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Posted to by Florian Micklich <> on 2020/02/11 20:39:24 UTC

Setup dev project in Intelij

Hi Philipp,

the incompatible pom settings didn't give me any rest this evening and I found probably the reason why.

In the first attempt I just used "open" in Intellij to load the the "/incubator-streampipes-extensions/streampipes-processors-geo-jvm" project path.

Tonight I used "import project" option in Intellij and followed the instruction steps:

++ Select maven project where the pom file exists -->  /incubator-streampipes-extensions/streampipes-processors-geo-jvm to impo

++ import project from external model --> maven

++ import project setup --> left all default settings as it is

++ select profile --> java8-doclint-disable in my case (don't know what this means)

++ select maven project to import --> org.apache.streampipes:streampipes-processors-geo-jvm:065.1-SNAPSHOT

++ SELECT SDK --> 1.8 (in my case sdkman/candidates/java/8.0.232-zulu

++ left project name and file location at it is

++ .idea folder already exists. Overwrite --> yes

==> sources will be loaded and almost all sources are available.

Only following source couldn't be found:


I copied my local env file into the develop folder. Run the ./sp start command in the installer folder and everything is running quite charming without any problems.

So I would say I close the push request and start a new one after adding my existing work. So everything is nice and clean.

Should I also add my local env file to the commit or what is recommended?



Disy Informationssysteme GmbH
Florian Micklich
+49 721 16006 477,

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Registergericht: Amtsgericht Mannheim, HRB 107964
Geschäftsführer: Claus Hofmann

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