoClose:true, onSelect:select}],
+				colors: [ColorDialog, {colorImage:'../dialog/circle-256.png', onChange:change}],
+				special: [CharsDialog, {caption:'Special Chars', autoClose:true, onSelect:select}]
+		};
+		//process the snipeditor.options.dialogs		
+		var dlgs = this.options.dialogs, 
+			dialogs = this.dialogs;
+		for( var d in dlgs ){
+			if( dialogs[d] ){
-		var h = new Element('div',{
-			'class':'textarea-resizer', 
-			'title':'edit.resize'.localize()
-		}).injectAfter(this.textarea);	
+				//mixin additional settings for the predefined dialogs
+				dialogs[d][1] = $merge(dialogs[d][1], dlgs[d]);
-		this.textarea.makeResizable({
-			handle:h, 
-			modifiers: {x:false, y:'height'}, 
-			onComplete: function(){	
-				Wiki.prefs.set('EditorSize',; 
+			} else {
+				//add new dialogs to the predefined set
+				dialogs[d] = dlgs[d];
-		});		
-	},	
+		}
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: onSelectDialog
+		Callback function when data entry via SelectionDialog was successful.
+		The 'newtext' parameter will be inserted in the textarea,
+		and the next parameter will be processed. (as if a tab was pressed)
+		Typically, the SelectionDialogs have their autoClose=true.
+	Arguments:
+		newtext - string, will be inserted in the textarea
+	*/
+	onSelectDialog: function( newtext ){
+		var txta = this.textarea;
+		txta.setSelection( newtext )
+			.setSelectionRange( txta.getSelectionRange().end );
+		this.nextParameter(txta, txta.getSelectionRange() );
-	onPageLoadToolbar: function(){	
-		$('tools').addClass('collapsebox-closed');
-		Collapsible.render('editform','');
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: onChangeDialog
+		Callback function when data entry via Dialog was successful.
+		The 'newtext' parameter will be inserted in the textarea.
+		In this case, the dialog typically remains open.
+		New changes will simply overwrite the previous ones.
+	Arguments:
+		newtext - string, will be inserted in the textarea
+	*/
+	onChangeDialog: function( newtext ){
-		$('tbREDO').addEvent('click', this.redo.bind(this) );
-		$('tbUNDO').addEvent('click', this.undo.bind(this) );
-		$('doreplace').addEvent('click', this.doReplace.bind(this) );
-		$$('#tools a.tool').addEvent('click',this.toggleSnippet.bind(this) );
+		this.textarea.setSelection( newtext );
+	/*
+	Function: openDialog
+		Turn the snippet parameter definition into a suggestion popup,
+		to assist the entry of the parameter.
+		Attach onclick events which invoke the callback(replacement-text).
+		See also [../dialog/dialog.js#SelectionDialog]
-	doReplace: function(e){
-		new Event(e).stop();
+	Arguments:
+		parameter - todo
+		callback - js-function, will be called to insert text in the textarea.
+			The callback is typically attached as on-click event handler to DOM elements
+	*/
+	openDialog: function( parm ){
-		var findText	= $('tbFIND').value,
-			replaceText	= $('tbREPLACE').value,
-			isRegExp	= $('tbREGEXP').checked,
-			reGlobal	= $('tbGLOBAL').checked ? 'g' : '',
-			reMatchCase	= $('tbMatchCASE').checked ? '' : 'i';
+		var self = this,
+			suggest = self.activeSnip ? self.activeSnip[parm] : false,
+			dialog = self.dialogs[parm]; //find predefined dialog
-		if(findText == '') return;
+		if( suggest ){
-		var sel = TextArea.getSelection(this.textarea),
-			data = (!sel || (sel=='')) ? this.textarea.value : sel;
+			if( $type(suggest) == 'function' ) suggest = suggest();
+			//suggestion defined inside the snippet takes precedences.
+			dialog = new SelectionDialog({
+				body: suggest,
+				caption: parm, 
+				onSelect: self.onSelectDialog.bind(self)
+			});	
+		} else if( dialog ){
+			// lazy creation of the Dialog object
+			if( $type(dialog) == 'array' ){
+				dialog = self.dialogs[parm] = new dialog[0](dialog[1]);
+			}
+		} else {
+			return;
-		if(!isRegExp){ /* escape all special re characters */
-			var re = new RegExp('([\.\*\\\?\+\[\^\$])','gi');
-			findText = findText.replace(re,'\\$1');
-		var re = new RegExp(findText, reGlobal+reMatchCase+'m'); //multiline
-		if(!re.exec(data)){
-			Wiki.alert('edit.findandreplace.nomatch'.localize());
-			return;// true;
-		}		
-		data = data.replace(re, replaceText);  
+		//self.hideDialog(); //make sure the previous one is closed
+		if( self.activeDialog && (dialog != self.activeDialog) ){ self.hideDialog(); }
+		if( self.relativeTo) dialog.setPosition( self.relativeTo );
+		self.relativeTo = null;
+		self.activeDialog =;
+	},
-		if(!sel || (sel=="")){
-			this.textarea.value = data;
-		} else {
-			TextArea.replaceSelection( this.textarea, data );
+	/*
+	Function: hideDialog
+		Clear the active dialog and hide it.
