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Posted to by Michael Scofield <> on 2017/11/10 06:42:56 UTC

Questions about kafka-consumer-groups output

Hello all:

I’m using Kafka version, with the new Java consumer API (same version), and commit offsets to Kafka.

I want to get the consumer lags, so I use the following operation command:

$ bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9093 --describe --group foo.test.consumers
Note: This will only show information about consumers that use the Java consumer API (non-ZooKeeper-based consumers).

Consumer group ‘foo.test.consumers' has no active members.

foo    0          109929174       109929190       16         -            -     -
foo    2          109929222       109929240       18         -            -     -
foo    1          109929004       109929023       19         -            -     -

I have 2 questions regarding the output above:

1. What does the statement “Consumer group ‘foo.test.consumers' has no active members.” mean? My consumers are working correctly and using the sole group “foo.test.consumers”. It doesn’t make sense from the statement's literature meaning.

I googled it and the few results are useless.

2. Why are the “CONSUMER-ID  HOST  CLIENT-ID” are all “-“? I didn’t find any information about “CONSUMER-ID” or “HOST" in the Kafka documents nor the Consumer’s JavaDoc.  Thought I did find out how to set a client id in the KafkaConsumer, but even if I explicitly set it, the “CLIENT-ID” in the command output is still “-".

Here's my code snippet about creating a KafkaConsumer:

Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("", "false");
props.put("key.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer");
props.put("value.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer");
props.put("", "foo.test.consumers");
props.put("", "1234");
KafkaConsumer<byte[], byte[]> kafkaConsumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(props);

I’m manually assigning a topic-partition to the KafkaConsumer:

kafkaConsumer.assign(Collections.singleton(new TopicPartition("foo", 0)));

And manually committing offsets to Kafka:

String metadata = localhost + "@" + System.currentTimeMillis();
OffsetAndMetadata offsetAndMetadata = new OffsetAndMetadata(uncommittedOffset + 1, metadata);
kafkaConsumer.commitSync(Collections.singletonMap(new TopicPartition("foo", 0), offsetAndMetadata));
