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Posted to by "Jonathan Keane (Jira)" <> on 2022/04/03 23:45:00 UTC

[jira] [Updated] (ARROW-16100) [C++] TPC-H generator cleanups

     [ ]

Jonathan Keane updated ARROW-16100:
An umbrella issue for a number of issues I've run into with our TPC-H generator.

h2. We emit fixed_size_binary fields with nuls padding the strings.
Ideally we would either emit these as utf8 strings like the others, or we would have a toggle to emit them as such (though see below about needing to strip nuls)

When I try and run these through the I get a number of seg faults or hangs when running a number of the TPC-H queries.

Additionally, even converting these to utf8|string types, I also need to strip out the nuls in order to actually query against them:

library(arrow, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#> See arrow_info() for available features
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
options(arrow.skip_nul = TRUE)

tab <- read_parquet("data_arrow_raw/nation_1.parquet", as_data_frame = FALSE)
#> Table
#> 25 rows x 4 columns
#> $N_NATIONKEY <int32>
#> $N_NAME <fixed_size_binary[25]>
#> $N_REGIONKEY <int32>
#> $N_COMMENT <string>

# This will not work (Though is how the TPC-H queries are structured)
tab %>% filter(N_NAME == "JAPAN") %>% collect()
#> # A tibble: 0 × 4
#> # … with 4 variables: N_NATIONKEY <int>, N_NAME <fixed_size_binary<25>>,
#> #   N_REGIONKEY <int>, N_COMMENT <chr>

# Instead, we need to create the nul padded string to do the comparison
japan_raw <- as.raw(
  c(0x4a, 0x41, 0x50, 0x41, 0x4e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
# confirming this is the same thing as in the data 
japan_raw == as.vector(tab$N_NAME)[[13]]

tab %>% filter(N_NAME == Scalar$create(japan_raw, type = fixed_size_binary(25))) %>% collect()
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#>         <int>
#> 1          12
#> # … with 3 more variables: N_NAME <fixed_size_binary<25>>, N_REGIONKEY <int>,
#> #   N_COMMENT <chr>

Here is the code I've been using to cast + strip these out after the fact:

library(arrow, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

options(arrow.skip_nul = TRUE)
options(arrow.use_altrep = FALSE)

tables <- arrowbench:::tpch_tables
for (table_name in tables) {
  message("Working on ", table_name)
  tab <- read_parquet(glue::glue("./data_arrow_raw/{table_name}_1.parquet"), as_data_frame=FALSE)
  for (col in tab$schema$fields) {
    if (inherits(col$type, "FixedSizeBinary")) {
      message("Rewritting ", col$name)
      tab[[col$name]] <- Array$create(as.vector(tab[[col$name]]$cast(string())))
  tab <- write_parquet(tab, glue::glue("./data/{table_name}_1.parquet"))

h2.  The data does not produce correct answers

When checking these against the known-good answers for scale factor 1, all of the queries are off (two are close enough that they get past arrowbench's pretty loose validation).

Looking at the TPC-H tools, the validation for dbgen is:

bq. b. Base Data Validation
bq.   The base data set is produced using cmd_base_sf<n> where <n> is the scale 
bq.   factor to be generated. The resulting files will be produced in the current 
bq.   working directory.  The generated files will be of the form <name>.tbl.<nnn>,
bq.   where <name> will is the name of one of the tables in the TPCH schema, and 
bq.   <nnn> identifies a particular data generation step.
bq.   The file set produced by should match the <name>.tbl.<nnn> 
bq.   files found in the reference data set for the same scale factor.

And the data that this generator is producing does not conform to that. Even if I sort the data by columns that they appear to be in the dbgen (or duckdb) produced data, the data we get from our TPC-H generator does not match. 

We might want a mode where we produce random TPC-H like data. But for benchmarking we need a way to produce actual TPC-H compliant data out of the box (we can deal with rows in a shuffled order if we need to, but the content of the data must be the same.

Maybe taking a look at [DuckDB's implementation of the random seeds|] might help with a way to accomplish this?