+	*/
+	hideDialog: function(){
+		var active = this.activeDialog;
+		if( active ){ 
+			active.hide();
+			this.activeDialog = null;
-		this.textarea.fireEvent('change');		
-	},	
-	onPageLoadPostEditor: function(){
-		if( return;
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: initializeToc
+		Initialize the Table-Of-Contents of the textarea.
+		This clickable TOC allows the user to quickly zoom-in or
+		swith between section of the textarea.
-		$('toolextra').show();
-		this.posteditor = new postEditor.create(this.textarea,'changenote');
+		The sections are delimitted by header lines.
-		/* patch posteditor DF Jul 07 */
-		/* righ-arrow nok on FF, nop on Safari */
-		this.posteditor.onKeyRight = Class.empty; 				
-		/* make posteditor changes undoable */
-		this.posteditor.value = function(value) {
-			this.element.value = value.join('');
-			this.element.fireEvent('change');		
-		};
+		The textarea is cloned into a main and work area.
+		The workarea is used for actual editing.
+		The mainarea reflects at all times the whole document.
+		The TOC is injected in a #snipetoc element, with absolute position,
+		such that is mapped perfectly behind the visible textarea.
+		The #snipetoc is resized equally to the textarea.
+	*/
+	initializeToc: function( txta ){
+		var self = this,
+			onChangeTXTA = self.onChangeTXTA.bind(self),
+			buildToc = self.buildToc.bind(self);
+		if( self.options.toc.tocParser ){
-		/* quick dirty patch: backspace should remove only one char and not 4 spaces */
-		this.posteditor.onBackspace=function(e) {
-		    var ss =, se =;
-    		if(ss == se && this.slice(ss - this.tabl,ss) == {
-				return;
-			/*
-				e.preventDefault();
-				var start = this.getStart(, end = this.slice(ss,this.element.value.length);
-				if(start.match(/\n$/g) && end.match(/^\n/g)) {
-        			this.value([start,this.slice(ss-1,this.element.value.length)]);
-				} else {
-			  		this.value([start,end]);
+			self.toc = { /*items:[], begin:0, end:0,*/ cursor:0 };
+			self.toc.element = new Element('div',{
+				'id':'snipetoc',
+				'class':'hidden',
+				'styles':{
+					//force initial height equal to the heigth of the textarea
+					//add 10px: 4px*2 for textarea padding, 2px for textarea border
+					'height': 10+txta.getStyle('height').toInt()
+				},
+				'events':{
+					'mouseenter':function(){ 
+						onChangeTXTA();
+						$('snipetoc').removeClass('hidden'); 
+					},
+					'mouseleave':function(){ $('snipetoc').addClass('hidden'); }
-		  		this.selectRange(ss - this.tabl,0);
-		  	*/
-			} else if(ss == se) {
-  		  		var charCode  = this.slice(ss - 1,ss), 
-  		      	close     = this.slice(ss,ss+1), 
-  		      	stpair    = this.options.smartTypingPairs[charCode];
-  		  		if($type(stpair) == 'string') stpair = { pair : stpair };
-  		  		if(stpair && stpair.pair == close) {
-  		    		this.value([this.getStart(stpair.pair),this.slice(ss,this.element.value.length)]);
-          			this.selectRange(ss,0);
-  		  		}
-  			}
-  		};
+			}).adopt( self.toc.elements = new Element('ul') )
+				.injectBefore( txta );
+			buildToc(); /*CHECK*/
+		}
+	},	
+	/*
+	Function: buildToc
+		UPDATE/RFEFRESH the textarea table-of-contents selection list
+		This function is called at startup, and everytime the section textarea changes.
