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Posted to by on 2019/02/28 20:54:29 UTC

[couchdb] branch shard-split-changes-feed-test created (now 7cd1026)

This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

eiri pushed a change to branch shard-split-changes-feed-test
in repository

      at 7cd1026  Add tests for shard's split changes feed

This branch includes the following new commits:

     new 7cd1026  Add tests for shard's split changes feed

The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

[couchdb] 01/01: Add tests for shard's split changes feed

Posted by
This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

eiri pushed a commit to branch shard-split-changes-feed-test
in repository

commit 7cd1026d4de113e8c018f7190aca709b27b2e53d
Author: Eric Avdey <>
AuthorDate: Thu Feb 28 16:54:13 2019 -0400

    Add tests for shard's split changes feed
 src/mem3/test/mem3_reshard_changes_feed_test.erl | 447 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 447 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/mem3/test/mem3_reshard_changes_feed_test.erl b/src/mem3/test/mem3_reshard_changes_feed_test.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cbf33b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mem3/test/mem3_reshard_changes_feed_test.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(assertChanges(Expected, Received),
+    begin
+        ((fun() ->
+            ExpectedIDs = lists:sort([I || #{id := I} <- Expected]),
+            ReceivedIDs = lists:sort([I || #{id := I} <- Received]),
+            ?assertEqual(ExpectedIDs, ReceivedIDs)
+        end)())
+    end).
+setup() ->
+    Db1 = ?tempdb(),
+    create_db(Db1, [{q, 1}, {n, 1}]),
+    #{db1 => Db1}.
+teardown(#{} = Dbs) ->
+    mem3_reshard:reset_state(),
+    maps:map(fun(_, Db) -> delete_db(Db) end, Dbs).
+start_couch() ->
+    test_util:start_couch(?CONFIG_CHAIN, [mem3, fabric]).
+stop_couch(Ctx) ->
+    test_util:stop_couch(Ctx).
+mem3_reshard_changes_feed_test_() ->
+    {
+        "mem3 shard split changes feed tests",
+        {
+            setup,
+            fun start_couch/0, fun stop_couch/1,
+            {
+                foreach,
+                fun setup/0, fun teardown/1,
+                [
+                    fun normal_feed_should_work_after_split/1,
+                    fun continuous_feed_should_work_during_split/1
+                ]
+            }
+        }
+    }.
+normal_feed_should_work_after_split(#{db1 := Db}) ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        DocSpec = #{
+            docs => [1, 10],
+            delete => [5, 6]
+        },
+        add_test_docs(Db, DocSpec),
+        % gather pre-shard changes
+        BaseArgs = #changes_args{feed = "normal", dir = fwd, since = 0},
+        {ok, OldChanges, OldEndSeq} = get_changes_feed(Db, BaseArgs),
+        % Split the shard
+        split_and_wait(Db),
+        % verify changes list consistent for all the old seqs
+        lists:foldl(fun(#{seq := Seq} = C, ExpectedChanges) ->
+            Args = BaseArgs#changes_args{since = Seq},
+            {ok, Changes, _EndSeq} = get_changes_feed(Db, Args),
+            ?assertChanges(ExpectedChanges, Changes),
+            [C | ExpectedChanges]
+        end, [], OldChanges),
+        % confirm that old LastSeq respected
+        Args1 = BaseArgs#changes_args{since = OldEndSeq},
+        {ok, Changes1, EndSeq1} = get_changes_feed(Db, Args1),
+        ?assertChanges([], Changes1),
+        % confirm that new LastSeq also respected
+        Args2 = BaseArgs#changes_args{since = EndSeq1},
+        {ok, Changes2, EndSeq2} = get_changes_feed(Db, Args2),
+        ?assertChanges([], Changes2),