Here's an example of generating data with duckdb (first ten lines of lineitems — and it's the same each time I generate it):

> print(out, width = 500)
   l_orderkey l_partkey l_suppkey l_linenumber l_quantity l_extendedprice l_discount l_tax l_returnflag l_linestatus l_shipdate l_commitdate l_receiptdate    l_shipinstruct l_shipmode                           l_comment
1           1    155190      7706            1         17        21168.23       0.04  0.02            N            O 1996-03-13   1996-02-12    1996-03-22 DELIVER IN PERSON      TRUCK             egular courts above the
2           1     67310      7311            2         36        45983.16       0.09  0.06            N            O 1996-04-12   1996-02-28    1996-04-20  TAKE BACK RETURN       MAIL  ly final dependencies: slyly bold 
3           1     63700      3701            3          8        13309.60       0.10  0.02            N            O 1996-01-29   1996-03-05    1996-01-31  TAKE BACK RETURN    REG AIR       riously. regular, express dep
4           1      2132      4633            4         28        28955.64       0.09  0.06            N            O 1996-04-21   1996-03-30    1996-05-16              NONE        AIR             lites. fluffily even de
5           1     24027      1534            5         24        22824.48       0.10  0.04            N            O 1996-03-30   1996-03-14    1996-04-01              NONE        FOB             pending foxes. slyly re
6           1     15635       638            6         32        49620.16       0.07  0.02            N            O 1996-01-30   1996-02-07    1996-02-03 DELIVER IN PERSON       MAIL                   arefully slyly ex
7           2    106170      1191            1         38        44694.46       0.00  0.05            N            O 1997-01-28   1997-01-14    1997-02-02  TAKE BACK RETURN       RAIL     ven requests. deposits breach a
8           3      4297      1798            1         45        54058.05       0.06  0.00            R            F 1994-02-02   1994-01-04    1994-02-23              NONE        AIR ongside of the furiously brave acco
9           3     19036      6540            2         49        46796.47       0.10  0.00            R            F 1993-11-09   1993-12-20    1993-11-24  TAKE BACK RETURN       RAIL               unusual accounts. eve
10          3    128449      3474            3         27        39890.88       0.06  0.07            A            F 1994-01-16   1993-11-22    1994-01-23 DELIVER IN PERSON       SHIP                    nal foxes wake. 

And the first ten lines of lineitems I generated with the official dbgen:

head lineitem.tbl
1|155190|7706|1|17|21168.23|0.04|0.02|N|O|1996-03-13|1996-02-12|1996-03-22|DELIVER IN PERSON|TRUCK|egular courts above the|
1|67310|7311|2|36|45983.16|0.09|0.06|N|O|1996-04-12|1996-02-28|1996-04-20|TAKE BACK RETURN|MAIL|ly final dependencies: slyly bold |
1|63700|3701|3|8|13309.60|0.10|0.02|N|O|1996-01-29|1996-03-05|1996-01-31|TAKE BACK RETURN|REG AIR|riously. regular, express dep|
1|2132|4633|4|28|28955.64|0.09|0.06|N|O|1996-04-21|1996-03-30|1996-05-16|NONE|AIR|lites. fluffily even de|
1|24027|1534|5|24|22824.48|0.10|0.04|N|O|1996-03-30|1996-03-14|1996-04-01|NONE|FOB| pending foxes. slyly re|
1|15635|638|6|32|49620.16|0.07|0.02|N|O|1996-01-30|1996-02-07|1996-02-03|DELIVER IN PERSON|MAIL|arefully slyly ex|
2|106170|1191|1|38|44694.46|0.00|0.05|N|O|1997-01-28|1997-01-14|1997-02-02|TAKE BACK RETURN|RAIL|ven requests. deposits breach a|
3|4297|1798|1|45|54058.05|0.06|0.00|R|F|1994-02-02|1994-01-04|1994-02-23|NONE|AIR|ongside of the furiously brave acco|
3|19036|6540|2|49|46796.47|0.10|0.00|R|F|1993-11-09|1993-12-20|1993-11-24|TAKE BACK RETURN|RAIL| unusual accounts. eve|
3|128449|3474|3|27|39890.88|0.06|0.07|A|F|1994-01-16|1993-11-22|1994-01-23|DELIVER IN PERSON|SHIP|nal foxes wake. |