+	Postcondition: 
+		The section-edit dropdown contains following entries
+		* 0: ( all )
+		* 1: start-of-page (if applicable)
+		* 2..n: page sections
+	 */  
+	 buildToc: function(){
-		/* next extra fix for latest Safari 3.1 cause tabs are not catched anymore in the onkeypress handler */
-		/* TODO: this could be a great workaround for ie as well */
-		if(window.webkit){ 
-			this.textarea.addEvent('keydown',function(e){
-				if(e.keyCode == 9) EditTools.posteditor.onKeyPress(e);
-			});
-		};
+		var self = this,
+			toc = self.toc,
+			options = self.options.toc,
+			newItem = function(item, index){
+				return new Element('li').adopt(
+					new Element('a',{
+						'class':'action',
+						'styles': {	'padding-left':(item.indent+0.5)+'em' },
+						'title':item.title,
+						'events':{
+							'click':self.selectTocItem.pass([index], self) 
+						}
+					}).setHTML(item.title.trunc(30))
+				); 
+			},
+			liArr = [ newItem({title: options.all, start:0, indent:0}, -2) ],
+			//tocParser: [ {title:text, start:char-offset, indent:indentation-level}, ... ]
+			items = options.tocParser( self.mainarea.value );
+		toc.items = items;
+		if( items.length>0 ){
+			if( items[0].start>0 ){
+				liArr.push( newItem({title: options.startOfPage, start:0, indent:0}, -1) );
+			}
+			items.each( function(item, index){ 
+				liArr.push( newItem( item, index ) ); 
+			},self);
+		}
+		toc.elements.empty().adopt( liArr );
+		self.tocCursor(toc.cursor);
-		['smartpairs', 'tabcompletion'].each( function(el){
-			$(el).setProperty('checked', Wiki.prefs.get(el) || false)
-				 .addEvent('click',function(e) {
-					Wiki.prefs.set(el,this.checked);
-					EditTools.initPostEditor();
-				 });
-		},this);
-		this.initPostEditor();	
-	initPostEditor: function(){
-		if(! this.posteditor) return;
-		this.posteditor.changeSmartTypingPairs( $('smartpairs').checked ? this.wikismartpairs : {} );
-		this.posteditor.changeSnippets( $('tabcompletion').checked ? this.wikisnippets : {} );	
+	/* 
+	Function: tocCursor
+	Arguments:
+		cursor - index of the display table of contents item
+		-2 - show the complete content (all sections)
+		-1 - show the "start of page" content, prior to the first section
+		0..n - show the nth section of the textarea
+	*/
+	tocCursor: function( cursor ){
+		var toc = this.toc,
+			els = toc.elements.getChildren(),
+			offset = ((toc.items.length==0) || (toc.items[0].start>0)) ? 2 : 1;
+		if( cursor < -2 ) cursor = -2;
+		this.toc.cursor = cursor;
+		els.removeClass('cursor');
+		if( els[cursor+offset] ) els[cursor+offset].addClass('cursor'); 
+		$('snipetoc').addClass('hidden');
-	toggleSnippet: function(e) {
-		e = new Event(e).stop();
+	/* 
+	Function: selectTocItem
+		Copy the right section of the main textarea to the work
+		textarea.
+		This event handler is called when the user clicks one of the 
+		entries of the Table Of contents. 
+	Arguments:
+		cursor - index of the display table of contents item
+		-2 - show the complete content (all sections)
+		-1 - show the "start of page" content, prior to the first section
+		0..n - show the nth section of the textarea
+	*/
+	selectTocItem: function( cursor ){
+		var txta = this.toElement(), 
+			main = this.mainarea.value,
+			toc = this.toc,
+			items = toc.items;
+		//FIXME : what if no toc undefined : eg wiki-comments.	
-		var el  =,
-			snippy = this.wikisnippets[el.getText()]; 
+		//default : show all
+		toc.begin = 0;
+		toc.end = main.length;
-		if(!snippy) return;
-		var s = TextArea.getSelection(this.textarea),
-			sn1 = snippy.snippet[0],
-			sn2 = snippy.snippet[2],
-			t = snippy.snippet.join('');
+		if( cursor == -1 ){
+			//show Start Of Page, prior to the first toc-entry
+			toc.end = items[0].start;
+		} else if(cursor >= 0  && cursor < items.length){
-		if((el.rel=='break') && (!TextArea.isSelectionAtStartOfLine(this.textarea))) { 
-			t = '\n' + t;
-		}
-		if(s) {
-			// toggle markup
-			if((s.indexOf(sn1) == 0) && (s.lastIndexOf(sn2) == (s.length - sn2.length))) {
-				t = s.substring(sn1.length, s.length-sn2.length);