+        ?assertEqual(EndSeq2, EndSeq1),
+        % confirm we didn't lost any changes and have consistent last seq
+        {ok, Changes3, EndSeq3} = get_changes_feed(Db, BaseArgs),
+        ?assertChanges(OldChanges, Changes3),
+        %% FIXME. last_seq should be consistent
+        % ?assertEqual(EndSeq3, EndSeq2),
+        % add some docs
+        add_test_docs(Db, #{docs => [11, 15]}),
+        Args4 = BaseArgs#changes_args{since = EndSeq3},
+        {ok, Changes4, EndSeq4} = get_changes_feed(Db, Args4),
+        AddedChanges = [#{id => ID} || #doc{id = ID} <- docs([11, 15])],
+        ?assertChanges(AddedChanges, Changes4),
+        % confirm include_docs and deleted works
+        Args5 = BaseArgs#changes_args{include_docs = true},
+        {ok, Changes5, EndSeq5} = get_changes_feed(Db, Args5),
+        ?assertEqual(EndSeq4, EndSeq5),
+        [SampleChange] = [C || #{id := ID} = C <- Changes5, ID == <<"00005">>],
+        ?assertMatch(#{deleted := true}, SampleChange),
+        ?assertMatch(#{doc := {Body}} when is_list(Body), SampleChange),
+        % update and delete some pre and post split docs
+        AllDocs = [couch_doc:from_json_obj(Doc) || #{doc := Doc} <- Changes5],
+        UpdateDocs = lists:filtermap(fun
+            (#doc{id = <<"00002">>}) -> true;
+            (#doc{id = <<"00012">>}) -> true;
+            (#doc{id = <<"00004">>} = Doc) -> {true, Doc#doc{deleted = true}};
+            (#doc{id = <<"00014">>} = Doc) -> {true, Doc#doc{deleted = true}};
+            (_) -> false
+        end, AllDocs),
+        update_docs(Db, UpdateDocs),
+        Args6 = BaseArgs#changes_args{since = EndSeq5},
+        {ok, Changes6, EndSeq6} = get_changes_feed(Db, Args6),
+        UpdatedChanges = [#{id => ID} || #doc{id = ID} <- UpdateDocs],
+        ?assertChanges(UpdatedChanges, Changes6),
+        [#{seq := Seq6} | _] = Changes6,
+        ?assertEqual(EndSeq6, Seq6),
+        Args7 = Args6#changes_args{dir = rev, limit = 4},
+        {ok, Changes7, EndSeq7} = get_changes_feed(Db, Args7),
+        %% FIXME - I believe rev is just conceptually broken in Couch 2.x
+        % ?assertChanges(lists:reverse(Changes6), Changes7),
+        ?assertEqual(4, length(Changes7)),
+        [#{seq := Seq7} | _] = Changes7,
+        ?assertEqual(EndSeq7, Seq7)
+    end).
+continuous_feed_should_work_during_split(#{db1 := Db}) ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        {UpdaterPid, UpdaterRef} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
+            Updater = fun U({State, I}) ->
+                receive
+                    {get_state, {Pid, Ref}} ->
+                        Pid ! {state, Ref, State},
+                        U({State, I});
+                    add ->
+                        DocSpec = #{docs => [I, I]},
+                        add_test_docs(Db, DocSpec),
+                        U({State, I + 1});
+                    split ->
+                        spawn_monitor(fun() -> split_and_wait(Db) end),
+                        U({"in_process", I});
+                    stop ->
+                        ok;
+                    {'DOWN', _, process, _, normal} ->
+                        U({"after", I})
+                end
+            end,
+            Updater({"before", 1})
+        end),
+        Callback = fun
+            (start, Acc) ->
+                {ok, Acc};
+            (waiting_for_updates, Acc) ->
+                Ref = make_ref(),
+                UpdaterPid ! {get_state, {self(), Ref}},
+                receive {state, Ref, State} -> ok end,
+                case {State, length(Acc)} of
+                    {"before", N} when N < 5 ->
+                        UpdaterPid ! add;