And the first ten lines of the validation file form the TPC-H tools:

head lineitem.tbl.1
1|155190|7706|1|17|21168.23|0.04|0.02|N|O|1996-03-13|1996-02-12|1996-03-22|DELIVER IN PERSON|TRUCK|egular courts above the|
1|67310|7311|2|36|45983.16|0.09|0.06|N|O|1996-04-12|1996-02-28|1996-04-20|TAKE BACK RETURN|MAIL|ly final dependencies: slyly bold |
1|63700|3701|3|8|13309.60|0.10|0.02|N|O|1996-01-29|1996-03-05|1996-01-31|TAKE BACK RETURN|REG AIR|riously. regular, express dep|
1|2132|4633|4|28|28955.64|0.09|0.06|N|O|1996-04-21|1996-03-30|1996-05-16|NONE|AIR|lites. fluffily even de|
1|24027|1534|5|24|22824.48|0.10|0.04|N|O|1996-03-30|1996-03-14|1996-04-01|NONE|FOB| pending foxes. slyly re|
1|15635|638|6|32|49620.16|0.07|0.02|N|O|1996-01-30|1996-02-07|1996-02-03|DELIVER IN PERSON|MAIL|arefully slyly ex|
2|106170|1191|1|38|44694.46|0.00|0.05|N|O|1997-01-28|1997-01-14|1997-02-02|TAKE BACK RETURN|RAIL|ven requests. deposits breach a|
3|4297|1798|1|45|54058.05|0.06|0.00|R|F|1994-02-02|1994-01-04|1994-02-23|NONE|AIR|ongside of the furiously brave acco|
3|19036|6540|2|49|46796.47|0.10|0.00|R|F|1993-11-09|1993-12-20|1993-11-24|TAKE BACK RETURN|RAIL| unusual accounts. eve|
3|128449|3474|3|27|39890.88|0.06|0.07|A|F|1994-01-16|1993-11-22|1994-01-23|DELIVER IN PERSON|SHIP|nal foxes wake. |

Note, you can generate this tpc-h data from with the following. This shuffling is needed because we can only write datasets from execnodes (without materializing into memory entirely), so we move the files around as if they were single file writes:

path <- tpch_dbgen_write(1, "some/path")

from_dataset_to_parquet <- function(path, scale_factor) {
  ds_files <- list.files(path, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
  # we can only deal with single parquet files in each partition this way
  if (!all(grepl("data-0.parquet$", ds_files))) {
    stop("At least one partition has more than one file")
  ds_files_to <- gsub(
    paste0("_", format(scale_factor, scientific = FALSE), ".parquet"), 
  file.rename(ds_files, ds_files_to)
  # cleanup empty folders, this might be a bit aggressive
  folders_to_remove <- gsub("/data-0.parquet", "", ds_files)
  unlink(folders_to_remove, recursive = TRUE)

from_dataset_to_parquet(path, 1)

An umbrella issue for a number of issues I've run into with our TPC-H generator.

h2. We emit fixed_size_binary fields with nuls padding the strings.
Ideally we would either emit these as utf8 strings like the others, or we would have a toggle to emit them as such (though see below about needing to strip nuls)

When I try and run these through the I get a number of seg faults or hangs when running a number of the TPC-H queries.

Additionally, even converting these to utf8|string types, I also need to strip out the nuls in order to actually query against them:

library(arrow, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#> See arrow_info() for available features
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
options(arrow.skip_nul = TRUE)

tab <- read_parquet("data_arrow_raw/nation_1.parquet", as_data_frame = FALSE)
#> Table
#> 25 rows x 4 columns
#> $N_NATIONKEY <int32>
#> $N_NAME <fixed_size_binary[25]>
#> $N_REGIONKEY <int32>
#> $N_COMMENT <string>

# This will not work (Though is how the TPC-H queries are structured)
tab %>% filter(N_NAME == "JAPAN") %>% collect()
#> # A tibble: 0 × 4
#> # … with 4 variables: N_NATIONKEY <int>, N_NAME <fixed_size_binary<25>>,
#> #   N_REGIONKEY <int>, N_COMMENT <chr>