-			} else {
-				t = t.replace([0], s)
-			}
-		}
-		TextArea.replaceSelection(this.textarea, t);
-	} ,
+			toc.begin = items[cursor].start; 
+			if( cursor+1 < items.length ) toc.end = items[cursor+1].start;
-	// *** UNDO functionality ***
-	$undo: [],
-	$redo: [],
-	$maxundo: 20,
-	$get: function() {
-		var ta = this.textarea,
-			sel = TextArea.getSelectionCoordinates(ta);
-		return { 
-			main:this.mainarea.value,
-			value:ta.value, 
-			cursor:sel, 
-			scrollTop:ta.scrollTop, 
-			scrollLeft:ta.scrollLeft
-		};
-	},
-	$put: function(o){
-		var ta = this.textarea;
-		this.mainarea.value = o.main;
-		ta.value = o.value;
-		ta.scrollTop = o.scrollTop;
-		ta.scrollLeft = o.scrollLeft;
-		TextArea.setSelection(o.cursor.start,o.cursor.end);
-		ta.fireEvent('change');
-	},
-	store: function() {
-		this.$undo.push( this.$get() );
-		this.$redo = [];
-		if(this.$undo.length > this.$maxundo) this.$undo.shift();
-		$('tbUNDO').disabled = '';
-		$('tbREDO').disabled = 'true';
-	},
-	undo: function(e){
-		new Event(e).stop();
-		if(this.$undo.length > 0){
-			$('tbREDO').disabled = '';
-			this.$redo.push( this.$get() );
-			this.$put( this.$undo.pop() );
-		} else {
-			$('tbUNDO').disabled = 'true';
-		}
-	},	
-	redo: function(e){
-		new Event(e).stop();
-		if(this.$redo.length > 0){
-			this.$undo.push( this.$get() );
-			this.$put( this.$redo.pop() );
-			$('tbUNDO').disabled = '';
 		} else {
-			$('tbREDO').disabled = 'true';
+			cursor = -2;
+		this.tocCursor( cursor );
+		txta.value = main.slice( toc.begin, toc.end );
+		txta.focus();
-	// *** end of UNDO functionality ***
-	getSuggestions: function() {
-		var textarea = this.textarea,
-			sel = TextArea.getSelectionCoordinates(textarea),
-			val = textarea.value,
-			searchword = '',
-			searchlen = 0;
-		var	suggestID = 'findSuggestionMenu',
-			suggest = $(suggestID) || new Element('div',{
-				'id':suggestID 
-			}).injectAfter($('favorites').getFirst());
-		/* find a partial jspwiki-link 'searchword' */
-		/* look backwards for the start of a wiki-link bracket */
-		for( var i = sel.start-1; i >= 0; i-- ){
-			if( val.charAt(i) == ']' ) break;
-			if( val.charAt(i) == '[' && i < val.length-1 ) { 
-				searchword = val.substring(i+1,sel.start); 
-                if( searchword.charAt(0) == '{' ) return; // Ignore plugins.
-				if(searchword.indexOf('|') != -1) searchword = searchword.split('|')[1];
-				searchlen = searchword.length;
-				if(searchlen == 0) searchword=Wiki.PageName+'/'; /* by default - get list of attachments, if any */
-				break; 
-			}
-		}
-		if(searchword =='') return suggest.hide();
-		if(sel.start == sel.end) { //when no selection, extend till next ]  or end of the line
-			var ss = val.substring(sel.start),
-				end =[\n\r\]]/);
-			if(end!=-1) sel.end = sel.start+end;
+	/*
+	Function: onChangeTXTA
+		This event handler is invoked when text is changed in the textarea.
+		It's main duty is to copy the textarea back into the main textarea,
+		on the right location.  When done, the snip toc is refreshed.		
+		This {{change}} event fires when: 
+		# {{change}} event on the textarea
+		  This event also fires just before the form is submitted. 
+		# user clicks a toolbar-button
+		This handler is also invoked when the {{mouseover}} event fires
+		to make the toc menu visible.
+	*/
+	onChangeTXTA: function(){	
+		var	txta = this.toElement(),	
+			main = this.mainarea,
+			toc = this.toc;
+		if( toc && (txta.value != toc.cache) ){
+			toc.cache = txta.value;
+			var	s = main.value,
+				//insert \n to ensure the next section always starts on a new line.
+				linefeed = (txta.value.slice(-1) != '\n')  ? '\n' : '';
+			main.value = s.slice(0, toc.begin) + txta.value + linefeed + s.slice(toc.end);
+			toc.end = toc.begin + txta.value.length;
+			this.buildToc();  //now build a new table of contents
+	 },
+	/*
+	Function: convertTabToSpaces
+		Convert tabs to spaces. When no snippets are detected, the default
+		treatment of the TAB key is to insert a number of spaces.
+		Indentation is applied in case of multi-line selections. 