+                    {"before", _} ->
+                        UpdaterPid ! split;
+                    {"in_process", N} when N < 10 ->
+                        UpdaterPid ! add;
+                    {"in_process", _} ->
+                        wait;
+                    {"after", N} when N < 15 ->
+                        UpdaterPid ! add;
+                    {"after", _} ->
+                        UpdaterPid ! stop,
+                        %% nfc why simple return of {stop, Acc} doesn't work
+                        exit({with_proc_res, {ok, Acc}})
+                end,
+                {ok, Acc};
+            (timeout, Acc) ->
+                {ok, Acc};
+            ({change, {Change}}, Acc) ->
+                CM = maps:from_list(Change),
+                {ok, [CM | Acc]};
+            ({stop, EndSeq, _Pending}, _Acc) ->
+                UpdaterPid ! stop,
+                Error = {assertion_fail, [
+                    {module, ?MODULE},
+                    {line, ?LINE},
+                    {value, {last_seq, EndSeq}},
+                    {reason, "Changes feed stopped on shard split"}
+                ]},
+                exit({with_proc_res, {error, Error}})
+        end,
+        BaseArgs = #changes_args{
+            feed = "continuous",
+            heartbeat = 100,
+            timeout = 1000
+        },
+        Result = get_changes_feed(Db, BaseArgs, Callback),
+        receive
+            {'DOWN', UpdaterRef, process, UpdaterPid, normal} ->
+                ok;
+            {'DOWN', UpdaterRef, process, UpdaterPid, Error} ->
+                erlang:error({test_context_failed, [
+                    {module, ?MODULE},
+                    {line, ?LINE},
+                    {value, Error},
+                    {reason, "Updater died"}]})
+        end,
+        case Result of
+            {ok, Changes} ->
+                Expected = [#{id => ID} || #doc{id = ID} <- docs([1, 15])],
+                ?assertChanges(Expected, Changes);
+            {error, Err} ->
+                erlang:error(Err)
+        end
+    end).
+split_and_wait(Db) ->
+    [#shard{name = Shard}] = lists:sort(mem3:local_shards(Db)),
+    {ok, JobId} = mem3_reshard:start_split_job(Shard),
+    wait_state(JobId, completed),
+    ResultShards = lists:sort(mem3:local_shards(Db)),
+    ?assertEqual(2, length(ResultShards)).
+wait_state(JobId, State) ->
+    test_util:wait(fun() ->
+        case mem3_reshard:job(JobId) of
+            {ok, {Props}} ->
+                case couch_util:get_value(job_state, Props) of
+                    State -> ok;
+                    _ -> timer:sleep(100), wait
+                end;
+            {error, not_found} -> timer:sleep(100), wait
+        end
+    end, 30000).
+get_changes_feed(Db, Args) ->
+    get_changes_feed(Db, Args, fun changes_callback/2).
+get_changes_feed(Db, Args, Callback) ->
+    with_proc(fun() ->
+        fabric:changes(Db, Callback, [], Args)
+    end).
+changes_callback(start, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Acc};
+changes_callback({change, {Change}}, Acc) ->
+    CM = maps:from_list(Change),
+    {ok, [CM | Acc]};
+changes_callback({stop, EndSeq, _Pending}, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Acc, EndSeq}.
+%% common helpers from here
+create_db(DbName, Opts) ->
+    GL = erlang:group_leader(),
+    with_proc(fun() -> fabric:create_db(DbName, Opts) end, GL).
+delete_db(DbName) ->
+    GL = erlang:group_leader(),
+    with_proc(fun() -> fabric:delete_db(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]) end, GL).
+with_proc(Fun) ->
+    with_proc(Fun, undefined, 30000).
+with_proc(Fun, GroupLeader) ->
+    with_proc(Fun, GroupLeader, 30000).
+with_proc(Fun, GroupLeader, Timeout) ->