# Instead, we need to create the nul padded string to do the comparison
japan_raw <- as.raw(
  c(0x4a, 0x41, 0x50, 0x41, 0x4e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
# confirming this is the same thing as in the data 
japan_raw == as.vector(tab$N_NAME)[[13]]

tab %>% filter(N_NAME == Scalar$create(japan_raw, type = fixed_size_binary(25))) %>% collect()
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#>         <int>
#> 1          12
#> # … with 3 more variables: N_NAME <fixed_size_binary<25>>, N_REGIONKEY <int>,
#> #   N_COMMENT <chr>

Here is the code I've been using to cast + strip these out after the fact:

library(arrow, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

options(arrow.skip_nul = TRUE)
options(arrow.use_altrep = FALSE)

tables <- arrowbench:::tpch_tables
for (table_name in tables) {
  message("Working on ", table_name)
  tab <- read_parquet(glue::glue("./data_arrow_raw/{table_name}_1.parquet"), as_data_frame=FALSE)
  for (col in tab$schema$fields) {
    if (inherits(col$type, "FixedSizeBinary")) {
      message("Rewritting ", col$name)
      tab[[col$name]] <- Array$create(as.vector(tab[[col$name]]$cast(string())))
  tab <- write_parquet(tab, glue::glue("./data/{table_name}_1.parquet"))

h2.  The data does not produce correct answers

When checking these against the known-good answers for scale factor 1, all of the queries are off (two are close enough that they get past arrowbench's pretty loose validation).

One example:
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
options(arrow.skip_nul = TRUE)

input_funcs <- get_input_func(
  engine = "arrow",
  scale_factor = 1,
  query_id = 1,
  format = "parquet"

result <- get_query_func(1, "arrow")(input_funcs)

ans <- tpch_answer(1, query_id = 1)

waldo::compare(result, ans)
#> old vs new
#>             sum_qty sum_base_price sum_disc_price   sum_charge  avg_qty avg_price count_order
#> - old[1, ] 37645216    56445778153    53624556113  55767898658 25.48000  38201.84     1477567
#> + new[1, ] 37734107    56586554401    53758257135  55909065223 25.52201  38273.13     1478493
#> - old[2, ]   992235     1486295723     1411376726   1467883176 25.48000  38172.79       38936
#> + new[2, ]   991417     1487504710     1413082168   1469649223 25.51647  38284.47       38854
#> - old[3, ] 74391871   111564378395   105981512916 110221376016 25.51000  38254.33     2916386
#> + new[3, ] 74476040   111701729698   106118230308 110367043872 25.50223  38249.12     2920374
#> - old[4, ] 37717055    56550644913    53721555527  55872979092 25.50000  38236.53     1478969
#> + new[4, ] 37719753    56568041381    53741292685  55889619120 25.50579  38250.85     1478870
#> `old$sum_qty` is a double vector (37645216, 992235, 74391871, 37717055)
#> `new$sum_qty` is an integer vector (37734107, 991417, 74476040, 37719753)
#> `old$sum_base_price`: 56445778153 1486295723 111564378395 56550644913
#> `new$sum_base_price`: 56586554401 1487504710 111701729698 56568041381
#> `old$sum_disc_price`: 53624556113 1411376726 105981512916 53721555527
#> `new$sum_disc_price`: 53758257135 1413082168 106118230308 53741292685
#> `old$sum_charge`: 55767898658 1467883176 110221376016 55872979092
#> `new$sum_charge`: 55909065223 1469649223 110367043872 55889619120
#> `old$avg_qty`: 25.480 25.480 25.510 25.500
#> `new$avg_qty`: 25.522 25.516 25.502 25.506
#> `old$avg_price`: 38202 38173 38254 38237
#> `new$avg_price`: 38273 38284 38249 38251
#> `old$count_order`: 1477567 38936 2916386 1478969
#> `new$count_order`: 1478493 38854 2920374 1478870