+	Arguments:
+		e - event
+		txta - Textarea object
+		caret - caret object, indicating the start/end of the textarea selection
+	*/
+	convertTabToSpaces: function(e, txta, caret){
+		var tab =,
+			selection = txta.getSelection();
+		//handle multi-line selection
+		if( selection.indexOf('\n') != -1 ){
+			var b = txta.isCaretAtStartOfLine();
+			if( b ) selection = '\n' + selection;
+			if( e.shift ){
+				//shift-tab: remove leading tab space-block
+				selection = selection.replace(new RegExp('\n'+tab,'g'),'\n');
-		Wiki.jsonrpc('search.getSuggestions', [searchword,30], function(result,exception){
-			if(exception) { 
-				alert(exception.message); 
-			} else if(!result.list || (result.list.length == 0)) { 
-				suggest.hide();
 			} else {
-				var ul = new Element('ul').inject( suggest.empty().show() );
-				result.list.each( function(rslt) { 
-					new Element('li',{
-						'title':rslt,
-						'events': {
-							'click':function(ev){ 
-								new Event(ev).stop(); 
-								TextArea.setSelection(sel.start,sel.end);
-								TextArea.replaceSelection(textarea, rslt.substr(searchlen));
-								sel.end = sel.start + rslt.length - searchlen;
-							},
-							'mouseout': function(){ this.removeClass('hover') },
-							'mouseover':function(){ this.addClass('hover') }
-						}
-					}).setHTML(rslt.trunc(36) ).inject(ul);
-				}); /* each */
-			} /* endif */
-		});
-	},
-	onPageLoadPreview : function(){
-		var checkbox = $('autopreview');
+				//tab: auto-indent by inserting a tab space-block
+				selection = selection.replace(/\n/g,'\n'+tab);
+			}
-		if(!checkbox) return;
+			txta.setSelection( b ? selection.slice(1) : selection );
-		checkbox
-			.setProperty('checked', Wiki.prefs.get('autopreview') || false)
-			.addEvent('click', function(){ 
-				var ta = this.textarea,
-					isOn = checkbox.checked;
+		} else {
-				$('livepreview').empty();
-				ta.removeEvents('preview');
-				Wiki.prefs.set('autopreview',isOn);
+			var	fromStart = txta.getFromStart();
-				if(isOn) ta.addEvent('preview', this.refreshPreview.bind(this)).fireEvent('preview');
+			if( e.shift ){
-			}.bind(this)).fireEvent('click');
-    },
+				//shift-tab: remove 'backward' tab space-block
+				if( fromStart.match( tab + '$' ) ){
-	refreshPreview: function(){
-    	var	preview = $('livepreview');
+					txta.setSelectionRange( caret.start - tab.length, caret.start )
+						.setSelection('');
+				}
+			} else {
+				//tab: insert a tab space-block
+				txta.setSelection( tab )
+					.setSelectionRange( caret.start + tab.length );
-		$('previewSpin').show();
-		new Ajax( Wiki.TemplateUrl + "/AJAXPreview.jsp?page="+Wiki.PageName, { 
-			postBody: 'wikimarkup=' + encodeURIComponent(this.textarea.value),
-			update: preview,
-			onComplete: function(){ 
-				$('previewSpin').hide();
-				Wiki.renderPage(preview, Wiki.PageName);
-		}).request();
+		}
-	onPageLoadSectionEdit : function( ){
+	/*
+	Function: getState
+		Get the current state of the SnipEditor which consist of
+		the content and selection of the textarea.
+		It implements the ''Undoable'' interface called from the 
+		[UndoRedo] class.
+	*/
+	getState: function(){
-		/* section editing is only valid for edit context, not valid in the comment context */
-		if( (Wiki.Context!='edit') 
-		  ||(Wiki.prefs.get('SectionEditing') != 'on') ) return;
+		var txta = this.textarea,
+			el = txta.toElement(); 
-		/* Duplicate the textarea into a main and work area.
-		   The workarea is used for actual editing.
-		   The mainarea reflects at all times the whole document
-		*/
-		this.textarea = this.mainarea.clone()
-			.removeProperty('id')
-			.removeProperty('name')
-			.injectBefore( this.mainarea.hide() ); 
-		var tt = new Element('div',{'id':'toctoc'}).adopt(
-			new Element('label').setHTML('sectionediting.label'.localize()),
-			this.sections = new Element('ul')
-		).injectTop($('favorites'))
-		/* initialise the section sections */
-		this.onSectionLoad();
-		var cursor =[&?]section=(\d+)/);
-		cursor = (cursor && cursor[1]) ? 1+cursor[1].toInt() : 0;
-		if((cursor>0) && this.textarea.sop) cursor++;
+		return { 
+			main: this.mainarea.value,
+			value: el.getValue(), 
+			cursor: txta.getSelectionRange(), 
+			scrollTop: el.scrollTop, 
+			scrollLeft: el.scrollLeft
+		};
+	},
-		/* initialise the selected section */
-		this.onChangeSection(cursor);
+	/*
+	Function: putState
+		Set a state of the SnipEditor. 