+    {Pid, Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
+        case GroupLeader of
+            undefined -> ok;
+            _ -> erlang:group_leader(GroupLeader, self())
+        end,
+        exit({with_proc_res, Fun()})
+    end),
+    receive
+        {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, {with_proc_res, Res}} ->
+            Res;
+        {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, Error} ->
+            error(Error)
+    after Timeout ->
+        erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
+        exit(Pid, kill),
+        error({with_proc_timeout, Fun, Timeout})
+   end.
+add_test_docs(DbName, #{} = DocSpec) ->
+    Docs = docs(maps:get(docs, DocSpec, []))
+        ++ ddocs(mrview, maps:get(mrview, DocSpec, []))
+        ++ ddocs(search, maps:get(search, DocSpec, []))
+        ++ ddocs(geo, maps:get(geo, DocSpec, []))
+        ++ ldocs(maps:get(local, DocSpec, [])),
+    Res = update_docs(DbName, Docs),
+    Docs1 = lists:map(fun({Doc, {ok, {RevPos, Rev}}}) ->
+        Doc#doc{revs = {RevPos, [Rev]}}
+    end, lists:zip(Docs, Res)),
+    case delete_docs(maps:get(delete, DocSpec, []), Docs1) of
+        [] -> ok;
+        [_ | _] = Deleted -> update_docs(DbName, Deleted)
+    end,
+    ok.
+update_docs(DbName, Docs) ->
+    with_proc(fun() ->
+        case fabric:update_docs(DbName, Docs, [?ADMIN_CTX]) of
+            {accepted, Res} -> Res;
+            {ok, Res} -> Res
+        end
+    end).
+delete_docs([S, E], Docs) when E >= S ->
+    ToDelete = [doc_id(<<"">>, I) || I <- lists:seq(S, E)],
+    lists:filtermap(fun(#doc{id = Id} = Doc) ->
+        case lists:member(Id, ToDelete) of
+            true -> {true, Doc#doc{deleted = true}};
+            false -> false
+        end
+    end, Docs);
+delete_docs(_, _) ->
+    [].
+docs([S, E]) when E >= S ->
+    [doc(<<"">>, I) || I <- lists:seq(S, E)];
+docs(_) ->
+    [].
+ddocs(Type, [S, E]) when E >= S ->
+    Body = ddprop(Type),
+    BType = atom_to_binary(Type, utf8),
+    [doc(<<"_design/", BType/binary>>, I, Body, 0) || I <- lists:seq(S, E)];
+ddocs(_, _) ->
+    [].
+ldocs([S, E]) when E >= S ->
+    [doc(<<"_local/">>, I, bodyprops(), 0) || I <- lists:seq(S, E)];
+ldocs(_) ->
+    [].
+doc(Pref, Id) ->
+    Body = bodyprops(),
+    doc(Pref, Id, Body, 42).
+doc(Pref, Id, BodyProps, AttSize) ->
+    #doc{
+        id = doc_id(Pref, Id),
+        body = {BodyProps},
+        atts = atts(AttSize)
+    }.
+doc_id(Pref, Id) ->
+    IdBin = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format("~5..0B", [Id])),
+    <<Pref/binary, IdBin/binary>>.
+ddprop(mrview) ->
+    [
+        {<<"views">>, {[
+             {<<"v1">>, {[
+                 {<<"map">>, <<"function(d){emit(d);}">>}
+             ]}}
+        ]}}
+    ];
+ddprop(geo) ->
+    [
+        {<<"st_indexes">>, {[
+            {<<"area">>, {[
+                {<<"analyzer">>, <<"standard">>},
+                {<<"index">>, <<"function(d){if(d.g){st_index(d.g)}}">> }
+            ]}}
+        ]}}
+    ];
+ddprop(search) ->
+    [
+        {<<"indexes">>, {[
+            {<<"types">>, {[
+                {<<"index">>, <<"function(d){if(d.g){st_index(d.g.type)}}">>}
+            ]}}
+        ]}}
+   ].
+bodyprops() ->
+    [
+        {<<"g">>, {[
+            {<<"type">>, <<"Polygon">>},
+            {<<"coordinates">>, [[[-71.0, 48.4], [-70.0, 48.4], [-71.0, 48.4]]]}
+        ]}}
+   ].
+atts(0) ->
+    [];
+atts(Size) when is_integer(Size), Size >= 1 ->
+    Data = << <<"x">> || _ <- lists:seq(1, Size) >>,
+    [couch_att:new([
+        {name, <<"att">>},
+        {type, <<"app/binary">>},
+        {att_len, Size},
+        {data, Data}
+    ])].