Note, you can generate this tpc-h data from with the following. This shuffling is needed because we can only write datasets from execnodes (without materializing into memory entirely), so we move the files around as if they were single file writes:

path <- tpch_dbgen_write(1, "some/path")

from_dataset_to_parquet <- function(path, scale_factor) {
  ds_files <- list.files(path, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
  # we can only deal with single parquet files in each partition this way
  if (!all(grepl("data-0.parquet$", ds_files))) {
    stop("At least one partition has more than one file")
  ds_files_to <- gsub(
    paste0("_", format(scale_factor, scientific = FALSE), ".parquet"), 
  file.rename(ds_files, ds_files_to)
  # cleanup empty folders, this might be a bit aggressive
  folders_to_remove <- gsub("/data-0.parquet", "", ds_files)
  unlink(folders_to_remove, recursive = TRUE)

from_dataset_to_parquet(path, 1)

> [C++] TPC-H generator cleanups
> ------------------------------
>                 Key: ARROW-16100
>                 URL:
>             Project: Apache Arrow
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: C++
>            Reporter: Jonathan Keane
>            Priority: Major
> An umbrella issue for a number of issues I've run into with our TPC-H generator.
> h2. We emit fixed_size_binary fields with nuls padding the strings.
> Ideally we would either emit these as utf8 strings like the others, or we would have a toggle to emit them as such (though see below about needing to strip nuls)
> When I try and run these through the I get a number of seg faults or hangs when running a number of the TPC-H queries.
> Additionally, even converting these to utf8|string types, I also need to strip out the nuls in order to actually query against them:
> {code}
> library(arrow, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
> #> See arrow_info() for available features
> library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
> options(arrow.skip_nul = TRUE)
> tab <- read_parquet("data_arrow_raw/nation_1.parquet", as_data_frame = FALSE)
> tab
> #> Table
> #> 25 rows x 4 columns
> #> $N_NATIONKEY <int32>
> #> $N_NAME <fixed_size_binary[25]>
> #> $N_REGIONKEY <int32>
> #> $N_COMMENT <string>
> # This will not work (Though is how the TPC-H queries are structured)
> tab %>% filter(N_NAME == "JAPAN") %>% collect()
> #> # A tibble: 0 × 4
> #> # … with 4 variables: N_NATIONKEY <int>, N_NAME <fixed_size_binary<25>>,
> #> #   N_REGIONKEY <int>, N_COMMENT <chr>
> # Instead, we need to create the nul padded string to do the comparison
> japan_raw <- as.raw(
>   c(0x4a, 0x41, 0x50, 0x41, 0x4e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
>     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
> )
> # confirming this is the same thing as in the data 
> japan_raw == as.vector(tab$N_NAME)[[13]]
> tab %>% filter(N_NAME == Scalar$create(japan_raw, type = fixed_size_binary(25))) %>% collect()
> #> # A tibble: 1 × 4
> #>         <int>
> #> 1          12
> #> # … with 3 more variables: N_NAME <fixed_size_binary<25>>, N_REGIONKEY <int>,
> #> #   N_COMMENT <chr>
> {code}
> Here is the code I've been using to cast + strip these out after the fact:
> {code}
> library(arrow, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
> options(arrow.skip_nul = TRUE)
> options(arrow.use_altrep = FALSE)
> tables <- arrowbench:::tpch_tables
> for (table_name in tables) {
>   message("Working on ", table_name)
>   tab <- read_parquet(glue::glue("./data_arrow_raw/{table_name}_1.parquet"), as_data_frame=FALSE)
>   for (col in tab$schema$fields) {
>     if (inherits(col$type, "FixedSizeBinary")) {
>       message("Rewritting ", col$name)
>       tab[[col$name]] <- Array$create(as.vector(tab[[col$name]]$cast(string())))
>     }
>   }
>   tab <- write_parquet(tab, glue::glue("./data/{table_name}_1.parquet"))
> }
> {code}
