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airavata git commit: update README

Repository: airavata
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/0.14_release c6953df57 -> 7e8b48b07

update README


Branch: refs/heads/0.14_release
Commit: 7e8b48b07f20756ebbe164d5386581360c462152
Parents: c6953df
Author: Chathuri Wimalasena <>
Authored: Mon Dec 29 11:49:30 2014 -0500
Committer: Chathuri Wimalasena <>
Committed: Mon Dec 29 11:49:30 2014 -0500

 .../server/src/main/resources/README            | 211 ++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 111 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules/distribution/server/src/main/resources/README b/modules/distribution/server/src/main/resources/README
index fb064a1..c2223ff 100644
--- a/modules/distribution/server/src/main/resources/README
+++ b/modules/distribution/server/src/main/resources/README
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Apache Airavata Server - README.txt
+Apache Airavata Source - README.txt
 Licensed under Apache License 2.0 -
@@ -6,110 +6,111 @@ About
 Apache Airavata, a software framework to executing and managing computational jobs on 
 distributed computing resources including local clusters, supercomputers, national grids, 
-academic and commercial clouds. Airavata can be used as individual components or 
-as an integrated solution to build science gateways or general-purpose distributed 
-application and workflow management systems. Users can use Airavata back end services 
-and build gadgets to deploy in open social containers such as Apache Rave and modify them 
-to suit their needs. Airavata builds on general concepts of service oriented computing, 
-distributed messaging, and workflow composition and orchestration.
-This distribution allows you to run a standalone Airavata Server which includes all the 
-airavata services shipped with a default derby database as the backend registry.
-Release Notes
-0.14 is the thirteenth release of Airavata (skipped 0.1-INCUBATNG). For detailed tasks list, please see RELEASE_NOTES.
-Building from source
-For brief installation instructions, see INSTALL
-For detailed installation and further instructions refer - Documentation section in left hand panel. Step by step with proper documentation are provided.
-Airavata Binary Distribution Directory Structure
-		├── INSTALL
-        ├── LICENSE
-        ├── NOTICE
-        ├── README
-        ├── RELEASE_NOTES
-        ├── bin
-        │   ├── PBSTemplate.xslt
-        │   ├── SGETemplate.xslt
-        │   ├── SLURMTemplate.xslt
-        │   ├── airavata-server.bat
-        │   ├──
-        │   ├──
-        │   ├──
-        │   ├── database_scripts
-        │   │   ├── appcatalog-derby.sql
-        │   │   ├── appcatalog-mysql.sql
-        │   │   ├── cleanDBScript.sql
-        │   │   ├── msgBox-derby.sql
-        │   │   ├── msgBox-mysql.sql
-        │   │   ├── msgBroker-derby.sql
-        │   │   ├── msgBroker-mysql.sql
-        │   │   ├── registry-derby.sql
-        │   │   └── registry-mysql.sql
-        │   ├──
-        │   ├── gfac-config.xml
-        │   ├──
-        │   ├──
-        │   ├──
-        │   ├── logo.txt
-        │   ├──
-        │   ├── setenv.bat
-        │   ├──
-        │   ├── startNetworkServer
-        │   ├──
-        │   └── zoo.cfg
-        ├── lib
-        └── samples
-            ├──
-            └── scripts
-                ├──
-                ├──
-                ├──
-                └──
-How to test and run samples
-* If you built Airavata from source, and if you see "BUILD SUCCESS", then the test cases should have passes.
-* The test cases are beyond unit level, they startup embedded services and run through basic workflow use cases.
-* To walk through Airavata features, follow "Airavata in Five Minutes" tutorial at
-* For intermediate level Airavata features, follow "Airavata in Ten Minutes" tutorial at 
-* For advanced use cases, please contact mailing lists -
-Description of Directory Structure
+academic and commercial clouds. Airavata builds on general concepts of service oriented computing, 
+distributed messaging, and workflow composition and orchestration. Airavata bundles a server package 
+with an API, client software development Kits and a general purpose GUI XBaya as a application registration, workflow
+construction execution and monitoring. XBaya GUI also provides capabilities to access the workflow 
+produced data.  
+For additional information about Apache Airavata, please contact the user or dev mailing lists:
+Description of Airavata Directory Structure
-    - bin
-      This contains all the configuration files & the executable scripts to run the Airavata Server (Axis2 server 
-      with Airavata services which include messageBroker and messageBox with GFac Axis2 services), & a standalone Apache Derby server.
+    - airavata-api
+      This directory contains Airavata API related data models, api methods, generated server skeletons, client stubs, server implementations and client samples. 
