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Posted to by Manjula G Kutty <> on 2006/01/24 00:07:27 UTC

jdbcapi/ fails on ibm15

The test jdbcapi/ fails on ibm15. The diff 
is as follows:

675 del
< EXPECTED EXCEPTION SQLSTATE:X0X03 Invalid transaction state - held 
cursor requires same isolation level
675 add
 > FAIL: setTransactionIsolation() did not throw exception with open 
hold cursor

What the test is trying to do at this step,  is trying to change the 
isolation level of a connection while the connection holds an open 
cursor. It is a negative test and the test expects an SQL Exception 
thrown by jvm.
But on ibm15, The test passes without any exception. If you do the same 
test through ij, you will get the required exception.
The test does it's job on sunjdk15. So I suspect it is something to do 
with the ibmjvm.

Also I have the same suspecion about the test jdbcapi/

The diff for this test is attached since it is big. does anyone has any 
idea about this?