+		This works in conjunction with the [UndoRedo] class.
+	*/
+	putState: function(o){
+		var self = this,
+			txta = self.textarea,
+			el = txta.toElement(); 
+		self.clearActiveSnip();
+		self.mainarea.value = o.main;
+		el.value = o.value;
+		el.scrollTop = o.scrollTop;
+		el.scrollLeft = o.scrollLeft;
+		txta.setSelectionRange( o.cursor.start, o.cursor.end )
+			.fireEvent('change');
+	}
-	},	
-	/* 
-	 * UPDATE/RFEFRESH the section dropdown
-	 * This function is called at startup, and everytime the section textarea changes
-	 * Postcondition: the section-edit dropdown contains following entries
-	 *   0. ( all )
-	 *   1. start-of-page (if applicable)
-	 *   2. text==<<header 1...n>> , <<sections.offset stores start-offset in main textarea>>
-	 */  
-	 onSectionLoad : function(){
-		var mainarea = this.mainarea.value,
-			ta = this.textarea,
-			DELIM = "\u00a4";
-		/* mask all headers inside a {{{ ... }}} but keep length unchanged! */
-		mainarea = mainarea.replace(/\{\{\{([\s\S]*?)\}\}\}/g, function(match){
-			return match.replace( /^!/mg, ' ' );
-		});
+SnipEditor.implement(/*new Events,*/ new Options);
-		var tt = mainarea.replace( /^([!]{1,3})/mg, DELIM+"$1"+DELIM ).split(DELIM);
-		this.newSection();
-		ta.sop = (tt.length>1) && (tt[0] != ''); //start of page section has no !!!header 
-		if(ta.sop) this.addSection("edit.startOfPage".localize(), 0, 0);
-		var pos = tt.shift().length,
-			ttlen ={ return i.length });
-		for(var i=0; i<ttlen.length; i=i+2){
-			var hlen = ttlen[i],  //length of header markup !!!,!! or !
-				indent = (hlen==2) ? 1 : (hlen==1) ? 2 : 0,
-				title = tt[i+1].match(/.*?$/m)[0]; //title is first line only
-			this.addSection(title, pos, indent);
-			pos += hlen + ttlen[i+1];
-		};
+Class: Textarea
+	The textarea class enriches a TEXTAREA element, and provide cross browser
+	support to handling the selected text: get and set the selected text,
+	changing the selection, etc.
+	el - textarea element
+	(start code)
+	<script>
+		var txta = new Textarea( "mainTextarea" );
+  	</script>
+	(end)
+var Textarea = new Class({
+	initialize: function(el){
+		this.ta = $(el);
+		return this;
-	setSection: function( cursor ){
-		var els = this.sections.getChildren();
+	/*
+	Function: toElement
+		Return the DOM textarea element.
+		This allows the dollar function to return 
+		the element when passed an instance of the class. (mootools 1.2.x)
-		if(cursor <0 || cursor >= els.length) cursor = 0;
-		els.removeClass('cursor');
-		els[cursor].addClass('cursor');
+	Example:
+	>	var txta = new Textarea('textarea-element');
+	>	$('textarea-element') == txta.toElement();
+	>	$('textarea-element') == $(txta); //mootools 1.2.x
+	*/
+	toElement: function(){
+		return this.ta;
-	newSection: function(){
-		this.sections.empty();
-		this.sections.offsets = [];
-		this.addSection("edit.allsections".localize(),-1,0);
-	},
-	addSection: function(text,offset,indent){
-		text = text.replace(/~([^~])/g, '$1'); /*remove wiki-markup escape chars ~ */
-		this.sections.offsets.push(offset);
-		this.sections.adopt( 
-			new Element('li').adopt(
-				new Element('a',{
-					'class':'action',
-					'styles': {
-						'padding-left':(indent+0.5)+'em'
-					},
-					'title':text,
-					'events':{
-						'click':this.onChangeSection.pass([this.sections.offsets.length-1],this) 
-					}
-				}).setHTML(text.trunc(30))
-			) 
-		);	
-	},
-	/* the USER clicks a new item from the section dropdown
-	 * copy a part of the main textarea to the section textarea
-	 */
-	onChangeSection: function(cursor){
-		var se = this.sections.offsets, 
-			ta = this.textarea, 
-			ma = this.mainarea.value;
-		this.setSection(cursor);
-		ta.cursor = cursor;
-		ta.begin = (cursor==0) ? 0 : se[cursor];
-		ta.end = ((cursor==0) || (cursor+1 >= se.length)) ? ma.length : se[cursor+1]; 
-		ta.value = ma.substring(ta.begin,ta.end);		
-		ta.focus();
-		ta.fireEvent('preview');
+	/*
+	Function: getValue
+		Returns the value (text content) of the textarea.
