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[18/50] brooklyn-docs git commit: Removed most of the cloud foundry stuff from the docs

Removed most of the cloud foundry stuff from the docs


Branch: refs/heads/0.5.0
Commit: 5693c0f9ac00620806f9497558a616fa06e7722f
Parents: ae148d8
Author: Peter Veentjer <>
Authored: Fri Apr 19 14:59:45 2013 +0300
Committer: Peter Veentjer <>
Committed: Fri Apr 19 14:59:45 2013 +0300

 .../console-effectors-750px.png                 | Bin 114742 -> 0 bytes
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 .../portable-cloudfoundry/console-sensors.png   | Bin 286105 -> 0 bytes
 .../use/examples/portable-cloudfoundry/ | 358 -------------------
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 .../examples/portable-cloudfoundry/webapp.png   | Bin 323917 -> 0 bytes
 docs/use/examples/toc.json                      |   2 -
 8 files changed, 360 deletions(-)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 183b805..0000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 100957c..0000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 77e2fb6..0000000
Binary files a/docs/use/examples/portable-cloudfoundry/console-sensors.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 298df32..0000000
--- a/docs/use/examples/portable-cloudfoundry/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title: Portable Cloud Foundry Web Cluster
-toc: /toc.json
-The example [Simple Web Cluster](../webcluster) showed 
-how to build a web cluster from load balancers and web servers.
-This example shows how Brooklyn can be used to make this interoperate 
-with Java WebApp PaaS offerings such as Cloud Foundry.
-This example will also cover how to write a new high-level entity,
-implementing a "move" effector to move a webapp between CF locations. 
-**Writing new entities requires intermediate Java skills (and slightly more work) 
-than defining an application. On the plus side, entities are much easier to re-use!**   
-{% readj ../ %}
-Now, go to this particular example's directory:
-{% highlight bash %}
-% cd portable-cloudfoundry
-{% endhighlight %}
-The CLI needs to know where to find your compiled examples. You can set this up by exporting
-the ``BROOKLYN_CLASSPATH`` environment variable in the following way:
-{% highlight bash %}
-% export BROOKLYN_CLASSPATH=$(pwd)/target/classes
-{% endhighlight %}
-The project ``portable-cloudfoundry`` contains the code used
-in this example in ``src/main/java``.
-## Deploying to Cloud Foundry
-Let's start by showing how the ``ElasticJavaWebAppService`` can start
-a java webapp in VMware's Cloud Foundry PaaS, just as easily as creating it
-from scratch in a VM-based cloud.
-We'll create our application in a Java class ``MovableCloudFoundryClusterExample``:
-{% highlight java %}
-public class MovableCloudFoundryClusterExample extends AbstractApplication {
-    public static final String WAR_FILE_URL = "classpath://hello-world-webapp.war";
-    @Override
-    public void init() {
-        // FIXME Code not supported; temporary situation while we update to new mechanism!
-        // ElasticJavaWebAppService websvc = new ElasticWebAppService(MutableMap.of("war", WAR_FILE_URL), getApp());
-    }
-{% endhighlight %}
-We supply the location spec string ``"cloudfoundry"`` (instead of 
-jclouds VM locations such as ``"cloudservers-uk"`` or ``"aws-ec2:us-west-1"``);
-apart from that the code is unchanged.
-Logic in ``"ElasticJavaWebAppService"`` determines the appropriate strategy for any cloud.
-You can supply a specific Cloud Foundry endpoint by appending ``:endpoint``;
-it defaults to ``""``.
-The current implementation requires that ``"vmc"`` is installed and logged in to the
-endpoint(s) you use.
-[![Web App at](webapp-750px.png "Web App at")](webapp.png)
-## A ``Move`` Effector
-The word ``Movable`` in the class name we just chose is misleading, so far;
-let's now correct that by defining a ``move(String location)`` effector.
-Because this effector might be fairly useful, we will define it in an interface
-which can be easily picked up by any entity,
-and invoked programmatically, in Java or a REST API, or by an operator in the web console.
-{% highlight java %}
-public interface MovableEntityTrait {
-    Effector<String> MOVE = new MethodEffector<String>(MovableEntityTrait.class, "move");
-    /** Effectively move the entity to the new location.
