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Posted to by Achmad Morad <mo...@DB.Informatik.Uni-Kassel.DE> on 2000/12/20 15:20:57 UTC

Reading XML from sockets.

In my code i read XML Data from the InputStream of a socket. But in some
cases, i read also standard text data from the socket. So i need a method, 
which reads the complete message from the stream and returns the result as 
a string. I use the following code in my application:

    public synchronized String read() 
         throws TclDBEmptyServerMessageException 
         // theInput is theSocket.getInputStream();
         WrappedInputStream wf =         new WrappedInputStream(theInput);
         byte[] fBuffer = new byte[2048]; // restrictet from theInput Stream!
         String s= null;
         try {
            int count;
            int length = fBuffer.length;
            int testC = 1;
            while ((count =,0, length)) > 0) {
                 s = new String(fBuffer,0,count);
                 System.out.println("Buffer Nr. " + testC + ": " + s);//_debug
         catch (InterruptedIOException e) {}     
         catch (IOException e) {
         String message = new String(localBuffer);
         return message;
But this "cut" some bytes of the data. So I tried to test the procedure with 
a plain file, and it works currectly!!. By comparing the outputs of both codes
i found that the read method by the socket code reads less than 2048. 
Counting the difference i became 63 bytes less than 2048 (could be 64!). I 
can't fix the problem. Anybody have an Idea about a possible reason for the 

Here some output (examples sending the XSL-File to the Client):

1. The socket code:

fPacketCount : (was 0) 7779
packet Count : 7779,length : 2048
readed data (value of count): 2048   // after calling
rest of packet= : 5731               // 7779 - 2048
Buffer Nr. 1: <?xml version="1.0"?>  // some data (should be 2048 bytes) 
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 
<xsl:output method="html" encoding="ISO-8859-1"/>

end of data is : 

<xsl:when test="@state='empty'">
  <xsl:attribute name="align">

2. The same output I got from the test with a plain file but in the buffer    
   i got more data:

end of data
<xsl:when test="@state='empty'">
    <xsl:attribute name="align">

The diffrence is exactly the text:
which counts 63 bytes (64!). I have really no Idea about the reason!!

(Note1): the code in the socket example reads the second time at the correct 
point, tell the end of the file! Here became I the strange fPacketCount of 
29548. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Note2) The Input is produced with Tcl. for writing the packetcount i use 
the "binary format S [string length $message]". which produce a 2-Byte Integer
in big-endian byte order.


Dipl. Math. Morad Ahmad  ///\\ 
Universitaet Gh. Kassel ['`|'`]
Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40  { �^� } Tel.: ++49(561)804-4101 
D-34109 Kassel, Germany  \\�//  Fax: ++49(561)804-4199