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[09/11] fabric commit: updated refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines to 6803aa0

Remove public db record



Branch: refs/heads/COUCHDB-3287-pluggable-storage-engines
Commit: c1f15015f6a9ee984f70ea8853fd095b702261ec
Parents: aa8cbe3
Author: Paul J. Davis <>
Authored: Wed Feb 1 16:36:38 2017 -0600
Committer: Paul J. Davis <>
Committed: Tue Apr 4 16:18:36 2017 -0500

 include/couch_db_tmp.hrl | 296 ------------------------------------------
 src/fabric.erl           |  12 +-
 src/fabric_rpc.erl       | 113 +++-------------
 src/fabric_util.erl      |   3 +-
 4 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 400 deletions(-)
diff --git a/include/couch_db_tmp.hrl b/include/couch_db_tmp.hrl
deleted file mode 100644
index cd3a047..0000000
--- a/include/couch_db_tmp.hrl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--define(LOCAL_DOC_PREFIX, "_local/").
--define(DESIGN_DOC_PREFIX0, "_design").
--define(DESIGN_DOC_PREFIX, "_design/").
--define(MIN_STR, <<"">>).
--define(MAX_STR, <<255>>). % illegal utf string
--define(JSON_ENCODE(V), couch_util:json_encode(V)).
--define(JSON_DECODE(V), couch_util:json_decode(V)).
--define(b2l(V), binary_to_list(V)).
--define(l2b(V), list_to_binary(V)).
--define(DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT_CONTENT_TYPE, <<"application/octet-stream">>).
--define(LOG_DEBUG(Format, Args), couch_log:debug(Format, Args)).
--define(LOG_INFO(Format, Args), couch_log:notice(Format, Args)).
--define(LOG_ERROR(Format, Args), couch_log:error(Format, Args)).
-    {
-    rev,
-    seq = 0,
-    deleted = false,
-    body_sp = nil % stream pointer
-    }).
-    {
-    id = <<"">>,
-    high_seq = 0,
-    revs = [] % rev_info
-    }).
-    {id = <<"">>,
-    update_seq = 0,
-    deleted = false,
-    data_size = 0,
-    rev_tree = []
-    }).
-    {mochi_req,
-    peer,
-    method,
-    path_parts,
-    db_url_handlers,
-    user_ctx,
-    req_body = undefined,
-    design_url_handlers,
-    auth,
-    default_fun,
-    url_handlers
-    }).
-    {
-    id = <<"">>,
-    revs = {0, []},
-    % the json body object.
-    body = {[]},
-    atts = [], % attachments
-    deleted = false,
-    % key/value tuple of meta information, provided when using special options:
-    % couch_db:open_doc(Db, Id, Options).
-    meta = []
-    }).
-    {
-    name,
-    type,
-    att_len,
-    disk_len, % length of the attachment in its identity form
-              % (that is, without a content encoding applied to it)
-              % differs from att_len when encoding /= identity
-    md5= <<>>,
-    revpos=0,
-    data,
-    encoding=identity % currently supported values are:
-                      %     identity, gzip
-                      % additional values to support in the future:
-                      %     deflate, compress
-    }).
-    {
-    name=null,
-    roles=[],
-    handler
-    }).
-% This should be updated anytime a header change happens that requires more
-% than filling in new defaults.
-% As long the changes are limited to new header fields (with inline
-% defaults) added to the end of the record, then there is no need to increment
-% the disk revision number.
-% if the disk revision is incremented, then new upgrade logic will need to be
-% added to couch_db_updater:init_db.
-    {disk_version = ?LATEST_DISK_VERSION,
-     update_seq = 0,
-     unused = 0,
-     id_tree_state = nil,
-     seq_tree_state = nil,
-     local_tree_state = nil,
-     purge_seq = 0,
-     purged_docs = nil,
-     security_ptr = nil,
-     revs_limit = 1000
-    }).
-    {main_pid = nil,
-    update_pid = nil,
-    compactor_pid = nil,
-    instance_start_time, % number of microsecs since jan 1 1970 as a binary string
-    fd,
-    fd_monitor,
-    header = #db_header{},
-    committed_update_seq,
-    id_tree,
-    seq_tree,
-    local_tree,
-    update_seq,
-    name,
-    filepath,
-    validate_doc_funs = undefined,
-    security = [],
-    security_ptr = nil,
-    user_ctx = #user_ctx{},
-    waiting_delayed_commit = nil,
-    revs_limit = 1000,
-    fsync_options = [],
-    is_sys_db = false
-    }).