-     * A new entity may be created (and the old destroyed) to effect this.
-     * @param location the new location where the entity should running
-     * @return the entity ID of the primary entity (after the move) in the specified location */
-    @Description("Effectively move the entity to the new location.")
-    public String move(
-            @NamedParameter("location") 
-            @Description("The new location where the entity should be running") 
-            String location);
-{% endhighlight %}
-The interface method declaration should be familiar.
-The ``@Description``and ``@NamedParamter`` annotations (from ``brooklyn.entity.basic``)
-facilitate self-documenting runtime usage (aka the web console).
-The static field ``MOVE`` may seem unusual, but this pattern, used for sensors,
-effectors, and config keys, simplifies discovery and makes pure-Java closure-style invocation more natural 
-(see, for example, ``Entities.invokeEffectorList``).
-Groovy users should note that the ``MethodEffector`` constructor alternatively 
-accepts the method-reference notation, ``new MethodEffector<String>(MovableEntityTrait.&move)``.
-## Preparing Our Movable Cluster
-With this defined, let us create an entity which implements ``Movable``, and otherwise
-simply wraps a webapp cluster.
-We start with its interface, extending ``Startable`` to inherit its methods (effectors).
-{% highlight java %}
-public interface MovableElasticWebAppCluster extends Entity, Startable, MovableEntityTrait {
-    // this advertises that this config key is easily available on this entity,
-    // either by passing (war: "classpath://...") in the constructor or by setConfig(ROOT_WAR).
-    // as a config variable, it will be inherited by children, so the children web app entities will pick it up.
-    @SetFromFlag("war")
-    public static final BasicConfigKey<String> ROOT_WAR = JavaWebAppService.ROOT_WAR;
-    public static final BasicAttributeSensor<String> PRIMARY_SVC_ENTITY_ID = new BasicAttributeSensor<String>(
-            String.class, "", "Entity ID of primary web-app service");
-{% endhighlight %}
-The implementation will delegate to an ``ElasticJavaWebAppService`` entity,
-creating it if necessary, and advertising its ID through a sensor.
-{% highlight java %}
-public class MovableElasticWebAppClusterImpl extends AbstractEntity implements MovableElasticWebAppCluster {
-    public static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MovableElasticWebAppClusterImpl.class);
-    public MovableElasticWebAppClusterImpl() {
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void start(Collection<? extends Location> locations) {
-        if (!getChildren().isEmpty()) {
-            log.debug("Starting $this; it already has children, so start on children is being invoked")
-            StartableMethods.start(this, locations);
-        } else {
-            Entity svc = createClusterIn( Iterables.getOnlyElement(locations) );
-            log.debug("Starting $this; no children, so created $svc and now starting it")
-            if (svc in Startable) ((Startable)svc).start(locations);
-            setAttribute(PRIMARY_SVC_ENTITY_ID,
-        }
-    }
-    public EntityLocal createClusterIn(Location location) {
-        EntityLocal result = new ElasticJavaWebAppService.Factory()
-                .newFactoryForLocation(location)
-                .newEntity([:], this);
-        Entities.manage(result);
-        return result;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void stop() {
-        StartableMethods.stop(this);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void restart() {
-        StartableMethods.restart(this);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String move(String location) {
-        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-    }
-{% endhighlight %}
-Note also that we define the ``ROOT_WAR`` config key with a flag, 
-so that users can easily specify the config value on this entity
-(with configuration being inherited by descendant entities such as the wrapped cluster).  
-This means we could run our new entity by changing one line in the
-``MovableCloudFoundryClusterExample`` application above 
-(although of course ``move`` will throw an exception):
-{% highlight java %}
-        addChild(EntitySpecs.spec(MovableElasticWebAppCluster.class)
-                .configure("war", WAR_FILE_URL));
-{% endhighlight %}
-[![MovableElasticWebAppCluster Entity Hierarchy and CloudFoundryJavaWebAppCluster Sensors](console-sensors-750px.png "MovableElasticWebAppCluster Entity Hierarchy and CloudFoundryJavaWebAppCluster Sensors")](console-sensors.png)
-## Like to Move It Move It
-Now for the fun part:  let's implement the ``move`` effector.