+	*/
+	getValue: function(){
+		return this.ta.value;
-	 * Changes in the section textarea: 
-	 * happens when 
-	 *  (i)  textarea is changed and deselected (click outside the textarea) 
-	 *  (ii) user clicks a toolbar-button
-	 *  (iii) periodical
-	 *  
-	 * 1) copy section textarea at the right offset of the main textarea
-	 * 2) refresh the section-edit menu
-	 */
-	onChangeTextarea : function(){
-		var	ta = this.textarea,	ma = this.mainarea;
-		if(ta.value == this.cacheTextarea) return;
-		this.cacheTextarea=ta.value;
-		if( this.sections ){
-			var	s = ma.value,
-				//insert \n to ensure the next line's !!!header remains at column 0.
-				addNewLine = ((ta.value.slice(-1) != '\n')  && (s.charAt(ta.end) =='!')) ? '\n' : '';
-			ma.value = s.substring(0, ta.begin) + ta.value + addNewLine + s.substring(ta.end);
-			ta.end = ta.begin + ta.value.length;
-			this.onSectionLoad();  //refresh section-edit menu
-		}		
-		ta.fireEvent('preview');
-	 }
- * TextArea support routines 
- */
-//var TextArea = new Class({
-var TextArea =
-	initialize: function(el){
-		this.textarea = $(el);
-		return this;
+	Function: getFromStart
+		Returns the first not selected part of the textarea, till the start of the selection.
+	*/
+	getFromStart: function(){
+		return this.ta.value.slice( 0, this.getSelectionRange().start );
-	getSelection: function(id){
-		var f = $(id); if(!f) return ''; 
-		// IE fixme: this returns any selection, not only selected text in the textarea 
-		//if( return document.selection.createRange().text;
-		//return f.getValue().substring(f.selectionStart, f.selectionEnd);
-		var cur = this.getSelectionCoordinates(id);
-		return f.getValue().substring(cur.start, cur.end);		
+	/*
+	Function: getTillEnd
+		Returns the last not selected part of the textarea, starting from the end of the selection.
+	*/
+	getTillEnd: function(){
+		return this.ta.value.slice( this.getSelectionRange().end );
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: getSelection
+		Returns the selected text as a string
+	Note:
+		IE fixme: this may return any selection, not only selected text in this textarea 
+			//if( return document.selection.createRange().text;
+	*/
+	getSelection: function(){
+		var cur = this.getSelectionRange();
+		return this.ta.getValue().slice(cur.start, cur.end);
+	/*
+	Function: setSelectionRange 
+		Selects the selection range of the textarea from start to end
+	Arguments:
+		start - start position of the selection
+		end - (optional) end position of the seletion (default == start)
+	Returns:
+		Textarea object
+	*/
+	setSelectionRange: function(start, end){
+		var txta = this.ta;
+		if(!end) end = start;
-	setSelection: function(start, end){
-		var ta = this.textarea;
-			var r1 = ta.createTextRange();
-			r1.collapse(true);
-			r1.moveStart('character',start);
-			r1.moveEnd('character',end-start);
+			/**/
+            var value = txta.value,
+            	diff = value.substr(start, end - start).replace(/\r/g, '').length;
+            start = value.substr(0, start).replace(/\r/g, '').length;
+            /**/
+			var range = txta.createTextRange();
+			range.collapse(true);
+			//range.moveEnd('character',end-start);
+			range.moveEnd('character', start + diff);
+			range.moveStart('character', start);
+			//textarea.scrollTop = scrollPosition;
+			//textarea.focus();
 		} else {
-			ta.selectionStart = start;
-			ta.selectionEnd = end;
+			txta.setSelectionRange(start, end);
+		return this;
-	// getCursor(id) : returns start offset of cursor (integer)
-	getCursor: function(id) {
-		return this.getSelectionCoordinates(id).start;
-	},
-	// getSelectionCoordinates : returns {'start':x, 'end':y } coordinates of the selection
-	getSelectionCoordinates: function(id) {
-		var f = $(id); if(!f) return ''; 
+	/*
+	Function: getSelectionRange
+		Returns an object describing the textarea selection range. 