--record(view_query_args, {
-    start_key,
-    end_key,
-    start_docid = ?MIN_STR,
-    end_docid = ?MAX_STR,
-    direction = fwd,
-    inclusive_end=true, % aka a closed-interval
-    limit = 10000000000, % Huge number to simplify logic
-    skip = 0,
-    group_level = 0,
-    view_type = nil,
-    include_docs = false,
-    stale = false,
-    multi_get = false,
-    callback = nil,
-    list = nil,
-    keys = nil,
-    sorted = true,
-    extra = []
--record(view_fold_helper_funs, {
-    reduce_count,
-    passed_end,
-    start_response,
-    send_row
--record(reduce_fold_helper_funs, {
-    start_response,
-    send_row
--record(extern_resp_args, {
-    code = 200,
-    stop = false,
-    data = <<>>,
-    ctype = "application/json",
-    headers = [],
-    json = nil
--record(group, {
-    sig=nil,
-    dbname,
-    fd=nil,
-    name,
-    def_lang,
-    design_options=[],
-    views,
-    id_btree=nil,
-    current_seq=0,
-    purge_seq=0,
-    query_server=nil,
-    waiting_delayed_commit=nil,
-    atts=[]
-    }).
-    {id_num,
-    map_names=[],
-    def,
-    btree=nil,
-    reduce_funs=[],
-    dbcopies=[],
-    options=[]
-    }).
-    {seq=0,
-    purge_seq=0,
-    id_btree_state=nil,
-    view_states=nil
-    }).
--record(http_db, {
-    url,
-    auth = [],
-    resource = "",
-    headers = [
-        {"User-Agent", "CouchDB/"++couch:version()},
-        {"Accept", "application/json"},
-        {"Accept-Encoding", "gzip"}
-    ],
-    qs = [],
-    method = get,
-    body = nil,
-    options = [
-        {response_format,binary},
-        {inactivity_timeout, 30000}
-    ],
-    retries = 10,
-    pause = 500,
-    conn = nil
-% small value used in revision trees to indicate the revision isn't stored
--define(REV_MISSING, []).
--record(changes_args, {
-    feed = "normal",
-    dir = fwd,
-    since = "0",
-    limit = 1000000000000000,
-    style = main_only,
-    heartbeat,
-    timeout,
-    filter,
-    include_docs = false
--record(proc, {
-    pid,
-    lang,
-    client = nil,
-    ddoc_keys = [],
-    prompt_fun,
-    set_timeout_fun,
-    stop_fun,
-    data_fun
--record(leaf, {
-    deleted,
-    ptr,
-    seq,
-    size = 0,
-    atts = []
diff --git a/src/fabric.erl b/src/fabric.erl
index f98a5c0..2b87e46 100644
--- a/src/fabric.erl
+++ b/src/fabric.erl
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
--type dbname() :: (iodata() | #db{}).
+-type dbname() :: (iodata() | tuple()).
 -type docid() :: iodata().
 -type revision() :: {integer(), binary()}.
 -type callback() :: fun((any(), any()) -> {ok | stop, any()}).
@@ -476,10 +476,12 @@ dbname(DbName) when is_list(DbName) ->
 dbname(DbName) when is_binary(DbName) ->
-dbname(#db{name=Name}) ->
-    Name;
-dbname(DbName) ->
-    erlang:error({illegal_database_name, DbName}).
+dbname(Db) ->
+    try
+        couch_db:name(Db)
+    catch error:badarg ->
+        erlang:error({illegal_database_name, Db})
+    end.