-While this could be done as a single method, in order to provide seamless
-transitioning (even allowing for DNS services to update) we will break down the
-logical move operation into the following steps:
- 1. Create and start a *secondary* cluster 
- 1. Promote the secondary cluster so that it becomes primary, and demote the former primary cluster to be secondary
- 1. Destroy the demoted cluster
-This allows dependent operations, such as DNS reconfiguration, 
-to be aware of completion of these individual steps -- e.g. by listening to sensors such as the ID of the primary cluster, or the IDs of the secondaries.
-You might, for instance, defer the destory step, 
-leaving the secondary active (and possibly configured so if forwards to the primary),
-until DNS updates have finished propagating.
-Let's add these three steps as effectors, along with a sensor for ``Collection<String> SECONDARY_SVC_ENTITY_IDS``
-(declaring the sensors and effectors in the interface, and implementing them in our entity class).
-First, we'll create a secondary cluster:
-{% highlight java %}
-    public static final BasicAttributeSensor<Collection<String>> SECONDARY_SVC_ENTITY_IDS = new BasicAttributeSensor( 
-            Collection.class, "movable.secondary.ids", "Entity IDs of secondary web-app services");
-    public static final Effector<String> CREATE_SECONDARY_IN_LOCATION = new MethodEffector<String>(MovableElasticWebAppCluster.class, "createSecondaryInLocation");
-    /** creates a new secondary instance, in the given location, returning the ID of the secondary created and started */
-    @Description("create a new secondary instance in the given location")
-    public String createSecondaryInLocation(
-            @NamedParameter("location") @Description("the location where to start the secondary") String l);
-{% endhighlight %}
-{% highlight java %}
-    @Override
-    public String createSecondaryInLocation(String l) {
-        Location location = new LocationRegistry().resolve(l);
-        Entity svc = createClusterIn(location);
-        Entities.start(svc, [location]);
-        setAttribute(SECONDARY_SVC_ENTITY_IDS, (getAttribute(SECONDARY_SVC_ENTITY_IDS) ?: []) +;
-        return;
-    }
-{% endhighlight %}
-Next, we'll promote that cluster and demote the former primary, emitting sensors
-for the new primaries and set of secondaries:
-{% highlight java %}
-    public static final Effector<String> PROMOTE_SECONDARY = new MethodEffector<String>(MovableElasticWebAppCluster.class, "promoteSecondary");
-    /** promotes the indicated secondary,
-     * returning the ID of the former-primary which has been demoted */
-    @Description("promote the indicated secondary to primary (demoting the existing primary)")
-    public String promoteSecondary(
-            @NamedParameter("idOfSecondaryToPromote") @Description("ID of secondary entity to promote") 
-            String idOfSecondaryToPromote);
-{% endhighlight %}
-{% highlight java %}
-    @Override
-    public String promoteSecondary(String idOfSecondaryToPromote) {
-        Collection<String> currentSecondaryIds = getAttribute(SECONDARY_SVC_ENTITY_IDS)
-        if (!currentSecondaryIds.contains(idOfSecondaryToPromote)) 
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot promote unknown secondary $idOfSecondaryToPromote "+
-                "(available secondaries are $currentSecondaryIds)");
-        String primaryId = getAttribute(PRIMARY_SVC_ENTITY_ID);
-        setAttribute(PRIMARY_SVC_ENTITY_ID, idOfSecondaryToPromote);
-        currentSecondaryIds.remove(idOfSecondaryToPromote);
-        currentSecondaryIds << primaryId;
-        setAttribute(SECONDARY_SVC_ENTITY_IDS, currentSecondaryIds);
-        return primaryId;
-    }
-{% endhighlight %}
-Step 3 is to destroy the demoted secondary.
-(Or you could choose to leave it in place, with a minimal footprint,
-achieved by a resizer policy scaling it back when it isn't being consumed.)  