> h2.  The data does not produce correct answers
> When checking these against the known-good answers for scale factor 1, all of the queries are off (two are close enough that they get past arrowbench's pretty loose validation).
> Looking at the TPC-H tools, the validation for dbgen is:
> bq. b. Base Data Validation
> bq.   The base data set is produced using cmd_base_sf<n> where <n> is the scale 
> bq.   factor to be generated. The resulting files will be produced in the current 
> bq.   working directory.  The generated files will be of the form <name>.tbl.<nnn>,
> bq.   where <name> will is the name of one of the tables in the TPCH schema, and 
> bq.   <nnn> identifies a particular data generation step.
> bq. 
> bq.   The file set produced by should match the <name>.tbl.<nnn> 
> bq.   files found in the reference data set for the same scale factor.
> And the data that this generator is producing does not conform to that. Even if I sort the data by columns that they appear to be in the dbgen (or duckdb) produced data, the data we get from our TPC-H generator does not match. 
> We might want a mode where we produce random TPC-H like data. But for benchmarking we need a way to produce actual TPC-H compliant data out of the box (we can deal with rows in a shuffled order if we need to, but the content of the data must be the same.
> Maybe taking a look at [DuckDB's implementation of the random seeds|] might help with a way to accomplish this?
> Here's an example of generating data with duckdb (first ten lines of lineitems — and it's the same each time I generate it):
> {code}
> > print(out, width = 500)
>    l_orderkey l_partkey l_suppkey l_linenumber l_quantity l_extendedprice l_discount l_tax l_returnflag l_linestatus l_shipdate l_commitdate l_receiptdate    l_shipinstruct l_shipmode                           l_comment
> 1           1    155190      7706            1         17        21168.23       0.04  0.02            N            O 1996-03-13   1996-02-12    1996-03-22 DELIVER IN PERSON      TRUCK             egular courts above the
> 2           1     67310      7311            2         36        45983.16       0.09  0.06            N            O 1996-04-12   1996-02-28    1996-04-20  TAKE BACK RETURN       MAIL  ly final dependencies: slyly bold 
> 3           1     63700      3701            3          8        13309.60       0.10  0.02            N            O 1996-01-29   1996-03-05    1996-01-31  TAKE BACK RETURN    REG AIR       riously. regular, express dep
> 4           1      2132      4633            4         28        28955.64       0.09  0.06            N            O 1996-04-21   1996-03-30    1996-05-16              NONE        AIR             lites. fluffily even de
> 5           1     24027      1534            5         24        22824.48       0.10  0.04            N            O 1996-03-30   1996-03-14    1996-04-01              NONE        FOB             pending foxes. slyly re
> 6           1     15635       638            6         32        49620.16       0.07  0.02            N            O 1996-01-30   1996-02-07    1996-02-03 DELIVER IN PERSON       MAIL                   arefully slyly ex
> 7           2    106170      1191            1         38        44694.46       0.00  0.05            N            O 1997-01-28   1997-01-14    1997-02-02  TAKE BACK RETURN       RAIL     ven requests. deposits breach a
> 8           3      4297      1798            1         45        54058.05       0.06  0.00            R            F 1994-02-02   1994-01-04    1994-02-23              NONE        AIR ongside of the furiously brave acco
> 9           3     19036      6540            2         49        46796.47       0.10  0.00            R            F 1993-11-09   1993-12-20    1993-11-24  TAKE BACK RETURN       RAIL               unusual accounts. eve