-    - bin - database_scripts
-      Contains the database scripts which are used to create tables for messagebox and messagebroker services
+    - modules
+      This contains the source code of all the airavata maven projects organized as libraries, services and distributions
     - samples
-      This contains sample workflow to try out & sample application scripts.
-    - lib
-      This contains all the libraries required to run the airavata server and/or derby server.
+      This contains all the system wide samples provided in Airavata distribution. All the sample are having its README file
+      So users have to refer each readme file before running each sample.
-    - repository - services
-      Contains deployed services in Axis2 runtime.
+    - tools
+      This contains source code libraries that can enhance Airavata features.
     - README
       This document.
+      The describe the key features and know issues with the current release. 
     - INSTALL
       This document will contain information on installing Apache-Airavata.
+Airavata Source Distribution Directory Structure
+		├── airavata-api
+		├── modules
+		│   ├── airavata-client
+		│   ├── app-catalog
+		│   ├── commons
+		│   │   ├── gfac-schema
+		│   │   ├── utils
+		│   │   ├── workflow-execution-context
+		│   │   └── workflow-tracking
+		│   ├── credential-store-service
+		│   ├── distribution
+		│   │   ├── api-server
+		│   │   ├── client
+		│   │   ├── gfac-server
+		│   │   ├── orchestrator-server
+		│   │   ├── server
+		│   │   └── release
+		│   │   └── xbaya-gui
+		│   ├── gfac
+		│   │   ├── airavata-gfac-service
+		│   │   ├── gfac-bes
+		│   │   ├── gfac-core
+		│   │   ├── gfac-ec2
+		│   │   ├── gfac-gram
+		│   │   ├── gfac-gsissh
+		│   │   ├── gfac-hadoop
+		│   │   ├── gfac-local
+		│   │   ├── gfac-monitor
+		│   │   ├── gfac-ssh
+		│   │   ├── gfac-thrift-descriptions
+		│   ├── integration-tests
+		│   ├── messaging
+		│   ├── orchestrator
+		│   ├── registry
+		│   │   ├── airavata-jpa-registry
+		│   │   ├── registry-cpi
+		│   ├── security
+		│   ├── credential-store
+		│   ├── server
+		│   ├── test-suite
+		│   ├── workflow-model
+		│   │   ├── workflow-engine
+		│   │   ├── workflow-model-component-node
+		│   │   └── workflow-model-core
+		│   ├── ws-messenger
+		│   │   ├── commons
+		│   │   ├── distribution
+		│   │   ├── messagebox
+		│   │   ├── messagebroker
+		│   │   ├── message-monitor
+		│   │   └── samples
+		│   └── xbaya-gui
+		├── samples
+		├── tools
+		│   ├── gsissh
+		│   ├── gsissh-cli-tools
+		│   ├── phoebus-integration
+		│   └── registry-migrate
+		├── INSTALL
+		├── LICENSE
+		├── NOTICE
+		├── README
-Other Available Distributions
+Available Binary Distributions
 Server Distributions
@@ -117,10 +118,14 @@ Server Distributions
   The Airavata Server binary distribution allows you to run a standalone Airavata Server which includes all the airavata services 
   shipped with a default derby database as the backend registry. For stable purposes, a mysql configuration is recommended. 
-* Airavata Server Web Application
-  This is similar package as the Airavata Server but is distributed as the server Web Application archive.
-  This war is compatible with Apache Tomcat application server. The war bundles all airavata services 
-  enabled by defualt to startup a derby database as the backend registry. For stable purposes, a mysql configuration is recommended. 
+* Airavata API Server
+  This is the server that contains Airavata API Server.
+* Airavata Orchestrator Server
+  This is the stand-alone orchestrator server
+* Airavata GFac Server
+  This is the standalone GFac Server
 Client Distributions
@@ -128,7 +133,13 @@ Client Distributions
   The Airavata XBaya distribution is a client GUI application with features to register applications as web services, construct workflows,
   execute and monitor workflows and browse the generated results from the airavata registry.
-* Airavata XBaya JNLP
-  The Airavata XBaya JNLP distribution is the simular GUI distribution but prepackeged to be ready to be deployed to 
-   a web server as a web start application. The GUI provides features to register applications as web services, construct workflows,
-  execute and monitor workflows and browse the generated results from the airavata registry. 
+* Airavata Client
+  The Airavata Client distribution is a set of libraries and configurations files that allow a 3rd party application to programatically 
+  access Airavata functionality through Airavata API. 
+ How to test and run samples
+* If you built Airavata from source, and if you see "BUILD SUCCESS", then the test cases should have passes.
+* The test cases are beyond unit level, they startup embedded services and run through basic workflow use cases.
+* To walk through Airavata features, follow "XBAYA Quick-Start Tutorial" tutorial at
+* For advanced use cases, please contact mailing lists -