 name(Thing) ->
diff --git a/src/fabric_rpc.erl b/src/fabric_rpc.erl
index a3f9bde..cd3bac3 100644
--- a/src/fabric_rpc.erl
+++ b/src/fabric_rpc.erl
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
 %% rpc endpoints
-%%  call to with_db will supply your M:F with a #db{} and then remaining args
+%%  call to with_db will supply your M:F with a Db instance
+%%  and then remaining args
 %% @equiv changes(DbName, Args, StartSeq, [])
 changes(DbName, Args, StartSeq) ->
@@ -76,13 +77,13 @@ changes(DbName, Options, StartVector, DbOptions) ->
           args = Args,
           options = Options,
           pending = couch_db:count_changes_since(Db, StartSeq),
-          epochs = get_epochs(Db)
+          epochs = couch_db:get_epochs(Db)
             {ok, #cacc{seq=LastSeq, pending=Pending, epochs=Epochs}} =
                 couch_db:changes_since(Db, StartSeq, Enum, Opts, Acc0),
             rexi:stream_last({complete, [
-                {seq, {LastSeq, uuid(Db), owner_of(LastSeq, Epochs)}},
+                {seq, {LastSeq, uuid(Db), couch_db:owner_of(Epochs, LastSeq)}},
                 {pending, Pending}
@@ -225,7 +226,7 @@ get_missing_revs(DbName, IdRevsList, Options) ->
             not_found ->
                 {Id, Revs, []}
-        end, IdRevsList, couch_btree:lookup(Db#db.id_tree, Ids))};
+        end, IdRevsList, couch_db:get_full_doc_infos(Db, Ids))};
     Error ->
@@ -249,8 +250,9 @@ group_info(DbName, DDocId, DbOptions) ->
 reset_validation_funs(DbName) ->
     case get_or_create_db(DbName, []) of
-    {ok, #db{main_pid = Pid}} ->
-        gen_server:cast(Pid, {load_validation_funs, undefined});
+    {ok, Db} ->
+        DbPid = couch_db:get_pid(Db),
+        gen_server:cast(DbPid, {load_validation_funs, undefined});
     _ ->
@@ -356,7 +358,7 @@ changes_enumerator(DocInfo, Acc) ->
         Opts = if Conflicts -> [conflicts | DocOptions]; true -> DocOptions end,
         ChangesRow = {change, [
 	    {pending, Pending-1},
-            {seq, {Seq, uuid(Db), owner_of(Seq, Epochs)}},
+            {seq, {Seq, uuid(Db), couch_db:owner_of(Epochs, Seq)}},
             {id, Id},
             {changes, Results},
             {deleted, Del} |
@@ -454,78 +456,17 @@ set_io_priority(DbName, Options) ->
-calculate_start_seq(_Db, _Node, Seq) when is_integer(Seq) ->
-    Seq;
-calculate_start_seq(Db, Node, {Seq, Uuid}) ->
-    % Treat the current node as the epoch node
-    calculate_start_seq(Db, Node, {Seq, Uuid, Node});
-calculate_start_seq(Db, _Node, {Seq, Uuid, EpochNode}) ->
-    case is_prefix(Uuid, couch_db:get_uuid(Db)) of
-        true ->
-            case is_owner(EpochNode, Seq, couch_db:get_epochs(Db)) of
-                true -> Seq;
-                false -> 0
-            end;
-        false ->
-            %% The file was rebuilt, most likely in a different
-            %% order, so rewind.
-            0
-    end;
-calculate_start_seq(Db, _Node, {replace, OriginalNode, Uuid, Seq}) ->
-    case is_prefix(Uuid, couch_db:get_uuid(Db)) of
-        true ->
-            start_seq(get_epochs(Db), OriginalNode, Seq);
-        false ->
+calculate_start_seq(Db, Node, Seq) ->
+    case couch_db:calculate_start_seq(Db, Node, Seq) of
+        N when is_integer(N) ->
+            N;
+        {replace, OriginalNode, Uuid, OriginalSeq} ->
             %% Scan history looking for an entry with
             %%  * target_node == TargetNode
             %%  * target_uuid == TargetUUID
             %%  * target_seq  =< TargetSeq
             %% If such an entry is found, stream from associated source_seq
-            mem3_rep:find_source_seq(Db, OriginalNode, Uuid, Seq)
-    end.
-is_prefix(Pattern, Subject) ->
-     binary:longest_common_prefix([Pattern, Subject]) == size(Pattern).
-is_owner(Node, Seq, Epochs) ->
-    validate_epochs(Epochs),
-    Node =:= owner_of(Seq, Epochs).
-owner_of(_Seq, []) ->
-    undefined;
-owner_of(Seq, [{EpochNode, EpochSeq} | _Rest]) when Seq > EpochSeq ->
-    EpochNode;
-owner_of(Seq, [_ | Rest]) ->
-    owner_of(Seq, Rest).
-get_epochs(Db) ->
-    Epochs = couch_db:get_epochs(Db),
-    validate_epochs(Epochs),
-    Epochs.
