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Posted to by Richard In Public <> on 2003/02/21 13:54:30 UTC

Something else about Cocoon-2/Tomcat-4.1.18


Another lead for those struggling to setup Cocoon with Tomcat:

1.  Like several other users, I have been served the following error when using Cocoon-2 (Win2000/XP, Tomcat 4.18, JDK1.4.1_01):

The output format must have a'{}content-handler' property!

2.  As others have advised on the cocoon-users list, this problem arises when cocoon is provided with incompatible versions of the Xerces, Xalan or XML-APIS libraries.  This is resolved by copying the following libraries (versions correct for coccon-2.1-dev) from %COCOON_HOME%/lib/endorsed/ to %CATALINA_HOME%/common/endorsed/


3.  This solution works for me when I start Tomcat using startup.bat but *not* when I startup Tomcat as a *service*.  I discovered this after reading the following paragraph:

> The docs at one point only mentioned %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\endorsed
> but later tomcat versions use -Djava.endorsed.dirs to override
> the standard jdk defined location.
[ from:]

I have tried using this parameter (-Djava.endorsed.dirs=%CATALINA_HOME%/common/endorsed) as a startup parameter, possibly incorrectly, for the service (via the WindowsXP Service Properties pane) but this does not seem to help.  If I figure out how to do this I will post instructions.  In the meantime, perhaps someone else knows the answer.