> 10          3    128449      3474            3         27        39890.88       0.06  0.07            A            F 1994-01-16   1993-11-22    1994-01-23 DELIVER IN PERSON       SHIP                    nal foxes wake. 
> {code}
> And the first ten lines of lineitems I generated with the official dbgen:
> {code}
> head lineitem.tbl
> 1|155190|7706|1|17|21168.23|0.04|0.02|N|O|1996-03-13|1996-02-12|1996-03-22|DELIVER IN PERSON|TRUCK|egular courts above the|
> 1|67310|7311|2|36|45983.16|0.09|0.06|N|O|1996-04-12|1996-02-28|1996-04-20|TAKE BACK RETURN|MAIL|ly final dependencies: slyly bold |
> 1|63700|3701|3|8|13309.60|0.10|0.02|N|O|1996-01-29|1996-03-05|1996-01-31|TAKE BACK RETURN|REG AIR|riously. regular, express dep|
> 1|2132|4633|4|28|28955.64|0.09|0.06|N|O|1996-04-21|1996-03-30|1996-05-16|NONE|AIR|lites. fluffily even de|
> 1|24027|1534|5|24|22824.48|0.10|0.04|N|O|1996-03-30|1996-03-14|1996-04-01|NONE|FOB| pending foxes. slyly re|
> 1|15635|638|6|32|49620.16|0.07|0.02|N|O|1996-01-30|1996-02-07|1996-02-03|DELIVER IN PERSON|MAIL|arefully slyly ex|
> 2|106170|1191|1|38|44694.46|0.00|0.05|N|O|1997-01-28|1997-01-14|1997-02-02|TAKE BACK RETURN|RAIL|ven requests. deposits breach a|
> 3|4297|1798|1|45|54058.05|0.06|0.00|R|F|1994-02-02|1994-01-04|1994-02-23|NONE|AIR|ongside of the furiously brave acco|
> 3|19036|6540|2|49|46796.47|0.10|0.00|R|F|1993-11-09|1993-12-20|1993-11-24|TAKE BACK RETURN|RAIL| unusual accounts. eve|
> 3|128449|3474|3|27|39890.88|0.06|0.07|A|F|1994-01-16|1993-11-22|1994-01-23|DELIVER IN PERSON|SHIP|nal foxes wake. |
> {code}
> And the first ten lines of the validation file form the TPC-H tools:
> {code}
> head lineitem.tbl.1
> 1|155190|7706|1|17|21168.23|0.04|0.02|N|O|1996-03-13|1996-02-12|1996-03-22|DELIVER IN PERSON|TRUCK|egular courts above the|
> 1|67310|7311|2|36|45983.16|0.09|0.06|N|O|1996-04-12|1996-02-28|1996-04-20|TAKE BACK RETURN|MAIL|ly final dependencies: slyly bold |
> 1|63700|3701|3|8|13309.60|0.10|0.02|N|O|1996-01-29|1996-03-05|1996-01-31|TAKE BACK RETURN|REG AIR|riously. regular, express dep|
> 1|2132|4633|4|28|28955.64|0.09|0.06|N|O|1996-04-21|1996-03-30|1996-05-16|NONE|AIR|lites. fluffily even de|
> 1|24027|1534|5|24|22824.48|0.10|0.04|N|O|1996-03-30|1996-03-14|1996-04-01|NONE|FOB| pending foxes. slyly re|
> 1|15635|638|6|32|49620.16|0.07|0.02|N|O|1996-01-30|1996-02-07|1996-02-03|DELIVER IN PERSON|MAIL|arefully slyly ex|
> 2|106170|1191|1|38|44694.46|0.00|0.05|N|O|1997-01-28|1997-01-14|1997-02-02|TAKE BACK RETURN|RAIL|ven requests. deposits breach a|
> 3|4297|1798|1|45|54058.05|0.06|0.00|R|F|1994-02-02|1994-01-04|1994-02-23|NONE|AIR|ongside of the furiously brave acco|
> 3|19036|6540|2|49|46796.47|0.10|0.00|R|F|1993-11-09|1993-12-20|1993-11-24|TAKE BACK RETURN|RAIL| unusual accounts. eve|
> 3|128449|3474|3|27|39890.88|0.06|0.07|A|F|1994-01-16|1993-11-22|1994-01-23|DELIVER IN PERSON|SHIP|nal foxes wake. |
> {code}
> Note, you can generate this tpc-h data from with the following. This shuffling is needed because we can only write datasets from execnodes (without materializing into memory entirely), so we move the files around as if they were single file writes:
> {code}
> path <- tpch_dbgen_write(1, "some/path")
> from_dataset_to_parquet <- function(path, scale_factor) {
>   ds_files <- list.files(path, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
>   # we can only deal with single parquet files in each partition this way
>   if (!all(grepl("data-0.parquet$", ds_files))) {
>     stop("At least one partition has more than one file")
>   }
>   ds_files_to <- gsub(
>     "/data-0.parquet", 
>     paste0("_", format(scale_factor, scientific = FALSE), ".parquet"), 
>     ds_files
>   )
>   file.rename(ds_files, ds_files_to)
>   # cleanup empty folders, this might be a bit aggressive
>   folders_to_remove <- gsub("/data-0.parquet", "", ds_files)
>   unlink(folders_to_remove, recursive = TRUE)
> }
> from_dataset_to_parquet(path, 1)
> {code}

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