-start_seq([{OrigNode, EpochSeq} | _], OrigNode, Seq) when Seq > EpochSeq ->
-    %% OrigNode is the owner of the Seq so we can safely stream from there
-    Seq;
-start_seq([{_, NewSeq}, {OrigNode, _} | _], OrigNode, Seq) when Seq > NewSeq ->
-    %% We transferred this file before Seq was written on OrigNode, so we need
-    %% to stream from the beginning of the next epoch. Note that it is _not_
-    %% necessary for the current node to own the epoch beginning at NewSeq
-    NewSeq;
-start_seq([_ | Rest], OrigNode, Seq) ->
-    start_seq(Rest, OrigNode, Seq);
-start_seq([], OrigNode, Seq) ->
-    erlang:error({epoch_mismatch, OrigNode, Seq}).
-validate_epochs(Epochs) ->
-    %% Assert uniqueness.
-    case length(Epochs) == length(lists:ukeysort(2, Epochs)) of
-        true  -> ok;
-        false -> erlang:error(duplicate_epoch)
-    end,
-    %% Assert order.
-    case Epochs == lists:sort(fun({_, A}, {_, B}) -> B =< A end, Epochs) of
-        true  -> ok;
-        false -> erlang:error(epoch_order)
+            mem3_rep:find_source_seq(Db, OriginalNode, Uuid, OriginalSeq)
 uuid(Db) ->
@@ -538,30 +479,6 @@ uuid_prefix_len() ->
-calculate_start_seq_test() ->
-    %% uuid mismatch is always a rewind.
-    Hdr1 = couch_db_header:new(),
-    Hdr2 = couch_db_header:set(Hdr1, [{epochs, [{node1, 1}]}, {uuid, <<"uuid1">>}]),
-    ?assertEqual(0, calculate_start_seq(#db{header=Hdr2}, node1, {1, <<"uuid2">>})),
-    %% uuid matches and seq is owned by node.
-    Hdr3 = couch_db_header:set(Hdr2, [{epochs, [{node1, 1}]}]),
-    ?assertEqual(2, calculate_start_seq(#db{header=Hdr3}, node1, {2, <<"uuid1">>})),
-    %% uuids match but seq is not owned by node.
-    Hdr4 = couch_db_header:set(Hdr2, [{epochs, [{node2, 2}, {node1, 1}]}]),
-    ?assertEqual(0, calculate_start_seq(#db{header=Hdr4}, node1, {3, <<"uuid1">>})),
-    %% return integer if we didn't get a vector.
-    ?assertEqual(4, calculate_start_seq(#db{}, foo, 4)).
-is_owner_test() ->
-    ?assertNot(is_owner(foo, 1, [])),
-    ?assertNot(is_owner(foo, 1, [{foo, 1}])),
-    ?assert(is_owner(foo, 2, [{foo, 1}])),
-    ?assert(is_owner(foo, 50, [{bar, 100}, {foo, 1}])),
-    ?assert(is_owner(foo, 50, [{baz, 200}, {bar, 100}, {foo, 1}])),
-    ?assert(is_owner(bar, 150, [{baz, 200}, {bar, 100}, {foo, 1}])),
-    ?assertError(duplicate_epoch, is_owner(foo, 1, [{foo, 1}, {bar, 1}])),
-    ?assertError(epoch_order, is_owner(foo, 1, [{foo, 100}, {bar, 200}])).
 maybe_filtered_json_doc_no_filter_test() ->
     Body = {[{<<"a">>, 1}]},
     Doc = #doc{id = <<"1">>, revs = {1, [<<"r1">>]}, body = Body},
diff --git a/src/fabric_util.erl b/src/fabric_util.erl
index 7e3f23e..c5aef03 100644
--- a/src/fabric_util.erl
+++ b/src/fabric_util.erl
@@ -302,7 +302,8 @@ path_ends_with(Path, Suffix) ->
 fake_db(DbName, Opts) ->
     {SecProps} = fabric:get_security(DbName), % as admin
     UserCtx = couch_util:get_value(user_ctx, Opts, #user_ctx{}),
-    #db{name = DbName, security = SecProps, user_ctx = UserCtx}.
+    {ok, Db} = couch_db:clustered_db(DbName, UserCtx, SecProps),
+    Db.
 %% test function
 kv(Item, Count) ->