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Posted to by Andrew Wilson <> on 1996/10/26 19:47:18 UTC

200 - ???

I think I'm going nuts, or I've been too long in a caffeine free
environment.  My day old copy of apache 1.2-dev is logging these:

localhost - - [26/Oct/1996:18:34:08 +0100] "GET /somefile/ HTTP/1.0" 200 2195
localhost - - [26/Oct/1996:18:34:12 +0100] "GET /somefile/ HTTP/1.0" 200 -

The first line is recorded when a fresh browser, with an empty
cache tries looking for /somefile/.  As expected the file, all 2195
bytes of it is returned.  No problems.

The second file is a normal reload, meaning that the client's asked
for a copy of the file only if it's been modified since the last
access.  The file hasn't been modified, and it's not generated on
the fly nor does it contain any SSI funkies that might screw with
the timestamps.

The second line looks odd to me.  Like it should be logging 304

Tell me I haven't completely lost it.