-{% highlight java %}
-    public static final Effector<String> DESTROY_SECONDARY = new MethodEffector<String>(MovableElasticWebAppCluster.class, "destroySecondary");
-    /** destroys the indicated secondary */
-    @Description("destroy the indicated secondary")
-    public void destroySecondary(
-            @NamedParameter("idOfSecondaryToDestroy") @Description("ID of secondary entity to destroy")
-            String idOfSecondaryToDestroy);
-{% endhighlight %}
-{% highlight java %}
-    @Override
-    public void destroySecondary(String idOfSecondaryToDestroy) {
-        Collection<String> currentSecondaryIds = getAttribute(SECONDARY_SVC_ENTITY_IDS)
-        if (!currentSecondaryIds.contains(idOfSecondaryToDestroy))
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot promote unknown secondary $idOfSecondaryToDestroy "+
-                "(available secondaries are $currentSecondaryIds)");
-        currentSecondaryIds.remove(idOfSecondaryToDestroy);
-        setAttribute(SECONDARY_SVC_ENTITY_IDS, currentSecondaryIds);
-        Entity secondary = getEntityManager().getEntity(idOfSecondaryToDestroy);
-        Entities.destroy(secondary);
-    }
-{% endhighlight %}
-And finally, we'll define ``move``, as the sequence of the three effectors above:
-{% highlight java %}
-    @Override
-    public String move(String location) {
-        String newPrimary = createSecondaryInLocation(location);
-        String oldPrimary = promoteSecondary(newPrimary);
-        destroySecondary(oldPrimary);
-        return newPrimary;
-    }
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Running It
-You can run the application using the provided shell script:
-{% highlight bash %}
-% ${BROOKLYN_HOME}/bin/brooklyn launch --app brooklyn.example.cloudfoundry.MovableCloudFoundryClusterExample --location localhost
-{% endhighlight %}
-Note that we have our webapp running in Cloud Foundry, and we have the effectors we've introduced exposed in the web console:
-[![MovableElasticWebAppCluster Effectors](console-sensors-750px.png "MovableElasticWebAppCluster Effectors")](console-sensors.png)
-By selecting the cluster, viewing its effectors, clicking ``move`` and specifying a location, 
-the webapp will come up at the new location and go down at the old.
-This allows, for instance, moving from a CF micro-cloud to ````,
-or to a private install (including Stackato).
-Supplying the same location (e.g. ``"cloudfoundry"``) will cause
-a new (different) instance to be created in the same location.
-Or, as shown above, you can specify ``"localhost"`` or ``"aws-ec2"`` or any of
-the targets shown in the [Simple Web Cluster example](../webcluster).
-## Exercises for the Reader
-If you've completed this, you're probably ready for a bigger challenge.
-Here are some ideas to get you started:
- 1. Combine the ``Movable`` entity built here with 
-    the [Global Web Fabric example](../global-web-fabric), 
-    to make a fabric running our web-app, spanning multiple Cloud Foundry instances,
-    where each instance is able to be moved as well.
- 1. Consume a CF service, such as a database, in your web-app.
-    You'll have to modify or sub-class ``CloudFoundryVmcCliAccess`` and ``CloudFoundryJavaWebAppService``
-    to allow the service to be specified via ``vmc``.
-    What strategies can then be used to migrate application *data* when the app is moved?
- 1. Create a new Brooklyn CF entity to support an application other than a Java Web App.
-    The list is (almost) endless -- Ruby, node.js, PHP, etc.
-Is some of what you've built a worthy addition to Brooklyn?
-If so please consider [contributing it]({{ site.url }}/dev/how-to-contrib.html) so that we can make it better
-and others can benefit.
diff --git a/docs/use/examples/portable-cloudfoundry/webapp-750px.png b/docs/use/examples/portable-cloudfoundry/webapp-750px.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 5454c3c..0000000
Binary files a/docs/use/examples/portable-cloudfoundry/webapp-750px.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9ee257f..0000000
Binary files a/docs/use/examples/portable-cloudfoundry/webapp.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/use/examples/toc.json b/docs/use/examples/toc.json
index 3e7cb71..92f3208 100644
--- a/docs/use/examples/toc.json
+++ b/docs/use/examples/toc.json
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
   "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/examples/global-web-fabric/index.html" },
 { "title": "Whirr Hadoop Cluster",
   "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/examples/whirrhadoop/index.html" },
-{ "title": "Portable Cloud Foundry",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/examples/portable-cloudfoundry/index.html" },
 { "title": "Publish-Subscribe Messaging",
   "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/examples/messaging/index.html" }