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Posted to by Colin Paul Adams <> on 2004/07/22 08:19:11 UTC

Path to sitemap mounted from mount table

>>>>> "Jean-Claude" == Jean-Claude Moissinac <> writes:

    Jean-Claude> I'm searching from more than two hours for a mean to
    Jean-Claude> know the absolute path to the current sitemap in my
    Jean-Claude> action code.  If I use ...  Context context =
    Jean-Claude> ObjectModelHelper.getContext(objectModel); ...  path
    Jean-Claude> = context.getRealPath("/samples/CocoonMp4");

    Jean-Claude> my action works, but the code is only usable in my
    Jean-Claude> current installation.

Hello Jean-Claude.

I have this problem too.
I was trying to use request.getSitemapPath(). (Only available in CVS -
not in 2.1.5)
But this only returns a part of the answer.
When I saw your message above, I tried to combine the two:


This may well work for you. I hope it does.

Unfortunately, it does not work for me, because I am using the mount

The answer I get from my suggestion is:


whereas the actual answer I want is


as that is where my sitemap.xmap is.

So can anyone tell me how to get the path to a sitemap mounted from
the mount table?
Colin Paul Adams
Preston Lancashire