-		if({
-			var r1 = document.selection.createRange(),
-				r2 = r1.duplicate(); // use as a 'dummy' 
-			r2.moveToElementText( f ); // select all text 
-			r2.setEndPoint( 'EndToEnd', r1 );  // move 'dummy' end point to end point of original range 
+	Returns:
+		{{ { 'start':number, 'end':number, 'thin':boolean } }}
+		start - coordinate of the selection
+		end - coordinate of the selection
+		thin - boolean indicates whether selection is empty (start==end)
+	*/
+	getIERanges: function(){
+		this.ta.focus();
+		var txta = this.ta,
+			range = document.selection.createRange(),
+			re = this.createTextRange(),
+			dupe = re.duplicate();
+		re.moveToBookmark(range.getBookmark());	
+		dupe.setEndPoint('EndToStart', re);
+		return { start: dupe.text.length, end: dupe.text.length + range.text.length, length: range.text.length, text: range.text };
+	},
+	getSelectionRange: function(){
+		var txta = this.ta,
+			pos = {start: 0, end: 0, thin: true};
+			if( ){
+		  		var range = document.selection.createRange();
+				if (!range || range.parentElement() != txta) return pos;
+		 		var dup = range.duplicate(),
+					value = txta.value,
+					offset = value.length - value.match(/[\n\r]*$/)[0].length;
+				dup.moveToElementText(txta);
+				dup.setEndPoint('StartToEnd', range);
+				pos.end = offset - dup.text.length;
+		  		dup.setEndPoint('StartToStart', range);
+				pos.start = offset - dup.text.length;
-			return { 
-				'start': r2.text.length - r1.text.length, 
-				'end': r2.text.length
-			};
-		}
-		else if( f.selectionStart || f.selectionStart == '0') {
-			return {'start':f.selectionStart,'end':f.selectionEnd };
 		} else {
-			return {'start':f.value.length,'end':f.value.length };
+			pos = { start: txta.selectionStart, end: txta.selectionEnd };
+		pos.thin = (pos.start==pos.end);
+		return pos;
-	// replaceSelection(id,newtext) replaces the selection with a newtext, an selects the replaced newtext
-	replaceSelection: function(id, newText){
-		var f = $(id); if(!f) return;
-		var scrollTop = f.scrollTop; //cache top
+	/*
+	Function: setSelection 
+		Replaces the selection with a new value (concatenation of arguments).
+		On return, the selection is set to the replaced text string.
+	Arguments:
+		string - string to be inserted in the textarea.
+			If multiple arguments are passed, all strings will be concatenated.
+	Returns:
+		Textarea object, with a new selection
+	Example:
+		> txta.setSelection("new", " value"); //replace selection by 'new value'
+	*/
+	setSelection: function(){
+		var value = $A(arguments).join(''),
+			txta = this.ta,
+			scrollTop = txta.scrollTop; //cache top
-		if({
-			f.focus();
+		if( ){
+			txta.focus();
 			var range = document.selection.createRange();
-			range.text = newText;			
+			range.text = value;			
-			range.moveStart("character", -newText.length);
+			range.moveStart("character", -value.length);;
 		} else { 
-			var start = f.selectionStart, 
-				end = f.selectionEnd;
-			f.value = f.value.substring(0, start) + newText + f.value.substring(end);
-			f.selectionStart = start;
-			f.selectionEnd = start + newText.length;
+			var start = txta.selectionStart, 
+				end = txta.selectionEnd;
+			//txta.value = txta.value.substring(0, start) + value + txta.value.substring(end);
+			txta.value = txta.value.substr(0, start) + value + txta.value.substr(end);
+			txta.selectionStart = start;
+			txta.selectionEnd = start + value.length;
-		f.focus();
-		f.scrollTop = scrollTop;
-		f.fireEvent('change');
+		txta.focus();
+		txta.scrollTop = scrollTop;		
+		txta.fireEvent('change');
+		return this;
+	},
+	/*
+	Function: insertAfter
+		Inserts the arguments after the selection, and puts caret after inserted value
+	Arguments:
+		string( one or more) - string to be inserted in the textarea.
+	Returns:
+		Textarea object
+	*/
+	insertAfter: function(){
+		var value = $A(arguments).join('');
+		return this.setSelection( value )
+			.setSelectionRange( this.getSelectionRange().start + value.length );				
-	// isSelectionAtStartOfLine(id): returns boolean indicating whether cursor is at the start of newline
-	isSelectionAtStartOfLine: function(id){
-		var f = $(id); if(!f) return false;
+	/*
+	Function: isCaretAtStartOfLine
+		Returns boolean indicating whether caret is at the start of newline
+	*/
+	isCaretAtStartOfLine: function(){
+		var i = this.getSelectionRange().start;
+	    return( (i<=0) || ( this.ta.value.charAt( i-1 ).test( /[\n\r]/ ) ) );
-		var i = this.getCursor(id);
-	    return( (i<=0) || ( f.value.charAt( i-1 ).match( /[\n\r]/ ) ) );
+Textarea.implement(new Events);
+Class: UndoRedo

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